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truth_n devil_n father_n liar_n 1,960 5 10.7881 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73348 [The principal points which are at this daye in controuersie, concerning the holly supper and of the masse.] Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571.; Shoute, J. 1579 (1579) STC 24782; ESTC S125565 86,955 173

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ful and perfect and by consequent that hee is not the true anoynted of the Lorde and that all that which is wrytten of his office of Sacrificer and of his sacrifice in all the Epistle to the Hebrewes and in all the rest of the Scriptures is false From whence it should also followe either that the Scriptures which wee doe call holy should not bee reuealed by the Spirit of God or els that the Spirite of God should not bee the Spirit of trueth as it is but the spirit of errour and of lyes and by consequent God shoulde not bee God but shoulde bee in steade of the Deuill which is a lyer and the father of lyes Behold the straūge consequēces on the which men may not thinke without great horrour which the masse draweth after it for it can not bee such an one as it is set foorth vnto vs in the Romayne Churche but that all these consequences must needes followe Nowe they can bee none other then great blasphemies against Iesus Christe and his sacrifice and all his benefites from whence it followeth necessarily that the masse may no more bee the propiciatorie sacrifice of the body and of the blood of Iesus Christe then it may be that Iesus Chiste shoulde not bee the true anoynted of the Lorde Note And if it were so that his sacrifice might bee reiterated yet for all that the same coulde not bee offered by any other then by him selfe onely But seeing that it is eternall and of vertue infinite it is no more needefull that it bee reiterated not onely by any other then by hym but also by him selfe Seeing then that not onely the Masse but also the very Supper may not bee the propiciatorie sacrifice of the body and of the blood of Iesus Christe it followeth then in deede that it can not bee the very selfe Sacrifice which was offered by Iesus Christe vpon the crosse From whence I dos agayne conclude that if it bee a Sacrifice it can not bee other then a Sacrifice commemoratiue of the Sacrifice offered by Iesus Christe And if it be but a Sacrifice commemoratiue of hym it is not then a Propiciatorie Sacrifice but Eucharistique to wytte of prayse and thankes Note But yet before that it maye bee such a Sacrifice it must fyrst bee that it bee the true Supper of the Lorde which thing it is not all neyther maye bee beeyng such as it is at this present but is cleane contrary as men may iudge as well by that which I haue already heretofore spoken as by that which I will yet speake hereafter by that meane it shal be no pleasant sacrifice to God either in one sorte or in an other Chapter xvii Of the marchandise of Masses and of the sacrifices of the same and of the abuses that therein are ANd by the same men may iudge what iniurie the Romaine priestes doe to the Catholiques of the Romaine Church in selling to thē their masses for sacrifices not only commemoratiues and Eucharistiques but also propiciatories being notwithstanding either the one or the other And thereby men may knowe what marchantes they are what is their marchandises in that behalfe And albeit that it were so that they were sacrifices in both those sortes yet the markets and faires which they make of thē should be a very villaine traffique For do they not sell them for prices agreed vpon as they do all their other sacramentes and ceremonies euē against their owne councels and canons and their owne very decrees And do they not call the marchandizes of holy things Simonie O how many priestes haue they which haue neither cure nor benefice nor charge of soule which were made priestes onely to saye masses and which doe liue of the marchandizes which they daily make thereof And howe many bee there among them which doe liue from the day to his dayes labour as the prouerbe is which haue their teeth very sharpe that day that they finde no marchāts to buye their marchandizes If I should speake of these marchauntes that which one of their bookes called Stella clericorum doth they would thinke them selues marueilously outraged by me And therefore I will cause it to be spoken vnto them by the doctour which was the authour of that booke And to the ende that they doe not thinke that I doe alleadge him falsely I will cause him first to speake in his owne proper language and then I will expounde both the woordes and the sense Behold now his wordes The priest which doth celebrate masse for money seemeth to say with Iudas What wil you giue me and I will deliuer him vnto you Therefore it is wrong to sell his lord Thinke thou that the first seruant which saide did hang him selfe Iudas did cast downe the money in the Temple The priestes which do bestowe the money that they haue of them for whom they do sing at the stewes and vpon their belly are worse Iudas solde Christ once repented him thereof And thou perchance hast solde him oftentimes and doest not repent therof Take heede lest despairing thou do hang thy selfe The wordes in Latin are these Sacerdos qui pro nummis celebrat videtur dicere cum Iuda Quid vultis mihi dare ego vobis eum tradam Ergo nefas est vendere Dominum suum Cogita quod primus seruus venditor seipsum suspendit Iudas enim nummos misit in Templum Peiores sunt sacerdotes qui denarios pro quibus cantant mittunt in lupanar in ventrem suum Iudas semel Christum vendidit de hoc penituit Et tu forte multoties vēdidisti non penites Caue ne desperans te ipsum suspendas Behold how this good doctour speaketh And if the litle marchantes which are in great trauaile to gaine their poore liuing by these marchandizes may not be excused in this point howe much more are the great and fatte marchants which sell them in grosse and make greater and more riche traffique of them Seeing then that it is so they may not finde the matter straunge if Iesus Christe doe agayne take the whippe in hande to driue such marchauntes out of his Temple and out of his Churche and that hee ouerthrowe their seates and their tables by the preaching of his Gospell For if comparison should be made betweene them and those which Iesus Christe did driue out of the Temple of Ierusalem the difference woulde bee founde so great that those which Iesus Christe him selfe in his owne person did driue foorth shoulde be iustified by those here as Samaria did iustifie Sodome and Ierusalem Samaria according to the testimonie of Ezechiel For the marchauntes which were by Iesus Christe driuen out of the Temple of Ierusalem had sufficient aucthoritie by the lawe of God for that which they did Note For they did not at all sell any false marchaundizes nor diuine and holy things but onely those