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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A42712 The everlasting rule born witness unto, vvhich is to try all people that do profess God and Christ in words, or, I. A tender salutation to all people in what nation soever, and under what form soever, who do profess God and Christ in words ... II. Also an exhortation unto all people to come to that which will give them victory over sin and the devil ... III. A distinction between the ministers of Christ and the ministers of Antichrist ... / by a lover of truth and righteousness, who seeks the well-being of all mankind, William Gibson. Gibson, William, 1629-1684. 1667 (1667) Wing G682; ESTC R38756 64,130 72

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evermore Amen even so Amen saith my Soul Written the 18th of the 11th Moneth 1667. William Gibson A Tender True and Faithfull Salutation unto all People who in VVords profess God and Christ in what Form soever Friends IN true unfained Love I have had you in Remembrance and a tender Pitty and Compassion hath risen in my heart unto you and tender desires are in my heart unto the Lord my God for you all 2 Cor. 4.6 7. that your minds might be brought down unto the Eternal true Light wherewith Christ Jesus the Son of God hath enlightened you all which shineth in your hearts Joh. 8.12 12.4 6. and there convinceth you of Sin and reproveth you when you commit sin that by it you might all come to be led out of sin which is the Devils work And this I say unto you all in dear Love unto all your Souls if you believe not in the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightened you Joh. 3.19 20 21. which checketh you and troubleth you when you do evil I say if you believe not that God hath placed that in you to lead you out of the evil it Condemneth you for then you will never be led out of it but you will dye in your sins and then it will be with you as it was with the unbelieving Jewes and Pharisees in their daies for said Christ the Light unto the Pharisees If ye believe not that I am he ye shall dye in your sins John 1.9 1 Joh 1.5 6 7. and whither I go ye cannot come Mark if they did not believe that he whom they despised and set at nought was the Son of God and the Light of the World and the Way and the Truth and the Life and the Door of the Sheepfold as he declared himself to be Joh. 14.6 then he said they should dye in their sins and if they dyed in their sins whither he went they could not come these sayings of his are true so because of their Unbelief they were shut out of the Kingdom of God and this I say unto all People Joh. 8.21 22 23 24 if you do not believe in that measure of the Spirit or Grace or Light of Christ which is but one in its nature Mat. 11.27 28 29 30. though the names are divers wherwith he hath enlightened every one that is come into the World then you will certainly dye in your sins and out of the Kingdom of God will you be shut because of your unbelief even as the Pharisees was because of their unbelief for God is no respecter of persons Joh. 10.7 8 9. For God so loved the World that he sent his only begotten Son a Light into the World that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Everlasting Life so all who believe in the Light of the Son of God wherewith he hath enlightned every one that is come into the World Joh. 1.4 and dwelleth and walketh in that Light in that Light they have Eternal Life as it is written In him was Life and that Life was the Light of men and it is written He that hath the Son hath Life but he that hath not the Son hath not Life but the Wrath of God abideth on him so he that believeth in the Light and Spirit of Christ and walketh in it it is his Life it is his Crown it is the true Living Way unto him Rev. 22.16 and it leads him up to God of his nature it is and it leads all people unto him who do beleeve in it and in faithfulness follow it it is the bright and morning Star unto all those that do believe in it and it doth arise in their hearts and as they abide in it it shineth in their hearts more and more until it hath led them out of the thick Night of Darkness and Blindness which remained over their hearts while they did not believe in the Light 2 Pet. 1.19 and so the Day-star which did arise in their hearts when they did believe in the Light and took heed unto the Light it did lead them out of the thick Night of Darkness and Blindness which had been over their hearts while they did not believe and the vail hath been taken away off the hearts of all those who have believed in the Light 2 Cor. 3.14 15 16. and doth walk in it and so the Light which hath enlightned every one that is come into the World it is of the Divine Nature of God Who is Light and in whom there is no darkness at all and so it being of the Divine Nature of God it leadeth all unto God who doth follow it but they that do not believe in it nor love nor obey it it is their Condemnation as it is written This is the Condemnation that Light is come into the World Joh 3.19 20 21. but men love Darkness rather then Light because their deeds are evil Mark that He that doth evil hateth the Light and will not bring his deeds unto the Light because he knoweth the Light will condemn him for his evil deeds which he hath done But he that doth Truth bringeth his deeds unto the Light that they may be made manifest that they are wrought in God But as it is written Pro. 4.19 Psal 82.5 The way of the wicked is darkness who hate the Light and because they hate the Light which would give them the knowledge of God if they did believe in it and love it therefore are they dark and blind and stumbles and knows not at what Friends these things are of great weight for you to consider while you have a little time and do not content your selves with a bare profession of God and Christ without you at a distance from you and from thence to draw a vain and dead hope that it will be well with you in the World to come for I say If ye die in your sins whither he goeth ye connot come and in dear love I say unto you those sayings of his will certainly be fulfilled upon you as they were fulfilled upon the unbelieving Jews if you do not believe in and obey the Light wherewith he hath enlightned you For I say consider the Jews they looked for the coming of the Messiah because they had the Writings of Moses and the other Prophets who prophesied of his coming yet when he was come they would not believe that it was he Christ but when he did the Works that no other could do then they said he had a Devil and by Belzebub the Prince of Devils he cast out Devils Now consider how came they to be thus deceived and thus to judge of him seeing they had the Prophets Writings which foretold of his coming Well Friends this I say they were expecting him to come in an other manner then he did come for they reading that he should be a King and Prince c. they looked for him to come in great
and then Christ who is Gods Power speaks in him and judges and reproves the Proud for their Pride the Drunkards for their Drunkenness the Covetous for their Covetousness and the Hypocrites and Dissemblers for their dissembling hypocrisie then their wrath and sury riseth against the man in whom the Spirit of God speaketh and their anger is so great against the Spirit of God which speaketh in and through the man to reprove them for their wickedness that they would even break the Vessel through which the Lord God speaketh to reprove them for Christ said unto his Disciples before he was Crucified as to the outward They shall hale you before Rulers and Magistrates for my Name sake but take you no thought what you shall speak nor what you shall say for it is not you that speaketh but the Spirit of the Father that speaketh in you and the Prophet said Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men I will walk in them and dwell in them said the Lord God I will be their God and they shall be my people and Christ said before he was offered up as to the outward I and my Father we will come and make our abode with you and the Apostle John witnessed this fulfilled when he wrot his first Epistle which was after Christ had suffered without the Gate of Jerusalem John said unto the Saints We know that the Son of God is come 1 Joh. 5.19 20. and he hath given us an understanding to know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and Life Eternal and Christ said unto his Disciples while he was outwardly with them He that is with you shall be in you and you may read in the seventeenth of John how Jesus prayed for the Saints and he said unto the Father I in them and thou in me Righteous Father that they may be one even as we are one O Righteous Father keep them in thine own Name and now Righteous Father I come unto thee and I am no more in the World but these are in the World I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the World but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil they are not of the World even as I am not of the World And now unto all people this we can truly say that it is a great joy and comfort to our Souls that our God by his holy Spirit in our hearts hath redeemed us out of our vain conversation which we for many dayes walked in after our own hearts lusts and that he hath now accounted us worthy to suffer for his Name sake and if you cannot love us so much now as ye could have done-several years ago when many of us were walking in the Broad way that leads unto destruction then this is an evident token unto you that you do not love God who created you for if you do love God who begets people into a holy and righteous life and conversation then you will love those people that are so begotten by him for it is written They that love him that begets they love them also that are begotten of him and we can tell you of a truth that it is God who hath begotten us out of that which is evil into that which is good yea he hath wrought a good change in us Glory to his Name for evermore for he hath created us anew in Christ Jesus the Light in the inner Man unto good works which he before ordained that we should walk in them and as we keep our minds stayed in the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightened us and walketh in it it is God that worketh all our work in us and for us and we are his Workmanship and his Husbandry and we are his Sheep and he is our Shepherd and we do hear his Voice inwardly in our own hearts and he teacheth and instructs us by his good Spirit which he hath given us and we can tell you of a truth that he is a good Shepherd for he doth not let us want any thing that is good for us And we tell you plainly we cannot forsake our God who is the true Shepherd of Israel who never slumbers nor sleeps Ezek. 34. from vers 2 to 19. to follow a stranger or a Hireling for we have seen it by large experience that when the times of the greatest danger and the most need is then Hireling Shepherds flees from their Flocks Hos 4.9 and if you would have us to leave and forsake the Spirit of God within us to follow a Hireling Priest without us Mat 7. from verse 15 c. to the end this we cannot do for the Lord God hath let us see their deceit and hath led us from them and if we should turn unto them again it had been a great deal better for us that we had never been born Therefore it is in vain for you to strive to bring us to forsake Christ Jesus the true Shepherd who lays down his life for his Sheep Mat. 15.13 14. to follow a Hireling who loveth the Fleece but careth not for the Sheep for we know that they would have our outward things to live upon and would feed and cloath themselves therewith but Physitians of no value we have found and proved them to be and we did adventure our Souls under their Antichristian Ministry for a long time and we did expect help from them and some of us sought it with a great deal of diligence and zeal and we said in our hearts if there be good to be had in these men we shall have it but though we sought diligently in zeal to receive some good and help and comfort from them to have satisfied our poor hungry and starved Souls we could not get it but when we had with great diligence given attention to their Airy Doctrine which they speak in their own will and in their own wisdom and in their own time and thought to get something to have satisfied our longing desires withal behold we were like a man who in his sleep dreameth that he eateth but when he waketh it is not so but he is empty and hungry and unsatisfied and so have we been under the Ministry of the Priests of England we have been seeking Living Bread from them for many years and thought we should have gotten it from them and sometimes we thought we had been eating the true Bread that would have satisfied our longing desires but then we were deceived and it was but with us as it is with a man that dreameth in his sleep that he eateth but when he awaketh he is faint and hungry and the Living Bread we could never get from them for they never had it to give us but that we did not know certainly until we came to believe in the Light wherewith Christ Jesus the Son of God hath enlightened us but now having believed in the Light it
God that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not grievous 1 John 5.2 3. And now Oh ye Magistrates Priests and People who have persecuted and imprisoned until death your Neighbours called Quakers and spoiled and made havock of their Goods here you have broken the commands of Christ which is upon Record in the holy Scriptures of Truth which you call your Rule and everlasting Wo will come upon you if you do not speedily repent and with speed forsake those evil deeds for it is written in the Scriptures of Truth Wo unto thee that spoilest and thou wast not spoiled and I know we have not spoiled your goods nor sought your hurt any way but hath and still doth desire that you might repent and forsake the evil of your wayes and have your Sins forgiven you and obtain mercy from the Lord God we desire not your destruction the Lord God knoweth but we desire that you might repent and live But the words of Christ in the holy Scriptures bears witness against you that you have not done unto us as ye would we should have done unto you if you had been in our condition and we in yours you would not have had us to have imprisoned you unto death as you have done many of our dear Brethren whose innocent blood lies upon you and it cryeth unto God against you for vengeance as righteous Abel's did cry unto God against Murthering Cain and God doth hear and will avenge the blood of his Elect And you would not have had us to have spoiled your goods as you have done ours therefore the Scriptures of Truth without you and the Light of Christ within you doth bear witness against you And now you are stripped of all your Coverings and you stand judged and condemned before the Lord God of Heaven before whom all things are naked and bare he searcheth all hearts Ezek. 18 read it through and tryeth all reins and there is not any wicked work that you do or have done but the Lord God seeth them all and they must not go unpunished for the Lord God is just and equal in all his wayes and he will deal justly with you and with all people upon the Earth yea he will certainly reward every one according to their deeds done in the body whether they be good or evil And Christs words are upon Record in the holy Scriptures which you call your Rule where he commanded his Disciples to love their Enemies Mat. 5 43 44 45 46 47 48. and to do good unto those that did dispitefully use them and persecute them and they did as he commanded them for they loved him with all their hearts and his Commandments were not grievous unto them but to keep his Commandments was great joy unto them and so it is unto us whom you in scorn call Quakers endless infinite eternal everlasting praises honour dominion and thanks be unto the Lord our God who hath gathered us out from amongst you and by his own everlasting power working in our hearts he hath made us a willing people yea willing to bear all that you are permitted to do unto us and also makes us willing to do you any good that lieth in our power and so to reward you good for evil and this shall add to your torment and our God for whom we suffer he will clear our innocency in the sight of all Nations But you are far from fulfilling of this Command who hates and persecutes us who are your friends and so these words which Christ spake which is in the holy Scriptures which you call your Rule bears witness against you and the Light of Christ within you condemns you and so you are stripped of all your Coverings and so you stand judged and condemned by the Lord God in the presence of all holy just and upright men who sees and behold your wicked works And now all ye Merchant men Husbandmen and Tradesmen of what Trade or Calling soever who are Extortioners who take unlawfull gain and use unjust Weights and Measures who cheat and defraud one another in Buying and Selling and Exchanging of Gods good Creatures some of you lying and speaking worse of Gods good Creatures then you know them to be for your own corrupt ends that you may make a prey upon them that hath those good Creatures to sell and others of you that hath Gods Creatures to sell you speak better of them then you know them to be and so you tell lyes to get gain and so to make a prey of the Buyer and here you are judged and condemned by the Light of Christ within you and by his words which are upon Record in the holy Scriptures of Truth without you which you call your Rule because you do not do unto others as ye would they should do unto you and you do not love the Lord God with all your hearts and therefore you cannot love your Neighbour as your self therefore those words with many more in the holy Scriptures bears witness against you and the Light of Christ within you condemns you so you are neither Ruled by the Light of Christ within you nor by the Scriptures of Truth without you and so you are unruly Therefore I say unto you all turn in your minds unto the Eternal true Light wherewith Christ Jesus hath enlightened you all and if you love it it will work repentance in your hearts and if you give up your minds to be led by it it will lead you out of all deceit and double dealing and if you love it and in faithfulness follow and obey it it will lead you to love your Neighbours as your selves and then I am sure you neither can nor will nor dare cheat nor defraud them but then you will do unto them as you would they should do unto you and I am sure there is no man that would be cheated nor defrauded by any man that he deals withal in buying and selling and exchanging Gods good Creatures and so let every man and woman come to the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightened them and as they would have none to cheat nor defraud them the Light of Christ will not suffer them to cheat nor deceive nor defraud any man or woman or child whatsoever if they love it and in faithfulness follow it for the Light is the Spirit of Truth which leadeth into all Truth all those that believe in it and in faithfulness follow it and so if all people would come unto the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightened them then it would lead them all to deal justly plainly truly and uprightly one with another But alas this pure Light and Spirit in peoples Consciences is not loved nor heeded nor believed nor obeyed by many thousands of men and women who doth profess God and Christ in words and calls the Scripture their Rule and that is the reason that there is so much cheating and defrauding amongst people in buying and selling and exchanging