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A14653 The doctrine of the Sabbath Wherein the first institution of the vveekly Sabbath, with the time thereof, the nature of the law binding man to keep it, the true ground, and necessity of the first institution, and of the observation of it, on the severall day in the Old Testament, and also of the moving of it to the first day under the Gospel, are laid open and proved out of the Holy Scriptures. Also besides the speciall dueties necessarily required for the due sanctification thereof, those two profitable points are proved by demonstrations out of Gods Word. First, that the Lord Christ God and man, is the Lord of the Sabbath, on whom the Sabbath was first founded...2. That the faithfull under the Gospell are as necessarily bound to keep the weekly Sabbath of the Lords day... Deliverd in divers sermons by George Walker B. of Divinity and pastor of St. Iohn Evangelists Church in London. Walker, George, 1581?-1651. 1638 (1638) STC 24957; ESTC S103296 151,861 168

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haue the we●kely Sabbath in most high esteeme which was first grounded vpon Christ promised came in upon the seventh day of the world ●ogether with the word of promise and the glad tidings of the worlds redemp●ion by Christ ●nd with the perpe●u●ll commandements of repenting and beleeving in Christ which are the great commandements of the Gospell which Holy and blessed Sabbath hath still continued and gone a long with Christ pr●mised on the seventh day during the time of the old Testament and si●ce the full exhibition of Christ in his resurrection hath advanced forward together with Christs vnto the fi●st day of the weeke in wh●ch day he perfected mans redemption triumphed over death rose vp and was advanced to glory immortallity Surely they who professe loue to Christ and profane the weekely Sabbath they are no better then painted Hipocrties yea rather they are to bee numbred among those bold audacious and scandalous sinners who presume to pull a sunder those whome God hath inseperably joyned together that is the sabbath and Christ the Lord of the sabbath who while they professe Christ in word doe indeed deny the power of true Chr●stian godlinesse and do what in them lieth to turne the publick worship of God into sacrilegious profanation and soe to provoke the eyes of his glory Thus much for the second maine thing her● offered in this text that is the ground of the holy weekly Sabbath CHAP. 4. THE third maine thing which here offers it selfe and which I haue propounded to be handled more largly as comprehending in it divers speciall points of great weight and moment as the Sanctifying of the sevēth day ● as Gods blessing of it so far as blessing sign●fi●s Go●s setting of it apart to be kept observed for a bl●ssed memoriall of the promise of Christ as it is apart of the fi●st institution of the sabbath F●r Gods blessing of a day or any other thing d●th signifie 1. His giving of some notable benefit on that day or to the thing blessed 2. his setting of it apart to a blessed end vse in the former sence it belongs to the ground of the Sabbath and so I haue spoken of it before Jn the later sence it belongs to Gods act of Institution and as in effect the same with sanctifying of the seventh day onely this I conceiue to be the difference that Gods sanctifying of a thing is his seperating of it by his word and commandement to a supernaturall and extraordinary vse either profittable or unprofittable to it selfe as h●s seperating of things to be his instruments of just vengance for the destruction of his enemies and seperating men to some holy offce for a time as Saul to Prophesie E●●e● sonnes to bee Priests and Iudas to bee an Apostle by which office they received no true blessing but it turned to their greater curse at last But Gods blessing of a day or any other thing is his setting of it apart for a bl●ssed vse and his pronouncing and demanding it by his holy p●werfull word to be a blessed daie or blessed thing and to serve for holie blessed vse and so blessing is that speciall sanctifying which is seperating of things to a blessed use and come here to bee handled vnder Gods sanct●fyng of the ●eventh day For Gods sanctifying i● this place is a blessed sanctifying of the daie to a blessed vse and the word blessed is put before to make us clearlie see and vnderstand soe much I will therefore insist only upon sanctifying which comprehends blessing in it and will first open and exp●und the word and so proceed to points of Doctrine The Hebrew word Kadash is never vsed in any other sence in all the Scriptures but onelie to signifie seperating of things from their ordinarie and naturall vse to some vse more then naturall or aboue nature the fitting preparing of them for that use as for example compining of nations in an holie league against Babell or other wicked state to execute on them Gods just reuenge Jer. 6.4 12.3 22.7 51.27.18 and seperating some cities for refuge Iosh. 20.7 whensoever this word is attributed to God in all the Scripture it signifies ei●her Gods seperating things or times for holy vse by his word and commandement or by some h●linesse shewed or some extraordinarie holie word done in them as Exod. 9.44 2. Cron. 7.20 or else Gods infusing of his holie spirit and of spirituall and supernaturall gr●ces gifts of hol●nesse into men by wh●ch they are seperated from carnall men and prepared for Heavenlie glory as Exod. 31.13 Levit. 20.8 Ezec. 2.12 Ier. 1.5 where God is said to sanctifie his people and to make t●em holy that so they may be fitt to come nerer to him And frequently in the new Testament the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used in this sense as Eph. 5.26 Heb. 2.11 Here the word signifies not sanctifieing by infusing holinesse and making holy but Gods consecrateing that is seperating the seventh day to an holy heavenly spirituall and supernaturall use by h●● word and commaundement or by some holy worke done first in it or some holinesse first revealed upon it For this was the day in which God by his gracious promise of Christ and by the new covenant of life made with mankind in him did communicate his spirit to our first parents and wrought in them faith and all holy graces needful to salvation and so of Ishah a woman who brought wo to man made our first mother Chavah that is the mother of life in Christ to all liueing This day God here upon commaunded to be sanctified of men and kept holy by holy exercises which tend to the honour praise and to the solemne commemoration and memoriall of Christ promised and of his own rest in Christs mediation and this day he appointed to man to be a signe and pledge of the aeternall Sabbath in heaven after the end of the world which in six dayes he created Here therefore we see wherein especially Gods sanctifieing of the seventh day to be an holy Sabbath of rest did consist Which that it may yet appeare more fully and distinctly in all the particulars J will reduce the summe of all into a few positions some negative and some affirmative which being by evident testimonies of Scripture and by good arguments grounded on the word of God proved and confirmed The trueth will be so cleare and manifest that the simple shal be able to understand the true sanctification both of the seventh day which was the old Sabbath of the old Testament and also of the Lords day the Christian Sabbath of the new Testament under the gospell CHAP. 5. FIrst we must not in any case imagine That Gods sanctifieing of the seventh day was the creating or in●useing of any naturall holynesse in to it by which it was distinguished from other dayes of the weeke and made more excellent then any
particular day it selfe and the rest tyed to it was a tipe and figure of the death of Christ and of his rest in the grave and of the rest and ease which Christ by his death should bring to all Gods people from the burden of legall rites and from the guilt of sinne and horrour of conscience which as an heavy load did presse them downe and from the masse of corruption like a weight hanging fast one them all which Christ abolished by his death and redemption and so put an end to the Sabbath as it was tied to the last day of the weeke This being commonly held for a certaine truth by the learned Fathers and writers of all ages after them untill this day proues so farre as their authority and reason will reach that though the keeping holy of a weekly Sabbath is a perpetuall day to which all Gods people are boūd in all ages yet the particular day was mutable and another speciall day was to be appointed and consecrated by him who is the Lord of the sabbath wherin an holy rest fitter for the time and state of the new Church must be kept with better service and solemnity Instead of bodily sacrifices there must be offering up of spirituall sacrifices of praises praiers alms works of piety charity for-slaughtering of beasts ther must mortifying of corruption by holy contrition and killing of all brutish lusts and carnall pleasures and delights by seperating our selues and sequestring our mindes from them Instead of darke shaddowes of the law and obscure promises of Christ to come there must be the light of the Gospel shining in the Church preaching of Christ crucified and raised up and set at Gods right hand and there must be seeking of Gods face in his name and mediation and of accesse vnto God in him by one spirit Now what day can any man conceive in any reason so fit as the Lords day the first of the week wherin we christians keep our weekly sabbath This undoubtedly is the most fit and convenient of all daies as I haue largely before proued Yea that this vndoubtedly is the onely particular day which Gods law bindes us to keepe holy all the time of the Gospell even untill we come to the eternall rest in heaven I will as briefly as I can proue and demonstrate in the last place and so conclude this point of sanctifycation of the Sabbath as it is the worke of God the lawgiver and is distinguished from mans duty and worke of sanctification CHAP. 13. THE First which is the maine foundamentall argument is drawn from the foundation upon which God hath from the beginning builded and surely setled the weekly Sabbath It is a thing most certaine and undeniable that whatsoever things are inseperably joyned cleaue fast together they stand move together the one cannot moue to any place but the other of necessity must moue with it Whatsoever is firmly s●tled on a rock and inseperably fastened to it founded on it must needes moue with the rock and cannot moue to any place but where the rock is moved upon which ground I argue thus That which is from the beginning founded upon Christ and so surely setled and firmly builded vp●n him by God the founder of al things that cannot be seperated it must needs moue and chaunge the place with Christ and cannot be moved nor chaunge and remove to any place but onely to that which Christ is removed The weekly Sabbath from the first institution is founded by God firmly builded and sure setled upon Christ the redeemer and is in seperably joyned to him There●ore it cannot move nor chaunge the place nor be remoued from the seventh day to any other day of the weeke vnlesse Christ the Redeemer change his day and moue together with it and if he doth chaunge his solemne day it must needes be chaunged and removed with him to the same day The proposition is undeniable the assumption also J haue fully proved before in the laying open the grounds of the Sabbath and therefore the conclusion is a most manifest truth That whensoever Christ chaungeth his day and chooseth another the Sabbath must needes bee chaunged to the same day Which conclusion fully proved I lay it down for a good ground and argue thus upon it That day which Christ leaveth and passeth from it vnto another which he chooseth for his speciall and particuler day From that day the Sabbath also is chaunged and moved and the other day which Christ hath chosen becoms also immediatly the particular day of the holy weekly Sabbath Now the seventh day which was the speciall day of Christ in the old Testament because on it Christ was promised a Redeemer of the world and did first undertake openly and actually to mediate for man is now ceased to be Christs peculier day he hath left it hath chosen the first day and made that his speciall and peculiar day aboue all other daies of the weeke when in it he got the victory ouer death and by his resurrection entered into his glory and eternall rest and of a redeemer in promise became a redeemer indeed fully perfected mans redemption Therefore ever since hath the weekely Sabbath beene removed to the first day and that is the peculiar day of the weekely Sabbath Secondly that God did from the beginning purpose in himselfe and by many evidences did declare his intent to chaunge the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day also in the first institution of the Sabbath and in the giuing of his law for the keeping of it did intend to bind us under the Gospel to the keeping of our weekly Sabbath on the first day of the weeke as he bound the fathers to the seventh day in the Old Testament J proue from the determinate counsell and forknowledge of God concerning the chaunges which he foreknew and determined to bring to passe in the foundation groundes and prerogatiues of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week It is a thing which all men who haue any true knowledge of God must needes know and acknowledge for an undoubted truth that God whose wisedome is infinit and his wife providence ordereth and disposeth all things doth never any thing in vaine he never laies the foundation in any place but there also he intends the building he never brings in the proper causes any where or in any time but then and there he intends to bring in to produce the proper effects of them and whatsoever commandement God giues to men to performe some speciall duty upon some speciall grounds and for some singular causes occasions reasons by that commandement he binds them to performe the duty whensoever and whersoever he shewes the grounds and reasons to them and giues and offers the causes and occasions So that if it be made to appeare unto us that now under the Gospel God had according to his owne
determinat counsell and forknowledge chaunged the foundation of the weekly Sabbath and removed it all the grounds reasons accasions and praerogatiues of it from the seventh day to the first which is the Lords day we must needs see and acknowledge that it was the Purpose minde will of God to make the Lords day our weekly Sabbath and in his giving of the first law of the Sabbath which in the maine substance of it is perpetuall to binde all his people after the full exhibition of Christ to the last resurrection to keep the Holy weekly Sabbath on that day onely Now these things may sufficiently appeare by the opening and proving of divers things befor which I haue observed out of this text by urging pressing them home to this present purpose a little more fully here againe I shall put them out of all doubt and question and make them manifest clear to al who do not wilfully shut their eares against the truth First that the foundation of the Sabbath is Christ the Redeemer that all the true proper grounds reasons and occasions of keeping one day in every week Holy to the Lord are only to be found in Christ and came in with him as I haue before fully proued And as God first promised Christ to come the seed of the woman for the Redemption of mankind Christ did undertake for man to mediate for him on the first seventh day of the world and thereupon that day was sanctified to be the weekly sabbath So God had in his immutable counsell determined to exhibit Christ a perfect Redeemer by him to perfect mans redemption on the first day of the weeke and so to remoue Christ the foundation from the seventh day of the weeke to the first day together with all other grounds reasons occasions prerogatiues of the Holy Sabbath What greater chaunge could be or ever was hard of in Christ the maine foundation both of the Sabbath of the vniuersall Church then when of a redeemer promised on the seventh day and so continuing all the time of the old Testament while the fathers beleeued onely in him promised not yet come He became a Redeemer fully exhibited in his resurrection on the first day of the week changed the state of the Church and bringing her from the Nonnage and childish estate of bondage vnder the rudiments of the world and legall rites carnall ceremonies to the fulnesse of her time which God had appointed to her full age in the new testament And hereby that first day of the weeke became the chiefest day of the Lord Christ even his speciall particular day came to haue all the subordinat groūds high prerogatiues of the Sabbath For in it God perfected his worke which he had made in the creation by the worke of redemption not promised undertaken onlie as in the seventh day but by a better kind of perfecting and ending even by redemption fullie finished on that daie Christ rested from that greater worke of redemption declared by his resurrection that he had made ful satisfaction for mankind to the justice of God that God rested in his satisfaction now actually made performed by a more excellent manner of resting then that wherwith he rested on the seuenth in that satisfaction only undertaken promised on that day Christ gott the victory over death hell sin the world the Devill and becomming immortall not subject to die or suffer any more entered into the glorious state of exaltation and into his eternall rest and made way for men to that eternall rest wherof the Sabbath is both a liuely pledg also a powerfull meanes to fit men for it And in al these respects God blessed the first day of the week with a blessing farre aboue his blessing of the seventh day for that was the promise undertaking only this was the performance perfecting of redemption therfore so farre excels that as the giuing of a great guift perfecting of a worke exceeds the promise of that guift undertaking of that worke Now that that this remouing of the maine foundation of the weekly Sabbath together with the subordinat grounds occasions prerogatiues of it from the seventh day to the Lords day the first of the weeke came to passe by the determinate counsell foreknowledge and providence of God and that from the beginning and in the first giuing of the law of the weekely Sabbath God did purpose and intend this chaunge it appeares most plainly by diuers reasons First because God is no idle spectator but the provident Lord disposer of all things which come to passe in the world nothing can come to passe but so as he hath appointed and in the time season which he hath determined The flood and generall deluge by which the old world was destroyed came to passe in the very yeare and day which God had prefixed did for tell to Noah one hundred and twenty yeares before The end of Jsraell peregrination and servitude in Egypt came to passe just at the end of foure hundred and ●hirty yeares in the same day which God had determined foretold to Abraham Exod. 12.41 and so the deliverance of the Isralites out of captiuity and the decree for their return came out at Gods appointed time which he had foretold by Ieremiah the Prophet Dan 9.2 23. And the particular time of Christs satisfaction and attonement for sinne and bringing in of eternall righteousnesse was determined by God and came to passe at the end of the seventy sevens of yeares as it was revealed to Daniell in the same Chap. 24. ver And in a word the very time of Christs resurrection by the virtue whereof we are fully redeemed and shall in our verie bodies be raised vp to life eternall and rest in glorie as the Apostl● testifies Rom. 6.5 1 Cor. 15.13.21 Philip. 3.10 1 Pet. 1.3 It was determined by God befor the foundation of the world as the words of St Peter do shew 1 Pet. 1.2 Secondly God in the very creation from the first beginning of the world did foreshew that he had a purpose to honour the first day of the weeke aboue all the other daies and to make it the Lords day and Christian sabbath by the resurrection of Christ. In that he made it the first fruites of time and in it created the highest heaven the place of the eternall Sabbath and brought forth the light of this inferiour world by which naturall prerogatiues he made this day the fittest of all daies of the weeke to be the day of Christs resurrection wherein he the sun of righteousnesse light of the world rose up with healing in his wings and became the first fruites of them that sleepe and by virtue whereof he will bring the faithfull into the eternall rest wherof the weekly Sabbath is a pledge will make them partakers of the
in the creatione neither is the law of it written in mans heart in the the creation it was the fall of man and his corruption which caused his to stand in need of a weekly rest and of holy Sabbath exercises to worke good in him and to bring him neerer to God And being made for mans use he may in case of necessity dispence with outward obseruations of the Sabbath the same must giue place to works of necessity which cannot be omitted either without losse of life or some certaine losse or mischiefe The third clause Therefore is the sonne of man Lord also of the sabbath doth giue us to understand that the use of the Sabbath was founded on Christ promised to be Lord of the sabbath and was in under him made man and necessary for the profit of man corrupted not for man in innocency Therfore C●rist the son of man is Lord of the Sabbath that is he hath th● true proper right and propriety in it for to make it serve for his use being the Lord possessor of it and he hath authority and power ouer it so that it is at his command either to be or not to be in vse either the seventh day or upon some other day of the weeke Now we never read that Christ exercised any Lordship ouer the Sabbath as hee is the son of man either to command it or to chaunge it but only in thes● two respects First that he brought it first into the world by undertaking to be the seed of the woman the sonne of man so it was setled on the seventh day in which he was promised during the time of the old Testament while he was a redeemer pr●mised Secondly that he by his resurrection in which he perfected redemption did consecrate the first day and made it the most honourable day fit to be the Sabbath of the new Testament and also gaue commandement to his Apostles so to ordaine in all Churches Besides this Lordship and power of Christ as sonne of man ouer the Sabbath we cannot conceiue or imagine any other Therefore undoubtedly he hath chaunged it to the first day of the weeke and as Lord of it hath given commandement for this chaunge and alteration The sixth Arg. is drawne from Gods sanctifying of the Lords daie by his sonne Christ more fully and excellently then he did the seventh day in the first institution of the Sabbath For seeing the making of the seventh day to be the Holie Sabbath is the sanctifying of it as the words of my text shew and also the words of the law Exod. 20.13 It must needes hereupon be granted that what day God by his Son Christ hath in all respects more fullie and excellentlie sanctified then the seventh day was sanctified when God made it the Sabbath That daie God by Christ hath made his Holie Sabbath and so it is worthie to bee esteemed and soe is to be observed in the new Testament But now it is most certaine and manifest That the Lord God by his son Christ hath in all respects more fullie and excellentlie sanctified the first daie of the weeke in which Christ arose from death as appeares by diuers things which I haue formerlie touched First he in that daie more abundantlie revealed his holines to the world in that he declared Christ our Redeemer and the head of the whole bodie the Church To be the Sonne of God with power according to the spirit of Holinesse by the resurrection from the dead Rom. 1.3 Secondlie he then opened as it were the flood-gates of Heaven that Holinesse might be more abundantly with his spirit powred out upon all flesh when Christ was raised up and exalted by Gods right hand that he might shed his spirit on all sorts of people of all nations as wee read Act. 2.33 Yea in that in the feast of Pentecost which was the first day of the weeke and the 49. day after Christs resurrection the Holie Ghost was sent downe vpon the Apostles to sanctifie them and to lead them into all truth and to giue them the guifts of tongues to preach the Gospell unto all nations which they presently did and the same day converted 3000. soules herein he both shewed his Holinesse more abundantly then before Thirdly It is piously held by manie Divines that among other things which after his resurrection Christ spake to his Disciples concerning the Kingdome of God that is the Church under the Gospell this was one namely of the keeping of the Holy Sabbath and holie assemblies or gathering of the saints togither vpon the first day of the weeke For immediatly after the Apostles observed that day and all churches in all ages since haue followed their example Therefore it is God who by his Sonne Christ hath made this first day that is the Lords day the weekly Sabbath of Christians J might here adde for further proofe of this truth an observation of diuers godly and learned writers to weet that our Saviour sanctified the first day of the weeke more then any other day by his promise and example in that he did most commonly appeare to the Disciples after his resurrection and came amongst them when they were assembled together on that day and taught and instructed them and breathed on them so we reade Luk. 24.13.36 Ioh. 20.19.26 Seventhly That which the Apostle taught by word and writing and ordained in all Churches of Christian Gentiles and confirmed by their constant practise is undoubtedly a Commandement which they received from the Lord Christ so it appeares Act. 15.28 where they professe that what they prescribed to the Chirstiā Churches was the dictate and sentence first of the holy Ghost and then of them joyntlie And our Saviour tells us that the Holie Ghost leads men into all trueth by speaking his word onely to them and calling it to their remembrance Ioh. 16.13.14 therefore it was Christ his word and ordinance St. Paul also professeth that he deliuered unto them such traditions as be received from the Lord 1 Cor. 11.23 And againe he saith 1 Cor. 14.37 Jf any man thinke himselfe to be a Prophet or spirituall let him know that the things which J write unto you are the Commandements of the Lord. Now it is manifest in the Gospel and in the writings of the new Testament that it was a constant practise of the Apostles to keep their assemblies with one accord on the first day of the weeke so we read Ioh. 20.19.29 Act. 2.1.2 and in those their assemblies the Lord Christ presented himselfe to them bodily and by the visible appearance and powerfull operation of his spirit Also Act. 20.8 St Paul on that day kept an holie assembly at Troas and there he preached and administered the sacrament of the Lords supper and performed Holie exercises of the Christian Sabbath And the same Apostle gaue a precept and commandement to the Corinthians even the same which he there saith hee had ordained in the
shew that the promises of Christ were solemnly rehearsed And out of Moses and the Prophets every Sabbath day So also they shew that Moses and the Prophets were publickly read and heard in their weekely holy assemblies and by this meanes the people were taught not onely in the promises and prophecies of Christ to beleeue in him a redeemer to come but also in all the righteousnes and duties of the law morall and all the judgments ordinances ceremonies of the law ceremonial w●ich was their Scoole-maister to lead them to Christ. Wee haue also to this purpose another plaine testimony Luk. 4.16 Where it is said that our Saviour as his custome was went into the Sinagogue on the Sabbath day stood up to read and the booke of Isaiah the Prophet was delivered unto him And he read a place which was written concerning himselfe and expounded it vnto them with the generall aprobation of the assembly Also Ast 13.15 27 verses Jt is testified that the Iewes in their Sinagogues on every Sabbath daie had Moses and the Prophets read unto them publickely both in forraine countries where they were disperced and also at Ierusalem and in their own countrie And that this was an auncient practise even from Moses and in the time of the Iudges and the Kings of Jsraell and Iudah to reade the law in the holy assemblies and to heare it read by the Priests we may gather from Exod. 24.7 Where it is said that Moses read the Covenant in the audience of the people Deut. 31·11 12 Where the Isralites are commanded to read the law in their assemblies in the hearing of all men women children I● may also be collected from I●sh 8.34.35 Iudg. 18.3 2 Cron. 30.22 35.3 That it was in vse after the Captivity the Historie of Nehemiah testifies Nehem. 8.4 9.3 The auncient division of the five bookes of Moses into 54 lectures that th●y might be read over once in every yeare by reading one lecture every Sabbath is a thing soe auncient that we finde no mention of the author of it therfore it may be supposed to be from Moses the writer of those books And the reading of a lecture also out of the Prophets everie Sabbath is recorded to be a custome long before Christs birth begun by occasion of the Tirant Antiochus who prohibited the Iewes to reade the law of Moses in their Sabbath assemblies vnder the paine of death As we read in the Apocripall History of the Macchabees lib. 1. c. 1.59 Whereupon they were forced insteed of the Law of Moses to read lectures out of the Prophets as Elias Leuita saith and euer since that custome is retained and was in use in our Saviours daies Luk. 4.16 The fifth speciall dutie of sanctification was the worshipping of the Lord which as it is required of Gods people in priuate and upon particular occasion at all times So publick upon the Sabbath day and in all holy yearlie Sabbaths The dutie of worshippe consists in confession of sinnes praiers supplications lauding and praising God singing of Psalmes and offering of free will offering and the like as wee read Neh. 9.33 Levit. 26.3 Deut. 5.5 Where confession acknowledging Gods favours is called worship and set downe for apart of it Gen. 4.26 12.8 13.4 and Psa. 79.6 Where the name of invocation and calling upon God by prayer is used by Synechdoche for all worship in in generall and Exod. 15.1 Iud. 5. Lauding and praising God with singing of Psalmes and holy Songs are rehearsed as a speciall part of Gods worshippe Now this worshippe of God by publick confession praiers and singing of praises cannot be but in publick assemblies and holy convocations which are especially kept on the Sabbaths and therefore this worshippe must needs be a speciall duty of the Sabbath and one part of the sanctification of it David also shewes this Psal. 42 3. Where he saith that he was wont to go up to the House of God among the multitude which kept holy day with the voyce of joy and singing And the 92. Psalme which is intitul●d a Psalme for the Sabbath day doth proclaime it to bee a good and necessarie duty on that day To giue thankes and to sing prayses to the name of the Lord to shew forth his loving kindnesse and truth from morning to night to Triumph in his works to speake of them with admiration and to declare his mercies and judgments and what a rock he is to rest on These are the most notable duties which Gods people were bound vnto in their sanctifying of the seventh day in the old Testament The third and last principall head comprehen●ing the rest of the duties which did belong to the observation of the Sabbath in the old Testament is the day it selfe which they were bound to keepe for their weekly Sabbath that is the last day of the week even the seventh from the beginning of the creation That this and no other was to be kept for their weeklie Sabbath in the old Testament appeares most plainlie by three things First because it vvas the day which God blessed with the greatest blessing of al which were giuen and reveal●d before the resurrection of Christ to weet the promise of Christ of the redemption of the world by him Gods entering into the Covenant of grae with man Christs open actuall undertaking to be mans mediatour Saviour in whom the mutable worke of creation is perfected and God is well pleased and resteth satisfied as J haue before proved Secondly because as the fathers and Isralites obserued it according to Gods commandement in the first institution Exod. 16. before the giving of the law from Mount Sina So in giving of the law to Jsraell in the renuing of the Commandement by Moses vpon divers occasions the Lord doth expresly require the keeping of the seventh day for his holy Sabbath as we see Exod. 20. 31.35 Deut. 5. Thirdlie because not onely as the Prophets and holy men of God urged taught all men to obserue that day vntill the comming of Christ. But also our Saviour himselfe all his life time on earth and after his death kept this Sabbath by resting in the ground And the Apostles also while they lived among the Jewes and the tabernacle was yet standing and Moses was not yet buried did obserue keep for orders sake the old Sabbath of the seventh day as appeares Luk. 4.16 Ast 13.13 and diuers other places CHAP. 18. I Am come now to the last place to the speciall Sabbath duties vnto which all Christians are bound under the Gospell In the right observation of the Lords day which is their holy Sabbath And these speciall duties may be reduced to the common generall heads before named The first which come here to be handled in the first place as the ground upon which the rest are builded is the consideration of the particular day
of the weeke which they are bound to keepe for their weekly Sabbath This is that which is most controverted called in question among the learned in this age therfore comes to be first proued and clearly demonstrated by testimonies and proofes out of the holy Scriptures which being performed I proceed in the next place to the dutie of rest will shew how far Christians are bound unto it on their weekly Sabbath the Lords day And in the last place I will come to the speciall duties of sanctification by which that day is to be kept holy to the Lord now under the Gospell First for the day it selfe Some are of opinion that it is the same which was from the begining that is the seventh last day of the week This opinion is grounded upon the bare letter of the law as it was giuen both in the institution and sanctifying of the seventh day renewed againe in the fourth Commandement and understood by the fathers in the old Testament J confesse that the words of the law if we take them as they were limited to the fathers not considering wi●hall how and upon what grounds and conditions God made the seventh day the weekly Sabbath they seeme to favour their opinion For if we conceiue no mo●e but a mere cessation and rest of God from his works on the six daies created to be the ground of the law then we may also conceiue that the law of the weekly Sabbath binds all mankind to that particular day in all ages because the ground is the same to all men equally belongs to all men in all times to the worlds end O●hers are of opinion that the law of the Sabbath being but a mere ceremoniall law is a bolished by the comming of Christ and bindes not us under the Gospell to any particular day And that it is free for the Church of God to appoint any day for their holy assemblies and that Christians haue no Sabbath neither are bound to keepe any such rest as the law required in the old Testament Others hold that the law of the Sabbath is naturally simply morall in the generall nature of it as it requires a weekly Sabbath to be sanctified and kept holy and that the particular determination of the daie is an honour and prerogatiue which belongs to Christ the Redemer who is the Lord of the Sabbath And that it was the purpose of God from all eternity and in the first giving of the law as to consecrate the seventh day in memory of God perfecting all the works of creation resting from them on that day so also to consecrate by the resurrection of Christ the first day of the weeke to be ever after the weekly Sabbath in honour and memory of the worke of redemption which on that day was fully perfected by Christs rising from the dead and entering into that state of glory in which he rests for ever hauing no more to do for the ransoming and redeming of mankinde Gods justice being full satisfied The first of these opinions being grounded vpon a carnall vndestanding and imperfect sence of the words of the law hath but a weake and sandy found●tion and because as the first authors of it were blasphemous hereticks which erred in diuers fundamental points of christian faith and Religion Soe also the reviuers of it are either cursed Anabaptists or men who doe not rightly vnderstand the law nor the groundes and conditions vpon which it requires an holy weekly Sabbath Therefore it is justly hated and rejected as a Jewish errour the maintainers thereof haue in all true Christian Churches of all ages beene branded with the name of hereticall and Iudaicall Sabbatarians And I need not spend any precious time in confuting it and the frivolous fallacies by which it is maintained The second opinion being too rashly conceived and vnadvisedlie professed and held by some godly Divines of the reformed Churches who in this point do much contradict themselves also being an unsound opinion and therefore well relished by Popish Schoole-men malicious Iesuites licentious Liber●ines and men of profane hearts hath no ground in the Scriptures nor any sound Orthodox writings of any auncient fathers Yea bringing great confusion into the Decalouge which is the summe of the morall law and laying a foule staine upon our Church which hath appointed the commandement of the Sabbath to be read among the tenne Commandements and enjoynes the people to pray that God would incline their hearts to keepe that law as well as all and everie one of the rest Therefore I shall not spend any time in the confutation of it The arguments which are brought for the confutation of the contrary truth will sufficiently raze and vtterly abolish it out of the hearts of all true Christians The third opinion is most agreeable to the holy Scripture and the common Doctrine of the Orthodox writers both of auncient and later times especially of the most godly and learned in the Church of England who haue heretofore writen learned treatises of the Sabbath and expositions of the ten Commandements of the Decalogue And therefore I wil bee bold here againe to commend it to you for an undoubted truth which I haue aboundantly proued confirmed by many demonstratiue convincing arguments already partly in that large search which J haue made before into the nature of the law of the sabbath and that description which I haue made of it but most fully in that passage where I proued the change of the day by the resurrection of Christ from the seventh to the first day of the weeke now vnder the Gospel and brought diuers argumen●s to shew that the law which God gaue for the keeping holy of a seventh day in every weeke at the first institution of the Sabbath here in my text and renewed againe on mount Sina and giue ●f●en in charge by Moses to Israell doth now as strictly binde us to keepe an holy Sabbath on the Lords day in everie weeke as it bound the auncient people of God in the old Testament to keepe the Sabbath of the seventh day But for the confirming of your hearts in the beleife of this truth and in the knowledge of this duty I will not multiply any new arguments onely that you may more firmely retaine it in your memories and still beare it in minde that you are in conscience bound to keepe only the Lords daie and none other for your weekly Sabbath in these times of the Gospell J will bri●fly touch and explaine some principall heades which haue beene before laid down at large and in ample manner The summe whereof is this Namely That although the law of the Sabbath is not a law of nature in ●hat rigid sence in which some do conceive it that is a law written in mans heart expresly and distinctly in the creation which by the mere instinct of nature and direction of naturall reason did lead man to keepe everie seventh day of the
2 Cor 2 6 7 and as divers of the auncients haue held and shewed in their practise Seventhly ordaining and calling of Bishops Pastors and Elders being of old performed in the face of the whole Church with publick prayers and laying on of hands Act. 1.15 14.23 2 Cor. 8.19 As it was of old soe at this day is a verie fitt dutye of the Lord holy weekly Sabbath Besides these publick duties there are diuers priuate duties which are necessary both to make the publick duties effectuall and frutefull and to testifie to the Praise and glory of God the power of his holy ordinances and the worke of the spirit by them upon our hearts and soules The first of these is private prayer either by our selves alone or in our families with our Children servants and others of the houshold for if we must pray continually when just occasion and oppertunity is offered as the Apostle teacheth 1 Thes. 5. then most especially before we go vnto and after we returne from the publicke assemblies for a blessing upon Gods Publick ordinances both to our selves and others Our Saviour bids us pray in secret and David exhorts vs to commune with God on our beds and to pray after his example morning evening and at noone day The second is meditation of such as are alone on things heard in the Church and repetition in the family for the printing of the the word in their mindes and memories and mutuall instruction and exhortation one of another without which the word will take small effect afterwards and quicklie beforgotten Saint Paul doth intimate the necessary vse of this duty where he commands women to aske and learne of their husbands at home and not to speak in the Church 1 Cor 14 35 1 tim 2 11. This is the holy duty which God commended in Abraham Gen 18 That he did command and teach his houshold Children which few men can do conveniently on the week daies when every one is about their worke some in one place and some in another onely the Lords day is the fittest The third is rejoycing singing of Psalmes and Praising God in our families this David commends for a duty of the Sabbath Psal. 92.1 And this Paul and Silas taught us by their example Act. 16.35 Where they two being in prison and in the stocks are said on the Lords day at midnight to pray and sing Psalmes with soe loud a voyce that the Prisoners heard them And yet I hope none dare call them Puritants and Hipocrites as the profane miscreaunts of our time call all the familes in which they heare singing of Psalmes on the Lords day The Fourth is visiting of the sick of prisoners releiving the poore and needy perswading of disagreeing Neighbours to peace and reconciliation These are works of mercie and of Christian loue and charity haue no proper end but to bring honour to God and to make him to be praised of his people and his people to be edified in loue And being an holie private service of God they may be done on the Lords daie our Church Doctrine doth teach them and Ecclesiasticall constitutions allow them The last duty is meditating on Gods workes magnifying them and speaking of them with admiration one to another if upon any just occasion or for necessarie refreshing we walke diuers together into the feilds This David mentions in the Psalme for the Sabbath day Psal. 92 45. Where he saith thou Lord hast made me glad through thy workes and I will tryumph in the workes of thy hands O Lord how great are thy workes Thus much for the speciall duties both publick priuate which Christians are bound to performe on the Lords day which is the Christian Sabbath Now the consideration of these severall duties being some publick some priuate some more proper for the Sabbath and some for all daies offer to us somethings more to be obserued First the publicke duties of the whole Church together must first be regarded and preferred before priuate duties at home and mumbling of private praies with our selves in the Church because they make more for Gods glory and mutuall edification and do shew and declare our Christian vnity Secondly publick duties must take up the best and greatest part of the day because they are proper to the day and to publick assemblies which are to be kept weekly on the Sabbath day Priuate duties are common to all daies of the weeke Thirdly the duties of mercy charity to men must giue place to the mediate worship of God when there is no vrgent necessity and they may bee deferred to another day without any inconvenience Men hauing oppertunity before must not put them off vntill the Lords daie and then by them shoulder out holy duties of piety and Gods solemne worshippe Lastly by the many and severall duties required on the Lords Sabbath wee see that to him who hath a care and respect of them all there will be no time left for for idle words and toyish talking praunsing in pride and vanity nor for any carnall sports pastimes and pleasures But Gods day wil be found little enough for holy duties which are to be performed And therefore I dare not allow any liberty for any sports how honest lawful so ever at other times except they bee holy and Gods worship be furthered and no better duties by them be hindered Which no man can in reason conceive or imagine If God be to be loved aboue all and honoured and served with all the heart and mind soule strength as the law commands J do not see but all Gods people ought so to do especially on the Lords day to be discontent grieued that they can̄ot do it so fully as they ought not to allow to themselves in these things anie liberty which may hinder Gods holy worship The greatest opposites of the weekly Christians Sabbath when they haue most vehemently disputed spent al their argumēts against the observation of the Lords day for an holy Sab day of holy rest are by the cleare evidence of the truth so convinced that will they nill they their conscience forceth them to confesse That the spēding of the whole day even the space of four twenty hours of the Lords day an holie rest cessation from all worldly thoughts cares from all seculiar affaires in holy duties of Gods worship service both publick and private is a thing Commendable praise worthy in them and pleasing and acceptable in the sight of God To that one only wise omnipotent immortall and eternall God who in all things and ouer all enimies maketh his truth to triumph be all honour glory and praise now and for euer FINIS Justin. Dialog cū Triphone Tertull. adversus Judoeos Irenaeus lib. 4. c. 20 * Tostatus Pererius Gomarus Heb. 11.10.16 Origen Hierom. trad in 2 Gen. Austin in Psal. 80. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 8 21 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 31.2 Heb. 10.26 1 Ioh. 5.16 Heb. 6·6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Doctrine 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Reason 4 Reason 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Position negative 1· Pit 1.3 Objection Answer 1. Position affirmative 2. position affi●mative Gen. 4. 3 position affirmative Objection Answer Object 2. Answer The severall opinions concerning the law of the Sabbath The distinction of Gods laws serm 251. de tempore serm de tempore 136. Zanch. lib de De Calog thes 1. 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument Argum. 6 Argument 7 Argument 8. Argu. 9. Argu. Of mans sanctification of the Sabbath 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 4. Argu. 5 Argument Objection Answer Object Answer Prolog in Psalm Objection Answer Lexic● cold 1. Argument 2 Argument 3. Argument 4. Argum. 5. Argu Chrisostom in Cor. 16. Augst ser. 25 1. de temp Gregor Magn Epist lib 11.3
men and having shewed what kinde of law this is which God hath giuen for the observation of the weekly Sabbath and how and in what manner it bindes the sonnes of Adam in all ages some in one kinde and some in another and Adam and all his posterity in some respects There remaines yet for all that hath beene said before one speciall point to be more fully proved That is concerning the Chaunge of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day what ground and warrant we haue for it and how the law of God by which God set apart the seventh day in the first institution and still in the fourth Cōmandement and other repetitions of that law by Moses mentions on the seventh day for the weekly Sabbath can bind us Christ ans to keep holy the Lords day or warrant us to make it our Sabbath For the more full manifestation and proofe of this point and satisfiing of all doubts I will by the light of Gods sacred word and by the helpes which I shall finde in the writings and sayings of the best learned both ancient and moderne Christian divines do my best endeavour to shew and proue that the Lords day which is the first of the weeke and the day of Christs resurrection the fittest day of all the seven to be the holy weekly Sabbath of Christians That God before and in the first giving of the law of the Sabbath did intend and foresee the chaunge the grounds of the chaunge of it to the first day that God by Christ hath chaunged it And that the law of the Sabbath in the maine duties which it requires is more fully and in a better and more excellent manner obeyed by Christians in there observation of the Lords day and keeping it for the holy rest then it was by the fathers of the Old Testament in their keeping of the seventh and last day of the vveeke for their holy rest and vveekly Sabbath First to proue the conveniencie fitnesse of the Lords day to be the Sabbath under the Gospell aboue all other daies we haue diuers arguments The first I frame thus That day which is the first of dayes the first fruits of time especially of the time of grace is the fittest to be the Lords holy day aboue all other daies of the weeke in under the time of grace The Lord himselfe teacheth this for a plaine truth requiring the fruits of all things for an holy offering to himselfe under the law from the beginning when he taught Adam Adam did teach his sonnes Caine Abell to bring sacrifices of firstlings first fruits for offerings to him Gen. 4. Now the Lords day which is the first day of the week is the first of all daies in the world In it God began the creation the highest heavens which is the place of blessednes the heavenly host also the common masse matter of the whole visible inferior world the chiefest most gracious element the light that is the fiery heavens with the first beginning of the creation this day began so it is the first fruites of all times created although in the creatiō during the state of innocency the first fruites were no more holy thē the rest of the lump or masse sanctifying of things to holy use came in by Christ with the first promise of him the first time of Christ revealed being the seventh day was to be the holy Sabbath all the time in which Christ was onely promised not given Yet now seeing by the resurrection of Christ in which Christ wa● exhibited a perfect redeemer and became the first fruites of them that sleep The first day of the weeke and of the world which was onely the first fruits of time before is by Gods providence become the first day firist frvites of the time of grace vnder Christ a perfect redeemer Therfore the first day which is now the first fruites of time both in the crea●ion and under pefect redemption which doth perfect and sanctifie the creation is now the fittest of all the dayes of the weeke to be the Lords holy Sabbath And it is against all reason for any to think any other day so fit to bee offered vp for the first fruites of every weeke and of our times to God as this day which is the day of the Lord Christ who is the true first fruites of all creatures and doth sanctifie the whole masse and lumpe of mankinde and all other creatures which are gathered vnto God in him In which day Christ arose from death and became the first frutes of them that sleepe that by the virtue of his resurrection hee might sanctifie the very grave to them that sleep in him might raise them up as to grace in this life soe alsoe to glory at the last day in the generall resurrection Secondly that day wherein the place of eternall rest and of the everlasting Sabbath which after this vvorld ended remaines for the people of God was created and brought into being and vvherein eternall rest was purchased and the way opened into that rest must needes in the judgment of reasonable men be the fittest day for the weekly Sabbath which is to all gods people a sure signe and pledge of eternall rest and of their everlasting Sabbath in heauen which weekly Sabbath is to be kept holy and sanctified by mediations on Heaven and Heavenly rest by such Holy exercises of religion as doe fit and prepare vs for the life of glory in Heaven Now the first daie of the weeke is the day wherin God created the place of eternall rest euen the highest Heavens which are from eternity decreed and ordained to bee the place in vvhich his elect shall keepe rheir eternall Sabbath after this life In this day also Christ arose from death perfected redemption and rested from that vvorke by vvhich he procured eternall life and Heavenly glory for God people upon this day hee opened the way to the Holie of Holies and made his first enterance both in his owne flesh also for all his members into that life eternall and that rest which they with him shall enjoy in the Heavenlie mansions Therefore vndoubtedlie this day of all the daies of the weeke most fit and and worthy to be kept an holy Sabbath of rest and to be sanctified with mediations on heaven and heavenly glory and with other exercises of religion which fit men for eternall rest in heaven Thirdly that day wherein God first created the light of this inferior visible world and wherein the light of the visible heavens did shine forth when it is once blessed with the rising up of a greater and more glorious light even the Sun of righteousnesse It is of all daies become the fittest most vvorthy to be the Lords holy weekly Sabbath which is to be hallowed by meditating vpon the inheritance of the Saints in light and by such holy
others which they themselves would not beare they did restraine men from pulling an eare of corne rubbing eating it on the Sabbath daie in the case of hunger great necessitie And yet they led their oxen to the water and did pull a sheepe or a asse out of a pitt on the Sabbath daie Mat. 12.11 Luk. 13.15 14.5 By these arguments which our Saviour vsed against the Scribes and Pharisees in the Gospell it is most cleare and manifest that it was not the law of God given from the beginning nor the will of God the lawgiuer but onely the Hipocriticall Scribes and Pharises who by their traditions devices of their owne brains imposed on the Iews that strict and rigorous rest and cessation from all works whatsoever on the Sabbath day which the learned fathers and Christian writers do cal an heauy burden hard to be borne Object But it may bee some will object that the fathers in the old Testament were bound to offer double sacrifices on Sabbath daie Num. 28.9 even two lambes of the first yeare without spott and two tenth deales of flower For a meate offering mingled with oyle the drink● offering thereof Which was more costly required more bodily labour and care then any which is imposed on us Chri●●ian● by Gods law upon our Christian Sabbat● and therefore their observation of the Sabbath was an heavie yoke burden harder to be borne then ●ny which is imposed on us Answ. I answer that this objection doth strongly proue the point in hand For if more bodilie labour and care was required of the Fathers in their worship which was more carnall bodilie then ours on their Sabbath and vve are therefore eased of that yoke haue a more spirituall vvorship taught us and imposed on us by Christ and his Apostles as the Prophets foretold Then vvere the Fathers lesse restrained from bodilie laboures then wee are neither was there soe strict and rigorous a Rest and Cessation imposed on them which serues much for the justifying of our position to weet That Gods law rightly understood and expounded according to the will and intent of God the lawgiuer doth as strictly bind us under the Gospell to Rest from all worldlie businesse on the Lords day as it bound the fathers one the seventh day in the old Testament But to proceed in the further manifestation of this truth Although I could bring many arguments and proofes both out of Scripture alsoe out of the writings of the learned and cleare testimonies which shew the consent of all Godlie Orthodox vvrititers of all ages Yet because I vvill leave no occasion or colour to such sonnes of Beliall as doe intrude into our assemblies to catch calumniate and report my vvords safely and to accuse my Doctrine except they vvill h●rden their despeand malicious hearts and put on brasen faces vvith vvhorish foreheads to accuse the holy Scriptures and the Doctrine published in the booke of Homilyes and by lavv established in this Church of England vvherof vve are members therefore I vvill onely commend to your consideration the publick Doctrine of our Church in the verie vvords of the Homilies vvhich both by statut● lavv and Royall perogatiue are established in this land and Kingdome and vvill shevv hovv parfectlie they agree vvith holie scripture in this point First in the first part of the Homilie Concerning the time and place of prayer We are taught that God in the f●urth Commandement hath appointed the time for his people to assemble themselves together solemnly when he said Remember that thou keepe holy the sabbath Secondly in the same place it is affirmed that the praecise keeping of the seventh day and the externall ceremoniall worshippe of the sabbath which the law required as it wa● given to the Jew●s being b●t C●remoniall are ceased to us and we are not bound by the law so strictly to forbeare worke and labour in the case of necessity after the manner of the Iewes That is as they were taught by the Scribes and Pharisees But we keepe now the first day of the weeke which is our sunday and make that our Sabbath that is our day of rest in the honour of our Lord Christ who as upon that day rose from death conquering the same most triumphantly These are the words of the Homily And that the keeping of a set time to weet one day in weeke wherein wee ought to rest from lawfull and needfull workes Js found in the fourth Command●ment among th● things which appertain to the law of nature is a thing most godly most just and needfull for the setting forth of Gods Glory and ough● to 〈◊〉 retained kept of all good Christian people So is it there expresly affirmed Thirdly we are there ●aught That as by the fourth commandement no man on the six dayes ought to be slothfull or idle but diligently to labour in their estate wherein God hath set him Even so God hath given expresse charge to all men that on the Sabbath day which is now our Sunday they sho●ld 〈◊〉 from all worldly and worke day labour and that Gods obedient people should use the Sabbath holily and so rest from their common dayly businesse that they may giue themselves wholy to Heavenly exercises of Gods true religion and service Fourthly in the same Homily all Gods people are urged and pressed to keepe the Sunday for their holy Sabath by three A●guments The first is the commandement of God in the law The second is Gods examample who rested on the Seventh day and did no worke of creation at all but blessed and sanctified it and consecrated it to quietnesse and rest from labour The third is an example of the Apostles who immediately after the ascention of our Lord Christ began to keepe this day of the week commended it the first Churches of the Gentiles 1 Cor. 16 and called it the Lords day Revel 1.10 Sithens which time Gods people hath alwaies with out any gainsaying obserued it Fifthly and lastly the Homilies shewes that the rest and cessation which God requires by his law one the Lords day at the hands of us Christians is the same which the law did bind the fathers unto from the beginning upon this Sabbath in the old testament First whereas the law commanded the Fathers to rest from all such workes as they are allowed to do on the other common dayes of the weeke that is wordly labours as the expresse words of the law shew In it thou sh●lt not do any worke thou nor thy sonne nor thy daugther nor thy servant c. Exod. 20.10 And again thou shalt do no servile work therin Levit. 23.7 thou shalt do no manner of servile worke Num. 28.18 So the Homily blames all those people for wicked boldnesse carelesse prophanation of the Lords day who make no conscience of doeing their worldly businesse one that day though there bee no extreame need and necessity Secondly as the law forbids journeying
or medle with he did behold take notice of the wisdome goodnesse of God In a word his whole life was a constant obedient seruice of God and there was no inequality nor lesse worship of God in one then in another for he fully serued God at all times W●osoever denyes this must needs deny therein mans perfection constant conformity to God in the state of innocency For where one day is kept better then another there is inequality and noe constant vniformity in himselfe nor conformitie to Gods will In the Second place they who hold that the Sabbath was first instituted after mans fall yet that it was writtē in mans heart in the state of innocency and he then was bound to keepe it they fall into many absurdities First that a man was bound to keepe a Sabbath before ever it was instituted Secōdly that God did by his word cōmādmēt teach má in vain that which he was fully taught alreadie had writtē in his heart Thirdly that God gaue to man a law in vaine after his fall when he knew he was become vnable to keep it 3. They who hold that the Law of the Sabbath was not written in mans heart but was a positiue Law given in the state of innocency of the same nature with that Commandement of mans not eating of the tree of knowledge They doe make this Commandement of the Sabbath vtterly voyd by mans fall euen as that of not eating is now voyd and was not to bee renued after mans fall But of the vnsoundnesse and vanity of these opinions I shall speake more fully when I come to shew what kind of law that of the Sabbath is and how that commandement bindes men Now because I cannot find any solidity or satisfaction in any of these opinions J haue left humane writings even of the best learned and haue betaken my selfe wholy to the searching of the Holy Scriptures Gods most pure infallible W●rd and what light J finde therein for the manifestation of the truth I will not hide nor cover but set it before you openly And for the time when God first instituted the Sabbath I conceive it to haue been not in the state of innocency but after mans fal imediately yet upon the seventh day wherein God rested from the worke of the creation as my text here sayth and although this may seeme to crosse the order of the History as is here laid down by Moses because mans fall related a while after his sanctification of the Sabbath even in the third Chapt. Yet let this moue no man for Moses doth not set downe al thi●gs in order as they were done in this the next Chapter but first he speaks of the finishing of Heaven and Earth and all the host of them and then of Gods rest and of the sanctifying of the seventh day then returnes to speak of thi●gs which were done before as the planting of the garden in Eden which was a worke of the third day and the making of the woman and forming her of a rib taken out of mans side and mans naming of al living creatures before the woman was made which things were done on the sixt day Also in this chapter the forming of the man is related before the planting of the garden and the watering of it with a river which was devided into foure Heads though it is most euident that before there was a man to till the ground God made every plant tree that was pleasant to the eye and good for food to grow out of the ground that is all the trees of the garden amongst the rest ver 5 Wherefore we must not cleave strictly to the order in which Moses sets things downe in this Chapter nor take all things to be first done which are here first related for then wee should beleeve that plants herbes trees man and woman were all created after that the workes of creation were finished and after Gods resting one the seventh day But to passe by all needlesse doubts let us come to the proofes of this point which proue strongly that Gods institution of the Sabbath was not in mans innocency but af●er his fall First the very words of my text affirme that the Sabbath was instituted on the seventh day for first it is said in expresse words that on the seventh day God rested blessed sanctified that day Secondly the things which gaue God occation to sanctifie the seventh day upon which the first institution of the Sabbath was grounded came not to passe neither were they in being vntill the seventh day that is Gods perfecting of the worke and resting from al he work which he had made the words of the text are very plain On or in the seven●h day God ended his worke and rested and because of this resting he blessed and sanctified the seventh day And therefore the sanctifying of the seventh day which was the institution of the Sabbath cannot be before the seventh day The building could not bee beefore their was ground to build on neither could the worke goe before the cause and occation of it Thirdly it is against all reason to thinke that God actually blessed and sanctified the seventh day and made ●it his Holy Sabbath before it came into being Now this ground being very cleare that the Sabbath was instituted on the seuenth day from the beginning of the creatiō not before I proceed to a second ground to weet that man did fall towards the end of the sixt day even on the same day in which he was created which being fully proved Jt well necessarily follow That the fi●st institution of the Sabbath was after mans fall and not in the state of innocency First that man did fall vpon the very day of his creation the sixt day I proue by plaine Scriptures and by strong arguments grounded on them The first testemony is that speech of David Psalme 49.12 Man beeing in honour lodged not a night therein but became like the Beasts that perish Soe the words runne in the originall text we cānot without wresting of the words from their proper sence in the Hebrew expound them of any other person but of the fir●t Adam of his fall the word which is in our translation man is Adam in the Hebrew and the words which we read in our Engglish abideth not Bal-jalim and in the Hebrew signifie lodged not a night therein as appeareth by other Scriptures in which it is continually vsed to signifie lodging or tarrying for a night viz. Exod. 23.18 34.25 Devt 16. 4. where God forbids the Israelites to let the fat of their Sacrifice or any part of the fl●sh of the Paschall lambe lodge with them all night till the morning and 2 Sam. 17.8 where Hushai saith to Absalom of his Father David that he was a man of warre and would not lodge with the people And 2 Sam. 19.8 where Joab saith to David there will
not one abide with thee one night And Psal. 30.5 where it is said that weeping may lodge for a night but joy commeth in the morning And soe in all other Scriptures this word is vsed And the learned Hebrews who best know the propriety of the phrase vnderstand this place of Adam and of his falling on the day of his Creation and not continving one night in the honourable state of innocency· The Second testimonie is that speach of our Sauiour Ioh. 8. 44. where he saith that the Devill was a murtherer of mā alier from the beg●nning abode not in the truth By the beginning is meant the first day of mans Creation it is never absolutely vsed in any other sence but for the time of the first Creation Now if the Devill did lie deceiue murther mā by drawing him to sin frō the first day of mās being it follows that man did fall the sixt day on which was the day of his creation The third proofe is grounded on the words which passed between the woman the serpent T he serpents speech implies that as yet they had not eaten of any tree that he set upō the woman immediately after that God had given them commandement not to eate of the tree of knowledg the words which he uset● Y●a or is it even soe they are a forme of speech vsed by one that standing aloofe and ouer hearing what was forbidden doth immediatelie step in and askes the party to whom the commandement was given if it were even soe as he conceived And the womans answ●r is in such a word as is of ●he future tence in Hebrew and signifies not an act past or present but a power liberty to eate heereafter when they sh●uld haue occation and the true translation of her words is we may or will hereafter eate of the fruite of the trees of the garden Alsoe it is very likely that if they had eaten of the fruite of any tree of their owne accord before their temptation fall their reason will and appetite would haue led them to the tree of life which was neere at hand even in the midest of the garden close by the forbidden tree Ver. 9. The very name wher●of was amiable and vnto which the naturall desire of man did of it selfe cheifly carry him as Gods words do intimate Chapt. 3.2 But that they had not yet re●ched forth their hands to take and eate of that tree that speech of God shews Chap. 3.23 wher he saith that he wil cast Adam out of the garden Least hee put forth his h●nd and ●ake and eate of the tree of life which was the state of naturall life Now this had beene too late if they had alreadie before eaten of it Fourthly soe soone as God had created the woman and given her to the man he gaue them the blessing of fruitfulnesse and the desire of procreation of children which is most naturall to man he did bid them increase and multiply soe we reade Chapt. 1.28 vndoubtedly they would not haue neglected the blessing of multiplying and increasing mankind but if they had continued in their integrity one night the woman by companying with the man would haue conceiued a pure seed without sinne for there was no barrennesse of the wombe in innocency that came in as a curse after the fall Chapt 3.16 F●ftly the v●rity of God threatening and the strictness●●f his justice required that in the same day w●erein man sinned in the same should the sentence of death bee executed the words of the law are very peremtory ver 17. In the day that thou ea●st thou shalt surely dye Which sentence was fully and truly execu●ed though not on Adam himselfe yet on Christ the second Adam mans surety The fi●st Adam all his posterity are the same day made subject to death wherein they act or pertake actually of this transgression Christ the secōd Adam who vndertooke to satisfie the Law for this sinne and to suffer the punishment due to it and all sin w●ich spring f●ō this root did certainly dy on the same day at the same houre of the day in which the first Adam transgressed so Irenaeus divers of the ancients other acute writers do hold they well observe that on the sixt day of the weeke on which day Adam was created and after the ninth houre of that day that is in the afternoone and to●ards the end of the day Christ suffered both a cursed bodily death on the Crosse and also the agonies and paynes of t●e second death as he sheweth by his crying out My God My God why hast thou fo●saken mee And by his word Consummatum est that is the fulnesse and vtmost extremity of torments is come or now is the utmost ex●remity of my paynfull suffering And therefore it is very probable and cannot without scornefull wrangling be denied that Adams fall was about the same time of the sixt day which doth make good the word of God and shew the verity of his threatning law and his admirable wisdome and providence in thinking of man● Redemption before he would suffer man to fall Sixtly if Adam had stood any while even one daie or night or more vntill he had eaten of the tree of life which seemes to be aseale of the first Couenant of life by workes of natural righteousnes it is likely that he could not haue falne nor the Devill been suffered to tempt him or if after the tast of the sweetnes of the tree of life and the sealing of the couenant of life by his owne workes of obedience he had fallen surelie his fall had been more desperate even totall and finall apostacy for which God alloweth no Sacrifice to be offered nor prayer to be made from which there is no recoverie nor renueing by repentance The Devill being created with the Angells amongst the supernaturall host on the first day and having seene the glory of God and tasted of the Heavenly joys all the sixt dayes of the creation vntill man was created and all the frame of the world finished and Lordship given to man over all inferiour creatures he then after this tast falling away and not abiding in the tru●h but leaving his first estate did sin more disperately rebelliously against the light and his sinne is so hatefull to God that hee will not accept of any satisfaction for it neither could the Sonne of God under take for him But mans fall being at the first before he had tasted of the tree of life the full sweetnesse fruision of earthly fellicity and springing not Originally from himselfe but from the Devill who deceived him therefore there is mercy with God for him Gods giving of Christ and Christs vndertaking for man is an argument that Adam did fall in the day of his creation before he had tasted of the tree of life and that he was made ma●d formed and deformed in one day
till then was not fully finished and that in memory and for joy of the finishing of his worke and makeing it fully compleat on the seventh day he sanctifyed that day to be his Holy Sabbath The Caldee paraphrase seemes to make the joy delight which God tooke in viewing all the worke of creation on the seventh day to be a ground cause of Gods sanctifying that day for his Sabbath Tremellius and the learned who agree with him seeme to hold that God had before on the sixt day ended all the works of the creation And all Being finished when the seventh day came that was the only day of the weeke in which God had no worke left to be finished nor any thing to make and therefore he made this his Holy day and day of rest This also seemes to be the meaning of the Greeke Septuagints who for this purpose haue changed the Hebrew text and instead of the seventh day put in the sixt day for the ending of the weeke and the seventh day they make the day onely of Gods resting Now of all these translations taken in these Uulgar sences there is not any on which can give full satisfaction and remove all doubts and scruples Yea if we receive and grant them all some difficulties will still remayne A●d therefore for the removing of all doubts full manifestation of the truth I will endeavour to search and diue fur●her into the words of the Originall Hebrew text and to finde out a further sence and meaning by comparing them with other Scriptures which giue more light unto them and in so doing J will make use of these severall traslations sences to gather some light and strength from them and from the difference which is among them for the more full manifestation of the truth which I shall commend vnto you First for the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is here translalated Ended Perfected Finished it signifies in the first and most proper and full sence to bring a thing to the full end of it soe that now it hath al which belongs to it in any kinde Some times it is vsed in Scripture to signifie the beginning of a thing to the last end of it either by consuming of it and bringing it to an ●nd of beeing well beeing which it had before Iob. 4.9 By the Breath of Gods Nostrills the wicked are sayd to be consumed Isa. 1.25 or by ceasing to continue it if it be a trans●et action or speech as Gen. 17.22 God ended his speech or talke with Abraham that is ceased to continue it and Exod. 34.33 1 Sam. 10.13 2 Sam. 6.18 1 King 7 40. where mention is made of Moses his ceasing to speake of Saulls making an end of prophicieing and D●vid of offering Sacrifice Hiram of his working This sence is in no case to be admitted First because God consumed not the workes which he had made before neither did God bring his working and making of creatures to an end by ceasing to continue it for that was the sixt day when he had made the woman the last creature which h● made then hee ceased from his working and brought it to an end Secondly because consuming and destroying of creatures can be noe good ground of blessing and sanctifying the daie and time in which it is done Some times this word is vsed to signifie the bringing of a thing to the full end of perfection either by adding to the last vtmost thing which belongs to the nature kinde and beeing of it soe that now it wants no perfection which it ought to haue in that kinde thus the word is vsed 2 Chro. 7.11 wher it is said that Salomon finished the House of the Lord Exod. 40.33 Moses finished all the work of the Tabernacle Or else by adding to it more then naturally belongs to it even some supernaturll and extraordinary perfection thus the word is vsed Ezech. 16.14 where it is said that God made Jerusalem perfect by his beauty which he put vpon his people whom he placed to dwell therein even David and other holy men whom he beautified with supernaturall saving guifts graces In this last sence I conceiue the word to be especially here vsed For it is most certain that God brought al things to the full end natural perfection on the sixt day when he created man and woman and gaue them rule dominion over all living creatures and appointed all things which he had made to serue for their vse and soe much the last words of the first Chap. shew where it is said God saw euery thing which he had made behold it was very good this was before the end of the sixt day And therfore that giving of full naturall beeing and perfection cannot be this which is here said to be on the seventh day If we should here vnderstand that perfecting and finishing of the work we must either with the 70 Greek Translatours corrupt the text and for the seventh put the sixt day or else with Tremelius and others straine the plaine words of the text and make this the sence of them In the seventh day that is before the seventh day God ended that is God had ended his work already finished it before to weet on the sixt day which being granted It will herevpon follow either that this perfecting of Gods work is no ground of the Sabbath at all or else that the sixt should rather be the Sabbath because it was the day and time in which God brought the created worke to perfection But here in the originall text the Hebrew words are Beiem hashebingi In the seventh day that is within the compasse of that day God perfected his worke which he had before made and created on the six dayes and therefore I doe verily conceive and beleeve and dare be bold to affirme for a certaine truth that on the seventh day God gave to the which he had before made very good and perfect with naturall mutable perfection which the Devill by mans fall had marred and defaced now another second and greater even supernaturall perfection by promising Christ the blessed seed of the woman for the restauration of the work defaced and by Christ his vndertaking not only to redeeme us from all evills which entered in by mans sinne from that mutability of estate in which we were all created but also to exalt us to a farre more excellent state and condition even to the state of immutable grace here of eternall life a●d glory in the sight and fruition of God in Heaven hereafter in the world to come That Adam did sinne and fall on the sixth day which we call Fryday in all liklihoode towards the evening about the same houre in which Christ dyed on the Crosse to redeeme vs from that sinne and all sinnes which therby entered into the world I haue proved before That after mans fall and
discouerie of his nakednes and sowing of figge leaues together for aprons Gods voyce was heard walking in the garden in the coole of the day that is after the sunne was gone down the seventh day begunne that Adam hid himselfe the words of the text affirme plainly in the third Chapter Also that after the conventing examining and arraigning of the man the woman and cursing of the serpent and also of the earth passing sentence of punishment on the persons of the man and woman to weet sorrowes labours in this life in the end thereof bodily death and returning to durst God for a comfo●table remedie of all these evils promised Christ to redeme man kinde from them all and to purchase for them eternall life and glory the history as it in the same third chapter laid downe shewes most clearly and I do verily beleeve that all reasonable men especially all true Christians will most freely confesse and willingly grant That Christ in the day wherein hee was first promised and did actually undertake to redeeme the world brought in a greater perfection vnto the worke of creation or the things created then they had befor given to them on the six dayes in there creation to weer supernaturall grace and heauenly and spirituall gifts of holinesse which exalt man to astate immutable and eternall Now seeing it is a truth most manifest that in the seventh day God the Father promising the blessed seed Christ to destroy the workes and to breake the head and power of the D●vill the Old serpent and the Sonne of God actually vndertaking mans redemption and beginning to mediate for man And God the Holy-Ghost inspiring by the promise and through Christ grace and faith into both the man the woman to beleeue that out of her who was the instrument of death to man should Christ spring who is the life and light of men and so shee should become Chavab that is the living one or mother of all living there was a supernaturall perfection brought into the world And God brought his worke which hee made to a better estate and shewed a further end of things created Surely it should be too much perverstnes in us and too grosse resisting of our owne reason guided by the text it selfe If wee should d●ny or refuse to beleeue that this perfecting of Gods worke is here meant in this place and is the true ground of blessing the seventh day to be the Lords holy Sabbath And thus J hope I haue fully discovered the true sence meaning of the first words shewed how we are to vnderstand this which is here said to weet And on the seventh day God ended or perfected his w●rke J proceed to the next words And on the seventh day God rested from all his worke which he had m●de to which I ●dde the repetition of the same w●rds with some addition in the later end of the third ver namely that he rested from all the worke which he created even from making any more so the words in the Hebrew do runne Now for the word rested it is in the originall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Shabath of which the name of the Sabbath is derived and it doth not signifie a resting of God for to refresh himselfe as being weary nor resting from all working absolutly and simply but ceasing from making any more kindes of creatures for God doth alwaies as a provident Lord and Father work in the continuall generatiō of particular creatures in multiplying preserving ordering and disposing of them as our Saviour shewes Iohn 5.17 Here therefore we are to vnderstand that on the first sixt dayes the Lord shewed his good will and pleasure in making every thing very good and perfect with naturall perfection So in the seventh day hee rested wholy fro making any new kinde of creature by way of former creation And man being fallen and hauing brought confusion into the world and corruption and vanity vpon the creatures Christ is promised and actually vndertakes and begins to enterceede for man and to be his redeemer and Saviour and by this meanes God may bee sayd to rest divers wayes First whereas the rigour of justice required that man should dye and perish in the same day wherein hee sinned and the creatures made for his vse should together with him be distroyd so should God haue bin busied in executiō of justice destroying his former work in making a new world of creatures the eternall word the Sonne of God vndertooke mans Redemtion brings rest to God by that meanes from destroying the former and making a new or second worke of creation which is truely called resting from all the worke which he had made Secondly the naturall estate and b●st being and perfection which man and other creatures had by creation shewing it selfe mutable by mans fall so appearing If God should haue proceeded and gone on in the same manner of working as he had done in the sixt dayes of the creation there should haue been no rest nor end of his work of making remaking But Christ vndertooke the worke of redemption and as an alsufficient Saviour to perfect for ever them that are sanctified by the cōmuniō of his spirit spiritual supernaturall grace to renue them after his heavenly Image of true vncha●gable holines doth this way bring rest to God f●ō the work or busines of creation sets on foot a new more admirable work in which God resteth and on which he taketh much delight and by which his creatures are reconciled and made pleasing and acceptable to him Thirdly Christ who was promised to become the seed of the woman for mans redemption b●ing the eternall wisdome and mighty word of God and able to beare vp the pallace of the earth when it and all the whole tents thereof were disolued and the first foundations thereof were out of course as the Psalmist speakes Psal. 5.3 82 5.8 God doth justly settle his rest on him and commits to him the ruling governing and judging of the world as he is medidiatour and the Sonne of man So our Saviour himselfe affirmes Iohn 5.22.27 Now that on the seventh day God did not barely rest from his worke of creating and making creatures but also that in and by Christ promised on that day hee found rest and rested the sever●ll wayes before named the holy Scriptures and also common reason doe plainly shew First a bare resting from creation and not working is not a matter of such moment benefit that it should be the ground of blessing and sanctifying of one day in seven every week to the solemne memory of it Holy dayes and feasts mentioned in the Scriptures haue alwaies beene appointed by God and set apart for the commemoration of some great extraordinary workes delivering Jsraell out of Egypt giving of the Law and such like Secondly that Gods resting on the seventh day was more then this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
weekly Sabbath is founded which is briefely comprehended in these 3 particulars 1. Gods perfecting of the wo●k cr●ated 2. Gods ●est on the seventh day 3. Gods blessing of it Out of which particulars as I haue laid them open this Doctrine doth arise CHAP. 3. THat the first institutiō of the Sabbath on the seventh day of the first week of the world was grounded vpon Christ and occationed by the promise of him to be mans mediatour and the worlds redeemer And the true proper grounds of the sanctification of the weekly Sabbath vpon which it stands perpetually to the worlds end and to the eternall rest in heaven are Gods perfecting of the created world by bringing in redemption by Christ Gods rest delight and pleasure in Christs mediation and Gods blessing the seventh day with a blessing farre a boue the blessings all of other daies even the giving of Christ a perfect Saviour for mankinde This point is most plaine and manifest by that whih I haue before delivered But yet for the better setling of our Judgments and confirming of our hearts in the knowledge and beleefe of this truth Jt will not be amisse to add further proofes and reasons grounded on the sacred Scriptures First that which is the ground of Gods sanctifying the seventh day aboue all the other six dayes of the weeke must needes be somthing which came to passe one that day which farre excelled the workes created on the six dayes For the holy Scriptures and the common practise of all nations do concure in this that all holy daies whether weekly monthly or yearely are obserued and were first instituted in memory of some notable and extraordinary thing which on those dayes of the weeke moneth and yeare happened came to passe witnesse ●he passover Pentecost the feast Purim and dedication the feast of Christ nativity resurrection ascension our fif●h of November a●d many others But there can be nothing imagined greater then the works of creatiō which were all finished on the six daies but only the promise relation of Christ the redeemer the work of Redemption by him the eternall Sonne of God on that day openly undertaken and begune as I haue before proved First for Gods ceasing from his workes of creation and his bare rest from them it being a doing of nothing not making of good things cannot in any case be esteemed better then the workes of the six dayes wherin God created all things good and perfect with naturall perfection For doing of good is better in the judgment of all reasonable men then doing of nothing Secondly for Gods perfecting of the creation by bringing man and woman the last and chiefest of his creatures into being that wa● on the sixt day and his making of every creature compleat and perfect in his kinde that was done on the severall dayes in which they were severally created they cannot be any ground of sanctifying the seventh day but rather of the six daies of the weeke Wherefore it remaines that Christ promised ● perfect redemptiō on the seventh day of the world begin̄ing actually to mediate for man to cōmunicate his spirit supernaturall grace faith to our first parents is the ground of the institution of the we●kly Sabbath on that day· Secondly a supernaturall effect cannot proceed from a naturall cause a spirituall building cannot be surely setled on a naturall ground and foundation If the effect be supernaturall the cause must be such and if the bu●lding be spirituall the found●tion alsoe must be spirituall on which it is setled Now the sanctification of the Sabbath as it is Gods worke in the first institution it is a seperating of a day from naturall to heavenly spirituall and supernaturall vse and to workes which tend to such an end as cannot be obtained by creation but onely by the mediation of Christ and sanctification of the Sabbath as it is a worke and duty which God requires of a man is wholy exercised about things which concerne Christ which haue relation to him and which none can rightly performe without the communion of the spirit of Christ and the sauing guifts and graces of God in Christ. The Hebrew word Kad●sh signifies onely such workes in all the Scriptures wheresoever it is vsed never any thing is said to be holy or sanct●fying but in for and by Christ wherefore that ground of the Sabbath must needes be something in Christ or indeed Christ himselfe on the seventh day first promised and revealed a perfect and alsufficient Redemer and mediatour to gather all things to God Thirdly that which hath no proper or principall end or vse but such as presupposeth Christ and his mediation and is subordinate to him promised and to the revelation of redemption by him must needes be grounded on Christ and receive the first institution and Originall from the promise of him or him promised This is a certaine truth which with no culour of reason can be denied For God doth nothing in vayne he makes althings for there proper end vse and brings nothing into being before hee hath a proper end vse ready before hand for which it may serve Now the proper principall end vse of the Sabbath for which the Lord is said in the Scriptures to institute give it to his people is such as presupposeth Christ and his actuall mediation and is subordinate to the promise of redemtion by him First God himselfe testifieth both in the Law Exod. 31 13. also in the Prophets Ezech. 20.12 that he gaue his Sabbath to his people for this end and vse Tha● it might be a perpetuall signe betweene him and them to confirme them in this knowledge beleefe That he is their God who doth sanctifie them Secondly another maine vse for which God instituted the Sabbath is that it might be a signe and pledge to his people of the eternall rest or Sabbathisme which remaines for them in heaven and vntill they come to that rest they are bound to keepe a weekly holy Sabbath to put them in hope of that eternall rest soe much may be gathered from the Apostles words Heb. 4.3.9 Thirdly the Sabbath is for that end and use that by keeping it holy by sanctifying our selvs to the Lord and delighting our selvs in him and in his holy worshippe wee might grow up in holinesse without which none can come to see and enjoy God and soe might draw still more neere to God till we be fully fitted to see and enjoy him in glory and to come to his eternall rest in Heaven Now all these principall endes and vses of the Sabbath doe presuppose the promise of Christ and his mediation For first in him alone as he is our mediatour God becomes our God who doth sanct●fie us and without Gods shedding of the holy Ghost on us through Christ we can never be truly sanctified as appeares Rom. 8.9 Tit. 3.6 1 Cor. 1.30 And
inheritance of the Saints in light as the Scriptures testifie 1 Cor. 15.20 Coloss. 1.12 Vpon these premises before proved at large and here againe pressed home to the purpose The conclusion followeth necessarily That it was the purpose intent and will of God to make the first day of the weeke the Lords day and the Christian Sabbath and in the first institution of the Sabbath and by his first law of the Sabbath which in the maine substance of it is perpetuall to binde all his people in the time of his glorious Gospell to observe that day onely for their holy weekly Sabbath vntill they come to that wherof the Sabbath is a liuely pledge even the eternall rest of glory in Heaven Thirdly whatsoever tends most to the perfect fullfilling of any speciall law and commandement of God given to men and is manifestlie made known to man to be most agreeable to Gods will revealed in that law and to the endes and uses which God openly pretendeth therein that man is chiefly bound to do by that law and commandement This is a most certaine and undoubted truth For Gods generall commandement is that we loue him with all our heart and worship and serve him with all our soule and all our strength Deut. 6 5. Mat. 22.37 Now the will of God revealed in this first institution and sanctifying of the sabbath and in the fourth Commandement of the law is often repeated urged by Moses the Prophets is more perfectly fulfilled in the right sanctification of the Lords day vnder the Gospell then it was in the observatiō of the sevēth the sabbath of the old Testament whatsoever necessary duty God in the law of the sabbath requireth of mā from the beginning Or whatsoever end and use he openly pretendeth his law of the keeping of the holy sabbath that is more fully obtained effected and brought to passe by an holy sanctification of the Lords day and by keeping it an holy Sabbath to the Lord now vnder the Gospell Therefore by the law of the sabbath given at the first and by the fourth commandement it is repeated and explaned Christians are bound to to keepe the Lords day which is the first of the weeke for their weekly S●bbath If any man doth make doubt of the assumption in this Syllogisme It is easily proved by a particular enumeration both of the particular substanciall and necessary duties which Gods word requires in the Sabbath and also of the ends and uses for which God requires an holy sabbath to be kept every seventh day The First maine dutie from which the seventh day requirs the name of Sabbath is rest and cessation from all worldly labours pleasures and delight wherein man is to withdraw his mind from worldly cares and secular affaires which concern this fraile earthly life and is to giue rest and refreshing to his owne body and to the bodies of his children servants straungers and toyling cattell as appeares Exod. 20.10 Isa 58.13 And the proper end and use of this rest is First to admonish man that he must not place nor seeke felicity in this world nor since his fall and breaking of the Covenant of workes by his disobedience hope for any happinesse or felicity either here or else where to be purchased by his owne workes of righteousnesse which he either is or was able in the first creation to performe in his owne person Secondly to shew that Gods just wrath appeased by C●rist and the sting of death and the curse and bitternesse of mans sorrowes and toilsome laboures which God imposed on him for his transgression is taken away and God will not haue his people to torment their bodies which continuall toile and painfull labour but to ease and refresh themselves with a weekly rest Thirdly to make men take notice that God hath a provident and fatherly care of his creatures both men and beasts hates all mercilesse cruelty oppression of their very bodies and will haue them so refreshed eased that they may last the longer and goe cheerfully through their weeklie labours Fourthly to shew that in Christ vpon whom the Sabbath is founded there is spirituall rest and ease and refreshing of the soul from the heavie burden of sinne and the miser●es of sinne to be found of all them who being heavy laden do flee to him and in him place their hope and confidence Fif●ly to put in mind of Gods resting in Christs mediation from the worke of creation and that he hath wholy given over all purposes and thoughts of repairing the world and restoring man fallen and corrupted by any worke of creation and hath set his mind on another kind of worke even the work of redemption by Christ and the new creation of heavenly spirituall and supernaturall graces and perfections in men by his holy spirit Sixthly to be a signe and memoriall of Christ his full perfecting of the worke of mans redemption and of his perfect satisfaction made to the justice of God for fraile sinfull men Lastly to be a token and pledge of the eternall rest in heaven and of the Sabbathisme which after the labours and troubles of this life the elect and faithfull people of God shall enjoy for ever in the world to come Now there is no day in all the weeke in which this first maine dutie of the Sabbath can be well be performed for the ends and uses as on the Lords day which is the Christian Sabbath The seventh day never yeelded halfe so much light helps to Gods people in the old Testament for these purposes as the Lords day doth to us vnder the Gospell For the Lords day in which Christ arose from death and entered into his glorie and perfected the worke of Redemption It discovers Christ the maine foundation of all rest even of the Sabbath it selfe more plainly unto us and in it being bewtified and adorned with so manie blessings and prerogatives which Gods word gives to it wee may as in a cleare glasse see and behold Christ with open face we see in his resurrection Gods justice fully satisfied his wrath appeased redemption fully perfected Gods resting in Christ mediation eternall rest purchased by Christ for us and gained to himselfe heaven opened unto us sin death and hell already ouercome and conquered And therfore there is no day by many degrees soe fit as this day of Christs resurrection to make us rest comfortably in our bodies and minds from worldly cares and bodilie l●boures and in our soules and consciences from the burden of sinne and the guilt thereof No daie or time can so plainly shew vnto us that our fellicity is not in this world nor to be obtained and purchased by the righteousnesse of our owne workes This sets before us Christ raised for our justification This shews Gods aboundant mercy and compassion ●o us and that hee hates all cruelties and oppressions And this is a speciall meanes to bring us to the assurance
sanctified the first borne to himselfe Exod. 13. From whence we conclude that Gods blessing of a day aboue other daies with greatest blessings is a good ground for the keeping of it for his holy Sabbath and so also is Gods sāctifying of it by more speciall holines Thirdly it is manifest that all extraordinary and yearlie Sabbaths which God commanded Israell to keepe holy such as the first and seventh dai●s of the feasts of the Passover Pentecost of Tabernacles were al enjoyned to be k●pt observed in memory of greater blessings given on those daies and of Gods sanctifying them by more full revelation of his holines And therefore much more is the observation of the continuall weekly Sabbath grounded upon greater blessings given holines fully revealed on that day of the week which is to be observed for the Sabbath in whatsoever age time or state of the Church men do live they are bound by the first institution of the Sabbath and by the first law which God then gaue for the keeping of it as to obserue an holy weekly sabbath so to obserue on that verie daie of the weeke which God hath at that time and in that age revealed and declared to be the day which he hath blessed and sanctified aboue all others daies of the weeke As for example while Christ was promised a redeemer of the world and was not yet given the day of the promise wherin he was first promised and did undertake and begin to mediate for man was the most blessed day which God had sanctified and blessed with the promise which was the greatest blessing revealed and made knowne in the Old Testament But when an other day of the weeke comes to be blessed with a greater blessing even the giving of Christ and the full exhibition of him a perfect redeemer then is that the day which God hath sanctified aboue all daies then the law the words of the first institutiōs bind mē to keep that for the holy Sabbath And thus you see the generall duties which God requires of all men in generall which are necessary to the being of the Sabbath and with out which there can be no right obseruation of a weekly sabbath holy to the Lord. CHAP. 17. THE second sort of duties now follow to weet those which were proper to the people of God in the old Testament vnto which the Fathers were specially bound befor the cōming of Christ while he was yet only promised not given a perfect Redeemer They also though they consist in many particulars Yet may be reduced to three chiefe heads First to rest and cessation Secondly to sanctification Thirdly to obseruation of the seventh and last day of the weeke for their holy weekly Sabbath First concerning rest from all worldly affaires and cessation from bodily exercises such as delight and refresh the outward man onely and are directed to no other end there are different opinions among the learned Some hold that the fathers vnder the law were bound more strictly to rest from bodily exercises and worldly affaires on their Sabbath then Christians are on the Lords day under the Gospel Jnsomuch that the strict bond of rest vnto which the law tyed them was an heavy yoke and apart of the bondage vnder which they groaned Others are of opinion that their rest being no more but from worldly affaires bodily exercises seruing only for bodily delight worldly profit was the very same vnto which all Gods people were bound in all ages and are still under the Gospel There are reasons brought on both sides but all Scriptures and reasons being well weighed I doubt not but they may bee brought to agree in one truth If only one thing wherin both sides agre and which both mistake be remoued namely a conceipt which both haue of a more strict and religious exaction of rest and cessation then indeede was required in the Sabbath of the Old Testament They who hold the first opinion bring many testimonies of Scripture which seeme to impose such a strict rest cessation on the fathers and the Isralites vnder the law as is by common experience found to be an heavy burden hard to be borne and even intollerable As for example Exod. 9.16.23 Where Moses speakes thus unto Israell This is that which the Lord hath said To Morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath vnto the Lord bake that which yee will bake to day and seeth that yee will seeth and that which remaineth over lay vp for you to be kept untill the morning Hence they conclude that the fathers were restrained frō baking or seething any meate on the Sabbath day Also verse 29. Wher Moses saith Let no mā go forth of his place but every mā abide in his place on the seventh day Hence they inferre That the fathers might not walke abroad on their Sabbath Likewise from the words of the law Exod. 20.10 Jn it thou shalt not do any worke they gather that the Isralites might upon no worldly occasion do any worke on the Sabbath day not so much as make a plaister or medicine for a sick and wounded man And so the learned Doctours of the Iewes vnderstodd the law and observed it as they shewed by their reproving of Christ for healing a diseased person by a word onely and no other labour Also Exod. 31.14.15 35.23 all kinde of worke is forbideen under paine of death Whosoever doth any worke therein shal be put to death saith the Lord. Yea he forbids to kindle a fire through their habitations on the sabbath day Num. 15.35 The man that was found gathering stickes in the wildernesse on the sabbath day was by Gods appointment stoned to death by the Congregation Neh 13 17. Jt was called profaning of the Sabbath when men sould any wares or vitails and when straungers of other nations brought in wares and fish on the Sabbath day to be sold. Also Amos 8.5 They whose mindes were so set on the worldly affaires that they longed till the sabbath was past and had their minde on selling corne and wheate The Lord sweares by the excellency of Iacob that hee will not forgit to reveng their doings From these scriptures divers both of the Auncients and later diuines haue concluded that the law of the Sabbath in respect of rest and cessation which is exacted in the old Testament with such rigour and upon such grievous penalties was an heavy and intollerable burden and therefore is abolished by Christ in respect of that totall cessation and strict rest Others on the contrary doe hold that as Christians haue more clear evidence hope of eternall rest in heaven and the spirit which makes the more spirituall shed on them more abundantly through Christ soe they ought to be more restrained from loue of the world from care of earthly things And therefore by the law of the Sabbath are bound rather more strictly then the fathers in the old Testament
the weeke And in honour of the resurrection of Christ on that day hath from the time of the Apostles agreed to keepe that day for the Lords day not out of any opinion that God hath blessed sanctified it aboue all other daies of the weeke but onely for good orders sake and that it is lawfull for Gods people after publick exercises of religion and some needfull rest and refreshing to use necessarie laboures and bodily recreations which in themselves are not sinfull and unlawfull neither do hinder publick duties of religion and of Gods worship But on the contrarie it is the common doctrine of the most godly and learned in the Church of England ever since the reform●●ion of religion held maintained taught that although Christians are by Christ freed from the observation of the seventh day which was the Sabbath of the old Testament and from that servile bondage and rigorous rest which the law litterally and carnally vnderstood did impose on them or rather they by their carnal exposition wresting of the law did impose on themselves as not kindling of a fire nor liberty to heal the sick nor to do any worke of charitie and necessity on the S●bbath day which could not without danger be deferred Yet they are bound by the law which was first giuen here in my text and after by Moses and the Prophets to keepe in everie weeke an holy rest and that on the first day which is the Lords day because God hath blessed it with a blessing aboue all other daies even by exhibiting Christ a perfect redeemer in his resurrection and hath thereby consecrated that day to be his holie sabbath And that all bodilie laboures sports and recreations and all worldly negociation are by Gods law strictly prohibited now under the Gospell as they were in the daies of the Patriarches and Prophets and under the law Because indeed and in truth they crosse the holie purpose of God which he hath manifested in his law and are impediments of those holy exercises which are required in the sanctification of his holie day This doctrine and practise I hold to be the best and this we are all bound to receiue and imbrace and to cleaue vnto it not onely because it is the Doctrine of our Mother Church commended to us in the book of homilies established by divets lawes statutes and constitutions still in force but also because it is most consonant to the sacred Scriptures the precepts and practise of the Apostles and to the common Doctrine of the purest and most holy Orthoxe of the auncient fathers in the Primitiue times and ages next succeeding after the Apostles as by Gods assistance as J shall make cleare and manifest In the justifying proving of this Doctrine and in laying open the speciall duties of Christians which concerne rest and cessation from all worldly negociation and bodilie laboures on the Lords daie which is the Christian Sabbath I will shew First of all That rest and c●ssation from all bodilie laboures about the worldlie businesse and from all servile and and earthlie workes which concerne this fraile life is a necessarie dutie which God requires by his law of all Christians on the Lords daie which is their Holie weeklie Sabbath vnder the Gospell 2. That Gods law rightlie understood doth in respect of rest from worldly cares and all bodily workes and pleasures as strictly binde us vnder the Gospell on the Lords day as it bound the fathers upon their seventh day in the old Testament 3. I will shew how far Gods word law doth allow of bodily exercises which concerne this life and how farre in such exercises we may goe with good warrant upon the Lords holy Sabbath and what exercises are condemned in the word of God CHAP. 19. FOR the full proofe of the first point there are many strong and invincible arguments grounded vpon the word and law of God upon the generall consent of Orthodox divines both auncient and moderne even upon the confession of them who in this point much differ and seeme to deny that the Lords day either is or ought to be called a Sab. The first Argument is drawn from the words of the law which forbids all workes to be done on the Sabbath day either by man himselfe or his children servants or cattell as Exod. 20 10. Deut. 5.14 where it is said In it thou sh●lt not do any worke thou nor thy son nor thy servant nor thy cattell Exod. 35.2 Leuit. 23.7 Yee shall do no servile work● therein whosoeve● doth any work therin shall be put to death The reasons why the Lord requires rest from all servile worke on the Sabbath day are two First because he who is the Lord our God and our Redeemer hath on that day rested from his worke and him we ought to imitate if we will enter into his rest Secondly because he hath blessed the day which is his Sabbath aboue all daies of the weeke and wheresoever the causes and reasons stand firme there the law is still in force Now this law of the Sabbath doth reach to the Lords day As J haue proved before the reasō vpon which it requirs rest frō se●vile works are much more to be found in the Lords day which is the Christian Sab then in the Old Sabbath of the seventh day For in it Christ who is God ouer all blessed for ever and who is our Redeemer from a greater then Egyptian bondage even the slauery of sinne death and hell and the Divell hath rested from the great worke of redemption as God the Creatour did one the seventh day from the worke of creation And this day is now by Christs resurrection in which Christ perfected mans redemption blessed with a blessing farre more excellent then any wherewith God blessed the seventh day Therfore this is the Sabbath now under the Gospell in it God requirs of us by his law a rest total cessatiō frō al servile works Secondly whatsoever day is the Lords holy day a day of holy convocations assemblies that is a Sab of rest frō al servile works worldly busines this is manifest Exod. 12.16 31.15 35.2 Leuit. 32.3 7 which places do plainly shew that every day which is holy to the Lord and a day of holy assemblies is a Sab of rest no worke may be done therin And so likewise in all the law the Prophets every day which is a day of holy convocation an holy day is called a Sab day of rest from our own works pleasures every Sab is called the Lords holy day for these two are termini convertibiles termes which may be naturally affi●med one of another as apeares Neh. 9 14 Isa 58 13 Now the Lords day in the time of the Gospell is the chiefe of all holy dayes among Christians It was sanctified observed by the Apostles for their day of holy assemblies from the first publishing
from home about worldly affaires on the sabbath Exod. 16.29 bringing in and carrying out loads and burdens Ier. 17.27 exercising themeselves in the workes of their ordinary calling trade as buying selling keeping market and faires on that day So also the Homily condemnes them as transgressours profaners of the Lords sabbath who on the sunday which is the Lords day and Christian sabbath do not spare to ride and journey bring and carry row and ferry buy and sell keepe markets and faires and so use the Lords holy dayes and worke dayes both a like Thirdly as the law and the Prophets commanded Gods people in the old testament to rest in holynesse Exod. 31.14 35.2 and not pollute the sabbath by doing their owne pleasure but to honour the Lord not doing their own wayes nor finding their own pleasure nor speaking their owne words Isa. 58.13 So also the Homily requires of all Gods people the same Holy rest on the Lords day in that it condemnes them who follow vain and carnall sportes and fleshly pleasures and all such exercises as cause brawling and railing and tending to wantonnesse as a worse sort of people then they that breake the sabbath by working and doing all their businesse in it For these are the words of the Homily The other sort is yet worse for though they will not travell and labour on the sunday as on the weeke day Yet they will not rest in holinesse as God commandeth but they rest in vngodlinesse and filthynesse praunsing in their pride pranking and pricking pointing and painting themselues to be Gorgeous and Gay they rest in excesse and superfluity in Gluttony and drunkennesse like Rats and swine they rest in brawling and rayling in quarrelling and fighting They rest in wantonnesse ●oyish ●alking and filthy fleshlynesse So that it doth evidently appeare that God is more dishonoured and the Divell better served upon Sunday then all other dayes of the week besides And I assure you the beasts which are commanded to rest one the sunday honour God better then this kinde of people Now by these expresse words of the Homily we se most clearly that both this and the former position are not any new Doctrines or factious opinions of my owne devising as some malicious catchers false traducers haue slaunderously reported both of them mee But the true Orthodox Doctrine of the Scriptures in the law the Prophets new Testament the divine doctrin pubklickly receiued in the Church of England by law established For the further confirmation whereof J could say much besides the strong Arguments which I haue brought to proue the former position which doe ouer and aboue most strongly proue this also For 1. Jf the Lords day be a more blessed day then the seventh daie was in the old Testament 2. Jf it bee a more holie day a daie of more holy convocations assemblies 3. Jf we haue as much as manifold use of rest cessation as they had more 4. Jf we be bound by Gods law by the Gospel to be more spirituall more sequestred from the world because we haue more abundant gifts of the spirit more cleare sight knowledg of heavenly eternall rest more hope of eternall life glory Then it must needs follow that we by Gods law are as strictly bound to rest cease from all worldlie cares bodily workes sports and pleasures as the Fathers were in the old testament But because slaunderous traducers shal haue nothing here to object against me in this point except they can desperately harden their hear●s and faces to accuse blaspheme wound thr●ugh my sides the holie Scriptures and the publick doctrine of the Church of England by the law established and royall authoritie maintained I will content my selfe desire you my hearers to be satisfied with this which I haue said you haue heard alreadie And so I passe to the third point befor propounded concerning the dutie of rest even the manner measur● of it in what cases Gods law permits bodily exercises on the L day CHAP. 21. HOwsoeu●r all worldlie workes and labours are forbidden and rest From them all is commanded in the law yet the equitie of the law permits some labours and exercises and in some cases allowes such bodilie workes as are ordinarilie vnlawfull to be done on the Lordes holie Sabbath daie First of all it is lawfull for Ministers and preachers of Gods word to doe some painfull and laborious workes upon the Lords daie even all such as are necessarie for the better sanctification of the daie and for the edification of the people and flock in publick Though they are not allowed to neglect their studies on the six daies but are bound to read study meditate for help of their memories to write downe the heads points and proofes of their Doctrine before the day of assembly Yet because few or none are so perfect as to preach publick with good order Method and readinesse of speach and memorie that which they haue studied without searching and reading ouer the testimonies of Scripture which they haue collected and studied noting down writing some which come new fresh to their mind serious meditating upon that which they are to speak for better imprinting of it in their mem●ries Therefore their is a necessity laid on them to labour in this kinde on the Lords Sabbath A●d though it be a great labour of the body to stand up preach in the congregation with intention of the voyce earnestnes of affection doth more spend the spirits strength of the body makes drops of sweat run downe the face more abundantly then the tilling of the ground Yet the matter in which they deale is holy all their worke is religious their labour tends to an holy supernatural end is necessary for a ful sanctification of the day therf●re it is not only allowed but also required commandement by the law of God If any doth make a doubt or question of this truth we haue very strong proofe thereof in the holy Scriptures Th● first Argument is drawne from the hard bodily labours artificiall practises of the Preists which they vver● by the law bound to performe in their double sacrifices offerings on the Sab day in the old Testament they were bound to flealambs to dresse wash the flesh the intrals to offer them up in sacrifices on the Altar thy were bound to lay them upon wood on the Altar to kindle the fire burne the fat some part of the flesh also they were to take a tenth deale of flower to mingle it with oyle to make the drinke offering thereof also to offer all to God as we read Num. 28.9 Now if God by his law allowed commanded such bodily works on the Sab day because they were needfull for sacrifices Circumcision which were but a ceremoniall