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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04388 One of the foure sermons preached before the Kings Maiestie, at Hampton Court in September last This concerning the antiquitie and superioritie of bishops. Sept. 21. 1606. By the Reuerend Father in God William Lord Bishop of Rochester. Barlow, William, d. 1613. 1606 (1606) STC 1451; ESTC S100875 24,815 48

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factions in your kingdome as Socrates did his wife Zantippe to try your owne patience and the Churches constancie But to answere the point if this superioritie came by a custome in the Apostles times and they wee must thinke did nothing derogatorie to their Masters precept why then should Hierom say it came not by the truth of the Lords ordinance Clemens Alexandrinus by a pretty distinction vpon that place 1. Cor. ● yee are Gods husbandry giueth mee a good hint for a fit resolution The Apostles saith hee manured the Church with a double tillage there was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the first that of the Euan. Iohn 20. Haec scripta sunt direct written precepts which our Lord had left them the other which Saint Paul 1. Cor. 11. calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 things vnwritē which they either did or spake as the times occasioned and the holy Ghost directed If any thinke that this maketh way to Popish traditions vnwritten verities It is no other then Saint Pauls owne distinction of Praeceptum and Concilium out of his owne practise 1. Cor. 7. 6. that hee spake some thinges by permission some things by precept This speake I saith hee againe Verse 1● not the Lord did Paul vtter any thing contrary or not agreeing to the Lorde his Maisters doctrine No but perswading himselfe Verse fourtie that hee also had the spirit of God though I haue saith hee Verse 25. no commandement from the Lorde yet I give this aduise So meaneth S. Hierom that this Matority of Bishops is that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that vnwritten husbandry whereof Clemens speaketh vz that there is no written precept or expresse rule from Christ but yet that it is an Apostolicall tradition and grew to be a custome euen then in all Churches for so Irenaeus long before him calleth it Traditionē Apostolicā toti mundo manifestā Neither doth this obiection out of Hierō make more against the Priority of Bishops then against the obseruing of the Lordes day wherof that speech of Saint Hierom may be as well yea more truely verified that it is rather ex consuetudine Ecclesiae quam Doninicae dispositionis veritate That the seuenth day shou●de bee kept holy there is expresse scripture both afore the lawe vpon the Creation and in the lawe at the fourth commandement but where is there any place either in the Gospels that our Sauiour comanded or in the Acts and Epistles that the Apostles ordained the alteration of Sabatumin Dominicā the first day to be sanctified for the seuenth In the first of the Reuelation it is once named and called Dies Dominicus which by all testimony was not the seuenth day and so in the ould testamēt there is a day which David so intitl● t● hic est dies This is the Lords day he hath made it we will reioice and be glad in it and that by all assurance was not the Sabboth The truth therefore is that the Church finding the obseruation but not the first ordinance thereof continued it to be kept and accounted it as an Apostolicall institution And the very same is the true sense of S. Hieroms speech in this point of praelacy sauing that the placing of Bishops is more apparant in the epistles to Timothie and Titus Otherwise hee shoulde much haue forget himselfe for in his epis●le to Marcella confuting or rather contemning the errors of Montanus this he puts for one With thē saith he the Bishops are thrust into the third place but with vs in the Christian orthodoxall Churches Apostolorum locum tenent Episcopi The Bishops haue the Aposils room that is the first place Yea els-where he acknowledgeth it to bee Dominica dispositio The Lordes own ordinance though indirectly obliquely that out of the old testamēt 1. alle●orically out of Ps. 45. wherin the Church of Christ is rep●elēted in the person of Salomōs Queen vpō those words ver 16. Prepatribus ●ati 〈◊〉 tibi 〈◊〉 Let it not gree●e thee saith S. Austen that the 〈…〉 not Peter Paul by whom thou wast bego●●ē for o● thine own brood a fatherhood is grown vnto thee Insteed of fathers childrē are borne vnto thee Quos 〈…〉 principes s●per omnē●errā that is saith S. Hierō The Gospe● being spred through all quarters of the world in them Bishops are placed rulers of the Church Secondly by cōparis●n wherein he plain●ly 〈…〉 what he meant by those wordes the Custome of the Church namely an Apostolike ordinance Vt Sc●amus saith he Apostolicas traditiones sumptas de vete●i testamento c. That we may know how the Apostles grounded their traditions or ordinance vpon the old Testament and from thence fetcht their Modele this is one particular That which Aaron his sonnes and Leuites were in the Temple the very same let Bishops Presbyters and Deacōs challenge in the Church to thē sclues T●is were sufficiēt if we should rest here but neither S. Hierom not they must so passe as if it were not directly the Lords owne institution For Spiritus sanctus not onely by the Apostles who had receiued him in great measure but euen by Christ himselfe who Ioh. 3 was indued with the spirit without measure ordained this Superioritie if we will credite S. Hierom his ancients by many yeeres S Cypri Let the Deacons remember that Apostolos id est Episc●pos Do●inu ipse eleger●t The Lord himselfe choose Apostles that is Bishops but the Apostle after our Sauior his ascention choose Deacons to serue them at the Altar c. For that the Apostles were Bishops besides the rest of the Fathers Hierom himselfe by allusion confesseth Non om●es Episcopi Episcop●s●●t All that are in the place and carry the name of Bish●ps are not Bishops Atte●de ●etrum sed 〈◊〉 consider Looke vpon Peter but withall behold Iudas For they whom we now call Bishops were then called Apostles saith Theod. Yea though they all were silent in that point the Holy g●ost will confirme it who speaking of Matthi●s choise into Iudas his roome in expresse termes calleth Apostolatum Episcopatum Actes 1. 20. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 out of the Psa. 109. Let another take his Bishopship Saint Hilary with many of the Fathers ●f●irme that our Saui●r in direct words appointed this superioritie Episcopall ouer their brethren in that place and part of his last Sermon Mat. 24. 45. Who is a faithfull and wise seruant quem Dominus constituet super familiam whō the Lorde shall make ruler ●uer his houshold But that which is in the Apocalyps is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 admits no contradiction where our Lord himselfe willeth S. Iohn to write vnto the 7. Angels of the 7. Churches Wherin 3. things are very worthy obseruatiō First he calleth them Angels there is their eminence both for dignitie and integirtie Secondly they had the tryall both for proofe and reproofe of their Clergie