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A00980 The way to blessednes a treatise or commentary, on the first Psalme. By Phinees Fletcher, B. in D. and minister of Gods Word at Hilgay, in Norfolke. Fletcher, Phineas, 1582-1650. 1632 (1632) STC 11085; ESTC S102384 208,041 304

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utter darkenesse there shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeths Where wilt thou seeke for helpe from the world It is all on fire and all thy workes wherein thou delightedst In thine owne heart there thy conscience hath alreadie kindled the fire of hell In the Saints those thou derided'st on earth In the good Angels they defie thee as the enemie of God and vassall of Satan In the evill Angels whom thou served'st they wrought thy damnation and are thy tormenters In that mercifull Saviour the date of mercie is out and this is the day of judgement vengeance and recompence 1. Thy consorts are witnesses against thee Thy conscience confesseth guiltie 2. The heavens shut thee out which thou in thy life neglectedst Hell stands open for thee the Angels detest thee the Saints even thine owne Father Mother and children abhorre thee the frownes of that angry Iudge strike through thy soule with infinite horrour and which is most fearefull the gracious Saviour of all the world laughes at thy destruction thou shalt heare him who hath so long besought thee in vaine to bee reconciled to him openly sentence thee Depart from mee thou cursed into everlasting fire prep●red for the Devill and his Angels After that sentence what canst thou say for thy selfe what excuse can all the world yeeld thee wilt thou say Lord Lord haue not● I professed thy name was I not baptized have I not in thy name prophecied but thou shalt heare I know thee not depart from mee tho● worker of iniquitie thou carelesse servant neglecting dutie thou curser thou swearer thou Sabboth-breaker what wilt thou plead for further audience why then didst not thou giue audience Alas thou canst not plead that worst of a fooles excuses to say I had not thought for he will tell thee to thy face I fore-told thee of this day I warned thee againe and againe I hid nothing from thee of all that thou seest and feelest but testified it to thy face I will not hold thee guiltlesse Thou wilt not bee able to say so much as Lord have mercie upon mee for if thou shouldest thou shouldst soone heare a bitter answer● with what face dost thou now call for mercie Thou hadst no mercie on thy selfe I offered thee grace I importuned thee to receiue it I even thrust mercie upon thee but thou waitedst upon lying vanities and forsook●dst thine owne mercie Ion. 2. 8. Thou hadst no mercie on my members abused'st reviled'st spoked'st of them the worst of evill and discouragdst them all thou couldst Thou shewedst me no mercie thou piercedst crucifiedst mee thou trampledst my bloud under thy feete Oh how shall we then cry for sorrow of heart and houle for vexation of minde Esay 65. 14. Let the day perish wherein I was borne why died I not in the birth why did I not giue up the ghost when I came out of the belly Cursed bee the day that ever I was borne O that my mother had beene my grave Oh that I might once liue againe oh that at length I might die oh death oh anguish oh hell oh infinite torment without measure without end Oh that now there were an heart in us to consider our latter end Wee knowing the terrours of the Lord desire to perswade you and wee are made manifest to God oh that wee were also made manifest to your consciences that you might be worthy to escape all these things Luk. 21. 36. that you might lift up your heads with joy at that day that wee that sow and you that grow we that reape and you that are reaped might rejoyce together Let us therefore be exhorted to fasten first in our memorie then in our heart this great and terrible day of the Lord. Let us set open our eares to those heavenly summons and know that it is not in vaine that our Iudge who desires to bee our Saviour so often warnes us to take heed Binde it as a signe upon thine hand and set it as a frontlet betweene thine eyes make thy soule to bee affected with it that thou mayest feare and depart from evill and turne this terrible day to thy comfort and everlasting happinesse Consider for motiues first the great consequence depending on it It is not a light matter that little concernes thee but thy life or death thy unspeakable happinesse or miserie and that not for a day but for ever which then is in action Now in great affaires we never content our selues with any measure of diligence how shamefull and full of unbeliefe then is this negligence Secondly It is impossible to keepe our feete in the right way from errour if we haue not this often in remembrance for as there are infinite wayes mis-leading us so there is no meanes better to direct us in the right way then by remembring our end But how should we fasten this day in our hearts First by faith perswading our hearts that this is truth and to that end observing not onely the frequent testimonies of the Lord in the word but also the assent even of our reason and the confession of our conscience scoring up our faults against that day Even the heathen themselues upon firme and undeniable grounds haue built this conclusion now indeed when we beleeue it and haue brought our hearts to yeeld unto it we shall not easily forget it Secondly Labour by prayer for sense and feeling of the Spirit that God would take out this securitie and awake thy sluggish heart to wait upon him and expect his comming Proposition 2. The sinners shall not stand in the congregation of the just For explication of the words who are to bee accounted sinners was before delivered pag 45. namely such as liue in any open and notorious breach of Gods commaundement Secondly The Congregation signifieth here a certaine Assembly or societie of men gathered together and so intends nothing else but the Church Now the Church is diversly taken sometime for the Catholike Church that is the whole bodie of Christ comprising in it all the faithfull from the first to the last member of his mysticall bodie living in the world Thus you will finde the word taken Ephe. 1. 22. 23. sometime for some member of that bodie distinguished according to divers respects incident to it thus the Church is divided into the triumphant which raignes with Christ in heaven or militant which fights under his banner against sinne the world and Satan here on earth The militant Church hath many subdivisions and is either visible in severall Congregations professing openly the name of Christ or invisible which are the faithfull in those Congregations confessing also in heart the Lord Iesus and his truth who although as men are visible and may bee discerned by any bodily eye yet as the faithfull and truely sanctified cannot ordinarily or generally be distinguished from many hypocrites living with them in the same assemblies So likewise the visible Church hath many branches some greater as
we may more then probably gather from one to another but especially to the Patriarchs by inspiration and gift of Prophecie But in processe of time when he had called out a Nation sanctified them to himselfe to be his Church and people he contracted this spirituall light into the body of the Scripture and appointed not onely the people in his Chu●ch but even the Starres the Ministers to take from it what they brought to us and to shine with no other beames to the people then which they drew from the word Hence the Prophet recals the people to this fountaine of light to the law to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light● in them Hence so often called Light and the Apostle as before witnesseth that the Minister is made wise to salvation and perfect to every good worke by it As therefore the Creatour framed one great originall light to rule the day so that by the beames of it the creature might haue power to discerne all things necessarie to be seene so to this end he calleth the Scripture light because he hath given it a lightsome qualitie whereby it discovers unto us whatsoever is necessary to eternall life and it might direct and instruct us in every good way and worke for surely words are to the eare the same that light is to the eye the eye by light discerneth things visible and distinguisheth every creature which it seeth so the word of man opens his intention to us which else lieth hidden in his heart and is altogether imperceptible Thus the word of God doth manifest unto us the will and purpose of God and cleerely reveales to all and every one what is necessary for them to know as being all plaine to them that will understand Now then seeing God cannot dissemble and it were blasphemie to affirme that he who hath given us Christ would giue us an obscure light which should make us doubtfull in seeing and should utter words to discover his minde which wee cannot understand this he doth in judgment to the reprobate but he deales not so with his children see Mar. 4. 11. 12. How lewdly doth he thinke of God who should affirme that he giues to his children a word cals it light commaunds them so to use it and continually to converse with it which yet is darke and imperfect and may easily deceiue them 2. The word whether that which God hath written downe for our eyes by the hands of his Secretaries or that which he speaketh to our ●ares by the mouth of his Messengers is the very law doctrine and word of that great Iehova the Lord of all and therefore so to be received with more reverence and subjection then any word or law of any creature The first of these is evidently affirmed here namely that this doctrine is the law of the Lord the second necessarily deducted that therfore it must bee received with all submission and obedience which becomes us servants to so great a Lord. Neither can this doctrine be confined to the Scriptures onely seing God doth not onely by writing but by preaching teach us the way to happinesse and lead us in it Hence is it that as the Scriptures are sayd to be inspired of God and by the moving of the holy Ghost so our Saviour without any ambiguitie plainely testifies that he speakes and is heard in his Ministers Flesh and bloud stands out against this truth and by no meanes will yeeld to it that the Ministers who now liue speake the very word of God and that the word which they heare is indeed not mans but Gods The Prophets say they and Apostles were extraordinary men and furnished with peculiar gifts for such a calling and with an unerring spirit therfore their word was infallibly God● message and so to be received but not so the Ministers of our times who haue not the same gifts but may erre and be deceived True it is that the Prophets and Apostles were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so infallibly assisted by the Spirit that they could not erre in their preaching and therefore their word without skanning might be safely received by those who knew them to be such But because even the faithfull themselues did not at the first thus know them therefore they examined their preaching by the touch-stone of the Scripture Paul was a singular Apostle in doctrine and miracles c. yet did not the faithfull take his word at adventure but tryed it by the Scripture and then gaue credit to it Acts 17. 11. Nay certainly had even these men though knowne Apostles preached other doctrine then was revealed in the written word it might not be received And therefore though the Ministers of these times are nothing comparable to them in gifts yet being Messengers of the same God sent by him when they speake the same doctrine which was before by them published and after left in writing they speake no lesse the word of God then they unlesse we thinke the qualitie of man can alter the truth of God When Satan spoke Thou art the holy one of God was it not the truth When Balaam a false Prophet over-ruled by God prophecied was not the prophecietrue because the tongue was false and might nay often did speake lies How much more is that word to be received as the truth of God which being spoken by his Messengers is no other then himselfe hath written In the time of the Law as there were some extraordinary Ministers as Prophets so were there ordinary Teachers the Levites who expounded the Law instructed the people and dare any man deny their preaching to be the word of God So was it likewise in the times of the Apostles They ordained Ministers in every congregation and was not their word the embassage of God Epaphras no Apostle and as farre as wee can gather no inspired Preacher yet planted the Church of the Colossians and the word preached by him was the word of Christ the Gospell the word of truth To conclude this point Hence the word delivered by Timothy an inferiour Minister was equally the word of God as if it had beene uttered by the Apostle see 1 Thes. 2. 13. Nay it must be remembred that those words of our Saviour he that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me were not spoken to the Apostles but to the seventie Disciples and then when as yet the holy Ghost was not given nay when as yet the Apostles themselues were altogether unacquainted with the chiefe mysteries of salvation even the death and resurrection of Christ. But if any man reply that he cannot giue so assured assent unto the word now preached as to that of the Apostles let him know the fault is in himselfe not in the word and Ordinance of God for he ought to be so stedfastly grounded in the truth that if Angels from heaven
of a whole Province so we distinguish the Greeke and Latine East and West Churches some lesser as the Church confined to any one Citie the Churth of Rome the Church of Corinth and some private shut up in one familie see Rom. 16. 5. Philem. 2. There is also a distinction of a true Church which continues in all fundamentall truth delivered by Christ and his Apostles or false which declines to some hereticall doctrines and departs from the foundation either from that rule of faith or manners Thus as the Marcionits Arrians Macedonians c. erring in matter of faith concerning the Godhead or manhood of Christ or concerning the blessed Spirit So the Nicolaitans maintaining filthy and promiscuous lusts were false Churches howsoever they were sound in divers other points of Christian doctrine Now the Congregation here mentioned cannot be stretched to any other but either the invisible or tryumphant Church 3. Lastly the just are those Saints of God which being justified by the blood of Christ are also sanctified by his Spirit So the sense is Howsoever here on earth wicked Atheists heretickes and hypocrites may come in sheepes cloathing and not onely creepe into the flocke but also rule and tyrannise in the visible Church yet as they are no members of the true invisible Church so when that great Shepheard shall separate the goats from the sheepe these wolues in sheepes cloathing shall bee uncased and cast out into their owne place with dogges Proofe Mat 25. ver 31. to the end Revel 21. last ver and 22. 14. 15. The grounds are 1. In the nature of sinners Truth and lies vertue and vice cannot stand together As therefore in the creation there was a separation of light from darknesse so in this perfect renovation 2. From the nature of the Iudge who is of pure eyes and cannot endure sinne but is a consuming fire to such 3. From the time It is the season when Christ shall wipe off all spots and wrinkles from his Church but these are spots and blots in the Assemblies 2 Pet. 2 13. Ephe. 5. 27. Here therefore is manifestly taught us that no sinner that is no man liuing in wilfull sinne and maintaining it in his practise is or can be a true member of Christ or his Church but indeed a very spot and blot in it Tru● is it that as a field is called a corne field wher there is much and perhaps more weed then good graine and a heape of corne where there is more chaffe not from the greater but better part so a Congregation where many Atheists and hipocrites are mi●gled with the faithfull is called a true church though indeed those are but as ill humours in the bodie rather griefs then any parts of it They were not of us they were not all of us see Math 7. 23. Hence called as before spots and blots The reasons also confirming this truth are apparent For first every member is and cannot but be of the same nature with the head monsters are they which haue the head ●f one kinde the bodie or any member of an other the head of a man the foote of an oxe But the nature of Christ is the divine nature pure and holy fre● from sinne therfore also his members haue by in fluence from him been changed into the same diuine nature in that they fly the corruption which is in the world through lust 2. Pet. 1. 4. see also Heb. 7. 26. Secondly he cannot be a member of Christ who by the ordinances of God powerfully working on him by the Spirit is not renewed and changed He that beleeueth and is baptised is saued but he that beleeveth not is damned We are buried in him by baptisme the Gospell preached begets us in Christ But the Gospell and baptism where they are made effectuall by the worke of the Spirit clense and wash from sinne and bring to us that sanctification whereby we are purged Iohn .15 3. Eph. 5. 26. Thirdly sinne doth not onely separate from God● Esa. 59. 2. but when it is in dominion divides us utterly from the government of Christ makes his sweet and ●asie yoke gri●vous and loaths●me If we are members of Christ he is our head and King but where sinne hath dominion Christ his sceptre hath no place 2. Howsoever wolves in sheeps clothing may creepe into the flock of Christ of which Christ hath given us warning Mat. 7. 15. and the Apostle Act. 20.29 30. yet they shall certainly be uncased not onely in the finall iudgement where their hipocrisie shall be stript nak●d before all the world and their filthines bared to every eye but here also so farre that the Elect of God shall cle●rely disc●rne and avoyd them as Math. 7. 16. God will lay open their falshood and discover their dissembling see Ierem. 29. 20. 21. 22. 23. Neither is any thing in scripture more evident then this dealing of the Lord who whensoever such Foxes haue entred among his people hath stirred up some eminent person and filled them with singular gifts to resist them least the faithfull might be deceived and drawn away by their hypocrisie Thus God opposeth Moses and Aaron against Iames and Iambres Elias and Elizeus against the Pri●sts of Baal I●remiah against Hananiah Ahab and Zedekiah Christ and his Apostles against the Scribes Pharises and Iewish false teache●s Thus afterwards as haeretikes began to spring in ●he church h● raised up many faithfull pastors to cut downe their lies and display their hypocrisie which is evident in the storie of the Church and eminent this way was that holy Augustine who was called and indeed was the mall of heretickes The reasons also are cleere and plaine First and esp●cially the loue of God to his Church who as he hath sent his sonne to bring them out of the power of darkenesse and the shadow of death so also hath given his Spirit to guide and lead them into all truth and his word as a touch-stone to try these spirits whether they are of God Secondly The vigilancie and care of those whom God hath set as watchmen who being not hirelings but faithfull Pastors doe not flie when they see the wolfe but giue warning to the sheepe Thirdly There is a spirit of discerning Philip. 1. 10. which God poures out to the faithfull in divers measures according to their place which they hold in the body of Christ to some more to some lesse to all some so that even babes to whom S. Iohn writes may try the spirits whether they are of God 1 Ioh. 4. 1. For even these comparing the doctrine of these hypocrites either with the Scripture or the rule of faith written by God in their hearts and finding the disagreement can refuse and abhorre it see 1 Ioh. 2. 19. 20. 21. Here is offered a very fit occasion to lay open the hypocrisie of that false Church and her apostacie which challengeth to be not onely the true but