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B08102 A godlie treatise of the Church. Written by Robert Some.. Some, Robert, 1542-1609. 1582-1583? (1583) STC 22910; ESTC S95257 42,376 122

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out of that way which almightie God hath prescribed to vs in his holy worde If the Church cannot erre what needed godly and learned Bishops ministers to looke to the Lordes fielde vine and flocke The familie of Sem was gods church Gen. 11. but idolatrie entred into that familie I confesse Gen. 9. that a singuler blessing was giuen to Sem but his posteritie coulde not be keept within their compasse If the Churche was any where in Esaies time it was amongest the Iewes But the Prophet saith that the Priest and the Prophet were not only corrupt in their manners Esay 28. vers 7. Eze. 8. but that they fayled in vision and stumbled in iudgement The flourishing Churches of Asia Grecia Affrica which had the precious treasure of Gods woorde plentifully amongst them are nowe stripped of Christian religion The Church erred before and vnder the lawe and in the time of grace beefore the lawe Gen. 3. Exod. 32. for Adam and Eue erred in Paradise Vnder the lawe for Aaron and the Israelites erred fouly in making a golden calfe In the time of grace for the Churches of Corinth Galatia Acts. 21. ver 20. and the Primitiue Church in Iudea erred about the obseruation of Moses law and otherwise The Churche in Augustines and Cyprians time did giue the holy Supper to infants Chap. 6. ver 3 grounding vpon the place of Saint Iohn but it was a grosse error Let no man deceiue you by anye meanes 2. Thes 2. for that day shall not come except there come a departing first This Apostasie or departing which Paule speaketh of is not in one or two Churches but euen in the body of the whole visible Church The holy ghoste did so prophesie Iesus Christ is the head of the church as of one body This head is vnto the Churche as reason vnto man so farre foorth as the desire of man obeyeth reason and the body of the Church the head of the Church it is wel with man with the Church The Church is as a Moone whiche hath no light but from Christe the sonne thereof When shee looketh towards him shee is bright and cleare the more shee turneth away from him the lesse brightnesse she hath Obiection The Churche is the piller of trueth 1. Tim. 3.15 therefore it cannot erre Answere The argument followeth not and S. Paules meaning is that Gods truth is preserued in the Churche by the ministerie of the worde the reason of this my answere is set downe in these wordes he gaue some to be Apostles some prophets some Euangelistes some Pastors and Doctors for the gathering together of the saints for the work of the ministerie for the edification of the body of Christ that we hencefoorth bee no more children wauering and carried aboute with euery winde of Doctrine Ephe. 4. ver 11.12.14 Obiection The spirit of truth will lead you into all truth therfore the church cannot erre Iohn 16.13 Answere If followeth not It is certaine that Christes Disciples which heard his heauenly Sermons were persuaded very hardly that the Messias shoulde die and they dreamed of a stately kingdome in the worlde both before his death as the sonnes of Zebedeus and after Christes resurrection as all the Apostles Mat. 20. Acts. 1. Our Sauiour Christ least they shoulde bee discouraged because they were not then able to beare digest his speeches comforts them in this sort the spirite of truth will leade you into all truth as if hee shoulde say your capacitie is weake and my speeches will not enter into you but be of good cheere it shall not bee so with you alwaies the spirit of truth shall open your vnderstanding lead you into all truth When we reade or heare that the spirit will leade vs into all truth wee muste not thinke that either the spirit doth lead vs without the word Esay 59. 1. Thes 5. as the Anabaptists teach for the spirite the worde cannot bee seuered or that the Church not bringing the worde for her warrant is in matters of faith Cypr. de lapsu to bee beleeued for hee is not ioyned to the Church which is seuered from the Gospel 23 The Church is not perfect in this worlde THe Gospel is a siue or fanne Matth. 3. which separateth the chaffe from the corne If chaffe were not mingled with the corne this fanne that is the preaching of the Gospell were needles The knowledge of the Church is but in part 1. Cor. 13. Matth. 6. and the whole Churche desires pardon of their sinnes The Church shall not be perfit before the last day but then it shall bee Apoc. cap. 21. ver 10.11.12 Which thing that S. Iohn might set before our eyes hee remembreth that the estate of the heauenly Ierusalem shal be most glorious after the ende of the worlde If wee consider the visible Church in her owne bodie it is farre from perfection For it is compared to a fielde Math. chap. 13 wherein is Wheate and Tares and to a drawe net wherein are good and bad fishes That Church which bragges of perfection in this worlde is a Pharisaicall Church Aug. epi. 48. Such Churches were and are the Churches of the Donatistes Nouatians and Anabaptistes Obiection Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not 1. Iohn 3. ver 6.9 Answeare By not sinning S. Iohn meaneth that the regenerate serue not sinne and that sinne raigneth not in them because they withdrawe them selues by Gods assistaunce from sinne and withall their heartes do giue them selues to holines of life It is very true that the faithfull doe sinne that is to say can not liue so holily but that they offende the Maiestie of god so did Aaron Noe Daniel Iob Barnabas Peter and the virgin Marie otherwise shee had not needed a Sauiour The iust mā falleth seuen times Prou. 24. 1. Iohn cha 1 If we say we haue no sinne wee deceiue ourselues c. Obiection Christ loued the Church gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it Ephes 5.25.26 27. clense it by the washing of water through the word that he might make it vnto him self a glorious Church not hauing spotte or wrinkle or any such thinge Answeare This Argument was vsed of the Pelagians in Augustines time Epist 50. 57. Idem lib. 1. retract cap. 19 li. 2. cap. 18 but August saith that the freedom of the Church frō all staines is not in this worlde but in the world to come Besids it is one thing to consider the church in it self another thing to consider it in Christ The Church in it self whether we respect eche mēber of it seuerally or all the members of it ioyntly haue many spottes and wrinkles otherwise it were not true that they are saued by the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ as the Apostle Peter saith The Church considered in Christe Act. 15. ver 11 1. Iohn 1. Apoc. 1. 1.
and yet he bragged that he had the Gospel The Donatists did carry the signe of Christ against Christ Aug. Epist 61 did bragge of the Gospel against the Gospel The old Emperours of Rome after their cōquests of cities had the mappes of those cities caried about in their triūphs the Papists after the ouerthrow of Christes Church vse in their triumph the name of the Church the Churche but they haue as much right to the name of the Church Dan. 5. as the Babylonians had to the holy vessels of the temple of Ierusalem after the ouerthrow of the City Ierusalem 9 The visible Church consisteth of good and badde BEfore Christ shal be gathered all nations Mat. 25. ver 32. and he shall separate them one from another as a shepheard separateth the sheepe from the goates c. If the sheepe shal not be seuered from the goates before the day of iudgement it is manifest that the badde and good are mingled together in the visible Church vntil that time The visible Churche is compared to a net Mat. 13. Mat. 3. 2. Tim. 2. wherein there are good and badde fishes to a floare wherein there is wheate and chaffe to a fielde wherein there is both wheate and tares to a greate house wherein there are vessels of golde and siluer and vessels of wood and earth Mat. 25. and to ten virgins whereof fiue were wise and fiue foolish In external assemblies the badde are mingled with the good so it was in Salomons Temple at the marriage feast Mat. 22. Gen. 4. Gen. 9. Gen. 16. Mat. 26. 2. Pet. 2 Cain sacrificed as well as Abel C ham was in the Arke as well as Iaphet Agar was in Abrahams house as well as Sara Iudas was in Christes company as well as Peter And euill Angels were in heauen till they were cast our from thence When we see any which seemed to vs goodly members sometimes of the Church to become enemies to Gods religion and the verye murrayne of the Church we may not be discouraged 2. Tim. 2. For we must remember that the Church is a great house and that if they had been of vs they should haue continued with vs 1. Iohn 2. that many wolues are within the visible Church and lastly that mens sinnes as fire couered with Ashes are hidden for a time but afterward appeare in their colours So did the sinnes of Cain Iudas Cham Saul Demas many others Question Why wil almighty GOD haue his Church consist of good and badde Answeare Aug. Epist 205. That the good may be exercised and tried as gold in the fornace that Gods loue may appere more notably which for a very little wheate spareth for a time great store of cares The Sodomites were spared because of Lot Gen. 19. Acts 27. the Egyptians because of Ioseph they which were in the ship because of Paule Obiection The Churche is the Communion of Saints therefore it hath not both good and badde in it Answere The meaning is not that all whiche are assēbled in the Church are truly sanctified but rather that there is no true communion no true holinesse but in the Church calling it as we commonly vse by the best part 10 The particuler Churches are mixt of the elect and reprobate but they are not called Gods Churches but for the elects sake The visible Churche for the electes sake is called the house of God 1. Tim. chap. 3. ver 15.1 the piller ground of truth this cannot be giuen properly to reprobates hipocrits For to be an hipocrite piller of trueth cannot stand together The Church is the spouse of Christ onely for the elects sake Ephe. chap. 5 ver 30. For wee are members of his body of his flesh of his bones By which words of the Apostle as the straight and neere knot betweene Christ the bridegroome the Church his spouse doth notably appeare so it were strange dealing to shut the reprobates hipocrites within that compasse I confesse that Christ is said to be the propitiation for the sinnes of the whole world 1. Iohn 2. but he is so called because of the wheate that is Aug. Epist 4 8 Gods elect which is dispersed throughout the whole world A heape of wheat though it haue chaffe amōgst it is not called a heape of chaffe but a heape of Corne because it is a heape by reason of the Corne. A tunne of wine though it haue lees in it is called not a tunne of lees but a tunne of wine because it is a tunne by reason of the wine No man did euer call that the fielde Mat. 13. wherein the tares appeared with the wheat a field of tares but a field of wheate because it was sowen with wheate In like sort the visible Church though it consist of good and badde is and must be called Gods Church because of the elect When we say that the vyne yeeldeth wyne for the vse of man we meane not the dead and withered but the fruitful braunches of the vine In like case whatsoeuer is spoken of the church is so to be referred to the visible Church that it belonges to the elect onely not to the reprobates and Hypocrites 11 The externall estate of Gods Churche is subiect to many chaunges in the world therefore Gods Churche is not alike visible at all times Psal 80. GOds Churche is sometimes compared to a flourishing vine whiche filled the land and whose boughes were like the goodly cedars and sometymes to a vyne destroyed by the wild bore Aug. Epist 4● and eaten vp by the wild beasts of the field It is compared to the moone which appeares not alwayes alike vnto vs yet neither the moone is destitute of light from the sunn nor the Church of the light of gods spirit frō the sonne of righteousnes Christ Iesus In Enos tyme the face of the Churche was beautiful Gen. 4. Gen. 7. but afterward it was shut in Noes family as in an Arke In the kingdom of Dauid religion flourished 2. Sam. 6. the Church was very glorious but after his time there was a great Eclipse and Gods Church was vnder a blacke cloude In the time of the captiuity in Babylon Read Dan. Nehem. Ezra the estate of Gods Church was very miserable but after the captiuity was ended and the Iewes returned to Ierusalem vnder Zorobabel the City was buylt the Temple was repayred the true worshippe was restored and the Church of GOD was very faire in the eyes of the Israelites In what case was Gods Churche when the horne that is the Emperors of Rome made battel against the Saints Dan. chap. 7. ver 21. preuayled against them In the time of the Pharisies Sadduces c. Gods church was in a strange pickle but Christ at his comming raysed it as it were from death and put life into it and made it very beautiful Since that
the true Churche neither is euery discorde a sure argument of a false Church THe Iewes which thinke that the Messias is not yet come haue had vnity many yeres but their consent proues thē not to be Gods Church Acts 19. Demetrius the siluer smith his company in Ephesus were at great vnity for the vpholding of Diana against S. Pauls preaching but that vnity was no argument that they were Gods Church Apoc. cap. 14. ver 8. The Angel saith that Babylon made all nations to drinke of the wine of the wrath of her fornication Therefore the generall consent and vnity of al nations in religion doth not make a true religion The Arrians Nestorians Eutichians the blasphemous Heretikes of the family of loue haue doe consēt in their blasphemous opinions but this consent of theirs prooues them not to be the true Church of God Vnity in the essential points of Gods religion is an infallible argument of the Church of God Euery discord is not an argument of a false church 1. Cor. 1. 11. cha There were dissentions in the church of Corinth and yet God had his church at Corinth The Bishops whiche were assembled in the Nicene counsell against Arrius were at greate variance Notwithstanding they were Gods seruants The East West Churches were greatly deuided about the feast of Easter and yet they were the Churches of God Acts 15 Galat. 2. Aug. Epist 9. There was hot stirre betweene Paule Barnabas betweene Paule Peter betweene Augustine Hierome yet all these were Gods seruants Gods truth sometimes deuideth the faithfull amongest themselues Iohn chap. 6. ver 66. Christes sermon that his flesh was the true meate was an vndoubted truth yet it made a partition between the twelue the other which beleeued in Christ I confesse that Gods spirite is the spirite of peace vnitie This spirit should wholly possesse vs if we were wholly regenerate But the best men are shorte of that 19 Multitude is not an infallible argument of Gods Church Gen. 7. 1. King 19. 22. chap. IN the times of Noe Elias Micheas c. The greater part was the woorse part when the x. tribes did set thēselues against the tribe of Iuda Gods Churche was in Iuda Except the Lord of hosts had reserued vnto vs euen a small remnant we should haue beene as Sodome Esay 1. ver 9 and should haue beene like vnto Gomorrha Whereby it is manifest that Gods Church was very little and that the greater number was the worse Enter in at the straight gate for it is the wide gate broade way that leeadeth to destruction many there be which go in thereat because the gate is straight the way narrow that leadeth vnto life and fewe there be that find it Mat. 7. ver 13.14 If the multitude had byn an argumēt of the Church Christes speech were not to be liked of Christ calles his flocke a little flock Christ himselfe was condemned to death by the greater number of the Iewes Luke 12. Math. 27. It is saide that Satan deceiueth all the worlde Apo 12. and 20. As the greater number is no sure proofe of the Church if they haue not the markes of the Church amongest them so is not the lesse number an argument of Gods church vnlesse they haue the essentiall markes of Gods Church amongest them if they may be come by 20 The Church is not to bee measured by the externall shewe Reioyce thou barren Gal. 4. that bearest no children c If the Apostle out of the prophet Esay call the Churche barren it is a good lesson to teache vs not to measure the church alwaies by the outwarde shew Esay 53. Christe the bridegrome was so afflicted that hee had neither forme nor beautie When the Churches case is such we must remember that it is Christes spouse When the Israelites were in captiuitie at Babylon Ezec. chap. 11 ver 15.16 Gods Churche was in Chaldaea as in a dungeon albeit they which remained in Ierusalem thought otherwise If Gods Church had beene measured by the outward shewe it had been wide with them which were then in captiuitie Cant. 6. I confesse that Gods Churche is saide by Salomon to be faire as the Moone pure as the Sonne But it is so to mens eyes not in the time of persecution but in the time of the peace of the church when as the order in Gods Church is very beautifull Esay 60.9 When we reade in Esay that the ships of Tharsis shall bring to gods churche sonnes from farre and their siluer their gold with them We must not by and by dreame of a golden church as the Iewes doe of a golden Messias but the meaning is that God will greatly aduaunce his Church and set it out with excellent furniture If they of Tharsis deserue great commendation for bringing their owne siluer gold with them to Gods Church I am sure they deserue very little which by cropping the Churches maintenance hinder the building of the spirituall temple For can gods churche be built without skilfull masons and carpenters I meane able ministers and cā they either prouide instrumentes for the framing setting vp of Almightie gods house when they are kepte fasting from the Churches allowance And is not this the true cause why in many places of this noble lande some such open Gods booke in the body of the church as would be goodly implements ornamentes in the Belfray I will not rub this sore any longer I am very sure that all whiche loue religion do pray heartily for the redresse of this 21 None which are or haue been alients from the church of God are to be admitted rashly into it If Rahab of Iericho and her companie Iosu 6. had been presently admitted into the Israelites assemblie their vncleannesse would haue been easily forgotten but the putting of them apart for a time without the host of Israel was of great force both to make them ashamed of their former behauiour to esteeme the companie of gods people afterward a more excellent benefit Acts. 9. The not admitting of S. Paul at the first amongest the Disciples did teache him to prefer the lowest place in Christs Church before the highest roome in the Sinagogues of the Pharisees and may teach vs not to open the Church dores ouer hastily to euery one without exception Acts. 19. Many which beleeued in Ephesus came confessed shewed their workes before they were ioined to the Church 1. Tim. chap. 3. ver 6. If no man may be admitted rashly into Gods church then no man may rashly be set ouer Gods Church Vnseasoned timber will not serue for a groundesell Hee is not fit to be a Captaine whiche cannot be accounted a souldier No man may be allowed a Prophet which hath not been the sonne of a Prophet 22 Gods Church may erre To erre is to goe
Cor. 6. 1. Cor. 1. may bee said to be without spot because it is washed and purged by the blood of Christe and without wrinkle because it is clothed with the righteousnesse of Christe by the imputation of whose righteousnesse wee are at Gods handes both absolued and sanctified 24 The Church of Rome hath and may erre BEholde the bountifulnesse and seueritie of GOD towardes them Rom. cha 11. verse 22. whiche haue fallen seuerytye but towardes thee bountifulnes if thou continue in his bountifulnes or else thou also shalt be cut off If the Churche of Rome could not erre why should Paul write this Lib. 1. cont Marcionem Tertullian makes mention of alters dedicated to vnknowen gods which he calleth the Idolatrie of the Athenians and to vncertaine gods which he calleth the superstition of the Romanes Hormisda a Bishoppe of Rome in a writing of his to the Bishops of Spayne maketh this matter very cleare The sum of his wordes is this Dearely beloued let vs pray without ceasing that we may cleaue soundly vnto Christ and not forsake him least we be iustly forsakē of him If Saint Pauls doctrine in the Epistle to the Romaines be sounde whereof none that feare God doth make any question then the popishe Church whiche holdes many thinges disagreeing from that Epistle is not free from errour Let the questions of iustification election freewill obedience to the Magistrate be considered Besids their spoyling Christ of his priesthood and Gods people of the cup in the Lordes supper their transubstantiation a number of grosse absurdities which they hold are manifest demonstrations of the erring of the Popishe Church 25 They may not bee accompted Schismatikes which forsake the Church of Rome If any Church giue ouer the trueth of Gods religion wee must forsake that Church that we be not infected with that leprosie and yet wee may not be accompted Schismatikes for men are then Schismatikes when they depart from the true Church and doctrine not when they returne from errour to trueth He is a Schismatike whiche is the cause of schisme and not hee which beginneth the separation euen like as he whiche denieth the lawe is the cause of the processe and not he which first began The Protestantes haue not forsaken Siō but Babylon not Bethel but Bethauen they haue not erected Alter against Alter Aug. epi. 162. as Ieroboam and the Donatistes did but they haue cast the Alter of Damascus out of the Lordes house and haue restored the true worship of God 26 The Church must bee built vpon the word of God Ephe. chap. 2. verse 19.20 NOwe therefore yee are no more straungers and forreiners but Citizens with the Saintes and of the housholde of GOD and are built vpon the foundations of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesus Christe him selfe beeyng the chiefe corner stone c. If the doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles be the foundation of the church howe can the Church stande if the doctrine be remoued and howe can the doctrine continue without sounde teachers and what hart canne they haue to teache when they want maintenance Shal they which bee noble mens and gentlemens gardiners huntsmen be bountifully prouided for of their Lordes and Maisters charge and shall not they which are fitte to attende vpon the Lords vine field garden orchard haue allowance of the churches charge If this soare be not looked vnto many students of diuinitie must of force betake them selues to some other course for men must liue and to go a begging is a point next the worse and a very vnfit occupation for a learned student in diuinitie The Gospell and spirite of life Iren. lib. 3. cap. 1.11 is the foundation and piller of the Church They which wil build Gods Churche without the foundation of the word build with vntempered morter for Gods word is the life of the Church Obiection The Church was before the worde of God therefore it is not built vpon the word of God Answere The argument followes not I confesse that Gods Church in the beginning as for example Adam Abel Enos Noe Sē Abraham and many other of Gods children was before Gods word was put in writing but Gods church was not before Gods word For if the Church be an assemblie of the faithful the mē cānot be called faithful wtout faith that faith cannot consist without the woorde of God it is a necessarie consequent that Gods woorde was before Gods Church Gene. 4. Heb. 11. Abell sacrificed vnto almightie God by faith Therefore Gods expresse woorde was his direction for faith hath relation to no other thing The difference of cleane and vncleane beasts is mentioned in Genesis before the flood Gece 7. but this difference could not bee vnderstanded but by the voyce of almightie God Noe after his comming out of the Arke offered a burnt offering this sacrifice of Noe pleased God therefore it is a good consequent that Noe had Gods worde to direct him for no wilworshippe did euer please God Obiection 1. Tim. 3. verse 15. The Church is the piller and grounde of trueth therefore the worde is not the foundation of the Church Answere It followes not and the Church is therefore called the piller and grounde of the trueth because amongst men it vpholdeth and retayneth Gods trueth 17 The Church is knowne by the worde of God SEarch the Scriptures Iohn chap. 5. ver 39. they testifie of mee saith Christ We knowe Christ by the Scriptures therefore we knowe the Church by the Scriptures This consequent is very good and is framed thus by Augustine In the Scriptures wee haue learned Christ Epist 166. saith Augustine in the Scriptures we haue learned the Church And a little after where we haue knowne Christ meaning in the scriptures there we haue knowen the Church which sentence he repeateth very often in that epistle The Donatists said that Christs church remained only in Africke Epist 166. but Augustine telles them that their warrant is not taken out of the lawe or the Prophete or the Psalme or the Apostle or Euangelist but out of their owne heartes and cauils of their progenitors by which words it is euident that the Churche is knowne and must be shewed by the worde of God We seeke the Church in the holy scriptures Aug. devnita Eccle. cap. 2. Epist 48. and in the same scriptures we doe manifestly knowe the Church 28 Iesus Christ alone is the foundation of his Church OTher foundation can no man laye then that which is laid 1. Cor. 3. ver 11. which is Iesus Christ Thus saith the Lord God behold I wil lay in Sion a stone Esai 28. ver 16 1. Pet. chap. 2 verse 6. a tried stone a precious corner stone a sure foundation that is Iesus Christ so doth the Apostle Peter expounde it Yee are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles Prophetes Ephe. chap. 2. ver 20. Iesus Christ himself being
¶ A Godlie Treatise of the Church Written by Robert Some The Lord added to the Church from day to day such as should be saued Act. 2. ver 47. You shall finde in the ende of this booke a Treatise against Oppression LONDINI Impensis Geor. Bishop 1582. ¶ To the right Honourable Sir Francis Walsingham knight principal Secretarie to her excellent Maiestie and one of her highnesse priuie Counsell Robert Some wisheth increase of Gods giftes by Iesus Christ IT pleased your Honour to fauour me both at and since my wayting on my Lord and maister the Earle of Leycester in the Courte I doe not forget your goodnes to me and I thanke God very heartily for your Honourable both care of and affection to Gods Churche and religion It is very cleere that many are as friendlye to Gods trueth and Church as the East winde is to the fruites of the earth I neede not remember particulers for there are so greate store and as it were swarmes of such that if almighty GOD did not bridle them as hee did Sanballat the Arrabians and the Ammonites in Nehemias time and rayse vp excellent personages for the rearing vp of his Churche nowe as hee did Ezra Nehemias Zorobabel and Iehoshua after the captiuitie of Babylon Gods Church shoulde goe to wracke and Religion shoulde bee handeled like a ward But Gods Church is aliue thankes bee to GOD howsoeuer wicked men doe make it eyther a faire marke to shoote at or a dead carcase to feede vppon and will outliue and outcountenance all enimies whatsoeuer Almightie God to that ende hath blessed this noble Land in our time with an excellente Prince of our owne nation as he did the Iewes with Zorobabel after the captiuitie and with manye notable personages vnder her Highnesse as hee did the Israelites with Eliachim vnder Ezechias the king of Iuda Amongest whiche excellent personages because your Honours place is greate in respect of the trust whiche is committed to you and that GOD hath moued you to fauour mee I doe present vnto you these my Treatises of the Churche and against Oppression as a sure argument of my duetifull mynde My meaning is not to set downe the seuerall poyntes of this Booke it were a needelesse labour and you haue it in your handes to reade at your good pleasure and leasure Thus with my heartie prayer to Almightye GOD for the increase of his good giftes in your Honour I take my leaue in most humble manner At Queenes colledge in Cambridge the first of Nouember 1582. Your Honours to commaund Robert Some To the Reader IF my Treatise of the Sacramentes founde grace with you as I heare it hath I presume these of the Church and against Oppression shall for they haue more variety in them by reading this booke you shall finde it so I haue not as yet written any thing of the Scripture and Confession but hereafter I will according to my promise by the grace of God to whose merciful protection I commend both you and my selfe Robert Some Jf any either haue or doe spoile the Church or Churchmen of their maintenance I referre them to this which immediatly followes and to the fourth Proposition in my Treatise of the Church and to my whole Treatise against Oppression Mich. 2. Iere. 5 IT is a grosse sin to grind the faces of others and to spoile them of that they haue Gods iudgementes against Oppressiō doe sufficiently proue this But to robbe the church and Churchmen is a fowler sinne and will haue greater vengeaunce from almightie God Is there any calling vnder heauen that pleaseth God more and doth greater seruice in a Christian kingdome then the noble estate of the ministerie Are they not the Lordes Embassadours Malach. 2. Mat. 5. 1. Cor. 4. Ephe. 4. 2. King 2. the salte of the earth the light of the worlde the dispensers of Gods mysteries the buylders of Gods Church and the charriot horsemē as Elizeus said of Elias of a Christian kingdome If they be so that by their sound preaching Luke 10. Sathan falles downe from heauen like lightning the walles of Ierusalem are built vp is it not most equal that they shoulde not bee robbed of the churches maintenāce which belongeth of dutie vnto thē Is is not a certaine truth in the eyes of all men that many in vplandish incorporate townes doe open their purses very willingly boūtifully for mē of their place for the maintenāce of godly preachers doth not almightie God besides the heauenly cōfort he giues thē repay those good mē with increase of earthly cōmodities Doth almighty God like of this Christian dealing do godly men both iustly greatly cōmend it and wil not gracelesse Cormorants be ashamed which in steed of helping the Lords plough forward hāg it vpō the hedge by making foule hauock of the churches maintenāce If these which either haue or doe feed vpō the church as the eagle doth vpō the carrion did see the goodly companie of students in Cambridge and Oxeforde or coulde consider what sharpe wittes and excellēt learning vertues almightie GOD hath geuen to many of them or woulde bee moued with the sight of those holy assēblies wherin Gods trueth is soundly taught and his people singularly comforted would they not condēne their vile course and be heartily sory for their monstrous dealings If this I haue already remēbred will not mollifie and bend their hearts then let them cast their eyes vpon many Churches in this noble lande which eyther want the preaching of the word or if they haue it they haue it strawberie wise that is once a yeere let them I say looke vpon the wofull estate of those places and if they be not hewen out of Okes and haue heartes of flint it will breake them in pieces If answeare be made that a sufficient number of preachers cannot be had to furnish the whole lande I graunt they say somewhat but sure I am that if very fit men in the vniuersities abroade were heartened and employed accordingly many should not be drowned in ignorance and poperie as they are and many treacheries against the religion and Prince would more easilie appeare and the number of skilfull ministers which are very precious iewels in a Christian kingdom would increase accordingly For who are there that haue spent their time profitably at their books are excellētly furnished for the building of Gods Church that would either hyde their talentes in a napkin Mat. 25. or burie them in the earth yea rather that are not with all their heartes desirous to blowe the Lords siluer Trumpets Num. 10. Ezech. 33. to be watchmen ouer Gods citie and feders of his flocke and what hope is there that these worthy men shall be employed when the Churches maintenance is not giuen vnto them accordingly but rather pulled from them most shamefully yea what meane men are there that will to their great charge maintayne their
Christ alone is the foundation of his Church 29 What the catholike Church is 30 The catholike Church is not visible ❧ A Godlie Treatise of the Church 1 What the visible Church is why it is called vniuersall THe visible church is the cōpany of those which make profession to serue the true God in Christ This visible Church is called vniuersal because it is tyed not to any certaine place persōs or time but is dispersed through the whole worlde and shall so continue vntill the ende of the worlde 2 Without the Church there is no saluation that is to say vnlesse we be of the assembly of Gods children we cannot be saued BEhold darknes shall couer the earth and grosse darkenesse the people but the Lord shall arise vpon thee his glorie shall be seene vpon thee Isa cha 60. ver 2. By whiche wordes it is manifest that onely the Church is partaker of the light of Gods spirit and of the brightnes of his fauour In Mount Sion and in Ierusalem that is to say in the Church shal be deliuerance Ioel chap. 2. ver 32. Therefore without the Church there is no saluation The Lorde added to the Churche from day to day suche as shoulde be saued Actes chap. 2. ver 47. Therefore without the Churche there is no saluation Christ and his Church are most surely linked together for Christ is the bridegroome and the Church is the spouse Ephe. chap. 5. ver 25.29.30 Howe then can any be with Christ which is not with his spouse that is to say in Christes Church Cyp. lib. 2. Epist 8. He cannot haue God to be his father which hath not the Churche to be is mother Cyp. de vnitate Eccle. The Church is called the mother of the faithful because she nourishes them alwayes by the word of truth Noe and his familie had perished in the flood if they had not continued in the Arke Gen. chap. 7. ver 21.22.23 The brāch which is cut from the vine cannot but wither A mās arme which is cut frō his body is quickly without life They whiche are without Gods Church are voyd of Gods spirit whatsoeuer visard of holinesse they put on amongst men Augustine is flat for this Epistle 50. and 152 So is Lactantius lib. 4. chap. 14. 30. When any Popish Heretike vses the name of the Church as an argument to draw vs from the written word we must aunsweare that hee is not ioyned to the Church which is seuered from the Gospell and that whosoeuer setteth vp a Church without the word buildes not a Church but a Hoggescote Question If there be no saluation without the Church what shall become of thē whiche haue not heard of Christ Answere They cannot pretend ignorance for the great booke of the heauens wherein Gods glorie is written in capital letters is opened wide vnto them Psal 19. vers 1. I graunt that the condemnation of such shall not be so grieuous as theirs which haue hearde the Gospell and contemned it notwithstanding they which haue not heard of Christ shall not bee saued seeing they haue in themselues sufficient matter of condemnation I meane first originall sinne and then manye actuall sinnes whiche flow from originall sinne as riuers doe from the spring head Question If there be no saluation without the Church in what case are they which are iustlie excommunicated that is to saye are cut off from the assemblie of the faithfull Answeare They are in a dangerous case for if it be a grieuous thing to bee cast out of a wel ordered common wealth it is more grieuous to bee cast out of the Churche which is Gods common wealth If Dauid when hee was shut from holy meetinges not for any fault of his but by the tyranny of his enimies lamēted his owne case very bitterly preferred the estate of the sparrowe and swallowe before his owne how would Dauid haue byn grieued if he had bin iustly barred from the Lordes tabernacles Psal 84. ver 1.2.3 Besides they which are iustly excommunicated are deliuered to Sathan that is to say are aliēts from Christes kingdom are vnder the power authority of Sathā so were the incestuous Corinthiā 1. Cor. 5. Theod. lib. 5. cap. 18. Theodosius the Emperour vntill they were reconciled to Gods Church The captiuitie of the Israelites was great vnder Pharao in Egypt vnder Nabuchodonozor and Balthasar in Babylon but the captiuitie vnder Sathan goes beyond it for whatsoeuer is bound in earth is bound in heauen Mat. cap. 18 ver 18. The Popes excommunication against our noble Queene and her best subiectes hath not so much groūd in Gods book to stand vpon as the Iewes excommunicatiō had when they cast Christ and his Apostles out of their Synagogues Question If the Popes excommunicatiō against our gracious soueraigne Q. Elizabeth were lawful whether might the subiects of Englande deny their obedience to her Maiestie and depose her from her kingdome Answeare They might not my reasons are these Tiberius was a wicked Emperor yet Christ and Peter payde him tribute Math. chap. 17. ver 24.27 1. Pet. chap. 2 ver 13. Nero Domitian were persecutours of Gods Churche yet the Apostles other godly men obeyed them The Emperour Iulian was a wicked Apostata but the auncient Christians obeyed him Euseb lib. 3. cap. 20. Sozom. lib. 5. cap. 4. Theodosius the Emperour was excommunicated by Ambrose the Bishop of Mediolanū but Ambrose obeyed him euen during the time of his excommunication Theodor lib. 5. cap. 18. If these Emperors were obeyed shall not our gracious soueraigne though she were iustly excommunicated bee duetifully obeyed of her subiectes 2. Thessal 3. ver 15. Are wee commaunded to accompt another whiche is iustly excommunicated not as an enimie but as a brother and shall we not performe the like to our noble prince if she were iustly excommunicated and sure I am that those men are very farre frō performing this duetie to her Maiestie which denie their lawfull obedience vnto her Besides what warrant had Pius the first Gregorie the 13 to discharge the subiectes of England of their allegiance if it bee saide that Saint Peters keyes are warrant inough Platina in Greg. 7. and that Gregorie the 7. had no better when he dealt against Henrie the Emperour nor Gregorie the second Innocentius the fourth Paschalis the 2. when they dealt against the Emperours Leo Fridericus and Henrie the 4. nor Pope Zacharie and Martyn the 4. when they dealt against Childericke the king of Fraunce and Peter the king of Arragonia I aunsweare that Peters keyes though the Pope had good right to thē serue not to giue entrance into or to shut out of earthly kingdomes for they are the keyes of the kingdome of heauen Math. chap. 16. ver 19. And who knowes not that the kingdome of heauen that is to say eternall life is a thing farre differēt from the kingdome of the world Lastly excommunication which is a notable
soueraigne medicine in Gods church is the punishment of the conscience not of goods nor of the body otherwise then by some shame reproch which waites vppon our separation from the Churche of God and so are S. Paules wordes of the destruction of the fleshe 1. Cor. 5. to be vnderstanded therefore they which haue purposed since the Popes excōmunication against her maiestie eyther to hurt her royall person or to depose her from her kingdome as they haue passed the listes and boūds of al excōmunication so their sinne is very grosse exāple very dangerous 3 The preaching of Gods word the sincere administration of the Sacraments are the essential markes of Christes Churche and where these markes are there vndoubtedly the true church is though there bee otherwise in that Church some blemishes IF the Church be the assemblie of the faithful Rom. 10. and faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the worde of God it is a cleare case that the preaching of the worde belongeth to the essence of the visible Church We are taught in Gods booke Mat. 28. that the Sacraments instituted of Christ are the seales of Gods word therfore the Sacraments pertayne to the essence of the visible Church The Churches of Israel and Iuda were therefore Gods Churches because they had Gods law preached circumcision the passeouer which were their Sacramēts administred amongst thē Iosias 2. Chron. 34. 35. chap. that he might plāt Gods Church aright caused the booke of the lawe to be published and a passeouer to be proclaymed Nehem. 8. Ezra 7. Ezra after his returne from Babylon expoundeth Gods law to the Israelites restoreth the true vse of the Passeouer S. Luke setting down the estate of the Primitiue Churche in orient coloures Acts 2. saith that they continued in the Apostles doctrine which is the life of the Church and felowship that is in performing of Christiā dueties one to another breaking of bread that is in the administratiō of the holy supper prayers that is publike prayers in which consisteth the profession of our religiō This excellēt Church had the Apostles doctrine and the holye communion therefore it was the church of Christ If any saye that the Sacrament of baptisme is not here mentioned I aunsweare in a worde that Saynt Luke needed not to mention Baptisme seeyng he speaketh of such as were alreadie baptised 1. Cor. 1. 2. Cor. 1. Galat. 1. The Churches of Corinth and Galatia had great blemishes in them yet because they had Gods truth sacramēts among them they are accompted by S. Paule the Churches of God If the sound preaching of the worde and the administration of the sacramēts are the essentiall marks of Gods church then learned ministers are necessarie for they blow the Lords siluer trumpets Num. 10. put their handes to the framing of the siluer vessels of the temple If Godlie and learned ministers are necessarie and singuler ornaments in the Church of God then schooles of learning and Vniuersities wherein students are made fitte to serue Gods Church are especially to be regarded 1. Sam. 19. 2. King 2. 22. chap. Suche schooles of learning were at Nayoth in Samuels time at Iericho and Bethel in Elizeus time at Ierusalem in Iosias time Caluin in 1. Cor. chap. 14. verse 32. at Corinth in S. Paules time and such are now with vs in Cambridge and Oxeforde If these be vpholden religion flourisheth and consequently Gods blessings increase in the land If these goe to wracke farewel religion and the good estate of the commō wealth But Vniuersities and schooles of learning must needes decay when the students are not prouided for imployed accordingly and preferred and imployed they cannot bee if either the Churches maintenance be pulled away or Church liuings be bought and sold for money or pensions 4 Godlie and learned Ministers must bee freely and bountifully prouided for BEware that thou forsake not the Leuite as long as thou liuest vppon the earth Deut. chap. 12. ver 19. Almighty God commanded the Israelites to haue especiall care of the Leuite therefore they might not vse him like a drudge or send him a begging If the Leuite must be excellently vsed greater regarde must be had of the minister of the Gospell whose calling because it is greater then Iohn the Baptistes Mat. chap. 11. ver 11. is farre aboue the Leuites Gods Church is the piller ground of truth 1. Tim. cap. 3. ver 15. because by the ministery of the word Gods truth is preserued in the Church If the ministerye of the word preserues this precious iewel in the church as the priests did the fire vpon the altar in the time of the law thē they Leuit. chap. 6. which hinder Gods ministery doe robbe Gods Church of inestimable treasure hinder the ministery do they which discourage the learned ministers by powling thē of the churches prouision But if Dauid sending his seruaunts to comfort the king of Amon after his fathers death 2. Sam. 10. tooke in great dudgen the shauing of his seruantes beardes cutting of their garmēts will almighty God take it in good part that his seruants whom he hath furnished with excellent gifts for the cōfort of his church are polled shauē of their maintenance stripped as it were into their shirts and handled as dishcloutes Who goeth a warfare any time at his owne cost Who plāteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit therof Or who feedeth a flocke eateth not of the milke of the flocke 5. Cor. chap. 9. ver 7. If they whom S. Paule mentions in this verse are prouided for either of the common charge as the souldier or by the fruit of the vine as the husbandman or by the mylke of the flocke as the shepheard It is most equall that learned ministers should haue large allowance of the churches charge for their warfare vineplanting sheepfeeding doeth as farre passe the others as the precious diamond doth the peeble stone We beseech you brethrē that you know that is haue regard of thē which labor amōg you that ye haue them in singuler loue for their works sake c. 1. The. cap. 5 ver 12 13. If learned ministers must be especially fauoured they may not bee kept from their owne if they must be singulerly loued for their works sake they may not be trodē vpō as the mire in the streets nor spoiled by graceles mē of the churches maintenāce But churchpollers loue churchmē as Philippides did his father when hee cudgeled him Aug. epist 168. and as a rufler in Augustines time did his mother whom hee vsed in like sort most vnnaturally Balthasar the king of Babylon in the middest of a great feast called for the golden vessels which were brought from the temple of Ierusalem they were brought vnto him by his seruauntes The king his princes his wiues his concubines did drinke wine
Christ Cont. Cresc Gram. lib. 2. cap. 21. and the member of the Diuel God forbid that these monsters Augustine speakes of wicked men shoulde be accounted eyther amongst the members of the only doue that is Gods church or enter into the inclosed garden I confesse that the reprobates are may be many times in the Church that is in the assemblies of Gods seruants but of the Church they neither are nor can be truly accounted 16 Succession of Bishops is not an infallible argument of Gods Church IF personall succession not hauing the succession of doctrine ioyned to it as the foūdatiō therof were an infallible marke of the true Church then must we confesse that Gods grace and spirite are tyed to seates and countries which is a grosse absurditie 2. Thes 2. Ordinary and visible succession in the Church may be interrupted For Paul did foretell that there shoulde be a departing from the faith Apostasie and succession can no more stand together thē the Arke and Dagon then Christ and Antichrist Besides the ordinary succession of priests was interrupted in the Israelites church and yet God had his Churche there 1. King 19. I meane them whiche retayning Gods trueth did not bowe their knees vnto Baal When Christ came into the worlde to be our mediatour was Gods Churche to be measured by the visible succession of Bishops Hereticall Bishops might vaunt of succession in very famous Churches Paulus Samosatenus which was a mōstrous Heretike succeeded Godly Bishops in the Church of Antioch diuers Arians succeeded Athenasius in the Church of Alexandria The succession of Bishops both was is continued in the Greeke Church and yet the popish sort wil not allow the churches of Grecia to be Christes Churches because they dissent from the Church of Rome The auncient writers Tertullian Tertul. de praescrip Ireneus when they would confute Marcion and Vallentinus proued that not those Heretikes Iren. li. 3. ca. 2. but themselues had the succession of Gods truth amongest them Whē these godly fathers had made that cleare they set downe the succession and row of Bishops as badges of their victory so that the succession of faith and religion may be truely accounted as the life and soule and the succession of Bishops as the body If personall succession be without the successiō of Gods truth it wants life is a dead and vnprofitable carcase I confesse that the succession of Bishops as a goodly and beautiful building is of great force to allure thē which are alients from the Church to looke into to behold the inward beauty of the church but if the precious iewel of Gods word be wanting the personal succession is like a costly tombe which is beautifull without but is full of dead mens bones within Lib. 4. cap. 43. 45. Ireneus ioyneth together the succession of persons and doctrine If the Papists which haue not succession of Gods truth bragge of successiō of Bishops we may say to their Bishoppes as Tertullian said to Marcion the Heritike Tertul. lib. 1. cont Mar. who are ye when and from whence came yee The succession of Bishops without succession of Gods truth is like a paire of popish beades which hang by a long but yet by a sclender threed That is the true and lawfull succession of Bishops when as lawfull Bishops succeeding one another doe exercise the worke of their ministery 17 Antiquitie is no sure argument of Gods Church THe Iewes consenting that the Messias is not yet come is of greater continuance then popery is but continuance of time cannot make that good in religion which was bad at the first Antiquity if it haue not the salt of Gods word to preserue it doth argue rottennesse and giues an euil sent Your iniquities Esay chap. 65. ver 7. the iniquities of your fathers shal be together saith the Lorde which haue burnt incense vpon the mountaines and blasphemed me vpon the hilles therfore wil I measure their olde worke into their bosome If antiquitye woulde haue serued the turne of the Israelites almighty God might haue bin challenged for punishing their aunciēt idolatry and superstition Ye haue heard that it was saide vnto them of old time thou shalt not kill For whosoeuer killeth shall bee culpable of iudgement But I say vnto you whosoeuer is angrye with his brother vnaduisedly shal be culpable of iudgement Mat. 5. ver 21.22 The pharisies cleared him of murder which had not killed a mā with his hand because the Pharisies alleaged antiquity for their errour our Sauiour Christ refutes them by his owne authority But I say vnto you c. ver 22. There were ill buylders in Pauls time 1. Cor. 3. and such abuses crept into the Lords supper in Corinth 1. Cor. 11. that the Apostle was compelled to say this is not to eat the Lords supper They which reason thus suche a religion is olde therefore it is good may be answered that this argumēt is as cleere as midnight the enchantmentes of Simon Magus Acts 8. 19. chap. the image which came down frō Iupiter the religion of Rome are of great antiquity yet Gods religion is more ancient then any of these Tertul. lib. 1. cont Mar. ● for truth is older then heresie When we heare any Papist saye I haue byn brought vp in the religion of Rome therfore I will continue in it and will not be wonn frō it we may answere him that wise men haue their seconde thoughtes Euripides in Hippol. Cyp. ad Iubaian ad Quin fratrem de lapsis and that we may not erre alwaies because somtimes we erred that we are not ouercome but instructed whē better things are offred vnto vs that he is not ioyned to the Church which is separate frō the gospel Some of the Popishe sort haue bin cōtent to say if the Church of Rome woulde allow the religion wee haue in England that they would like of it Tichonius a Donatist said of himselfe his fellow Donatists that Aug. Epist 48. which wee wil is holy Tiberius the Emperour put vp a grace in the Senate house of Rome Euseb lib. 2. cap. 2. that Christ might be a God because the Senate denied that grace it is set downe a little after in that Chapter vnlesse God please man he is not allowed for a God In like sorte if our religion had the Popes hande and seale vnto it the Popish sort would allow it because it hath not his holinesse warrant they refuse it Question How can it be that God shoulde suffer his Church to erre so many yeeres Answerre God suffered not his Church to erre so lōg a time but he suffered wicked mē euē by his iust iudgement which beleeued not the trueth that they might be saued to beleeue lyes and haue pleasure in vnrighteousnesse that they might bee damned 2. Thessal 2. ver 10.11.12 18 Euery vnity is not a sure argument of