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A18390 A manual of controuersies wherin the Catholique Romane faith in all the cheefe pointes of controuersies of these daies is proued by holy Scripture. By A.C.S. Champney, Anthony, 1569?-1643? 1614 (1614) STC 4958; ESTC S113898 48,459 178

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A manifest promise of the spirit of god to continue for euer in the church 2. All power is giuen to me in heauen and in earthe Goinge therfore teache yee all nations teachinge them to obserue all thinges what soeuer I haue cōmaunded you Loe here commission to teache giuen to the Apostles and in them to all pastores 3. He that heareth you heareth me and he that dispiseth you dispiseth me Loe here obligation for others to heare and obaye that which they who haue the former commission shall teache 4. Behould I am with you all daies euen to the consūmation of the worlde Loe here the assurance of Christs asistance to his church and the lawfull pastores therof till the ende of the worlde who can now doubt of the infallibilitie of the doctrine of godes church 5. I will aske the father and he will giue you another Paraclet that is an aduocate or comforther that he may abyde with you for euer The spirit of truthe loe here the spirite of truthe promised to abide with the church for euer By warrant of which promised the first generall coūcell that euer was houlden which was at Hierusalem sayth thus Yt hath seemed good to the holy ghost and to vs to laye no further burthen vpon you then these necessarye thinges 6. In respect of the singuler priuiledges of the church and spetiallye of the infallibilitie it hath in doctrine sainct Paule callethe it the howse of god the church os the liuinge god the piller and grounde of truthe 7. He that will not heare the church let him be to thee as the Heathen and the publican Touchinge which pointe of the infallibilitie of the church sainct Augustine hath this excellent doctrine Althoughe Saith he no example is brought out of canonicall Scripture of this thinge Speakinge sf the validitie os Baptisme ministred by heretiques yet doe we followe the truth of the same Scriptures in this pointe whilst we do that which pleaseth the whole church which the auctoritie of the Scriptures doth cōmēd And because the holy Scripture cannot deceaue whosoeuer feareth to be deceaued by the obseurite of these questiones let him consult ther vpō with the church which without all doubt the Scripture doth shewe Protes Pos. The sense and meaninge of the holy Scriptures giuen or approued by the Catholique churche is not alwaies true nether are the definitiones and declarationes of faythe deliured by the same vnfallible truthes Here the reader may marke à strāge peruersitie or blindness in the Protestantes who graunt the gift of interpretinge the Scriptures to priuate beleeuers and yet deny it to the whole chuche THE FIFTH CONtrouersie of the marKes of the true Churche THe true Churche of god is but one This being not denyed by the Protestantes needethe no proofe The question is which of all those Churches which doe challenge vnto them selues the name of the Churche is that one true churche which doubt will easelie be cleared by the notes and markes fololwinge Vniuersalitie Catho Positions The true Churche of Christ is Catholique or vniuersall aswell in respect of place as of tyme That is the true church of Christ hath euer continued since his gloriouse ascention into heauen till this day and shall doe till the end of the world which is to be Catholique or vniuersall in respect of time And it hathe or shal be spred throughe all kingdomes and countries that are vnder heauen which is to be vniuersall or Catholique in respect of place Proofe in respect of place Aske of me and I will giue thee the gentiles for thin inheritance thy posessione the endes of the earthe By this promise of god to Christ S. Augustine conuīceth the Donatistes and in them the Protestātes that they haue not the true Chruche because theyrs is not vniuersall in such sorte as here is promised 2. He shall rule from sea to sea and from the riuer euen to the endes of the rounde worlde These Prophesies are clearely vnderstoode of the inheritance and kingdome that is the Churche of Christ as he is man Accordinge to which prophesies our sauiour saythe All power is giuen me in heauen and in earthe Goeinge therfore teache yee all nationes baptisinge them in the name of the father and of the sonn and of the holy ghost 3. You shall receiue the vertue of the holy Ghost comminge vppon you and you shall be witnesses vnto me in Hierusalem and in all Ieury and Samaria and euen to the vtmost of the earthe See Sainct Augustine Learned reader if thou pleas Proofe in respect of tyme. 1. In the dayes of those Kingdomes the god of heauen will rayse vp a Kingdome that shale not be dissipated for euer and this Kingdome shall not be deliuered to another people 2. And he shall reigne in the howse of Iacob for euer of his Kingdome there shall be no ende 3. Behould I am with you all dayes euen to the consummation of the world 4. Vppon this Rock will I build my Churche and the gates of hell shall not preuayle agaynst it A faithful sayinge Saith Sainct Athanas. and not à waueringe promise and the Church is an inuincible thinge althoughe hell it self should be moued The vniuersalitie of the church all christians profess to beleeueī the creed of the Apostles and of the first councell of Constantinople sayinge I beleeue the holy Catholique church protes pos The ttue Churche of Christ is not necessarily Catholique or vniuersall nether in respect of place nor tyme. This positione most cleerely against holy Scripturs must the Protestantes defende and proue yf they will proue and defende they re Churche to be the true Churche of god and consequentlye theyr religione to be true Visibilitie Catho pos The true Churche of god ys visible and apparant both to the faithfull beleeuers that are in it and to heretiques and those that are out of it Proof 1. A Citie cannot be hid situated vpon à mountayne He put his tabernacle in the Sunn S. Augustine proueth our positione by these textes say inge The true churche is hid to no man whence is that which he our sauiour Sayth in the Gospell A Citie sett vppon à mountane cannot be hidd And therfore is it sayd in the Psalme hee hathe put his tabernacle in the sunn that is in manifest 2. In the latter dayes the mountayne of the howse of our lorde shall be prepared in the top pof mountaynes and it shal be eleuated aboue the little hilles and all nationes shall flowe vnto it 3. Men doe not light à Candell and. put it vnder a bushell but Vpon à Candlesticke To these textes doth S. Augustine allude when he saythe what ells am I to saye then that they are blinde that doe not see so great à mountayne that shutt they re eyes against the lampe sett vppon the candlesticke 4. If thy brother offende against thee
liued at least on thowsand yeares before these controuersies began cannot be esteemed partiall on our side Thirdly that I expect and exact of him or them that shal goe about to answer this treatise the same roūde sincere and direct dealinge which I haue here vsed Remembringe before all things that he first set doune his faith in direct positions and then proceed inlike methode as I haue done for the rest To whom I willingly graunt this large libertie aboue that which I haue vsed that he tye not himself vnto the first 500. yeares for the fathers interpretations but that he take boldly 1500. yeares so that he bringe not condemned heretiques for his auctours and with all obserue the point followinge Fourthly that it shall not be to anie purpose in waye of answer that anie aduersarie bring another interpretation of some father upon the places of scripture alledged by me besides that which I haue brought For it is not denied that one the same place of scripture maie be and is often diuersly understoode not onely of diuers fathers but of one and the same father But if he will saye anie thinge to the purpose in this kinde he must bring an interpretation contradicting that which I haue brought and withall labour rather to proue his owne Doctrine thē to impugne that of the Catoliques For seeinge it is as all men Knowe à far more easie thīge to impugne anie doctrine though neuer so true then to proue the same no truth espetially of faith being so euidentlie clere but that some thing with shew of probabillitie maie be obiected against it it is not now expected that anie aduersarie should stand to answer those auctorities of scripture and fathers wich I haue alledged for proofe of the Catholique Doctrine or to impugne the same but rather to bring others in proofe of his owne that the iudicions reader maie compare our groundes in scripture both together and by the uieu of his owne eie trie whether of them be more conformable to Gods sacred worde And when anie one shall haue produced his proofes for Protestantisme in the like maner as I haue done in the behalfe of the Catholique religion if he can so doe yet shall he gaine no more therby but an euident demonstration against the cheefest ground of the Protestātes doctrine that ether to the true and full decision of controuersies in matter of faith is necessarily required some other iudgment or triall then the only wordes of holy Scripture or ells that therere is no meanes at all to end cōtrouersies of faithe which later neuertheless to affirme is no less iniuriouse to gods wisdome goodness or power then to saye that he hath prouided noe sufficient meanes for men to know the way to saue their soules For both parties bringing scripture for them selues whoe shall finallie determine whether of them doth applie the said Scriptures more sincerlie and accordinge to their true meaninge Fifthly that wheras before I can proue anie point of Christian beliefe by scripture I should first by good order proue that there is a holy Scripture and secondly in what bookes of the Bible it is contained yet because nether of these two pointes can be proued by scripture vnless wee first beleeue some scripture without proofe therfore that I may proue those pointes of faith wherin the Catholique Romane church doth differ from the Protestantes by holy scripture which our aduersaries vrge me ūto I must necessarilie to satisfie their disordered desire proceede disorderlie and suppose that for truth without proofe which requireth most to be proued I say without proofe if no proofe be good but that which is made out of scripture And here occurr by the way two things worthie of note Thone that the scripture cannot be an vniuersall rule of our faith seeinge some thinges are to be beleeued with out proofe of scripture as are for example that there is a holy scripture contayninge gods word and reuelation and that these and these bookes be suche therfore must there of necessitie be some other rule of our faith more vniuersall then the scriptures and consequently before the scriptures And this cannot be but the aucthoritie of godes church which is clerly S. Augustins Doctrine who was not afearde to saye I would not beleeue the Gospell but that the auctoritie of the church doth moue mee Seeinge therfore the authoritie of the church is a sufficient motiue for vs to beleeue what is scripture why should it not haue the like aucthoritie with vs in other pointes of faith which is also S. Augustins argument in the same place but I will notwithstanding satisfie our aduersaries in their owne humoure The Secund thing to be noted is that they that beleeue nothing but that which is proued by Scripture are euidently conuinced to beleeue nothinge at all For they that cannot beleeue that there is à holy Scripture or what bookes be holy Scripture cannot beleeue anie thinge because it is proued by scripture For it is euident that before they beleeue anie thing because it is proued by scripture they must beleeue that there is a Scripture and what bookes are scripture but they that beleeue not anie thing but that which is proued by Scripture cannot beleeue that there is a scripture nor what bookes are holy scripture for nether of these two can be proued by Scripture Thefore they that beleeue not anie thinge but that which is proued by scripture cannot beleene anié thing at all This Argument is a plaine demonstration and compelleth the Protestantes ether to confess that they haue no faith at all or to acknowledge this their positione to witt that nothinge ought or can rightly be beleeued but that which may be proued by Scripture to be false which notwithstandinge is the maine ground of all their religion But now haueing shewed the absurditie of their Doctrine in this point I will ioyne with them in the Scriptures as they themselues do desire obseringe this method First I sett downe the Catholique Roman belief in direct and playne positions then I bringe in proofe of it one two or moe places of holy Scripture citing the auncient vulgar translation and often times I ad the testimonie of some auncient father of the frist 500. yeares vnderstandinge such Scriptures as I cite in the same sense and meaninge that I cite them for Furthermore those fewe places of Scripture which seeme to sounde directly against the Catholique faith I shewe in brief how they are to be vnderstood And last of all I put downe the position contradictorie to the Catholique doctrine to the end that the indifferent reader be he Catholique or otherwaies may more easely iudge whether Doctrine hath better ground in holy Scriptures And further that he that will impugne this treatise may see what he hath to proue if he wil proue anie thinge to purpose who is to vnderstand that though the Protestantes doe maintayn the negatiue part in almost all the positions
cotrouerted betwixte them and the Catholiques yet is he not for all that to be excused from the proofe of those pointes vnless he will withall confess that in them the Protestantes haue no faith at all but onely a mere deniall of faith For faith beinge not a simple denying or not beleeuing but a possitiue assent and belief of such articles as are reueled vnto vs by God it hath possitiue groundes wherby it may and ought to be proued euen in those pointes which are negatiue And therfore as Catholiques doe proue theire faith in these negatiue pointes that onely faith doth not iustifie that we are not certayn of our iustification or saluation and the like so likewise are the Protestantes to proue theyr faith in these that there is no Purgatorie no reall presence no sacrifice of the Mass and the rest Vnless as is sayd before they will confess that they haue no faith in these pointes but onely a mere deniall of faith Haueinge thus aduertised thee good Reader of these fewe things I leaue thee to peruse the treatise it self desiringe thee to expect onely the bare positiones proued with the self text of holy Scripture and some fewe fathers without anie florishe of wordes at all The worke being such as doth rather resemble the bare bones of a great bodye tied together with dried Sinewes then a bodie throughly furnished with flesh and orher habiliments of friendly narure For which cause though to such as rather respect fashion then substance it may happ to appeare hideous yet to others of contrarie appetite for whose contentment it is speciallie intended it will not paraduenture be iudged altogether without forme THE FIRST CONTROuersie Of Holy Scriptures IT is Knowne that the Catholique Roman Church doth admitt more bookes and percells of holy Bible for Scripture then the Protestantes doe and consequently acknowledgeth a larger canon then they and yet notwithstanding shee teacheth Chatolique Positiō 1. That all such articles as by her and the Protestantes themselues are beleeued and holden for articles of faith are not so expressly contayned in holy Scriptures as out of them onely full proofe may be made therof Proofe The articles which the Protestantes doe beleeue to be of faith as well as Catholiques and yet are not contayned expresly in holy scriptures are many but wee will giue instance onely in a fewe 1 That there are three distincte personnes and one onely substance in god 2. That the secūde and third personns are of the same substance ●nd equall gloire with the first ● That the third personn proceedeth from the seconde and from the first 4. That there are two distinct and compleat natures in our sauiour Christ and but one onely personn 5. That there are in him two willes and two operations to witt of god and man about all which pointes haue been diuerse heresies as is well Knowne to the learned And thoughe all these articles haue most true ground and proofe in holy Scriptures yet are they not soe expressly contayned therin as they may be fully prooued by them alone One example shall serue for all To proue the sonn to be consubstantiall or of one substance with the father the Catholiques doe alledg and truly this testimonie I and the father are one yet because there are moe meanes of beinge one then in substance as namely to be of one will desire and affection of which sorte of vnitie specially the Arrianes did explicat this place alledging for them selues that testimonie I pray that they all may be one as thou Father in me and I in thee that they also in vs may be one which cannot be vnderstood of vnitie in substance Therfore this testimonie without the interpretatiō of the Church which is the piller of truth doth not fully proue the father and the sonn to be one in substance The like may be sayd of the other articles here mentioned Catho posi 2. All such articles as are of faith and so holden by the Protestātes them selues are not contayned so much as indirectly or implicitly in holy Scriptures but onely so farr as the Scriptures contayne and testifie the auctoritie of the Church and traditions Proofe That all the Bookes of the Bible and euerie parte therof which are acknowledged for canonicall scripture ioynthy of Catholiques and Protestantes be such indeed That the most blessed mother of our Sauiour Christ continued perpetually a Virgin That it is lawfull for Cristians to eate strangled things and blood which were expresly forbidden them acts cap. 15. vers 20 are not so much as indirectly contayned in holy Scriptures otherwaies then is mentioned in our position But this being more amply proued in that which followeth of traditions this which wee haue sayd already shall suffice for the present The Positions which the Protestantes in this question are to proue be these Protestāt position 1 All articles of faith are so expressy contayned in scripture as out of them onely full proofe may be made therof 2. All articles of faith are at least so contayned in holy scriptures as with out anie testimonie or auctoririe of the Church or traditions they may thence be plainlie and distinctly deduced TE SECOND CONtrouersie of Traditiones Catholique Positions 1. THe holy Apostles deliuered by worde of mouth moe thinges to be beleeued and obserued by the Church then ether they found written or wrot them selues And these thinges are vsually called traditiones Proofe 1. Haueing moe things to write vnto you would not by paper and ●●●e for I hope shall be with you and speake mouth to ●outhe 2. And the rest I will dispose when I ●ome where the holy Apostle euidently sheweth that he reserued something more to be ordayned by worde then he wrote 3. The Apostles were commaunded to teache all nationes to obserue all things which our sauiour had commavnded which doubtless they fulfilled but they were not commaunded in anie place to write all the same nether doth it appeare by anie Scripture that they did write all thinges which they taught men to beleeue and obserue This is à demōstration that they taught more then they wrote if nothing be to be beleeued but what is contayned in holy Scripture 4. They taught Baptisme giuen to infants to be good and lawfull or ells the Anabaptistes are not heretiques for rebaptising them 5. They taught the sonday to be solemnised and the Iewes Sabbathe to be left without all solemnitie though most strictly commāded by god to be solemnised as an euerlasting couenāt 6. They deliuered and taught the creed by worde and not in writing which from they re tyme till now hath continued in the church by tradition onely 7. They taught Baptisme ministered by heretiques to be good and therfore S. Augustin speakinge therof saith Manie things which are not founde in the Apostles writinges nor in latter councells yet because they are obserued by the whole church are beleeued to be deliuered and recommended
tell the churche therfore must it of necessitie be apparent and visible 5. The Churche consistethe of Pastores and sheepe Superiors or rulers and subiectes And he gaue some Apostles and some Prophetes and other some Euangelistes other some pastores and Doctores Are all Appostles are all Prophetes are all Doctores But superiores and subiectes must be Knowne to one another as also Pastores and they re sheepe Therfore must the Churche of necessitie be visible and apparent Protestantes posit The true Church of god is not necessarily visible nor apparent ether to the faithfull beleeuers that are in it or to heretiques and those that are out of it This position must the Protestantes also proue and defend though directly against the holy Scriptures vnless they will confess their church not to be the true Church as if the Scriptures be true it cannot be seeinge that before Luther it ether was not at all or was inuisible and therfore no true church of Christ Catholique Positi The true church of Christ can neuer want à lawfull personall succession of Pastors from her first institution till the end of the world Proofe 1. And he gaue some Apostles and some Prophets and othersome Euangelistes and othersome pastores and Doctores To the consummation of the saintes vnto the worke of the ministerie vnto the edifyinge of the bodye of Christ Vntill we meete all in the vnitie of faythe Loe here Pastores giuen for the Churche till all meete in vnite of faythe which is till the ende of the worde 2. Goinge teache all nationes baptiseinge them in the name of the Father c. and behoulde I am with you all dayes euen to the consummation of the worlde Loe here Christ promiseth to be with the pastores of the Churche whom he sendethe all dayes till the ende therfore there shall alwayes be pastores 3 For thy Fathers there are borne sonnes to thee thou shalt make them princes ouer all the earthe Vnderstoode by S. Augustine of the successione of pastores in the churche Sayinge The Apostles begott thee ô Christian Churche they were sent they preached they are thy fathers But could they bee alwayes corporally with vs could any of them tarye here till this tyme could they tarie till the time yet to come But was therfore the Churche left desolate by theyr departure God forbidd For thy fathers sonnsare borne to thee what is this for thy fathers sonnes are borne to thee The Aposstles were sēt fathers inplace of the Aposstles sonnes are borne to the Bishoppes are appointed For whence were the Bishoppes borne that are att this daye in the worlde the church her selfe callethe them fathers shee begate them and appoynted them in the seates of the fathers Doe not therfore think thyself desolate O Christiā church because thou seest not Peter seest not Paule for thou seest not them by whome thou wast borne but of thyn issue fatherhoode is spronge to thee For thy fathers sonnes are borne to thee thou shalt make them princes ouer all the earthe This is the Catholique church Her children are made princes ouer all the earthe her sonnes are constituted for fathers lett them acknowledge this that are cut of let them come to the vnitie be they brought into the temple of the kinge Thus S. Augustin prote pos The true church of Christe may be without a lawfull personnall succession of Pastores This position they must alsoe proué or ells theyr church cannot be anie true churche For they cannot shew any Pastores of theyr religion before Luther to whom he succeeded Catho pos This lawfull succession of Pastores in gods churche is not withovt consecration and authenticall mission or sendinge by an ordinarye power residing in the churche Proofe 1. when they S. S. Paule and Barnabas had ordayned to them Priestes in eueri churche and had prayed with fastinge they commended them to our lord in whom they beleeued 2. Nether doth any man take the honoure of priesthoode to himself but he that is called of god as Aaron Note that if Luther Caluī and Beza with the rest who say they are called of god as Aaron can shewe the like proofes of they re calling that Aaron did and besides the externall consecratiō which he also had notwithstanding his internall callinge of god they shal be beleeued to haue godes caling Tough Aaron being the first of his order and therfore could not haue his callinge by succession his case is farr vnlike to our newe maysters vnless they will cōfess a truthe and saye that they are also the first of their order wherin they shal be beleeued and therby conuinced not to be preachers of Christ but of themselues because they haue no mission from him but come of them selues beinge sent by none 3. Howe shall they beliue him whom they haue not hard And howe shall they heare without a preacher But howe shall they preach vnless they be sent Amen Amen I saye vnto you he that entereth not by the dore that is by the ordinarie waye into the fould of the sheepe but climethe vp another way he is a theefe and a robber But hee that enterethe by the Dore is the Pastore of the sheepe The Prophets prophesie lyes in my name I haue not sent them I haue not sent these Prophets yet they rann with many such like wherby it appeareth that we are not to beleeue euerie one that pretēdeth to come from god vnless they shew their mission and cōmissiō To which purpose heare this notable saying of the auncient Ireneus It beho●uethe to obaie those priestes that are in the churche those who haue the succession from the Apostles as we haue shewed who together with Episcopalitie haue receiued accordinge to the will of the father the assured certayne gift of truthe But to suspect the rest that stande of from the originall succession in what place soeuer the are assembled ether as heretique● and of bad doctrine as makeinge schisme and as highe mynded and pleasinge themselues and of S. Cypriane If the church was with Cornelius wh● succeeded the Bishope Fabiane and whome beside the honoure of Preistho●● our lord glorified with martyrdome● Nouatian is not in the church nor ca● he be esteemed à Bishope who dispising euangelicall and apostolicall tradition succeeding to none is sprong● out from himselfe For nether can 〈◊〉 haue or houlde by any meanes the churche who is not ordered in the churche Protestantes Pos. The lawfull succession of Pastores in gods churche may be with out consecration and authenticall mission or sending by any ordinarie power residing in the churche THE SIXTHE CONtrouersie of the supremicie of S. Peter and of the Pope or Bishope of Rome Catho Positions 1 SAint Peter was by our sauiour Christ constituted supreme head and souraigne Bishope or Pastoure ouer his whole churche militant Proofe 1. Our sauiour sayd to S. Peter Symon of Ihon louest thou me Feede my sheepe
body which is giuen for you This is the chalice the newe testament in my blood which shall be shed for you and yet agayne Our lord Iesus in the night that he was betrayed tooke breade And giuinge thankes brake sayd Take yee eate This is my body which shall be deliuered for you this doe yee for commemoration of me In like manner also the chalice after he had supped sayinge this chalice is the newe testament in my blood this doe yee as often as ye shall drinke for the commemoration of me Note that these wordes this is my body beinge vnderstoode as they sounde there can be no more controuersie about this poynt And that they are to be vnderstoode as they sounde and without all figure may be conuinced in this sorte There can nether reason nor aucthoritie be alledged why anie other wordes of holy scripture are to be vnderstoode as they sounde and namely these wordes which are most like them This is my welbeloued sonne which doth not proue the same of these wherof we now speake Therfore without all sense reason merely of hereticall wilfulness is a figure sought in these Wordes more then in any other and namely in these I haue mentioned But here I intēd not any further dispute OF TRANSVBST ANtiation Catholique position THe worde Transubstātiation is not founde expressly in holy scripture as likewise is not cōsubstantiall but as the Catholique churche did euer beleeue the equalitie of power vnitie of substance in the Father and the sonne and by the assistance of the holy ghost the spirit of truthe which teacheth her all truthe did express her beleefe in that point by the worde consubstantiall in the holy councell of Nice so like wise haueinge euer beleeued the true reall presence of Christes body in the most holy eucharist by the change of the bread into the same body did beinge assisted by the same neuer fay linge spirit of truthe in the holy councel of Lateran first and since in diuerse others express her beleif in that poynt by the worde transubstantiation as most fitly declaringe the veritie of that most holy mystery Nether can the protestantes produce anie thing against transubstantiation which they themselues are not bounde to solue and answere the Arriannes obiectinge the very like against that of consubstantiall That the doctrin of trāsubstātion is not newe Adamus Francisci a learned protestant with others confesseth in these words The fiction of transubstantiation crep into the churche betimes And this shall suffice for this pointe till occasion be giuen of a larger discours OF ADORING THE holy Eucharist Catholique Positions OVr Sauioure Christ beinge noe less truly present in the holy Eucharist thē he was in the stable in Bethelem or vpon the cross he is noe less to be adored of all faithful christians in the sacrament then he was there or then beinge in the forme of a gardiner he was of S. Marie Magdalein Proofe Adore yee him all his Angells which wordes S. Paule hebrwes cap. 1. vnderstādeth of the ado●ation of Christ in his humanitié Adore yee the footstoole of his feete By which footstoole S. Augustine vnderstandeth the fleshe or bodie of our sauiour Christ and saith Because he walked here in fleshe and gaue the same fleshe to vs to be eaten for our Saluation and no man eateth that fleshe vnless he first adore it it is foūde howe the footstoole of our lord is adored Certes he that acknowledgeth our sauiour Christ truly present in the B. Sacrament and yet thinketh him not worthie of Adoration is more sensless and vnthankfull then that vngratfull kaytiff that seeinge his grations soueraigne cōming to visit him in his vile cottage should thinke him less honorable for suche exceeding grace and fauoure Protestantes positions In the holy Eucharist the true body and blood of our sauiou● Christ is not truly really an● substantially but in figure only 2 The body of Christ is not i● the Eucharist by transubstantiatione 3 He ys not to be adored in the Eucharist OF COMMVNION vnder one kinde Catholique positions 1. IT is no where forbidden i● holy scripture to minister the holy communion to lay personnes vnder one Kinde onely This Positione is clear no such prohibitione appearing in the scripture And yf the Protestātes growndes of beleeuinge nothinge but what is proued by scripture were true would sufficiently warrant the practise of the Roman churche in this poynt But ●urther It is no where commaunded ● holy scripture to giue the holy ●ommunion vnder both kindes ●o the laye people This Posision ys also cleare no such commaundement anie where appearinge For that which is sayd doe ●his for remembrance of me is spokē onely of the kinde of bread and therfore doth well prouue the contraire S. Paule in deed ●ddeth it to both kindes therby also declaringe this holy mysterie taken ether under both or one kinde to be a memoriall of Christ and his passione and therfore doth rather proue the Catholique Roman practice then anie waye disproue yt Thoughe these wordes doe rather giue power and auctoritie to the Apostles priestes to consecrate and offer the vnbloody sacrifice here instituted and offered by our sauiou● Christ then import anie commaundement of ministringe th● same to the laye people vnde● both kindes And this shal appeare more euidently by tha● which followeth Catholique position The Catholique Roman churche doth not anie wronge or iniurie to the lay people ministringe vnto them the holy Eucharist vnder one kinde onely They receauinge the same benefit by one that they should do by bothe christs bodie blood beinge whole in eache Proofe He that saythe vnless you eate the fleshe of the sonn of man and drinke his bloode you shall not haue life in you saithe also He that eatethe me the same also shall liue by me And agayne he that eateth of this bread shall liue foreuer And he that sayth he that eateeth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me and I in him The same also sayth the bread that I wil giue is my fleshe forthe life of the wolrde And he that sayth he that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood hath life euerlastinge The same sayth he that eateth this bread shall liue for euer All these are the sayinges of our sauiour Christ in on the same hapter of S. Ihon where if we say with most Catholique Docteurs that he speaketh of the holy Sacrament Sacramentally receaued it is manifest that he ascribeth the same effect and vertu to one kinde that he doth to both And therfore can they haue noe wrōge done them that for most iust causes haue it ministered vnder one kinde onely But yf we saye with the Protestantes that here is no speache of sacramētall eatinge of Christ his body thē is there noe difficultie in theyr cheest argument which is grounde vpon the first wordes alleadge in this proof 2. The were perseueringe