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A06347 An excellent and plaine discourse of the church, whereby the godlie may knowe and discerne the true Church, from the Romish Church, and all other false and counterfet churches, as well for matters of doctrine, as discipline, &c. Written in Frenche by M. Bartrand de Loque, a godlie minister of Dolphenine. And faithfully translated into English, by M.T.W. Seene and allowed; Traité de l'eglise. English Loque, Bertrand de.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1582 (1582) STC 16813; ESTC S103377 172,896 422

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similitudes Iesus Christe very plainely expresseth what shall bee the visible state and condition of the Churche so long as it shall bee on earth that is to say that the wicked shall continually be mingled therein with the good and that in suche sorte as the tares are amongest the good wheate in the fieldes and as euill fishes are mingled with the good in the Sea Wherof followeth that which we haue saide before in the third Chapter to wit that all they which are in the Church are not for all that of the Church And indeede experience hath in all ages shewed the same vnto vs and maketh vs to behold the same as yet euē euery day Gen. 4. 3. c Cain was the first that defiled the Churche of God although he offered sacrifices in outwarde shewe as his iust brother Abell did Noah preached vnto those of his time And continuing his exercise a long season some thinke sixe score yeeres hardly woulde his owne housholde beleeue his worde Gen. 7.1 c so that GOD destroying all the worlde by the flood onely eight persons of the foresaide Noahs housholde were reserued by the meane of the Arke And euen yet of those eight persons with whome God had made a newe couenant touching the establishing againe of his Churche Ham Gen. 9.22 in his time very manifestly declared his hypocrisie Amongst the twelue Apostles Mat. 27. 3. c. Act. 1.16 17. c. Reue. 2.6 Clemens strom lib. 3. Euseb hist eccles lib. 3 cap. 29. 1. Iohn 2. 19 Iudas is found a traitour and vnfaithfull Amongest the seuen Deacons one Nicholas was an heretike at the least if that be true that this Nicholas was one of the seuen Deacons as Clemens Alexandrinus and Eusebius certainely affirme it Saint Iohn speaking of Antichristes wherewith the Churche was in his time troubled and tormented saith They went out frō vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they woulde haue continued with vs. And what at this day Howe many hypocrites and greate mungrell Mastiffes are found at this day in the outwarde Church and are suffered therin Certainely there are very many whiche are acknowledged and allowed for members of the Churche of whome GOD who beholdeth all mens heartes doth in the meane season iudge otherwise Wherefore the Church euen in this respect is not at any time in the worlde without wrinckle The fourth point which wee must note heere is that our sanctification is not performed or wrought al at one time but there are three degrees or steppes thereof to the end that it may be perfect The first degree is during this life when that our Lord Iesus Christ giueth vs his holy spirite thereby to resist and withstande the worlde the diuell sinne and our owne fleshe to the ende that wee may loue good things Rom. 7.22 23. c and hate euil Hereunto may be applied that which Saint Paule speaketh of himselfe writing vnto the Romanes in the seuenth Chapter verse 22.23 The seconde is after this life when the soule enioyeth the presence of Iesus Christ giuing it selfe vnto all holinesse but our other part that is the bodie resting it selfe in the dust without being able to applie it self vnto any thing to sanctifie the name of God by The third shal be after the last iudgemēt when beeing perfectly ioyned with Iesus Christ our head we shall behold God euen as he is who shal be all in all and that after such maner and sort as S. Paule saith that Christe is made of GOD vnto vs wisedome 1 Cor. 1. 30 righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Therfore when that our Lord Iesus Christe shal so work in vs that there shal be no spot Philip. 3. 21. 1. Ioh. 3.2 but that our very bodies shall be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie and we shal be like vnto him then truly shal our sanctification be accomplished and made perfect which nowe is but as it were begunne in vs. CHAP XII Whether the Church may erre or no. THis question to wit whether the Church can erre hath beene diuers times tossed and handled for the opening and vnfolding whereof wee must first striue to knowe after what maner or in what sēse the word church is heere to be taken I meane whether wee must vnderstand this of the Catholike and vniuersall churche or els of the particular Churches But the controuersie is not in my iudgement of the Catholike church for wee all agree heerein that shee cannot erre as touching faith And indeede howe shoulde shee erre seeing that following Iesus Christe her head and her husband shee walketh not in darkenesse but in the light of life On the other side it is impossible that all faithfull people vniuersally euen from the first vnto the last shoulde fall into errour for there haue beene alwayes some preserued through the goodnesse and grace of GOD by whome trueth it selfe through other mens naughtines brought as it were to nothing or at the least destituted and forsaken hath yet notwithstanding been restored to her former force and is yet still mainteined and preserued Wherefore this question is touching a particular churche Touching which it seemeth good vnto vs in the first place to heare the iudgement and reasons of the Romishe Catholikes vppon this that they affirme that the churche so taken cannot erre following herein the Nouatians Donatistes and other heretikes And afterwardes we will shew foorth put downe our aduise and reasons to proue the contrarie The Romishe Catholikes thinke that the churche cannot erre although shee doe and appoint any thing without the worde of God for beeing guided by the holie Ghost she may goe and walke without the order and direction of the worde and although shee goe and walke yet shee cannot erre or goe astray But they separate that whiche ought alwayes to remaine abide ioyned together for if the churche followe not the worde of God it is impossible to keepe her from error as on the other side if shee followe it therein she doth well and cānot erre The reasons wherby they would persuade men that the church cannot erre are these following The first is this Iesus Christe doeth not at any time forsake his churche whiche is his spouse or wife Wherefore it followeth that it cannot erre I aunswere by a distinction So farre foorth as the church foloweth Iesus Christ it cannot bee forsaken of him and cannot erre but in as muche as it liuing in the worlde doeth stray from Christ and goeth aside from gods commandements it is forsaken of him and doth erre The second reason The Church is called The piller and ground of truth 1. Tim. 3.15 Wherfore it cannot erre I answere that there is in this argument a double error the one touching the word Church For Saint Paule meaneth the Catholike Church not any particular one The other is concerning the meaning of the Apostle For he calleth the Church the piller
when Iesus Christ ordained his twelue Apostles he ordained them for a time only and after them he hath not substituted or ordained others in their place to haue so ample and large a charge as theirs was Likewise we read not that the Apostles established other apostles in their steed but onely Elders auncients that is to say Pastors and Ministers who had their callings charges offices limitted Wherefore albeit S. Peter might well be an vniuersall Bishop yet so it is that those that came after him cānot rightly attribute vnto themselues such an office But to conclude by what markes can the pope bragge that he is the successor of peter whose office he doth not any maner of way execute and whom he followeth not in any thing whatsoeuer CHAP. VIII Whether the Church of Rome be the true and Catholike Church And whether wee doe well to separate and withdrawe our selues from it WHen wee call the assemblie of papists the Romish Churche wee meane not that wee hold or take the same for the true Church For we take the worde Church in his generall signification for a companie or fellowship or congregation And in deede wee holde and affirme that among the papists the true church is not but only some little tract or path of a Churche to the ende that that which S. Paul saith may be accomplished to wit 2. Thes 2.4 that Antechrist doth sit as god in the temple of God This being true much lesse can we say that the assembly which is amongest the papistes is the Catholike Church which point we proue by these resons following The first reason The true Church is foūded or builded vpon the doctrine of the prophetes and apostles as S. Paul saith Ephes 2.20 but the papacie or popedome hath not any suche foundatiō because that it hath ouerthrown the doctrine of the prophetes and apostles as may plainly appeare by the examination of their traditions The popedome therfore is not the true Church The second reason In the true Catholike Church the truth shold reigne beare sway for S. Paule saith 1. Tim. 3.7.15 the church is the piller and ground of truth but in the papacie truth reigneth not but on the contrarie side falshood lying as appeareth by the doctrine of the masse of Purgatorie of inuocation or prayer to Saints of idols of merites and other such matters Wherfore it followeth that the papacie or popedome is not the true Church 2. Cor. 11.2 Ephe. 5.22 The third reason The true Church is the spouse or wife of Christ But the Church of Rome is not the spouse of Christ For the spouse of Christe contenteth her selfe with Christ her only husband euen as an honest woman doth content herself with her only husband without admitting or suffering any other with or besides him which the Romish church doth not because she receiueth the Pope of Rome for her husband ioyneth him together with Iesus Christ Wherfore it followeth that the Romish church is not the true church The fourth reason The true Churche is the sheepfold of Iesus Christes sheepe Ioh. 10.16 But the popedome is not the sheepfold of Christes sheepe for it heareth not the voyce of Christ the true pastor or sheepheard but the voice of a strāger that is of the pope whose lawes it followeth and keepeth more then the lawes of Christ The papacie then or Popedome is not the ttue Church The fift reason The true Church is the body of Christ Ephe. 1.23 but the Romish Churche is not the body of Christ For the body of Christ contenteth it self with Christ the only head thereof otherwise it should be a mōster with two heads as we haue declared before in the seuenth chapter which thing the romish church doth not bicause it receiueth holdeth the pope for her head Wherfore it foloweth very wel that the Romish church is not the true church The sixt reason Though it were that the church of Rome were the true Church yet it could not be but a particular church euē as the Church of Corinthus Ephesus others whereupon it foloweth that it is not neither can be the Catholike and vniuersall church The 7. reason In the true Church these 3. markes are found without fayling that is to say the lawful calling of pastors the pure preaching of the word and the right administration of the sacraments But in the Romish church these 3. markes are not to bee found as it is easie to shew by the examination that a man might take thereof Wherof it followeth that the Romish church is not the true and right church Nowe seeing that wee haue sufficiently shewed that the churche of Rome is not the Catholike Churche neither yet the true Churche men must not deeme it straunge that wee cannot agree with it but that wee depart and separate our selues from it and that in so doing we ought not at any hand or any maner of way to be held and accoūted for Schismatiks because we do not forsake the ancient and Catholike Church no not the auncient Romane Church but do altogether agree with the same For would wee knowe what manner of Church the Church of Rome was in ancient time Tertullian teacheth it vs when he speketh therof after this maner A blessed Churche for which the Apostles haue spread abrode all the doctrine with their blood Tertul. de praescr haeretic where Saint Peter suffered such a death as the Lorde him selfe did where Paule was crowned with martyrdome where Iohn the Apostle was put into burning or flaming oyle and yet was taken out of the same without any hurt or blister and afterwardes sent into exile Let vs looke vpon that which shee learned and that which shee taught and what concorde and agreemente shee hath had with the Churches of Affrica Shee hath acknowledged confessed and allowed one onely God the Creator of all things and Iesus Christ the sonne of God borne of the Virgine Mary shee hath beleeued also the resurrection of the flesh shee hath receiued the law and the Prophetes with the writinges as well of the Euangelists as of the Apostles and from thence shee draweth or fetcheth faith she marketh hers with the Sacramente of Baptisme and shee clotheth them with the holy Ghoste she nourisheth them with the Sacrament of the Supper shee exhorteth by martyrdome and shee receiueth not any person against such instruction Behold Tertullian his woordes Wherefore we haue not forsaken this auncient churche of Rome but the newe and particular Romishe churche which since hath lifted vp her selfe whiche aduoucheth the pope for her head and alloweth him for the Vicar of Iesus Christe on earth which worshippeth him and obeyeth his lawes againste the lawes of GOD. For shee hath degenerated and gone out of kinde and hath loste all her authoritie euen as the cleargie of the saide Church hath sometimes foretolde writting to Saint Cyprian saying That the prayse that Saint Paule gaue to that
and ground of truth not that it is so simplie and indeede of it selfe but in respect of vs because that the truth of God hath not place in the worlde saue onely in the Church For as much therefore as God maintaineth his truth amongest men Chrysost in 3 cap. 1. ad Timoth. and maketh it alwayes to goe his right course by the ministerie of the Churche therefore is the Church called the piller and grounde of the truth To be short because that God himselfe commeth not downe from heauen and doth not euery day sende his Angels to maintaine his truth among men to publish it to the world but vseth the ministerie of the Church for this effect that is to say the preaching of the word for this cause it is called the columne or pillar of truth because that by the preaching of the worde it is reteined amongest men and countergarded to the ende that it decaye not or perish from the memorie or remembrance of men The thirde reason The Church is gouerned and guided by the holy Ghoste howe then can it erre I aunswere that so farre foorth as the Church is gouerned by the holy ghoste suffering it himselfe to be guided by him obeyeth him shee cannot erre but if shee doe the contrary shee may erre and doeth erre The fourth reason In the kingdome of heauen no error can haue any place Mat. For trueth reigneth therein but the Churche is the kingdome of heauen It followeth then that in the Church no error can haue place All this is true of the Catholike Church yea and of particular Churches also so farre foorth as they shewe themselues to bee the kingdome of heauen and not the kingdome of this worlde and of the fleshe that is to say so farre foorth as they are assemblies subiect in al things to Iesus Christ the king of heauen But where is that particular church so obediēt to Iesus Christ the king of heauen that it erreth not and fayleth not in many points and particular duties The fifth reason councels cannot erre but the church consisteth of councels therfore the church cannot erre This Syllogisme pretendeth and laboureth to proue an vncertaine thing by another thing yet more vncertaine For many examples do plainely testifie that the councels may erre as indeede they haue oftentimes erred And touching the first the councell that Ahab assembled of foure hūdred prophetes did not it erre It is written that they beeing come to this wicked king to flatter him 1. King 22.6 c. Satan was sent out by and from God to bee a lying spirite in their mouthes so all of them with one consent condemned the truth Michaiah alone withstanding them who was reprooued as an heretike beaten and put into prison Iohn 11.47 The councell which the high Priests and pharisees assembled in Ierusalem against Iesus Christ did not it erre wee see how they condemned Iesus Christ litle regarded yea much despised his doctrine And what shall wee say of the councels and Synods which were helde and kept after the death of the apostles euen vnto our age whereof some haue reproued and vndone that which was established and done by others for of necessitie either the one or the other haue erred they being repugnant and contrary one to another Examples hereof The councell of Carthage in whiche Saint Cyprian was president did decree Con. Cartha that those whiche were baptised by heretikes shoulde bee baptised againe Which decree was broken and ouerthrowen by an other Councell of Carthage holden after Con. Cartha The second Synode of Ephesus Synod Ephe. consented to Eutiches his error and imbraced the same receiued it in this that he confessed in Iesus Christe but one only nature that is to say the diuine nature which error was afterwardes confuted and caste downe to the ground Con. Chalce by the general councell of Chalcedonia The councell of Constantinople Con. Constant called by the Emperour Leo about nine hundred yeeres agoe ordeined that men shoulde throwe downe and breake in peeces all the images that were in Churches which ordinaunce the Councell assembled at Nice Con. Nicen. by the commaundement of Irene the Emperours mother was immediatly after broken and cracked and commaundement giuen that Images should be set vp againe Con. Neoces Con. Maien Con. Cartha 2. Con. Nicen. The Councell of Neocesaria and of Maience and the second councel of Carthage did forbidde marriage to the ministers and Elders of the Church The councel of Nice decreed the contrarie permitting ministers to marrie Con. Braca Con. Tole 3. Con. Roma The councell of Bracara did pronounce curse against those that absteined from eating flesh and this decree was confirmed by the thirde councell of Toletum but the councell of Rome ordeined the contrarie forbidding the vse of fleshe vppon certaine dayes of the yeere August lib. 2. de Baptis contra Donatist cap. 3. To bee short Saint Augustine plainly declareth that which I speake to wit that coūcels may erre For he expresly saith that the letters and Epistles of particular Bishops are corrected by prouinciall councels and the prouinciall councels by vniuersall and the former vniuersal councels annihilated and disanulled by the latter when by some certaine experience of thinges that which before was secrete is opened that which was hiddē is made euident and plaine neither shall it stand them in any steede at all to say that this place of Augustine ought to be vnderstood of outward and indifferente things for Saint Augustine disputeth there of a point of doctrine that is to say of the opinion of Saint Cyprian and of the councell of Affrica touching rebaptisation or baptising againe Now then in so great diuersitie and gainesaying one of another what shall wee say To whiche councell shall wee giue greater faith and credit For this we perceiue cleerly and plainely that they thus crossing and contrarying one an other did not all consent and speake according to the truth that therefore wee must of necessitie conclude that some of them haue erred and that by their false and erronious determinations they haue degenerated and gone astray from the right way of the worde of God Certainely it is very meete and requisite An admonition touching Councels and Synods that wee shoulde bee wise and very well aduised when the question is either to set out or to receiue that which shal bee determined by councels and Synods For it is altogether manifest and plaine that councels and Synodes may be deceiued And therefore as touching their decrees and determinations this is that wee haue to say that we must bring the weight of them make it subiect to the balance that is to say wee must trie and examine them by the worde of God Gala. 1.8 which is indeed the balance whervnto not only men are subiect but also the Angels as S. Paule teacheth in his Epistle to the Galathians
An excellent and plaine Discourse of the CHVRCH whereby the Godlie may knowe and discerne the true Church from the Romish Church and all other false and counterfet Churches as well for matters of doctrine as Discipline c. Written in Frenche by M. Bartrand de Loque a godlie Minister of Dolphenine And faithfully translated into English by M.T.W. SEENE AND ALLOWED Jmprinted at London for Thomas Man 1582. ¶ The summe of the Chapters conteined in this present Treatise Chapter 1 TOuching the diuers significations and takinges of this worde Church and how the Churche is commonlie distinguished Pag. 1. Chap. 2. Of the Catholik vniuersall Church which is one although there be diuers particulers thereof Pag. 7. Chap. 3. Of the visible Church and of the true marks thereof Pag. 14 Chap. 4. Whether the true markes of the Churche are to bee found amongest the Romish Catholikes Pag. 19. Chap. 5. Of the calling succession of pastors Pa. 24. Chap. 6. That the Church hath alwaies been from the beginning of the worlde is and shal be vnto the end thereof but yet the Churche must not bee regarded or acknowledged for the great numbers sake Pag. 55. Chap. 7. That Iesus Christe alone is the head of the Churche and not Saint Peter neither any Pope Pag. 68. Chap. 8. Whether the Church of Rome be the true and Catholike Church and whether wee doe well to withdrawe or separate our selues from it Pag. 102. Chap. 9. Touching the degrees of Ministers in the Church where also speeche is had of the orders of the Popes Cleargie and of the office and dueties of true Pastors Pag. 128. Chap. 10. Whether the ministerie of the word be alwaies necessary in the Church and howe muche men may attribute or giue thereto Pag. 160. Chap. 11. Of the sanctifie or holinesse of the Churche Pag. 184. Chap. 12. Whether the Churche may erre Pag. 197. Chap. 13. Whether the Church bee aboue the holy scripture that is to say whether the holy scripture depend on the iudgement and authoritie of the Church Pag. 213. Chap. 14. Of the Discipline of the Church Pag. 234. Chap. 15. Whether it belonge to the Churche to make lawes and if shee make some howe far the faithfull ought to obey her Pag. 25● Chap. 16. Concerning the afflictions and persecutions of the Church Pag. 274. ¶ To the most noble Lorde my Lorde Henrie de la Tour Vicount of Turenne Countie of Monfert Baron of Mongacon Oriergues Bonsolz Fey Seruissac Croc c. Captaine of fiue hundred men at armes of the kings armies MY Lorde Lactan. lib. 4 de vera sapient cap. 30. Lactantius hath very properly and fitly called the Church the fountaine of trueth the house and dwelling place of faith and the Temple of God adioyning withall that if there bee any whiche entreth not into this Temple or if there bee any that goe out thereof hee is shut out from the hope of life and from eternall saluation For euen as in the time of the vniuersall flood none could bee saued whiche were out of Noe his Arke Gene. 7.20.23 so without the Churche there is neither hope nor faith nor grace nor saluation Whiche thing also the Apostle Saint Paul did verie well declare and meane when beeing purposed to excommunicate some and to caste them out of the Churche 2. Cor. 5 3.5 1. Tim. 1.20 hee saide hee muste deliuer them vnto Satan For as Iesus Christ reigneth in the Churche so Satan reigneth without the same and as they whiche are in the Church hauing Iesus Christe for their head are in very good state blessed so they which are out of the Churche hauing the Diuell for their head cannot but be wicked and accursed And therfore it is said both in Isaiah in Ioel That in Sion and in Ierusalem there shal be saluation Isaia 46.13 Ioel. 2.32 There being meant by Syon and Ierusalem the Church of God as also by the worde heauen there is meant the same thing in the Apocalips when S. Iohn saith I hearde a great and lowde voice Reue. 12.10 saying Nowe is saluation in heauen On the other side wee reade that when God declareth that hee will vtterly roote out some from the heauenly life hee denounceth against them and threateneth Ezech. 13.9 That they shall not be in the counsell assemblie of his people neither written in the role of his seruantes And Dauid very well knewe and felt this when sometimes being in exile all griefes and aduersities were vnto him tollerable and as a man woulde say easie to beate excepting this that hee was depriued of and wanted the solemne assemblies wherein men made publike declaration and protestation of Gods religion and seruice Wherefore be wailing his condition because hee was excluded from the visible Churche hee beeing also shut out from accesse or comming to the Tabernacle by the crueltie and tyrannie of his enemies hee cryed out earnestly and saide O Lord of hostes how amiable are thy Tabernacles Psalm My soule longeth yea fainteth for the courtes of the Lorde for my hearte and my fleshe leape for ioy in the liuing God And a little after Blessed are they which dwell in thy house they will euer prayse thee For a day in thy courtes is better then a thousand other wheis I had rather bee a doore keeper in the house of my God then to dwell in the Tabernacles of the wicked For thereby hee hath declared that the condition of those men which bestowe their life yea although it were but a day long in the seruice of God in the middest of the Church among faithfull people is farre more blessed then theirs who liue though it were neuer so long out of Gods house and in the midst of those out of whose companie their religion is banished To which purpose also belongeth that which the same Prophete singeth in an other Psalme Psalm 27.4 One thing haue I desired of the Lorde that I will require euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the beautie of the Lorde and to visit his Temple And againe when hee saith Psal 106.45 Remember or haue mercie on mee O Lorde with the fauour and good will of the people and visite mee with thy saluation That I may set the good thinges of thy chosen ones and reioyce in the ioy of thy people and glory with thine inheritaunce And for this verie cause and occasion the Apostle to the Hebrwes commendeth praiseth Moses Heb. 11.24.25 when hee saith That by faith hee beeing come to age refused to bee called the sonne of Pharaoh his daughter chosing rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God then to inioy the pleasures of sinne for a short season Wherefore if wee woulde that GOD shoulde gouerne vs by his holy spirite to the ende to make vs inioy and possesse his spirituall and heauenly good thinges
whiche hee giueth not but vnto his children alone the members of Iesus Christ his sonne and by consequent if wee woulde bee saued and made blessed wee ought to hold and keepe our selues firme sure and well staied in the Churche so that there bee no force of tyrants no violence of stormes and tempestes no persecution of enemies no promises no threatnings nor to bee short any thing els which may turne vs away or cause vs to separate our selues from it But in the meane while wee see what controuersie and disputation there is at this day amongest men touching the point or matter of the Churche that beeing true whiche Lactantius saith to wit That euery companie of Heretikes supposeth that they are true Christians Lact. de vera sapien ca. 10 and their Church is the Catholike Church as wee knowe that Parmenianus the Donatist said That there was not a church but amongst his sort and companie insomuch that sundrie of this age suffer them selues to drop away and be deceiued by the feigned name and visardlike title of the Church abiding hardened in their superstitions and blinded in errours making no account August ad Catecum cap. 20. of Saint Augustine his aduertisement and counsell who speaketh thus This Catholike Church is our true mother yea shee is our faithfull and chaste mother decked within with the dignitie and worthinesse of her husbande and not coloured or painted without with lying and falshoode and afterwardes hee addeth Let vs looke well to our selues that the strange and false name of the Churche turne vs not away from this mother of ours and that the outwarde shewe or borowed bare title of the Churche doe not deceiue vs. There are some others who remaine astonished as it were and doubtfull not knowing to which parte to turne neither on which side to set themselues in order Seeing the Romishe Church armed with great force and authoritie mainteined and vpholden by great personages cloathed with diuers ornaments outward apparrell and followed of the greatest number On the other side beholding the reformed Church feeble and weake in outwarde shewe made and standing for the most part of the smalest and basest according to the world simple in deckings and ceremonies and followed of very fewe people But the doctrine of the trueth which is our principall light and chiefe guide giueth vs a good remedie and aide in this difficultie shewing vs that the true Churche ought to bee discerned from the false by her owne right and true marks which are the pure preaching of the worde and the true and right vse of the sacraments and not the great number of people nor pompes not outward ceremonies inuented deuised by men themselues You my Lorde haue sometimes seene what trouble and combates the very visarde bare name and shining shewe of the Romishe church hath brought to som mens consciences and spirites and that not only amongest the rudest and ignorant sort but euen in the rancke and order of those which made profession and tooke vpon them to teach others yea so farre it hath carried them that by reason there was nor in them a full resolutenesse they knew not of what companie they shoulde bee Notwithstanding as touching your selfe after that God had honoured you with his knowledge and called you into his Churche that you mighte bee comprehended within the sheepefolde of Iesus Christes his sonne hauing almost made open profession of his Gospell and cast away the beastes marke whatsoeuer shaking and staggering you perceiued in diuers others you notwithstanding haue alwayes continued through Gods grace grounding and setling your selfe vpon his assured and inuincible worde And in deede by what force and strength coulde the backe flydinges of some the Sophisticall disputations of other some astonishe your faith or beate downe your constancie so well mainteined and vpholden by the holy Ghoste How could these assaultes cracke your courage or change and make colde your zeale so hotte in the seruice of God Certainely this is a great matter that all the worlde hath an eye vpon you wondering at and louing the great and singular affection which you beare to the aduancement of Gods true religion and seruice But the question is nowe to continue in well doing and to proceede dayly from good to better For this is nothing to beginne well except a man perseuere and continue euen to the end And wee knowe what Iesus Christe saith to wit That hee which putteth his hande to the plough and looketh backe is not apte to the kingdome of God Luke 9.62 2. Tim. 2.5 And Saint Paule If any man saith hee striue for a mastrie hee is not crowned except hee striue as hee ought to doe There are some whiche say that this is enough for a man to haue some testimonie in his conscience that hee belongeth to God albeit hee make not any declaration or profession of his religion But by the testimonies heere aboue marked and put downe it is easie for vs to gather what neede wee haue to range and bring our selues into the true Churche that wee may therein liue Christianlie in the seruice of God seeing that any where els there is neither life nor light And also what assurance can they haue of their saluation which liue in this worlde as dogs and swine following the traine and steppes of Sardanapalus or of Epicurus to eate and drinke to laugh and reioyce to play and to giue themselues to pleasure without thinking any whit at all of God or remembring any religion Wherefore my Lorde euen as you haue well and blessedly begunne hauing had right knowledge to discern betweene the true and false Churche so it yet resteth that you perseuere and continue yea that yet you proceede and passe somewhat further to range and bring into order all your house in the feare of God that it may be vnto him a holy and chaste Churche in the middest whereof hee may take pleasure to dwell that thereby hee may blesse you and make you to prosper You knowe with what ardencie and zeale the Prophete Haggai reproued the Iewes of his time Haggai 1.4 lately returned out of Babylon because they builded many houses for themselues and did diligently feele and carue them but they had no regarde to builde vp the Lords Temple Hag. 2.3.22 And wee must note that the Prophet directeth not his speech only to the people and Priestes to moue them to doe their duetie for the furtherance and setting vp of this building but also vnto Zerubbabel the gouernour of Iudah Which serueth well to declare that great lords and Magistrates as well as ministers and the rest of the people ought with all their mighte and power to imploy themselues for the edification and aduancement of the Churche of God Rom. 13.4 Psalm 82.1 And thereuppon commeth it to passe that Sainte Paule calleth Magistrates the Ministers and seruants of God and that in another place They are called euen Gods to wit not
only in respect of ciuill iudgements and because they are the tutors mainteiners and defenders of publike good things and common wealth but also because the principall parte of their charge and office is to serue God in nourishing and mainteining his seruice as well outward as inward in causing pure doctrine and religion to florishe and in keeping the state of the Church safe and sound and whole in euery parte For whiche effect and cause they are also named in Isaiah Nurcing fathers Isaia 49.23 1. Tim. 2.24 and Nurces of the Church The Apostle writing vnto Timothie sheweth vs the selfe same matter when after he had exhorted them to pray for the kinges and for all those which are placed in authoritie hee addeth as a fitte reason and very strong for that purpose That vnder them wee may leade a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie For thereby hee euidently declareth that the Magistrates office is to haue care that the people whiche are committed to them shoulde liue not onely in honestie and in peace one of thē with another but also in all godlines and feare of God But if the holy scripture did not teache vs this yet wee might in some sort learne it out of prophane authours that is to say Philosophers and Heathen lawemakers For among the Philosophers Aristotle in his Politikes hath saide Aristot in Politicis That Godlinesse and religion are the matters whiche Magistrates ought to esteeme moste necessarie for the establishment of common weales Plato in Epinom And Plato in his Epinomis saith also That Princes shoulde not at any time bee persuaded that there is any thing more profitable and necessarie for mankinde then that vertue is which men call pietie and godlinesse that is to say religion and the seruice of God And as concerning lawemakers wee knowe that they hauing to prouide for necessarie thinges and to make ordinances and decrees therefore haue alwayes giuen the first and most honourable place to pietie or godlines and the seruice of GOD. And indeede because they woulde that their lawes shoulde be of greater authoritie and better receiued of their people as well agreeing with pietie and godlinesse Minos they haue made them beleeue that their Gods were authours thereof Minos the Lawemaker of the Cretenses gaue them to vnderstande that hee was Iupiters familiar friende and that hee spake often to him to the ende the people might beleeue that hee receiued from him the lawes which hee established amongest them Zoroastes Zoroastes giuing lawes to the Bactrians and Persians said that hee receiued them from Oromason whome they accounted for God authour of al goodnesse Trismegistus saide also Trismegistus that hee had receiued from Mercurius the lawes whiche he gaue to the Egyptians Carondas Carondas the lawemaker amongest the Carthaginenses referred and ascribed his lawes to Saturnus Licurgus Licurgus the lawemaker of the Lacedemonians referred the lawes which hee gaue to Apollo Solō Draco Solon and Draco the lawemakers among the Athenians referred their lawes to Minerua Xamolxis Numa Xamolxis the lawemaker among the Scithians ascribed his lawes to Vesta Numa to the ende he might get authoritie to his lawes amongest the Romans feigned that in the night season hee had great acquaintance or lay with the goodnesse Aegeria Wherefore this remaineth resolute and standeth sure that Princes and Magistrates to the end that they may in good policie and order gouerne their Lordships and frame the maners of their subiectes ought alwayes to beginne with pietie and the seruice of God as with the most necessarie matter and as without the which there is no regiment or gouernment in the worlde which can long subsist or stand And therefore for this cause specially is it that good kinges princes and lords are praised in the Scripture as Dauid Iosiah Hezekiah amongest kinges Ioseph and Daniell among the rulers and gouernours of prouinces for kings Moses Iehoshua and the Iudges amongst those who had the guiding and leading of people whiche were free Wherefore the flatterers of the courte doe villanously abuse and mocke the very Lordes and Princes when they blow this into their eares that the cause of religion concerneth them nothing at all and that they ought to bee content with this that they haue some care of politike matters committed vnto them and charge of their domesticall and housholde affaires and namely of their Horses Dogges Haukes Foules c. For warre for hunting hauking and for their other particular pleasures without trauelling and taking any more paine for all that or any part thereof whiche concerneth the good estate affaires of Gods Church Thankes bee to God my Lorde that you bee farre otherwise instructed in that which belongeth to the duetie of Christian lordes and magistrates than that which the courtiers brabble and prate not to suffer your selfe to bee distracted neither to goe astray from that which the truth hath once taught you And I hope yea I hope it very stedfastly that that great god who hath put and placed in you so good seede will giue it so good an increase that he will be thereby for euer glorified and that that true not counterfet profession of the religion which you haue will bring to passe that you shall bee more and more loued and honored of good honest people and feared reuerenced of the wicked and persecutors On mine owne parte that I might bring some aide and succour to the faithfull people to the end that they might learne by your example to put a difference betweene the true and false Church by the same meane to resolue to keepe and stay them selues vppon the true Church and that I might also giue some familiar and plaine order to all to knowe on which side the true Churche is I haue as diligentlye builded framed and prepared this present discourse as it was possible for mee wherein I intreate of the Churche and all the points and partes thereof that I thought meete and purposed to touch or could think vpon And therin I haue followed the most apt and cōuenient order that I coulde choose without confounding the matters therin declaring al that which wee ought to behold and beleeue of the church touching her estate forme guiding gouernment For I shewe therein what is the true Church whiche are her true and infallible markes which is the true succession calling of Pastors therin what is her spreading abrode increase of continuance who is the head thereof howe shee is holy whether she may erre what is her power and authoritie amongest whom it is what be the degrees and orders of her guiders what is her discipline whether the Ministerie bee necessarie in her And lastly I speake of her persecutions and afflictions in which point I am somewhat more large then in the rest because I knewe that the present neede and occasion required it to the end I might confirme and
triumphant is the companie of blessed spirites who hauing gotten victory through Iesus Christ against their enemies the diuel the world the flesh sinne death and hell triumph at this present on high in heauen praising God and celebrating the glorie of his name with all ioyfulnesse We haue a goodly description of this Church in the Reuelation Reue. 7.9.10 Cap. 7.9.10 The Church militant is the assemblie of all the faithfull people who as yet on earth fight vnder the banner or standard of Iesus Christ their head against the foresaide enimies whose armours or weapons are set out by S. Paule in the Ephesians Eph. 6.13.14 c. chap. 6. For it is not the Lords will that so long as we are to walke here belowe we should bee without afflictions but hee will haue vs to be continually in the battell and alwayes troubled and tormented through the malice of men yea so much the more by howe much we shall earnestly indeuour to serue him in all godlinesse and holinesse Act. 14.22 this matter also being alreadie concluded that by many tribulatiōs we must enter into the kingdome of God Wherevnto doe appertaine also Ioh. 2. Tim. 3.12 the sentences of Iesus Christ and S. Paul Ioh. 15 20. Ioh. 16.2 2. Tim. 3.12 But hereafter we will speake more largely of the afflictions of the Church The second distinctiō is that the Church is called either Catholike that is to say vniuersall or generall being dispersed thoroughout the world and comprehending vniuersally all the faithfull and elect people of God or else particular whiche is a part of the vniuersall for wee vse to call them particular Churches or congregations whiche are limited within a certaine number and inclosed in certaine places being as it is saide before partes and members of the vniuersall suche in former time were the Churches of Corinthus Rome Ephesus such are at this day the Churches of Fraunce Germanie England Switzerland and other places of all which together consisteth the vniuersall which notwithstāding is but one as anon we shall see The third distinction is that the Church is sometimes said to be inuisible and sometimes visible The inuisible Churche is streitly and narrowly considered and is the verie same which before we called Catholike or vniuersall comprehending only the faithfull and elect in whiche number they also are to be accoūted that be alredy dead The visible Church is considered more largely and comprehendeth al them which are called by the preaching of the Gospell to be of Christes flock Augustine in Psal 64. S. Augustine vseth this distinction in his writings For writing vpon the 64. Psalm he saith that the church which is signified by Ierusalem tooke beginning from Abell and Babylon from Caine and yet notwithstanding in his booke of Baptisme against the Donatistes chap. 16. August Lib. 1 cont Donatist cap. 1 6. taking the Church in a more generall signification he saith that the same which begate ingendered and brought foorth Abell Enoch Noah Abraham and the Prophetes did also begette ingender and bring foorth Caine Ismaell Dathan and others such like But wee must more narrowly and deepely search this matter declare what it is which doth properly belong to the Churche as well Catholike and inuisible as to the other which I said was visible But first of the Catholike and inuisible Church CHAP. II. Of the Catholike and inuisible Church which indeede is but one albeit it haue manie particular partes and members BY that which hath bin said before it is an easie matter to gather make a good certaine definition of the Church Wherefore first we say that the Catholike and inuisible church is the cōpanie of al faithful people scattered throughout the whole world whō God hath chosen to euerlasting life With this definitiō agreeth that which may bee gathered out of that whiche Saint Paule saith to the Corinthians to witte that the Church is the companye of all those 1. Cor. 1.2 that beeing sanctified through Iesus Christe and called to bee Saintes doe call vpon the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe in euerie place The Church then is not an house of woode or of stone builded by mans hande but the congregation commonaltie and fellowship of all those whiche followe the trueth of faith Which matter also we may confirme by these reasons following Gal. 1.13 Act. 9.14 First S. Paul confesseth That he persecuted the Church of God Ananias saith that he had authoritie from the high Priestes to bind all those that called vppon the name of the Lorde that is to say Christians Here we see that Saint Paule calleth those the Church whome Ananias nameth Christians or such as did call vppon the name of the Lord. Eph. 1.23 1. Cor. 12.27 Secondarily the Church is called the bodie of Christe and the companie of faithfull people is also called the bodye of Christ wherevpon it followeth that the Church is no other thing but the companie of the faithfull Ioh. 10.16 Thirdlie Iesus Christ him selfe calleth the Churche a sheepfolde wherevnto sheepe apperteine and belong but by sheep are meant the elect as appeareth by that which is said Math. 25. The Churche then is nothing else Mat. 25 32.3● but the sheepefold or congregation of the elect Fourthly the auncient writers haue so declared it August in Psal 122. and set it out For behold howe Saint Augustine hath spoken therof All faithfull Christians saith he are the Church And Chrysostome Homil. 20. de expuls ipsius Lib. 7. de stroma The Churche saith hee consisteth not in walles but in the multitude of faithfull people Clemens Alexandrinus saith also I call the Church not the place or the temple but the congregation of the elect This Church is called Catholike or vniuersall for three reasons First in consideration of the place for it is not tyed to one certaine place as citie prouince or kingdome but is dispersed and scattered abrod throughout all the worlde Mat. 28.18 euen as Iesus Christ hath saide that hee hath receiued all power both in heauen and in earth and as the second Psalme sheweth that all nations and all the endes and coastes of the earth Psal 2.8 are by the Father appoynted to his Sonne for his inheritaunce and therefore also did Iesus Christe sende foorth his Disciples through out all the worlde to preache the Gospell and to minister the sacramentes Mat. 28.29 Wherefore Donatus erred when hee went about to tie the Church to a certaine corner of Affrica onely The Romishe Catholikes also doe at this day abuse themselues when they indeuour to tie it to Rome alone For though it were so that the Church of Rome were a true Churche wherof we will speake in a whole plaine chapter afterwardes yet it could not be but a particular Church at no hand the vniuersall churche wherof we speak They also are likewise deceiued who thinke to chase and
their Gods The Iewes haue the barke or huske of the lawe and their owne Thalmude The Turkes haue the Alcoran of their Mahumet and the heretikes also boast them selues of the doctrin of the Gospell and yet all these are false signes or markes But the true churche hath for her first and principall marke the woorde of GOD purely preached to the whiche the churche consenteth conformeth her self as wee prooue it plainely by these places of Scripture Iesus Christ saith My sheepe heare my voyce Ioh. 10.27 and I knowe them and they follow mee And Saint Paule in his Epistle to the Ephesians you are saith he builded vppon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes Eph. 2.20 Iesus Christe himselfe beeing the chiefe corner stone And indeede if this be true as of necessitie it must needes bee that by the scriptures wee are brought to the knowledge of Christ as Christ him selfe affirmeth Search the Scriptures diligently for they are they which beare witnesse of mee Ioh. 5.39 ought wee not then by the same Scriptures to be guided and lead to the knowledge of the true and right Church This matter the auncient fathers respected when they taught that the true church ought to shewe and declare it selfe by the holy scriptures Contra Pitilia Cap. 2. as Saint Augustine saying There is great disputation betweene vs and the Donatistes to knowe where the Church is What is then that wee haue to doe herein Shal we search it out in our owne wordes or rather in the wordes of our Lord Iesus Christe the heade thereof verily we ought rather to seeke for it in the wordes of him that is trueth and knoweth very well his owne bodie 2. Tim. 2.19 For the Lord knoweth them that be his And againe I will not shew or declare the Church by the doctrine of men but by the worde of God Cont. Pitili cap. 3. Aug. epist 166. Also by the scriptures saith he we haue learned Christ by the scriptures likewise wee haue learned to know the Church Wee haue these scriptures common amongest vs wherefore then doe wee not retaine and holde in them both Christ and his Church And Chrysostome saith Supr Matth. exposit 2. Hom. 49. cap. 24. Lib. 2. de Iaco. cap. 7. Hee that will know whiche is the true Churche of Christ by what meane can he knowe it in suche and so great a confusion of outwarde shewe if it be not onely by the Scriptures Saint Ambrose saith also The true and Catholike Churche is there where GOD himselfe appeareth and speaketh to his seruantes by his owne worde The other marke of the Churche is the lawfull administration of sacraments Cont. Faustū Manich. lib. 9. cap. 11. Saint Augustine hath sometime sayde that men can not vnite or knit themselues together in any religion whatsoeuer bee it true or false but by the meanes of some sacramentes or visible signes So the Gentiles had their sacraments and sacrifices The Iewes had Circumcision and some other outward signes of their religion But the true Church hath for the second of her markes her owne sacraments instituted by Iesus Christe the head thereof that is to say baptisme and the holye supper And therevnto must bee referred that which Saint Augustine sayth Ad inquisit Ianuar. cap. 1 The Lorde hath vnited or knit together the newe people that is the people vnder the newe Testament by the sacramentes which are few in number easie in obseruation and very great in signification to wit by baptisme consecrated or administred in the name of the blessed Trinitie and by the communicating or partaking of his body and of his bloud Besides Saint Paule doeth in like sorte rightly teach vs this 1. Cor. 12.13 when hee saith first of baptisme that we are all baptised by one spirit into one body and afterward of the Supper we that are many 1. Cor. 10.17 are one breade and one body because we al are partakers of one and the selfe same breade meaning thereby that these two sacramentes are in suche sorte the two common signes of the Church that by the same we are visibly gathered together into the house of God that we may there be accounted in the number of his housholde seruants and contained in the vnitie of the body of the Church withall the faithfull and by consequent drawne taken and separated from all other people prophane nations CHAP. IIII. Whether these true markes of the Church are to be found amongest the Romish Catholiks THese then are the two certain infallible marks of the true church by which men must examine all assemblies that pretend the Name and Title of the Churche leaste otherwise they be seduced and deceiued Wherefore if a man will know whether the true Church be among the Romish Catholikes or no we neede not haue recourse to any other proofe or touchstone then this onely But it shall behooue vs to holde and to keepe in memorie one foundation or sure ground to wit that these two markes must alwayes be retained and kept in their puritie without being any manner of waye falsified or corrupted that is to say that the preaching of the doctrine must be pure and the administration of the sacramentes sound and lawfull For indeede in outward shewe they would make men beleeue that these two markes are to be found amongest the Romish Catholikes but when all shall be rightly and duely examined wee shall finde that the true Churche is not for all that on their side For as concerning the worde it is not preached by them rightly or purely but as S. Hilarie sayth they make a sense vppon the scriptures and take it not out of the scripture and make it as it were a leaden rule which men commonly call Regula Lesbia applying it to their owne intentes and purposes and not submitting their owne purposes to it Touching this matter it is needefull for vs to knowe that all exposition of holy scripture must bee referred to two principall heads or ends that is to say that it tend to the glory of God and that it bee conformable or agreable to the analogy proportion of faith For touching the first Iesus Christ sayth He that seeketh the glory of God Iohn 7.18 is true Now without doubt when the Romish Catholikes extol mans free will ascribe vnto man some merit for his works they snatch and as it were by violence pull away frō God some part of the glory which is due vnto him and so by consequent whē they serue them selues with certain peeces of the scriptures to proue that whiche they pretend they can not therein excuse them selues but that they corrupt and falsifie the scriptures declaring them selues hereby right heretikes indeede For as S. Ierome saith Who so euer expoundeth the scripture otherwise then the sense meaning of the holy Ghost requireth In epist ad Galat. although hee haue not withdrawne or separated himself from the
Bishops of our selues but for them August cont Crescon Grāmat lib. 2. cap. 11. to whō we administer the word Sacraments Now here I speake vnto al Cardinalls Bishopes Abbots Priors Curates and other priestes together with their Pope himselfe and will them to examine and iudge themselues in their owne consciences and see whether they can with good right boaste them selues to bee the Apostles successours in sound doctrine and in faithfull execution of their charge and office and to marke howe they obserue those canons which the attribute to the Apostles whereof the fiftie eight canon Can. Apost can 58. excommunicateth the Bishoppes and Elders who haue not any care either of their cleargie or of the people the charge of whome is cōmitted vnto them and which doe not teach them in the doctrine of true religion which canon also ordeineth that if such continue in their negligence carelesnesse they should be deposed There resteth the succession of persons or that whiche is of the Churche or place touching which first wee say that the auncient doctours did not alwayes ayde themselues with this argument when the were to fight with heretikes for hauing to deale with suche as did receiue and allowe the worde of God as well as them selues the dispute and matter in controuersie between them being onely in the true interpretation thereof they contented them selues to alledge scripture expounding places one by an other euen as Saint Augustine sayth August That that which is darke in one is cleare and manifest in an other But when they were to reason against them that would adde to the holy scriptures as Manichaeus who woulde that men shoulde receiue his Epistle whiche hee called fundamentall euen as it were the Gospell it selfe there and in that respect they serued their turne with the argument of succession And yet when they vsed it it was not either theyr onely or their principall defence For in the first place they shewed by the woorde of God that they were in error and afterwards added as a good bulwark or meane of resistaunce the consent of the Churche witnessed by a continuall succession of all ages and times Also they helped themselues therewith as with a verie likely or probable argument and good inough in the defence of trueth against errour but yet not so as though it had a like force and strength for the maintenance of errour against trueth it selfe Lastly when they demaunded of heretikes from whence they came from whom they descended who were their predecessoures c. they meant not to speake of their vocation or calling whiche they neuer called into doubte or question for the greatest number of them were Bishoppes as Nestorius was Bishoppe of Constantinople Samosatenus of Antioche all lawfully called and hauing right and authoritie to teach in the Church but they meant to speake of their doctrine whiche was newe and not hearde of beefore Wherefore when they alleadged or laid succession for them selues they did not so muche meane the occupying of the chaire or enioying of the place as the continuance conformitie and agreement of the doctrine whereas on the other side our aduersaries do not demaund of vs who were the authours of our doctrine but inquire of vs touching our vocation and calling and are contented with this to declare that their Bishoppes are descended from all antiquitie but not their doctrine and yet notwithstanding they deceiue them selues For neither in the primitiue Church neyther long time after such Bishoppes as bee nowe in the Popedome had anye place so that a man may safely say they are not descended from the Apostles nor frō theyr true successors To conclude we say that it is verye certaine that such a succession of the Pastours in the primitiue Churche was of greate weight and importance because the Pastors at that time had not onelye the name and title of Pastors but did withall faythfully exercise the Charge and office thereof But what is at this day the dutie of bishops and priestes of the Church of Rome Let the most sound iudge thereof Is the controuersie in the Church touching succession to some inheritance to haue the possession and enioying thereof No but rather for men to set their hands to worke and labour as the Apostles haue done to watch diligently ouer Christes flocke and to minister vnto it the foode which is necessarie and meete for it As S. Paule sayth If any man desire the office of a Bishop he desireth a good or excellent worke And againe 1. Tim. 3.1 speaking vnto bishops Take heede to your selues saith he and to the whole flocke Act. 30.39 whereof the holy Ghost hath made you Bishoppes or ouerseers to feede the Church of God And S. Peter The Elders which are among you I beseech which am also an Elder with them 1. Pet. 5.12 feede the flocke of Christ whiche is committed vnto you caring for it not by constraint c. The succession then of the Chayre or place is nothing without the succession of doctrine and dutie For if the byshoppe bee deade as saith S. Cyprian when no sounde goeth foorth of his mouth Cyprian lib. 1 epl 4. Greg. epl 24. If he be deade as sayth S. Gregorie when hee preacheth not by what title may a man saye that the Romish byshoppes and Priestes succeeded the Apostles and haue the possession of their chayre or place if they be deade or altogether dumbe or else not the followers of the Apostles in doctrine truth for let vs a little beholde howe the auncient fathers haue ioyned and knitte the succession of person or place with the succession of doctrine and office Irenae lib. 4. cap. 33.34 Irenaeus saith We are commaunded to yeeld obedience to the elders which are in the Churche who haue their succession from the Apostles and together with the succession of the office of a Bishoppe haue receiued according to the good pleasure of the father certaine grace and knowledge of the trueth Tertullian saith also If some heretikes dare be so bold to intermingle themselues with the times of the Apostles thereby to make men beleeue that they were deliuered from the Apostles them selues because they were vnder the Apostles or in their dayes we may say let them shewe then the beginninges of their churches let them vnfolde or discouer the succession of their Bishops in suche sorte running and flowing by continuall order from the beginning that the first Bishoppe hath had some of the Apostles for his author and predecessor or some one of them who were the followers of the Apostles who also did notwithstanding perseuer and continue with the Apostles And a little after The Churches saith hee whiche were planted after the Apostles time those which are yet planted at this day although that they bring not any author for them from amongest the Apostles themselues or Apostolicall persons yet notwithstanding beeing founde consenting in the same faith they are not to
might be glorified Isaiah 61.3 Isai 61.3 Moreouer this Church notwithstanding the sharpe and harde persecutions which it hath suffered hath not yet ceassed alwayes to bee as it is at this present and shall be vnto the worldes ende For as Dauid sayth The Lorde hath chosen Sion that is to say Psal 132.13 c. the Church and hath desired it for his seat ●it hath been saith he my rest for euer Iesus Christe also hath promised his disciples Mat. 28.20 to bee with them alwayes euen vnto the ende of the worlde But chiefly Saint Paule hath declared and sette out the perpetuitie and continuaunce of the Church when hee assureth vs Ephes 3.21 that GOD shall be glorified in the Church through Iesus Christ throughout all generations for euer and euer They then are ouermuch past shame whiche limitte the continuance of the Churche to a certayne tyme Aug. de ciui tat Dei lib. 18. ca. 54 as those of whome Saint Augustine speaketh who durst boldely affirme that the christian religion should not last but 365. yeares They likewise doe abuse and deceiue themselues which thinke that by the assaultes which they giue vnto the Church they are able to beate it downe consume it wholy take it away out of the worlde For is it possible that God should be without a Church Psal 10. 1 c. hath not he himselfe promised that his sonne shall raigne and beare rule for euer ouer all his enimies Verily the Church which is the spouse or wife of Christ is become or made so mightie and stronge through her husbande that being euen one bodie with him she is more forcible and mightie in her weakenesse then al the world in his pride and hautines But as we haue alreadie saide once heretofore we will hereafter speake more amplie and largely of the Churches force and power in persecutions To bee shorte amongest so manye and so diuerse chaunges of the kingdomes of this worlde God alwayes preserueth his Churche and bringeth to passe that nothing in all the worlde is durable and perpetuall but shee not that shee is alwayes florishing or hath a continuance which followeth all by one threede that is commeth altogether but because that God not minding that his name should be put out in the worlde doeth alwayes in his Churche raise vp some of whome hee is sincerely and purely serued Nowe when the question is to discerne the true Church from the false some there are that stay themselues vpō the multitude and great number But they are very farre from their right reckoning or account For GOD measureth not his Church by the number He loueth his faithfull people and keepeth himselfe in the middest of them Mat. 18.20 although they be a verie small number on the other side he hateth those that doe dispise it and disdayneth them though the number of them be neuer so great And indeede on the side of the multitude and great number the false and bastardly Church is rather founde than the true and lawfull one And that it is so let vs first mark the places of scripture which withdrawe vs from the multitude and teach vs to stay cleaue to the little flocke Thou shalt not followe a multitude to doe euill Exod. 23.2 Mat. 7.13.14 neither agree in a controuersie to decline after many and to ouerthrowe the trueth Enter in at the straite Gate for it is the wide gate and broad way which leadeth to destruction many therebe which go in thereat because the gate is strait and the way narrowe that leadeth vnto life and fewe there bee that finde it Feare not little flocke Luke 12.32 for it is your fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome Wee see by these places that the greatest numbr is not alwayes the best neyther the soundest and that the Churche of God is founde rather amongest the small number then among the multitude Secondly let vs note the reasons following which are taken from examples that we finde in the scripture touching this verye matter On which side was the Church Gene. 7.1 Heb. 11.7 when Noah alone with his litle familie whiche was not in all but eight persons followed the true religion God approuing him by his faith condemning all the rest of the worlde On which side was the Churche 1 Kin. 19 10 when Elijah saide O Lord the children of Israel haue forsaken they couenant they haue destroyed thine Altars and slayne thy prophets with the sworde and I am left altogether alone and yet they seeke my soule to take it away On which side was the Church when the foure hundred prophetes deceiued Ahab 1. Kin. 22.8 and Michaiah being alone and contemned did yet notwithstanding resist thē and speake the truth On which side was the Church when Ieremiah was sent from God to say In that day the heart of the king shall perishe Iere. 4.9 and the heart of Princes and of the Priestes shall bee astonished and the Prophetes shall wonder and that therefore the Prophetes resisted him Iere 10.18 layed crimes vnto his charge and imagined mischiefe against him Math. 26.3 On which side was the Church when the chiefe Priestes and scribes and Elders of the people assembled themselues together into the Hall of the high Priest named Caiaphas and helde a Councell how they might take Iesus Christ by subtiltie put him to death Certainly by these examples it is plainely prooued that if it were sufficient to alledge the multitude the greatest number for to vnderproppe and vpholde a Churche the false and bastardly Churche shoulde euer preuaile in the matter and get the better in that respecte because that the number which cleaueth to it and followeth and maintayneth it is alwayes the greatest August in Psal 128. Let vs adde here a sentence of Saint Augustine From the time sayth hee that the Saintes haue begun to be the Church hath beene and is on the earth Somtimes it was in Abel alone who was slaine by his wicked brother Cain Sometime it was in Henoch alone who was reiected of the vngodlie Sometimes it was in the onely house of Noah and he bare with or suffered all them that perished in the floude and the Arke swimming vppon the floudes was saued and set vppon the drie land Sometime in one onely Abraham of whome we knowe thus much that hee suffered many thinges by the wicked Sometimes in Lott alone and in his onely house in the middest of the Sodomites whose iniquities and vngodlinesse he indured and suffered so long till God drewe him as it were by violence from among them Sometimes in the onely Israelites tormented by Pharaoh and the Egyptians By these wordes that appeareth verie well to be true and right which I haue sayd to wit that the Church ought not to be iudged or acknowledged by the great number The faythfull then shoulde not at this daye bee offended though they bee
light is farre more excellent then the gift of Prophesie it selfe was in diuers who liued vnder the lawe 1. Thes 5.11 And also though wee are bounde to exhorte one another and to teach one another in the doctrine of godlinesse and the feare of God yet for all that the publike ministerie of the worde is not superfluous or vaine in the Churche For the selfe same God that hath commanded fathers to instruct their children and all vs to admonishe one an other hath also ordeyned the publike ministerie of the worde in the Church that it may bee there practised and exercised not for some fewe yeeres onely but euen vnto the ende of the worlde And thus muche touching the arguments of the aduersaries and such as set thē selues agāinst the ministerie of the Church Nowe let vs bring foorth our reasons to proue the contrarie The first reason is Iesus Christe hath commaunded that the Gospel should bee preached and the Sacraments administred in the Church vnto the ende of the worlde Then it followeth that the ministerie is alwayes requisite and necessarie in the Church I proue the Antecedent or former proposition by these wordes of Christ written in the last Chapter of Saint Matthewe Go and teach all nations Mat. 28.19.20 baptising them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost teaching thē to obserue whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you and behold I am with you vnto the worldes ende For after the commaundement to preache the worde and to administer Baptisme vnder which Sacrament the other also of the holy Supper is conteyned because the Disciples might doubt or feare their charge as being great in labour and harde to execute Iesus Christ addeth a promise of his assistaunce not for tenne or twentie yeeres onely but for alwayes euen vnto the ende of the worlde Wherein hee manifestly setteth out and declareth two thinges One that hee willeth and ordeineth that the ministerie bee exercised in the Churche not for one age onely but continually vnto the consummation and end of all thinges The other is that hee promiseth that although Satan subtillie deuise inuent and practise all that hee can to hinder the ministerie the work of Gods seruants and the tyrants by their practises and violences inforce thē selues to the vttermost of their power to ouerthrow to bring to naught the church of God yet hee will by his godly and heauenly power alwayes maintaine his truth in the worlde and preserue his Church therein by the ministerie and labour of his faithfull pastors The seconde reason Rom. 1● 17 The Apostle Saint Paul saith to the Romanes That faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the worde of God Whereby he declareth that God hath accustomed to plant faith in our heartes by the preaching of his worde It is true that the power of God is not tyed to this outwarde meane but that hee is able to beget faith in vs after some other fashion and by some other meane although it be to vs incomprehensible euen as it shall please him selfe but notwithstanding all this the ministerie of his word is the ordinary meane which hee vseth or serueth himselfe with to giue vs faith by so that they which will haue faith without the preaching and hearing of the worde doe as much as though they woulde liue without meates drinks which God hath ordeined for our bodilie life Now hereupon we take and frame our argument thus Faith is in all times and alwaies necessarie for men But faith is giuen vnto men from God by the ministerie of the worde Therefore it followeth that the ministerie of the worde is in all times and alwaies necessarie for men The third reason It is certaine that for as much as the Sacraments are ordeined by God to bee as it were seales of the worde to seale in our heartes that which is therein conteined alreadie that is to say the vnion fellowship and partaking which wee haue in Iesus Christe it followeth that where there is not the worde of God preached there wee cannot haue any Sacrament For as a seale is altogether vnprofitable yea is not allowed a seale vnlesse bee bound or set to some instrument or writing for the confirmation thereof euen so the Sacrament is altogether vnprofitable yea indeed is not a Sacrament if it be not ioyned with the worde of God preached to confirme the same vnto vs. Whereupon Saint Augustine hath sometimes saide Augu. sup Iohan. Hom. 13. Let the word bee ioyned to the Sacrament and there shal be made a Sacrament Of what worde speaketh hee verilie not of a worde mumbled vp murmured or whispered without vnderstanding ouer the Elements but of the worde of God preached to the faithfull receiued of them through faith as hee himselfe maketh it plaine wlien speaking of baptisme he addeth this is the word of faith which we preach by which baptisme is consecrated and hallowed 1. Cor. 11. ●● to haue power to make cleane Now from that which is aboue said we reason after this manner The administration of the holy Supper is alwayes necessarie in the Church euen vnto the end of the worlde for Iesus Christ hath commanded vs to celebrate it and by that meanes to preach or shewe foorth his death vntill his comming againe But the administration of the supper can not bee performed without the ministerie of the worde Therefore it followeth that the ministerie of the worde is alwayes necessarie in the Church The fourth reason Iesus Christ hath giuen and established the ministers of the worde Ephe. 14.11 for the worke of the ministerie till wee all meete together in the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the sonne of GOD vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ that is to say till that Christ be perfect in vs and haue in vs his ful grouth and increase But wee can not obtaine suche perfection vnto the ende of the worlde at what time GOD shall bee all in all For as Saint Paule saith Wee knowe in parte and wee prophesie in part But when that which is perfect is come 2. Cor. 13. 9.10 then that which is in part shal be abolished Wherefore it followeth that Iesus Christe hath giuen and placed the ministers of the worde for the woorke of the ministerie vntill the ende of the worlde and then God shall be all in all These reasons are sufficient for this present to teach and proue that the holy ministerie is continually requisite and necessarie in the Church as indeede the Lorde hath for our good saluation established the same to abide in all ages therein applying and framing himself to our weaknesse which is so great we being corrupted thorough sinne that without this means meet and agreeable to our nature we coulde not bee well instructed in the points of our saluation For if God should speake vnto vs in his maiestie wee coulde not at
9.10 Isaiah 8. ver Isaiah 26. ver 10.11 Isaiah 28. ver 9.12.13 Isaiah 30. ver 9.15 Isaiah 42. ver 19.20 Isaiah 48. ver 4. Isaiah 65. ver 11. Ieremiah 2. Ieremi ver 24.29 vnto the 33. ver Ieremiah 5. ver 3. vnto the 8. ver and ver 20. of the same chap. vnto ver 25. Ieremiah 6. ver 10. in euerie verse almost vnto the ende of the Chapter Ieremiah 7. ver 24. vnto the 28. ver Ieremiah 8. ver 4. vnto ver 8. Ieremiah 17. ver 1.23 Ieremiah 10. ver 11.15 Ieremiah 25. ver 4.8 Ieremiah 29. ver 17.20 Ieremiah 35. ver 13.16 Ieremiah 43. ver 2. Ieremiah 44. ver Ezechiel 2. Ezechi ver 3. vnto the end of the chapter Ezechiel 3. ver Ezechiel 4. ver 3. Hosea Ezechiel 12. ver 2. Hosea 4. througout the whole Chapter Hosea 5. ver 4. Amos 4. Amos. Zephaniah Zachariah Prouerbs Matthew ver 6. vnto the end of the Chapter Zephaniah 3. ver 5. Zechariah 7. ver 11. vnto the end Prouerbs 1. ve 24. vnto the end Matth 11. ver 16.17.21 and so vnto the 25. ver Matth. 12. ver 41.42 Mat. 23. ver 37. Touching the Pastors specially and particularly see Isaiah 56. ver 10.11 Ieremiah 6. ver 13. Ieremiah 14. ver 14. Ieremiah 23. ver 1.2 c. Ezechiel 22. ver 25.26.28 Ezechiel 34. ver 23.4 c. Hosea 9. ver 8. 1. Kings 22. ver 6. Iohn 7. ver 47. CHAP. XIII Whether the Church bee aboue the holy scripture that is to say whether the holy scripture depend of the iudgement and authority of the Church THE Church indeede hath a very great authoritie among men in so much as it behoueth vs to heare the same if we will not be accounted rebels against God Yet notwithstanding seeing she is the wife and scholler of Iesus Christe she ought alwaies to be subiect vnto him as vnto her husbād head and teacher And therefore this is an article which wee must hold inuiolable and without breach to wit that the church ought to depend and hang on Christe and his worde and to haue her authoritie from the same worde and not on the other side that the worde of Christe shoulde depende and haue the credite and authoritie thereof from the Church Notwithstanding many are founde whiche holde altogether the contrarie setting as we say the cart before the horses and plowe or waine before the oxen and vtterly ouerthrowing all order For they suppose that the holy scripture hath no more certaintie authoritie than it pleaseth the Church that by her allowāce and consent it shall haue And these bee the Romishe Catholikes who speake of the Church after this manner giuing it authoritie ouer and aboue the worde of God to make men to beleeue that whatsoeur it decreeth determineth and concludeth wee must hold her iudgement sentence and resolution as a certaine oracle comming frō heauen and to be short as an article of our beliefe And behold their reasons for this The first reason The Churche by her iudgement hath brought to passe that the holy Scripture hath beene acknowledged for the true worde of God and hath distinguished separated and sundered it from all other writinges what so euer whiche men haue published brought into the world For who is it that in the beginning hath assured vs that the holy scripture is the word of God but the Church alone And who is it that euen to this day can certifie and assure vs that the same word of God is come safe sound and whole euen vnto our age but onely the same Church Wherefore it followeth that the authoritie and certaintie of the holie scripture dependeth vpon the authoritie and iudgemente of the Church I aunswere two things or two manner of wayes First that this is a most wicked opinion to say that without the Churche the worde of God could not haue a sufficient witnesse to commend and set forth the authoritie and credite thereof vnto vs. Let vs heare what Saint Augustine saith hereof The authoritie of the truth saith hee is fruitefull and plentifull Augu. de assumpt Virg. Mart. cap. 1. and if she be diligently examined men shall finde that of her selfe shee maketh her selfe to bee sufficiently knowne Wherefore Alfonsus de Castro hath sometimes saide Alfonsus de Cast li. 1. ca. 8. cont haereses seeing that the holie scripture is come foorth from GOD it hath of it selfe alreadie deserued that wee shoulde giue trust vnto it and beleeue it And when the Church publisheth this that it is giuen by God shee doth wholie euen as a witnesse which beareth witnesse to some thing So that the truth of the scriptures is certaine not because of the witnes but by reason of it selfe and the credite it hath and not because the Church receiueth it and publisheth it but because that God hath giuen it and made the same manifest vnto vs. Besides is this a small matter that wee haue the testimonie of the holye spirite dwelling in our heartes It is said that it is his peculiar office to guide and lead vs into all truth Iohn 16.13 1. Ioh. 2.27 and to teach vs all things Wherevpon it followeth that he teacheth vs this truth that the holy scripture is of God and from him It is saide moreouer that we haue receiued the spirite of God 1. Cor. 2.12 that we might knowe the thinges that are giuen to vs of God Also 1. Cor. 2.14 that the thinges of the spirite of God are spirituallie discerned that is to say by the efficacie mouing and woorking of the holy spirite Wherefore it followeth that the holy spirite teacheth vs and maketh vs to discerne betweene these bookes which wee ought to receiue without gainesaying and the other which we ought to reiect and refuse Some perhaps will say that this article or point is daungerous because that heretikes oftentimes bragge that they haue the spirit of God which they haue not indeed and wee knowe howe they haue alwayes indeuoured to make their doctrines of authoritie and credite through their inwarde reuelations whiche they haue imagined to proceede from the holy Ghost But we can easily aunswere this to wit that in this matter wee can easily auoide all danger if wee vse and followe the remedies whiche S. Iohn doth furnish vs withall when he saith that we ought not to beleeue euery spirite 1 Ioh. 4. 1. but to trie and proue the spirites whether they are of God or no. And what shall be the meane and way of this triall and examination euen the worde of God as wee see that therby the men of Berea Act. 17.11 did proue S. Paule his spirit and doctrine And to this meane doth Chrysostome send vs when hee saith thus Many boast of the spirite Chrysost de sanct adorand spirit but they which bring any thing of their owne doe falsly pretende the same As Christ witnessed that he spake not of him selfe because that his doctrine
and commaund to vs. Next the commaundement of the Sabaoth in respect of the figure was temporall and indured but a season and therfore it ought to haue an ende as the other ceremonies of the lawe had Wherefore the figure was taken away and changed not by the authoritie of the Church properly or as you would say of it owne authoritie but by the trueth it selfe which declared and shewed it selfe in Iesus Christe whereupon also the Apostle saith Col. 2. 16.17 Let no man therefore condemne you in meat and drinke or in respect of an holy day or of the newe moone or of the Sabaoth day which are but a shadowe of things to come The sixt reason The Apostles decreed in the first Councell which they held in Ierusalem Act. 15. 29. that the Christians shoulde abstaine from blood and from that that is strangled which decree yea brought and put into writing the Church hath taken away and chaunged after the time of the Apostles giuing leaue to christiās to vse both blood and that that is strangled It foloweth then that it is lawefull for the Church to change som thing in the word of God and by consequent that the Church is aboue the same worde I aunswere that the place of the Actes touching that which the Apostles determined in the Councell whiche they helde in Ierusalem is ill vnderstood and yet more ill applied to fetch and drawe from it such a consequence For the Church after the Apostles hath not established any thing against the decree of the Apostles in that they haue suffered Christians to vse and eate blood and that that is strangled For the decree of the Apostles was made set vp and published for a time onely and therefore it ought to ende The Church in the time of the Apostles was builded as well of the Gentiles as of the Iewes Some weake ones amongest the Iewes thought that they were yet bounde in their consciences to the obseruation of the lawe of Moses that is to say to the ceremonies thereof The Gentiles on the other side strengthening themselues with that Christian libertie which Iesus Christe hath brought vnto vs woulde without any difference vse all manner of meates and so amongst the rest blood and that that was strangled Wherevpon the Apostles least that so free a vse of blood and of that that was strangled might breede and bring some offence to the weake Iewes determined and decreed in their Councell that euerie one shoulde abstaine from such meate for a time til that they might see a good agreement peace betweene these two peoples Now afterwardes the feare of such an offence beeing taken away the Church iudged that the obseruation and keeping of the said decree was not any more necessarie or any longer needefull and therefore respecting the intent and purpose of the Apostles gaue libertie to the faithfull to vse all kinde of meates or els to speake better did by the word of God declare vnto them the libertie that they had to vse all maner of meates without in any thing altering changing the intent purpose of the Apostles when they made and established the foresaide decree not being appointed and set vp by thē but for a time onely And thus much touching the reasons of the Romish CatholikS who affirme that the certaintie truth of the word of God doth depend of the iudgement and authoritie of the Church Beholde nowe our reasons to the contrary The first is this The certaintie of the church dependeth vppon the authoritie of Gods word It followeth then that the contrary cannot bee true to wit that the certaintie of the worde of God shoulde depende vpon the authoritie of the Churche Nowe wee proue the antecedent or former proposition by that which the holie Ghost saith Ephe. 2.20 that the Churche is builded vppon the foundation and doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles Whereupon it followeth that the Church dependeth vpon the authoritie of the same doctrine And heereunto belong the sentences of the ancient doctors which wee haue cited and quoted before in the third Chapter by which this is shewed and proued that the Church is marked declared and knowne by the holy scriptures The second reason The holy scripture being giuen by inspiration of God 2. Tim. 3.16 as S. Paule saith hath the authoritie from it selfe as we haue declared in the beginning of this Chapter in answering the first reason of the Romish Catholikes wherein we haue followed the iudgement of Alfonsus de Castro It followeth then that it taketh not credite or authority from the Church neither more not lesse than the edict and lawe of the King which hath the authoritie it hath from it selfe that is to say frō the king from whom it proceedeth and commeth and not from the Parliament to which it is sent although that the same bee allowed praysed yea and expounded sometimes by the saide parliament The thirde reason If the word of God ought to be heard aboue the Church then certainly it doth not hang of the authority of the Church but that the worde of God ought to be heard aboue the Church it appeareth by this which S. Paule saith that it ought to be heard aboue the Apostles Gal. 1.8 yea the Angels them selues Wherefore it followeth that the word of God doth not hang of the authoritie of the Church The fourth reason Aug. cont Max. lib. 3. cap. 14. Saint Augustine openly declareth that the holy scripture is aboue the Councels and so by consequent aboue the churche represented by Councels For writing to Maximinus the Arrian touching the worde Homousios that is to say consubstantiall or of the selfe same substance together with the father whiche word was confirmed by the coūcel of Nice and on the other side disallowed by the councel of Ariminum in the time of the Emperour Constantine he saith thus Now I haue not to vse or alleadge the Councel of Nice neither thou the Councel of Ariminum to preuaile thereby one of vs against another For as I am not bound to the Councel of Ariminum so art not thou bound to the Councel of Nice We haue the authority of the scriptures which are not partiall or particular witnesses for the one or for the other but are commō witnesses to both of vs. Let vs therefore by them dispute and reason of the matter in controuersie betweene vs. CHAP. XIIII Of the discipline of the Church NOW wee must speake of the Ecclesiasticall discipline in which notwithstanding wee wil be briefe short because there is of this matter a verie large sufficient treatie extant alredie which may satisfie and content all good mindes and is intituled The confirmation of the ecclesiastical Discipline The confirmation of the Ecclesiasticall discipline obserued in the reformed Churches of the kingdome of France And also hee that will reade the Institution of M. Caluin Caluin li. 4. inst Beza in cōfes fidei specially in his
vnderstanding Pro. 21.30 nor counsell against the Lorde And in an other place it is said Psal 33.10 Iob. 5.13 13 The Lord breaketh the counsell of the Heathen and bringeth to naught the deuises of the people the counsell of the Lorde shall stande for euer and the thoughtes of his hearte thorowe out all ages To bee short wee see that the Church hath in time heeretofore beene very aptlye and fitly represented Gene. 15. 17. by a lampe or firebrande shinyng in the middest of darke or smoking Furnace euen as the vision thereof was giuen and shewed to Abraham whereof the reason is assigned and shewed beecause God woulde not suffer that his people shoulde bee put out in the middest of darkenesse Exod. 3.2 Also by the burning bushe which yet consumed not as Moses also saw the vision therof For as the bush was kept safe and sound in the midst of the flame so the Church hath alwayes beene preserued by and thorowe the presence of God although the tyrantes wicked men haue sought to set it on fire and vtterly to destroy it The seuenth pointe That the Church increaseth in the middest of persecutions This is seene from the time wherein vnder the Emperours the Churche was persecuted For looke by howe muche they inforced themselues vtterly to extinguishe and put out the trueth by so much the faithfull ones were readie and prepared to defende and maintaine the same In the Actes it is saide Acts. 4.3.4 That when the persecutors laide handes vpon the Apostles and had put them in prison many of them that had hearde the woorde at their mouth left not of for all that to beleeue but that the number of beleeuers was increased till it came to bee about fiue thousande persons Also that they whiche were scattered abroade because of the affliction that arose about Steeuen Acts. walked throughout till they came vnto Phenice and Cyprus and Antiochia and that some of them which were men of Cyprus and Cyrene when they were come into Antiochia spake vnto the Grecians and preached the Lorde Iesus and that the hande of the Lorde was with them so that a great number beleeued and turned vnto the Lorde Saint Paule speaketh after this manner vnto the Philippians I woulde yee vnderstood brethren that the things which haue come vnto mee Philip. are turned rather to the furtherance of the Gospell so that my bandes in Christe are famous throughout all the iudgement hall and in all other places Insomuch that many of the brethren in the Lorde are boldened thorowe my bandes and dare more frankly speake the worde And this is that which Dauid hath prophesied touching Christe when hee saide Bee thou ruler in the middest of thine enemies The state of the Church of God Psal 110.20 The Church compared to a Palme tree to Roses and to Lilies is like vnto the state of the Palme tree and like to the condition of Roses and Lilies For euen as the Palme tree the more it is laden and pressed downe the more it groweth and stretcheth out or spreadeth his boughs in length and breadth so the Church the more she is persecuted and afflicted the more force courage and liuelinesse shee taketh to her selfe Also as Roses and Lilies are accustomed to florish among thornes so this is a common thing to the Church to florish and to increase in the middest of persecutions Iustinus compareth the church also to a vine or vineyard The Church compared to a Vine or Vineyard Iustin Martyr de verita te christianae religio tom 2. pag. 224. lin 14. when hee speaketh thus in the speech with Tryphon They euery day perceiue saith he that we which beleeue in christ cannot bee astonished or amazed by any man or any maner of way let them cut of our heades let them crucifie vs let them caste vs to wilde beastes let them torment vs with fire fagot and any other torments the more they doe tormente vs the more doth the number of Christians growe and increase no otherwise than whē men prune and dresse a Vine or Vineyard they doe it to make it more fruitefull and plentifull For the Vine or Vineyard which God hath planted and our Sauiour Iesus Christe is his owne people These are in that place almost Iustinus his owne wordes And verily wee learne by our owne experience that so many cruell persecutions murthers and slaughters of the Martyrs haue beene as it were so many seales in our heartes to seale therein the holy Gospel of Christe so that a good Doctor hath very rightly saide That the blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church The eight point What is the cause for which the Church is afflicted and persecuted of the wicked Wee may very well say and rightly confesse that wee doe iustly deserue by reason of the sinnes we haue committed to be afflicted by God and persecuted of the worlde Leuit. 26.14.15 c. For wee reade in Leuiticus how God threateneth his people to send vpon them warre plague pestilence famine and other his roddes if they yeelde not them selues obedient vnto his commaundements And in Isaiah Isaiah 5.2 ● c. hee speaketh after this maner Yee inhabitaunts of Ierusalem saith hee and yee men of Iudah iudge I pray you betweene mee and my Vineyarde What could I haue done any more to my Vineyarde that I haue not done vnto it I haue hedged it and gathered out the stones of it and haue planted it with the best plantes and builte a Tower in the middest thereof and made a Wine presse therein looking that it shoulde bring foorth Grapes but in steede of Grapes it bringeth foorth wilde Grapes And nowe I will tell you what I will doe to my Vineyarde I will take away the hedge thereof and it shall bee eaten vp I will breake the wall thereof and it shall bee troden downe and I will laie it wast Isaiah 24.3 4.5 c. And againe The earth shall bee cleane emptied vtterly spoyled the earth shal lament and vade away for the inhabitaunts thereof haue transgressed the lawes they haue chaunged the ordinaunces and haue broken the euerlasting couenant Therfore the curse shall deuour the earth for the inhabitantes thereof haue done wickedly And therefore shall the inhabitantes of the earth burne and fewe men shall bee left therein Iere. 25. 8.9 c. Also in Ieremiah Because yee haue not hearde my woordes beholde I will sende and take to mee all the families of the North and Nabuchadnezzar the King of Babell my seruant and I will bring them against this lande and against the inhabitantes thereof and against all these nations round about and I will destroy them and make them an astonishment an hyssing and a continuall desolation In this place the Lorde calleth Nabuchadnezzar his seruaunt as in an other place hee calleth Sanecherib Isaiah 10.5 or Ashur The rod of his wrath
because hee serueth him selfe with Princes tyrants and wicked Magistrates and vseth them that hee may by them punishe the vngodlinesse and vnthankefulnesse of his people Wherefore Isaiah speaketh excellently well That our iniquities haue made a diuision or separated betweene God and vs. Isaiah 59.2 And therefore when wee are afflicted and persecuted wee ought to confesse and acknowledge that God by that meane punishe vs as wee indeede haue rightly deserued it Yet all this notwithstanding wee haue to consider and weigh an other cause for which the worlde persecuteth vs whiche ought to be a great comfort vnto vs in the middest of our Crosse and Martyrdome For in the first place the worlde in persecuting vs looketh not to our sinnes but to that religion which wee make profession of which religion indeede the world reiecteth and persecuteth because it knoweth not the authour thereof and because it is altogether contrary to his maners and peruerse and wicked orders of life and conuersation euen as Iesus Christe hath foretolde the same and made his Disciples to see it Ioh. 3.19 20. when he said vnto them This is the condemnatiō that light is come into the world and men loued darknesse rather then the light because their deedes were euill For euery man that euill doth hateth the light neither commeth to light Iohn 15.20 21. least his deedes should bee reproued Also if they haue persecuted me they will persecute you also But all these thinges will they doe vnto you for my names sake because they haue not knowne him that sent me And againe Iohn 17.14 Father I haue given them thy word the world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I am not of the worlde Hereby we may see that the right and verie cause of the persecutiōs of the church is the plaine profession of the trueth righteousnes worde of God as S. Paul saith That That all they whiche will liue in the feare of God or godly in Christe Iesus 2. Tim. 3.12 shall suffer persecution And also what shoulde bee our consolation and comforte in the middest of the crosse if this point were not Socrates The answere which Socrates made to his wife was very apt and fit for the purpose shee lamented because they put him to death wrongfully but hee beeing somewhat moued answered That it was better for him to die an innocent without cause than if he had offēded But how much greater matter and iust cause haue wee of comfort and ioy seeing wee knowe that God of his vnspeakeable gentlenesse goodnesse mercy burying all our sins giueth vs ouer and leaueth vs but for a time to suffer vniust persecutions to the end that we bearing the Crosse with Iesus Christ shoulde communicate also and bee made partakers of glory with him The punishment Saint Augustine hath saide maketh not a Martyre but the cause August And the Diuell hath as well his witnesses and Martyrs as Iesus Christ hath his In former times there were Heretikes whiche bragged much and boasted wonderously vnder the shadow colour that men persecuted them And at this day the Anabaptists do in that behalfe the very selfe same thing yea and that so farre that by this meanes they account them selues blessed and happie But we must marke what the scripture saith Mat. 5.10 Blessed are they thus saieth Iesus Christe whiche suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kingdom of heauē Luke 6.22 Blessed are you when men hate you whē they separate you reuile you put out your names as euill for the sonne of mās sake If yee bee railed vpon for the name of Christ saith Saint Peter 1 Pet. 4. 14.15 ●6 Blessed are yee For the spirite of glory and of God resteth vpon you which on their part is euill spoken of but on your part is glorified But let none of you suffer as a murtherer or as a theefe or as an euill dooer or as a couetous person of other mens goods or as a busie bodie in other mens matters But if any man suffer as a Christian let him not bee ashamed but let him glorifie God in this behalfe And this is the marke or badge by which the scripture discerneth the Lordes true Martyres from others that suffer For the wicked men and vngodlye persons doe in deede suffer persecution but in the meane season it so falleth out that they cannot boast thē selues for all that to bee true Martyres neither by consequent that they are blessed for they suffer not for righteousnesse sake neither to maintaine Gods truth as doe the Martyres and witnesses of Iesus Christ Moreouer wee ought to marke that our good God sheweth vs great grace aduaunceth vs to singular honour when hee vouchsafeth vs meete and worthie to suffer any thing for his names sake when as he might very iustly if he would haue pursued vs with rigour nay if hee woulde haue proceeded against vs by iustice haue punished vs with all kindes and sortes of afflictions sending them to vs and laying the same vpon vs wherein he dealeth with vs as if a king should take from the Gibbet or Gallows some man who had rightly deserued to be bound thereto and hanged thereon and yet would set and appoint him among the chiefe Captaines of his orders that he might goe to warre and imploy him for the maintenance and defence of his crowne of his kingdom For who or what are wee Poore wormes of the earth dwelling heere in filthinesse and corruption and infected with so many spottes as nothing more than we yea wee are abhominable sinners who haue rightly deserued not onely by tyrantes in this life to bee persecuted in our goods and bodies but also to bee for euer lost drowned and swallowed vp in the Diuels possession in hell and yet notwithstanding that God hath vouchsaued vs worthie of this honour to vse our life and our death to withstande his enemies and to mainetaine and aduaunce his glorie by our Martirdome If wee had but so muche as one drop of good iudgement and were pushed on forwarde with as little right zeale as may bee to serue our God shoulde not this kindle and inflame vs in a singuler and wonderfull desire to imploy bestow our selues in the maintenance of his honour whatsoeuer assaultes should bee set before vs and to keepe our selues strong and stedfast in the middest of persecutions that we might suffer abide the same couragiously and chearfully for the name of Christ The ninth point What bee the endes which God respecteth and regardeth in the persecutions and afflictions of his Church and of his faithful people wherof wee will marke and put downe eight First that the glorie of God might bee aduaunced For it is said Prou. 16.4 The Lord hath made all thinges for his owne sake and glory yea euen the wicked for the day of euil When the Disciples asked Iesus Christ
a moment and twinckling of an eye make them to fall backwarde to the earth yea and cast them headlong to the depth or bottome of hell O that tyrants persecutors would thinke well of these matters But what What should a man do to hard hartes and to blinde eies The wicked become more proude through the prosperitie which they haue in this world as though that no punishmente for their cruelties were perpared for them It fareth with them as with Dionisius the tyraunt who after hee had spoyled and robbed a Temple went to the Sea and seeing hee had a good winde beganne to say that the Gods fauoured Churche robbers or spoylers of Temples So likewise these men when they behode that their offences remaine vnpunished and that their villanies and wickednesses are not corrected immediately they giue themselues ouer to worke wickednesse outragiously and to conclude in their carnall and fleshly vndestanding that there is no iudgemente of GOD at all and that hee hath no punishmentes readie and prepared for their iniquities But as the holye Scripture determineth and pronounceth the quite and cleane contrarie so ordinary and common experience of the examples of Gods wrath doeth sufficientlye shewe vnto vs that when God spareth the wicked persecutors of his people for a time and maketh as though hee seemed not to looke vpon their extortions outrages and violences it is not because hee is fauourable vnto them neither because hee reacheth them his hande and helpeth them for it cannot otherwise bee but that one day as hee is a iuste iudge hee will giue vnto the enemies of his glorie and the good and saluation of his Children suche recompence and hyre as they shall haue deserued first in this life if it bee expedient that they may shamefully and wickedly ende their dayes and afterwardes in the other worlde that they may vtterly perishe if they repent and amend not in this life and may bee tormented eternally in Hell fire where there is nothing but weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth FINIS ¶ A Table conteining the principall matters handeled in this present booke A AFflictions and the causes thereof Pag. 333. c. Afflictions of the Church Pag. 274. Afflictions of the Church and the ends which God respecteth therein Pag. 340. c. Afflictions of the Church increase when the deliuerance thereof is high Pag. 325. Afflictions of the Churche is alwaies ordered and gouerned by Gods hande Pag. 321. Afflictions come not without the prouidence of God Pag. 318. Afflictions their issue in respect of the faithfull Pag. 345. Afflictions and their issue in respect of the persecutors Pag. 357. Auncients Pag. 133. Antiochus Pag. 359. Apostles Pag. 128. Archbishops Pag. 69 144. Aurelian Pag. 304. 372. Augustine and in what sense hee saide that hee woulde not beleeue the Gospell without the authoritie of the church Pag. 222. Auncient fathers did not acknowledge the Bishop of Rome for Pope Pag. 92. c. B BAptisme of the Romane Church Pag. 115. Bishop Pag. 69. 133. 143. Bishop vniuersal is a title of Antichrist when it is giuen to men Pag. 94. C CAlling see vocation Cardinals Pag. 146. Censures Pag. 247. Censures three ends thereof Pag. 252. Censures of the Churche must bee applied with out respect of persons Pag. 255. Chaplines Pag. 140. Councels Pag. 202. Consistorie Pag. 241. Corrections and censures Pag. 257. Curates Pag. 142. Church whence it commeth Pag. 2. Church how many waies taken Pag. 2. Churche whiche is true hath two susbstantiall markes Pag. 15. Church and her continuance Pag. 55. Church and her head is Iesus Christ alone Pag. 68. Churche and her holinesse Pag. 184. Churche compared to a palme tree roses lilies and to a vine Pag. 332. Olde Churche of Rome what a one it was according to Ter tullian his iudgement Pag. 106. Church Catholike is one alone Pag. 11. Church catholike and inuisible what it is Pag. 7 Church distinguished into three sortes Pag. 4. Churche in what sense called the piller and grounde of truth Pag. 200. Church in what sense saide to bee without spot or wrinckle Pag. 189. Church whether aboue the Scripture Pag. 213. Church whether more olde then the scripture Pag. 220. Church must not be iudged by the great number Pag. 58. Church whether it may erre Pag. 197. Church why called catholike Pag. 9. Church why saide to bee inuisible Pag. 12. Churche represented by a bright lampe or fire brand in the middest of a burning or smoking furnace Pag. 330. Church represented by the burning bush Pag. 330. Church of Rome hath not the markes of the true church Pag. 19. Church of Rome is not the true churche Pag. 102. Church of Rome hath not true vnitie Pag. 113. Church increaseth in the middest of persecutions Pag. 330. Church visible what it is Pag. 14. D DEcius Pag. 299. 370. Deacons Pag. 136. Diaconisses Pag. 244. Dioclesian Pag. 305. 373. Discipline necessarie in the Church Pag. 235. Discipline incrocheth nothing vpon the magistrate Pag. 237. Doctors Pag. 132. Domitian Pag. 283. 365. Donation of Constantine to Siluester Pag. 87. E EVangelistes Pag. 130. Excōmunication 3 endes thereof Pag. 235. Exposition of Scriptures and two principles necessarie therein Pag. 20. Elders Pag. 135. G GAlerius Pag. 376. Galien Pag. 30● God deliuereth his Church out of afflictions when it is time Pag. 327. God why hee afflicteth rather his church then other people Pag. 319. God why he sendeth not succour to his church so soone as it is afflicted Pag. 323. H HEad of the Church is Iesus Christe alone Pag. 68. Herode Agrippa Pag. 362. Herode Antipas Pag. 392. Herode the great Pag. 360. High or chiefe Bishop Pag. 97. Holinesse of the church vnperfect Pag. 187. I IGnorance excuseth not Pag. 125. Iulian the apostata Pag. 313. 377. K Keyes in the Church and the vse thereof Pag. 79. L Lawes Ecclesiasticall Pag. 258. M MArcus Aurelius Pag. 293. 35● Maximianus Herculien Pag. 305. 373. Maximinus Pag. 297 369. Metropolitanes Pag. 69. 144. 149. Ministerie and howe much shoulde bee giuen thereto Pag. 179. Ministerie of the worde ordeined by God for our weakenesse sake Pag. 177. Ministerie necessarie in the Churche Pag. 160. Ministers considered after two sortes Pag. 180. Ministers of the Churche and their degrees or orders Pag. 128. Myracles are not sufficient to proue a calling Pag. 53. Multitude maketh nothing at al for the church Pag. 58. N Nero. Pag. 184. 364. O Orders of the Pope his Cleargie Pag. 139. P POpe Pag. 79. 152. Pope and his blasphemies Pag. 75. Popes two at Rome at one time Pag. 91. Pastors Pag. 131. Patriarkes Pag. 69. 149. Paule shoulde rather bee taken for Pope then Saint Peter Pag. 100. Persecutions of the Church Pag. 274. Persecutions of the Church tenne greate and generall and a discourse thereof Pag. 279. Persecutions come not without Gods prouidence Pag. 318. Persecution the first vnder Nero. Pag. 283. Persecution the second vnder Domitian Pag. 283. Persecution the third vnder Traian Pag. 284. Persecution the fourth vnder Marcus Aurelius Pag. 293. Persecution the fift vnder Seuerus Pag. 296. Persecution the sixt vnder Iulian Maximinus Pag. 298. Persecution the seuenth vnder Decius Pag. 299. Persecution the eight vnder Valerian and Galien Pag. 302. Persecution the nienth vnder Aurelian Pag. 304. Persecution the tenth vnder Dioclesian and Maximianus Pag. 305 Pharao Pag. 358. Peter whether hee were Bishop of Rome is vncertaine Pag. 98. Peter was not the head of the Church Pag. 71. Pilate Pag. 363. Pontifex or high Bishop Pag. 97. Predecessours of ours who died in the faith of the Romane church whether saued or condemned Pag. 126. Pri●stes Pag. 140. Prophetes Pag. 129. Parsons Pag. 158. S SAbaoth changed to the Sunday Pag. 228. Sanctitie or holinesse of the Churche is vnperfect Pag. 18● Sanctification howe wrought in vs. Pag. 186. Sanctification and three degrees of it Pag. 169. Saincts in what sense wee are called Pag. 185. Sennacherib Pag. 358. Seuerus Pag. 296. 269. Succession and three sortes thereof Pag. 26. Succession to what ende and in what sense the auncient Doctors vsed an argument taken therefrom Pag. 28. Succession personall hath some times had a breache in the seate of Rome Pag. 35. Succession and calling of persons Pag. 24. T TRaian 284 356. Teachers Pag. 132. V VAlens the Emperor Pag. 314. 378 Valerian Pag. 362. 371. Vicars Pag. 140. Vnitie in verity is not in the Romish church Pag. 113 Vocation of Pastors three things necessarie therein Pag. 39. Vocation ordinarie and extraordinarie Pag. 47. FINIS ☜ Imprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson for Thomas ●●an 1582.