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A04540 A Christian plea conteyning three treatises. I. The first, touching the Anabaptists, & others mainteyning some like errours with them. II. The second, touching such Christians, as now are here, commonly called Remonstrants or Arminians. III. The third, touching the Reformed Churches, with vvhom my self agree in the faith of the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ. Made by Francis Iohnson, pastour of the auncient English Church, now sojourning at Amsterdam in the Low Countreyes. Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1617 (1617) STC 14661; ESTC S107828 395,581 331

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waightie publike affaires Which therefore is not novv to be denied unto Christians Levit. 8 2 5 Deut. 1.13 and 16 18. and 17 2 7. compared with the Scriptures aforesaid particularly with 1 Cor. 4 17. and 5 13. and 10 18. c. And in the Apostles daies Christians nevvly converted from paganisme and therefore as unfit and unexpert as men in these times yet had and used this their right and libertie as is before shevved III. Besides that this manner of calling is of speciall waight for the guiding and keeping of the people in obedience to the truth and in loue and reve●●●●● of their ministers and other Officers vvhen they are such as themselues in dutie to God and for their ovvn instruction guiding service haue made choise off For vvhich compare the Scriptures aforesaid with 1 Thes 5 12 13. and 1 Tim. 5 17. IIII. And seeing a true and lawfull calling is necessarie to be had For othervvise hovv should men be assured that they are called and sent of God Jer. 17 16. Amos 7 15 Heb. 5 4. Or why doth the Lord account them for intruders straungers and severely punish them vvhich runne being unsent and uncalled and take upon them that which the Lord hath not laid upon them Num. 16 ch and 18 7. 2 Chron. 26 16 21. Ezec. 44 9 15. Rev. 2.2 campared with Ier. 23 21. and Joh. 10 1 5. Or hovv els should the people receiue them as from the Lord ministring and speaking to them in his stead Ioh. 13 20. 2 Cor. 5 19 20. Therefore if this be not that manner of entrance which Christ hath ordeyned eyther some other must be shewed out of the vvord of God appointed by him now to be had or it must be proved that now it is lavvfull to devise nevv kinds of election entrance or that men may intrude themselues at their owne or other mens pleasure as they think good Neyther of vvhich can ever be approved V. Here also may be observed how in other waightie affaires behoofull and belonging to the whole bodie of the church they vvere usually done in Israell and the Primitiue Churches openly vvith the Churches knovvledge in a publike assemblie and as the nature of the cases and other circumstances required vvith their consent or approbation having this care that all should keep their place and performe their dueties according to the rules prescribed in the vvord of God Thus they had openly and publikely the vvord ministred Neh. 8 ch Jer. 7 and 26 chap. Act. 13 14 15. and 15 21. and 20 28. 1 Cor. 14 23 24. 1 Tim 1 3. and 3 15. and 4.13 the Passeover and the Lords supper celebrated 2 Chron. 30. and 35 ch ●●●r 10 16 17 18. and 11 18 20. c. the punishments and censures on sinners and malefactors inflicted Deut. 17 2 13. 21 18 21. Ioh. 16 2. 1 Cor. 5 3 4 5 13. 1 Tim. 5 20. The Elders in Israell sate and judged in the gates vvhere the people did and might come Deut. 21 18 21. 22 13-21 25.5 10. with Ruth 4.1 11. And afterward vvhen they lived under the Romanes or out of their owne countrey they sate judged in their councels or houses of judgement and inflicted punishment in their Synagogues Mat. 10 17. and 23 32. Luk. 6 22. and 21.12 Joh. 9 22. and 12 42. Act. 23 1 7. and 24 20 21. The children of Israell on this side Iorden heare and send to the children of Reuben Gad and Manasseh about the Altar vvhich they set up in the borders of Iordan Josh 22.11 33. The people were assembled when reformation of strange mariages was to be made Ezra 10 ch Praise is giuen to God in the congregation of the people and assemblie of the Elders Psal 137.32 The high Priest and the Elders of the nation and the Priests and the other people of the Iewes send letters to the Lacedemonians 1 Mach. 12 6. Lysias also and king Antiochus send letters to the Counsell and the rest of the Ievves 2 Mach. 11 16 27. Ionathan calleth the Elders of the people together and consulteth with them about building strong holds in Iudea vvhereupon the people come together to build up the citie c. 1 Mach. 12 35 36.37 Likevvise in the primitiue churches and vvhiles the Apostles lived the church sendeth forth some for the further instructiō or building up of others in the faith Act. 11.22 and Publike controversies in religion are publikely heard disputed and determined Act. 11 2 18. and 15.2 22. vvith 16.4 and and 21.18 22 25. Publike sinners are openly rebuked before a●● and delivered to Sathan when the church is gathered together 1 Tim. 5.20 1 Cor. compared vvith Deut. 17.2 7. Generall letters about publike affaires and occasions are written by the Apostles Elders and brethren Act. 15.23 Gal. 1.1.2 1 Cor. 16.3 They that are sent with letters or benevolence or upon other such occasions from one church to another are chosen or approved of the churches Act. 1 Cor. 16. ● and 2 Cor. 8.19 In vvhich severall cases and the like although some differences may be observed whereupon novv I insist not as namely that some of them are done vvith election according to the suffrages voyces of the people or other approbation some vvay signified others or them are decreed by the Elders publikly denounced or executed c. yet notwithstanding this point the manner of dealing aforesaid is duly and carefully to be regarded And that the more inasmuch as in those times there were besides the Elders of the people the Prophets Priests in Israell the Apostles and Ministers in the Primitiue churches who if any at al might haue excluded the people in such cases or kept from them the knovvledge thereof if it had ben lavvfull so to doe specially seeing they had the Elders of the churches then present and consenting vvith them Which yet they would not doe though they vvere the messengers of the Lord of hostes the Prophets and Apostles of Christ the builders Maister-builders in the framing guyding establishing of the churches in the vvay and order appointed by the Lord. But now vvhat they might or vvould haue done if the people vvere refractarie or took to much upon them or were divided into parts and factions and vvould not consent nor rest or be obedient as they should that is another question vvhich here I treat not off Numb 16 ch 2 Chron. 26.16 20. Ier. 26.8 24. Act. 20.17.28 1 Cor. 4.21 and 11.18 c. 2 Cor. 12.20.21 and 1 Tim. 1.20 and and 6.13.14 Tit. 2.15 Rev. 2.14.20 c. VI. Moreover not onely the Catholick but also everie particular Church in a right and due consideration is the church and city of God the body of Christ the kingdome of God the ground and pillar of truth the house of the living God c. Psa 87 3. Rev. 21 2. c.
then apply it unto that vvhereof it vvas a figure and accordingly understand it Or may not vve so understand and apply it as the Apostle doeth vvho as himself saith here applies it to a particular church 1 Cor. 3 16 17. vvith which place may be joyned 2 Cor. 6.16 though that may also be further extended Besides was not the Temple in Israell for any and every Synagogue familie and person among them And may not we now accordingly apply it to the Churches and Christians of the Gentiles And that the more seeing that then also it vvas for them cōming to the faith of Israel vvhether mo or fevver Or vvere not the Ievves distributed into severall and particular Synagogues which being joyntly considered vvere and might be esteemed as one people And are not the Christians euen those among whom Antichrist hath most prevayled distributed likewise into particular churches or parishes Which if any would in some good respect consider joyntly as one people vvho would striue about it so as it were not any way abused for maintenance of any errour against the trueth or vvord of God But of this I will not insist neyther alledge other things that here might be observed That alone may suffice vvhich I noted here before By reason whereof also I need not stand on that vvhich he speaketh about the catholick or universall church seing it is ynough for the matter in hand to find it in the particular churches so as is aforesaid Yet some things by this occasion may here be noted vvithall As namely that the Church of Christ is sometimes accounted as one ‘ Sal. Song 4 12 16. and 5 1. 6 2 11 garden being considered joyntly in one sometimes as many or sundry * Sal. Song 4 15. 6 2. 8 13 gardens in respect of the divers particular congregations thereof Each of which particular ones both is a garden it self and is also a part of that one or universal garden of the Lord. So as he vvhich dwelleth the trees herbes vvhich grovv in any one of these may be said to dwell and grovv not onely in that particular garden alone but also in the general or universall garden as it compriseth al the particular gardens within it they being al of them parts of the generall Likevvise the Church is sometimes resembled by ‘ Exod. 25 31. 2 Chr. 13 11. Zac. 4 2 11. one Candlestick having one shank or shaft out of which come divers branches vvherein are * Exod. 25 37. with Rev. 1 11 12 20. and 2 3 ch seuen severall lampes so as the light vvhich is set in any one of the lampes standeth not onely in that particular lampe but in the generall candlestick sometimes by “ 2 King 7 49. 2 Chron. 4 7. ten candlesticks sometimes by ‡ Rev. 11 4. two c. so noting both one catholick Church in generall divers particular Congregations in speciall sometimes moe sometimes fewer yet so as they are alwaies parts and members of the generall or universall vvhether they be moe in number and more florishing or fevver more decaying Where note moreover that the Candlesticks and Lampes were set in the Temple of God and that the church of Rome vvas a golden Candlestick as well as the rest of the Primitiue Churches that this man himself saith definitely † Animad p. 103. the true churches were many of them apostate when John wrote whom yet notwithstanding the Scripture calleth Christ acknowledgeth them to be ” Rev. 1 11 12 20. and 2 1. golden candlesticks In any of vvhich if Antichrist the man of sinne had sit as in the church of Rome I suppose this man vvould not deny but his fitting then should haue ben in the Temple of God whether it vvere cōsidered as a particular Lampe and Candlestick it self ’‘ M. Brig on Rev. 11 4. or as a branch also and part of the great and generall Candlestick vvhich is ” Rev. 1 11 12 20. and 2 1. observed in the respects aforesaid to be a type both of the Catholick church and of the particular Congregations thereof like as here the Temple is by this man himself acknowledged and rightly also to be a type of both Animad pag. 78. As for the catholick or universall Church which the Pope claymeth for his Temple what is that to us vvho speak of the Temple of God spoken off by the Apostle 2 Thes 2 4. And vvhereas he vvould be taught hovv that vvhorish company that worship the Beast and Dragon can be the true catholike church spouse of Christ although that which I haue noted before be sufficient for the point in hand neither meane I now to insist on other things yet seeing thus he speaketh here let him first remember hovv but a litle before he told us ‘ Animad p. 77. the catholike church of the novv Romish religion as themselues describe it hath one part thereof on earth another under the earth and a third part in heauen now here himself speaketh onely of such as are on earth and those also such as vvorship the Dragon and the Beast spoken off Rev. 13 4. whereas the Catholick Church in deed conteyneth al the Churches and people of God that haue ben from the beginning of the world before ever there vvas a church yea or a city at Rome and that shal be to the end of the vvorld in any and every age thereof and in another respect all and onely the elect of God both Angels and men 2. And let himself now tell us vvhether he think there was no other church or churches of Christians catholick or particular vvherein Antichrist sate synce the apostasie of the Man of sinne but such as worshipped the Dragon which gaue power unto the Beast and the beast also himself withall Rev. 13 4. And who then were the Tabernacle those that dwelt in heauen whom the beast blasphemed and the Saints with whom he made vvarre tvvo and fourty moneths Rev. 13 5 6 7. and of vvhat church or churches they were considering also that the apostasie began so soone and spread so far and continued so long 2 Thes 2 3 7. with Rev. 11 1 2 c. 3. Let him also remember how Ierusalem came to be ‘ Ezec. 16 2 35 c. and 23 2 43. c an harlot old in adulteries and the Ievves to be ” Esa 1 4 5 c. a sinfull nation laden with iniquitie forsaking the Lord and revolting more and more yea * Esa 57 3 4 5. c. sonnes of the so●ceresse the seed of the adulterer and the whore “ Esa 65 2 3 c. a rebellious people which walked in a way not good after their ovvne thoughts ‡ 2 Chron. 36 14. c. transgressing after all the abominations of the heathen and polluting the house of the Lord which he had hallowed in Ierusalem c. vvhenas yet they vvere
Israel had not before us M. Ainsw Defence of Scrip. pag. 10. Which being well observed wil giue good light to many matters now in question But I wil proceed to other things 2. Whereas sometimes I alledge many Scriptures together my meaning is not that each of them proue the point in hand but that to this end they are to be compared layd together corfirmation of the truth to be derived frò thence by consequence discourse of reason as in questions of religion is woonted to be done 3. The questions that I set down are divers abort them there is great diversitie of judgment Touching some of thē I set down reasons but one way answer the objections to the contrarie For others of thē sometimes I propound reasons both waies so leaue al to be examined judged of according to the word of God At first I had thought onely to haue insisted upon the points thēselues without mention of any adversaries or confutation of any Opposites by name But afterward upon divers waighty reasons I chaunged my purpose course of manie Opposites haue named a few giuen a litle tast of the manifold Opposition that is made against us noting withall a few instances of the many shifts errors contradictions abuse of Scriptures into which they run are caryed exceedingly ‘ M. Ainsw Animadv c. Where also I could mention if I would sundrie manifest untruths published by some which are so very untrue as I need not produce any other proof or witnes herein but the publike records of Amsterdam stil extant the testimonie of such as were present and heard and saw what was done not excepting M. Ainsw owne followers Whom now moreover by this occasion I doe once againe exhort to consider their waies estate in their heart to cal to mynd both how they haue ben wanting in yeelding bearing witnes to the truth and how long now they haue continued in their schismaticall and scandalous Division frō the Church whereof they were and that both for the matter time and manner thereof besides many other sinnes and transgressions which they run into withall A just recompence of their contumacie frō vvhich they would not be reclaimed by any meanes Neither doth it availe thē that some others joyned hand in hand with thē becoming as Simeon and Levi did brethren in evill In such cases we must still remēber and obserue what Iacob the Patriark said O my soule come not thou into their secret unto their † Or Church as M. Ains doth otherwhere usually translat the word KAHAL which here he doth not so Note it assembly myne honour be not thou united Gen. 49.5.6 4. Now of the Anabaptists Arminians I need not speak particularly Some of their opinions here following I haue noted and refuted Gen. 37.9 Phil. 2.15 Iudg. 5 31. Prov. 4.18 Dan. 8 10.12 11.31.32 Act. 2.20.40 Rev. 6.12 both for the more clearing of the truth the further helping of others against their errors which do now here so much trouble endaunger the estate of church Common wealth The Reformed churches may for the faith of Christ which they professe wel be estemed as Israel was of old in their measure degrees to be as the Sunne and moone the lights of the world Which should therfore stil increase in al shining light of the truth holynes shyning more more unto the perfit day yea til they go forth as the Sunne in his might should be the more carefull hereof seeing the Scrtpture also teacheth how euen ‘ Rev. 16.8 c. Or by the Sunne here understand hotte persecution Sal. Song 1. 6. Mat. 13.6 21. upon the Sunne shal a vial of Gods wrath be powred out before the utter extyrpation destuction of the Beasts throne kingdome that the day is a comming wherein the moone shal be confounded the Sunne ashamed when the Lord of hosts shall reigne in mount Zion in Ierusalem before his auncients gloriously Esa 24.23 Which whether it shal be at the conversion of the Jewes to the Christian faith which now hasteneth on time and the work of God will manifest As also in what manner shal be verified that which the same Prophet hath foretold saying The light of the Moone shal be as the light of the Sunne and the light of the Sunne shal be seuen fold as the light of seuen dayes in the day that the Lord byndeth up the breach of his people and healeth the stroke of their wound 5. In the meane time who doth not obserue and lament that among the Lutherans and Reformed churches every where there should still remain so many great corruptions errors superstitions other transgressions not redressed or amended in the worship of God conversation of men Which threaten some heavy judgment of God not to be far off if we meete not the Lord with true and unfeyned repentance in time In which regard al are to be exhorted carefully without delay to think on their wayes to turne their feet into the Testimonies of the Lord. Buy the truth sayth ‘ Pro. 23.23 Salomon but sell it not Part with any thing for it but part not with it for any thing Enter in at the strait gate sayth ” Matt. 7.13.24 Christ for wide is the gate broad is the way that leadeth to destruction many there be which goe in thereat but strait is the gate narrow is the way which leadeth to life few there be that find it Finally let us all labour what in us is to grow in grace in the knowledge and obedience of the truth in all things not regarding the applause or displeasure of men but endevouring to please God more and more not onely to know profeesse in word but to obserue and practise in deed whatsoever the Lord hath commanded us knowing that ” Deu. 4 1 2. Matt. 28.20 Ioh. 7.17 13 17. 1 Tim 6 13.14 this hath the promise of blessing acceptance with the Lord. Wherein if these my poore labours shal any waie help and further thee giue praise unto God and remember me in thy prayers to the Lord In whom I rest and still shall remaine thyne FRANCIS IOHNSON Pastour of the English exiled church sojourning for the present at Amsterdam It was not an enemy that reproved me then I could haue borne it neyther was it he that hated me that did magnifie himself against me then I would haue hid my self from him But it was thou O man myne equall my guide and myne acquaintance who tooke sweete councell together and walked into the house of God in company Psal Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evill against you falsely for my sake Rejoyce be glad for great is your reward in heauen For so persecuted they the Prophets
26 26 27 28 and 1 Cor. 11 23 28. VIII And there is likewise † Ephe. 4 4.5 6. one Baptisme as there is ‡ 1 Cor. 12 13. and 10 1 2. with Exo. 12 37. 1 Pet. 3 20 21. with Gen. 7 1. Gal. 3 8 27 28 29. one bodie and * 1 Tim. 2 5. Joh. 10 16. one Mediator and confirmer of one covenant of grace to the faithful their seed in al ages So as therefore “ Act. 2 38 39. Psal 100 3 5. Ephe. 1 22 23. and 2 19 22. 5 23 25 26 27 32. one the same baptisme perteyneth to the children of the faithfull together with the parents themselues as they are also of one and the same bodie with them having one and the same Mediatour ratifyer of Gods covenant of grace unto them euen Iesus Christ the head and Saviour of his Church which is his bodie the fulnes of him that filleth al in al things IX Besides that the Children of Beleevers being under the covenant of God and perteyning to Christ and to his church and kingdome they are therefore now to be distinguished from the children of unbeleevers by a signe of difference and consequently by baptisme as the children of the faythfull were of old by circumcision Otherwise there should now be a greater confusion without difference betvveen the church the vvorld then vvas heretofore and the children of beleevers vvhich the Apostle sayth are holy should be brought into one and the same ranke estate vvith the uncleane children and seed of unbeleevers Contrary to the Apostles doctrine 1 Cor. 7 14. compared with Matth. 19 14. and Esa 52 1. Judg. 14 3 1 Sam. 14 6. and 17 36. 2 Cor. 6 14 15 16 17 18. X. Els also the grace of God to his people should novv since Christ his comming in the flesh be lessened and straitned more then it vvas before the comfort confirmation of the faithfull for themselues their children should not novv be so great and so fully ratified by Christ as formerly it vvas and vve should not novv be so compleete and throughly furnished in Christ as they aforetime vvere Finally by their opinion being vvell observed it vvould follovve that neyther the Scriptures haue giuen assurance of the recalling of the Ievves nor the Apostles sufficiently ansvvered such as urged circumcision upon the Gentiles c. Which things to affirme or admit is highly to derogate from the grace of God the fulnesse of Christ and his Gospell the comfort of Christians the sure hope of the ingraffing againe of the Ievves the faithfulnes of the Apostles and sufficiency of their doctrine recorded in the Scriptures And so contrarie to that vvhich is vvritten Col. 2 8 12. Rom 4 11 24. and 11 11 36. and 15 4. Gen. 7 1. with 1 Pet. 3 18 22. 1 Cor. 1 16. and 10 1 4. Luke 19 9. Esa 49 6. Act. 15 1 31 and 16 15 33. and 26 6 7.22 23. Gal. 1 6 9. and 3 8 29. Ephes 2 18 19. Hebr. 13 8. Rev. 13 8. and 14 6 and 21 3 9 10 11 12. c. OBJECTION I. But the Anabaptists still object Why then is there not in the New Testament mention of some child by name that was baptized ANSWER 1. The particular mention of anie such by name needed not to be in the nevv Testament because the commandement of sealing children vvith the signe of Gods covenant vvas before in Israel and is a morall perpetuall ordinance of God as vvas shevved here before Pag. 1. and appeareth likewise in the books of the old Testament where some children by name that vvere sealed vvith the signe of circumcision are particularly mentioned Gen. 21.4 Exod. 4 24 25 26. as some also be in the books of the Nevv Testament in Luke 1 59. and 2 21. And this point viz. that the Nevv Testament needed not repeat the things had in Israel vvhich vvere morall and perpetuall is the more to be noted because the due observation thereof cleareth not onely this matter in hand but divers other questions also about the sacraments and other things concerning the churches vvorshipp order government estate and course of life among Christians Which vvhile it hath not ben observed as it should ●●ch errour and trouble about sundrie things in the Church among ●●ristians hath risen and is still continued to the great hinderance of ●●e trueth and dishnour of the Name of God The speciall things to be declared in the Nevv Testament vvere the ●●hibiting of the Messiah in the flesh for the redemption of his people ●●e opening of that mysterie of the incarnation of the Sonne of God his ●●fferings death buriall resurrection ascension into heauen and sit●●ng at the right hand of God the fulfilling and correction of the sha●●vves and ceremonies of the Lavv the manifestation and establish●ent of such things as comming in stead thereof should not be shaken but endure to the end the spreading of the Gospell abroad in the vvorld and the opening of the mysterie of the Gentiles calling with such like things as may be seen in the histories of the Gospell vvritten by the Evangelists and particularly Matth. 1 1. c. Marke 1 1 2 c. Luke 1 2 3 4 c. and 24 44 48. Ioh. 20 31. Matt. 26 ●7 29. and 28 18 19 20. Iohn 19 30 36. And in the Acts of the Apostles And in their Epistles throughout Rom. 1 2 c. and 16 25 26. Galat. 4. chap. Ephes 4 5 6. Col. 1 25 26 27 28. and 2. chap. The Epistles to Timothee Titus and the Hebrewes 1 Pet. 5 12. Revel 2 24 25. and 19 9 10. c. Other things that vvere morall and formerly had in Israell needed not be repeated but still to be learned out of Moses and the Prophets and perpetually to be reteined Of vvhich sort this particular of sealing the children of beleevers is one 2 Timoth. 3 16 17. Luke 16 29 31. Rom. 15 4. 1 Cor. 4 6. Heb. 13 8. 2 Pet. 1 19. with Josh 1 8. Psal 119 142. Esa 8 20. Neyther doth it hinder that some morall things sometimes are repeated in the books of the Nevv Testament seeing that all such things are not repeated in the nevv as they are sette dovvne in the Old and sundrie reasons may be observed in sundrie places vvhere some are repeated or spoken off vvhy it vvas good and needfull so to doe Which were long to insist upon As in Matth. 5 21 44. and 9 13. and 18 15 ● 17. and 19 4 5 6 7 8 9. Marke 7 10 11 12 13. Luke 17 3. Act. 7 ●● Rom. 13 7 8 9 10. 1 Cor. 6 9 10. and 10 7 8 9 10. Ephes 5 3 4 ●6 14. 1 Timoth. 1 8 9 10 11. and 5 17 18. Hebr. 12 5 14 15 16. and 13 1 2 3 4 5. Iam. 2 8 9 10 11 12. 1 Pet. 1 15 16 17. and 3 〈◊〉 c. Revel 2 14 20. and
as may be seen in these places and the like Col. 2 11 12. with Rom 4 11 12. Matth. 5 23 24 25. and 26 17 29. Joh. 1 29. Act. 1● 14 17. Rom. 12 1. and 15 4 16. 1 Cor. 3 16 17. and 5 6 7 8. and 6 19 20. and 9 13 14. and 10 16 17 18. Gal. 4 21 31. 5 1 9 13. Phil. 2 17 3.2 3. 2 Thes 2 4. The Epistle to the Hebrewes 1 Pet. 1 15 16 19. and 2 5. Jude ver 23. Rev. 1 12. and 2 17. and 3 5 12. and 19 8. and 21 2 3. c. By vvhich may appeare that although the outward ceremonies themselues be abolished yet the spirit and equitie of them still remaineth and that from them vvhich then vvere had in Israell vvee should now in the time of the Gospell deriue and fetch reasons instructions applications and directions for the churches use and benefit continually as I shall by and by obserue more particularly 2. But first let us note to this purpose also the doctrine phrases used by the Prophets which may giue further light about the question in hand As when Esay speaking of the time of the Gospell calleth the Christians the brethren of the Jewes and foretelleth hovv they shall be brought for an offering unto the Lord out of all nations to Ierusalem the Lords holy mountayne as the children of Israell bring an offring in a cleane vessell into the house of the Lord that the Lord vvill also take of them for Priests and Levites And that from one New Moone to another from one Sabbath to another al flesh shal come to worship before the Lord. Esa 66 18 23. And Ieremie the Prophet Thus saith the Lord David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel Neyther shal the Priest the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings and to kindle meat offerings and to doe sacrifice continually c. Jer. 33 17 18. c. And Ezechiels prophecie from the 40 chap. to the end treateth of the restauration of the church kingdome and people of God by Christ and so of the constitution of the Christian Church under the termes and types of the Temple ministerie vvorship city land common-wealth and kingdome of the Iewes Ezech. 40 48. chap. And to omit other of the Prophets Zacharie foretelleth that the nations shall be joyned to the Lord and shall be his people Zac. ●● 11. And agayne that the Gentiles shall come to seeke the Lord of Hosts in Ierusalem and to pray before the Lord And shall take hold of the skirt of the Jewes to goe with them Zach. 8 22 23. And shall goe up from yeere to yeere to worship the King the Lord of Hosts and to keep the feast of Tabernacles Also in that day shall there be upon the bels of the horses HOLYNES TO THE LORD and the pottes in the Lords house shal be like the bowles before the Altar Yea everie pot in Ierusalem and in Iudah shal be Holynes unto the Lord of Hosts and they that sacrifice shal come and take of them and seeth therein and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hostes Zach. 14 16 20 21. And many the like speaches may be observed throughout the Prophets foretelling the time of the Gospell with the mercies of God and our duties therein vvhich cannot be rightly understood or observed as vve should vvithout reference to the ceremonies and state of Israel heretofore Which also plainly sheweth the abolition of those shadowes and ceremonies to be such as that yet still the trueth and equitie of them remayneth is perpetuall for the churches instruction comfort and direction continually 3. And now that I am giving some instances out of the Prophets I wil before I come to mention also some particulars in the Apostles writings to like purpose note yet further in divers respects that which the Prophet Amos hath touching the kingdome of Christ in the Christian Church of the Gospell vvhen he bringeth in the Lord himself speaking thus In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen and close up the breaches thereof or hedge the breaches of them and I will raise up his ruines and I will build it as in the daies of old that they may possesse the remnant of Edom and of all the heathen vvhich are called by my name saith the Lord that doth this Amos 9 11 12. Thus prophecied Amos of old Whose speach how should it be understood or these things observed in the Church and kingdome of Christ built up among the Ievves Gentiles in the time of the Gospell whereof the Prophet speaketh if we should not now look unto David and to the estate of his house kingdome as it vvas heretofore and still haue relation thereunto in the Churches constitution reformation ministration and proceeding alvvayes endevouring to haue the spirituall trueth comfort and benefit thereof more and more among us To which end all the phrases here used by the Prophet are vvell to be mynded for the manifold use that may be made thereof And this Scripture I doe the rather more particularly insist upon because the Apostles did thus understand and apply it in a controversie that vvas about circumcision in their time Act. 15 1 17. Where vvhen they disputed how the Gentiles vvere to be free from circumcision and the yoke of Moses Law vvhich had before ben as a partition vvall betvveen the Ievves and Gentiles they both by the vvork of God and from this Scripture observed vvithall hovv now the Lord took out of them a people for his name as the Prophets had foretold ver 14 17. And besides the things spoken of Davids tabernacle in both places note also hovv vvhere Amos hath that the Ievves should possesse the remnant of Edom and of all the heathen upon vvhom the name of the Lord is called the Apostle Iames follovving the Septuagints translation hath it that the residue of men might seek after the Lord and all the Gentiles c. so teaching that by the remnant of Edom vve may understand the residue of men besides the Ievves whether nearer unto them or hostile against them as the Edomites vvere to the Ievves and that vvhen the Gentiles seek after the Lord and are called by his name then † Obad. v. 19 20 21. Psa 47 3 4 9. they become the Ievves possession in Christ the sonne of David in vvhom Davids ruinated tabernacle is built agayne and the breaches of the hedges thereof vvherevvith it vvas compast about fenced be hedged and closed up and his ruines raised up and it built and set up as in the dayes of old c. Amos 9 11 12. vvith Act. 15 16 17. To the same purpose may be observed those many places throughout the Scripture vvhere it is said that Christ should sit upon the throne of David Luke 1 31
besides the fyer which consumed the two hundred fiftie men that offred incense the earth opened and swallowed up Dathan covered the company of Abiram their wiues their sonnes their litle children and all that appertayned unto them Num. 16. chap. with Psal 106 17 18. where there is mention of litle children in particular Numb 16 27. Like as there is also at the slaughter made in Ierusalem for the abominations done in the midst thereof Ezec. 9 1 6. And to conclude if children vvere not through sinne subject to death yea and to eternall death condemnation then should ●●ey need no Saviour and why then needed Christ in respect of them ●●●take part with children of flesh and blood that through death he might destroy ●n that had the power of death that is the Divell as the Apostle teacheth Heb. ● 14. And thus much by this occasion touching Originall sinne in children CHAPTER III. Wheher the Baptisme that is received in the apostaticall Churches of Christians as in the Church of Rome and the like is to be renounced a new to be repeated again or not ANother great errour also it is to think that the baptisme had in the Church of Rome or other apostate Churches is not to be regarded but to be renounced and another to be received anevv Which opinion vvhereupon soever it arise whether upon the denying of baptisme to children vvhich is used in the Churches aforesaid or upon other erroneous perswasions touching apostate Churches or the baptisme thereof certaine it is and evident by the Scriptures to be against the vvord and vvill of God and therefore to be sinfull so to hold or practise I. Which first may appeare by this that there is neyther precept not example nor other ground in all the Scriptures either in the Old or Nevv Testament for renouncing repeating nevv requiring or admitting thereof And therefore such perswasions new baptismes are not from heauen but of men Contrary to the baptisme of Iohn and the Apostles vvhich was from the Lord. Matt. 21 25. and 28 18 19 20. Joh. 1 25 33. with Act. 15 24. Gal. 5 7 8. II. Secondly there is one Baptisme as there was one Circumcision And Baptisme had in the apostate churches of Christians is answerable to circumcision retayned in Israels apostasie Now circumcision being once received in the apostasie of Israell was not repeated again at their returning to the Lord and leaving of their idolatrous vvayes to serue him according to his word but they that vvere so circumcised were vvithout any new circumcision of the flesh accepted at Ierusalem and admitted to the Passeover of vvhich none might eat that was uncircumcised In like maner also Baptisme being once received in the apostaticall churches of Christians is not to be repeated agayn when any so baptised returne unto the Lord and forsake their idolatries submitting themselues to the truth of the Gospel but they are without any new baptizing vvith water to be received of the Churches of Christ and admitted to the Lords supper vvhereof none may eat being unbaptized For these examples of Israell as all other things in the Scriptures written aforetyme are aforevvritten for our instruction and comfort Eph. 4 5. with Gen. 17 10 13. Ez● 12 48 49. 2 Chron. 30 chap. Jer. 9 26. Hos 1 2. Ier. 50 4 5 19 20. and 51 5. with Ezech. 16 and 23 chap. Ezr. 6 19 20 21. with Rom. 15 4. III. Also the covenant of Gods grace in Christ is * Gen. 17 7. Psa 89 30 34. and 106 45. and 111 5 9. Gal. 3 8 29. Heb. 13 8 20. with Deut. 4 30 31. and 29 10 15. and 30 chap. Rom. 11 15 16 28 29. an everlasting covenant into vvhich it pleased God to take us vvith Abraham our father vvhen he made that covenant vvith him his seed for ever And as the Lord himself vvho knoweth his works from the beginning † Iudg. 2 11. c. 2 King 13 23. and 14 27. 2 Chron. 15 3 4. and 30 6 7 8 9. Jer. 51 5. Ezech. 16 2 60. c. and 28 10 24 25 26. with 32 24 32. Hos 3 1. and 13 4 5. Col. 2 10 13. Rev. 18 4. hath regard unto it in his mercifull dealing concerning his people in apostaticall Churches and estate so ought we also our selues carefully to haue respect thereunto in the consideration of baptisme thus received as in all other things according to the word of God and manifold occasions ministred from the Lord. IIII. And seeing Christ dyed to sinne once being raysed from the dead dyeth no more but liveth to God And we are buryed vvith him by baptisme into his death to be planted with him likevvise to the similitude of his resurrection therefore also all that are once baptized into his name ought still to reteine it for continuall use and comfort and not agayn to repeat it any more then there is repetition of Christs death and sacrifice once offered to take avvay sinne Rom. 6 8 11. with ver 3 4 5. and Act. 13 34. Heb. 7 27. and 9 25 29. and 10 10 14. 1 Pet. 3 18. Revel 1 18. with Matth. 28 19 20. Act. 2 38 39 41 42. and 10 48. 1 Cor. 1 13. and 6 11. 12 13. Gal. 3 27 28 29. 1 Pet. 3 21 22. Rev. 1 4 6. V. And touching the Church of Rome in particular it cannot be denyed but that Church was espoused to Christ in the covenant of grace by the Gospel of salvation having baptisme with the rest of Christs ordinances in the Apostles dayes hath ever since reteyned it with other grounds of Christian religion notwithstanding all her adulteries and apostasie whereinto she is fallen As may be seen both in that Church it self all other churches vvhich are the daughters thereof in their constitution eyther for faith or order or both in vvhole or in part And hereunto as in Iudahs and Israels apostasies heretofore so novv in all cases and questions of this nature due respect is alvvay to be had As may appeare by these Scriptures Rom. 7 1 8. and 6 3 4. with Revel 17 chap. and 18 4. Gen. 17 7 14. with Jud. 2 11 12. c. 1 King 14 22 23 24. 2 Kin. 21 and 24 25 chap. Psal 89 30 34. 2 King 9 6. 13 23. 14 27. Ier. 2 ch Eze. 16 2 44 60 c. and 20 and 23 chap. Dan. 9. chap. Hos 2 chap. and 3 1. and 12 9. 14 1. 2 Chro. 30 6 7 8 9. with 15 3 4. Lev. 12 2 3. and 26 14 45. Deut. 4 25 31. and 29 10 15. and ●0 chap. with Rom. 11 15 16. Hebr. 7 9 10. VI. They professe Iesus to be the Christ to be the sonne of God mani●●●●●● in the flesh that dyed for the sinnes of the vvorld that by his sacri●●●● and death upon the crosse hath reconciled us unto God and payed 〈◊〉 ●ood as a full and sufficient
ministred among themselues that it should not also be so esteemed and renounced in regard of their errors and the corruptions in their estate ministration that are among themselues sundry waies 2. And how will they shew that the baptisme there had is in deed an Idol unto them in their estate and participation thereof Is every thing that is abused or misapplied by mē straightway an Idol or doe they that are baptised bowe downe to it and vvorship it Though also if that were done unto it as vvas unto the Sunne heretofore among the Ievves why might it not yet still notvvithstanding be true Baptisme and Gods ordinance in it self as the sunne was the true sunne and Gods creature notwithstanding all their abuse thereof euen unto them and in that their 〈◊〉 vvhiles they made it an Idol to themselues committed idolatrie 〈◊〉 unto Of vvhich point I shall speak more hereafter In the meane 〈◊〉 let it here be observed that they baptize onely in the Name of the 〈◊〉 and vvith acknowledgment of the Articles of the Christian faith as in their forme of baptisme may be seen And as the Martyrs being urged about their baptisme received among them haue alwaies acknovvledged 3. Hovv also will they proue that it is a lying signe unto them in their estate seeing Baptisme as the other Sacraments both in Israell and under the Gospell hath this in it to be a signe by the ordinance appointment of God not at the wil and pleasure of man And God is the God of trueth appointeth no lying signes but true holy ones for his praise and our comfort Neither can mans iniquitie make Gods signes to be lying signes though they may otherwise be abused extremely Sinful therfore and erroneous it is so to think if not also blasphemous so to speak 4. Difference then is to be put betvveen Gods ordinance and mans corruption between the baptisme it self the maner of administration thereof betvveen the signe of God the errors of men thereabout between the sacrament vvhich God hath instituted giuen to his people between the churches estate where it is administred Gods ordinance Gods baptisme Gods signe and sacrament is holy and so to be acknovvledged whenas Mans corruption unlawfull ministration the churches estate and erroneous opinions thereabout are sinfull and accordingly to be esteemed And who dare or can annihilate Gods ordinance for mans erroneous perswasions or the churches corrupt ministration thereof Let these things be distinguished carefully and the trueth vvill appeare presently Othervvise a thousand errors and evils wil ensue if these differences be not duly respected both in this in other questions of like sort 5. About mariage they haue corruptions errors abuses in their estate will they therefore say that their mariage is not true matrimonie unto them but an Idoll and lying ordinance so make themselues bastards illegitimate and base borne Or think they that therefore their mariage should be renounced and a new mariage or nevv vviues to be gotte agayne 1 Tim. 4 1 2 3. 6. Meat and drink flesh and fish beare wine are dayly much abused unto gluttony and drunkennes and sundry erroneous opinions also are held thereabout among them Besides that the Apostle saith of some their bellie is their god Phil. 3 19. Shal we therefore say that these things are not the true creatures of God unto them in their estate but Idols lying creatures or accursed and detestable things c. 1 Tim. 4.1 2 3 4. 7. Euen about the Bible and the Scriptures themselues also they haue sundry corruptions abuses and errors among them in their estate and ministration Shall vve therefore say that the Bible is not the true vvord of God but an Idol lying book unto them 2 Tim. 3 15 16 17. 8. Yea and the very terme of abuse vvhich these men use doth plainly shevv that it is not indeed an Idoll and lying signe but onely is abused by them vvhether idolatrously or otherwise as by mans corruption hath come to passe vvith Gods ordinances in all ages of the world 9. And novv to make it more plain obserue that it is one thing to say of this or that thing that it is not the Lords but an Idoll a lye a detestable cursed thing c. And another to say Men make this or that to be unto them an Idol or a vaine thing and unprofitable or that they hold this or that errour about it or doe thus and so abuse it c. For the one respecteth the nature or being of the thing according to Gods ordinance the other respecteth the abuse thereof through mans corruption and iniquitie The Sunne Moone and starres as I noted ere while were idolatrously abused by the Heathen and Ievves of old and divers erroneous opinions also held thereabout among them Deu. 4 19 and 17 3. with 2 King 23 5 11. Jer. 8 2. and 44 17. Should vve therefore say they were not the true creatures of God unto them but Idols and lying ordinances Or vvas not God then the Lord of hosts but of Idols and lying creatures And had he not still the same sunne moone starres and other creatures vvhich they did sinfully vvorship to be as armies about him alvvay readie to doe his wil Or vvere they because of such abuse by anie to be renounced and a nevv sunne moone starres other creatures to be created and had a fresh if they had ben able to procure it Thus againe vve may see that difference is to be put betweene the being or nature of things in themselues according to the institution of God and betvveene the corrupt abuse of them as men make them to be unto themselues by their idolatrie or other iniquitie in this or that respect 10. The Ievves profaned the Temple many vvaies and sundry times they set Idols and altars up in it and tables of money chaungers seats of them that sold doues made it an house of Marchandize a denne of thieues in their abuse thereof 2 Kin. 16 10 16. 2 Cro. 28 24. and 33 4 7 Jer. 7 11. Mar. 11 15 Joh. 2 14 16. Was it not novv therefore the house of God but an Idoll and lying ordinance unto them Or ceased it novv to be the Temple of God because it vvas so profaned and abused by them Or vvere they now for the abuse thereof utterly to reject it and to build a nevv one Did not both the church in former times and aftervvard Christ himself and his Apostles and the vvhole church in that age still hold and use the Temple as the Lords house his sacred ordinance for the service of his Name 2 King 19 14. and 22 3 4 5. 2 Chron. 29 3 4 5. and 34 8. Mar. 12 35. Luk. 19 45 46 47. and 21 37 38. Ioh. 7 14. Act. 3 1. with Esa 56 7. The like also may be observed about the Sabbath and the profanation thereof in Iudah
receiue it For confirmation whereof he alledgeth Esa 44 20. Where the Prophet speaketh of Idols that * Gal. 4 7. vvith Esa 44 8 9 10. c. by nature are no Gods but a lye in the right hand of all that haue and reteyne them Which if it were true of the Romish baptisme that in the nature thereof it were no baptisme but a lye in the right hand of all that haue and reteyn it then should it without question be renounced as a very Idoll in deed For such is the lye in the right hand spoken off by the Prophet Esa 44 20. And the Lord requireth every man thus to doe with Idols Cast ye avvay sayth he every man the abominations of his eyes and defile not your selues vvith the Idols of Egypt I am the Lord your God Ezech. 20 7. Where though the Lord speak in particular of the idols of Egypt according to the case and estate of his people at that time yet it is the rule and vvil of God for all Idols as may appeare both by the reason there annexed in those vvords I am the Lord your God which excludeth the having or reteyning of any Idols at any time by other Scriptures forbidding al idols at all times vvheresoever Ezech. 20 7 18. vvith 14 3 6. and Lev. 19 4. Esa 30 22. Hos 13 2. and 14 8. 1 Joh. 5 21. Rev. 22 15. But here perhaps this man vvill say his words are not simply of receiving it but of so receiving it as here is sayd So in deed he speaketh here and vvell may it be that thus he speaketh to haue a shift and starting hole after his manner as I haue noted before But hovv ever it be let us yet examine it inquire a litle further into this matter And first let him novv syncerely tell us whether he hold that the Romish baptisme is a lye in the right hand of al that receiue it in the present estate of the Church of Rome Esa 44 20 as the Prophet here speaketh of a lye If he say Yea then both this Prophet in the same place and all the Scripture every vvhere teacheth that we may not reteyne it but must utterly reject it that els wee feed but on ashes and haue our hearts deceived c. Esa 44 20. with 30 22. Ezec. 14 6. and 20 18. Rev. 22 15. If he say No then all may see how he doeth but shift and cavill and hath spent many good houres and blotted a great deal of paper to no purpose but to maintaine error Anabaptistrie impietie besides that thus he giues us the cause against himself and overthrovves al his former assertions writing hereabout Secondly if some should be baptized in the Church of Rome vvith their crosses exorcismes greasings c. which he saith are vvorse idols then Jeroboams bullocks and yet should not set up baptisme in the place of Christ and his precious blood thinking it to giue grace and wash away sinnes let him now also concerning such syncerely tel us whether the baptisme thus received in that church should be renounced and rejected or not If he say it should then by this vvill follovv that they hold the baptisme of that church to be an Idol not onely in respect of this opinion of standing in Christs place c. which here he inserteth to beare out the matter with greater colour but in respect of the other corruptions also viz. their crosses exorcismes greasings c. though this other opinion aforesaid be not held therewithall If he say it should not be renounced and rejected for these corruptions but onely for the opinion aforesayd why then doe they hold the baptisme of the church of England to be an Idol where they know this opinion is not held to set it up in Christs place thinking that it giveth grace c Why also makes he such pretences about this matter by the crosses exorcismes greasings and other such corruptions in the church of Rome if he think that the baptisme there had doth not for all these become an Idoll and yet also saith that they are vvorse Idols then Ieroboams bullocks Thirdly hovv vvill he shew if he vvere put to it that baptisme in the church of Rome is so received as standing in the place of Christ c. seeing they are infants usually that receiue it there considering also * Of which see before p. 29. their profession of Christ and baptizing with water in the name of the Father the sonne and the holy Ghost that this alone is indeed the baptisme of that church the other things which he speaketh off being not the baptisme it self but erroneous opinions and sinfull addititions thereabout Fourthly keeping stil to the Papists opinion as it is held by themselues hereabout of which I vvill not stand here to treat let us for better finding out of the trueth admit that some of yeres not knowing better doe so receiue it as here is said thinking that it conferreth grace vvasheth avvay sinnes c. yet vvhenas once they are baptized in the Name of the Lord as is aforesaid vvith the * Of which see before p. 29. profession that is made of the Christian faith in that church and shal then afterward perceiue their errors hereabout let it novv well be considered vvhether yet notwithstanding the baptisme thus received be in it self an Idoll and a lye to be rejected or that onely the errors and corruptions brought in by men are to be renounced and not the baptisme it self which is Gods ordinance in that church as circumcision was in Israel though thus abused perverted and seeing that the very ground of baptisme in deed is † See before p. 23. the covenant and promise of God and not the understanding much lesse the erroneous understanding and opinions of men Fiftly to returne to the points we had in hand let it be observed that all vvho are there baptized doe so receiue it as there it is ministred and that commonly in their infancie at which time they know not what errour or abuse is held or done thereabout So as if their opinons and abuses make it in deed to be a lye in the right hand of all that so receiue it as there it is abused corrupted thē should all that are so baptized when they come to yeeres of understanding utterly renounce it as a meer Idol and a very lye as the Prophet here teacheth Esa 44 2. Which how strongly it implyeth Anabaptistrie and seduceth thereunto let the vvise and unpartiall judge Finally vvhen some of the Iewes and Pagans comming to be Christians according to the faith of the church of Rome making ‡ See before pag. 29. such profession thereof as they make themselues doe thereupon being not yet further instructed so receiue baptisme as there it is held and ministred vvill they now say that their baptisme so received is a lye in their right hand as the Prophet
assurance of the thing signified and so it is a vayn Idol nothing Besides that by this it wil follow as these also hold that they are not under the covenāt of God but divorced from the Lord and so indeed vvithout all hope of salvation in that estate For if any of them dying in that estate be saved then it must needs be that God is their God and they his in Christ and consequently that they are under the covenant of God So as then the relation which is the mayn thing in the Sacrament may be found in their baptisme to seale up unto them the forgiuenes of sinnes And so it is not then a vayn Idol nothing vvhich here they affirme If they think to help it out vvith that clause of not sealing up unto them the forgiuenes of sinnes let them besides that vvhich is said “ Pag. 37. c. in the ansvver of the former objection consider vvith themselues vvhether they think that the baptisme receiued in the truest best churches do seale up to hypocrites the forgiuenes of their sinnes And if they think not whether there they will say that the baptisme of those churches hath not the relation which is the maine thing in a Sacrament It is generally held “ Act. 8 13. c. that Simon Magus vvho was baptised by Philip the Euangelist was an hypocrite that his baptisme did not seal up as here they understand sealing up unto him the forgiuenes of his sinnes wil they therefore say that the baptisme ministred by the Euangelists had not the relation which is the mayne thing in a Sacrament Besides that thus the relation of the Sacraments should depend vvholly upon man P. 23. c. and Advertis pag. 59 c. and not upon the Lord or his ordinance at all as I haue shewed here before But to speak of the church of Rome in particular I aske whether the baptisme had in that church seale up the forgiuenes of sinnes unto any of thē that receiue it or to none at all If they say that it sealeth this to some of them then their assertions here are untrue and erroneous and the consequents here before deduced thereabout stand firme against them and this clause helpeth thē not to shift it of If they say to none at all then neyther to any infants there baptized and so dying nor to those that being of yeeres leaue the estate of that church so not to those among these men thēselues that were there baptized Now if that baptisme there received do not as touching the relation vvhich is the mayn thing in a sacrament seale up unto them the forgiuenes of their sinnes what other sacrament of baptisme haue they that doth it Any other or none at al If an other then they are Anabaptists whose error and iniquitie is shewed before If no other but it then eyther they must graunt that the baptisme there received hath the relatiō of a sacrament to seale up unto them the forgiuenes of sinnes or that as yet they haue none at all that doth it but must now get it to themselues and that also before they may partake of the Lords supper as was shewed before And thus every way they fall into Anabaptistrie and so into notable error besides that novv in the meane time they stand Idolaters and so must be content to be esteemed if the baptisme which they haue received and still reteyne haue not the relation of a sacrament unto thē but be a vayn Idol nothing 12. As it is a notorious error in the Papists to say as here he noteth that baptisme doth quite take away sinnes and conferre grace so these men also themselues erre not a litle when they say that the baptisme vvhich is reteined and received in that Church hath not the relation of a Sacrament unto them but is a vayne idoll and nothing because they say of it that it quite taketh awaye sinnes c. Shall mens erroneous sayings or opinions make a nullitie of Gods ordinances of his signes seales and sacraments Cannot God be true though they be lyers Cannot God continew his own signes ordinances though there be error and corruption in the churches thereabout Cannot Gods trueth sacrament stand on his part though men doe erre and transgresse on theirs Doth Gods signe and seale loose the relation and become an Idoll and nothing if man fall into error sinne concerning it Annot. on Gen. 17 11. What then shall vve think eyther of that opinion of the Ievves touching circumcision which himself othervvhere noteth how they say that at what time a man is sealed with this holy seale of this signe of circumcision thenceforth he seeth the holy blessed God properly and the holy soule is united with him Zohar treating on Gen. 17 11. or of that opinion touching the righteousnes of works whereabout the Apostle testifieth that they sought for righteousnes by the works of the Law and so being ignorant of Gods righteousnes going about to establish their own righteousnes submitted not themselues to the righteousnes of God Rom. 9 31 32. and 10 3. Now that among the vvorks of the Law they also intended Circumcision for one particular may appeare both by the strait urging of it euen in the time of the Gospell upon the Christians of the Gentiles when certaine men which came down from Iudea to Antioch taught the brethren saying Except ye be circumcised after the maner of Moses ye cannot be saved Act. 15 1. and by the Apostles particular naming of it in his refuting of this erroneous opiniō about the vvorks of the Lavv. Gal. 5 2 3. Shal we therefore think that circumcision in Israel while it vvas in use by the Lavv of God was not indeed the Lords ordinance nor had the relation of a sacrament unto them but vvas a vayn idoll and nothing because of these or other such like assertions and opinions then had thereabout What also vvil they say to the baptisme of the church of England where they knovv the popish assertion vvhereof they speake is rejected will they graunt that the baptisme there received hath the relation which is the mayn thing in a Sacrament to seale up unto them the forgiuenes of sinnes and that it is not a vayn idoll and nothing but the Lords true baptisme and sacrament unto them Let them novv vvel bethink themselues what they haue said heretofore and vvhat they say hereafter concerning this matter Finally besides the relation in a sacrament there is also to be regarded the commandement of God vvho hath appointed it to be observed in the church According as vve read that Christ vvho vvas without sinne and so needed not for himself in that respect this relation of the sacrament to seale up unto him the forgiuenes of his sinnes yet in obedience of the Lavv under which he was borne and to fulfil al righteousnes being now also our suerty and redeemer vvas
yet And this was aboue an hundred yeres after the time of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat as the historie sheweth So as this Scripture alone sufficiently declareth that Israell vvas yet still under the covenant of the Lord and that both in the Lords own account and in the estimation of the Prophets that recorded these things Moreover the Scripture recordeth that † 2 King 14 23 25. Jeroboam the sonne of Ioash the thirteenth king from Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat that made the calues restored the coast of Israell from the entring in of Hamath unto the sea of the plaine according to the word of the Lord God of Israells which he spake by the hand of his servant Ionah the sonne of Amittai the Prophet Where againe obserue those termes the word of the Lord God of Israell vvhich he spake by his servant Ionah the Prophet Was this then the vvord of a supposed Lord God of Israel or of him that vvas in deed and in trueth the Lord God of Israel Was Ionah the servant and Prophet of an imaginarie God or of him that was indeed both in the Lords account and in his owne persvvasion the Lord God of Israell Or was it any other God then this to whom Ionah prayed in his distres when he saith he prayed to the Lord his God c. Jon. 2 1 9 Or did he pray to any other God then the onely true God that was the God of Israel by his covenant of grace made vvith the Fathers 2 Kin. 13 23. Many the like sayings might be produced out of the historie of Israell and books of the Prophets which were long to note and urge in particular there vvill be occasion to speak more hereafter about this matter Here therefore I vvill but cite some places vvhich the Reader may turne unto and obserue about the point in hand 1 King 14 7 13. 16 33. and 17 1 12 14 18 20. 2 King 5 15 17. 2 Chron. 30 6 9. Hos 4 6 8 12. and 5 4. and 12 8 9. and 13.4 5 13 16. and 14 1. Amos 7 15 17. and 9 10. Mich. 2 3 9. with 1 1. and Amos 3 1. and 8 2. Where the Prophets expressely call and with a joint consent account Israell in their defection as they did Iudah also in their apostasie to be the people of the Lord and the Lord to be their God and this also in deed and in trueth as the places themselues and the matters spoken off with the circumstances thereabout doe plainely manifest And that these termes Thy God and my People and the like so often used both touching Israell and Iudah are termes and notes of the covenant is so evident throughout the Scriptures as it is straunge that any should offer to denye it For vvhich see Gen. 17 7. Exo. 3 15 16 18. and 6 7. Lev. 2 13. Num. 10 9 10. Deut. 1 21. and 4 23 24. and 7 16. and 8 2. 26 17 18 19. and 29 10 15. 1 King 14 7 13. 2 King 20 5. with 1 Chron. 11 2. and 2 Chro. 6 5 6. and 20 7. and 36 16. Neh. 1 10. Esa 35 2 4. and 37 16 21. Jer. 2 13 17. 7 28. and 19 3. and 23 2. and 28 14. and 29 4. c. Ezech. 13 10 18. Hos 2 23. Mich. 6 3 5. Zach. 2 11. and 13 9. Joh. 20 17. Act. 3 22 25. Rom. 9 25 26. 11 1 2. 2 Cor. 6 16. Heb. 4 9. and 8 10. and 10 30. and 11 25. 1 Pet. 2 10. Rev. 4 11. and 5 10. and 7 3 10 12. and 12 10. and 18 4. and 21.3 .. 2. Otherwise the tribe of Iudah vvhich is also called the people of the Lord and God said to be their God vvhen they † 2 Kin. 21 22. 22. 17. 2 Chr. 12 1 5. 21 10 11. 24 20.24 Esa 1 4 21. Ier. 1 16. 2 13. c. forsook the Lord and became Apostates and Idolaters committed other notorious sinnes besides and that in such sort ‡ Ezec. 16.2.51 23 2 11. c. as they justified Israel and became more corrupt then shee for which the Lord punished them seveerely cast them out of his land into captivitie in Babylon should not indeed and in trueth be accounted the people church of God Neither should those termes My people Thy God and the like spoken concerning them by the Prophets in such estate imply and teach us that yet notwithstanding they were then still under the covenant of God and so both by the Lord himself and by his Prophets esteemed to be his church and people Jer. 2 11 13 17 31 32. and 3 20 21. and 4 11 22. and 5 31. and 6 14 27. and 7 2. 12 28. and 8 7 19 21 22. 15 6 7. 18 15. and 23 2 13 22 27 32. and 28 14. and 29 4 8. c. Ezech. 13 10 18. with 8 9 10 11 chap. and 16 ch and 23 ch Obad. ver 12 13. Micah 1 9. and 2 3 5 7 8 9. and 3 3 5. and 6 3 5 8. 7 10 14. Zeph. 2 7. and 3 2. 3. And if we look to former times the children of Israel all the tribes of old both Iudah and Israel together in the times of the Iudges c. should not be the people and church of God if the exceptions aforesaid were of vvaight For they also then forsook the Lord and fell into defection and became great idolaters vvere for that other their sinnes often and sore punished of the Lord. As in the book of Iudges may be seen Iudg. 2 11 12 13 19. and 3 5 6 7. and 6 1 10 25 30. and 8 27. 10 6. 17 chap. 18 30 31. with 1 Sam. 7 3 4. 12 9 10. Psa 78 56 57 58 59. c. and 106 34 39 c. 1 Kin. 11 33. Besides that Ezekiel and others note the like also concerning them when they were in Egypt in the wildernes and in the land of Canaan Ezec. 20 7 8 9 10 27. c. 23 2 3 c. Amos 5 2● 26 27. with Act. 7 38 43. 4. But to insist on the tenne tribes more particularly yet further to obserue some moe things out of the Prophets and other Scriptures concerning them let us first of al remember that the Lord vvhen he brought Israell out of Egypt and gaue them his Lavv spake these vvords said I am the Lord thy God vvhich haue brought thee out of the land of Egypt Exo. 20 1 2 3 c. out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue no other Gods before me c. This I suppose they will not deny to be spoken by the Lord to his church and people indeed and in truth Now Hoseah the Prophet in his time about two hundred yeares after Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat had set up the calues at Dan Bethell and caused Israel
thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead Rev. 3 1. Should we novv infer hereupon as this man here doth upon the like phrase in the Prophets touching Israell that therefore baptisme and the other ordinances of God had in the church of Sardis vvere but in shew reteyned therein and could not be unto them the signes and seales of forgiuenes of sinnes and of life eternall and therefore vvere in their use of them false and deceitful as vvere the ordinances as he saith of God reteined among the Gentiles Would any man of heart and understanding endure such blasphemie Saith not the Scripture that the church of Sardis vvas one of the seuen golden candlesticks shewed unto Iohn And doth not Christ our Lord who hath the seuen spirits of God vvhose eyes are as a flame of fire accordingly approue it so to be Rev. 1 4 11 12 13 14 20. with 3 1 c. Far rather will I with Christ his Apostle esteem it to be dead in some respect yet acknowledge it a golden Candlestick and true Church of God in other respect then gather such maner of consequences as this man usually doth upon any such phrases that he meteth vvithall And this is the more to be mynded touching this doctrine of his because himself in the same treatise affirmeth that ‘ Animad pag. 103. our reasons from Israell are impertinent to the estate of Rome there spoken off but might vvell serue for the times vvherein Iohn lived vvhen the true ” Rev. 2 and 3 cha Churches vvere many of them apostate Where also he citeth in the margent Rev. 2 and 3 chapters and so this Church of Sardis for one Where I might note againe his contradicting of himself and his manifold errors in divers respects if I vvould here stand thereupon For if the estate of apostate Israell may vvel serue the times of Iohn when the true churches spoken off in the Revelation ch 2 and 3. vvere many of them apostate then it cannot be that the estate and ordinances of God had in Israell should be such as ‡ Animad p. 70 c. in this other place and throughout his treatise he would beare us in hand Thē also should Israel be a true church though in apostasie as here himself calleth those churches in the Revelation apostate and yet true churches Which by vvord and vvriting othervvhere he still oppugneth That vvhich concerneth the church of Rome may be touched othervvhere In the meane time we haue now ynough from these men themselues seeing the church of Sardis vvhich they say was apostate and Christ saith vvas dead is by themselues acknowledged to be a true church by the Scriptures approved for a golden candlestick So al their pretences and oppositions vanish into smoke Secondly for the place of Hoseah it self if it be understood as by putting a vvord to the text here they expound it of death in sinne yet let it be vvell considered vvhether it will therefore follow that circumcision now in Israel was not the Lords signe his seale of forgiuenes of sinne but a false and deceitfull signe in their use thereof and no better then the ordinances of the heathen The Scripture sheweth how vvhen one being called of Christ to follow him requested saying ‘ Luke 9 59 60. Lord suffer me first to goe and bury my father Christ said unto him again Let the dead bury the dead but goe thou and preach the kingdome of God meaning Let the dead spiritually bury those that are dead bodily Shall we novv therefore hereupon gather that the circumcision then had among the Iewes vvas a false deceitful signe in their use thereof and not the Lords seale of forgiuenes of sinne and eternall life Also vvhen Paul speaking of widovves in the Church saith “ 1 Tim. 1 3 5 6. Honour widowes that are vvidowes in deed c. Now she that is a widow in deed and desolate trusteth in God and continueth in supplications prayers night and day But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth Meaning she that liveth the naturall life but is dead vvith spiritual death May we now infer hereupon that the baptisme had in the church of Ephesus where Timothee thus vvritten unto “ 1 Tim. 1 3. now was or in any other of the Primitiue churches wherein such widowes were was not the Lords signe of the remission of sinnes and eternall life but a lying execrable signe in their use thereof and no better then the heathens baptisme or other observations of theirs Shall the infidelitie of man make Gods trueth of none effect Shall not God be true though men be lyars Shal not his signes seales still be his true and holy ordinances though eyther Churches generally or some particular persons that enjoy them walk unworthy of them abuse and corrupt both them and themselues If some among this people that write shus yea if the Congregation it self vvherof these men themselues are should be dead in sinne having * Rom. 16.17 Gal. 5 19 20. Heb. 10 25 Iude v. 19. offended scandalously divided themselues from the church whereof they vvere as † Arrow against idolatrie p. 4 71. c. they acknovvledge that Israell did from Iudah notwithstanding all their pretences to the contrary will they therefore yeeld that the baptisme had among them is not the Lords ordinance nor his signe seale of forgiuenes of sinne and of eternall life but a lying and deceitfull signe in their use thereof and no better then the heathens ordinances Or if some in any Churches euen in the best at this day be found dead in their sinnes will they therefore infer such consequences about the baptisme other ordinances of God had among them that they are not the Lords signes and seales but lying deceitfull in their use thereof The vvord of God it self is by some made unto themselues the savour of death unto death Is it not therefore in the Lords ordinance the savour of life unto life 2 Cor. 2 14 15 16. So likevvise is it with the Lords supper as the Apostle shevveth 1 Cor. 11 18 34. Yet may vve not therefore gather such consequences thereupon as these men doe about the question in hand Thirdly their exposition of the place aforesaid being admitted it was then that Israell became dead in sinne when they offended in Baal But the vvorship of Baal in the ten tribes vvas first instituted by Achab. 1 Kin. 16. 31 32 33. And Ahab was the seuenth king of Israell and reigned about threescore yeeres after Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat that set up the Calues caused Israell to sinne 1 King 12 16 chap. And there was great difference betweene Ieroboams calues and Baals idolatrie as appeareth both by Eliahs historie vvho ‘ 1 Kin. 18 18. c. directly earnestly set himself against the Prophets of Baal in Ahabs time that first brought them into Israell
troubles c. Ezec. 23 2 5 6. with ver 11 12 13. Hos 5 7 13. and 7 8 11. That when the Lord being angry with Israell had delivered them into the hands of the kings of Syria Iehoahaz the king of Israell besought Iehovah the Lord and the Lord hearkned unto him seeing the oppression of Israell because the king of Syria oppressed them 2 King 13 3 4. And againe that the Lord was gracious unto them and had compassion on them and respect unto them because of his covenant vvith Abraham Isaac and Jacob and vvould not destroy them neyther cast them from his presence as yet 2 King 13 23. Finally that the land of Canaan was a pledge of Gods promise and covenant unto them so long as he suffred them to remayne therein Hos 9 3 15 17. Amos 7 17. vvith Gen. 17 7 8. And sundry other the like things more largely treated off † Pag. 58 c. before which necessarily evince that they vvere yet stil the Lords people and under his covenant and in farre other estate then the Gentiles and nations of the vvorld And that the doctrine therefore of this man is notably erroneous such as would make the Prophets to contradict themselues if we should beleeue him Which God forbid Yea let the Prophets still be teachers of truth as vve are sure they are and let this man rather be a Teacher of falsehood herein as he hath ben found in some other matters besides Neyther doth he onely contradict the Prophets but himself also his ovvn doctrine heretofore if I be not mistaken in the observation thereof vvhen in myne owne hearing treating upon the books of the kings and particularly upon that vvhich is vvritten 2 Kin. 9 6. where the Prophet said to Iehu Thus saith the Lord God of Israell I haue annointed thee king over the people of the Lord euen over Israel he taught thereupon to this effect as follovveth These observations about this matter I haue noted downe That Israell in defection is here called the Lords people 1. In comparison of other nations vvho vvere uncircumcised 2. In respect of the Lords mercy vvho kept his covenant on his part though they had broken it on theirs The Lord had not yet giuen thē a bil of divorcement 3. For that the Lord had yet many of his people among them 1 King 19 18. and 18 4. 2. King 2 1 3 5 7. and 4 1 8 9 10 42. 4. For that they acknovvledged and professed to serue the true God Iehovah though they did it after a corrupt manner and because they kept still divers of his ordinances as circumcision c. so as they vvere upon repentance admitted to the Passeover vvithout a nevv circumcision 2 Chro. 30 chap. Yet notvvithstanding none might joyne vvith Israell in that estate of apostasie but vvere to depart frō them plead with them c. Hos 2 2. and 4 15. Amo. 5 4 5. As now also touching the Church of Rome c. Rev. 18 4. This doctrine I wish may be vvell observed both of himself and of all others and especially of his hearers then and followers now as being alone sufficient both to convince ” M. Ain Animdad p. 67-107 his treatise now published of notable errour and false doctrine and on the other hand to manifest the truth in a good measure And of him yet more particularly I desire that he would seriously weigh vvith himself as before the Lord vvhether he did not then teach to this effect and so to consider vvhether now he be not contrary to himself and contradicting the trueth of his former doctrine as also hovv ready he hath ben euē in cases of religion to yeeld to the pleasure of men for what cause or of what infirmitie himself best knoweth And that therefore he vvould be carefull to consider his vvaies in his heart and to leaue his halting courses and his schismaticall walking to set himself to make straight steps to his feet least that which is lame be turned out of the vvay Which should rather be healed that so the good gifts which God hath giuen him may hereafter be imployed to the churches good with lesse scandall and hinderance of the truth then hath benheretofore 3. Other errors also may be noted here which are again to be observed when we come to speak of the Scriptures vvhich here he alledgeth As namely that he maketh the estate of Israell vvhiles they were in the land of promise and under the covenant of God which he made vvith Abraham Isaac and Jacob as I haue shevved out of 2 King 13 23. Hos 9 3. and sundry other places to be like the Gentiles vvhiles they were straungers frō the covenants of promise being yet uncalled and not brought into the Lords fold Ephes 2 11 12. with Joh. 10 16. 4. And that he would make Israels estate whiles they were in the land of Canaan and before Christs comming in the flesh to be like the Iewes present estate when now they are scattered abroad over the vvorld cast away by the Lord having refused Christ exhibited c. 2 King 13 23. Hos 9 3 12 17. Rom. 11 15. 1 Thes 2 15 16. Heb. 1 1 2. Of which more hereafter ABVSE AND VAIN ALLEGATION OF SCRIptures And first towching 1 Sam. 30 5. Mat. 1 6. and 26 6. Abuse of Scriptures Now next for his perverting and abusing of the Scriptures vvhich is common with him throughout ‡ M. A. Animad the vvhole book novv spoken off although ynough haue ben noted about it before yet it shall not be amisse briefly here againe to obserue a few things more thereabout The first ” 1 Sam. 30 5. Mat. 1 6. 26 6. three Scriptures vvhich speak of Abigail the wife of Nabal of Vriahs wife now being Davids and of Simon the Leper might be omitted as being idly alledged to shew that which no man denyeth viz. that things are named in Scripture sometime as they haue been before though they be not so still Of vvhich point I haue spoken in his “ Pag. 97. Shifts here before Onely now seeing he speaketh of these here let it be observed vvhether on the one hand he himself deale not unthankfully and sinfully with the people of God as Nabal did vvith David and David vvith Vriah and on an other hand whether his ovvn estate be not unlike his third instance of Simon the Lepers who being once cleansed from it did so remayne whereas himself having fallen into schisme by his own acknowledgment and being once returned from it straightvvay ran into that estate again and so continueth unto this day Touching Hos 2.7 Novv for the Scriptures vvhich concerne the point in hand Hos 2.7 the first is Hos 2 7. vvhich himself upon better consideration will not deny but it speaketh of the time of Israels rejection and exile vvhen they should be out of the land and of the fruit
being desirous that the trueth and vvill of God herein may vvhat in us is be found out and observed I am not unvvilling to note downe some fevv things that I haue observed from the word of God hereabout leaving them to be examined by the Scriptures and both other things also to be annexed and these things withall to be further or otherwise observed as shal be found to be most according to God and godlynes And these they are viz. That no churches of God are to be left though having or falling into errors and corruptions 1. If their constitution be such as the Churches and Pastors thereof stand as touching their ecclesiasticall estate immediately under Iesus Christ as did each of the churches of Asia with the Angels thereof and all the other Primitiue Churches planted by the Apostles c. Rev. 2 1 7 12 18. and 3 1 7 14. Act. 14 23. and 20 17 28. with the churches at Rom. Cor. Gal. Eph. Phi. Col. Thes c. 2. If they also haue and reteyne povver vvithin themselues to redresse any errour or corruption and to receiue any truth of God as it shal be revealed unto them and they perswaded thereof by the vvord of God As may be seen also in the Churches aforesaid 3. And if the Ministers and other members of the church be not urged in their owne persons to any thing wherein they should sinne and transgresse the lavv of God but be left free for themselues and their owne practise to keep the lavves and ordinances of God according to their places and occasions As may be seen in the church of the Iewes wherein vvere corruptions sundry times and of sundry sorts vvhere yet the Prophets and other godly persons in divers ages and Christ himself his disciples thus lived among thē See 1 Kin. 14 21-24 and 15 1 2 3. c. with 2 Chron. 12. 13. and 14 ch c. For vvhich see the historie and estate of the Iewes in the time of the Judges and of Rehoboam Abiiah c. Also Esa 1 1. c. Ier. 1 1 2 3. c. Ezech. 1 and 2 and 3 and 16. and 20 ch c. Dan. 1 1 8. and 9 23. Mic. 1 1 11. c. Zeph. 1 1 c. Hag. 1 1 c. Zach. 1 1. c. Mal. 1 1. c. with the historie in Ezra and Nehemiah And Matt. 3 ch and 4 23. and 23 ch and 26 17 20. Luke 1 5 6 8 9 10 21. and 2 21 22 23 24. and 4 16 20. and 21 37 38. Joh. 2 13 23. and 6 4. and 11 55. and 13 1. Act. 13 14 14. and 17 1 2 3. 4. Lastly if they doe not obstinately refuse the truth way God whē it is manifested unto them perversely withstanding it themselues speaking evil thereof before others reviling persecuting such as teach or receiue it c. As may be seen in the said Church and Synagogues of the Ievves vvhich were not left untill they came to this untoward and perverse estate and condition For which see the historie of the Euangelists and Acts of the Apostles particularly Act. 2 40. and 7 51 52. and 13 14 45 51. and 18 6. and 19 8 9. and 28 23 28. 1 Tim. 6 3 4 5. and 2 Tim. 3 1 5 11. c. But if any churches fall into apostasie and become so degenerate as they their Pastors come to stand under an Antichristian hierarchie or popular anarchie and reteyne not power vvithin themselues according to the word of God to receiue any trueth shewed unto them and to redresse any error or corruption arising among them but that the ministers and members are urged in their ovvn persons to such actions and duties as they cannot performe without sinne neyther can be suffred to keepe vvhatsoever Christ hath commaunded them but must hold such a faith performe such a worship obserue such an order as is prescribed or allowed by Princes Prelates people c. that now any vvho knowe the trueth and discern the corruptions of such churches should still remaine Ministers or members thereof in such estate and so liue and dye I wish that such as are thus mynded or inclining this vvay vvould plainely set downe their opinions and reasons from the Word of God concerning this matter Or if they like not of this maner of propounding of it as here I haue done that themselues vvould distinctly set down their owne opinions hereabout alvvaies keeping to the points in controversy and insisting upon the things called in question omitting to speak of such things whether touching faith worship or order as are agreed upon on all hands And thus much for the present touching the Objection aforesaid novv I proceed to the next and last concerning these matters OBIECT●ON VII But † The Anabapt The Charact of the bapt p. 48. M. Ains Animad p 98-76 98. c. the Church of Rome whereunto many things are applyed that are taken from Israell is not the Church of God nor under the covenant of God nor hath any of the Lords posts or ordinances left in it but is divorced from the Lord c. Neyther is the church of England the Church of God having his covenant but is likewise divorced from the Lord c. Therefore also the baptisme had in those Churches and the like is not true baptisme but an idoll Iustif p. 121 278. 461. others a fiction a lying and deceitfull signe a cursed and detestable sacrament c. ANSWER This objection is of much like sort with those which we had before touching Israell and the circumcision thereof Whereunto therefore like ansvver may be giuen in sundry respects so as the former answers and reasons many of them may hither likewise be referred Neyther the things onely that are spoken of Israel but those also vvhich concerne Iudah in her apostasie and defection whereunto the estate of the Christian apostate church may fitly haue reference in divers respects Which would be long to rehearse and insist upon in particular The indifferent Reader vvill carefully obserue it And the point it self is plaine ynough and undenyable by the reference vvhich the Scripture in sundry things maketh thereunto 2 Thes 2 4. 2 Pet. 2 1. Rev. 11 1 6. and 12 5 6 14. and 13 5 6. and 14 1 15. and 16 12 16. and 19 1. c. Yet considering the objection here made together with the continuall urging thereof and how piteously the Anabaptists and others are by this meanes overcaried with prejudice and drawen from the vvay of trueth to great error and iniquitie I haue thought it not amisse to note also somevvhat hereabout And first to speak of the church of Rome in particular I pray all to take knowledge that my mynd and desire in my self is and I trust shal be alway to plead against the present estate of that church and not for it acknovvledging it to be fallen into most sinful and deep defection and
apostasie and so to be a notorious harlot and idolatresse vvhich all the people of God ought to forsake and to vvitnesse the trueth thereagainst euen unto death Yet being also desirous as I signified erewhile about an other matter that in al these things the truth may be found out what vve can and fynding that the Prophets vvhich accounted * Esa 1 21 Ier. 3 3 20 Eze. 16 35 Hos 2 2 5 Ierusalem Israell to be harlots and pronounced ” Esa 57.3 4 5. Ier. 2 and 7 and 44 ch Hos 2 4. and 4 12. the children of Iudah and Israel to be the sonnes of the sorceresse the seed of the adulterer vvhore the children of transgression a seed of falsehood inflaming themselves vvith idols under every green tree slaying the children in the valleyes going a vvhoring from under their God Yea “ Ezec. 23 2 43. c with 16 2 3 44. c both of them Aholah and Aholibah Israell and Iudah to be the daughters of one mother who committed whoredomes in Egypt in their youth and afterward in the land of Canaan grew old in adulteries euen such as should be judged by * Ezec. 16 38. the Lord ‡ and 23 4● by righteous men after the manner of adulteresses after the manner of womē that shed blood because they were adulteresses and blood was in their hands c. did yet notwithstanding in other respects acknowledge them also to be the people of God the house of Jacob the Lords vineyard and heritage the dearly beloved of his soule the virgin daughter of Zion the children of Israell beloved of the Lord as a vvoman that is beloved of her husband though an adulteresse the congregation of the Lord the house of Israell c. Esa 1 3. and 2 6. and 3 12. and 5 1. and 48 1. Jer. 2 4 11 13. and 12 7 10 Lam. 1 15. and 2 13. Ezech. 4 5 6. Hos 3 1. and 4 1. and 5 1. Amos 5 1. and 7 2 8 15. Mic. 2 5. and 3 1 3 5. and 6 2 3. These things I say considered I haue thought it not amisse here also to obserue somevvhat touching the Apostate churches of Christians and now more particularly touching the church of Rome by this occasion And this the rather that I may stirre up others more able seriously to consider of this matter for the further searching out and clearing of the truth therein and because my self haue heretofore ben drawen to write somewhat of these things already Which together vvith that I shall here annex I doe still leaue to be examined by the word of God Neyther wil the searching of this matter proue unprofitable if it be done religiously but will be of good and necessarie use both for the more sound convincing of the Papists and for preventing manifold errors and evils whereunto the Anabaptists and others are subject in this behalf Now therefore to proceed and come to the Objection aforesaid 1. First I take an argument from the Baptisme had in the churches aforesaid thus The Baptisme had in the church of Rome * I speake of the outward baptisme it self not of the additions corruptions thereabout is the Lords baptisme the signe seale of his covenant the ordinance of God had in that Church from the Apostles times before Antichrist there arose Rom. 6 2 3. and so is true baptisme vvhich is from heauen and not of men that one Baptisme which perteyneth to the body of Christ Eph. 4 4 5. which the Lord hath giuen to his church and not man whereof a number of Martyrs and other Christians haue ben and yet are partakers which such as leaue Antichrists corruptions ought not to leaue and renounce but still to reteyne it as being the Lords and such as wherevvith they may lavvfully come to the Lords supper vvhereas no unbaptized person may eat thereof As I haue shevved † Pap. 27 34. c here before touching these particulars at large Therefore the Church of Rome is the Church of God and under his covenant and hath some of the Lords postes ordinances yet remaining in it though mixed with their own inventions c. And if the church of Rome be thus then the church of England much more which is already much purged by the mercy of God frō the apostasie iniquitie abominations of the church of Rome Otherwise also what vvill become of these men themselues who eyther haue no other Baptisme but that vvhich they had in the churches aforesaid or if they take another unto themselues run a vvhoring after their owne inventions vvithout any vvarrant of the word of God as I haue shewed here before pag. 27 c. 2. If the churches of Rome and England be not under the covenant of God but divorced from the Lord c. then is there no salvation for any in those churches For out of the covenant of God there is no salvation They vvhich haue not God to be their God in Iesus Christ cannot be saved And they vvhich are not under the covenant of God haue not God to be their God in Iesus Christ Esa 43 11. with Act. 4 12. and Gen. 12 3. and 17 7. Act. 2 38 39. and 3 25 26. and 15 11. and 16 31. Joh. 14 6. 2 Cor. 6 14 18. Rom. 9 24 25 26. and 11 25 26 27. Gal. 3 8 15 18 26 29. 1 Tim 2 5. Now touching these churches themselues great difference is to be observed For the church of England the case is far more evident and vvithout al colour of question seeing they doe freely and fully acknowledge justification by faith onely in Iesus Christ without any opinion of the merit of works or intercession of Saints departed c. For the church of Rome there is farre more difficultie where both the merit of works intercession of Saints and the Popes pardons purgatorie with many other notable errors are taught and defended Yet considering that they professe and hold * Rhemes Annotat. upō 1 Tim. 2 5. Christ by nature to be truely both God and man to be that one eternall Priest and redeemer which by his sacrifice and death upon the crosse hath reconciled us to God and payed his blood as a full and sufficient raunsome for all our sinnes himself without need of any redemption never subject to possibility of sinning againe to be the singular advocate and Patrone of mankind that by himself alone and by his owne merites procureth all grace and mercy to mankind in the fight of his Father none making any intercession for him nor giueing any grace or force to his prayers but he to al none asking or obteyning eyther grace in this life or glory in the next but by him Considering I say that thus they professe although herevvith they haue many great errors and corruptions as I noted before by which they are generally seduced and perverted yet vvho dare say but that God
Latimer c. latter Angels vvitnesses that follovved after called others and vvere called themselues to separate from that estate and to returne to the auncient faith and vvay wherein the churches were set of old Which also hath ben yet is performed by degrees As vve find that Luther Calvin Latimer Bradford the godly vvith them vvent further then John Wickliff John Hus Jerome of Prage and others before them Also that the Church of England goeth further in many things then the Lutherans And that the other reformed churches proceed further then the church of England though yet al the corruptions of the apostasie be not vvholly taken avvay and the churches brought to that heauenly synceritie wherein they vvere planted by the Apostles at the first vvhereunto vve ought all earnestly to striue what in us is knovving that this estate is not atteyned all at once and that those churches which are most freed from the corruptions aforesaid come nearest to the auncient integrity of the vvay of God are the most partakers of this grace and heauenly blessing of the Lord. IX That furthermore by the consideration of the Temple with the severall parts places and uses thereof we may obserue a double consideration of the estate and communion of the Church and people of God The one here on earth the other in heauen And that vvhich is on earth to be also tvvo fould the one outward and visible the other more invisible and inward The outvvard and visible signified by the Court of the Temple vvhich was outward vvhither all Israell came noting the churches outward estate and communion vvith God in the visible assemblies thereof The inward and invisible signified by the sanctuarie and holy place which were inward whither the Priests onely had accesse noting the more invisible estate and communion vvhich the elect and faithfull haue vvith God in spirit and trueth being made Priests unto God in Iesus Christ And lastly the estate cōmunion had vvith God in heauen signified by the most holy place where God dwelt between the Cherubims * Hebr. 9 7 24. whither onely the high Priest came once a yere not vvithout blood ‡ Exo. 28.6 29. carying on his brest and shoulders the names of the tribes of Israell graved in precious stones and so presented them before the Lord noting ” Hebr. 3 1. and 9 24. and 10 19 20 21. Ioh. 14 2 3. our accesse to God in heauen by Iesus Christ the high Priest of our profession who appeareth before God for us hath many mansions prepared in heauen for us that where he is there may we be also X. Finally that as they vvhich vvent into the inner parts of the Temple did passe as I noted before through the outvvard Court and yet not all that come to the outvvard Court did or might passe to the places of the Temple that were more inward Sal. Song 1 7 8. Act. 2 47. so they that vvould be partakers of Gods heauenly favours and blessings here and for ever should what in them is use the meanes and benefit of the outvvard estate and communion of the Church of God on earth and yet also not all vvho enjoy the benefit of the churches visible estate are partakers of the invisible graces and eternall salvation of God but onely the elect and those that are truely godly Yea that the outvvard Court and City to be troden upon is subject to be giuen unto apostates and persecuters that for a long time together vvhen yet all this time the elect and faithfull passing through these to vvithin being sanctified and approved of God are still preserved and protected by him and in the end are called from earth up into heauen These novv are the things vvhich I thought here to note by this occasion Which are likewise for the most of them observed and acknowledged by the best of the Protestant vvriters generally Yea also some of these men themselues vvith vvhom we haue to deale do thus understand and apply that vvhich is here spoken of the Court and holy City as in their ovvne vvritings may be seen And because the point is of waight for the matter in hand I vvill here therefore before I proceed further note downe their owne words wishing the Reader vvell to obserue them as follovveth When M. Sm. in a treatise of his wrote thus ‘ M. Sm. diffe p. 20. and 21. As the holy place with the Altar and Priests did properly signify the Church worship and Saints Rev. 11 1. 1 Pet. 2 5. under the nevv testament so the court without the holy place whither al the people came and the typicall service performed there did signify the confused assemblies of Antichristian persecuters and their ceremoniall worship Rev. 11 2. which the spirit in that place calleth Gentiles or heathen in those respects M. Ainsw answering him after he had shewed some misconceits of his about the Tabernacle and things perteyning thereunto proceedeth then further in his answer on this sort saying * M. Ain defence of Script p. 12 13 14 15. His eye sight fayled not so much in the shadovv as his heart vvas blynded in the shadowed thing For he maketh the tabernacle altar and Priests to signifie the church worship and Saints under the new Testament the court of the Tabernacle he will haue to signifie the assemblies of Antichrist the Israelites there assembling to signifie the Antichristian persecurers c. Behold unto what great iniquity he abuseth the word of God ‡ Note how M. A. speaketh of Israel here The body of the Church of Israell † Exo. 4 22 the son and first borne of the Lord ” Psal 135 4. his chosen and chief treasure “ Deu. 7 6 7. precious unto him aboue all peoples of the earth on vvhom he set his loue † Deu. 33.26 riding upon the heauens for their help and on the clouds in his glory a people ” vers 29. blessed saved by the Lord the shield of their help and sword of their glorie this people he maketh to signifie the Antichristian persecuters hated of God children of the Divel for whose overthrow confusion Christ ‘ Rev. 19 11 21. rideth on the heauens in his glory with a garment dipt in blood and a sword for to slay them and fill all the foules of the ayer vvith their flesh c. The Lords ‡ Lev. 6 16 holy Courts wherein they that dwelt “ Psa 65 4 were blessed for which the soules of the Saincts “ Psal 84.2 10. longed and fainted counting one day there better then a thousand othervvhere is now made to signify the Synagogue of Sathan and place vvhere the Divell dwelleth c But what may we thin● induced M. Sm. to this impietie Euen Satan deceived him by one place of Scripture which † Pag. 21. he citeth in his book viz Rev. 11.2 where Iohn was willed in a vision to
cast out the Court vvhich is without the temple not measure it for it is giuen to the Gentiles Hence doeth M. Sm. gather that the Israelites which were woont to worship in the courts of the Lord did signifie the Gentiles that is the Antichristians and consequently the court must betoken Antichrists church and the vvorship Antichrists worship Thus one darke Scripture is alledged to overthrow the cleare doctrine that shineth throughout all the Prophets Yet euen this place it self mought haue taught him better For first the commandement ” Rev. 11 1. to measure the Temple Altar and worshippers signified the restoring or repayring of Gods church and people after some destruction and desolation as the like visions shewed “ Ezec. 40 3 5. Zach. 2 1 2. to Ezekiell and Zacharie after the destruction of Salomons temple doe manifest Secondly whenas the Court and holy City was not measured here by Iohn as before by ‡ Ezec. 40 47. 48 30. Zach. 2 2. the other Prophets they were and as afterward † Rev. 21 15. Iohn did see it may teach us that as yet there was not a full restauration of Gods church and worship from the defection of Antichrist Thirdly in that the court is here said to be ” Rev. 11 2 giuen to the Gentiles and the holy city should be troden under foot of them and a time limited how long two and fourty moneths this argueth that the court was not made nor the city builded for them but by Gods permission for ●●e chastisement of men was giuen unto them for a season during vvhich time his two witnesses should prophecy against them And thus it is said of the figure the first temple city “ Ier. 12 7 I haue giuen the dearly beloved of my soule into the hands of her enemies So all Iudah “ Jer. 20 4 was giuen into the hand of the king of Babell and ‡ Esa 63 18. Esaias complaineth how the adversaries had troden downe Gods sanctuarie as here “ Rev. 11 2. they tread downe the holy city And if the court of the Temple must needs signifie Antichrists court because it was giuen to the Gentiles then must the holy city by which name ‡ Neh. 11 1. Esa 48.2 and 52 1. Matt. 4 5. Ierusalem is often called signifie also Antichrists city church because it was troden downe of the same Gentiles but all the Prophets shew ” Psal 51 18. 87. and 122. Esa 60. Rev. 21. that it signified the Church of God M. Ainsw defence of Script p. 12 15. Hitherto are M. Ainsworths vvords when he wrote for the trueth against M. Smith vvhom he sharpely blameth for teaching that the Court without the Temple did signify Antichrists Court or assemblies and for that he vvould make the Lords Courts to signifie the Synagouue of Sathan and place where Sathan dwelleth c. whereas novv himself writing another treatise synce against the trueth taketh up M. Sm. termes and manner of exposition to teach that the Temple of God spoken off by the Apostle 2 Thes 2 4. is ‘ Animad p. 78 c. Antichrists Church ” Note this vvell Antichrists Temple Antichrists body an idoll like Antichrist himself the Synagogue of Sathan such as is no more the Temple of God * Ibid. pa. 94 c. then the divel which appeared to the witch at Endor was Samuel such as the type thereof should be set not from the Temple of God at Ierusalem but from Bels Temple in Babylon or the Samaritanes Temple builded by Sanballat c. Would any think that this were M. Ainsw his writing or opinion that had written so earnestly and with so sharp reproofs against M. Smith before if he had not set his ovvne name thereunto Or may it not be thought if M. Sm. were aliue and savv this latter treatise of M. Ainsw that he would now turne his ovvne speaches and reproofs upon himself where he saith that his eye fight fayled him and his heart was blynded that he abused the Scripture to great impiety that Sathan deceived him that the place it self mought haue taught him better c. But of this more hereafter Now for the present it shall suffice touching the point in hand to obserue hovv by M. Ainsw his ovvne graunt the Church of God is signifyed both by the court of the Temple though unmeasured and giuen to the Gentiles and by the holy city though troden dovvn also of the same Gentiles Rev. 11 2. And this moreover to agree with the doctrine of al the Prophets Novv vve know that the Prophets and Apostles are not caryed about vvith everie vvynde They are not as reeds shaken hither and thither but their doctrine is firme and abideth the same for ever So as if this vvas the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles when M. A. vvrote against M. Sm. as here himself saith then there is no question but it is so still And so let it still remaine For the further declaration whereof better exposition of this Scripture let us also compare herevvith that which is written in the Prophet Esay vvhere the Lord saith I haue nourished and brought up children and they haue rebelled against me The oxe knovveth his ovvner and the asse his masters cribibut Israell doeth not knovv my people doth not consider Ah sinfull nation a people laden vvith iniquity a seed of evil doers children that are corrupters they haue forsaken the Lord they haue provoked the Holy one of Israell to anger they are gone avvay backvvard c. Heare the vvord of the Lord ye rulers of Sodome giue eare unto the Lavv of our God ye people of Gomorrah To vvhat purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me saith the Lord When ye come † Heb. to be seen to appeare before me vvho hath required this at your hand to tread my Courts Hovv is the faithfull city become an harlot c. Where obserue first vvhat a fit reference there is betvveen the perfidious Ievves here called the rulers of Sodome and people of Gomorrah and betvveen the insolent Christians called in the Revelation the Gentiles Secondly how the very like phrase of treading the Courts of God is used by the Prophet as is in the other place by the Apostle of treading the holy city Rev. 11 2. and may here signify besides a treading downe or under foot a frequent and continuall conversing in the outward and visible Church of God with their bodies though their hearts vvere far removed from God and they served not the Lord syncerely according to his word Esa 1 12 15. vvith 29 13 14. Thirdly that the Princes and people of Iudah thus transgressing the faithful city of Ierusalem becomming an harlot yet they are still the people of God and the Lord is their God and the Courts and city are the Lords Other things that might here be observed I omit And for the terme of the Gentiles
were not a mysterie of iniquitie as the Apostle calleth it but that all might easily discerne and avoyde it and on the other hand that none of that church synce the apostasie aforesaid should be saved Which apostasie some begin tvvo hundred yeres after Christ some three hundred yeres in Constantines time some four some fiue some sixe hundred yeres after Christ the Apostle Paul saith the mysterie of that iniquity wrought already in his dayes 2 Thes 2 7. Whereupon vvhat consequences vvould follovv if the assertions aforesaid vvere true such as are of heart understanding vvill easily perceiue Difference therefore as I haue noted before is to be observed put betvveen the church and the apostasie thereof betvveen the house of God and the pollutions thereof between the Lords posts thresholds and mans inventions and superstitions commingled therevvith between the trueths and ordinances of God that still are kept and the errors and corruptions of men that are brought in and reteyned vvithall betvveen the Temple of God and Antichrists sitting therein betvveen the Court and holy City and the Gentiles to vvhom they are giuen to tread upon for the time appointed c. In regard of vvhich difference divers things are accordingly spoken and different phrases used in the Scriptures in the speaches and vvritings of men Which vvhiles many doe not obserue or regard vvhereas they think to hold the trueth firmely they run into errour upon errour extreemely 10. Lastly as in Israel and Iudah when they fel into apostasie they ceased not presently to be the church and people of God neyther did the Lord forthwith cast them off and giue them a bill of divorce but did again and again time after time plead vvith them call them to repentance and convince them by his Prophets and servants besides his avvakening of them by sundry corrections and punishments so should we likevvise obserue about the Church of Rome and the like which haue for a long time layd as it vvere lulled a sleep in securitie whom the Lord notwithstanding hath by his witnesses and servants from time to time of late synce Luthers time more earnestly and many wayes set to avvaken to plead against them calling them to repentance and convincing them dayly more and more Which work the Lord vvill not slack but wil still follovv on and prosecute till he haue in all things accomplished it according to his ovvne purpose to the praise both of his mercy and justice in the end In the mean time vvhiles the Lord is pleading with that church discovering more more the apostasie iniquitie thereof by the light of his vvord and testimonie of his servants vve should not deny it to be the church and Temple of God though Antichrist sit therein and miserably pollute it but because so it is we should therefore the more carefully set our selues to plead the Lords cause vvith it against the apostasie thereof and in all things vvhat lyeth in us to discover the iniquity of the Man of sinne the Beast the Antichrist that is set therein untill the Lord haue consumed that lawles one powred out the vial of his wrath upon the Beasts throne c. fully performing his work upon the mysticall Babylon as he hath severely denounced and expressely foretold 2 Thes 2 3 8. with Rev. 11 2 3. and 16 10 11. and 17 and 18 chap. c. and as he performed his work on the Chaldean Babylon heretofore Jer. 50 and 51. Where obserue that the Scripture in these places speaketh not of Gods Temple Court City or church to be destroyed but of the Man of sinne to be the sonne of perdition of the lavvlesse one to be consumed and abolished 2 Thes 2 3 8. of the viall of Gods vvrath to be powred on the Beasts throne Rev. 16 10. of the Beast to goe into perdition Rev. 17 11. of the great City Babylon to be burnt vvith fier and to be throvvn downe that she shall no more at all be found Rev. 18 8 20 21. with resemblance to the former Babylon of Chaldea Jer. 51 61 64. Yea also that euen at this time and in this chapter vvhere he speaketh of the burning and utter destroying of Babylon yet here now † Eusebius also writes that God called the people of the church of Jerusalem out frō thence before the destruction of the cyty Eccles hist l. 3 c. 5. he calleth his people out from thence as he did before out of Babylon of old Rev. 18 4. with Ier. 51 45. Which shevveth that God yet still hath his people there and that he putteth difference between them and the City of Babylon it self Note here also how some of this age who haue observed many worthy things out of this book think that our dayes are but come to the time of the fourth Angels powring out of his viall upon the Sonne c. Rev. 16 8 9. And touching the Beasts Throne it self that the fift Angels powring out of his viall thereon is yet to come understanding also thereby the City of Rome that shall haue ’’ Forwhich also note Rev. 18.8 9 15 18 ●1 c. some sore outvvard calamity fall upon it to the finall destruction thereof c. And then addeth this moreover saying Let us obserue from hence for our learning hovv long suffring and slow to anger God is he hath convinced this whore of her foul and shameful tricks a thousand times before But yet he vvil not overthrow her utterly before he haue placed her sinnes in a more cleare Sun-shine then ever they saw yet Which seeing it hath ben and shall also be in vain what remaineth but her finall doome of destruction to punish her with whenas she is past hope of any amendment M. Brightman on Rev. 16 8 9 10 c. To vvhich purpose may also be observed that there it is said they repented not of their deeds shewing that by the vials and plagues there spoken off they should yet haue ben brought to repentance vvhich they vvere not Revel 16 10 11. Furthermore all doe acknowledge as I noted before upon like occasion that if any church haue to deale vvith a particular person that hath sinned they doe and ought to hold him a member though in sinne all the time that they are pleading and dealing with him untill that obstinacy being joyned to his other sinnes he be cast out and cut off from the church Hovv much more should this be yeelded to vvhole churches all the time that the Lord is pleading vvith them as vve see that Israell and Iudah vvas dealt withall by the Prophets from time to time yea and afterward by Christ himself and his Apostles Finally it vvere a very good thing considering the manifold objections hereabout that these men would shevv the time when the churches aforesaid vvere by the Lord put from under his covenant and had a bill of divorce giuen unto them c. Which how it is urged by the
Papists themselues concerning the church of Rome and ought a thousand fold more to be urged in behalf of the church of England vvho can be ignorant The Lord himself who is the husband Lord of his church hath the povver and knoweth his owne purpose time meanes for the disanulling of churches removing of his Candlesticks giving his bill of divorce c. Which when and as it pleaseth him to reveale it by his word is by all religiously to be regarded Otherwise there are no mens sayings though never so peremptorie that can carry away such matters It is onely the Word and vvork of God that herein is to be observed relyed upon And thus much concerning these objections CHAPTER IIII. Replies Answers concerning Churches in apostasie and the church of Rome more particularly c. NOvv moreover seing that by this occasion we treat both of this matter and of the Scriptures aforesaid whereabout there hath ben and still is so very great opposition made it is needfull and being thus provoked I am not unvvilling for the better fynding out and clearing of the trueth in this behalf somevvhat more to insist hereupon For although their errors and evasions abuse of Scriptures other absurdities vvho deny or labour to obscure these things what they can are so very many as every page yea almost every sentence aboundeth therevvith and withall so very shifting frivolous as in them selues they are not worth the naming much lesse vvorth the refuting yet considering that many in simplicity or othervvise some not of the worst disposed are greatly overcaried hereabout whether by prejudice of the matter it self or by admiration of the mens persons that oppose or by some other sinister respect themselues know best I haue therefore thought it good here to giue the Reader some tast of the Opposites dealing in this behalf that so they may set themselues more unpartially to consider of these things and more soundly to judge thereof according to the word of God Now then whereas concerning this question there had ben speach vvriting and my self in answer thereof had written thus † In answer of M. A. letter as may be set in M. Ch●t Advertis p. 58 59. As touching the Church of Rome there being speach about it to be the church of God I did alledge the saying of the Apostle that Antichrist should sit in the Temple of God as the Apostle expressely teacheth 2 Thes 2 4. And by the Temple of God understanding the church of God it will follovv that Antichrist should sit in the church of God and is there to be sought and found and not among the Jevves Turks Pagans or the like as the Papists and others would perswade us neyther that Antichrist takes away vvholy the church of God and every trueth and ordinance of the Lord as Anabaptists and such as are herein Anabaptistically inclined vvould beare us in hand Thereupon one of these Opposites replying first of all layeth this for a ground that ‘ M. Ain A●mad p. 76. the church of Rome is acknovvledged by all that fear God to be the throne of Antichrist I ansvver First if it vvere so that all would say this as here is set downe yet we would hear Thus saith the Lord. Secondly although that this being but generally spoken and in a good understanding might be admitted yet when men doe so speak and understand it as therevvithall to imply or infer that the church of Rome is not the Temple and church of God we must take heed hovv we admitte it considering vvhat consequences follow thereupon for the upholding of Anabaptistrie and other erroneous opinions thereabout and seeing also the Scripture teacheth that the Beasts throne in deed is that vvhich was the * Rev. 13 2. Dragons throne and was by the Dragon giuen unto him which this man himself acknovvledgeth † Pag. 79. here a litle after applieth unto Antichrist is ‡ Rev. 17 9 10 18. that great city which in Iohns time reigned over the kings of the earth which is built on seuen h●● and had seuen kings or kinds of regiment vvhereof fine were fallen when Iohn wrote c. which particulars vvith other the like are al found to be thus in the city not in the church of Rome Of vvhich point I shall haue occasion to speak more hereafter Besides that ‡ M. Bright mā on Rev. 13 2. and 16 10. and 17 ch c. good writers also and men fearing God understand the Scriptures here alledged to speak of the city of Rome Thirdly it is also ●rue that Antichrist sitteth in the Temple of God and so in the church of Rome and polluteth it as Antiochus did Gods Temple at Ierusalem Yet his sitting in Gods Temple makes not it to be his throne 2 Thes 2 4. Lucifer the king of Babylon boasted of his sitting in the mount of the Congregation on the sides of the North meaning the Temple of God at Ierusalem Yet Babylon vvas his throne not the Temple on mount Sion Esa 14.12 13. The Dragon is in heauen yet heauen is not his throne Rev. 12 3. In the dayes of Manasseh Zedechiah Antiochus and others there vvere idols of sundry sorts set in the Temple of God at Ierusalem Yet was not Gods Sanctuarie therefore the throne of idols but it vvas still Gods house and Gods seat though thus polluted and was so called and acknowledged by the Prophets notwithstanding 2 King 21 7. Ezec. 8 3 5. vvith ver 14 and 16. Dan. 11 31 38. In deed the church of Rome properly taken being in the city of Rome men may mistake or be mistaken and may the more be borne vvithall and such speaches better be admitted when things are not yet called in question and when men in simplicity speak generally as I said and not by way of opposition carping cavilling reviling oppugning c. as also if by such speaches men simply mean that Antichrist sitteth in the church of Rome and yet deny it not therefore to be the church and Temple of God notvvithstanding Another ground he would take frō some vvords of mine that I wrote heretofore viz. ‘ In answe● to M. Jacob pref sect 6 that the hierarchie and church constitution of Antichrist is the most detestable annarchie of Satan that ever was And then also I vvished the Reader as still I doe ” Ibid. sec● 1. to try what I vvrite by the word of God and as it agreeth therevvith so to receiue it and no further nor otherwise So let this be my answer once for all touching any thing objected that I haue vvritten about this or any other matter Secondly I doe still professe that the hierarchie of Antichrist both is of Sathan is an apostasie most detestable But this now further vvithall that popular anarchie also is most sinfull and miserable They are both of them extreems and religiously to be avoyded The middle vvay is the right
vvay namely Gods ordinance of the Eldership vvhich should carefully be kept intire against all usurpation both of the Prelacy of the one hand and of the people on the other Thirdly I doe now obserue more and in some things othervvise then before a difference between the churches constitution the hierarchie of Antichrist brought in upon it also betvveen Antichrist vvith his hierarchie whereabout our question is not and the Temple or church of God vvherein he sitteth whereabout our question is whereunto this man keepeth not Of which more hereafter besides that vvhich hath ben spoken thereabout already His reproachfull speaches here and throughout his book I leaue upon his ovvne head And now I come unto his ansvver which next follovveth Where first he answereth that in the former allegation of 2 Thes 2 4. the reason deduced from thence truth and error are closely cowched together But he telleth not vvhat he acknovvledgeth for truth and what he taketh to be error If so he had done it may be he would haue ben found eyther to acknowledge the trueth vvhich novv he sets himself to oppugne or that his ovvne errors vvould the sooner and better haue appeared which he vvould novv covvch and cary avvay as closely as he can But for discerning hereof he saith we are to consider first how Antichrists church is described in Gods vvord secondly what the state of the church of Rome is at this day And so proceeding in his description he speaketh of the Church and Synagogue of Antichrist of the Beast of the great City of the man of sinne of the great vvhore of Abaddon or Apollyon the sonne of perdition c. whereas he should treat of the Temple of God vvhereof Paul speaketh vvhose writings I suppose he vvill not deny to be Gods vvord But thus it was best for his plea to keep what he could from the point of the question in hand therefore also to confound things that differ as he doeth throughout his treatise So all his plea is frivolous and not to the purpose Likevvise when † M. Ain Animad p. 77. he tels us of a Church such as Bellarmine and others describe one part vvhereof liues on earth an other under the earth and a third part in heauen c. whereas our question is of the Temple of God vvhereof Paul speaketh 2 Thes 2 4. and of the Court and holy City vvhereof Iohn speaketh Revel 11 2. vvhich heretofore * M. Ain defence of Script p. 12 13 14 15. this man himself acknovvledged and proved by the Scriptures to be the Church of God Yet the writings of Bellarmine and other Papists were extant then asvvell as now and the novv Romish religion whereof he speaketh described their church then as novv it doeth But the case is altered with himself vayn shifts pretences are become his usuall pleas in opposition of the truth and for the maintenance of his errors and evill dealing After these things premised comming as he saith to our arguments he speaketh as follovveth M. Ainsw p. 77 78. Their first reason saith he from 2 Thes 2 4. is unperfectly alledged for the text there saith of the Man of sinne that he doth sit as God in the Temple of God whereupon their conclusion must be that Antichrist sitteth as God in the Church of God And if they can proue that he is the true God I will yeeld that his Temple is the true Temple and his church the true church Otherweise if he be but an Idoll and not God his Temple church and body will proue but an Idoll like himself and his blasphemie is vvorse then theirs which said “ Rev. 2 9 and 3 9. they were Ievves and were not but did lye and vvere the Synagogue of Sathan These are M. Ainsw words and this answer he giveth to that vvhich I observed out of 2 Thes 2 4. vvhich I noted dovvne † Pag. 140. here a litle before Now hovv full of shifts errors absurdities abuse of Scripture and contradiction to himself this ansvver is the text and matter it self declareth Of vvhich I vvill speak straight vvay But first mark and in some respects marvell how all these should proceed from this man in this matter in one and so short a speach passage if it vvere not that God would thus shew his just work in him for the more humbling of himself and warning of others by his example to take heed of such cariage and dealing as he is fallen into Novv touching the matter in hand although I could alledge vvhich perhaps himself would upon like occasion that those words as God where about he cavileth and useth his course of shifting are not in the Claromontane Greek copie of the Original neyther in the Syriack or old Latin Translations Bez. Annot in 2 Thes 2 4 as M. Beza observeth in his Annotations upon this place yet vvil I not insist thereupon but keep unto the vvords as they are in the Greek copies and translations usually And first let this be noted remembred that the question here treated off vvas vvhether the church of Rome vvere the church of God or no vvhereupon I alledged those vvords of the Apostle vvhere he saith that Antichrist should sit in the Temple of God 2 Thes 2 4. and so insisted thereon And that the question vvas not about the maner of Antichrists sitting in the Temple of God vvhether he should sit as God therein or no. For that was not the point in hand nor is called in question betvven us And therefore I needed not novv alledge these words or insist thereupon And this is knowen to be usuall in all vvriters and disputers sometimes not so much as to mention sometimes not to insist at all upon such words whether of Scripture or of other vvriters as perteyn not to the argument and matter in hand or may well be omitted in other respects Which this man himself knovveth so vvell as I need not giue him any instances thereof Let his ovvn vvritings and other mens be observed hereabout Or to let them alone obserue but these allegations in the Scripture with the particulars there mentioned and treated off viz. Heb. 12 26. compared with Hag. 2 6. Also Rom. 10 6 7 8. with Deut. 30 11 14. And Mat. 21 8. with Zach. 9 9. So all this ansvver is but a shift and a meer cavill Secondly for the question and point in hand mark the words of the text that the Man of sin opposeth exalteth himself aboue al that is called God c. so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God c. In the Temple of God saith the text it saith not As in the Temple of God as this mans exception would imply with the inferences made thereupon In deed the Apostle speaking of the maner of Antichrists sitting saith that he sitteth as God but speaking of the seat where he sitteth he saith expressely in the Temple of God and saith
and remembred Novv touching the Scripture and question spoken off where the Apostle speaketh of the man of sinne sitting in the Temple of God ‘ Bellar. cōtrov 3 l. 3. c. 13 c. Rhem Test in 2 Thes 2 s 11. Bellarmine and the Papists vvill not haue it understood of the Church of God among Chistians and thus farre M. Ains and his followers agree with them in this place But Bellarmine expounds it literally of the Temple of Ierusalem M. A. expounds * Animad p. 78 82. 93 94. c. it straungly of the Synagogue of Sathan of the Temple of Antichrist and the Divell c. And here novv they differ one from another and both of them from the trueth as far as darknes doth from light The Temple at Ierusalem was destroyed long since and in the new Ierusalem which we expect clearly shortly to come at the conversion of the Ievves to the Christian faith there is no such Temple to be looked for the sacrifices shadovves and ceremonies of the Law being now ceased I saw no Temple therein saith Iohn for the Lord God Almighty and the Lambe are the Temple of it Rev. 21 2 22. So vve may first cashier Bellarmines exposition And then M.A. vvhich is in some respects a great deal more straunge that by the Temple of God the Apostle should meane the Synagogue of Sathan the Temple of Antichrist and the Divell c. Against vvhich if there vvere neyther other Scripture nor any other thing at all but that the Apostle here describeth it by this Name of the Temple of God calleth Antichrists sitting therein as God * 2 Thes 2 7. a mysterie of iniquity it vvere ynough to teach us to advise well and to take far more heed thereabout For is this terme of the Temple of God ever so taken in the Scripture Would the Apostle saith Augustine call the Temple of an idoll or of the Divell the Temple of God Or when he describeth the mysterie of Antichrists iniquity would he teach the Church that the place of his sitting is the Temple of God if he meant that it vvere in deed the Synagogue of Sathan the Temple of Antichrist For that Antichrist should sit in the Temple of Antichrist and Synagogue of Sathan what mysterie is there in it All the world would easily perceiue that these agreed very vvell and most fitly together But for Antichrist to sit in Gods Temple and Christs Church this is in deed a mysterie and a mysterie of iniquity such as men had need open the eyes of their understanding and set their hearts religiously to consider it if they vvould discerne it as it is Which may sufficiently appeare by these straunge expositions and like erroneous courses found among the Papists Anabaptists these men and other such vvhether Popishly or Anabaptistically addicted hereabout And what may we think is it that induceth thē hereunto Is it not first that this is a mysterie of iniquitie which eyther is not readily perceived or not rightly esteemed as it should Is it not vvithall in the Papists that they would turn away the application of this Scripture from the Pope church of Rome and therefore vvould send us to the Temple of Ierusalem to find out this mysterie there Is it not also on another hand in these men vvith the Anabaptists and others like mynded that they cannot endure that the Church of Rome should any way be esteemed the Church of God and therefore wil rather by the Temple of God understand the Synagogue of Sathan and Temple of Antichrist then they vvil admit that the church of Rome should be the Temple and church of God For my self my purpose is not to plead for the corrupt and adulterate estate of the church of Rome or of any degenerate churches at all much lesse for any impietie or iniquitie of the Man of sinne of Antichrist or his hierarchie of the corruptions false worship or superstitions of that apostasie against vvhich I haue heretofore many yeres in prison and now also by the mercy of God this twentie yeeres in exile witnessed and stil doe vvitnesse the trueth of Christ vvhat in me is and in that measure as it pleaseth him to manifest and vouchsafe unto me But my purpose is to shew that difference is to be put betvveen the Temple of God where Antichrist sitteth and betvveen Antichrist himself who as God sitteth therein that so the cause of the Protestants in general and ours in particular may be kept sound and intire both against the Papists and popish corruptions on the one hand and against the Anabaptists and Anabaptistical aberrations on the other Now therefore to speak of the church of Rome in this respect how this terme is used it is taken either particularly or more generally If vve understand it of a parttcular church as the Apostle wrote † Epist to the Romās his Epistle to the church there how shall we soundly deny eyther it to be the Temple of God or Antichrist to be set therein Euen the Papists themselues hold and tell us that the ” Anton. Sum. part 3. tit 21. cap. 2. 6. Laterane Church in Rome is the Parish Church of the Bishop of Rome Which is much to be observed about this question And himself saith here as the trueth is that the Tsmple figured every particular church and therefore also the particular Church of Rome Which thing alone might suffice for the controversie in hand And that the more because the Antichristian usurpation opposition exaltation extent of unlavvfull jurisdiction and other such corruptions growen up since the first plantation of that church are rather to be referred to the Bishops of that church then to that particular church it self and doe more fitly and properly apperteyne to those clauses of the Apostles description of Antichrist where he calleth him the man of sinne opposing and exalting himself aboue al that is called God or is reverend sitting as God and shewing himself that he is God c. then to this other clause of the Temple of God whereabout our question is Like as in the Revelation they are to be referred to the Beast not to the church and people of God in and over vvhich the beast tyrannizeth Rev. 11 and 13 and 14 and 17 and 18 chapt If it be understood more generally then may it be applied to all other such Christian churches as synce the prevayling of Antichrist the Pope of Rome are come under his jurisdiction and government Rev. 11 2. and vvherein he sitteth or treadeth thereon though not in his ovvne person in each of them yet by his hierarchie authoritie usurpation and jurisdiction And if we mark it also we shal find that not the Pope onely but the other hierarchicall Prelates Diocesan Provinciall the like haue the Parishes or particular churches perteyning to their jurisdictions vvherein they sit although not in their owne persons yet by their hierarchie and authority Yea euen
of Rome and other churches be Christian churches or not and then let all consider thereof indifferently that so the trueth may be found out according to the vvord of God whatsoever other opinions or prejudice vve haue had to the cōtrarie heretofore And hitherto of these expositions of this Scripture Next whereas upon the understanding of this Scripture aforesaid I brought in tvvo consequences shevving hovv it would meet vvith and convince the errors both of the Papists and Anabaptists c. this Opposite setteth himself to withstand in both what he can The first was this that by the Temple of God 2 Thes 2 4. understanding the church of God it vvil follovv that Antichrist should sit in the church of God and is there to be sought found and not among the Ievves Turks Pagans and the like as the Papists and others vvould perswade us To this he opposeth saying it is a fallacie from an insufficient division because all out of the true church are not Ievves or Turks or Pagans but there is a fourth to make up the mease euen popish Antichristians among whom the man of sinne is to be found c. Where omitting that he setteth not down all my vvords first I obserue that now he maketh the Popish Antichristians to be the Temple of God vvhere Antichrist is to be found and but erewhile he told us that by the Temple of God vvhere Antichrist sitteth as God is to be understood Gods church and people invaded and destroyed by Antichrist So as eyther he thinketh the popish Antichristians to be Gods church and people or els he forgetteth and contradicteth himself extreemely Secondly let him tell us vvhether the popish Antichristians of whom he speaketh be Christians in the church of God or not If he say they are Christians and in the church of God he giveth us the cause and doth but use fallacie to deceiue the simple by the terme of popish Antichristians our question now being of the Temple of God vvhere Antichrist sitteth and so of fynding him there among † How in other respects they are or may be termed popish Antichristians or otherwise I doe not here stand upon Christians and not among the Ievves Turks Pagans and the like If he say they are not Christians nor in the church of God hovv then will he shevv that Antichrist is to be sought found among them seing he is to be sought and found in the Temple of God Thirdly I aske vvhen and vvhere those popish Antichristians begun yet are of vvhom he speaketh Also whether they vvere popish Antichristians and not the churches of God before Antichrist invaded and sate among them or became to be such aftervvard If he say they were so before let him tell us vvho they vvere and shevv that such then was their estate If he say they became so aftervvard let him then tel us what they vvere before whether Christians and the church of God or not how long it vvas aftervvard ere they ceased so to be and vvho they are of whom thus he speaketh remembring still to distinguish betvveen Antichrist and the Temple of God vvhere he sitteth Fourthly let him remember how yll he took it when M. Sm. speaking of Rev. 11 2. applied the Court of the Temple to the assemblies of Antichrist Which interpretation then he called ‘ Def. of Scrip. p. 12 13 14 15. impietie dotage his fancie blyndnes of heart abuse of the ●ord of God c. If he could not endure that he should so interpret the court of the Temple spoken of by Iohn how is it that now himself thus expounds the Temple of God spoken of by Paul to be popish Antichristians If it were then impietie dotage a fancie blyndnes and abuse of Gods word so to expound apply it what thinks he it is novv Fiftly where he saith further that in the true church Antichrist the man of sin hath sometimes ben found raunging as a wolf but not reigning as a God which in his own Temple he doeth First I aske what true church it is whereof thus he speaketh that the man of sinne Antichrist hath ben found raunging therein as a wolf Secondly note how now he understands sitting as God to be reigning as a God vvhich here before he understood to be invading and destroying Thirdly how that vvhich the Apostle calleth the Temple of God he stil calleth the Temple of the man of sinne Antichrists ovvn Temple c. Where in vvhether he doe not use fallacie let himself consider others judge Finally touching this Scripture this clause thereof how ever he oppugne what we propound let him yet obserue how others doe understand and apply it Whereof I will here giue but one instance More may be produced hereafter M. Calvin vvriting upon these vvords in the Temple of God noteth this ‘ Calv. in 2 Thes 2 4. By this one vvord is their errour yea their sluggishnes sufficiently refuted who doe therefore account the Pope to be the Vicar of Christ because he hath his fear in the church howsoever he cary himself For Paul placeth Antichrist no other vvhere then in the very Sanctuarie of God For he is no outward enemie but an home-bred or household enemy which under the very name of Christ oppugneth Christ But it is demaunded how a denne of so many superstitions may be called the church which ought to be the pillar of trueth I answer that so it is called not because it reteyneth all the qualities of the church but because it hath somewhat remayning Therefore I acknowledge it to be the Temple of God wherein the Pope ruleth but profaned with innumerable sacriledges Calv. in 2 Thes 2.4 And thus doe other the best vvriters both old and new understand this Scripture of the Church of God So as his opposition is not onely against us but in deed against the best vvriters in all ages And hitherto of the first consequence which I inferred upon the understanding of this Scripture aforesaid vvhich more specially concerneth the Papists and others likewise mynded thereabout Another consequence also I inferred upon the same ground against the Anabaptists and such as incline unto them herein Namely that by the Temple of God spoken off 2 Thes 2 4. understanding the church of God it wil follovv that Antichrist should sit in the church of God and that therefore he is there to be found and doth not wholly take avvay the church of God every truth ordinance of the Lord as Anabaptists and such as are herein Anabaptistically inclined would bear us in hand To this he answereth Neyther did the Divel take away vvholly every trueth and ordinance of God from among the heathens but they reteyned many rites of Gods worship received from their Fathers as ‘ Animad p. 70. before is noted But vvhy now saith he not that the Divell took not away vvholly the church of God from among the heathens Why leaveth he out this
clause vvhich he savv I mentioned about Antichrist that he takes not away wholly the church of God c. Is it because he can fynd no answer and yet vvill not yeeld to the trueth and therefore rather then he vvill not oppose useth these shifts and slye conveyances thinking that his followers vvil not obserue these sleights of his Hovv ever it be let the reader obserue that himself seeth the heathens haue not the church of God as the church of Rome vvhere Antichrist sitteth hath and that therefore fetching his answer from the heathens he doth vvholly leaue out this clause of the Church of God which they haue not among them in their estate and so in deed giues us the cause whiles he would seem to oppugne it And whereas he saith the Divel hath not taken avvay vvholly every trueth ordinance of God among the heathens it is nothing to the purpose seing they are not the church and people of God under his covenant neyther doe so enjoy any of them Take an instance in one of the particulars which he mentioned before where he said that the heathens reteyne baptismes or washings among them yet vvhen any of them leaue that estate and come to the faith and church of Christ they are to be baptized into the Lords name and to receiue the seale of his covenant giuen to his church vvhich they had not before But so may not be done vvith those that haue received baptisme in the church of Rome or any other apostate churches when they leaue such estate because they are already baptized into the name of Christ and haue in those Churches received the seale of Gods covenant which the heathens haue not As I haue shewed ‘ Pag. 27 c. here before more particularly And this is alwaies a sure ground and firme rule to be observed The Lord shevveth his vvord unto Jacob his statutes and his judgements unto Israel He hath not dealt so vvith any nation and as for his judgements they haue not knovven them Psal 147 19 20. That which he saith he noted here before is ” Pag. 94 c. before ansvvered vvhither I refer the Reader And vvhere he saith next that the Divel and Antichrist so much as in them lay and as stood vvith the safetie of their deceitfull kingdome haue sought wholly to take avvay the church and trueth of God and to put lyes in the place this is against him self both implying that it vvas not vvholly done which is the thing that vve say and he oppugneth and manifestly shevving that Gods goodnes and power superabounded aboue all the malice and iniquitie of the Divell and Antichrist vvhich therefore vve should all obserue vvith thankfulnes to God not obscure or oppugne as the Anabaptists this man doth what they can Besides that Gods goodnes and power did yet more appeare in nourishing the vvoman his church in the vvildernes from the presence of the serpent Rev. 12 14. Like as before the Lord measured the Temple and Altar and vvorshippers therein vvhich were most inward and secret to himself vvhenas he gaue the Court of the Temple resembling the outward visible estate of the church into the hands of the Gentiles the Antichristian apostates and persecuters and the holy City to be troden upon by them which Court City notwithstanding vvere stil the Lords though thus exposed dealt vvith for the time appointed Whereabout I haue noted some fevv things ‘ Pag. 128 129 130 c. here before which the Reader may make use off concerning this matter Other things that might be observed thereabout I doe not now enter into or insist upon For the last thing which he alledgeth out of that which I vvrote heretofore euen in it also there is sufficient for confirmation of this matter against himself for us inasmuch as the apostasie of Antichrist the man of sinne ‡ Answ to M. Ja. p. 137. could not justly be accounted a mysterie of iniquitie and truely said to speak lyes in hypocrisy also privily to bring in damnable heresies and to haue a shew of godlynes if they did absolutely and vvholy depart from the faith and not onely from some points thereof c. And hitherto of the understanding of the Apostles vvords where he speaketh of Antichrists sitting in the Temple of God 2 Thes 2 4. and of the tvvo inferences thereupon against the Papists Anabaptists c. In all which this man opposeth what he can thus chusing rather to strengthen such in their errors then he vvill seem to haue erred himself or cease to oppose us thereabout Of Gods people in Babylon spoken off Rev. 18 4. Next I observed ‘ Advert pag. 59. here againe as I had done before concerning the baptisme had in the church of Rome that which is said Rev. 18 4. Goe out of her my people and partake not in her sinnes c. Whereupon I inferred that those words my people imply the covenant of God continued among them For thus is the covenant taught and set down unto us in the Scripture I will be your God and you shall be my people c. This also he setteth to oppose in words but confirmeth it in deed though against his will For vvhat doth he ansvver ” Animad p. 80. These very words saith he are taken from Ier. 51 45. My people goe out of the midst of her where by my people the church of Babylon is not meant but the Israelites c. Very vvell But are not those words My people the words of the covenant as I said And vvere not that people now in Babylon the church people of God under his covenant Had not that people also polluted the Temple of the Lord and fallen into notorious idolatrie apostasie and other iniquitie for vvhich they vvere giuen by the Lord into the hands of the Babylonians and vvere they not still the Lords church people his vineyard and heritage notvvithstanding 2 Chron. 36 14 20. with Jer. 12 7 10. and 20 4. Lamen 1 3 8 10 14 15. c. Esa 63 10 17 18 19. Is there not difference moreover to be put betweene the people of God in Babylon and between Babylon it self How els vvill he make this speach and case in the Revelation to accord with that other spoken of by the Prophet from vvhence himself saith these very words are taken if that there be not novv as there vvas of old in Babylon of Chaldea the people of God under his covenant continued among them in the mysticall Babylon of the Beast whether it be applyed to the city of Rome the throne of Antichrist and jurisdiction thereof or to the apostasie of the church of Rome vvherein the man of sinne sitteth and dominereth Whereabout see more ‘ Pag. 152 153 154 c. here before And to make this matter yet more plain obserue moreover in the Prophet Zacharie how afterward he speaking of the same matter and same
must needs fall into high transgression against God and profanation of his holy things to the provoking of his vvrath against them more and more til they repent and amend their vvaies And that also the more seeing they haue had so long and often vvarning thereof giuen unto them These things if they can let them get him to answer by the word of God syncerely and soundly if they vvill vvalk conscionably herein as they ought to doe To us they may see he cannot answer them but with sleights evasions puts them of persvvading the Reader that nothing is proved by us vvhen any may see that nothing in deed is answered by himself but that sometimes he passeth by things vvholly vvhich should specially be insisted on and answered sometimes where he would ansvver cannot find any but vvith glosing speaches caryes away the Reader vvhat he can and sometimes brings that as he thinketh against us vvhich being well observed is in deed for us and against himself As may be seen in the last points novv treated off besides the like in other here noted before and that may be observed throughout his treatise And hitherto of this point concerning Gods people and their being under his covenant euen whiles they are in Babylon Rev. 18 4. Of Israell heretofore and Christian Churches since being in Apostasie and Defection A further declaration hereof I took ‘ Advertis p. 59. from the example of Israell For having alledged that those words My people imply the covenant of God which is I vvill be your God and you shall be my people I annexed thereupon And so is Israell often called the Lords people and is thus spoken off in the time of their apostasie by the Prophets 2 King 9 6. and 13 23. 2 Chron. 30 6 9. Hos 4 6 12. and 5 4. and 14 2. Amos 7 15. and 8 2 c. Whereunto this opposite not finding what to answer ‘ Animad p. 81 c. betaketh himself to his woonted shifts and evasions and thereupon ansvvereth that vve proue not the Question Where let the reader judge vvhether the point in hand touching that phrase of Gods people to imply the covenant of God be not proved by the example of Israell and the Prophets use of that speach concerning them And that so plainly as this man himself is glad to passe over the Scriptures here alledged vvithout insisting thereon Moreover the question here in hand being concerning the Temple of God spoken off 2 Thes 2.4 whereabout I alledged also that terme and estate of the people of God spoken off Rev. 18 4. he keepeth not hereunto as he should but fleeth to Babylon there to seek some evasion if he could Of this vvoonted course of his in not keeping the Apostles vvords the Temple of God whereabout our question is but in stead thereof using the termes of the Antichristian church Babylon and the like I haue spoken ‡ Pag. 144. here before need not repeat it As also of the terme * Pag. 129 Gentiles by the sound vvhereof he would novv cary avvay the Reader whenas heretofore in ‘ Def. against M. Sm. p. 12 13 14 15. the very place here cited by himself he could distinguish betvveene these Gentiles and the Court of the Temple here spoken off Rev. 11 2 9 18. Where likevvise there is * Rev. 11 ch manifest reference made in divers respects not onely to Israell but also to Iudah Which may assure us that these are true fit types also of the things here spoken of concerning the church of Rome and other churches in apostasie and defection For vvhich see here before pag. 127 c. And still remember that the very terme of the Temple of God 2 Thes 2 4. Rev. 11 2. besides all the other things follovving in the same chapter teach the same thing undeniably For vvhich also see before pag. 124 127. c. His next ansvver is touching Israell it self vvhere he laboureth to disproue what I alledged concerning them out of the Prophets but yet medleth not with the Scriptures vvhich I cited hereabout and vvhich are vvell to be observed about the point in hand besides that in his discourse after his manner he useth what other shifts he can and falleth into sundry errors great abuse of the Scriptures as I haue more largely shevved ‘ Pag. 96. 97 c. here before treating of this matter and of some speciall things concerning Israell which here he insisteth on more particularly To which therefore I refer the Reader And having now intreated already so largely both of Israell and the church of Rome other churches in apostasie and defection as the Reader may see I haue done I shall not for the residue of his treatise insist upon every particular from point to point For so I might vvrite many books volumes thereabout And in this I haue already vvritten much more then I thought to haue done vvhen first I began it For the rest therefore of his discourse it shall suffice to note a few of the many errors evasions contradictions and other such stuf vvherewith his treatise aboundeth throughout leaving it to the Reader to esteem of them and the like which he may obserue himself as he shall find them for to be Errors evasions contradictions c. 1. That the Temple of God spoken off by the Apostle 2 Thes 2 4. is no more Gods Temple Animadv p. 82. c. then vvere Ieroboams Idoll temples in Israell and Bels Temple in Babylon Animadv pag. 82. yet he told us but a litle before that it was to be understood of Gods church and people invaded and destroyed by Antichrist as the heathens of old dealt with Ierusalem and the dvvellers therein Ibid. pag. 80. Pa. 83 84 c. 2. That he maketh not onely Babylon but the Beast himself and the Church to be all one Whereas the Scripture teacheth us again and again to distinguish betvveen Babylon and Gods people in it betvveen Babylon and Sion in it c. as I haue shevved here before out of Jer. 51 45. and Zach. 2 7. compared vvith Rev. 18 4. betvveen the Beast that is the man of sinne and the church or Temple of God vvhere he sitteth and tyrannizeth c. 2 Thes 2 3 4. with Rev. 11 and 13 chapt Pag. 84 85 c. 3. That vvhereas I observed a tvvofold consideration of the estate of the church of Rome and of Israell heretofore one in respect of the trueths and ordinances of God still reteyned among them another in respect of the mixture of their ovvn inventions abominations vvithall in regard of the one to hold and acknovvledge the trueth and church of God there * This cause he omits against the Anabaptists in regard of the other to consider and obserue their apostasie and Babylonish confusion against Antichrist c. he doth not onely not yeeld unto it vvhich thing alone is to
which avouch the papacie to be the church it self which vve haue before disproved The papacie is a poyson in the church which poyson must needs be vomited out if it will be preserved or els the church vvilbe extinguished by it if it suffer that poyson to prevaile and possesse all the veynes of the bodie But how can she be the church will some say in which the papacie is Euen so as there is the body And this in which a disease worketh But because the papacie is a deadly corruption the more that the papacie getteth strength the more the church is weakned the increase of the one is the decrease of the other And hence it commeth to passe that in the churches which are called popish some are more healthie and some more unhealthie then others the more healthie are those which haue lesse of the papacie and more of the church and those are the more unhealthie which haue more of the papacie and lesse of the church of this kind I doubt not that church to be which at this day is at Rome For it had long agoe giuen up the ghost if God by the medicine of his grace and long suffring had not nourished and kept it warme Notwithstanding that we may giue content unto their minds which doe not yet reach unto these things And this or think that they are more subtily then truly spoken of the church which they call the papal or popish church let us answer this question in few words from the regard of al particular churches as they are among mē or in consideratiō of things humane Everie church which in deed is a church is considered two waies on Gods behalf as they speak on our behalf On Gods behalf it is altogether a church whersoever there is found a companie called of God with his calling by the spirit the holy Scripture the ministerie of persons ordeined for holy things divine actions On our behalf there is no church at al although it be so of God And this also as we haue said to which there doth not cleaue corruption concerning the persons things actions and finally the whole ministration of man ordeyned by God Now that which is on Gods part is not taken away by our default so long as it seemeth good unto the Lord to acknovvledge it for his church and call it by his calling by the spirit and holy Scripture and the ministerie For shall the unbeleef of men saith the Apostle Rom. 3 3. make the faith of God without effect shal the weaknes of man make voide the truth of God or his imperfection the perfection of God Far be it off yea let God be true and everie man a lyer saith the Apostle in the same place We wil make the matter plain by an example similitude out of the words of Ieremie ch 3. A wife being filthie with adulteries if her husband will pardon her and consent to receiue her And these clauses he passeth over and to dwell with her she abideth still the wife of her husband not in deed by her own fact for she hath broken wedlock what in her was but by the benefit or goodnes of her husband So a church overflowing not onely with lighter infirmities but also with grievous adulteries should cease in deed on her part to be a wife but she ceaseth not on her husbands part For touching the election as the Apostle saith Rom. 11 28. she is beloved for the fathers sakes speaking of the church of the Iewes It is a church so long whiles God calling her proclaymeth that which is in Ier. 3 13. Onely acknowledge thine iniquity that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God And these following hast scattered thy waies to the straungers under everie green tree and ye haue not obeyed my voice saith the Lord. Turn O backslyding people saith the Lord for I am maried unto you I wil receiue you c. It is a church so long whiles God with protestation calleth upon it departing from him being rebellious as it is in Esa 50 1. Where is the bil of your mothers divorcement wherewith I put her away or who is there of my creditors to whom I sould you c. The church then at length ceaseth to be a church whē God ceaseth to cal it back taketh away the evidence of that holy marriage that is the holy Scripture out of the hand of the adulteres and her that is stubburne testifying that the matrimonie is dissolved on his part so receiveth the covenant of grace to himself It is not for any man to deny that to be a church which God calleth a church Neither is it for any man to cal that a church which God having giuen the bil of divorce taken away the draught of the mariage contract denyeth so to be And after this maner doe we esteem of the church in which the papacie is God calleth her with his calling by his spirit word the publike records of that holy mariage which we cal the holy Scripture the ministerie holy things actions And this also which before we haue briefly reckoned up These things doe remain to that church most manifestly on Gods behalf But in that on the behalf of men al these holy things actions together with the very persons themselues abound overflow with most grievous deadly corruptions this is the sinne of men not the fault of God whose grace truth is perfected in infirmitie On Gods part she is yet called Hammi my people Ruchama finding mercy which most truly on her part may be called Lo hammi not my people Lo ruchama not obteyning mercie as we read in Hoseah the Prophet But we rely upon the mercy of God and according to his grace revealed we speak our mind or deliver our sentence concerning a church erring and going astray But this church hath every thing in it corrupt I cōfes it But in that it hath al the divine things in the Scriptures it is of God in that it hath thē al corrupt that is of it self And this in that it hath al the divine things it is a church in that it hath the same al corrupt it is a corrupt church The church is not takē away by corruption unles it be total as they speak which they cal destructiō And this A corruptiō that is in part doth not take away a church but wekē it The church of Rome hath al things corrupt but not altogether this is not a destructiō but is to be called a corruptiō of it in part For to prosecute these heads particularly which we haue briefly noted in the consideration of the church God by the alone presence of himself calling doth lay the foundatiō of the church And this whole passage he omitteth in Christ the head therof The church of Rome addeth another foundatiō to this foundation
to this head another new head wherupō it is called papal or popish wherin it may likwise rest with al. The calling is to God alone in the church of Rome there is calling to others with God the calling upō thē There the calling is by the spirit Scripture alone whence it receiveth the ministerie delivereth nothing more then that which it hath received from the Lord here it receiveth a ministerie from the spirit of Christ and of the Pope from the Scripture and the ragged traditions of men there finally the persons things and actions are caried according to the doctrine of the spirit and the Scripture onely here all things are taken and exercised out of the Popes changeable shop and at his beck as they say they stand and fall So all the marks on Gods behalf are in it but for it self on it own part as they say there is no mark intire no marke that is not corrupt by the papall poysonfull sorcerie and the order of all things most miserably perverted For which cause in Lyons in France a certain Frier did merrily preach to the people when he sayd the Hugonots for so they are called in France did consent with the church of Rome in all their articles of saith but there was one shrewd word the word Onely at the crack whereof war was in ●indled for they beleeue onely what the rule of faith hath out of the holy Scriptures but the church of Rome requireth more unto faith then is eyther conteyned in the rule of faith or in the holy Scriptures because such is the authoritie of the church And this also These things being well understood all men will easely perceiue how that Church in respect of God or on Gods part is yet a church but of it self is most corrupt and verie neere to destruction But here doe arise two doubts and difficulties by which the minds of many are troubled The first doubt is what we are to judge of the members of that church The latter what the dutie of them is who are in that church and see the great corruptions thereof To the first question we answer on this manner A threefold judgment had need meet together in this cause And this the first of trueth the second of charitie the third of prudence or wisdome The judgment of trueth is of the common condition of the church by which we judge from the calling of God that as yet she is a church The judgment of charitie is of the severall members of the church by vvhich we presume they be members of the church whiles they be called with the calling from God and are in this way as David calleth it Psal 2. The judgment of prudence or wisdome is that by vvhich we discerne and distinguish persons things actions divine from humane good ones from evill true ones from false and the degrees of these also amongst themselues For as of things and actions so also of persons some are corrupting through ignorance infirmitie or malice wholly or in part others are corrupted euen in the simplicity of their hearts as the Scripture speaketh and of these there are a great number of whom it were ungodly to esteeme that they were not of the church of God Of such as doe corrupt we must take heed Mat. 7. of the corrupted who are corrupted yet still we must haue compassion But the Church verely is not to be judged of the maner of either of these for Christ saith not ye shall not know the church but by their fruits of doctrine and life ye shall know them Mat. 7 20. And without doubt they doe very unwisely who judge of the trueth of a church by the particular life or doctrine of any men who ever they be especially of private men for the calling of God maketh the church not the assenting answer of the men that are in it as on the other side the Church ceaseth not to be a church for the refusall or deniall of men wheresoever the calling of God is Now let us come to the second demaund What is the duetie of those wilt thou say that are in the popish church and see the grievous corruptions of it And some clauses here Their dutie is such as of those children which dwel together with their adulterous mother for God hath used this similitude in Esay and Ieremie as we haue seen before A wise sonne vvill euen from his heart abhorre the sinne of his mother he will with speach and signe call back his mother from evill and he will absteine himself from it and in all things he will cleaue to his father he will stand to his judgment he will obey his will and while he can by reason of his mother he will cleaue unto her next after his father but when and whiles by reason of her he can not doe it with good conscience for the spiritual and bodily injurie of her he will betake himself into the chamber of his father Closet or inner room where also is the church the mother of us all Gal. 4 26. For this is not a good consequent if one depart from this or that church therefore he doth altogether depart from the church He doth but trifle that doth so from a particular conclude universally A part of the flesh if it be divided or cut asunder from another part by a wound received is not straight way to be thought to be separate or cut of from the whole body for it is cut asunder and the mouth of the vvound openeth but neyther part is therefore disjoyned from the bodie A godly sonne therefore ought to cleaue to his father and mother jointly so long as with good conscience he can but because he cannot with sound faith and conscience haue fellowship vvith the unfruitfull works of darknes Eph. 5 11. he rather leaving his mother cleaveth to God his father and our Lord Iesus Christ then that he vvill defile himself with those foule deeds of his mother And these passages following to the end And this did our auncestors religiously whom the popish tyrannie for some ages hath exercised The godly which were at Rome and other where in the Church which they call the Romane church abusiuely first learned to abhorre euen from their soule the sinnes of their mother when once they began to haue right understanding by words and signes they modestly called her back from her naughtie deeds whiles she would beare them they carefully absteyned themselues from all communion of evill yet in all things cleaving to their father from whom in whom by whom and for vvhom are all things standing to his judgment and obeying his will finally they did so long cleaue to their mother next after their father vvhilst by her they could so doe with intire faith and conscience and their owne salvation But when they could not longer with good faith and conscience so doe by reason of the violent tyrannie the spirituall
corporall injurie of their furious mother then being ashamed of her shamefulnes and resting silent they betooke themselues into their fathers bosome and his inner roome albeit that she pursued them outragiously least they being ashamed of her should be said to shame her as stumpets are usually woont to doe For vvhich causes I doe humbly beseech God the Father of our Lord Iesus that he would both by his saving calling informe direct and care for his church and whatsoever belongeth to his church that he would also teach every one that is in it his truth the truth of his church and that he would so work as they wisely absteyning from all evils especially from those which the sonne of perdition and author of the apostasie hath brought in and taking heed of the spirit of lyes and the efficacie of his errour they may religiously cleaue unto the Father and his good things in everie of them to their mother next after the father or so far as she accordeth with the Father that increasing in his truth pietie saith and loue they may bestow employ al their studies to the edification of the church the salvation of all and the glorie of that our heauenly Father c. God the Father and the Lord Iesus Christ by that eternall spirit of his eternall truth bring to passe that the wiles of Sathan being driuen away we may al grow dayly in Christ in the church and in the truth of Christ and the Church and that we may more and more confirme one another in loue unfayned to his glory and the common salvation of us all Amen Hitherto M. Iunius who though he be dead yet liveth and speaketh sufficient in this writing for the point in hand Which vvhiles M. Ainsw would seem to ansvver it is straunge but good to be observed how many things of waight he passeth over besides that sometimes he picketh out a sentence here and a sentence there leaveth out vvhat commeth betvven which should help the Reader and more cleare the matter thus being injurious herein both to the living the dead not to speak of the unspeakable abuse of Scripture also into vvhich he falleth still more and more which the Reader shall doe vvell to obserue though I insist not upon the particulars which would be endles and being now purposed here onely to note a fevve things moe vvhich he hath that are merely Anabaptisticall and full of glosing deceit 21. Speaking of the Church of Rome vvhereas he should distinguish betvveen the Temple of God and Man of sinne spoken off 2 Thes 2 4. Animadv p. 98-102 c. he eyther regards not to obserue it or confounds them together as one without distinction or so speaketh of Gods Temple church there as if it were no other then the Divels spoken off Rev. 18 2 3. 16 14. then Sodome Egypt Babylon Rev. 11 8. and 16 19. the lothed of God delivered to Sathan to be seduced deluded damned 2 Thes 4 8.9 11 12. And hovv then is there the people of God the Temple of God the baptisme of God the covenant of God the salvation of God to any in that Church c. Betvveene these things there is no just proportion for what concord hath Christ vvith Beliall or the Temple of God vvith idols or divels 2 Cor. 6 15 16. 22. Speaking of the congregation of Saints that was at Rome in Pauls time he saith not as he might that it is since corrupted adulterate or fallen into defection c. but he saith absolutely it is gone long since and the man of sinne with his worshippers come in the place Pag. 98. So then here againe let him tell us vvhether he thinketh these be the Temple of God the people of God under the covenant of God having the baptisme of God which the Lord hath ordeyned and giuen to his Church or vvhether there be no such there at all though corrupted and abused c. 23. Whereas ‘ See here before pa. 183. M. Iunius spake of Gods church being euen at Rome at this day by the mercy of God because he trusted that there is God calling persons called the calling it self yet in her the meeting of which things together in one giveth being to a church c. M. Ains not having vvhat to ansvver hereunto Animadv p. 98 99 doth very boldly without limitation or restreynt deny that God is there calling as in his church but that the man of sinne sits there as God calling all to worship him and that his calling is by the working of Satan and in all deceiueablenes of unrighteousnes among them that perish 2 Thes 2 9 10 11. All vvhich together saith he giveth being to Antichrists church but not to Christs Animadv p. 98 99. Thus after his manner still he termeth that Antichrists church which the Apostle calleth the Temple of God But omitting this if it be as here he saith hovv then hath there ben or can there be salvation to any in that church since the man of sin sate there vvhich himself thinketh vvas sone after Pauls time Pag. 84. How also should any of that church become Martyrs vvitnesses of the Christian faith against the professed enemies thereof And how should any Ievves or Pagans be converted to the faith of Christ by any of them Or doth he think that no such thing is had or done at all by them Besides if novv an Anabaptist take up M. Ains own vvords and where he speaketh of calling apply it to baptisme had in the church of Rome saying thus as M. Ains doth here I deny that God is there baptizing as in his church but the Man of sin sits there as God baptising all that vvorship him and his baptising is by the vvorking of Sathan and in all deceiueablenes of unrighteousnes among them that perish and the persons baptized are deluded to beleeue lyes 2 Thes 2 9 10 11. All which together giue being to Antichrists baptisme but not to Christs what now wil M. Ainsvv ansvver hereunto but that eyther he shall contradict himself or fall into more errour hereabout to the further hardening of the Anabaptists in their erroneous opinions and courses Pag. 99. 24. That which M. Iunius applieth and fitly to the popish Hierarchie M. Ainsvv applieth to the church of Rome and the whole church there Yea though himself aftervvard acknowledg that the popish ecclesiastical hierarchie consisteth of Bishops Priests and ministers pag. 100. besides whom there are the people as himself also noteth in the other page aforesaid Pag. 99. 25. When ‘ See here before p. 183. M. Iunius for more clearing of the point purposely distinguished between the papacie and the Church shevving the difference between them both in their generall kind and in their peculiar difference namely that the papacie is an order or estate humane evill the church a companie or assemblie Animadv p. 99 c. divine and by
ceased to be synce it vvas first planted but that it hath continued still eyther in syncerity or apostasie euen to this day Nor can he shevv that the Lord hath yet put them out of his covenant and giuen them a bil of divorce or that they haue left off to baptize in his name c. And yet further if vve mark it vvel M. Ain his ansvver about this matter is much like as the Papists giue themselues When the Papists are urged vvith this that Rome is the seat of Antichrist the Beast seing it is the city that is built on seuen hilles whereof Iohn speaketh Rev. 17 9. they ansvver that in deed † Rhem. Annot. on Rev. 17 9. Rome of old stood on seuen hilles but * D. Saunders c. the city is now gone from the hilles and standeth in the plain of Campus Martius the Pope sitteth on the other side of the river upon the hill Vaticane c. As if by reason of these chaunges Rome were not Rome still nor these Popes the successours of the other Popes that vvere before c. In like sort when M. Ains is urged with this that the church of Rome is become an harlot c. he answereth that ” Animad p. 102 103 th● harlot is not the church of Rome that was of old it hath had many chaunges and ●●●●rations since both in religion and the Romane state c. As if therefore the church and city of Rome vvere not the church and City of Rome still though they be altered many vvaies and in sundry respects Many other things hereabout if it vvere needfull might also be observed on vvhich I purpose not to insist As that by the invasion and calamities vvhich came upon Rome the vvesterne Empire by the Goths and Vandals c. may be understood the wounding of the Beasts head spoken off Rev. 13 3. Now difference is to be put between the Church and the Beast as is aforesaid Besides euen the Beasts head thus wounded vvas also healed againe Rev. 13 3. And an head now vvounded novv healed is still the same head though in several estate and condition Moreover his ovvne narration here hovv ever it be understood and applied whether to the church or Romane state of the empire c is against himself For if Alaricus with his Gothes did utterly vvast destroy it vvhat remayned for Genscricus vvith his Vandals afterward to doe thereabout Or if these did vvholly spoile and consume it what did Odoacer vvith another company there aftervvard Or if these did effect an utter ruine vvhat then did Theodoricus and the Ostrogothes after that And so may be observed of the rest here spoken off of Bellisarius vvith his army of Totilas king of the Gothes of the Saracens c. If he say he speaketh not of an utter destruction it is the more against himself Or if he meane it of an utter destruction his ovvne narration crosseth it besides the testimonie of all histories Yea those very clauses where he saith that Rome for a time remayned vvithout any inhabitant man or vvoman and that by the space of fourty dayes though he mention not this particular shevv that this vvas not an utter spoyling of them for altogether but onely for a time and so is still against himself Furthermore many of those people that made these invasions became Christians themselues and so the church in this behalf vvas increased Not to speak how the very Catalogue of the Bishops of the church of Rome giveth evidence against him Or vvill he say that though there vvere Bishops of that Church vvhether better or vvorse yet there vvas not a church vvhereof they vvere Bishops And mark that in the particulars which here he speaketh of the first time that he noteth is the yere of Christ 414. c. Novv let him speak therefore vvhether till this time and never after there vvas at Rome a church of God under the covenant of God having true baptisme or no. If he say there vvas not to what end then is this particular narration of his noting such a yere and such a yere c. Is it not all in vaine If he say there vvas then it vvas some hundreds of yeres after Pauls time that yet still it remayned the church of God yea and long after that many great corruptions and the hierarchie of Antichrist also had seazed upon it How also will he shevve that now at this time let him take any of the yeres that he nameth it ceased to be the church of God and to haue Gods baptisme and covenant any longer Finally to bring the truth more clearely to light and the matter to a plaine issue let him consider with himself and speak directly advisedly vvhether the church of Rome that was espoused to Christ is become an harlot or not If he say it is himself vvill soone perceiue all his dispute here to be vaine and erroneous If he say it is not how then saith he othervvhere that she is fallen into Apostasie like Israels Animadv p. 84. For did not Israel being espoused to the Lord become an harlot And was it not the same Israel for the body of the church in the account of the Lord and his Prophets though not in the same particular persons at al times that vvas both the one and the other whether we look on the ten tribes or on Iudah or both Esa 1 21. Ier. 3 ch Ezech. 16. and 23 chap. Hos 2 1 7. and 3 1. and 12 chap. and 13 4 5. and 14 1. Which is likewise to be observed touching the church of Rome and all other churches in like estate from time to time Othervvise the Papists one way and the Anabaptists another way wil be confirmed in their errors to the hardening of themselues seducing of others more and more And so let M. Ain obserue the fruit of his opposition of the truth and rejoyce therein but not vvith God 48. His esteeming of the state of the church of Rome in apostasie to be but as the estate of the Ishmaelites and Edomites also as Adonisedek vvith his Amorites and Jebusites in Ierusalē c. is disproved cōtradicted by himself when he maketh them like Israel and Iudah in their apostasie Animad p. 84. Neyther doth M. Iunius giue this reason vvhy he accounts thē the church of God because they are the naturall posterity of the saints though this is not to be neglected being duly considered neither because they dvvel in Rome where the godly lived heretofore These are things put in by M. Ains himself for what cause himself knovveth best M. Iunius knew that there dwell Iewes at Rome vvho are not of the church and that the naturall posterity of the Saints may become Ievves Turks Pagans and as here he said expressely † See here before pag. 185. the church may at length cease to be a church when God ceaseth to call it back and takes away the
evidence of their holy mariage that is the holy Scripture out of the hand of the adulteresse c. 49. Where M. Ainsw inferreth that thus our reasons from Israell are also impertinent to the present estate of the church of Rome Animadv p. 103. he should remember hovv himself said before that the typicall estate of Israell is our * 1 Cor. 10 6 11. ensamples Animad p. 87. more particularly the Apostasie of the church of Rome is like Israels Animad pag. 84 But contradictions are not uncouth with him synce he beganne to turne himself into all colours for the mainteyning vvhat he can of his errors and sinfull courses 50. Aboue all obserue and remember that now he saith our reasons from Israell Animad p. 103. might vvell serue for the times wherein Iohn lived when the true churches were many of them apostate Rev. 2 and 3 chap. Yet here before he said that Israell in their apostasie were not the Lords people or wife nor under his covenant c. Animad pag. 82. that their sacraments were false and lying signes c. How then should our reasons from Israel serue for those churches which here himself calleth true churches unles he wil say that true churches in particular those churches in Iohns time spoken of Rev. 2 3 ch were not the Lords people or wife nor under his covenant that their sacramēts were false lying signes c. If not will he novv say that the case of Israell in apostasie vvas like the estate of the churches aforesaid which here he saith were apostate that therefore they also were now the Lords people and wife under his covenant having true sacraments the signes and seales of Gods covenant c. Or seeing these churches vvhich he saith vvere apostate are yet by the Lord esteemed golden Candlesticks in the midst whereof Christ novv vvalked c. Rev. 1 12 20. and 2 1. will he so acknovvledge likevvise concerning Israell vvith whom novv he matcheth these Churches that so he might the better as he thinketh exclude the church of Rome from all comparison therewith If not hovv will he reconcile these things together 51. Note also how novv he acknowledgeth them to be true Churches Ibid. which he saith were apostate vvhereas still throughout his discourse and reasoning he denyeth apostate churches to be true churches What now vvil his followers and favourites say hereunto vvho can make no end of their odious exclamations against others that speak any such thing though it be vvith distinction and upon just and needfull occasion for clearing the truth and convincing of errour c. 52. What also will himself and his followers say to this Ibid. that the churches which he saith vvere apostate are by the Lord himself acknowledged for golden Candlesticks and churches wherein Christ walketh and their ministers also to be starres in the right hand of Christ c. Rev. 1 11 12 16 20. 2 1. c. and 3 1 c. Will they now admit of a divers consideration of the same churches and of their ministerie and estate in divers respects If not how vvill they reconcile their ovvne assertions and the Scriptures together vvhich are alledged by themselues Rev. 2 and 3 chapters 53. Where M. Iunius commeth againe to a double consideration of the church of Rome one as it hath all the divine things in the Scriptures another as it hath them al corrupt c. M. Ains after his manner passeth by sundry things of special moment vvhich M. Iunius purposely noteth hereabout Ibid. neither keepeth he to the points in hand as he should besides that he speaketh sometimes of things granted by all or taketh for granted things which he should proue and which I haue before again again disproved As namely that still he confoundeth as all one the Church and the Beast arisen out of the bottomles pit And that he maketh the church of Rome to be the vvoman or city that in Iohns time reigned over the kings of the earth Rev. 17 1 18. And where he saith it is not properly the old church of Rome corrupted but a nevv church arisen out of the bottomles pit vvhat meaneth he here by the vvord properly Or doth he grant it improperly to be the old church of Rome corrupted vvhy then said he here before that it vvas never Christs spouse othervvise then as all the vvorld vvas by our first parents Adam and Noah Animad pag. 102. And where against hath he disputed all this vvhile Not to speak how sharply he rebuked M. Sm. when he vvould distinguish betweene the worship of the Nevv Testament properly so called and not properly M. Ainsvv Defence of Script pag. 4 5 6 7 8. 54. But it is not the vvoman fled into the vvildernesse What then Ibid. Difference is to be put between the inward parts of the Temple and the outvvard betvveen the parts of the Temple that vvere measured the parts that were left unmeasured betvveen the Temple of God with the Altar and worshippers therein spoken off Rev. 11 1. and between the court of the Temple giuen to the Gentiles and the holy city trode dovvne by them tvvo and fourty moneths as is said Rev. 11 2. If it be not one of these shal it therefore be none of them If it be not the inner part of the Temple vvil it therefore follow that it is not the outvvard Or is not the outward Court and city also the Lords because they are not the invvard parts of the Temple that are measured but left out unmeasured and giuen to the Gentiles and trode upon by them the time appointed This man himself doth here presently after acknovvledge that the church of Rome is the ‘ Animad p. 104. court of Gods Temple invaded and the holy city trode downe by the Gentiles Rev. 11 2. And othervvhere he teacheth that the ‡ Defence of Script p. 13 14 15. court of the Temple the holy city spoken off Revel 11 2. did signify the Bhurch of God and that this also is the doctrine of all the Prophets citing to that end Psal 51 18. and 87. and 122. Esa 60. Revel 21. Where moreover he sheweth that Ierusalem is often called the holy city Nehem. 11 1. Esa 48 2. and 52 1. Mat. 4 5. All which things lead us to look upon the Church of Rome as being answerable to the Lords courts and city of Ierusalem Besides vvhen vvas the time that the woman fled into the wildernes Was it in Constantines time vvhen one vvould least haue thought it in such a time of peace and outvvard flourishing of the Church three hundred yeres after Christ as ‘ M. Bright mā on Rev. 12 6 14 15. 11 1 2.1 c. M. Forbes on Rev. 12 s 10 c. some of good judgment doe write If so it be understood shall we then think there vvas no outward visible church or Churches in
that shal dominere in the church Ibid. chap. 2 p. 642. And the like he hath often othervvhere M. Robbinson also saith The constitution euen of Rome as now it stands is not simply false but onely in this and that respect Iustif of Separat pag. 88. And many moe I might alledge of all sorts of Writers and Witnesses but these may suffice Yea it is ynough alone that Gods Word doth so teach and confirme it as before is manifested The Conclusion HItherto of these things concerning the Church of Rome Whereabout I haue vvritten the more largely to help forvvard what in me is the better searching out and more clearing of the truth both against Poperie on the one hand and Anabaptistrie on the other For with the Papists there is nothing more common in pleading for the estate of that church then thus to reason and aske Seeing it is granted that the church of Rome was the church of God in the Apostles times when vvas it since that she ceased so to be In which of the Centuries after Christ In what Popes dayes c. Whereunto some answer about 300 yeres after Christ vvhen at the Nicene Councell the primacie of that Sea vvas so and so acknovvledged some think sooner straight after the Apostles dayes some later about four hundred yeeres after Christ others about fiue some about six hundred after Christ c. Hereupon the Papists insult and both harden themselues and trouble others very much hereabout On the other hand the Anabaptists taking it for graunted that the church of Rome is not the church of God they cast avvay the baptisme there received and professe to begin all anevv and therefore are againe baptized anevv and so proceed on in their course as best liketh themselues being therein more hardened by others vvho also say that the Church of Rome is not the church of God neither their baptisme true baptisme but an Idoll and lying signe a cursed and detestable Sacrament c. Thus errors and evils increase on all hands whereas the way both soundly to ansvver the Papists and rightly to prevent the Anabaptists errors and evil courses is to ansvver that the church of Rome is yet stil the church of God but in apostasie the temple of God but wherein the Man of sinne sitteth c. And therefore as it is the church Temple of God to acknowledge it to reteyn the baptisme and vvhatsoever ordinance or truth of God they haue yet among them but as it hath the man of sinne set therein as it is in apostasie from the faith vvorship order and government wherein at first it vvas set as may sufficiently appeare by comparing their present estate with the Epistles vvritten by the Apostle to the Romanes and the other Primitiue Churches c so to leaue and vvitnesse against all the apostasie iniquitie mixtures and corruptions thereof and to returne to the auncient and good vvay vvherein the Church of Rome with the other Churches aforesaid were first planted by the Apostles Of vvhich point I shall God willing by other occasion speak more hereafter In the meane time as I noted before remember stil to distinguish betvveen the Temple of God and the man of sinne set therein between the church it self and the apostasie thereof like as betvveene the Temple at Ierusalem and the idols of abomination that were set therein betvveen the church of Israell and the defection thereof Which did not hinder but that yet still it vvas the Temple and church of God though corrupted and defiled so as none could lawfully in that estate eyther minister there or bring their sacrifices thither but the godly chose rather that Ierusalem should be filled vvith their innocent blood then that they vvould sinne and defile themselues vvith the worship and abomination there used and urged upon them 2 King 21 1 16. and 24 4. Remember also still to apply unto Antichrist what the Scripture hath otherwhere of the Beast of the Gentiles of Sodome Egypt Babylon c. And refer what it hath of the temple of God of the court of the temple of the holy City and the like to the church of God either more syncere or more corrupt in defection or othervvise Consider withall if whereas the termes of a true or false Church are commonly used and many times not rightly understood or applied it would not be good and profitable for discerning of the different estate of Churches aright to use the termes of syncere Esai 1 21. or corrupt pure or impure intire or apostate faithfull or adulterate c. And these also vvith degrees as some more syncere and some lesse some more corrupt and some lesse c. Which being vvell observed vvould giue great light for understanding and observing things aright both for judgement and practise to eschevv the errors and evils into vvhich so many fall some on the right hand and some on the left Finally the due observation of these things vvil shew us both vvhy and how to leaue the present estate and apostasie of the church of Rome to returne to the auncient estate and integrity thereof reteyning vvhatsoever they haue that is the Lords according to his vvord and renouncing vvhatsoever mixtures or corruptions they haue brought in of their own vvhether concerning the faith or the order of the church This also I trust may be a meanes by the blessing of God to stirre up both Papists Anabaptists and others that are any vvay so inclined more carefully to consider their vvaies and estate in their heart and speedily to turne their feet into the vvay and testimonies of the Lord. Psal 119 59 60. Which grace the Lord in mercy vouchsafe unto them And thus much touching the church of Rome and the matters aforesaid perteyning thereunto Touching the Church of England NOvv whereas our opposites hold also that the church of England is not the church of God nor hath the covenant of God and the Baptisme there received is not true baptisme but an idol lying signe c. their opinions are here again in many respects far more erroneous and ungodly then before For hovv ever some heretofore not regarding aright the faith there professed and lothing the corruptions there reteyned haue misconceived some things concerning them and their estate Yet now that there hath ben longer time and more occasion further to consider thereof seeing also into vvhat extremities divers of our countreymen that are become Anabaptists haue by this meanes the more run themselues and specially considering the doctrine of faith which they professe in Christ alone unto salvation it should teach al more advisedly and heedfully to regard their estate in this behalf to acknowledge them to be the people and churches of God having the covenant baptisme of the Lord c. To insist further upon particular reasons hereabout I need not divers haue ben noted † Pag. 30 c. 58 c. and 121. c. here before where vve
haue also shevved that euen the church of Rome is the church and Temple of God as Iudah likevvise and Israell of old vvere in the time of their apostasies How much more then should we so esteem of the church of England yea and of the Lutherans vvho haue in so many things novv left the apostasie of the church of Rome and haue received the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ alone vvith many other precious doctrines of truth that are yet still miserably depraved and corrupted among the Papists But hereupon some object and say If they be the church of God none may leaue them it is schisme for any to leaue those that are the churches and people of God and vvhy then doe you not continew Ministers and members there still c. First to this objection I haue ansvvered before pag. 116 c. To vvhich I referre the Reader as also to that which M. Iunius hath written concerning this matter as may be seen here before pag. 184 186. Secondly if this objection were sound then might none leaue the present estate of the church of Rome seeing they are the church and Temple of God as before hath ben declared Yet the men that doe thus object haue many of them left it themselues And M. Iunius shevveth that both these may stand vvel together to esteem it to be the church of God and yet to leaue forsake it in their estate yea that it is our duty so to doe But in deed to note this by the vvay wel may it be that some Protestant writers otherwise of great good judgment haue heretofore the more denied it to be the Church of God because they thought if that were granted it vvould then follow to be schisme for any to leaue it as the Papists themselues are vvoont usually to object But the consequence is not good as is shewed before by the Scriptures and examples both in Iudah and Israell c. Pag. 116. Thirdly in a Church there are tvvo things specially that are still to be respected the faith and the order thereof Col. 2 5. For touching the worship of God therein it may in divers respects be referred to the one or to the other or to both of them Novv for the Faith which is in Christ alone to salvation we acknowledge that they professe it soundly and in the unity thereof vve also hope our selues to be saved with them and therefore albeit they intreat deale yll with us sundry vvaies yet we hold them to be our brethren in the Lord and in the faith of his Gospell But as for the churches order worship and government ecclesiasticall vve hold and professe that they stand yet still greatly corrupted and transgressing the second commandement many waies As namely ‡ Of these more particularly see in the Apologie and other Treatises of ours also in the Treatise here following touching the reformed churches in their Prelacie and inferiour ministerie in their Canons Constitutions and Worship devised and imposed by man especially in the Book of common prayer according to which all the ministers and people of that Church are enjoyned to minister and partake of the holy things of God had among them vvherein are corruptions not a few that are also observed and written against † The Abridgement of the Ministers book of Lincolne Diocesse The Survey of the book of Common praier c by divers of themselues besides the refusal opposition persecution of the trueth vvhich hath now a long time very often many vvaies benshewed unto them c. And yet more specially that the particular churches ministers thereof stand not as the primitue Churches and Pastors did immediately under Iesus Christ the Archpastor as touching their ecclesiasticall constitution but under another spirituall authoritie and Prelacie devised by man neyther haue povver in themselues as now they stand to receiue and practise all the ordinances of God to redresse all errors and corruptions that are manifested unto them by the vvord of God as the Pastors and Churches aforesaid had Which things standing thus hereby may appeare that none can stand Ministers or members of the Church aforesaid in their estate and performe the dueties thereof according to the Lavves and Constitution thereof but they shall sinne and transgresse the second Commandement Which the Lord that is a jelous God accounteth to be hatred of him and hath threatned severely to punish as on the contrarie he hath promised to shew mercy graciously to them that loue him and keep his commandements Exod. 20 4 5 6. compared with Lev. 10 1 2. Deut. 4 1 2. 2 King 10 18 31. 2 Chron. 19 2 3. Luke 19 27. Psal 119 126 127 128. Esa 29 13. and 65 2. Mal. 1 6 14. Mar. 7 4 6 7. c. Col. 2 20 23. Rev. 14 9 12. and 22 18 19. Fourthly which commeth to a like end vvith the former reason but yet vvill make it more plaine there are two things concerning the vvorship and service of God which we ought alwaies carefully to remember and obserue One that we ought to leaue and forsake all the inventions of men and more specially al the mixtures and corruptions of Antichrist the man of sinne in the service and worship of God And this not onely in things concerning the faith but in such also as concerne the order of the church Exod. 20 4 5. with Deut. 12 32. Iudg. 8 27. 1 Chro. 13. 15 2. c. 2 Chron. 33 17. Psal 119 101 113 128. Esa 30 21 22. Ezech. 43 8. Mal. 1 6 14. Matt. 15 9 13 14. Rom. 16 17. Rev. 14 9 12. and 22 18 19. The other is that vve obserue and practise all the commandements and ordinances of the Lord vvhich he hath once for all giuen unto his church vvhether concerning the faith or the order of the church and so consequently the Churches government vvorship ministerie ministration of all every of the holy things of God according to his vvord Exod. 20 6. compared with Deut. 12 32. Matth. 28 20. Gal. 3 15. Jude v. 3. 1 Tim. 6 13 14. 2 Chron. 13 8 12. and 19 8 11. Psal 119 101 128. Esa 30 21. and 33 22. Rev. 14 12. Which two things seeing that in the present estate of the church of England neither ministers nor members can obserue them nor be suffred peaceably so to vvalke hovv can it be but we must needs leaue that estate unlesse vve should still continew in sinne against the Law of God And hovv can that justly be counted schisme vvhich is our bounden duty to the Lord vvherein vve ought to obey God rather then Man Fiftly to make the matter yet more plaine let us put the case that some Kings and States vvould permit the Churches in their dominions peaceably to enjoy the ministerie of the word and the Baptisme of elder people among them but not of children urging those words according to the letter Make disciples
and baptise them Matt. 28 19. Or if of younger persons also yet vvould not suffer any to haue the Lords supper at all because of the many questions and troubles that haue ben and yet are among the Papists Lutherans and other Protestants thereabout Novv hereupon I would aske vvhether it should be sinne and schisme to leaue such an estate and to obserue also Gods ordinance of the Lords supper according to his institution Or if any vvould permit the use of it but onely under one kind Or if in both kinds to wit both with bread wine yet vvould not admit it vvithout the acknowledgment of Transubstantiation or at least of Consubstantiation pressing still those vvords This is my body c. Matth. 26 26. Or would not haue it administred according to the simplicity of the Gospell but as Princes or people did themselues like best to haue it Or admitting both preaching of the vvord and ministration of the Sacraments yet would haue al though never so profane and notoriously vvicked to be partakers of the Lords Table and not to be censured admonished debarred excommunicated c. Or would not suffer the people to chuse their ovvne Officers according to the word of God or the Officers not to performe the dueties vvhich God requireth at their hands but at the pleasure of man Princes or people or at least of the greater part of the people urging those vvords Tell the church c. Matth. 18 17. and All things are yours c. 1 Cor. 3 21 22 23. Or finally and summarily vvould not suffer the Churches the ministers and people to obserue whatsoever Christ hath commanded Matth. 28 20. but if they had the word preached would not suffer the seales of Gods mercy the Sacraments one or both to be enjoyed or if they had both these vvould not permit the Lords discipline to be had the censures and sanctions of his judgment according to his word and instistution c. Whether novv I say in these and such like cases we should not obey God rather then man and whether it be schisme and sinne so to doe Sixtly the church of England it self and all the reformed churches and Protestants at this day are charged by the Papists to be schismaticks for leaving the present estate of the church of Rome But are they therefore so in deed Sundry Protestant Writers haue shewed good reasons to the contrarie divers of vvhich being indifferently vveighed may be applied to the points case now treated off albeit withal I acknowledge great and unspeakable difference to be between the estate of these churches blesse God daily for the many good things had in the church of England for that they haue left the church of Rome For which see particularly of our ovvn countreymen D. Raynolds sixt Conclusion eyther in Latin or as it is in English joyned with his Conference vvith Hart pag. 666 667 c. And D. Willets Synopsis Papismi in fol. pag. 608 609. c. Lastly vvhereas Conformity is much urged and such as doe not conforme themselues are charged vvith schisme vvhether they remayne in that church or leaue the present estate thereof that they may keep the ordinances of God according to his vvord vve are still to remember that there is a double Conformitie touching the outward worship of God The one is that Conformitie of rites and order which the Lord requireth and prescribeth in his word The other is the conformity vvhich the lavves and constitutions of men ordeyn and require To the former all are bound and unto it the Lord hath giuen his promise Matth. 28 18 19 20. 1 Tim. 6 3 4 5 13 14. compared with Exod. 20 4 5 6. Deut. 12 32. Mal. 1 7 14. Where Piscator well observeth that in the outward worship of God there is required both a conformitie of rite agreeing with the prescript of Gods commandement and synceritie in all which performe that worship to the Lord. Piscat Observ in Mal. 1 7 c. To the latter we are bound no further or othervvise then as it agreeth with the conformitie prescribed by the Lord himself because vve must worship the Lord onely as he hath appointed in his vvord and as we haue the promise of his acceptance and blessing therewithall For which see the Scriptures aforesaid and Deut. 4 1 2. Psal 119 101 128. Esa 29 13. 30 21 22. Matth. 15 9. Hos 4 15 17. Amos 5 4 5. 2 Cor. 6 14 15 16 17. Col. 2 23. Rev. 22 18 19. Some other things perteyning hereunto see also before pag. 116 117 c. and in the third Treatise here following Now if any aske vvhether that Christians and Churches may not and ought not to beare one with another in their differences of this also I haue spoken here before pag. 118 and 119 c. the brief summe whereof is this that we may and should so doe vvhen the Churches and Pastors thereof professing the faith of Christ stand in their ecclesiasticall estate immediately under Iesus Christ having libertie power in themselues to receiue any truth and redres any error or evil as they shal be perswaded thereof and in the meane time doe not urge others to sinne in their owne persons but suffer them peaceably to practise and walk in the vvay and order which the Lord hath prescribed in his word Which if it vvere the estate dealing of the churches in England and other the like at this day the question would in divers respects be othervvise for esteeming of them and vvalking with them then novv it is And these are the things which I thought here to note by this occasion touching the church of England in regard of the points in question betvveen us the Anabaptists others to much overcaried that way Other things there are also good to be considered off as namely the divers degrees of Gods manifesting the truth and consuming of Antichrist with his apostasie the different estate and proceeding of the Angels spoken off Rev. 14 6 8 9 15 17. c. and 15. and 16 chap. c. the difference of ordinarie and extraordinarie estate and calling the divers consideration of spirituall and bodily or personall communion the distinction of Provinciall Diocesan and particular churches vvith the Bishops thereof Also whether the particular churches among them be not become parts and members of the Diocesan and Provinciall churches in their estate Whether the prelates bereaue not the particular churches of many rights perteyning unto them more particularly take away from them some speciall rights and dueties of the Pastors ruling Elders people and in some respects of al estates generally among them Finally whether such Ministers as haue left the corruptions of that estate and liue in Churches rightly established may not yet notvvithstanding upon occasion † 1 King 13 chap. Hos 5 9. 7 12. Amo. 7 13 Rev. 14 6. c. preach in the other churches aforesaid both to
that so they may watch over them as those that must giue account for them unto God Act. 20.28 Heb. 13.17 1 Pet. 5.1 4. V. Neither can the Churches or members thereof be so well instructed governed and edified in faith and mutuall loue as if this order and practise be observed For which see also the Scriptures aforesaid and the like But if the church in any city be more large as often commeth to passe and is usuall in great cities then that it can conveniently and ordinarily meet together in one place then is it to be considered whether it should not be distinguished and distributed into divers particular Churches or parishes Which may everie one of them severally haue their owne peculiar place of meeting together their owne Pastour other ministers Elders and Deacons their ovvn meetings and all publick actions duly orderly performed among themselues for the reasons here before alledged and other the like To vvhich end may also be observed hovv at Ierusalem vvhere the great Synedrion of the Iewes was by the Lord appointed to be yet notvvithstanding there vvere in that one city many Synagogues And all the Synagogues also had their ovvn rulers ministers as may appeare by such other Synagogues as are particularly spoken of in the Scriptures Mar. 5 22. with Luke 4 16 20 31 33. and 12 11. and 21 12. with Mat. 10 17. and 23 34 Luke 13 14. vvith Act. 13 14 15. and 18 4 7 8 17. Here moreover about the estate and distinction of churches are two things carefully to be observed First As did the seuen churches of Asia c. Rev. 1 2 and 3 chap. that all particular churches vvith their Pastors as is noted here before do stand immediately under Iesus Christ the Archpastour vvithout any other straunge ecclesiastical power and authoritie interposed betvveen whether it be of the Prelates as of Diocesan Provinciall or Oecumenicall Bishops or of their unlawfull usurping Synods or any such like invented by men and brought into the church Secondly that notwithstanding the estate distinction aforesaid yet all the churches and ministers of them should be alway ready and vvilling with their mutuall ayde counsel assistance and all lawfull maanes to help comfort advise strengthen and build up one another in the truth vvhich is according to godlines in Iesus Christ Ephes 4.4 16. Rom. 12 3 8. 1 Cor. 12 4 27. Col. 2 5 19. and 4 16 17. Act. 15 2 23. with Psal 12 2 3. Sal. Song 8 1. c.. And so to this end and in this manner may be had a lavvfull and profitable use of Synods Classes Assemblies or Councels for mutual help advise in cases of question controversie and difficulties about religion to as alvvaies it be provided that they doe not challenge or usurpe any unlavvfull jurisdiction or power over the particular churches or their pastours and governours to whom their ovvn povver under Christ the Lord is alvvay to be reserved and to be kept whole and intier according to the vvord of God Like as may be seen in all the churches planted by the Apostles and particularly in those seuen of Asia standing not farre asunder to whom Christ vvrote his several letters directed to the Angels or Pastors of everie of them in particular and not to any one of the churches or Pastors more thē another as having authoritie over the rest nor to any Diocesan Provinciall or Oecumeniall Bishops set over the churches and Pastors thereof Which kind of Prelacie Office government if it had ben ordeyned by Christ and planted by the Apostles in those churches there had novv ben fit and necessarie occasion specially when Christ vvrote about the corruptions of those churches both to haue blamed those Bishops for neglect of their duetie as he doth the Angels of the particular Churches and to haue directed his letters unto them as being the next chiefest in ecclesiasticall authoritie under him to oversee and governe those churches if then there had ben any such among them by the ordinance of Christ Rev. 2 1.8.12 18. and 3 1.7 14. compared vvith ch and vvith the estate and constitution of all other churches planted by the Apostles For vvhich see the Scriptures here be●●●● alledged pag. 250. And of this also see more hereafter in the fift 〈…〉 here follovving If any aske to whom then the churches shal be subject if there be no Diocesan or other like Prelates set over them I answer that the churches and all the Officers members thereof are to be subject to the Princes States and magistrates under whom they liue according as the Apostles doe teach us saying Let every soul be subject to the higher powers c. Re● 13.1 Submit your selues to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it be to the king as supreme or unto governours as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evill doers and for the praise of them that doe vvell 1 Pet. 2 13 14. vvith Tit. 3 1. The magistrates are under the Lord to be the keepers of both the Tables of the Law of God To whom al persons ought to be subject euen for conscience sake to yeeld obedience unto them yet alwaies in the Lord and not against the Lord by any meanes Deut. 17 18 19 20 Rom. 13 1 7. with Mat. 22 21. Dan. 3 14 18. Act. 4 18 19 20. Rev. 12 10 11. CHAPTER III. Touching the right and power of particular churches VVHether † everie Church haue not right and power graunted by the Lord to chuse their ovvn Pastours other Ministers Elders Deacons and Deaconesses making choise of meet fit persons as also to * use the ministration of the vvord Sacraments Censures and vvhole ecclesiastical administration being careful stil to haue al things done according to the ordinance of God prescribed in his word Mat. 28 18 20. with 〈◊〉 Act 6 3 5. and 14 23. compared with Act. 1 15 23 26. and 2 41 42 46. 11 22. 15 22 25. 1 Cor. 16 3. 2 Cor. 8 19. Gal. 1 1. 1 Tim. 3 1 15. 5 9 10 11 17 ●2 6 13 14. Ezec. 33 2. Lev. 8 2 3 4 5. Num. 8 9. Deut. 1 13 16 18. with Joh. 13 20. 1 Cor. 4 1. 2 Cor. 5 19. Heb. 5 4. Also * Act. 1 2 3 14 15. 15 2 6 23 30 and 20 7 17 18. 21 18 23. Rom. 12 6 7 8. 16 1 2. Mat. 18 17 18 19 20. and 28 18 19 20. 1 Cor. 4 17. 5 ch 10 16. and 11 23 26. and 12 ch Epist to Timoth. Tit. Rev. 2 3 ch with 1 Tim. 6 13 14. I. Because the Primitiue churches planted by the Apostles had this right and power at the beginning as may be seen in the Scriptures here before alledged II. And the Congregation of Israel had of old likewise their right in the election of their officers and other such
office and function nor the same or like equall authoritie in the church of Israel and in the administration of the holy things of God Num. 16 8 9 10 40. and 18 1 2 3. vvith 3 4 chap. 2 Chron. 29 16 34. II. Secondly the Offices of the Pastors and Teachers are themselues divers functions giuen to the church by Christ the Lord and accordingly had in the Primitiue churches Eph. 4 11. 1 Cor. 12 5 8. with Rom. 12 7 8. Object But the Apostle in Ephes 4 11. seemeth rather to joyne them together as one by the conjunction copulatiue KAI And then to distinguish them as being severall the one from the other Answ This conjunction also is sometimes used for a discretiue in divisions and in the shutting up of distributions As the same Apostle useth it otherwhere Gal. 3 8. when he saith There is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither bo●d nor free there is neither male nor female c. vvhere vvord for word it is neither male and female But and is used here distributiuely and so is understood and translated neither male nor female according to the distributions used before in the same sentence And thus in the place to the Ephesians the Syriack translation vvhich is most auncient useth a distributiue particle distinguishing asvvell between Pastors and Teachers as between Apostles Prophets and Euangelists Ephe. 4 11 in Syri●● translat Not to speak of the Hebrew conjunction VAU And which the Scripture also oftē useth for a discretiue as in Exo. 21 15 17. Deu. 17 9 12. Besides that the like maner of speach is used in Gen. 1.14 and Hos 3 4. c. III. Thirdly the holy Ghost bestowing the gifts of God and dividing them to every man severally as he vvill distributeth divers distinct gifts unto men for the performance of the dueties of these offices aforesaid 1 Cor. 12 4 8 11. IIII. Fourthly God worketh diversly by these offices and gifts bestowed on his church 1 Cor. 12 6 7 11 18 c. V. And Christ the Lord layeth divers vvorks and administrations upon these offices and ministers themselues besides the duties that are cōmon to them both viz. Vpon the Pastors that they should in their ministerie more particularly use the speach of vvisedome together vvith doctrine exhort rebuke comfort and vvisely apply the vvord of God as there is occasion to the divers uses necessities and conditions of the church and people that they should also administer the Sacraments and seales of Gods grace annexed to his word and promise execute the censures and sanctions of his vvord and judgments and alvvaies stirre up al of all sorts to godlines righteousnes and sobrietie and defend the truth of God against all adversaries and finally to governe the Church in all things according to the duetie of their calling carefully vvisely and faithfully under Iesus Christ the Lord and Archpastor of his church and people 1 Cor. 12 5 8. with Rom. 12 8. Ephes 4 11 12. with Esa 66 21. 2 Chro. 13.10 11. and 15 3. 1 Cor. 10 16 21. and 11 23 26. with Mat. 26 26 27 28. Eze. 44 15 16 23 24. Lev. 10 9 10. Num. 6 23 27. Joh. 20 19 23. with Mat. 16 19. and 23 34. and 24 45. and 28 18 19 20. Epist to Timoth. and Titus Heb 13 7 17. ● Pet. 5 1 4. Rev. 1 12 13 16 20. and 2 1. c. All vvhich things may well be included and comprised in the verie name of a Pastor Which is the more to be observed both for the similitude of the Shepheards whence it is taken and because the names of Offices used in the Scripture doe fitly note out the nature dueties of the Offices themselues sometimes in one respect sometimes in another Vpon the Teachers also the Lord hath laid that they should in their ministerie specially use the speach of knovvledge and instruct the Church out of the vvord of God interpreting the Scriptures teaching the knowledge of the truth vvhich is according to godlines catechizing the people elder and younger as there is occasion confuting errours convincing adversaries performing all those things that more specially perteyne to the delivering and defending of the doctrine of God faithfully and syncerely under Christ the great Prophet and Teacher of his church and people 1 Cor. 12 5 8 28 29. with Rom. 12 7. Eph. 4 11 12. with Esa 66 21. and 30 20. Neh. 8 8 9. Deut. 33 8 10. vvith Num. 16 8 9 10. Gal. 6 6. Prov. 22 6 20 21. Esa 28 9 12. Heb. 5 12. and 6 1 2. Matth. 13 52. and 23 34. Luke 2 46. and 4 16 24. and 5 17. and 13 33. vvith Deut. 18 15 22. Act. 5 34. and 8 30.31 35. and 13.1 and 15 35. 1 Tim. 1 3 4 7. and 2 7. and 3 2. and 5 17. 2 Tim. 1 11 13. and 4 1 2 3. Tit. 1 5 9. c. And these things may vvel be implied in the name of a Teacher But whether more is to be required of them as they are Teachers may further be considered As also that of old in the Church of Israell they might haue Teachers vvho vvere not Sacrificers and vvhether likewise they might not haue Teachers that were not Rulers or governours among they unles they vvere also chosen to government besides Deut 33.8 10. Neh 8 8 9. vvith Numb 16 8 9 10. and 18 1 7. 1 Chron. 6 48 49. Amo● ●● 12 15. Mat. 13 52. and 23 34. Luke 2 46. and 5 17. compared with 2 Chron. 17 7 8 9. Iohn 3 1 10. and Act. 5 34. Finally for the distinction betvveen the Pastors Teachers office obserue hovv Ambrose repeating the place of Ephes 4 11. saith thereon I doe neither challenge the glorie of the Apostles for who will doe that but those whom the ●●me of God himself chose nor the grace of the Prophets nor the vertue of the Euangelists nor the circumspection of the Pastors but I desire onely to obteyne intension and diligence about the divine Scriptures which the Apostles placed last among the offices of the Saints and ●●●n this that studying to teach I may learne Ambros off l. 1. c. 1. For which also see Gregor●e Nazianzen de mod And Ierome who likewise distinguish the Pastor Doctor Eph. 4 11. And among the later Writers Calvin in his Institutions treating of the ministers of the church and on Ephes 4.11 after he hath spoken of the Apostles Prophets Euangelists comming to speak of the Pastors Teachers saith thus There followe the Pastors and Teachers whom the church can never want among whom there is this difference that the Teachers are not set over the discipline nor the administration of the Sacraments nor admonitions or exhortations but over the interpretation of the Scripture that the doctrine may be kept syncere and sound among the faithfull But the Pastors office conteyneth all these things in it Calvin Institut lib. 4. cap. 3.
4 11.28.32 l. 4. c. Which is vvel to be noted for better observation how every church or parish had at the beginning their own Pastor or Bishop and hovv those Bishops were much unlike the Diocesan Provinciall and Oecumenicall Bishops had now a dayes who content not themselues with a parish or particular Church but chalendge by vertue of such office authoritie over whole Dioceses Provinces and the universall vvorld as in the apostasie of Antichrist may be seen And thus much by the way concerning the testimonie of the auncient writers in this behalf Which I leaue to be examined by the Scriptures as is aforesaid II. Secondly vvhere the order is observed vvhich is mentioned in the question here before there may the difference be kept both between the Pastors and Teachers offices and betvveen the offices of the Teaching and ruling Elders Ephes 4 11 12. and 1 Tim. 5.17 vvith Rev. 2.1 and Rom. 12.3 8. 1 Cor. c. Which othervvise is either unknovven of many and so neglected or els is confusedly caried and corrupted sundrie vvaies III. A particular visible church may in the outward constitutiō there of be considered as a particular visible body Now a particular visible body hath a particular visible head Which also is such as cannot say to the feete or inferiour members I haue no need of you 1 Cor. 12.18 21. vvith E●a 1 5 6. and Rom. 12.3 8. Col. 2.5 and 4.17 Rev. 2.1.8 c. and vvith the Epistles to Timothee and Titus And touching the vvord head thus taken and used in the Scripture for some chief member or members governor or governors or any persons and things vvhich excell or are before others in dignitie office age authoritie time place or any speciall excellencie see Exod. 6 14. 30.23 Numb 1.3 4.16 and 7.2 Deut. 20.9 and 28.13.44 Iosh 23.2 and 2● 1. 1 Sam. 15 17. 2 Sam. 23 8 13 18. 1 Chron 9.10 13. and 24 4 6 31. Neh. 11 16. 12.7 12 22 23 24. Esa 1 5 6. and 7 8. and 9 14 15. and 29 10. Ezec. 21 26. and ●● 2 and 40 1. Mic. 3 3 9 11. Ier. 13 21. 1 Cor. 12 21. And note that here I speak onely of particular churches as they are organicall and set in an orderly visible constitution and so of the outvvard order and divers functions set in the church by the Lord himself and that I speak not of the church as it is the mysticall body of Christ nor of the spirituall and quickning head of the church of all the members thereof wheresoever Which is Christ alone and unto whom alone this apperteyneth and to none other vvhosoever besides Eph. 1.22.23 4 15 16. and 5.23 Col. 1.18 and 2.19 1 Cor. 12.12 compared vvith Jer. 33.16 Note also hovv both auncient and later vvriters doe thus use the same word and likewise apply it Chrysostome speaking of the returne of the Bishop vvhen himself was an Elder at Antioch saith Blessed be God that hath restored the head to the body the Pastor to the sheep c. Chrysost homil 20. ad populum Antiochenum Basil vvriting to the church of Neocaesarea upon the death of their Bishop saith The church closeth her eyes the solemne assemblies look heavily the sacred Synedrion Presbytery or Eldership desire their head they that are in dignitie their leader the people their ruler Basil epist 62. ad Eccles Neocasarien● Among later vvriters D. Raynolds conferring with Hart saith We teach that * Apolog. Eccl. Ang. confes Helvet c. 17. Christ is the head of the church as he doth quicken it vvith his spirit as he is the light the health the life of it and is present alvvaies to fill it vvith his blessings and vvith his grace to governe it In the vvhich respects because † Ephes 1.22 and 4.15 and 5.23 Col. 1.18 and 2.19 and so the church his body the Scripture giveth the name of head to Christ alone by an excellencie thereof we so conclude that he is the onely head of the church For othervvise vve knovv that in another kind and degree of resemblance they may be called heads who haue anie preeminence of place or government over others As in the Hebrevv text we read ‡ Nehem 11.16 the heads of the Levites for the chief of them * 2 Chro. 31 10. the Priest the head that is to say the chief Priest After the which sort I wil not contend if you entitle Bishops heads of the churches as ” In Apolog 2. Athanasius doth † In Regist lib. 4. epist 38. Gregorie vvhen he had named our Saviour Christ the head of the universall church he calleth Christs Ministers as it vvere heads Paul Andrevv Iohn heads of particular flocks yet members of the church under one head Rayn conference with Hart. chap. 1 Divis 2. pag. 20. And M. Iacob in his Attestation vvriteth thus hereabout M. Gabr. Powel maketh it an heresie in the Pope to hold as he doth that in the visible church there ought to be a visible head What doe I heare A visible Body instituted by Christ without a visible head A church and no Pastor A multitude to be governed and no Governour These are straunge assertions whosoever and hovv many soever doe affirme them For I graunt there are not a few others vvhich use so to speak But indeed there is no colour of truth nor reason in these sayings M. Iacobs Attestat ch 7. p. 113. And a litle after again What shall vve think Hath Christ left his body and dear spouse vvithout help vvithout government in such dayly and continuall necessities Or can an ordinarie body be governed vvithout an ordinarie head To use D. Bilsons vvords ‡ Perpet go● p. 37● this vvere an heathenish if not a hellish confusion Ibid. p. 114. He also that vvrote the Manudunction hath the like when he saith A visible church must be considered as an integrall body which for the well being of it exercising those operations which belong unto it and vvhereunto in serveth must become as we say organicall having members of divers ranks some as head mouth and eyes the Pastor Teachers and Elders some as hands the Deacons and helpers c. Manuduct 2. pag. 33. IIII. Here moreover may be considered the order observed in the church of Israell so far forth as it was moral and concerneth particular churches the constitution of the Synagogues vvherein besides the other officers vvas * M. Brou on Rev. 9. and 14. p. 83. 223. M. Ainsw defence of Scrip. pag. 113. one vvhō they called SHELIACH TSIBBVR the ambassadour or Messenger of the congregation To which or the like Christ might haue reference whē he speaketh of the Angel of each particular church in Asia Rev. and And of the terme Angel ascribed to the ministers of the Lord see also Hag. 1.13 Mal. 2.7 where we find the Prophets and Priests in Israell called the
Pastor nor as some think such distinction of teaching and ruling Elders as is aforesaid The record of the auncient Writers produced also thereabout is to shew that sometimes there were tvvo Bishops at once in one church Of which more hereafter 1. Now first for the Scriptures leaving the point for the truth thereof so to be esteemed as it shal be found to be grounded on the Scriptures duly considered there is alledged Act. 20 17 28. vvhereby is gathered First that there vvere many Elders in the Church of Ephesus there spoken off and not one Pastor alone Which I think none of sound judgment vvill deny Secondly that the Elders were all alike and of one sort c. Which if it were so then 1. how is it that the Apostle vvriteth to Timothee vvhom he left with the Church of Ephesus both of teaching and of ruling Elders and the one differing from the other 1 Tim. 5 17. compared with 1 Tim. 1 3. 2. What then also or vvhere is the difference betweeene the Pastors and Teachers spoken off to the same church of Ephesus Ephes 4.11.12 3. And who is the Angel of this church of Ephesus spoken of Rev. 2.1 4. Or vvhere are the ruling Elders called the Angels of the Lord or of the church as the Prophets Priests and ministers of the Gospell are Hag. 1.13 Mal. 2.7 with Rev. 1.20 and 2.1.8 c. 5. And why may vve not think that there were both teaching and ruling Elders in the Church of Ephesus asvvell as in other of the Primitiue churches as may appeare by that vvhich is written Rom. 12 7 8. and 1 Cor. 5.8.28 compared vvith 1 Tim. 5.17 and with the practise and estate of Israel Jer. 19 1. Luke 22 66. vvith 2 King 6 32. and 2 Chron. 19 8 c. 6. And that there vvas also some one in the church of Ephesus as Archippus in the church of Colosse Col. 4 17. Polycarpus as divers write in the church of Smyrna spoken off Rev. 2 8. Irenaeus l. 3. c. 3. Euseb l. 3. c. 32. and l. 4. c. 14. c. to vvhom Christ directed his letters and of whom he straitly required to look to the contents thereof To redresse errors and abuses in the church c. the matters being all of them such as the Pastor who hath speciall charge of the flock should carefully regard and obserue according to the duetie of his office under the Archpastor Iesus Christ Rev. 2.1 c. 7. To vvhich end may also be observed that seuen starres are spoken off ansvverably to the number of the seuen golden Candlesticks that three times one after another Rev. ● 12.13.16 Also Rev. 1.20 And Rev. 2.1 Besides the mention again of seuen starres together with mention of the seuen Spirits of God Revel 3.1 Which whether it may not in some respects be observed for the other point and divers other good purposes also let it be duely considered 8. And hereunto agreeth the testimonie of the auncient writers Irenaeus Eusebius c. who make mention in particular of the names succession of divers Bishops or Pastors so specially called following one another from the Apostles daies for a long time after hovv ever in tract of time corruption grew in and then from the oversight of one particular church they became Bishops of many churches euen of whole Dioceses and Provinces c. 9. And whereas it is alledged that the Apostle gaue not the Elders Act. 20 17 28. severall charges as having severall dueties lying upon them but one generall charge common to them all namely the dutie of feeding vvhich is the work of the Pastor c. there may also here about be considered 1. that they vvere in generall al of them Bishops Overseers of the flock and church of Ephesus and therefore might well haue this charge giuen them in generall jointly together And yet this not hinder but that they might also in other respect haue distinction of place and function among themselues notvvithstanding As may be seen in other cases and generall speaches used often in the Scriptures as in Deut. 33.8.10 Iosh 23 2 and 24 1 c. 1 Chron. 28 1 2 c. 2 Chron. 19 5 9. c. Ier. 19 1 3. c. Hos 5 1. c. And more especially 2 Chron. 29 3 4 5. c. where king Hezekiah gaue a charge jointly and in generall termes to the Priests and Levites the ministers of the Temple for the sanctifying of themselues and purging of the Temple Yet vvho vvould thereupon conclude that all the Levites vvere Priests or that there vvas no distinction betvveen their offices in other respects or that the ministers of the Temple vvere all alike and of one sort 2. All things are not spoken in al places and Scripture must be compared with Scripture for the right understanding thereof When therefore other Scriptures shevv a difference vve must thence learne it and not because of some general or other speaches misconstrue or confound things vvhich the Scriptures othervvhere teach us aright to distinguish Othervvise men might inferre upon Moses generall speach Deu. 33 8 10. that all the Levites might burne incense before the Lord and that therefore Corah the Levite sinned not in so doing Num. 16 ch Which vvere indeed to pervert the Scripture and not to understand it aright 3. Though a speach be generall and such as may in some respects perteine unto all yet may it also be sufficient for their understanding and stirring up vvho othervvise knovv themselues vvell the distinction of their places or offices one from another and vvhat apperteyneth to their severall dueties thereabout Like as the Levites who although Hezekiahs speach aforesaid was generall and vvas made unto them together with the Priests yea though the Temple vvas novv polluted yet kept themselues vvithin their bounds and did not so much as goe into the inner part of the Temple that apperteyned to the Priests done 2 Chron. 29 16. 4. The terme of feeding and the vvord Pastor and other the like both in Scripture and in other writers are used sometimes largely and generally sometimes strictly and particularly In the former understanding are kings and Princes called Pastors said to feed 1 Chro. 11 2. Psal 78 70 71 72. Esa 47 28. Ier. 6 3. and 13 18 20. and 22 22. and 49 19. and 50 44. Ezech. 34 2. Christ also Ezech. 34 23. and 37 24. Zach. 13 7. Ioh. 10 11 16. Heb. 13 20. 1 Pet. 2 25. and 5 4. and the Apostles Ioh. 21 16. and all governors both civill and ecclesiasticall Jer. 3 15. and 17 16. and 23 1 2 4. and 50 6. Zach. 11 5 8. Act. 20 17 28. 1 Pet. 5 1 2. In the latter signification it is used for the Pastors and ministers that are expressely distinguished from the Apostles Prophets Euangelists and Teachers spoken of Eph. 4 11 12. and are also called Exhorters or Comforters Rom. 12 8. to whom the wor●
of wisedome is ascribed 1 Cor. 12 8. As in Israell they had ministers that vvere called Wise men Mat. 23 34. So then in the generall use of the word all the Elders and governours of particular Churches are Pastors and doe feed according to the duetie of their office 1 Pet. 5.1 2. Acts 20 17 28. And thus there were and may be many Pastors in particular churches But shall we therefore conclude that there was no particular office of Pastor in the churches no difference betvveen the teaching and ruling Elders no distinction betvveen the Pastors and Teachers office c. 10. Lastly vvhereas others also alledge this Scripture Act. 20 17 28. M. Bright on Rev. 2.1 c. to shew that by the Angell of the Church of Ephesus Rev. 2 1. is meant the whole Colledge of Pastors Elders and Bishops let these reasons aforesaid be well observed about that point also for the better fynding out and clearing of the truth in this behalf And so I proceed to note somewhat likewise about the other Scriptures before mentioned touching the matter in hand The other Scriptures are these Phil. 1 1. 1 Thes 5 12. 1 Tim. 3 ch and Tit. 1 ch 1 Pet. 5 1 2. Which all of them haue this common unto them that the like collections are made out of them as out of Acts 20.17.28 And therefore the same things may be observed about them as haue ben noted here already about Acts 20.17.28 That so I need not repeat the same things over againe and againe Onely I will briefly annexe some fewe things more concerning these Scriptures in particular 2. With that place of Phi. 1.1 where the Apostle speaketh of the Bishops of that church as being many there may be compared another place in the same epistle where the Apostle saith I intreat thee also true yokefellow c. Phil. 4 3. By which manner of speach may be observed that though there were sundry Elders and Bishops in that church yet there vvas notwithstanding also some speciall man vvhom the Apostle in speciall and more particularly called his true yoke-fellow Whether it were the Pastor or not I will not determine And who it should be rather then the Pastor that by such a peculiar attribute without particular naming of him should be intended by the Apostle and understood by them to whome he vvrote I desire to haue shevved by others The question that is made about the gender is of no vvaight For besides the matter spoken off and other circumstances of the place the Syriak translation putteth the matter out of doubt which hath it thus I entreat thee also O sonne of my yoke c. vvhich shevveth both that he spake of a man of one that was of speciall note and imployment Tremellius Iunius in their notes on the Syriak translation expound it thus The sonne of my yoke that is partaker of the same yoke vvith me vvhich art my helper in the same ministerie A metaphor taken from bulloks who being put under the same yoke are used by men to one and the same ministerie service Also Ignatius writing to the church of Philippi nameth Vitalis Bishop or Pastor of that church And here in the Apostles next Epistle which is to the Colossians he speaketh of Archippus by name touching the fulfilling of his ministerie in the church of Colosse Col. 4 17. 3. The next Scripture 1 Thes 5 12. as it sheweth that there were divers Elders in that church so the vvords there used of labouring ruling or being over them in the Lord informing or admonishing them may notwithstanding imply that there vvas distinction of place and office among them as more plainly appeareth 1 Tim. 5 17. where the like vvords are used in the Apostles speach concerning the Elders and the distinction of their office and duties And as likevvise may be observed in Hezekiahs speach to the priests and Levites and in the termes there used though he spake unto them jointly together 2 Chron. 29 4 5. compared with v. 11. Besides that Origen writeth of Gajus by name reported to haue ben Bishop of the church of Thessalonica Origen l. 10. in cap. 16. epist ad Romanos 4. Both the places in 1 Tim. 3. and Tit. 1 ch shew likevvise that there vvere sundry Elders in the churches of Ephesus and Crete Yet this hindreth not but that they had also difference of office and function among them as may appeare by comparing 1 Tim. 5.17 Ephes 4 11 12. Rev. 2 1. and Rom. 12 7 8. 1 Cor. 12 28. with the places aforesaid and may be implyed by the particular properties and dueties required of them besides the estate and practise of the church of Israell vvhich giueth great light in this behalf as hath ben observed If any understand these places in 1 Tim. 3. and Tit. 1 ch to speak of such Elders onely as were ministers yet that vvill be no hinderance neyther For seeing the Priests and Levites in Israell vvere all of the tribe of Levi and lineally descending one from another according to their kinred vvhich novv is not so in the Pastors and Teachers for a lineall descent one of another according to kinred though otherwise they succeed and follovv one another in their place and function and now the Pastors Teachers are by the Lord taken out of the Gentiles and become answerable to the Priests and Levites Esa 66 18 21. and Jer. 33 15 22. therefore vvas it needfull that there should in speciall manner be mention in the Apostles vvritings * The like may be observed about the Deacons ●ho are in diver● things much answerable to the Levites in Israel as to the Leviticall Treasurers c. of their offices and of their properties qualities and dueties c. Which needed not so much to be about the ruling Elders chosen out of the people who are answerable to the like Elders in Israell notwithstanding the differences of estate are stil to be endowed with like qualities as those Elders were as may be seen by observing the qualities mentioned in Exod. 18 21. and Deut. 1 13 15 16 17. compared also with 1 Cor. 6 5. and 12 28. Rom. 12.8 1 Tim. 5 17. And here let it be considered vvhether if a Synagogue of the Ievves or many thereof were converted to the Christian faith the rulers of the Synagogue becoming Christians might not novv be taken or kept still to be ruling Elders of the church such as we read off Acts 13 15. and 18 8. and Mar. 5.22 c. whereas the Priests Levites comming to the faith as divers did Acts 6 7. they vvere necessarily to leaue their Leviticall office and then being fit might become ministers of the Gospel and so continevv in that ministration employment as before they did in the other Heb. 9 6 7. and 13 10. with Acts 4 36. and 11 22 26. and 13 1 5. c. Rom. 15 16. 1 Cor. 9 13 14. and with Esa 66 21
or others that are not tyed to any particular churches I leaue it to be considered discussed by the vvord of God vvhether such be not sometimes raised up of God extraordinarily or having an ordinarie calling may upon speciall occasion be sent out by Princes as of old was done by Iehoshaphat king of Iudah or be called and allovved to teach by the Vniversities and Governors thereof or designed by particular churches or approved by the Pastors and Presbyteries of one or moe churches or by some other good and lawfull meanes be admitted appointed to the performance of the duties aforesaid according to the rules and examples had in the vvord of God 1 King 19 16. Amos 7 14 15. Mat. 9 36 37 38. and 21 23 25 34 36. Luke 1.17 2 Chron. Sal. Song 8.1.2 or 8.9 Acts and 11.19.22 and 1 Tim. 4.14 with 2 Tim. 1.6 and 2.2 Revel and 18.24 Some write † M. Brou on Rev. 11. p. 108. 109 that among the Ievves such as vvere taken to be Doctors or Teachers for to teach the people were first held to be very learned and that then some of the Sanedrin laid their hands upon such a one and said Rabbi take thou authoritie to teach what is bound and vvhat is loose Maymon in Sanedrin And then might Christ vvell haue reference thereunto Mat. 16 19. and John 20 23. Which point I thought good here to note downe and to leaue it to further observation As also vvhether some like course may not or should not still be used for the orderly calling of Teachers and ministers to the office and work of the ministerie in the time of the Gospell And finally vvhat may be intended by those words of the Prophet vvhere Esay prophecying of the time of the Gospell and calling of the Gentiles bringeth in the Lord speaking thus And I will also take of them of the Gentiles for Priests and for Levites saith the Lord. c. Esa 66.21 22. Where all the vvords are vvell to be observed when he saith And also I will take saith the Lord of the Gentiles for Priests and for Levites c. For in deed the Lord himself took the Priests and Levites out of the tribes of Israel to be the ministers of the Sanctuarie and to minister therein still on age after age one after another untill the time of correction at Christs comming Exod. 28 and 29. Lev. 8. and 9. Numb 8. Deut. 10.8 and 33.8 11. 1 Chron. 15 2 3 24. 2 Chron. 29.4 11. with Heb. 9.6 10. c. Whereas the ruling Elders and Governors vvere then at first appointed to be chosen by the people Deut. 1.9.13 and 16.18 And vvhat also by the Apostles speach vvhen speaking likevvise of the ministeriall offices of the Gospell he saith that Christ ascending up on high gaue gifts unto men And that he gaue some Apostles some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministerie for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come into the unitie of the faith and of the knovvledge of the Sonne of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulnes of Christ Ephes Where likewise there is no mention of the ruling Elders as not being appointed for the vvork of the ministerie and being also before plainly ynough and sufficiently designed in the Elders of the church of Israell But the speach here is onely of the ministers of the Gospell vvhere again al the words are to be observed both touching the giver Christ himself ver 1 and 11. and the severall offices of ministerie giuen ver 11. the use ver 12. vvith the durance and continuance of them ver 13. For although the offices of the Apostles Prophets and Euagelists be not novv in any particular mens persons as they were then yet the fruit of them abideth still and is perpetuall in their writings and labors in the foundation layd once for all and in the plantation of the churches according to the ordinance of Christ Mat. John 15.16 1 Cor. 3.10.11 and 4.9.10 Eph. 2 20. and 3 5 6 7. and 4 8 13. 1 Tim. 3 1 15. and 6 13 14. 2 Tim. 2 2. Rev. 21 14 19 20. And the offices of Pastors and Teachers answerable to the Priests and Levites in Israell Esa 66 21. Ier. 33 18 22. are still to endure in the church for the work of the ministerie age after age to the end of the vvorld And vvhether therefore the Lord hath not still preserved his ministerie though corrupted as he hath also done his seale of Baptisme through the corruptest times that ordinarily such a calling should alvvay be had thereunto of al Pastors and Teachers as we may be assured it is derived from Christ himself by the Apostles Euangelists and other ministers of Christ from the beginning unto this day and shall likewise still be continued untill the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ Ephes 4 11 12 13. compared with Esa 66 21 22. and 59 21. Jer. 33 18 22. and vvith Mat. 28 18 19 20. Act. 14 23. and 20 17 28. 1 Tim. 3 1 15. and 5 22. and 6 13 14. 2 Tim. 2 2. Tit. 1 5. Heb. 12 28. 1 Pet. 5 1-4 Rev 1 4 11 19 20. 2 1 8. c. and 7 16 ch and 10 7 11. and 11 10 11 12. and 14 6 18. and 18 24. and 21 and 22 chap. CHAPTER VIII Touching the exercise of Prophecy VVHether in the churches vvhere there are men indued vvith fitte gifts there should not be had the exercise of Prophecy for interpreting of the Scriptures disputing of points of religion propounding of objections ansvvering of questions fitly and needfully made and such other good uses profitable for the church and the edification thereof in the truth vvhich is according to godlines And this exercise also to be done not onely by the Ministers of the vvord Specially such as employ themselues in the study of the Scriptures but by others also having gifts that are fit and able thereunto Yet alvvaies so as al things be done decently and in order Rom. 12.6 and 1 Thes 5 20. compared vvith 1 Cor. 12 7. and 14 chap. Luke 2 46 47. with Ioh. 7 14 15. 1 Pet. 4 10 11. 2 Tim. 2 2 15 16 23. vvith Act. 15 1 2 6 7 22.32 and 17 2 3. and 18 4 26. and 19 8 9 10. Mat. 13 52. Also 1 Sam. 10 5 10 12. and 19 20 21 23. 2 King 2 3 5 7. and 4 38. and 5 22. and 6 1. Amos 7 14. with 1 Cor. 14 1 40. 1. Because this order and exercise vvas in Israell and in the primitiue churches Luke 2 46 47. Act. 17 1 2 3. and 18 1 4 24 26. and 19 1 8 9 10. vvith Rom. 12 6. 1 Cor. 12 7. and 14 ch 1 Thes 5 19 20. 1 Tim. 1 3 4. and 2 Tim.
put for the Congregation of governours meeting at a knovvne time and place c. Psal 82 1. Num. 25 12. and 27 2. with 36 1. Iosh 20 4 5 6. Exod. 12 3 21. Lev. 8 3 5. with 9 1 3. See also M. Ainsvv Counterpoyson pag. 113. And note hovv R. Salomon understandeth those words in Lev. 4 13. If the whole ” Ghnedah Congregation of Israell sinne through ignorance c. of the Iudges of the Sanhedrin vvhich represented the whole Congregation As * Drusij Com. in locu difficil Pentat●ch p. 244. Drusius noteth upon that place Besides that if the vvord vvere Kahal yet ‡ As M. Ains himself also acknovvledgeth Count. p. 113. that word also sometimes is used for the assemblie of Elders and Governours the Synedrion c. 1 Chron. 13 1 2. and 29 1 6. compared vvith 28 1 2. and 2 Chron. 1 2 3. Deu. 23 1 2. and 31 28 30. and so is translated by the word Synedrion in the Septuagint Pro. 26 26. For which moreover see Psal 26 4 5. where for those vvords I haue not sit vvith vaine persons I haue hated the congregation of evill doers c. the Septuagint hath I haue not sit vvith the Synedrion or councill of vanity I haue hated the Congregation of the malignant c. or the church of evill doers as M. Ains translateth it how ever he passe over that point touching the Synedrion in his notes upon that place Which may the more be observed because the Psalme there useth the termes of sitting and of taking bribes and the like which the Scripture also otherwhere often ascribeth to Rulers and Governours And now that I am speaking of this matter it is also worth the noting how M. Ains himself a notable adversarie of this exposition cannot deny but that † M. Ain Animadv pag. 13. in the old Testament he hath observed the word Church to meane the congregation of Elders Yet to obscure the trueth and blynd his follovvers vvith vanity and errour vvhat he can herein he addeth this glose vvithall concerning it that now the old Testament is chaunged And vvhat if another now should arise and say in like sort that in the old Testament he hath observed the vvord Church to meane the Congregation of the people but that novv the old Testament is chaunged vvould not himself readily discerne and condemne the vanity and errour of such ansvvers and assertions Wherabout note that the speach is not of the legal covenant of works or the Curse thereof neyther of the ceremonies or any changeable ordinances of the Law as sometimes by the old Testament is understood but of the Scriptures and books of the old Testament and of the vvords and phrases used therein Touching vvhich he saith the old Testament novv is chaunged Which if it were true as he saith then should we be freed from the use of those vvords and Scriptures and whosoever obserue them should make Christ unprofitable unto them For so are we freed and set at libertie from the yoke of the Law old Testament that novv is changed Gal. 5 1 2. Col. 2 8 16 17 20. Heb. 8 7 13. Thus also he is fallen into the same errour vvhich heretofore † M. Ains Defence of Script pag. 28 32. c he convinced as detestable and blasphemous in M. Smith vvho likevvise perverting some words and phrases of Scripture as namely that of blotting out and taking avvay the hand writing that was against us c. gathered thereupon that the written Lavv of Moses the Prophets was novv blotted out and taken away from the church And thus moreover he maketh his own Annotations vvhich he publisheth on Genesis Exodus the Psalmes c. yea all the arguments and proofs that in his doctrine or other vvritings he bringeth out of the books of the old Testament to be vayn and unsound So as any that read or heare them might turne them away with his owne glose and tell him that the old Testament novv is chaunged Yea thus he annihilateth the proofs and testimonies that in the Nevv Testament are alledged by the Apostles out of the old And taketh avvay the meanes of persvvading the Iewes to the Christian faith with vvhom we must eyther reason from the Scriptures of the old Testament as being ” Psal 19 7 8 9. Prov. 22 21. Mat. 5 18. the Word of God that endureth for ever and that hath the certaintie of the vvords of truths or els vvhat hope can we haue ever to perswade them to the faith of Christ But the Apostles teach us farre otherwise then this Opposite that * 2 Pet. 1 19. the Propheticall vvord is a most sure vvord to which vve shall doe vvel to take heed And that † 2 Tim. 3 16 17. all the Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improue to correct to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may be absolute and made perfect to all good works To let this Opposite therefore alone with his shifts and errors I vvill proceed vvith the matter in hand 3. Where obserue next the agreement of Christs speach in Mat. 18 17. with that other speach of Christ in Mat. 5 22. Where Christ in the one place teacheth the offending party how to carry himself Mat. 5.22.23 c. and in the other the party offended Mat. 18 15. c. and in both places shevveth to whom the brother offending may be brought saying in the one place Tell it to the church or Congregation Mat. 18.17 in the other he is in daunger of the councill or Synedrion Mat. 5 22. Besides the agreement that these Scriptures also haue with those other in 1 Sam. 2 25. Deu. 1 16. and 19. 16.17 and 21 19. 2 Chron. 19.6 10. 1 Thes 5 12 13. 1 Tim. 5 17. Hebr. 13 17. and the like And note here how M. Brightman treating of this matter in his exposition of Salomons Song and applying it to the time of the Gospell saith expressely that he thinketh there is one and the same intendement of Christs speach in Mat. 5 22. as is of that in Mat. 18 15. c. Of which judgment are others also vvhom I need not mention in particular 4. Moreover the Syriack translation in Mat. 5 22. hath Kenushta which signifieth a congregation assemblie or synagogue where the Greeke Originall hath Synedrion the Councill or Congregation of the Elders And the like againe in Mat. 26 59. Which plainly sheweth hovv they sometimes use the vvord congregation or assemblie where the Greek hath Synedrion the sitting or assemblie of the Elders And is the more to be marked because the same translation othervvhere useth the same word KENUSHTA so generally as it putteth it for the Greek vvord SYNAGOGE the Synagogue Mat. 4 23. 9 35. 10 17. where also it hath BETH DINE the house of judgment for the Greek SYNEDRION the councill or sitting of the Elders so both using
that so as if an Angell from heauen should teach otherwise vve might not receiue it but ought to hold him accursed Jude v. 3. 1 Tim. 6 3 4 5 13 14. and 2 Tim. 1 13. and 2 2. Gal. 1 8 9. 5. Also the constitution ministerie worship and order appointed by the Lord is that onely which hath the promise of blessing frō God Mat. 28 20. Whereas the refusall or deniall of submission to the Lord maketh subject to the wrath and curse of God Luke 19 27. with Esa 60 12. Ioh. 3 36. Rev. 14 9 10 11 12 13. and 22 18 19. 6. Els Princes and people might novv doe that against the faith and ordinance of Christ vvhich they might not doe in Israel heretofore concerning the faith and ordinance which then they had giuen them Which were contrarie to the Scriptures Heb. 3 1 6. and 12 28 29. and 13 8. with Deu. 4 1 24. and 17 18 19 20. Esa 49 22 23. and 60 3. vvith Rev. 21 24. Besides that Antichrist also should haue that yeelded unto him in the ordinances of the church the city and kingdome of Christ vvhich no godly Prince will yeild unto him in the Common wealth As to appoint lawes offices orders c. for the government and administration thereof And it vvere also contrarie to 1 Tim. 6 13 14 15 16. Esa 33 22. 7. And vve should els hold our Religion at the pleasure of man and not at the prescription and commandement of the Lord vvho is king of kings by whom Princes reigne and under vvhom all are subject to yeild obedience unto him As we doe also look for salvation by him Mat. 28 18 19 20. with 15 9. 1 King 12 26 33. with 2 Chro. 13 8 12. Psa 136. Deu. 4 1 2. and 12 32. with 17 18 19 20. Josh 1 8. Gal. 1 8 9 10. Joh. 3 36. Heb. 5 9. Yet notvvithstanding this hindreth not but that all persons of every estate both ecclesiasticall and civill ought to be subject to the Princes higher powers in the Lord. Rom. 13 1 7. Tit. 3 1. 1 Pet. 2 13 17. with Act. 4 18 19 20. and 5 27 32. And it is the duety also of Princes and Magistrates to submit themselues and their scepters to the Lord Iesus Christ who is Prince of the kings of the earth and to see the truth of God mainteyned and his ordinances observed in all things Neyther may they at any hand or by any meanes be drawen to oppose any truth or ordinance of the Lord nor to abridge the churches of any rights and benefits belonging unto them nor intrude themselues into the peculiar dueties of the Ministers c. but must rule over men in the feare of God doing nothing against the truth or vvay of Christ but what they can for it knowing that they are for the Lord and under him and remembring vvhat judgements came upon Ahaz Ieroboam Achab and other such Kings of Iudah and Israell vvho sinned herein greatly against the Lord and againe what blessings came upon David Hezekiah Iosiah and the other good kings of Iudah vvho were faithfull with the Lord in the service of his name Psal 2 10 11 12. and 72 Psal Josh 1 8. 2 Sam. 23 3. 1 King 12 26 27.33 and 13 and 14 ch c. 2 King 16 and 17 17 18 ch c. 2 Chron. 19 and 28 and 29 chap. c. Finally let us here also obserue that * Lev. 4 ch Iosh 1 7 8 9. and 9 3 21. 1 Sam. 15 1 33. and 22 17. 2 Sam. 21.1 2. 1 King 11 3 9. and 12 28 30. 2 King 16 10 16. 1 Chro. 13 and 15 ch Dan. 3 6 ch Amo. 7 10 17. Mat 15 9. Gal. 1 8.9 Col. 2 20 23. no Princes nor Prelates Synodes Churches or any persons whosoever can make that lawful which God hath made unlawfull nor that unlawfull vvhich God makes lawfull But † Esa 49 22 23. and 60 3 16. Rom. 13 3. 1 Tim. 2 1 2 3 4. Act. 9 31. Princes and Magistrates may graunt outward peace help to the Church for which wheresoever it be had we are bound to be thankfull to God and them And ‡ Mat. 28 18 19 20. and 1 Tim. 6 13 14. compared vvith 2 Chro. 24 17 22. Eccles 5 8. Esa 8 11 18. Dan 3 15 18. and 6 6 22. Act. 4 3 18 19. and 5.28 29 40. and 17 6 7. 2 Tim. 4 6 8. Heb. 10 32 33 34. and 11 24 25 26. 1 Pet. 3 14 15 16. 4 12 13 14. Rev. 2 10 11 24 29. and 6 9. 12 11 17. 14 12 13. 22 16 20. if they vvill not suffer us with peace to walk in the faith and way of Christ according to the vvord of God yet ought vve notwithstanding so to doe obeying God rather then man and patiently to suffer what they shall lay upon us euen to imprisonment banishment confiscation of goods and death it self leaving them to God who is higher then the highest and knowing that he doth regard and will require it at their hands and vvill giue a crovvn of life to such as are faithfull to death The Conclusion NOw to conclude let us in these questions and the like still obserue what vve can vvhat was prescribed and received in Israell of old according to the writings of Moses and the Prophets together vvith that which is recorded by the Apostles touching the Primitiue churches since And let us vvithall carefully reteyne and follow that manner of reasoning vvhich is taken from the example and estate of Israell and often also used in the Scriptures of the New Testament how ever it be rejected or litle regarded by divers in respect of the use and account which all should make thereof Which vve may learne by the Apostles manner of reasoning when he saith Behold Israell c. 1 Cor. 10 18. Whither also may be referred the many answers arguments and reasons which Christ himself and the Apostles took from the estate of Israell and from Moses and the Prophets in sundry cases from time to time As may be seen in these and the like places Mat. 9 10 13. and 12 1 7. and 15 1 9. and 19 3 8. and 22 23 32. Mar. 9 43 49. Luke 4 24 27. and 16 29 30 31. John 3 14 15. and 5 10. with 7 21 24. and 10 33 36. Act. 1● 2 3. Rom. 9 6 18. and 11.2.5 and 15.1 4. 1 Cor. 5.1 and 9.8 14. and 10.1 11. and 14.34.35 2 Cor. 6.14 17. and Gal. 3.7 13. and 4.21 30. Ephes Col. 2.11.12 1 Tim. 2.11 14. and 5.17.18 2 Tim. The Epistle to the Hebrevves 1 Pet. 1.15.16 2 Pet. and 2.1 6. 1 John 3 11.12 Jude ver 3 9. Rev. and 3.4.12 and 5.8 with 8.3.4 and 9.13 and 10 9.10 and 11.1 6.19 and 15.2 8. 16 2 8. and 18.2 21. and and 21 and 22 chapters To the Law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Esa 8 20. All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousnes that the man of God may be perfect being throughly furnished unto every good work 2 Tim. 3 16 17. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tryed he shall receiue the crowne of life which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him Iam. 1 12. FINIS
a chief captain under Nebuchadnezar the king of Babylon how he burnt the house of the Lord and the houses of Ierusalem and brake dovvne the walles thereof c. Jer. 52 12 13. c. Lam. 2 7 9. To vvhich time the 97 Psalme also here alledged may be referred Daniel speaketh of Antiochus king of Syria who magnified himself against God took avvay the dayly sacrifice cast avvay the place of Gods sanctuarie trode it the host of God under foot and as it is in another place of the same prophecy polluted the Sanctuarie of strength or the Sanctuarie and munition meaning the Temple and city of Ierusalem and placed the abomination that maketh desolate So as though the Temple and City of Ierusalem novv remayned yet they were polluted spoiled cast avvay and trode under foot Dan. 8 11 13. and 11 36. with ver 31. Besides the Iewes in the captivitie of Babylon acknowledge that their sinnes deserved it as the Prophets also for their sinnes had denounced it Dan. 9 5 14. Psal 79 8 9. with Jeremies prophecy throughout Whereas the Iewes in the persecution of Antiochus alledge their integritie and faithfull constancie in the vvorship service of God euen unto death Psal 44 17 22. Albeit that divers also then eyther by the persecution of Antiochus or by his flatteries or both were corrupted and dealt vvickedly against the covenant of the Lord. Dan. 11 32 33 34 35. Wherein likevvise there was a fit type both of Antichrists dealing and of the churches estate in this behalf And in all these times the Iewes notvvithstanding vvere the church people of God though some of them were slayne and destroyed yet among them still God preserved his Church and people from the destruction intended by their adversaries Both vvhich as touching the question and Scripture in hand should carefully be observed Finally this Scripture is so to be understood as it may not contradict but agree with that which is written Rev. 11 2 3. where the Court of the Temple is giuen to the Gentiles and the holy City trode upon two and fourty moneths whether this be understood † Resēbling the times of Eliah of Antiochus of Christ among the Pharisees c. of shorter or longer times which yet should haue an end or vvith ver 3. of 1260 yeeres putting a day for a yere And afterward the Temple of God is opened in heauen and therein is seen the Ark of his Testament or covenant c. Rev. 11 19. and 14 15 17. and 15 5 6 8. and 16 1. And God hath his people stil in Babylon Rev. 18 4. So Gods church and people then remayne still undestroyed notvvithstanding all the opposition and exaltation of the Man of sinne with all his tyranny cruelty and persecution had in over and against the church and people of God from time to time untill himself being the sonne of perdition come to be consumed and destroyed in the end Othervvise also the Anabaptists plea should here againe be strengthned who hold † M.S. charact of the Beast p. 56 c. that Antichrist hath utterly destroyed the true Temple the true church and hath abolished the true baptisme of Christ and that therefore they must reare up a new church and get themselues a new baptisme c. And so they proceed from one errour and evill to another Wherein this mans erroneous opinions and corrupt gloses may harden them much the more And hitherto of the first exposition of the vvords aforesaid that here is giuen His other exposition is that vvhen the Apostle saith Antichrist sitteth as God in the Temple of God it is to be understood of their owne vaine ostentation vvhiles they vvill haue ‘ Doth he meane the church of Rome or vvhat els speaketh he off it what I pray you called the Christian catholick church and the Pope the head of the same First I ask vvhereof he speaketh this that they vvill haue it so called If of the Temple of God himself in his very last vvords told us that by it is understood Gods church people in deed If he speak of some other thing he speaketh not to the point in hand And besides vvhat is it that he speaketh off And why doeth he not name it Is it because if so he did his exposition vvould be found eyther contradictorie to the former or some other way to no purpose at all but against himself Secondly if the Apostle had meant that it vvas not the temple of God in deed but onely that they would haue it so called could he not so haue expressed his mynd for this clause of the Temple of God as he doeth in the next vvords touching Antichrist himself vvhen he saith he shevveth himself or pretendeth that he is God and as the Scripture speaketh othervvhere vvhen it noteth the blasphemie of them which say they are Jewes are not but are the Synagogue of Sathan and so doe lye Rev. 2 9. and 3 9. Thirdly if it be thus to be understood as now he saith that it is not the Temple of God in deed but onely that they vvill haue it so called in vain ostentation making the Pope the head thereof then besides his strengthning again of the Anabaptists opinion aforesaid his owne former exposition here giuen can not stand vvhere he said in the last vvords before that it is to be understood of Gods church and people invaded and destroyed by Antichrist as Jerusalem and the dvvellers therein were dealt vvith by the heathens of old For these were in deed the church and people of God though sinfully corrupted not onely in their owne vaine ostentation that they vvould be so called Lastly many often boast vainly of that vvhich notvvithstanding they haue or may haue in deed but yet abuse it or vvalk not worthy thereof as I shevved ‘ Pag. 106. 107. heretofore by the example of the Ievves here spoken off out of Esa 48 1 2. Zeph. 3 11. Matth. 3 9. Ioh. 8 37 39. as likevvise the church of Rome hath a long time boasted that it is the church of God and as other churches and people also doe vvhen yet they abuse and vvalk not vvorthy of that mercy of God unto them Besides that Lucifer the king of Babylons vain boasting of his sitting on the mount of the Congregation c. did not hinder but that it vvas in deed the Temple of God and the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the North c. Esa 14 13. Other things here I omitt as being meerly vaine in deed that a particular church should challenge to be the catholick church vvhich cannot be as they understand it the Pope to be the head of the same vvhich Christ onely is and no other can be Ephes 1 22 23. Let these clauses therefore all by-matters be omitted that perteyn not to the point in hand let the thing be simply propounded as it should be thus vvhether the church
shevv them their sinnes and aberrations to teach them the truth vvay of Iesus Christ in all things more and more c. But of these things now I treat not Onely I thought here to note these heads in generall which may giue occasion to others and my self to consider more thereabout although that of some of them I shall hereafter speak somewhat more particularly in the Treatise following concerning the Reformed Churches And thus much here of the Church of England by this occasion This suit we intreat such as take knowledge hereof and haue accesse to his Majestie their Honours to motion for us and to further what in them is Prov. 24 10 11 12. 31 8 9. Ier. 38 7 13. 30 15 18. Mat. 25 31. c. Novv to conclude with suit to his Majestie the honourable LL. my humble suit is as heretofore it hath ben to the Kings most Excellent Majestie that it vvould please him now after our long exile and other manifold afflictions to vouchsafe us that gracious sufferance that we may be permitted to liue in peace under his Majesties government in our ovvne natiue countrey there to obserue all the ordinances of Christ giuen to his Church vvithout being urged to the use or approbation of any remnants of the apostasie of Antichrist or other humane traditions whatsoever vve carying our selues in all loyaltie peace and godlines as becometh all faithfull subjects in the Lord. Whom vve dayly pray to stablish his Highnes throne in peace vvith much blessing as he did to the good kings of Iudah vvho rejecting the inventions and commixtures of Man in the faith and vvorship of God vvere careful to admit of no religion nor any other thing in religion but that onely vvhich was warranted by the word of God that so his Majestie may alvvay find as they did and as Salomon that vvise king observed and hath left recorded that † Prov. 20 28. mercy and truth preserue the king and that his throne is upholden with mercy and ” Prov. 29 14. A king that faithfully judgeth the poor his throne shal be established for ever Which mercie the Lord God who is King of Kings vouchsafe unto his Majestie and his Royall seed with all increase of glory peace and happines in this life and for ever Amen Ier. 6 16. Thus saith the Lord Stand ye in the waies and see and aske for the old paths where is the good vvay and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your soules Sal. Song 1 7 8. The church speaketh and asketh of Christ Tell me O thou whom my soule loveth where thou feedest where thou makest thy flock to rest at noone for why should I be † Or as one that is vayled as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions Christ answereth If thou knowest not O thou fairest among women goe thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock and feed thy kiddes beside the Shepheards tents Rom. 15.4 Whatsoever things were written aforetime they were afore-written for our learning that we through pacience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope THE SECOND TREATISE Of some things concerning them that are called Remonstrants Hitherto of these opinions of the Anabaptists and the assertions of others withall thereabout Now I come to some other points which concerne not onely the Anabaptists but such other Christians also as are called Remonstrants or Arminians CHAPTER I. Touching Gods decree of Election WHether God hath not in Christ before the foundation of the world according to the good pleasure of his wil foreordeyned some to eternall life to be accomplished through Christ the Mediatour to the praise of the glorie of his grace Ephes 1 3 14. Act. 13 48. Matth. 25 34. 2 Tim. 1 9. 1 Pet. 1 2 5 19 20. Revel 13 8. and 21 27. 1 Thes 5 9. Amos 9 9 11 12. Mal. 1 2. compared with Rom. 8 28 29 30. and 9 11 12 13 23. Where for the speciall point now in controversie let us consider whether the originall fountaine and onely cause moving God in himself hereunto be not the good pleasure of his will not the vvill of man neyther our faith or vvorks foreseen nor any other thing from without God himself vvhatsoever 1. Because the Scripture thus teacheth in these places and the like Ephes 1 5 9 11. Exod. 33 19. vvith Rom. 9 11 15 16 21 23. Matt. 11 26. 20 15. Jam. 1 18. 2 Tim. 1 9. Luk. 12 32. compared with 1 Sam. 12 22. Rom. 11 1 2 5 6 33 34 35 36. 2. And otherwise Gods election should rely and be grounded partly on man and not onely on God himself that he may be all in all And so Gods decree of election frō everlasting should not be onely of his owne free grace but partly of our selues or by reason of our faith works or vvorthynes foreseen Contrarie to the Scriptures aforesaid 3. Then also part of the glorie of our salvation should be ascribed to man not the whole to God alone Neyther should we haue such cause of being humbled in our selues and of renouncing all confidence in any vvorthynes of our ovvne that so vve may in deed giue all glorie to God as novv vve haue Ephes 1 3 6. Rom. 9 11 16 23 36. 1 Cor. 3 26 31. 4 7. with Ier. 9 23 24. Joh. 16 14. 4. Othervvise also our election should not be altogether certaine and unchangeable as novv it is inasmuch as it is grounded onely upon God vvith vvhom is no chaunge or shadow of turning and not upon man vvho is subject to chaunge and alteration Rom. 9 11. and 11 2 5 29. with Hos 13 14. Ioh. 10 16 29. 1 Pet. 1 2 5. 2 Tim. 1 12. and 2 19. Rom. 8 29 30 33 38 39. Mal. 3 6. Iam. 1 17. Numb 23 19. 1 Sam. 15 29. Psal 102 13 14 27 28. Exod. 3 14. Esa 46 10. Which is the more to be observed because they themselues also write that the Saincts and faithfull may fall avvay wholy from the grace of God and perish for ever So as their owne opinions being layd together they seem to deale in this matter much like as the Anabaptists doe in the other aforesaid Who vvhen the Lord himself hath giuen us a sure ground for the ministration of Baptisme to the faithfull and their children to wit Gods gracious covenant and commandement they to exclude children from the participation thereof vvould bring us to an uncertain ground of Mans profession of faith and repentance Hos 6 4. Matth. 13 20. Act. 8 13 23. 2 Tim. 4 10. For although there may be good use made of such profession about other questions touching Baptisme and the ministration therof yet vvhen we inquire of the right and sure ground hereof we must carefully keep unto that which God hath laid himself for the administring of his ovvne signe and seale of his covenant of grace and not admit