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truth_n church_n house_n pillar_n 3,545 5 10.4316 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14369 A stronge defence of the maryage of pryestes agaynste the Pope Eustachians, and Tatanites of our time, made dialogue wise by Iohn Veron, betwixte Robin Papyste, and the true Christian. VĂ©ron, John, d. 1563. 1562 (1562) STC 24687; ESTC S106223 65,756 176

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olde The true Christian ¶ They be so called because of the auncientnes Why the ministers of the church be called priests or elders wysedome and sobrenesse and also for the great learning and discretiō that should be in them For this word eldershippe doth import and signifye al these thinges Yf they be not then auncient in age they ought to be auncient in wysedome and knoweledge and also in example of godly conuersation and liuing Robyn Papyst Nowe therfore I do aske you whether Christ hath not forbydden such priestes or ministers of his church to marye The true Christian No verelye as ye your selfe shall easely perceyue if ye will reade diligentlie the scriptures both of the old and newe Testament Robyn Papyst As I haue sayd vnto you already our preachers of London do stoutely affyrme that it is in no wise lawefull for a pryeste to marye nor for a man that is maryed to be a pryest The true Christian In deede it is not lawefmll for popishe priestes to marye what pryests they be that may not marye if they wyll folowe the ordinaunces constitutions and lawes of your holye father the pope For according to his rule he hathe rather that his pryestes be whoremongers Sodomites and filthye adulterers as he is him selfe than that they should be honest maried men according to the institution of our sauiour Iesu Chryst Robin Papist Howe knowe ye that to be true The true Christian God wot it is very easy to be knowen For if one of his pryestes be found or taken in aduoutrye Good iustice I warrant you or in whoredome by geuyng the byshop a noble or two or by bryngyng a couple or two of fatte capons vnto the commissarie he shal be quittted and let go But vppon a condition that he doe it warely afterwardes but if anye of them should go about to take a wife and so marye according to the institution and ordinaunce of god for to kepe him self an vndefiled membre of our sauiour Iesu chryst he shall be brent vp lyke an heretike whereby ye may knowe that he hath rather that his pryestes should walowe in fylthye and stynkinge whoredome It is a plaine blasphemye agaynste the god in earthe so to doe than that they should ones marye and that he doth esteme it to be a greater sinne to mary than to be a cōmon whorehunter Robyn Papyst But they saye that the church hath so ordeyned long a go ♣ The tru● Chrystian I graunt that the popishe church hathe so ordeyned but not the true church of Christe i. Timo. iii. The true Churche of Chryste doth set forthe nothynge contrary to the lawes and worde of God For the true and faythfull churche of our sauiour Iesu Christ which is the house of god the piller and staye of the truth will neuer take vpon her to set forth any thing contrarye to the minde of her true husband and head our sauiour Iesu Chryste nor yet to teache anye thing that might hinder the liberty and fredome that he hath both purchased and geuen vnto his faythfull seruaunts and ministers This true and faythfull churche I saye suffering her selfe to be ruled guyded and gouerned by the onelye worde and spiryte of her head and mayster our sauiour Iesu Chryste will in no wise presume to forbidde any thinge that our sauiour Iesus Chryste hath commaunded nor to commaunde any thing that he hath prohibited and forbydden Robyn Papist But they do stoutelie maynteyne that this is done accordinge to the scriptures and worde of god Exod. xix The fyrste argument that the Papistes of oure time do bring againste the maryage of pryestes For whē the euerliuing and eternal god did go about to deliuer his lawe vnto Moses the same Moses being inspyred of the holye ghoste did geue a commaundement vnto the people that they should abstayne from theyr owne wiues The true Christian Aunswere to it That example serueth nothynge for the popyshe church if ye do well consider the wordes of Moyses For he did generally forbydde al the people to come to theyr wiues but your holy father the pope doth onelye forbydde his priestes Agayne Moses saith not I commaund charge you that ye neuer come to your wiues Exo. xix or that ye neuer mary but saith only be ready agaynst the third day come not at your wiues As if Moses wold haue sayde Ye must sanctifye your selues these three dayes therfore ye shall ceasse from all your bodelye laboures and workes and also from the vse of your owne wiues that ye may the better praye vnto God and thinke on those thinges that God hathe appoynted to do on the thyrde daye Ye see that Moses doth commaund the people to abstayne from theyr bodelye laboures why the people was bydden to reframe from their wyues and companyng wyth theyr wyues onelye for three dayes that they myghte be the more readye both to praye and also to receyue the highe misteryes that God has appoynted to shewe vnto them the thyrd daye The lyke dothe the blessed Apostell saynct Paule say vnto all christians that be maryed speakyng after this maner i. Corin. vii This place shal be more largelye entreated of afteewardes aboute the middes of the booke wythdrawe not your selues one from an other except it be with consente for a time for to geue your selues to fastynge and prayer And afterwardes come together againe least Sathan tempt you for your incontinenci● Ye see that Sayncte Paule will not haue a man to withdrawe him selfe from his wyfe nor the wyfe from her husbande but as farre forthe as the one can forbeare the other And if ye consider wel the wordes of Sayncte Paule ye shall soone perceyue that he wil not haue the man and the wyfe to be longe a sunder leaste Sathan the Deuell do tempt them and make theym to fall into some abhominable sin through theyr incontinencye For as a man can not alwayes praye and false so can not he be alwayes wythout his o●ne wyfe For to praye to faste and to liue chastely without the company of a woman are special giftes of almighty God whyche he geueth to whom it pleaseth him and for as long as he thinketh it expedient Marke then that Moses did not giue a commaundemente to the pryestes onelye that they shoulde abstayne from they wiues The example of Moyses can serue nothyng for the Pope but also to the hole people Therfore if your holye father the pope wyll haue this place to serue for his purpose he must aswell forbydde all the chrystian people to marye as his pryestes For whye The one doth stande wyth no more reason than the other ¶ Robyn Papyst Our holye father the pope doth forbydde pryestes to marye Obiection because that they are appoynted in the churche to minister the holye misteryes vnto the people and also because that they are mediatoures betwixt god and vs. The true Christian Answere I aunswere that Moses