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truth_n church_n holy_a scripture_n 9,894 5 6.0621 4 true
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B07910 A forme of prayer, with thankesgiuing, to bee vsed of all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects euery yeere the 27. of March. Being the day of His Highnesse entry to this kingdome. ; Set forth by authority. Church of England.; Norton, Bonham, 1565-1635.; Bill, John, d. 1630. 1626 (1626) STC 16485; ESTC S125766 19,447 46

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the_o gentile_n that_o they_o which_o speak_v evil_a of_o you_o as_o of_o evil_a doer_n may_v by_o your_o good_a work_n which_o they_o shall_v see_v glorify_v god_n in_o the_o day_n of_o the_o visitation_n submit_v yourselves_o unto_o all_o manner_n ordinance_n of_o man_n for_o the_o lord_n sake_n whether_o it_o be_v unto_o the_o king_n as_o unto_o the_o superior_a or_o unto_o governor_n as_o unto_o they_o that_o be_v send_v of_o he_o for_o the_o punishment_n of_o evil_a doer_n and_o for_o the_o praise_n of_o they_o that_o do_v well_o for_o so_o be_v the_o will_n of_o god_n that_o by_o well_o do_v you_o may_v put_v to_o silence_v the_o ignorance_n of_o the_o foolish_a man_n as_o free_a and_o not_o as_o have_v the_o liberty_n for_o a_o cloak_n of_o maliciousness_n but_o as_o the_o servant_n of_o god_n honour_n all_o man_n love_v brotherly_a fellowship_n fear_v god_n honour_v the_o king_n the_o gospel_n 16._o mat._n 22_o 16._o and_o they_o send_v unto_o he_o their_o disciple_n with_o the_o herodian_o say_v master_n we_o know_v that_o thou_o be_v true_a and_o teach_v the_o way_n of_o god_n true_o neither_o care_v for_o any_o man_n for_o thou_o consider_v not_o the_o person_n of_o man_n tell_v we_o therefore_o how_o think_v thou_o be_v it_o lawful_a to_o give_v tribute_n unto_o cesar_n or_o not_o but_o jesus_n perceive_v their_o wickedness_n and_o say_v why_o tempt_v you_o i_o you_o hypocrite_n show_v i_o the_o tribute_n money_n and_o they_o bring_v he_o a_o penny_n and_o he_o say_v unto_o they_o who_o be_v this_o image_n and_o superscription_n they_o say_v unto_o he_o caesar_n then_o say_v he_o unto_o they_o give_v therefore_o to_o cesar_n the_o thing_n which_o be_v caesar_n and_o give_v unto_o god_n those_o thing_n which_o be_v go_n and_o when_o they_o hear_v it_o they_o marvel_v and_o leave_v he_o and_o go_v their_o way_n i_o believe_v in_o one_o god_n the_o father_n almighty_a maker_n of_o heaven_n and_o earth_n and_o of_o all_o thing_n visible_a and_o invisible_a and_o in_o one_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n the_o only_o beget_v son_n of_o god_n beget_v of_o his_o father_n before_o all_o world_n god_n of_o god_n light_a of_o light_n very_a god_n of_o very_a god_n beget_v not_o make_v be_v of_o one_o substance_n with_o the_o father_n by_o who_o all_o thing_n be_v make_v who_o for_o we_o man_n and_o for_o our_o salvation_n come_v down_o from_o heaven_n and_o be_v incarnate_a by_o the_o holy_a ghost_n of_o the_o virgin_n marie_n and_o be_v make_v man_n and_o be_v crucify_v also_o for_o we_o under_o pontius_n pilate_n he_o suffer_v and_o be_v bury_v and_o the_o three_o day_n he_o rise_v again_o according_a to_o the_o scripture_n and_o ascend_v into_o heaven_n and_o sit_v at_o the_o right_a hand_n of_o the_o father_n and_o he_o shall_v come_v again_o with_o glory_n to_o judge_v both_o the_o quick_a and_o the_o dead_a who_o kingdom_n shall_v have_v no_o end_n and_o i_o believe_v in_o the_o holy_a ghost_n the_o lord_n and_o giver_n of_o life_n who_o proceed_v from_o the_o father_n and_o the_o son_n who_o with_o the_o father_n and_o the_o son_n together_o be_v worship_v and_o glorify_v who_o speak_v by_o the_o prophet_n and_o i_o believe_v one_o catholic_n and_o apostolic_a church_n i_o acknowledge_v one_o baptism_n for_o the_o remission_n of_o sin_n and_o i_o look_v for_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a and_o the_o life_n of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v amen_n 5._o matth._n 5._o let_v your_o light_n so_o shine_v before_o man_n that_o they_o may_v see_v your_o good_a work_n and_o glorify_v your_o father_n which_o be_v in_o heaven_n ¶_o let_v we_o pray_v for_o the_o whole_a state_n of_o christ_n church_n militant_a here_o in_o earth_n almighty_a and_o everliving_a god_n which_o by_o thy_o holy_a apostle_n have_v teach_v we_o to_o make_v prayer_n and_o supplication_n and_o to_o give_v thanks_n for_o all_o man_n we_o humble_o beseech_v thou_o most_o merciful_o to_o receive_v these_o our_o prayer_n which_o we_o offer_v unto_o thy_o divine_a majesty_n beseech_v thou_o to_o inspire_v continual_o the_o universal_a church_n with_o the_o spirit_n of_o truth_n unity_n and_o concord_n and_o grant_v that_o all_o they_o that_o do_v confess_v thy_o holy_a name_n may_v agree_v in_o the_o truth_n of_o thy_o holy_a word_n and_o live_v in_o unity_n and_o godly_a love_n we_o beseech_v thou_o also_o to_o save_v and_o defend_v all_o christian_a king_n prince_n and_o governor_n and_o especial_o thy_o servant_n charles_n our_o king_n that_o under_o he_o we_o may_v be_v godly_a and_o quiet_o govern_v and_o grant_v unto_o his_o whole_a counsel_n and_o to_o all_o that_o be_v put_v in_o authority_n under_o he_o that_o they_o may_v true_o and_o indifferent_o minister_v justice_n to_o the_o punishment_n of_o wickedness_n and_o vice_n and_o to_o the_o maintenance_n of_o god_n true_a religion_n and_o virtue_n give_v grace_n o_o heavenly_a father_n to_o all_o bishop_n pastor_n &_o curate_n that_o they_o may_v both_o by_o their_o life_n &_o doctrine_n set_v forth_o thy_o true_a and_o lively_a word_n and_o right_o and_o due_o administer_v thy_o holy_a sacrament_n and_o to_o all_o thy_o people_n give_v thy_o heavenly_a grace_n and_o especial_o to_o this_o congregation_n here_o present_a that_o with_o meek_a heart_n and_o due_a reverence_n they_o may_v hear_v and_o receive_v thy_o holy_a word_n true_o serve_v thou_o in_o holiness_n and_o righteousness_n all_o the_o day_n of_o their_o life_n and_o we_o most_o humble_o beseech_v thou_o of_o thy_o goodness_n o_o lord_n to_o comfort_v and_o succour_n all_o they_o which_o in_o this_o transitory_a life_n be_v in_o trouble_n sorrow_n need_n sickness_n or_o any_o other_o adversity_n grant_v this_o o_o father_n for_o jesus_n christ_n sake_n our_o only_a mediator_n and_o advocate_n amen_n o_o lord_n our_o god_n son_n of_o the_o eternal_a father_n which_o upholde_v and_o govern_v all_o thing_n in_o heaven_n and_o earth_n by_o the_o word_n of_o thy_o power_n receive_v our_o humble_a prayer_n with_o thanksgiving_n for_o our_o sovereign_a lord_n king_n charles_n set_v over_o we_o by_o thy_o grace_n and_o providence_n to_o be_v our_o king_n and_o governor_n and_o so_o together_o with_o his_o majesty_n bless_v our_o gracious_a queen_n and_o the_o rest_n of_o his_o royal_a alliance_n with_o the_o dew_n of_o thy_o heavenly_a spirit_n that_o they_o ever_o trust_v in_o thy_o goodness_n protect_v by_o thy_o power_n and_o crown_v with_o thy_o gracious_a and_o endless_a favour_n may_v continue_v before_o thou_o in_o health_n and_o peace_n joy_n and_o honour_n a_o long_a and_o happy_a generation_n upon_o earth_n and_o after_o death_n obtain_v everlasting_a life_n and_o glory_n in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n by_o thy_o merit_n and_o mediation_n who_o with_o the_o father_n and_o the_o holy_a spirit_n live_v and_o reign_v ever_o one_o god_n world_n without_o end_n amen_n almighty_a god_n which_o have_v promise_v to_o hear_v the_o petition_n of_o they_o that_o ask_v in_o thy_o son_n name_n we_o beseech_v thou_o merciful_o to_o incline_v thy_o ear_n to_o we_o that_o have_v make_v now_o our_o prayer_n and_o supplication_n unto_o thou_o and_o grant_v that_o those_o thing_n which_o we_o have_v faithful_o ask_v according_a to_o thy_o will_n may_v effectual_o be_v obtain_v to_o the_o relief_n of_o our_o necessity_n and_o to_o the_o set_v forth_o of_o thy_o glory_n through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n amen_o the_o peace_n of_o god_n which_o pass_v all_o understanding_n keep_v your_o heart_n and_o mind_n in_o the_o knowledge_n and_o love_n of_o god_n and_o of_o his_o son_n jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n and_o the_o blessing_n of_o god_n almighty_a the_o father_n the_o son_n and_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v among_o you_o and_o remain_v with_o you_o always_o amen_n ¶_o imprint_v at_o london_n by_o bonham_n norton_n and_o john_n bill_n printer_n to_o the_o king_n most_o excellent_a majesty_n 1625._o
a_o form_n of_o prayer_n with_o thanksgiving_n to_o be_v use_v of_o all_o the_o king_n majesty_n love_v subject_n every_o year_n the_o 27._o of_o march_n be_v the_o day_n of_o his_o highness_n entry_n to_o this_o kingdom_n set_a forth_o by_o authority_n ¶_o imprint_v at_o london_n by_o bonham_n norton_n and_o john_n bill_n printer_n to_o the_o king_n most_o excellent_a majesty_n anno_fw-la 1626._o ¶_o cum_fw-la privilegio_fw-la fides_n humilitas_fw-la ¶_o a_o order_n for_o morning_n prayer_n to_o be_v use_v the_o 27._o of_o march_n 1._o tim._n 2._o vers_fw-la 1._o i_o exhort_v you_o therefore_o that_o first_o of_o all_o prayer_n supplication_n intercession_n and_o give_v of_o thanks_n be_v make_v for_o all_o man_n for_o prince_n and_o for_o all_o that_o be_v in_o authority_n that_o we_o may_v live_v a_o quiet_a and_o peaceable_a life_n in_o all_o godliness_n and_o honesty_n for_o that_o be_v good_a and_o acceptable_a in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n our_o saviour_n ¶_o you_o shall_v understand_v that_o every_o thing_n in_o this_o book_n be_v place_v in_o order_n as_o it_o shall_v be_v use_v without_o turn_v to_o and_o fro_o save_v the_o two_o lesson_n take_v out_o of_o the_o old_a testament_n of_o which_o you_o may_v choose_v either_o as_o you_o think_v best_a for_o the_o first_o lesson_n at_o this_o morning_n prayer_n and_o in_o cathedral_n church_n the_o minister_n may_v use_v either_o of_o the_o other_o two_o for_o the_o first_o lesson_n at_o evening_n prayer_n ¶_o first_n the_o minister_n shall_v with_o a_o loud_a voice_n pronounce_v some_o one_o of_o these_o three_o sentence_n as_o in_o the_o book_n of_o common_a prayer_n 18._o ezech._n 18._o at_o what_o time_n soever_o a_o sinner_n do_v repent_v he_o of_o his_o sin_n from_o the_o bottom_n of_o his_o heart_n i_o will_v put_v all_o his_o wickedness_n out_o of_o my_o remembrance_n say_v the_o lord_n 2._o joel_n 2._o rend_a your_o heart_n and_o not_o your_o garment_n and_o turn_v to_o the_o lord_n your_o god_n because_o he_o be_v gentle_a and_o merciful_a he_o be_v patient_a and_o of_o much_o mercy_n and_o such_o a_o one_o that_o be_v sorry_a for_o your_o affliction_n if_o we_o say_v that_o we_o have_v no_o sin_n we_o deceive_v ourselves_o and_o there_o be_v no_o truth_n in_o us._n dear_a belove_a brethren_n the_o scripture_n move_v we_o in_o sundry_a place_n to_o acknowledge_v and_o confess_v our_o manifold_a sin_n and_o wickedness_n and_o that_o we_o shall_v not_o dissemble_v nor_o cloak_v they_o before_o the_o face_n of_o almighty_a god_n our_o heavenly_a father_n but_o confess_v they_o with_o a_o humble_a lowly_a penitent_a and_o obedient_a heart_n to_o the_o end_n that_o we_o may_v obtain_v forgiveness_n of_o the_o same_o by_o his_o infinite_a goodness_n and_o mercy_n and_o although_o we_o ought_v at_o all_o time_n humble_o to_o acknowledge_v our_o sin_n before_o god_n yet_o ought_v we_o most_o chief_o so_o to_o do_v when_o we_o assemble_v and_o meet_v together_o to_o render_v thanks_n for_o the_o great_a benefit_n that_o we_o have_v receive_v at_o his_o hand_n to_o set_v forth_o his_o most_o worthy_a praise_n to_o hear_v his_o most_o holy_a word_n &_o to_o ask_v those_o thing_n which_o be_v requisite_a and_o necessary_a as_o well_o for_o the_o body_n as_o the_o soul_n wherefore_o i_o pray_v and_o beseech_v you_o as_o many_o as_o be_v here_o present_a to_o accompany_v i_o with_o a_o pure_a heart_n and_o humble_a voice_n unto_o the_o throne_n of_o the_o heavenly_a grace_n say_v after_o i_o a_o general_a confession_n to_o be_v say_v of_o the_o whole_a congregation_n after_o the_o minister_n kneel_v almighty_a and_o most_o merciful_a father_n we_o have_v err_v &_o stray_v from_o thy_o way_n like_v lose_v sheep_n we_o have_v follow_v too_o much_o the_o device_n and_o desire_n of_o our_o own_o heart_n we_o have_v offend_v against_o thy_o holy_a law_n we_o have_v leave_v undo_v those_o thing_n which_o we_o ought_v to_o have_v do_v and_o we_o have_v do_v those_o thing_n which_o we_o ought_v not_o to_o have_v do_v and_o there_o be_v no_o health_n in_o we_o but_o thou_o o_o lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o miserable_a offender_n spare_v thou_o they_o o_o god_n which_o confess_v their_o fault_n restore_v thou_o they_o that_o be_v penitent_a according_a to_o thy_o promise_n declare_v unto_o mankind_n in_o christ_n jesu_n our_o lord_n and_o grant_v o_o most_o merciful_a father_n for_o his_o sake_n that_o we_o may_v hereafter_o live_v a_o godly_a righteous_a and_o sober_a life_n to_o the_o glory_n of_o thy_o holy_a name_n amen_n the_o absolution_n or_o remission_n of_o sin_n to_o be_v pronounce_v by_o the_o priest_n alone_o almighty_a god_n the_o father_n of_o our_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n which_o desire_v not_o the_o death_n of_o a_o sinner_n but_o rather_o that_o he_o may_v turn_v from_o his_o wickedness_n and_o live_v and_o have_v give_v power_n and_o commandment_n to_o his_o minister_n to_o declare_v and_o pronounce_v to_o his_o people_n be_v penitent_a the_o absolution_n and_o remission_n of_o their_o sin_n he_o pardon_v and_o absolu_v all_o they_o which_o true_o repent_v and_o unfeigned_o believe_v his_o holy_a gospel_n wherefore_o we_o beseech_v he_o to_o grant_v we_o true_a repentance_n and_o his_o holy_a spirit_n that_o those_o thing_n may_v please_v he_o which_o we_o do_v at_o this_o present_a and_o that_o the_o rest_n of_o our_o life_n hereafter_o may_v be_v pure_a and_o holy_a so_o that_o at_o the_o last_o we_o may_v come_v to_o his_o eternal_a joy_n through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n the_o people_n shall_v answer_v amen_n ¶_o then_o shall_v the_o minister_n begin_v the_o lord_n prayer_n with_o a_o loud_a voice_n our_o father_n which_o be_v in_o heaven_n hallow_a be_v thy_o name_n thy_o kingdom_n come_v thy_o will_v be_v do_v in_o earth_n as_o it_o be_v in_o heaven_n give_v we_o this_o day_n our_o daily_a bread_n and_o forgive_v we_o our_o trespass_n as_o we_o forgive_v they_o that_o trespass_n against_o us._n and_o lead_v we_o not_o into_o temptation_n but_o deliver_v we_o from_o evil_a amen_n then_o likewise_o he_o shall_v say_v o_o lord_n open_v thou_o our_o lip_n answer_n and_o our_o mouth_n shall_v show_v forth_o thy_o praise_n minister_n o_o god_n make_v speed_n to_o save_v us._n answer_n o_o lord_n make_v haste_n to_o help_v us._n minister_n glory_n be_v to_o the_o father_n and_o to_o the_o son_n and_o to_o the_o holy_a ghost_n as_o it_o be_v in_o the_o beginning_n be_v now_o and_o ever_o shall_v be_v world_n without_o end_n amen_n ¶_o praise_v you_o the_o lord_n then_o shall_v be_v say_v or_o sing_v this_o psalm_n follow_v o_o come_v let_v we_o sing_v unto_o the_o lord_n let_v we_o hearty_o rejoice_v in_o the_o strength_n of_o our_o salvation_n let_v we_o come_v before_o his_o presence_n with_o thanksgiving_n and_o show_v ourselves_o glad_a in_o he_o with_o psalm_n for_o the_o lord_n be_v a_o great_a god_n and_o a_o great_a king_n above_o all_o god_n in_o his_o hand_n be_v all_o the_o corner_n of_o the_o earth_n and_o she_o strength_n of_o the_o hill_n be_v his_o also_o the_o sea_n be_v he_o and_o he_o make_v it_o and_o his_o hand_n prepare_v the_o dry_a land_n o_o come_v let_v we_o worship_n and_o fall_v down_o and_o kneel_v before_o the_o lord_n our_o maker_n for_o he_o be_v the_o lord_n our_o god_n and_o we_o be_v the_o people_n of_o his_o pasture_n and_o the_o sheep_n of_o his_o hand_n to_o day_n if_o you_o will_v hear_v his_o voice_n harden_v not_o your_o heart_n as_o in_o the_o provocation_n and_o as_o in_o the_o day_n of_o temptation_n in_o the_o wilderness_n when_o your_o father_n tempt_v i_o prove_v i_o and_o see_v my_o work_n forty_o year_n long_o be_v i_o greeve_v with_o this_o generation_n and_o say_v it_o be_v a_o people_n that_o do_v err_v in_o their_o heart_n for_o they_o have_v not_o know_v my_o way_n unto_o who_o i_o swear_v in_o my_o wrath_n that_o they_o shall_v not_o enter_v into_o my_o rest_n glory_n be_v to_o the_o father_n etc._n etc._n as_o it_o be_v in_o the_o beginning_n etc._n etc._n exaudiat_fw-la te_fw-la dominus_fw-la psal_n 20._o the_o lord_n hear_v thou_o in_o the_o day_n of_o trouble_n the_o name_n of_o the_o god_n of_o jacob_n defend_v thou_o send_v thou_o help_v from_o the_o sanctuary_n and_o strengthen_v thou_o out_o of_o zion_n remember_v all_o thy_o offering_n and_o accept_v thy_o burn_a sacrifice_n grant_v thou_o thy_o heart_n desire_v and_o small_a all_o thy_o mind_n we_o will_v rejoice_v in_o thy_o salvation_n and_o triumph_v in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n our_o god_n the_o lord_n perform_v all_o thy_o petition_n now_o know_v i_o that_o the_o lord_n help_v his_o anointed_n and_o will_v hear_v he_o from_o his_o holy_a heaven_n even_o with_o the_o
the_o happy_a continuance_n of_o our_o peace_n and_o welfare_n and_o to_o the_o bless_a maintenance_n of_o thy_o gospel_n and_o true_a religion_n among_o we_o we_o praise_v and_o magnify_v thy_o holy_a name_n for_o this_o thy_o great_a and_o marvelous_a mercy_n most_o humble_o beseech_v thou_o of_o thy_o infinite_a goodness_n so_o evermore_o to_o bless_v and_o protect_v his_o majesty_n with_o thy_o grace_n and_o heavenly_a favour_n that_o he_o may_v always_o serve_v thou_o in_o true_a faith_n and_o godliness_n govern_v thy_o people_n in_o peace_n and_o righteousness_n vanquish_v and_o overcome_v all_o his_o enemy_n and_o final_o after_o a_o long_a and_o prosperous_a reign_n on_o earth_n inherit_v with_o thou_o a_o everlasting_a kingdom_n in_o heaven_n through_o thy_o son_n our_o lord_n and_o saviour_n jesus_n christ_n amen_n almighty_a god_n the_o fountain_n of_o all_o goodness_n we_o humble_o beseech_v thou_o to_o bless_v our_o gracious_a queen_n mary_n frederick_n the_o prince_n elector_n palatine_n &_o the_o lady_n elizabeth_n his_o wife_n with_o their_o princely_a issue_n endue_v they_o with_o thy_o holy_a spirit_n enrich_v they_o with_o thy_o heavenly_a grace_n prosper_v they_o with_o all_o happiness_n and_o bring_v they_o to_o thy_o everlasting_a kingdom_n through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n amen_n almighty_a and_o everlasting_a god_n which_o only_o work_v great_a marueile_n send_v down_o upon_o our_o bishop_n and_o curate_n and_o all_o congregation_n commit_v to_o their_o charge_n the_o healthful_a spirit_n of_o thy_o grace_n and_o that_o they_o may_v true_o please_v thou_o power_n upon_o they_o the_o continual_a dew_n of_o thy_o blessing_n grant_v this_o o_o lord_n for_o the_o honour_n of_o our_o advocate_n and_o mediator_n jesus_n christ_n amen_n a_o prayer_n of_o chrysostome_n almighty_a god_n which_o have_v give_v we_o grace_n at_o this_o time_n with_o one_o accord_n to_o make_v our_o common_a supplication_n unto_o thou_o and_o do_v promise_n that_o when_o two_o or_o three_o be_v gather_v together_o in_o thy_o name_n thou_o will_v grant_v their_o request_n fulfil_v now_o o_o lord_n the_o desire_n and_o petition_n of_o thy_o servant_n as_o may_v be_v most_o expedient_a for_o they_o grant_v we_o in_o this_o world_n knowledge_n of_o thy_o truth_n and_o in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v life_n everlasting_a amen_n the_o grace_n of_o our_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n and_o the_o love_n of_o god_n and_o the_o fellowship_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v with_o we_o all_o evermore_o amen_n ❧_o the_o second_o service_n our_o father_n which_o be_v in_o heaven_n hallow_v be_v thy_o name_n thy_o kingdom_n come_v thy_o will_v be_v do_v in_o earth_n as_o it_o be_v in_o heaven_n give_v we_o this_o day_n our_o daily_a bread_n and_o forgive_v we_o our_o trespass_n as_o we_o forgive_v they_o that_o trespass_n against_o us._n and_o lead_v we_o not_o into_o temptation_n but_o deliver_v we_o from_o all_o evil_a amen_n almighty_a god_n unto_o who_o all_o heart_n be_v open_a all_o desire_v know_v and_o from_o who_o no_o secret_n be_v hide_v cleanse_v the_o thought_n of_o our_o heart_n by_o the_o inspiration_n of_o thy_o holy_a spirit_n that_o we_o may_v perfect_o love_v thou_o and_o worthy_o magnify_v thy_o holy_a name_n through_o christ_n our_o lord_n amen_n minister_n god_n speak_v these_o word_n and_o say_v i_o be_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n thou_o shall_v have_v none_o other_o god_n but_o i_o people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o heart_n to_o keep_v this_o law_n minister_n thou_o shall_v not_o make_v to_o thyself_o any_o grave_a image_n nor_o the_o likeness_n of_o any_o thing_n that_o be_v in_o heaven_n above_o or_o in_o the_o earth_n beneath_o or_o in_o the_o water_n under_o the_o earth_n thou_o shall_v not_o bow_v down_o to_o they_o nor_o worship_v they_o for_o i_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n be_o a_o jealous_a god_n and_o visit_v the_o sin_n of_o the_o father_n upon_o the_o child_n unto_o the_o three_o and_o four_o generation_n of_o they_o that_o hate_v i_o and_o show_v mercy_n unto_o thousand_o in_o they_o that_o love_v i_o and_o keep_v my_o commandment_n people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o etc._n etc._n minister_n thou_o shall_v not_o take_v the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n in_o vain_a for_o the_o lord_n will_v not_o hold_v he_o guiltless_a that_o take_v his_o name_n in_o vain_a people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o etc._n etc._n minister_n remember_v that_o thou_o keep_v holy_a the_o sabbath_n day_n six_o day_n shall_v thou_o labour_v and_o do_v all_o that_o thou_o have_v to_o do_v but_o the_o seven_o day_n be_v the_o sabbath_n of_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n in_o it_o thou_o shall_v do_v no_o manner_n of_o work_n thou_o and_o thy_o son_n and_o thy_o daughter_n thy_o man_n servant_n &_o thy_o maid_n servant_n thy_o cattle_n &_o the_o strange_a that_o be_v within_o thy_o gate_n for_o in_o six_o day_n the_o lord_n make_v heaven_n &_o earth_n the_o sea_n and_o all_o that_o in_o they_o be_v and_o rest_v the_o seven_o day_n wherefore_o the_o lord_n bless_v the_o seven_o day_n and_o hallow_v it_o people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o etc._n etc._n minister_n honour_n thy_o father_n and_o thy_o mother_n that_o thy_o day_n may_v be_v long_o in_o the_o land_n which_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n give_v thou_o people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o etc._n etc._n minister_n thou_o shall_v do_v no_o murder_n people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o etc._n etc._n minister_n thou_o shall_v not_o commit_v adultery_n people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o etc._n etc._n minister_n thou_o shall_v not_o steal_v people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o etc._n etc._n minister_n thou_o shall_v not_o bear_v false_a witness_n against_o thy_o neighbour_n people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o incline_v our_o heart_n to_o keep_v this_o law_n minister_n thou_o shall_v not_o covet_v thy_o neighbour_n house_n thou_o shall_v not_o covet_v thy_o neighbour_n wife_n nor_o his_o servant_n nor_o his_o maid_n nor_o his_o ox_n nor_o his_o ass_n nor_o any_o thing_n that_o be_v he_o people_n lord_n have_v mercy_n upon_o we_o and_o write_v all_o these_o thy_o law_n in_o our_o heart_n we_o beseech_v thou_o let_v we_o pray_v almighty_a god_n who_o kingdom_n be_v everlasting_a and_o power_n infinite_a have_v mercy_n upon_o the_o whole_a congregation_n and_o so_o rule_v the_o heart_n of_o thy_o choose_a servant_n charles_n our_o king_n and_o governor_n that_o he_o know_v who_o minister_n he_o be_v may_v above_o all_o thing_n seek_v thy_o honour_n and_o glory_n and_o that_o we_o his_o subject_n due_o consider_v who_o authority_n he_o have_v may_v faithful_o serve_v honour_n and_o humble_o obey_v he_o in_o thou_o and_o for_o thou_o according_a to_o thy_o bless_a word_n &_o ordinance_n through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n who_o with_o thou_o and_o the_o holy_a ghost_n live_v and_o reign_v ever_o one_o god_n world_n without_o end_n amen_o ¶_o or_o this_o o_o most_o gracious_a god_n and_o merciful_a father_n we_o thy_o unworthy_a servant_n acknowledge_v it_o thy_o special_a care_n and_o fatherly_a providence_n over_o we_o that_o it_o have_v please_v thou_o for_o the_o good_a of_o thy_o church_n and_o glory_n of_o this_o land_n to_o place_v thy_o servant_n king_n charles_n our_o sovereign_n lord_n in_o the_o royal_a seat_n of_o this_o kingdom_n give_v we_o by_o he_o and_o with_o he_o a_o happy_a continuance_n of_o thy_o sacred_a truth_n &_o gospel_n and_o of_o our_o former_a peace_n and_o prosperity_n together_o with_o a_o great_a increase_n of_o honour_n power_n and_o dignity_n beseech_v thou_o to_o grant_v unto_o he_o the_o defence_n of_o thy_o salvation_n and_o to_o show_v forth_o thy_o holy_a kindness_n and_o mercy_n both_o to_o his_o majesty_n thou_o anoint_v and_o to_o thy_o servant_n our_o gracious_a queen_n mary_n with_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o royal_a seed_n for_o evermore_o and_o to_o stir_v up_o in_o our_o heart_n a_o dutiful_a and_o loyal_a obedience_n unto_o this_o thy_o ordinance_n and_o a_o religious_a and_o holy_a thankfulness_n unto_o thou_o for_o these_o thy_o great_a mercy_n through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n amen_o stir_v up_o we_o beseech_v thou_o o_o lord_n the_o will_n of_o thy_o faithful_a people_n that_o they_o plenteous_o bring_v forth_o the_o fruit_n of_o good_a work_n may_v of_o thou_o be_v plenteous_o reward_v through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n the_o epistle_n 11._o 1._o pet._n 2._o 11._o dear_a belove_a i_o beseech_v you_o as_o stranger_n and_o pilgrim_n abstain_v from_o fleshly_a lust_n which_o fight_v against_o the_o soul_n and_o have_v your_o conversation_n honest_a among_o