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A15781 A briefe treatise in which, is made playne, that Catholikes liuing and dying in their profession, may be saued, by the iudgement of the most famous and learned Protestants that euer were. Agaynst a minister [N.E.] who in his epistle exhorteth an honourable person, to forsake her ancient Catholike Roman Religion, & to become one of his new-found-out Protestant congregation. Wright, William, 1563-1639. 1623 (1623) STC 26044; ESTC S103083 31,010 52

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and haue set it downe for his Verdict perswading our selues that he could say no lesse truth which is more forcible then either rack or tormēt comp●lling him therunto For otherwise no mā willingly lyeth to his owne shame nor freely cōfesseth that which ouerthroweth his owne cause But what he vttereth against the Church of Rome for being accursed and anathematized by her for so many errors and heresies both in Luther Zuinglius and other old rotten hereticall Se F. Persons Relation of the Triall with his defence therof against Plessy and O. E by N. D. Semel mendax semper praes●mitur mendax Glossa Admitten●ū in l. Si cui crimen §. 1. ff de Accusation Alciat Menoch Rake-hells of former times we cannot so easily belieue but rather think thē no better then notorious vntruthes and meere slaunders as proceeding from him who had a great talent in this black Art of lying which publickely was made knowne to his eternall shame by cardinall Perone before the most Christian King and Court Luther VVhosoeuer is once taken in a lye know most certainly that he is not of God but ought to be suspected in all thinges In Assert Teuton art 25. But Plessy Mornay was conuinced before the King of Frāce in 9. one day and the exception that the Cardinall tooke agaynst him did cōcerne 4000. as is to be seene in the relation aboue cyted The Diuell hath his Prophets saith Ter●ullian whose badg mark is falsity lying so that it must of necessity fall whatsoeuer is built vpon such ● ground de praescr c. 40. of France and therfore we purposely haue forborne to disgrace the Iury with any such foule and fi●thy stuffe as he setteth downe in the latter part of his sentence seing it is folly sayth his learned Brother Vorstius to bring in the guilty as vvitnesses in their ovvne cause or rather to bring in one that hath byn condemned not once but so often to rage rayle and lye not only against his true and lawfull Iudge but also against many other Catholickes Peeres Princes Kings and Emperours who all according to Plessey should haue byn bred and borne bastards by an Adultresse and brought vp children Idolatours by an hereticall harlot for the Diuell But o my Plessey I pray thee how could she be an Adultresse against whom Hell gates were foretold neuer to preuayle or how could that Church be Hereticall which neuer was condemned eyther by any lawfull generall or prouinciall Councell or by any other iust commanding power or how could she bring vp children to the Diuell or be an Idolatresse who hath brought vp all to God that euer were brought to him since the first erecting of the Church of Christ as we haue shewed before These then are your malicious imputations and not those glorious tytles becōming Christs vnspotted Spouse and her who hath byn accompted alwayes the sacred Sanctuary and the holy Temple of the liuing God And therfore detesting your impieties we must rather giue eare and harken to that holy Byshop and glorious Martyr S. Cyprian who speaking of the Church wryteth S. Cyprian de vnitate Eccl. thus One Mother sayth he there is by the fecundity of her issu● copious and fertile by her increase vve are borne vvith her milk vve are nourished we are animated with her spirit The Spouse of Christ cannot play the aduoutresse she is imaculate and vndefiled she knoweth one house she keepeth with chast bashfulnes the sanctity of one bedd This Church preserueth vs in God this aduanceth to the Kingdome the children she hath brought forth whosoeuer deuided from the Church cleaueth to the aduoutresse is separated from the promises of the Church To whom we add S. Augustine the greatest of all the Fathers and worthyest Deuine the Church of God euer had since the Apostles if we may belieue D. Field who is styled lykewise the mouth of antiquity by other Protestants giuing vs this wholsome Coūsell against all s●ch slaunderers of the church of Rome For writing against the S. Aug. tom 7. de vnitate Eccles c. 11. lyke lies of the Donatists I know sayth he what is written in the holy and Canonicall Scriptures concerning the Church of Rome the fayth therof I know not what you say of her Apostacy or falling from her faith Truly as we doe read in bookes the which you also doe honour and reuerence of the Roman Church and fayth therof So also read you out of Bookes vnto vs the which we also doe honour and reuerence how she forsooke and lost her fayth Doth it please you that we should belieue euery slaunderous reproach of men vpon what occasion soeuer it was vttered and obiected against the Roman Church the which the Holy Ghost hath both deliuered and commended vnto vs by his holy Scriptures This indeed is pleasing to you but whom it should more iustly please you see well inough but you being ouercome by obstinacy will not yield to the truth We therfore being about to looke as well into the true doctrine and verity as into the holines and purity of this Church from whence doth proceed the security of liuing and dying well in her lappe we are to vse the testimonies especially of Famous Protestants to the end the banners of her glorie may be carryed about and displayed by the penns and mouthes of our Aduersaries that all whosoeuer are not maliciously bēt may therby extoll and magnify the infinit goodnes of Gods prouidence who hath made as we may say euē the enemies of his Church and children although otherwise partiall witnesses with open mouth to cry out and blaze abroad in effect That this is the seed and familie of Iesus Christ whom our Lord hath blessed yea and hath made the S. Cyprian l. 1. ep 3. holy Ghost to inspire the ancient Fathers to warrant vs that this is the Church to S. Hierom. l. 3. Apol. contra Ruffin which misbeliefe can haue no accesse which receaueth no forgery and though an Angell S Cyril apud D. Thom. in catena teach otherwise then hath byn once preached guarded with S. Pauls authoritie it cannot be changed which remayneth vnspotted from S. Gregor Nazianz in carm de vita sua all seducing and hereticall circumuention which hath the true fayth euen from the tymes of our for●●athers alwaies remayneth as is fit for a citty that ruleth the whole world to haue euer more a sound fayth to God Out of all which we may cōclude that this is that blessed Cōpany of holy ones that houshold of sāctity that spouse of christ church of the liuing God which is the Pillar and ground of truth whose cōmuniō we may boldly imbrace whose directions we may safely follow rest securely in her iudgments as in that sacred society the which for this 1600. yeares hath yielded vp all those blessed Soules of the Apostles Martyrs Confessors Virgins and of all the rest to God which now
the chiefe parts of the Christian faith D. White We agree with the Church of Rome in substantiall articles of fayth D. White in defence c. 38. 8. 273. D. Field The Roman and Latine Church continued the true Church of God euen till our tyme. And agayne we doubt not but the Church D. Field of the Church pag. 282. in which the Bishop of Rome exalted himselfe he addeth with more then Lucifer-life pride was notwithstanding the true Church of God that it held a sauing profession of the truth in Christ and by force thereof conuerted many Countreyes from errour to the way of truth D. Willet Antil pag. 144. D Willet It is not denyed by any Protestant but many renowned Kings and Queens which might not pleade ignorāce of the Roman Faith are Saints in heauen And speaking of his Maiesties D. Willet Antil of English Protest to the King mother he attributeth such holynes and truth to her Religion and her that it preuayled with God not only for herself but her sonne our Soueraygne also His wordes be these The child of such prayers teares cannot possibly fall away Bren. in Apol. pro confess Wittemb p. 297. Brentius We doubt not but that many haue obteyned true saluation in popery And speaking of S. Bernard whom D. Whitaker confesseth to haue been a member of the Roman Church he writeth Whitak ad oratio 7. Campian p. 30. Caluin Gregory Bernard were holy mē 4. instit c. 7. n. 22. Lubbertus we thinke truly that Bernard was a Saint l. 6. de Eccles c. 7. thus I iudge Bernard to haue been a man endewed with great piety and deuotion and to liue now happily with Christ Bishop Barlow in his third sermon The learneder writers do acknowledge the Church of Rome to be the Church of God D. Some agaynst Penry in diuers places auou●beth that Papists are not altogeather aliens frō Gods couenant That in the iudgement of all learned men and al reformed Churches there is in Popery a Church a ministery a true Christ If you thinke that all the Popish sect which dyed in the Popish Church are damned you think absurdly and dissent from the iudgement of the learned Protestants M. Bunny The Church of Rome hath Bunny in his Treatise tending to pacification Sect. 14. pag. 89. euer continued after a sort in profession of the fayth since the time that by the Apostles it was deliuered to them c. and hath in some manner also preserued and hitherto maintayned both the Word and Sacraments that Christ himselfe did leaue vnto vs which surely sayth he is a very speciall blessing and an euident worke of the Holy Ghost S. Edwin Sands writeth thus of the Roman Church There are among them vndoubtedly in Sir Edwin sads in his Relation num 48. great multitude men vertuous learned fraught with the loue of God and the truth aboue all things men of memorable integrity of hart affections In their Sermons much matter both of fayth and piety is eloquently deliuered by men of wonderfull zeale and spirit The outward state and glory of their seruice doth engender quicken increase and nourish the inward reuerence respect and deuotion which is due vnto soueraygne maiesty and power Their deeds of charity are exceeding No seuerity of life comparable to some of their religious If Protestants were or could be at vnion with them they shall find excellent order of gouernement singular helpes for increase of godlines and deuotion for the conquering of sinne for the profiting of vertue Yet in the chiefe of whome they send out Ibid. ● 25. to preach in the diligence and paynes which they take in their sermons in the ornaments of eloquence and grace of action in their shew of piety and reuerence towardes God zeale towards the truth of loue towardes his people which euen with teares they can often testify they match their aduersaries in the best and in the rest far exceed them But heerein the Iesuits carry the bell from all others hauing attayned the commendatiom and working the effect of perfect Orators of whome in Lent one in each Citty of Italy doth preach euery Day without intermission if their strength do serue them so as six dayes in the weeke they preach on the Ghospell of the dayes and on the Saturday in honour and praise of our Lady So euery yeare changing their preacher there is the delight of variety and in the daily continuing of the same the admiratiō of industry Some such like course it is to be thought the Iesuites hold also in other Countreys their proiects being certaine exactly pursued But wonderfull is the reputation which redounds thereby to their Order and exceding the aduantage which giueth to their fide For bookes of prayer piety all countreys are full of them at this day in their owne language c. In defēding their doctrine they dare enter into combat with the best of their repugnants and will not doubt either to entangle them so in the snares of their owne quirks or at least wise so put of his blowes with the word of their distinctions that an ordinary Orator shall neuer perceaue them to be vanquished and a fauorable Auditor shall report them vanquishers whereupon now they cry mainely in all places for triall by disputations Moreouer such is their diligence and dexterity in instructing that euen the Protestants thēselues in some places send their sons to their schooles vpon desire to haue them proue excellēt in those artes they teach This Order hath also their solemne Cathechizing in their Church on Sundaies and Holidayes for all youth that will come or can be drawne vnto it But this point of their schooles in instructing youth is thought of such moment by men of wisedome and iudment being taught so by very experience and triall thereof that the planting of a good Colledge of Iesuits in any place is esteemed the only sure way to replant that Religion and in time to eate out the contrary So far the Protestant Relator But to proceed from the common multitude of lay people and Ecclesiasticall persons to the Popes themselues this same anthour hath found much vertue deuotion and piety in those which haue been in these tymes and of the last Pope Clement the 8 he Relat. of Religion n. 42. 43. writeth thus He did often weepe vpon piety godly compassion at his Masses processions His eyes were still watering sometimes streaming with teares in so much that for weeping he seemed another Heraclitus He was a good Pope a good man a good Prelate a good Prince And as for the Lutheranes in Germany Relation n 45. they like the Religion of Catholiks so well that both the Clergy and Layty openly protest they will rather returne to the Roman Church then ioyne with the Sacramentary and predestinary pestilence The Puritans in this Nation in their late Offer of Conference preferre the Roman Church far before their
quite opposite to that which they giue out of the essentiall notes and markes of their church which is the pure preaching of the Word and the true administration of the Sacraments which to make inuisible were rather to be thought the dreames of mad men and bedlams thē the solid and sound doctrine of such great Rabbins and Doctors who for their supposed vertue learning would rather be accounted wise Sages by the commō people yea to be stiled Reformers forsooth and that of the true church of God frō whence we may cōclude that if there be no entry into lyfe vnlesse as M. Caluin saith the visibl● Chur●h like a Mother conceaue vs in her wombe vnles she bring vs forth vnles she feede vs with her breasts finally vnles she keepe vs vnder custody and gouernment vntill such tyme as be●ng vncloathed of mortall flesh we shal be like vnto Angels and noe other visible church can be assigned since christs tyme but the church of Rome as we haue seen we must needes inferre that as all whosoeuer haue been saued hitherto for all that tyme were members of the Romaine church euen so all those who desire to arriue to the happy hauē of Heauen hereafter must liue well dy● in that church otherwise they are neuer like to be partakers of that vnspeakable ioy which is the saluation of their owne soules and to liue with God for euer 3. Herehence for better vnderstāding of M. Caluin his verdict saying When God hath left his Cou●nant in France Ita●y Germany Spayne England since these Pro●inces haue byn oppressed with the tyrany of Antichrist whom he sayth is the Pope sitting in the Church of God yet that this Couenant might remayne inuio●able first he there preserued baptisme the testimony of his Couenant we gather that the Verdict which is set downe for him to wit that the Couenant of God hath remayned with them inuiolable to be most true for seing according to that of M. Caluin all those who were hitherto saued could not attayne their saluation but in the visible Church which was and is only the Church of Rome as we haue seene out of M. Nappier it followeth that in her the Couenāt of God could not but be kept inuiolable Againe if the Couenant of God was to be kept inuiolable in any company especially in that which is the Church of Christ the Sanctuary and Temple of God Serauia also wil help M. Caluins Verdict who saith That the Couenant of God to this day doth remaine in the latyn Church In defens l. de gratia Minist pag. 31. As concerning the baptizing of the ch●drē o● Catholiks how they are cōteyned within the Couenat Se the Protest Apol. Tract 1. Sect. 6. p. 172. 173. 174. M. Caluin It is therfore called Catholicke or Vniuersall because we cannot find two or three Churches but that Christ must b● torne in sunder which cannot be done l. 4. c. 1. n. 2. But betwixt the yeare of Christ 300. 316. the Antichristian Papisticall raigne beg●n raigning vniuersally without any debatable ●ontradiction for 1260. yeares last past before Luther So M Napp●er vpon the Reuel propos 37. pag. 68. And no other can be assigned to haue had this vniuersality therfore she is the only true Church of Christ but M. Caluin enobleth the church of Rome with all these titles therfore we may well conclude in his iudgmēt that the couenant of God was kept inuiolable in the Church of Rome Moreouer if Antichrist who is the Pope according to Caluin doth sit in the Church of God or which is all one in the Church of Rome of the which the Pope is head the church of God be but One as himself auoucheth it cannot but follow that eyther the Couenant is kept inuiolable in the church of Rome or no where but to say it was kept no where cannot be but most absurd and therfore the other must of necessity be most true to wit the Verdict set down out M. Caluin that the couenāt remayneth with them that is with the catholikes and that inuiolable Neyther can any auoyd this by obiecting that Caluin doth not so much say that the Church as the ruines therof and it half throwne downe are seene vnder the Pope for so the church of christ saith Bellarmine had fallen and the truth had lyed saying The gates of Hell shall not preuayle against it And againe neither the Luthera●s nor the Caluinists could be members of the true church for the whole is fallen and the ruins of the church half thrown down is among the Papists vnder Antichrist if they say they haue a new building in that it is new it is not christs and who seeth not that it is better to be in the church of christ half pulled downe then in none seeing that ther is kept the couenant inuiolable or els no were To this we add that the Apostle sayth not that Antichrist shall sit in the ruines or rubbish of the church but absolutly he shall sit in the Temple of God if thē the Temple of God be the true church as other Protestants say and that in it he shall sit that is he shall raigne and gouerne as the head in the true church how thē can the assemblies of Lutherans or caluinists be the true church seing Antichrist shall not sit and dominiere in this or how can the couenant be inuiolably kept in any other then in the church of Rome which is only the true church We conclude therfore that out of caluins Doctrine with the help of his brethren his Verdict is most certayne to wit that the couenant of God hath remayned with the catholikes inuiolable yea and in her only and no where els as is proued 4. Lastly we must obserue about the Verdict of Pl●ssey Mornay which as I find in him speaking of the church of Rome is this We deny her not the name of Church no more Mornay de Eccl. c. 2. As M. Caluin did proue the Church of Rome to haue fallē from the true faith of Christ with three grosse lyes saying that the Popes haue taught three grieuous errors to wit That there is no God no Christ no Resurrection Euē so Plessey Mornay following his Father Caluin tells vs that the Church of Rome is an Adultresse hereticall and bringer vp of children for the diuell Se Caluin l. 4. inst c. 7. n. 27. then the name of a man to a man so long as he is aliue though he be neuer so sick yea we are content to call ●er Spouse in as much as she makes a part of the visible Church so as they will suffervs vvithal to call her an adultresse But we say she is the most heretical Church of all those that e●er were a spouse that prouoked God to diuorce her a mother that bringeth vp children for the Diue●● That which Plessey Mornay here saith in the commendatiō of the church of Rome we willingly admit
do raigne most gloriously with Iesus Christ the King of glory in Heauen This being so set downe let vs proceed to the lury Faultes to be corrected In the title of the Preface all cauills read some cauills Pag. 8. lin vlt. Subbs read Stulbs Pag. 14. lin 2. humble more humble Pag. 18. lin 23. name of a man as read name of a man to a man as c. Pag. 25. in the margent adde Luth. declarat quorumdam artic cited by Coccius tom 1. lib. 7. Thesauri pag. 855. A GRANDE IVRY Of most famous and learned Protestants assuring all Catholiques of their Saluation if they liue and dye well in the Catholique Roman Fayth and Church The Names of the Iury Men. D Luther M Caluin D. Whitaker D. C●●ell D. Morton M. Hooker Zanchius Sclusselburg Polanus Iunius Boyswell Bunny Plessis Mornay Serauia D. White D. Willet Sir Edwin Sands M. Stubbs M. Holynshed D. Godwin M. Cambden Crentremius Theater of great Brit. M. Fox WE suppose as graunted out of the Rom. 1. Act. 18. 30. Apostles that the Church of Rome was once the true Church of God and so to haue continu●d for diuers hundred yeares as the Protestants themselues confesse For M. Iewell would haue vs belieue That as well Saint Augustine as also other godly Fathers Iewell in his Reply to M. Harding pag. 246. rightly yielded reuerence to the Sea of Rome c. for the purity of religion which was preserued there a long time without spot Seeing it was a thing notorious sayth M. Caluin and without doubt that after the Apostles age Caluin in his Instit in french lib. 4. sect 3. Protestant Apol. pag. 210. vntill these times to wit of Saint Augustine no change was made in doctrine neither at Rome nor at any other Cittyes which was 440. yeares after Christ But D. Morton confirming M. Iewells chalenge auerreth that protestants in oppugning D. Mort. Appeale lib. 4. c. 30. pag. 573. ●74 doctrines which they cal new and not Catholike are so far off from suffering the limitation of the first 440. yeares that they giue the scope of the first 600. years within the compasse of which Saint Gregory liued who sent Sain● Augustine the Monke into England and therefore he acknowledgeth that the Pagan and Heathenish people by the light of the Ghospell through the Ministery of Augustin the Legate of Saint Gregory were brought into the fold of Christ And heerehence sayth B. Morton our authours called it a gratious Morton lib. 1. pag. 60. conuersion But now this being supposed that the Church of Rome was the true Church for so many ages togeather in the which saluation was to be had It remayneth that we demonstrate and shew how not only then but also euer after that time euen vnto this day that Church hath been the only Arke and sanctuary in the which whosoeuer haue liued and dyed well could not miscary nor misse of their saluation and that therefore there is no reason why any being a member of that Church should leaue it and be take himselfe to any other assembly or Congregation seeing there is but one true Church and that in her saluation can be obteyned and in all others nothing but damnation is to be expected Which we will endeauour to proue out of the testimonies of most Bale likewise sayth That Augustin was sent from Gregory to season the English with the Popish faith that King Ethelbert dyed one twenty yeares after h● had receaued Popery Cent. 1. fol. 3. M. Napiere The Pope with his Clergy neuer suffered for the space of a thousand yeares after Siluester the first any to be seene vouchable or visible of the true Church pag. 239. Holynshed in the History of England graue and learned Protestants Supposing out of Venerable Bede that Saint Augustine was sent by S. Gregory to this our Nation to conuert it aboue 1000. yeares since from Paganisme to Christ For these be his words Saint Augustine coming into England deliuered his errand to King Ethelbert saying he came from Rome and brought a ioyfull message which whosoeuer would obey should haue eternal ioyes a perpetuall Kingdome with the true and liuing God Which is confirmed out of your owne Protestant English Historiographers and therfore we will begin with their verdicts and make them as the Formen of this sufficient full and complete Protestant Iury of whome we will choose Holynshed to be the first Holynshed therfore speaking of Saint Augustine writeth thus Augustine sayth he and his company arriued at Canterbury where he made his aboad by the Kings permission exercised the life of the Apostles in fasting cloathing and prayers and preaching the word of God to as many as they could despsing all wordly pleasures as not appertayning to them receauing only of them whome they taught things seeming necessary to the sustenance of their life all liuing in all points according to the doctrine which they set forth Item At last King Ethelbert was perswaded by the good example of Saint Augustine and his company and by miracles shewed to be baptized And M. Fox speaking of Saint Augustine writeth thus At length when the King had Fox lib ● pag. 116. of his Acts. c. wel considered the honest conuersation of their life and moued with their miracles wrought through Gods hands by them he heard them I doubt not but God affoarded many miracles to the first in●ā●y of our Church So D Godwin in the life of S. Dauid more gladly and lastly by their holsome exhortations example of good life he was by them conuerted and christened in the yeare 596. Saint Augustine sayth Cambden cōmonly called the Apostle of the English sent hither by Gregory the great hauing destroied the Mōsters of Hethenish impiety with most happy successe planting Christ in their minds conuerted them Cambden in his Britan. pag. 125. to the Christian faith Agayne Straight vpon the preaching of the name of Christ the English did consecrate themselues vnto Christ in so feruent a manner that the diligence is incredible they vsed in the propagation of the name of Christ in the performance of the duties therof in the diuulging of Christian religion in building of Churches in enriching and adorning of the same that no Prouince of Christēdome could haue numbred more Monasteryes then England could in Catholike times euen Fox pag. 137. That none of all these Kings Queenes Princes and Prelats were Protestants is proued in the prudētiall Ballance and the Protestants themselues cōfesse no lesse For M. Nappiere saith That for these thousand two hundred and threescore years the Pope his Clergy hath possessed the outward and visible Church of Christiās reigning without any debatable contradiction Gods truth to wit the Protestant Church most certainly abiding so long latent and inuisible vpon the Reuel pag. 145. some Kings haue preferred religious and monasticall liues before Kingdoms So many haue been the holy men that England