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A68490 An epistle of a Catholicke young gentleman, (being for his religion imprisoned.) To his father a Protestant Who commaunded him to set downe in writing, what were the motiues that induced him to become a Catholicke. N. N., fl. 1614. 1623 (1623) STC 18330; ESTC S114781 16,671 48

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so difficill that I can assure my selfe of nothing which by mine owne industry I am able to attaine vnto much lesse find it so easie and plaine as to haue infallible assurance of what I conceiue wherefore I must of necessity seeke that assurance else where and take direction frō surer knowledge then mine owne or any my selfe can gather out of holy Scriptures otherwise I shall fashion molde out a very feeble and fickle Faith voide of all certainty Putasne intelligis quae legis saith St. Philip to the Eunuch Act. 8. Thinkest thou that thou vnderstandest what thou readest hauing the olde Testament in his hands Quomodo possum si non aliquis ostenderit mihi How can I saith the Eunuch In Apoc 2.5 vnlesse some body shall shew me Ego saith St. Hierome nec sāctior sum hoc Eunucho nec studiosior c. I am not holyer nor better studyed then this Eunuch and concludeth in these wordes These things I haue briefly mentioned to the end you may vnderstand that you cānot enter the holy Scriptures without a guide and one who shall shew thee the way This I finding to be most true by all reason and experience in my selfe and diligent obseruation in others I bent my labours and study to finde out this happy guide which infallibly and without danger of erring would instruct me with the true meaning of holy Scriptures Perceiuing plainly therefore that the Protestants rule of Scriptures could not serue for this purpose I begin to examine what assurāce Catholicks had for their beliefe or expositions whereupon they relyed 14 They confesse a plaine easie and infallible rule must guide in matters of Faith they say moreouer that cannot be any dead or dumbe writing be it neuer so Sacred for nothing can be written so plaine but in many clawses or passages it will beare seuerall constructions where seuerall constructions are there is ambiguity and doubt and consequently no such plainnesse and certainty as our Faith requireth neither can that writing when it is wrested against true meaning expound it selfe or determine any controuersie that about the Letter or sence thereof shall fortune to arise 15 This rule then must be a liuing rule able to expound it selfe and vnfold such doubts which in matters of Faith shall fall out And this I easily beleeued for my owne reason doth dictate that Almighty God would not vnder paine of Hell binde all men to beleeue aright and with a Diuine infallible beliefe and leaue no rule no meane no ground open to euery one and in it selfe infallible to establish his beliefe vpon and resolue the doubts thereto appertaining 16 This liuing Iudge can be no priuate man for warranty in such we haue none neither is there cause to expect more in one then in another moreouer that must needes dye and faile and so the rule of saluation perish and then the world to be left without meanes of accesse vnto Almighty God 17 A temporall or ciuill Common-wealth it cannot be for no one Cōmon-wealth or temporall Congregation hath any colour of Authority out of Heauen to chalenge that priuiledge Againe no one Common-wealth hath continued since Christ but hath sufferd Change in the whole forme yea Religion and all and there is no cause to ascribe this security more to one Cōmon-wealth then to another There remaineth only an Ecclesiasticall cōmunity to wit the Church of Christ whereupon Catholicks doe rely and assigne for this rule wherein as I doe confidently beleeue they are not deceiued whereunto I am induced by euident reason by manifest and apparant authority continuance of experience For the infallible Authority left in this Community we haue the expresse Promise of Almighty God in many places of holy Scripture for of this Church our most Blessed Sauiour saith St. Math. 16 Portae inferi non praeualebunt aduersus eam The Gates of Hell shall not preuaile against it Vitia saith St. Hierome peccatum c. In St. Math 16. St. Amb. lib. de bono mortis cap. 12. Epi●h in An. He meant by these Gates the vices sinnes and Doctrine of heretiques and the same in effect say the rest of the holy Fathers And St. Paul saith that Ecclesia Dei viui est columna firmamentū veritatis quod manifestum est in Carne iustificatum est in spiritu apparuit Angelis predicatū est gentibus creditum est in mundo assumptū est in Gloria 1. Tim. 3. The Church of the liuing God the piller and ground of Truth and manifestly it is a great Sacrament of piety which was manifested in Flesh was iustified in Spirit appeared to Angels hath bin preached to Gentiles is beleeued in the world is assumed in Glory Quia ab illa In 1. Ti. 3. saith St. Ambrose firmantur in veritate omnes credentes For asmuch as from the Church all true Beleeuers are established in the Truth Ego vobiscum sum saith our Sauiour S. Math. 28. vlt. omnibus diebus vsque ad consummationē seculi I am with you all dayes euen to the consummation of the world Qui In Mat. 28. saith St. Hierome vsque ad consummationem mundi suam praesentia pollicetur illos ostendit semper esse victuros se nunquā a credentibus esse recessurum Who promiseth his presence vnto the end of the world sheweth that they shall euer liue that himselfe will neuer depart from the faithfull St. Ioh. 14. And in another place he saith I meane Christ our most blessed Sauiour S. Chris hom 74. in Ioh. Ego rogabo Patrē c. I will aske the Father and he will giue you another Paraclete the spirit of Truth that he may remaine with you for euer which could not be meant of the Apostles only to whom it was spokē St. Ciprian lib. 9. in Ioh. but of the succeeding Church whose person they beare and was to indure to the worlds end Non pro eis rogo tantum saith our Sauiour St. Ioh. 17. I doe not onely pray for them meaning his Disciples but for them also that by their word shall beleeue in mee that they all may be one as the Father in mee and I in thee that they also in vs may bee one as wee also are one And herein all holy Fathers doe assent and plainely thus vnderstand it 18 This promise of the holy Ghost St. Paul doth plainely testifie to be fulfilled when he saith thus Ephes 4. Christus ascendens in altum captiuā duxit captiuitate dedit dona hominibus Christ ascending on high hee led captiuity captiue he gaue guifts vnto men where after a few wordes he addeth Ipse dedit quosdam quidem Apostolos c. he gaue some Apostles and some Prophets and other some Euangelists and other some Pastors and Doctors to the consummation of the Saints vnto the worke of the Ministry vnto the edifying of the body of Christ vntill wee meete all into
rrror then did it not rely vpon the truth of God and then it were no diuine Faith Againe if in that Faith by which we are saued we might be seduced to falshood See William Perkins pro. de fide n. 6. then by falshood we might be saued and by vntruth attaine to truth which parradoxe is both blasphemous hnd ridiculous Authorities of holy Scriptures consent of venerable antiquity and the vnanimous approbation of the vniuersall Church I could produce for the truth of these properties but I holde them needlesse for that in themselues they doe appeare most perspicuous and by no Protestants which I can reade of are they denyed as by all Catholicks is confessed I hauing thus farre waded at the length I began to obserue where this rule and direction is to be found that by consent therof I might be conuayed to that knowledge which so much importeth me and therefore I doe here inquire of the Protestant and he telleth me readily that true it is such a rule must guide all Christians and is to be found in their Church contained in their Bible and by them tearmed the word of the Lord and diuine Scriptures this they say is easie plaine and an infallible direction to all who seeke after Heauen and heauenly knowledge 5 But heere I am intangled with so many difficulties so that I am rather pusled clouded and encombred then any way freed cleared or ascertained of any truth First how can it appeare vnto mee that I may be assured that this Booke is the word of God and of that continuance and authority whereof I speake Wee see many workes beare Saint Augustines name and others of other Fathers which Protestants stoutly deny to bee theirs yet not so auncient as their Booke of Scripture must be if it be true Scripture indeed Heere I inquire so certaine knowledge of the Truth that in it selfe it be plaine for all men to perceiue it and so certaine that it should be impossible how it could be otherwise else as I haue before said it cannot guide or warrantise Diuine and infallible Faith But I haue euer found Protestants so extreamely pusled in this point that they know not how to extricate themselues their Answers were so weake different disjoynted and vncertaine that at the last they haue no refuge but to depend vpon the tradition of the Roman Church from whence they haue their Scriptures yea and those traditions also they must grant to be of infallible truth and Faith otherwise their Scriptures will not carry credite sufficient whereupon to build an infallible Faith and yet if they graunt this they suffocate and choake their owne cause in many essentiall and important points of difference twixt them and Catholicks so as this Rule ought to be cleare easie and infallible is no sooner looked vpon but it is presently lost in ambiguities doubts and vncertainties 6 And admit that they were able in the grounds of their Doctrine to produce any one infallible plaine certaine rule assuring me that the Booke they shew me is the word of God or written by such sacred Authors as they tell of which they are neuer able to doe See Iohn Cal in Praesat in no test Zanch. lib. de Sanctis fol. 412. tom 2. Beza in resp ad defen Cast Ite Beza in praefat no. test 1556. Car. moli in transla no. cest par 11. fol. 110. Ite parte 64. 65. 66. 74. 99. See confe at Hampton Court pag. 46. yet are they presently encumbred with another difficulty which maketh all vncertaine which is contained in it For in former times of a great part of this volume the Greeke translations were many the Latine more of late since Luther began from him his complices and Of-spring the translations haue bin diuers and so different that one condemneth another to Hell for corrupting falsifying and abusing of holy Scriptures yea Luther himselfe differeth in aboue 30. places as I can easily shew from himselfe in seuerall translations of St. Mathewes Gospell out of these into English we haue at the least 7. or eight seuarall versions of all which his Maiesty pronounceth there is neuer a good and the Geneua be the worst of all Heere I would see how the ignorant or learned amid such diuersity of opinions in men of knowledge in all sacred languages can with assurance and certainty select the true Translations from the false that it be impossible to erre herein for if in this case there can be no infallible rule and direction plaine and easie for all men to vnderstand as I haue before deliuered it is impossible that any man can be able to settle an infallible and neuer erring Faith vpon any thing contained in it when as he is not certaine what is the true word of God and what by Ignorance Error or wilfulnes is thrust in by humaine inuention and subiect to falshood 7 Heere not onely the Ignorant is so intangled with the Brackes and Toyles of vncertainty and instability so as he knoweth not which way to get out yea findeth impossibility by his owne industry euer whilest he shall liue to cleare himselfe But the Learned also are no lesse clouded with endlesse variety and difference among such as are no lesse yea more learned then themselues hauing no reason whereupon to relye their owne Iudgements before others and bee so assured thereof as that it is impossible they should be deceiued and consequently to frame an Article of Diuine Faith vpon the assurance thereof So as out of this head this rule of onely Scriptures hath lost not onely certainety but perspicuity also both which are very much behoofefull in the direction whereof I speake 8 And heere in my vnderstanding it cannot be answered as in the Proeme of the new Bible See Calu. vbi supra those Translations say to wit that this diuersity is not in matters appertaining vnto Faith Iosias Symlerus in vita Bullinger but in other pointes of lesse consequence First that is not true as by the inuectiues some of the Translations make against the rest doth appeare Againe in most pointes of Controuersies betwixt them and Catholicks they translate places concerning those points differently from the olde Latine receiued aboue 1000. yeares agoe in Gods Church onely in fauour of their owne herisies and opinions being matters of Faith As for example they translate for Priests Elders for Idols Images c. I say yet further that in so much as all matters there is the true Word of God and I partly finde that some part thereof is mistranslated and that is proued by the diuersities of those Translations dissonant each to other Therefore cannot all bee true in regard hereof I say I must require a sure certaine and infallible Rule by the which it may remaine vndoubted that those errors or mistakings were in matters of Faith as well as lesse matters sithence I could neuer heare of any Warranty out of Heauen assuring these translations
the vnity of Faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God c. In these places it is euidently promised the assistance of the Holy Ghost the continuance of the Church the infallibility of her Faith Ephes 4. the assured Doctrine of her Pastors and Teachers to bring her Children in vnitatem Fidei into the vnity of Faith Wee haue likewise in Scriptures expresse commaundement giuen to these Pastors that they Act. 20. carefully attend vnto their Flocke and that they are to render an accompt of their soules 2. Tim. 4. Ezech. 33. which will be required at their hands if through their default they perish Wee on the contrary part haue the like commaund who are the Laity Heb. 13. S. Math. 18. St. August lib. 1. aduer Ioui Idem Epist ad Heliodox St. Cipri de vnit Eccle. Num. 3. to obey the Pastors to take direction Doctrine and instruction from them as appeareth in many places of Holy writ and that vnder paine of eternall Damnation Wherefore that Christian who followeth the direction of this Church and obeyeth her precepts fulfilleth Gods Commaundements and so consequently cannot erre nor the Church erre in that direction For if the Church could erre in that Direction and Doctrine then were wee bound by Gods Commaundement to imbrace error and from hence one or two absurdities must needes arise to wit either that by error and falshood we might be saued or else for obseruing Gods Commaundements we might be damned both which are most haereticall and apparant blasphemy 19 When I had found that this Church had the infallible promise of Almighty God for the integrity and certainty of her Doctrine for her continuance vnto the end that to her Pastors and Teachers was committed the care of Christ his Flocke that the said Flocke was straightly commaunded to obey them as their Spirituall guides that very affection wherewith they desired to be of this Flocke joyned mee to this Church and subjected me to this guidance that feare I had of mistaking the Truth so needfull for the health of my soule made me cleaue to the assurance of this Direction where the Spirit of God is to be my direction and guide and his lawfull Officers my instructors Now remaineth onely for me to learne out where this eminent Citty of God St. Math. 5. Super montem posita Placed or seated vpon an Hill and casting foorth splendour St. Luk. 1. Ad dirigendos pedes in viam pacis To direct our feete into the way of Peace was to be found and surely this Candle which is not S. Math. 5. Sub modio posita sed super candelabrum Put or hidden vnder a Eushell but set vpon a Candlesticke Vt iuceat eis qui in domo sient To giue light to those that are in the House was easie to be discerned and so it must bee if the promises of God were true or his prouidence sufficient for the sauing of such soules learned and vnlearned for whom hee shed his most precious Blood and dyed 20 The Church of Rome so celebrated knowne to the whole Christian world carrieth onely the testimonies of this Truth It hath knowne continuance with succession of Pastors from the beginning of Christianity vnto this day It hath preserued the holy Scriptures from corruption and deliuered them to posterity from hand to hand from age to age to these dayes wherein we liue St. Vincent Lyrinens aduersus propha haereses It hath consent vnity of Doctrine throughout the whole world the same preserued throughout all Ages notwithstanding the opposition of Herisie and infidelity wherewith it hath continually bin exercised It hath preuailed against all Sects and Heresies whatsoeuer and beate them downe as they sprung vp different each from other like vnto the prodigious heads of Hydra at all times It hath testimony of Miracles Beda lib. de Eccles hist whereby the better to confirme her Doctrine recorded by most venerable Fathers and approued Histories and annuals of all Ages It hath Sanctity and Innocency of life and Doctrine now sealed and crowned in the blood of the most glorious Saincts and Martyrs of Heauen and such as our aduersaries cannot deny to be such It hath the consent of all generall and prouinciall Counsels that haue euer bin lawfully gathered and approoued in all partes of the world Lastly it hath Vniuersality true Sacraments Sacrifice and all what euer markes the holy Fathers doe point our the true Church of Christ by euery of these seuerall signes most easie to be proued and in truth are manifest to him who will but peruse the Ecclesiasticall Histories of Times and Ages Euseb Zohomen Dorethe de hist enl which my selfe by examining finding to be most true cannot doubt of 21 Finally if this be not it on earth there is no true Church St. Chris in Hom. quadā ad populam Antioch Christ hath deceiued vs the Apostles deluded vs the Fathers wronged vs and the promises of God haue failed For it is most manifest that no Congregation no Society no Sect no Doctrine hath continued from Christ downeward vnder the succession of Pastors with one and the same Sacraments vnder one forme of Gouernment but onely this And albeit some Sect hath for the time seemed powerfull as the Arrians Pelagians Donatists and many others yet were they no sooner sprouted vp but they were seuered into innumerable diuersities among themselues and at warres yea deadly fewd one against the other and it is not vnknowne vnto your good selfe but that Regnum in se diuisum must perish S. Math. 12 if we may beleeue our most Blessed and most mercifull Redeemer and so did they euery one in their turnes insomuch that the memory of them had not remained if that Catholicke Fathers in Confutations written against them had not recorded their Errors and preserued the infamous memory of the Authors 22 And what we doe finde true of all former Sectaries Luther in Epist ad Iohan Heruag is notorious in Martin Luther and his complyces for their differences implacable hatred each against other Tispogra Argent Zuingl vbi s●pra See a Treatise writtē by Doctor Stapleton called a discourse vpō the Doctrine of Protest printed at Louan 12. of Nouember 1564. is at large discussed in their owne Writings to bee found in almost euery Booke-sellers shop Insomuch as since Luther among his progeny within one hundred yeares there are recorded more seuerall Sects I may truely say Heresies and more nouell opinions hatched and brought into the world by their abortiue meanes then in 1400. and odde yeares before And common experience sheweth that euery man being his owne caruer and Teacher shapeth vnto himselfe a Faith out of his owne Braines 23 And thus good Sir I not daring to doe for the reasons aboue mentioned and for the danger it importeth had none other hope to saue my soule but by committing my selfe to that guidance where so many assured