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A69071 Directions to know the true church. Written by George Carleton, Doctor of Diuinitie Carleton, George, 1559-1628. 1615 (1615) STC 4632; ESTC S112818 32,595 148

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thinke it sufficient to receiue the outward signe of the Sacrament of Baptisme without inward grace as these men teach but hee holdeth the inward spirituall grace to be needfull and therefore declaring that spirituall grace he sayth Wee are baptized by one Spirit into one body For seeing that by the grace of Baptisme men are regenerate and made the sons of God therefore this vnitie which the Church hath by the Sacrament of Baptisme is defined by the Apostle not to be externall perceiued by sense as these teach but to be internall and spirituall For by one Spirit we are baptised into one body that is by one Spirit wee are regenerate and are made members of this holy body the Church And therefore the Apostle ioyneth these three things together One Lord one faith one Baptisme Ephe. 4. 3. as if he should say One head one rule one body of beleeuers regenerated by baptisme We are forced from euidence of the trueth to vnderstand Baptisme from the words of the Apostle not of the externall perception but of the inward grace of the Sacrament because what he meaneth by one Baptisme himselfe declareth when he sayth By one Spirit wee are all baptised into one body The summe is this vnitie which the Church hath from the Spirit is a spirituall grace without which inward spirituall grace no man can haue the communion of the holy Ghost or be a member of Christ his Church in the vnitie of one Spirit But without this inward spiritual grace a man may bee a member of the Church of Rome therefore the Church of Rome is not the Church of Christ forasmuch as that Church is fallen away from the vnitie of the Spirit which knitteth all the members of the Church together The fourth vnitie whereby the Church is knowen to be one and the same alwayes is the vnitie of Faith For the true Church from the Apostles hauing receiued the true faith hath helde the same vnto this day and must holde it without change vnto the end of the world And therefore the ancient Fathers were wont to prooue the Church to be alwayes the same in many generations and successions because the same faith was alwayes helde in the Church without change whereupon S. Hierome commenting vpon the 23. Psalme vpon these words Haec est generatio quaerentium dominum sayth Ecclesia ex pluribus personis congregatur tamen vna dicitur propter vnitatem fidei that is The Church is gathered together of diuers persons and yet it is said to be one for the vnitie of faith Then they who hold not this vnitie can neuer prooue that they haue the vnitie of the Church which Christ redeemed with his blood which the Apostles taught and planted The faith of the Church is said to bee one because the rule of faith is one and the same from the beginning of the Church to the ende the rule of faith is the doctrine of faith contained in the holy Scriptures This is the rule that ruleth the Church for the Church must teach the true faith and that is the true faith which the Church teacheth out of the holy Scriptures so that wee must not take whatsoeuer the Church teacheth without any limitation or rule For the Church hath a rule to teach by this rule is the rule of faith taken out of the holy Scriptures so long as any particular Church teacheth according to this rule so long is that Church to be heard but if a Church once fall away from this rule of faith then it ceaseth to be a true Church of God as many particular Churches haue fallen away because they haue forsaken this rule of faith First therefore I will proue out of the Scriptures and ancient fathers that the true Church is knowen by the rule of faith And then I wil demōstrate that this rule of faith is no other thing then the true doctrines of faith conteined in the Scripture By which meanes it wil appeare what is the true Church and where it is to bee found The Apostle proouing that the Ephesians were a true Church of God saith You are no more strangers Eph. 2. 20. but felow citisens with the Saints and of the houshold of God are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Iesus himselfe being the chiefe corner Stone In which wordes hee declareth what the true Church is an assembly of Saints the houshold of God vpon what foundation it is built for the doctrine of the faith vpon which the Church is built is called a foundation And because this doctrine is cōteined in the holy scriptures written by the Prophets and Apostles therefore it is called the foūdation of the prophets Apostles Then the church is built vpon this foundation that is vpon the faith cōteined in the Scriptures written by the prophets Apostles And if any Church change once this foundation that ceaseth to be a true Church of Christ Of diuers testimonies of fathers I will cite a fewe Clemens Alexandrinus saith Wee Libr. 7. stromatum say that the ancient and Catholike Church is knowen to be in the vnitie of one Faith which faith is contained in the proper Testaments or rather in one Testament which in diuers times is Contra omnes hereses one Athanasius saith The Orthodoxe Church truely reading and exactly examining the holy Scriptures doeth edifie it selfe vpon the Rocke The Authour Hom. 49. of the imperfect worke vpon Matt. saith If any would know what is the true Church how shall hee know this but onely by Scriptures S. Austin saith In the Epist 60. Scriptures we learne Christ in the Scriptures we learne to know the Church of Christ. Vincentius Licinensis saith The Church of Lib. contr heres cap. 32. Christ is a carefull keeper of the doctrines committed to her shee changeth nothing of them at any time she diminisheth nothing she addeth nothing shee cutteth off nothing necessary shee putteth to nothing superfluous shee looseth not her owne shee vsurpeth no strange doctrine Bede saith The In Iohn lib. 1. c. 12 foundation of the Church is the soundnesse of the Faith of the Apostles and Prophets According to these speake the rest because wee would not stay too long vpon testimonies Whereby it appeareth that this hath beene the common doctrine of the Church that the true Church is knowen by holding the rule of faith which true faith the Prophets and Apostles haue written and declared to the Church So that heerein standeth the ministerie of the Church in preseruing this faith for euer sound which by the holy men inspired of God to write the Scriptures is left to the Church Or as S. Iude faith Iude 3. To contend earnestly for the faith which was once deliuered to the Saints Now that this rule of faith is no other thing sauing only the true doctrine of the Scripture it will appeare if wee briefly consider the testimonies of the Scriptures and doctrines
Constance and of Basill which Councils wee finde to be a body representatiue of a Church which was opposite to the Pope and Court of Rome So that assuredly there was a Church which helde the rule of faith against the Pope and his flatterers In that Church was Luther in that Church were the learned men of these two Councils who proceeded roundly against the Popes authoritie they prooued that the Popes might erre that in many things they did erre they maintained the rule of faith which stood inuiolated in the Church till their dayes they maintained the ancient Iudge of controuersies of faith which before had alwayes beene acknowledged they protested that to giue that authoritie to the Pope which now since that time is giuen and since the Councill of Trent is confirmed to the Pope by these flatterers this say they is to giue an open entrance for Antichrist into the Church to subuert Christian Religion Then at that time the trueth was helde vp in some measure there was then acknowledged an authoritie in the Church aboue the Pope there was a Iudge of generall Councils the same which the Church before receiued and which wee acknowledge there was then no alteratiō no change made of the rule of faith but since this time all these things are changed in the Councill of Trent This Councill of Trent to giue you some taste of it was neither generall nor free nor lawfull Not generall for these Westerne parts because diuers Kings and Nations protested against it namely the King of England and the French King and would not send their Bishops and Ambassadours to it Many Nations helde it for a priuate conuenticle of a few gathered together against the Church For all England Scotland Ireland all France all Germanie that helde against that Councill will make a farre greater part then all the rest that consented to that Councill It was not free for none were admitted to haue voyce therein but such as should bee bound by an oath of bondage and slauery to the Pope It was not a lawfull Assembly forsomuch as it was neither called by a lawfull authoritie for against the first calling of it the Emperour himselfe dissented and protested against it by his Ambassadour Vergas the Kings also who had interst in these Westerne parts protested against it Neither was the manner of proceeding in that Councill lawfull Gentiletus a French Lawyer prooueth the nullities of that Council For by the Imperiall Constitution it is ordeined that the Decrees which are made against Lawes are not onely vnprofitable but void and to be taken for things not done Cap. Imperiali 25. q. 2. l. non dubium Hee proposeth therefore and prooueth a great number of the nullities of that Councill which make the whole to be void and of no validitie as being done against the Lawes This is that Councill that hath changed the faith of the Church that was held from the Apostles to that time vnchanged they haue brought into the Church the Popes word to match the word of God this was neuer done in the Church before And therefore the reformed Churches holding the ancient rule of faith which the Church had held frō the Apostles till the Councill of Trent must needes prooue themselues 〈◊〉 stand in the true succession of the Church For the true Church must continue to the end of the world And seeing it cannot cōtinue in them that haue forsaken the Vnitie of the Catholique Church and the rule of faith it must needs be granted that it is cōtinued in them that holde the vnitie with the Catholike Church and the rule of faith Thus then from the Vnitie of the Church we haue prooued that the Church of Rome that now is is not the true Church of Christ because it is not one with the true Church of Christ It holdeth not the Vnitie of that Bodie nor the Vnitie of the Head nor the Vnitie of the Spirit nor the Vnitie of Faith And holding not Vnitie with the Catholique Church it cannot be a church at all The Reformed Churches hold this Vnitie and are thereby prooued to bee one with the Catholike Church frō this which I haue said diuers trueths do apparantly insue which I will briefly open The consent of the Church which is but one in the fathers and their children is prooued to stand in the fundamentall points of doctrine before the Councill of Trent I say in the fundamentall poynts For diuers errours were crept into the Church before but these errours were such as did not raze the foundation for a Church may stand and bee a true Church though some errours creepe into it But if these errours change the foundation as the errours doe which change the rule of faith which is the foundation of the Church then without doubt it ceaseth to bee a Church The errours which before this time did creepe into the Church did not change the foundation because all men in the Church held the same olde and true foundation in the rule of faith till then The Popes Supremacie as men then vnderstand it was generally embraced But surely this was not a fundamentall errour For we doubt not but many good and godly men were among them and saued though they did acknowledge the Popes Supremacie in such a measure as Saint Bernard and the Councill of Constance and of Basill did acknowledge the same It appeareth hereby also 2 that the true Church of Christ as before I haue declared did stand vp in some ●ort vntill this time of the Councill of Trent For the ●rue Church may be prooued ●y the vnitie with the Catholicke Church and by the ●ule of faith which till then was helde in the Church It appeareth likewise that 3 the reformed Churches are in the succession and continuation of that true ancient and onely Church which stood before the Councill of Trent and shall endure to the end of the world For before that time there were as wee may say two faces of a Church the one of the court of Rome the other of the Church But in the Councill of Trent the Court o● Rome preuailed therefore the Church fell off and made a separation from the Court of Rome But the Church though falling away from the Court of Rome continued still the same Church because it helde still the same rule of faith and forsaked not the communion which before it had with the Catholicke Church But the Court of Rome which now calleth it selfe the Church and the onely Catholike Church altered the rule of faith and fell away from the communion of the Catholike Church It appeareth also that our 4 fathers which before vs liued and died in the Church of Rome had all necessarie meanes of saluation because the rule of faith was held then inuiolable And albeit the Friars the Canonists and flatterers of the Pope had corrupted many things in the Church yet the doctrines of the trueth were permitted to be preached according to the
Scriptures they that call you to yeeld your allegeance to your Prince or they that withdraw your hearts and allegeance from your soueraignes they that were neuer found in rebellions and conspiracies or they that stirre vp rebellions against Kings they that hold the same rule of faith which the Church hath alwaies held before them or they that haue changed the rule of Faith Iudge whom you haue best reason to trust and trie the spirits All spirits are tried by the rule of Faith the rule must be one to all Iudge you whether they be not afraid to come to this triall who haue changed the rule whereby they should be tried Cardinall Bellarmine is forced Libr. de ver Dei cap. 2. to say thus much That the rule of Faith must be both certaine and well knowen for if it bee not well knowen it is no rule to vs if it bee not certaine it is no rule at all And he addeth thus much further Nothing is more certaine nothing better knowen then the Scriptures contained in the Propheticall and Apostolical writings Take the confession of their Cardinall and tell them that deceiue you by suggesting another rule that there is but one rule that whatsoeuer they bring besides this it is both vncertaine and vnknowen to you and therefore by their owne confession it cannot bee a rule to you Consider therefore on both sides what is said Against them wee say They haue no Church We prooue it because they hold not Vnitie with the Catholike Church I doe not wrangle by producing sayings out of some of their writers which they may answere that they are not warranted by their Church but I deale with their Church it selfe and their Trent Councill and haue brought their long and tedious discourses to this short issue Whether they haue not changed the rule of Faith in their Trent Councill which before that time was euer held the rule of Faith in the Church of God This is the thing which I earnestly entreat you to search out By this you may vnderstand where the trueth is where the Church is Then much haue wee against them But what bring they against vs Against our Church they haue nothing to say wee holde the rule of Faith which the church of Rome euer held before the Trent Councill We hold Ordination and Succession euen from the Apostles albeit our succession be not from the Church of Rome nor by that Church yet we hold it sure and that not without the testimony of that Church In these things the learned make no doubt onely there bee some ignorant men and corrupted with malice that haue deuised a strange tale to slander our Ordination suggesting among the simple people that we haue not a true Ministery wherein whether ignorance or malice haue exceeded iudge you I will relate the tale as they haue deuised it Some of our owne seduced and seducing countreymen haue written that Sandes Scorie Horne Grindall Iewel and others in the beginning of the reigne of Queene Elizabeth met at the Nagge 's head in Cheape side where they looked for the Bishop of Landaffe who should come to ordeine them there But Bonner then being prisoner in the Towre vnderstanding this sent his Chaplaine to the Bishop of Landaffe denouncing and charging him vpon paine of excommunication not to ordeine those that then and there expected him The Bishop of Landaffe being terrified with that denunciation refused to come and ordeine them Whereupon they concluded that his Ordination was needlesse and so Scorie beeing but a Monke ordained the rest and some of the other being ordeined by Scorie laid handes vpon Scorie This is the tale a tale so odious would haue bene made somewhat probable All that is brought to confirme it is that Mr. Neall the Hebrewe Reader at Oxford should confesse this to his Confessours who tolde it to these men and they tell it to you and you beleeue it By this you may perceiue how shamelesse they are that seduce you with such absurd tales But all their hope is in your facilitie and credulitie for answere to this tale and all other of this kinde against our Ordination M ● FRANCIS MASON hath dealt learnedly and faithfully declaring the Consecration of all our Bishoppes that haue beene in the late Queenes time and some yeeres before out of the publike Records which are kept that all men may see them that will I will brieflly relate the summe of his answere that the shame may returne vpon those shamelesse deuisers of such strange vntrueths Iohn Scorie was consecrated Bishop of Hereford anno 1551. in King Edwards time August 30. by Thomas Canterburie Nicholas Lond. Iohn Bedford recorded in the Register of Archbishop Cranmer fol. 334. The deuiser of this strange vntrueth was but a sillie shifter to set the Consecration of this man with them that were consecrated in the time of Queene ELIZABETH hee hath made the lie improbable and impossible Edmund Grindall was consecrated Bishop of London anno 1559. Decemb. 21. by Matth. Canterburie William Cicester Iohn Hereford Iohn Bedford out of the Register kept in Archbishop Parkers time cap. 1. fol. 18. Edwine Sandes was consecrated anno 1559. December 21. by Matth. Canter William Cicester Iohn Hereford Iohn Bedford out of the Register kept in Archbishop Parkers time fol. 39. These were consecrated in the Chappell at Lambeth the Sabboth day before noone after morning prayer with imposition of handes and with such forme of wordes and prayers as are vsed in the Church where there was a Sermon preached by Master Nowell then the Archbishop his Chaplaine vpon this text Take heed to your Act. 20. 28. selues and to all the flocke whereof the holy Ghost hath made you ouerseers And a Communion reuerently administred by the Archbishop Iohn Iewel was consecrated Bishop of Salisbury Anno 1559. Ianuary 21. by Matthew Canterb. Edmond London Rich. Elie Iohn Bedford taken out of the Register in Archb. Parkers time fol. 46. in the Chappell at Lambeth vpon the Sabboth in the forenoone with Common prayers and Communion and a Sermon preached by Mr. Andrew Peirson the Archbish his Chaplaine Matth. 5. 16. vpon this Text Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen Robert Horne was consecrated anno 1560. February 16. by Matthew Canterbury Thomas Menen Edmond London Thomas Couentrie and Lichfield ex Registro Parker chap. 1. fol. 88. in the Chappell at Lambeth the Sabboth day the forenoone the manner whereof in all respects was as the former By this you may vnderstand what manner of men they are who seduce you Is there any thing so shamelesse which these men doe not venture vpon who dare venture to tell you such a tale that by publike euidences may so easily so vnanswereably be conuinced These are your guides and leaders is it likely that these men should leade you into the way of trueth Once free your selues
rule of faith which prooued that our fathers liuing and dying in Popery before the Councill of Trent had the meanes to be saued which meanes are now taken away by these that are now in the Church of Rome because they haue altered the rule of faith which conteineth the meanes to saluation Now where they come with their declamations and tell vs of the diuisions that we haue among our selues some Lutherans some Zwinglians c. and that we can haue no Church because we haue not vnitie in the faith and these diuisions shew the breach of vnitie I answere that there may be some disagreement in some points of Religion and the sides disagreeing may ●oth holde the true Church so long as these disagreements be not in matters fundamentall and that they who so disagree notwithstanding ●ll their disagreement holde one and the same rule of faith We say that betweene Luthe●ans and Zwinglians as these ●all them the same rule of ●aith is helde and acknowledged without alteration And therfore both these sides may belong to one and the same Church because they holde one and the fame rule of faith with the Catholike Church with the Fathers and with the Church of Rome before the Trent Councill But if they can proue that there are some sects which doe not fully and entirely holde this rule of faith then will wee disclaime cōmunion with them as wee doe with Anabaptists with Zwinkfeldians with Papists for the same cause● And therefore when our aduersaries speake or write o● the Church they must leau● boyes play in making idle declamations let them speak● plainely and soundly to these points and declare the vniti● of the Church and open th● rule of faith wherein the tru● Church hath alwayes had ●nitie and will alwayes hold● to the end of the world The should make conscience of their writings not to deceiue the simple with idle discourses of by-points They discourse of antiquitie vniuersalitie and consent wordes in shew making for them as they suppose in truth against them They tell vs that the Religion which now is professed in Rome is that Religion which conuerted ENGLAND first to the true Faith They tell vs that wee can haue no true Church because we haue so many diuisions among vs and many such like discourses as these and very proper declamations which when wee reade we haue reason to suspect that they who write thus either are men of no learning and vnderstanding or else write things against their owne consciences to holde simple soules still in errour whom they haue once bewitched with these silly sleights and shewes They presume of ignorant soules and seeke to maintaine ignorance in the people for without grosse and in a maner wilfull ignorance none can bee deceiued in these things That which I haue spoken of the Catholicke Church is agreeable to that Article of our Faith I beleeue the holy Catholicke Church the communion of Saints Which words doe prooue that the Church of Rome as now it stands cannot bee the Catholique Church nor haue communion with it The Papists in deliuering the notes or markes of the Church make long discourses of other markes and are afraid to speake of these true markes conteined in our Creede First the Church is holy When these men speake of the holinesse of the Church they tell vs of a holines which is in the Sacraments which thing wee denie not but wee deny that the Sacraments make men holy without faith They tell vs also of the holy Martyrs that haue beene in the Church before that the Church is made holy by them This indeede prooueth the holinesse of them that haue liued and died in the faith and for the faith but this wil not make the Church after them to be holy The present Church is holy not by the holinesse of them that haue liued before but by the holinesse of them that liue in it The Church is holy because it consists of Saints of members who are holy these members are holy both by imputed sanctification from Christ the head who for their sakes did sanctifie himselfe as hee saith For their sakes I sanctifie Ioh. 17. 19 my selfe that they also might be sanctified through the trueth and also by inherent holinesse for the Apostle teacheth that the whole Church and euery member thereof receiueth increase of the body from the head So that men may not so grossely flatter themselues as the Papists doe thinking that they may be the Church and yet liue without holinesse They who haue no part in holinesse haue no part in the Church for the Church is holy Saint Iohn saith Euery man that hath 1. Ioh. 3. 3 this hope in him purgeth himselfe euen as he is pure And againe If wee say that wee haue 1. Ioh. 1. 6 fellowship with him and walke in darkenesse we lie and doe not the trueth And therefore the Church of Rome seeking a title of holinesse without holinesse of life so falling away from true holinesse is assuredly fallen away also from being a Church It is called CATHOLIKE because it hath beene spread in all places and hath beene and shall be at all times In which respect it is distinguished frō the Church of the Iewes which was but in one nation and for a certaine time The Church of Rome was alwayes helde by the Ancients to differ frō the Catholicke Church though it was euer helde to be a part of the Catholike Church but that it differed from the Catholike as a particular from the vniuersall the ancient writers neuer made doubt S. Hierome writing of one that confounded the orders of the Church preferring a Deacon before a Priest which confusion was practised then in the Church of Rome prooueth that this was but a particular disorder suffred in the Church of Rome against the order of the Catholike Church spread ouer the world And therefore he declareth that though in respect of particular assemblies there was one Church of Rome another of France another of Britaine c. yet all agree in one Church and the authoritie of the Catholicke Church is greater then the authoritie of any part though it be Rome it selfe And therefore he sayth Si authoritas quaeritur orbis maior est vrbe meaning the authoritie of the Catholicke Church spred ouer the world is greater then the authoritie of the Church of Rome being as then it was reputed but the Church of one Citie Wherby he prooueth plainely that the Church of Rome was not the Catholike Church Saint Augustine writing to the same purpose obserueth that in his time one Vrbicus a Romane beganne to spread newe doctrines concerning fasting namely that fasting did wash away errors and sinnes that in fasting there was merit that men were compelled to sinne who tooke a breakefast that the kingdome of heauen was not in meat and drinke but in fasting and such like nouelties which Saint Austin August Epist 86. refuteth and sayth that this Vrbicus did
DIRECTIONS TO KNOW THE TRVE CHVRCH Written by GEORGE CARLETON Doctor of Diuinitie Imprinted at LONDON by IOHN BILL 1615. TO THE HIGH NOBLE AND most vertuous CHARLES PRINCE OF GREAT BRITAINE Duke of CORNWAL and of YORKE c. The spirit of Wisedome and Power to know and execute the Actions of a PRINCE WHen the Queene of SHEBA most noble PRINCE had heard the wisedome of SALOMON and obserued the order of his house shee pronounced his seruants Happy that did attend vpon him and heard his Wisedome It is true that not onely the houshold seruants find an happines in a wise Prince that feareth God for in the feare of God consisteth all wisedome but this fruit of happinesse is also spread and powreth it selfe as blood frō the heart through all the veines to all the Subiects that are to bee gouerned by such a Head Behold then how your happinesse draweth with it the happinesse of all other vnder you Of this my selfe haue had some experience which I thinke my selfe bound with my humble duety and thankefulnesse to remember For not many yeeres since I published a Booke of the consent of the Catholicke Church against the Tridentines wherein I was desirous to offer my seruice to God for the manifesting of his truth But your Royall Father our gracious Soueraigne and your Highnes were pleased so effectually to declare your gracious acceptance thereof as if it had beene a seruice done to your selues May wee not then say with the Queene of SHEBA Happy are the seruants of such a King and of such a Prince the Kings sonne And herein wee finde great difference betweene the case of your seruants and the case of them that serue the Pope who is found to be the trobler not only of yours but of all the Kingdomes in Christendom For your seruants cannot doe any true seruice to God but it pleaseth you and is accepted as a seruice done to you But his seruants cannot please him by seeking to please God but if they will haue his fauour they must loose the fauour and seruice of God by venturing vpon some bloody seruice acceptable to him for what other are now acceptable to him but such This thing must needes giue your seruants vnder your gracious Fauour and Protection a greater encouragement then our aduersaries can finde So that if wee should be slacke in promoting GODS cause vnder such gracious Protectours a great condemnation might iustly bee laide vpon vs. And this maketh me the bolder in this present seruice Since the time of the publishing of that Booke being written in Latine for I referred it to the iudgement of the learned and thought the vulgar sort were not to be troubled with such things wherof they could not iudge diuers bookes haue come to my handes that are written in English to seduce the simple that cannot iudge insinuating to them faire pretences of a shewe of the Church Which shewe of the Church is the thing that carrieth away many that cannot iudge between trueths and shewes These bookes being written with great confidence and little knowledge doe worke much harme among many of his Maiesties Subiects that are led with appearances and shadows Now for the helpe and information of these I haue drawen out of the greater worke some short Directions to know the Church the want of which directions seemeth to trouble many of the weaker sort which may giue some light to those that are so seduced and may helpe to dispell that darkenesse which their blinde Teachers haue brought vpon them and would therein hold them still blinded This I present to your Highnesse and am bolde herein to seeke your gracious protection both because my seruice and whatsoeuer I can doe is a due debt to your Highnesse and also that by your fauourable countenance it may finde more fauour abroad that the imperfections of the Writer may bee couered and excused by the worthinesse of the Patrone And thus with my daily prayers to God for an increase of these graces in your Highnesse that may leade you both to temporall and eternall happinesse I humbly take my leaue and rest Your Highnesse most humble seruant and Chaplaine George Carleton A PREFACE Containing an Aduertisement to the Readers who call themselues CATHOLIKES GEntle Readers for your sake was this vndertaken Your instruction is my desire and prayer Moses did wish that all the people of Num. 11. 21. God might prophesie and that God would giue them his Spirit and so do wee wish But there bee many false teachers that keepe the people in ignorance and are desirous that they may neither heare nor vnderstand any thing but as they receiue from their lippes Hence is it that so many Bookes are written and secretly conueyed into your hands of purpose to seduce you The care of your good hath mooued mee to take this paines to lay downe these directions that haue euer bene the directions of the Church and must euer bee that you may better vnderstand your owne estate and the ostentation of them that call themselues Catholikes but are not that leade you with vaine shewes and appearances of things that are not as iugglers vse to doe If any shall addresse an answere to me I will informe you before hand how you may easily iudge of the answere For wee know what they can doe we know their best and their worst but for your satisfaction which is all my care I will heere warne you of the maner of their writing that your selues may bee able to iudge of the answere if any shall be returned For whereas I haue proued that the rule of faith is onely the doctrine written in the holy Scriptures They happily may shew you out of the ancient writers that there be some other things admitted in the Church which are not written So doeth Cardinall Bellarmine bring ancient testimonies for some things vnwritten But these things wee confesse and acknowledge that some things vnwritten must bee admitted into the Church but these are things in the discipline of the Church And therefore wee holde things of discipline still vnwritten But if you haue a care to saue your soules from these sleights bid them prooue that things vnwritten must bee receiued as doctrines of faith For the controuersie betweene vs and them is not of vnwritten traditions in externall ceremonies but of vnwritten Traditions in the rule of Faith We say with Tertullian Regula Lib. de virgin velandis fidei vna omnino est sola immobilis irreformabilis hac lege fidei manente caetera iam disciplinae conuersationis admittunt nouitatem correctionis That is the rule of Faith is one altogether onely vnchangeable and vnreformable this law of Faith remaining the same other things pertaining to discipline and conuersation may be changed and corrected Euer since this controuersie begun between vs and them of Rome our writers haue confessed this that I say and haue challenged their aduersaries to produce some plaine testimonies that
may clearely prooue that an vnwritten doctrine may bee receiued into the rule of Faith which thing to this day they haue not done what they are like to doe heereafter you may iudge by that which is done Now suffer not your selues to bee blind-folded Take a courage vnto you and a discerning spirit to vnderstand the things that concerne you so neerely And whereas I haue proued that the Pope was neuer admitted Iudge of Faith before the Trent Councill it may be that some of these blinde seducers may tell you that the Pope hath beene a Iudge and helde a Iudge in Christendome by some long time before which in some sort is true but not against me For hee hath bene by diuers reputed a Iudge of controuersies of right and wrong in such things as come to bee pleaded by the Canon Law But of matters of Faith he was neuer held to be a Iudge Therefore the Popes Canons doe confesse that Dist. 2. for exposition of Scriptures and matters of Faith the Expositors of Scriptures are to bee preferred before the Popes as for their learning and godlinesse farre excelling the Popes in the knowledge of the Scripture but in causis definiendis that is in deciding of causes and ending of suits which come to bee pleaded in the Popes Courts the Popes are preferred for the height of their place And this is all that their owne Cannons haue yeelded to them before the Trent Councill I warne you of these things before hand that your selues may bee the better able to iudge of any answer which may be returned against mee And I thinke that this warning may suffice to instruct you against their idle answeres so that I shall not need to trouble my selfe any further I haue bene short in collecting these directions for these causes First because in this scribling age I would not trouble the Church with vnneedfull writings Secondly because I would inuite the moe Readers who may bee content to reade a short Booke whereas length doth often deter such as either haue not much leisure or are coy of their pains Lastly because if any will answere it they may see that I haue somewhat helped them in shortnesse And therefore they may bee the better contented to set downe my words Now whereas your seducers pretend that they loue the saluation of your soules and glorie so much in the name of the Church you must bee carefull to trie the spirit that speaketh in them for it is as great a fault to beleeue eury thing without triall as to beleeue nothing It is Saint Iohns exhortation to you Dearely 1. Ioh. 4. 1 beloued beleeue not euery spirit but trie the spirits whether they are of God for many false prophets are gone out into the world If S. Iohn had cause euen in the beginning of the Gospel to warne the people against seducers what great cause haue we to warne you For these false Prophets are now growen both in number and in cunning But their multitude and cunning would vtterly faile them if they did not presume vpon your ignorance Wee labour to plant knowledge in all and are desirous that euery man might know the things needfull for his saluation they labour to holde all in ignorance their hope is not in the goodnesse of their cause for they see the ruines of Babylon falling euery day Only their care is to blinde you and keepe you ignorant They know well that if you had knowledge to discerne their subtilties it is not the pretence of the Church that could so much preuaile whereas now the very bare name of the Church doeth trouble and entangle many of the simple as a snare to catch the ignorant a iust iudgment of ignorance Wherein they deale with you as the Arrians did deale with a company of vnlearned Bishops and Priests in the Councill of Ariminum For the Arrians hauing procured the exile of the most worthie and best learned Bishops perceiuing that the companie that was left though they were not very learned yet would not be perswaded directly to disanull any thing that had beene concluded before in the Councill of Nice did abuse their ignorance in proposing the matter For they demanded of them whether they would worshippe Homoousion or Ruffin lib. 10. histor Eccles Christ they not vnderstanding what the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 did signifie reiected it with a kinde of execration being as they thought opposed against Christ Whereas if they had vnderstood the matter aright they would haue knowen that this word agreed most fitly with Christ as best expressing his diuine nature Euen thus your Priests and Iesuits deale with you for when they haue told you somewhat of their Church and that out of the Church there is no saluation adding some trueths to some appearances and framing your fancies after their owne deuised paterne If then they aske you this question Whether will you rather forsake the Church of God or the allegeance to your Prince Some ignorant men but moe women that know not these subtilties but thinke all to bee true that these men tell them in corners must needs answere that rather then they would forsake Christ his Church they will renounce the obedience of any earthly Prince And thus is your zeale and ignorance abused by craftie companions But if you might vnderstand that you doe not forsake the Church but are more confirmed therein by yeelding alleagiance to the King then doubtlesse you would not bee vnwilling to acknowledge your owne errours and the craft of your seducers And here as I haue bene desirous to helpe you so I heartily entreat you to helpe your selues by louing and seeking the trueth Disdaine not to take helpe of any My labour hath beene to bring endlesse contentions to a short issue for your satisfaction onely I exhort you to trie the spirits because many false prophets are gone out into the world trust neither vs nor them vntill you haue tried for we are all contentious men though some contend for the trueth and some against it Trie before you trust and remember that S. Chrysostome gaue this exhortation to his hearers That they should be more carefull in trying the doctines which are deliuered to thē then in telling of money which is deliuered to them Suffer no false and counterfeit stuffe to be thrust vpon you at the motion of vaine men who themselues know not the trueth and haue no care to liue according to the trueth And iudge your selues who are your best friends and who are they that in reason may best be thought to hold the trueth they who call you to the knowledge of Gods word or they that would holde you in ignorance they that desire you to examine their doctrines by the rule of Faith or they that bid you take their doctrines vpon their bare word they that make the Scriptures iudge of themselues of their doctrines of the Pope and all or they that make the Pope Iudge of the
from this pestiferous generation who deuise still how to holde you in the bondage of their superstition and consider what account they make of you vpon whom they vent such stuffe altogether presuming vpon your simplicitie hoping that you will take all without discussing whatsoeuer they deliuer Men of common reason will neuer put confidence in such men as are conuinced once for liars If this bee true which they haue so confidently written and by which they haue so notoriously abused you in slaundering of the Ordination of our worthie and reuerend Bishops then might you haue cause to be offended with our Church But if this vpon triall bee found a manifest and absurd lye then what cause haue you to trust them in any thing whose whole studie is to abuse your simplicitie and credulitie who hauing forsaken the trueth labour to drawe after them so many as they can into the societie of their Apostasie respecting neither trueth nor conscience so they deceiue by any meanes And thus praying to him that keepeth the Keyes of Dauid and openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth that hee of his infinite mercie will open your eyes to see your hearts to vnderstand his word and trueth and therein your owne Saluation I rest Yours in the seruice of your Faith GEORGE CARLETON SHORT DIRECTIONS TO KNOVV the true CHVRCH THE Church is either the Catholike Church or particular Churches The Catholike Church is defined in the Scripture The body of Eph. 1. 23. Iesus Christ and the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all The Apostle describing this Church sayth By one Spirit we are baptized 1. Cor. 12 13. into one body And againe You are the body of Christ and Vers 17. members in particular And againe Christ is the head of the Eph. 5. 25. Church and hee is the Sauiour of the body He is before all things Col. 1. 18. and by him all things consist and hee is the head of the body the Church So that in the Scriptures of the New Testament we finde no definition of the Church but either in these wordes That it is the body of Christ or in words that signifie the same thing We finde no other Head of the Church but Christ himselfe Particular Churches are visible Assemblies who professe the true Faith and holde the ordinances of Christ and are gouerned by diuers visible heads or gouernours as Saint Gregory the Pope sayth Peter Lib. 4. Epist 38. ind 13. the Apostle of Christ which was the first member of the Church Paul Andrew Iohn what other are these but heads of particular Assemblies Singularium plebium capita so sayth Gregory And againe The Saints before the law the Saints vnder the Law and the Saints vnder grace all these making vp the body of Christ or members of the Church So Gregory vnderstood the Church that Saint Peter was a member onely but not a head of the vniuersall or Catholicke Church But of a particular Church sayth S. Gregory Peter was a head Yet no otherwise then as S. Iohn was the head of another particular Church S. Paul of another S. Andrew of another And so other heads or gouernours of other particular Churches because no Apostle could guide all particulars or the whole This was the ancient doctrine and knowledge of the Church These particular Churches though in respect of the places wherein they were gathered they be many and in that respect called in the plurall number Churches in Scripture Rom. 16. 4. and 1. Cor. 7. 17. and 2. Cor. 8. 18. and Apoc. 11. 4. and in many other places yet in respect of the faith which they professe they are but one for the Church is but one not two not many And euery particular Church that would prooue it selfe a true Church of Christ must proue that by the vnitie which it holdeth with the Catholicke Church which is but one For euery particular Church holding vnitie with the Catholike Church by reason of that vnitie is one with it And euery particular assembly that holdeth not this vnitie with the Catholicke Church is no true Church of Christ but an assembly of Heretickes But now the question betweene the Papists and the reformed Churches will bee whether of them two do hold this Vnitie with the Catholicke Church For if we proue the reformed Churches keep this Vnitie wee prooue them assuredly to be the true Churches and if wee prooue that the Papists haue broken off this vnitie with the Catholike Church then are they prooued to be no true Church but an assembly of heretickes that haue forsaken the Church To prooue this wee must declare what this Vnitie is and wherein it consisteth which thing being declared will euidently declare where the true Church is The Vnitie of the Church is fourefolde For though others may make moe parts yet all may be comprised in these foure For the Church is one first by the Vnitie of the Body secondly by the Vnitie of the Head thirdly by the Vnitie of the Spirit fourthly by the Vnitie of Faith All these are necessarily required to prooue a Church to holde Vnitie with the Catholicke Church And albeit where one of them is found they are all found yet because the Scriptures and Fathers speake distinctly of them wee will distinctly declare them The vnitie of the Body is an vnitie whereby all the members of the Church are knit together with the Head in one body For as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of 1. Cor. 12. that one body being many make but one body euen so is Christ sayth the Apostle This may be called mysticall Christ or the mysticall body of Christ that is his Church For this is the true Church the proper Church the Scripture doeth not acknowledge any other Catholike Church sauing this which is the body of Christ In which body all beleeuers are knit to Christ as the members of one body with the head And in this body euery member receiueth Eph. 4. 16 grace from the Head and the whole body according to the measure of euery member receiueth increase of the body to the edifying of it selfe in loue Thus is euery member of the body that is euery member of the Church ioyned vnto Christ by faith and loue And herein standeth the vnitie of this Body From this Vnitie the Papists are fallen away for they teach that the members of their Church as they call it neede not to haue any inward grace but it sufficeth if they make onely an externall profession of faith and haue the cōmunion of the Sacraments which by very sense is perceiued So saith Card. Bellarmine Lib. 3. de Ecclesi● cap. 2. lib. 3. cap. 2. de Ecclesia It followeth that the Popish Church hath not vnitie with the Catholike Church which is the body of Christ For there is but one Church that is the body of Christ and the members of this Church are
by grace knit to Christ their head as we haue prooued out of the Apostle Therfore that Church whose members are not knit to Christ by grace to the edifying of themselues in loue is no true Church of Christ It will not aduantage them to say that they haue among them some good men who they doubt not are members of Christ though their Church hath communion also with such as haue no inward grace and vertue For the Church of Christ hath no cōmunion with wicked men who liue without inward grace because the communion which the Church hath is called in our Creede Acommunion of Saints The Saints are men sanctified by the Spirit of God washed by the blood of Christ from their sins These Saints haue communiō both with Christ their Head by faith and with and among themselues by loue and charitie This communion is not betweene good and euill between Saints and wicked men but only among the Saints who are cleansed from all sinne by the blood of Christ for so S. Iohn teacheth speaking of this communion of Saints If wee walke in 1. Ioh. 1. 7 the light as he is in the light wee haue communion one with another and the blood of Iesus Christ his sonne cleanseth vs from all sinne Then this communion is among them that are cleansed by the blood of Christ from all sinne But the members of the Church of Rome which by their owne confession haue no inward grace are not cleansed from all their sinne by his blood And therfore such men cannot say that they haue this communion or any part thereof For vnto such S. Iohn saith in the words immediatly going before If we say that wee haue communion 1 Ioh. 1. 6 with him and walke in darkenesse we lie and do not the truth Now if these be found to be lyars by the testimonie of S. Iohn who say they haue communion with Christ when they walke in darknesse when they haue no inward vertue for such must needs walke in darkenesse who haue no inward light direction then out of doubt the Popish Church as now it standeth can haue no communion with Christ and consequently can be no true Church of Christ The reason is plaine from these principles which are their confession on the one side and the expresse testimonie of Scriptures on the other side The second Vnitie of the Church is the vnitie of the head Christ is the head of his Church And the Church of Christ is knowen by this vnitie for that is the true Church that hath alwayes kept this Head Iesus Christ But the Romish Church hath changed this head seeing they haue the Pope the head of the vniuersall Church Their common answere is That the Pope is Christ his Vicar and the ministeriall head But this answere is but a cloake to couer ignorance For the Church is but one and herein wee haue the confession of the Papists For Cardinall Bellarmine sayth the Libr. 3. cap. 2. de Eccles Church is onely one and not two and of this one Church he maketh the Pope to be the head as being Christs Vicar Now to bolt out the truth we reason thus The Church is one this one onely Church is Christ his bodie Christ his Spouse therefore if the Pope bee Christ his Vicar and the ministeriall head he must by this delegacie gouerne the same Church vnder Christ which is his body his Spouse For if Christ gouerne one Church and the Pope another then the Pope cannot be Christ his Vicar because hee gouerneth not the same vnder Christ for hee must bee Vicar to him whose Church hee doeth gouerne But the Pope doeth not gouerne the same Church vnder Christ but another Assembly For Christ is the head of his owne body of his owne members that is of Saints of true beleeuers of such as receiue inward grace vertue from the head and by that grace grow vp to the edification of themselues in loue as the Apostle teacheth But the Pope by the common confession of Papistes is head of such a Church whose mēbers haue no inward grace or vertue in them but onely the externall profession of the Romish faith acknowledging that the Pope is their head and gouernour For without this acknowledgment that the Pope is the head of the Church and Christ his Vicar on earth no profession of faith can make a man a member of that Church whatsoeuer faith he professe he is not receiued as a member in that Church vnlesse hee professe this faith of the Papall authoritie And if he professe this though there be in him no inward grace no vertue yet he is taken to be a true member of that Church By this it appeareth that the Pope doeth not gouerne the same Church vnder Christ whereof Christ is the head For Christ is not the head of wicked profane liuers that are without inward grace without vertue the deuill is their head Saint Austin sayth Lib. 3. cap. 37. de doctrina Christiana truely Diabolus est caput impiorum qui sunt eius quodammodo corpus ituri cumillo in supplicio aeterni ignis sicut Christus est caput Ecclesiae quae est corpus eius futurum cum illo in regno gloria sempiterna that is The deuil is the head of wicked men who are after a sort his body and shall goe with him into his kingdom and euerlasting fire euen as Christ is the head of the Church which is his body and shall be with him in his kingdom and euerlasting glory Whereupon it followeth that if the Pope bee the ministeriall head of a Church that Church consisting of wicked men that liue without inward grace or vertue as themselues confesse and the deuill being the head of all such as S. Augustine proueth It followeth I say that the Pope is by this found to be the Vicar of the deuill and the ministeriall head of the deuill ruling an assembly whereof the deuil is the head and not Christ This conclusion though it seeme to derogate much from the assumed title of his Holinesse yet considering the former premisses no man of learning and vnderstanding can iustly denie Then the Church of Rome is fallen away from this communion with the Head Christ Iesus because it is certaine that they who haue no inward grace and vertue haue no cōmunion with this head The third vnitie of the Church is the vnitie of the Spirit The whole Church is gouerned and directed by the same Spirit And therefore the Apostle speaking of the giftes which God giueth for the edificatiō of the Church sayth All these worketh that 1. Cor. 12. 11. one and the selfe-same Spirit And of the members of the Church that are gouerned by the selfesame Spirit he sayth a litle after the former words For by one Spirit we are all baptized 1. Cor. 12. 13. into one body In which words it is euident that to be a member of the Church the Apostle doeth not
of ancient writers in this poynt I will take a few of both S. Paul saith Whatsoeuer Rom. 15. 4. things are written before are written for our doctrine that by patience and consolation of the Scripture wee might haue hope Whereby the Apostle teacheth plainely that the Scriptures are the rule of our doctrine so that nothing may bee taught nothing may bee learned concerning our faith but according to this rule deliuered in the Scriptures And againe All Scripture is giuen 2. Tim. 3. 16. by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousnesse that the man of God may bee perfect throughly furnished vnto all good workes The Apostle declareth how the Scripture is profitable and perfect The Papists confesse that the Scripture is profitable but not perfect They denie the perfection the Apostle prooueth both It is profitable to perfect the man of God that profitablenesse that is able to make men perfect is both profitablenesse and perfection If the Scripture can make the man of God perfect then there is no neede of any traditions of men to make vp this perfection This hath bene the common doctrine of the Church that the Scriptures are so perfect in themselues that they containe the whole rule of faith In this confession agree the Greeke Church the Latine Church the Church of Rome and all Writers in the Church of Rome haue helde vp this common faith vntill the Council of Trent which Councill ended some fiftie yeres agoe And then began these men whom now we call Papists to change this rule of faith in the Council of Trent For whereas before the rule of faith was euer confessed to be in the doctrine of the Scriptures in that Council vnwritten Traditions were taken into the rule of faith and so they teach now that the Scripture is but one part of the rule of faith and vnwritten Traditions of the Church of Rome another part So that the whole rule is in the Scriptures and in Traditions Whereby it appeareth that the rule of faith is by them changed For I say that they are not able to prooue by any writer of the Church of Rome much lesse by ancients that the vnwritten Traditions of the Church of Rome were helde to be a part of the rule of faith before the Counci● of Trent And because the Church is certainely knowen by preseruing the rule o● faith for that is the true Church which through al● successions holdeth the same faith deliuered by the Apostles and Prophets and that is no true Church which holdeth not the same faith an● the same faith is knowen by the same rule therefore th● Church of Rome that now is hauing changed the rule o● faith hath assuredly change● the faith and hauing changed the faith ceaseth to be ● true Church of Christ because the Church is knowe● by the faith which the Apostles left to the Church An● that Church such as it is following now a new rule of faith can prooue their antiquitie no ancienter then the rule That rule being then deuised some 50. yeeres agoe it followeth that when they seeke out their antiquity they will finde their Church to be according to the antiquitie of the rule of their faith of some 50. yeres standing and no ancienter In the meane time they cousen the simple people that cannot iudge with great boasting of their antiquitie and of the cōtinuance of their faith from the Apostles But these be but vaine brags as it will further appeare in the processe thereof But first that we may know how faithful and peremptory the ancient Fathers and Writers of the Church of Rome haue beene in this point to prooue that nothing may be receiued into the rule of faith sauing only the Scriptures of many testimonies I will cite some Clemens Alexandrinus saith Strom. lib. 6. The Ecclesiasticall rule is the consent and conspiration of the olde and new Testament By the Ecclesiasticall rule hee declareth what is that rule which ruleth the Church And speaking of the holy Scriptures he saith There is no other worke but this onely that can bring saluation to men Athanasius saith Contra gentes The holy Scriptures inspired by God are sufficient to instruct men in the trueth Basill sayth Ascet de fide It is a manifest sliding away from faith and an euident signe of pride either to reiect any thing of that which is written or to bring in any thing that is not written Where he prooueth this both by Scriptures and reasons For Christ his sheepe heare his voice therfore it must be the known voice of Christ in the Scriptures that must rule our faith And the Apostle saith That though it be a Gal. 1. 15. mans testament yet if it be confirmed and ratified no man may disanull it or adde any thing to it Whereby Basill most powerfully proueth that the Testament of Christ being confirmed by his death may not be disanulled or haue any thing added vnto it For this were euident forgerie in a mans Testament And what then shall wee call this adding of vnwritten Traditions to the Testament of Iesus Christ Constantine the great had learned this of the orthodox Bishops and therefore hee sayth as Theodoret deliuereth Theodor. lib. 1. ca. 7 his saying in the first Nicene Council The Euangelicall and Apostolicall bookes and the oracles of the olde Prophets doe fully Plene nos instruunt instruct vs what we must vnderstand of the will of God therefore laying aside all contentions let vs seeke out the solution of those doubts that are proposed out of the holy Scriptures S. Chrysostome In 2. Cor. Hom. 13. sayth Seeing wee haue a most exact rule balance and gnomon that is the doctrine of holy Scriptures I beseech you ●hat you will not regard what this ●r that man sayth but seeke all ●hese things out of the Scrip●ures Where S. Chrysostome ●reacheth to the people and ●rayeth them to read and search ●he Scriptures A cleane con●rary course take these Popish doctors who debarre the peo●le from reading the Scrip●ures in a known tongue and ●o keepe them in ignorance ●elling them that they must beleeue nothing but that which the Church teacheth by the Church they meane themselues who are their teachers And they neuer declare to the people how by the rule of faith deliuered in the Scriptures they should examine their doctrines but the blind people must take all at their handes who are resolued to holde them blinde still As Cardinall Caietan comming into Paris and finding the people blinde was not desirous to remooue their blindnesse by instruction but content to abuse their blindnesse and to leaue them as blinde as he found them For when the people were desirous to haue the Cardinals blessing and therein the Popes the Cardinall at the first refused but finding the people earnestly set vpon that motion hee turned to them and sayde these words Quandoquidem
iudge of the controuersies of faith These are now holden as things determined and yet they were neuer discussed This made Gentiletus exclaime Innocent Gentileti exam concilij Trid. in these words Ecquis fando vnquā audiuit vt quaestio in disputationē non reuocata non examinata non tractata fuerit tamen decisa conclusa rata approbata tanta astutia hic tractata est quaestio de Rom. Pontificis authoritate supra Concilium that is Did euer any man heare of the like that there should bee a question which though it were neuer brought to disputation neuer examined neuer handled should notwithstanding be decided concluded confirmed approoued By such cunning was the question handled heere concerning the Popes authoritie ouer a Council by this let the world iudge of this Councill whether it was like other Councils Is this a thing to bee tolerated in the Church that a companie of Italians men without Religion without the feare of God shuld in the pride of their wits put a trick vpon all the Churches in Christendom Let the simple soules that are seduced lift vp their eyes and see the snares that are prouided to catch them let them vnderstand that the Priests and Iesuites who now are imployed about their subuersion are instruments to driue and allure them into these nettes which these Inginers haue deuised by subtilty and fraud These trappes are laide with great subtiltie to inthrall their soules let them at the least looke vp and open their eyes and behold the danger that is before them If they will wilfully fall into these snares then may they blame themselues for their owne destruction Thus haue wee found out that the rule of Faith was changed in the Councill of Trent That in the same Councill the Iudge of Controuersies of faith was likewise changed that all things were then changed whereby the Church is knowen to bee a Church For before that the Church was knowen to bee a Church by the Vnitie which it helde with the Catholike Church This was the Vnitie of the Bodie the Vnitie of the Head the Vnitie of the Spirit and the Vnitie of Faith These were in some measure all held vntill the Councill of Trent changed all Now all these things being changed and forsaken by the present Church of Rome it remaineth to conclude that the present Church of Rome is no Church of Christ but an assembly I say not of Heretikes but of farre worse and more dangerous then any Heretikes heeretofore haue bene For the former Heretikes that haue openly forsaken the Church could neuer doe so much harme as Antichrist with his creatures who hauing secretly forsaken the Church yet make open claime to the Church and to all the rights thereof Seeing now that the now Church of Rome is not the true Church where then shall we finde it The Reformed Churches as now they are called being the generation of them that haue liued of long time before in the Communion of the old Church of Rome might haue continued in that course if the Church of Rome had not bin notoriously changed from a Church to no Church For in olde times we find a distinction obserued betweene the Church of Rome and the Court of Rome The Church we may call all these Westerne Churches that helde Communion with the Church of Rome then and maintained the Popes Supremacie in things spirituall as then the Supremacie was vnderstood but not as now they vnderstand it Now because they helde in this poynt with the Pope they were therefore vnderstood as belonging to the Church of Rome thus farre The Court of Rome were they that flattered the Pope and sought his greatnesse without respect to trueth or reason Such were Friers and Canonists which in the ende preuailed against the Church and now call themselues the Church of Rome These with their adherents for some Bishops and Priests did leaue the Church and adhere vnto these preuailed in the Councill of Trent by fraudulent sleights and forsaking the rule of faith changing the Iudge of Controuersies extolling the Popes Supremacie aboue all that were before them gaue a iust occasion vnto the Reformed Churches which after this reuolted from them to seeke the Church wheresoeuer they could finde it because they saw euidently now that in the Popes communion it was no longer to be found If any man obiect vnto mee that Martin Luther beganne to preach before the Councill of Trent for hee began first to preach against Indulgences in the yeere of Christ 1517. and the first Session of the Council of Trent was held in the yeere 1545. the last Session of that Councill was held in the yere 1563. Luther then hauing begun to preach against the Pope before the Councill of Trent it may bee thought that the Council of Trent gaue not occasion to the reuolt which followed seeing that Martin Luther had in some sort begun it before To this I answer that when Martin Luther begā first to preach against Indulgēces hee thought of no reuolting from the Pope For he preached the doctrines that he was sure the Church had held before him and which were agreeable to the rule of faith which stood at that time vnchanged in the Church And that Luther had no meaning to reuolt from the Church himselfe doeth plainely confesse and it is euident by the whole course of the Storie of these times Luther for a long time after his preaching against Indulgences sought peace with the Pope and therfore he appealed vnto Pope Leo nothing doubting but that the Pope would fauour the truth which he had so clearly proued from the Scriptures When he saw that the Pope went directly from the trueth then he appealed from the Pope to a generall Councill For Luther neuer doubted but that there was and alwayes would bee a Church that would fauour the trueth against the Pope and his flatterers So Luther fell away from the Pope but still hee helde himselfe sure in the Church teaching nothing but such things as hee offered to be examined according to the rule of faith which alwayes ruled the doctrines of the Church And thus he continued vntill his death He died after the Councill of Trent was begun In appealing frō the Pope to a generall Councill he followed the common practise of many that were oppressed by the Pope or that feared the Popes oppression in the Church of Rome who appealed from the Pope and Court of Rome to the Church of Rome or to a generall Councill Such Appeales were made sometimes by Emperours and Kings which were wronged by the Pope as namely by Lodouike Bauare Emperour and by Philip the faire the French King Sometimes by learned men of inferiour degree as by Michael Caesina with whom did then adhere William Occham and others The same distinction betweene the Church of Rome and Court of Rome was very apparant by the actions and processe helde by those two Councils collected of these Westerne Churches the Councill of
blaspheme the Church dispersed ouer the whole world except the Church of Rome and some few of the West Then it followeth that in his iudgement the Church of Rome was not the Catholicke Church because Vrbicus who blasphemed the Catholike Church commended and followed the Church of Rome Many things might be brought for this purpose but I striue for breuitie This may suffice to prooue that the ancient Fathers did not hold the Church of Rome to be the Catholike Church In this Church there is a communion of Saints which Communion the Papistes deuise to bee betwene the Saints in heauen and the Saints on earth and them that bee in purgatorie These bee vaine conceits without any ground For the Church hath this Communion with GOD the Father and with IESVS CHRIST and among themselues as Saint Iohn teacheth 1. Ioh. 1. 3. Our Communion is with the Father and his Sonne Iesus Christ And declaring this Communion which the members of the Church haue one with another hee saith If wee walke in the light as hee 1 Ioh. 1. 3 7. is in the light wee haue Communion one with another and the blood of Iesus Christ doeth cleanse vs from all sinne In which wordes hee declareth who are partakers of this Communion and consequently who are members of this Church For wee haue Communion one with another and the blood of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all sinne Then they haue this Communion who by the blood of Christ are cleansed from all sinne And therefore they who are in Purgatorie can haue no part of this Communion because they are not cleansed from all their sinne by the blood of Christ This Communion then is a Communion which the Church of the redeemed haue among themselues These bee they who sing that new Song Thou art worthie Apoc. 5. 9 to take the Booke and to open the Seales thereof For thou wast slaine and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood out of euery kinred and tongue and people and nation This is the Communion that the Church of the redeemed haue and therefore it is called The Communion of Saints that is of such as are sanctified by the blood of Iesus Christ But this Communion is not in the Church of Rome For the Communion which is in the Church of Rome is such a Communion which by their owne confession is held among such men as haue no inward grace but onely the externall profession of Religion This being their owne confession it must needs follow that the Communion of Saints is not among them For Saints haue no Communion with wicked who haue no inward grace who are the members of the deuill and not of Christ The reason is because betweene the members of Christ and the members of the Deuill there can bee no Communion as S Paul prooueth For what fellowship 2. Cor. 6. hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse or what Communion hath light with darkenesse or what concord hath Christ with Beliall or what part haue beleeuers with vnbeleeuers c. Thus haue wee prooued that there is no agreement betweene the Church of Rome and the Catholike Church because the Church of Rome is neither holy nor Catholike neither in it is found the Communion of Saints Then they who boast so much of the Catholique Church the Catholique Church suffer themselues to be blinded by cosening companions who know not the trueth For they thinke to hold the Catholike Church before they will bee acquainted with a particular Church Let them bee intreated to vnderstand that if they desire to be in the Catholike Church without which there is no saluation they must betake themselues to some particular Church heere on earth which holdeth Vnitie with the Catholike Church And then shall they be sure to bee in the Catholike Church when they are found in such a Church which holdeth Vnitie with the Catholique Church that is by the ministery of the Church wherein you liue and are taught you must vnderstand that you are collected as members into one bodie that from the Head you may receiue an increase of this Body to the edifying of your selues in loue and so bee truely knit to the Head of the Church Iesus Christ that by one and the same Spirit you may be iustified and sanctified so holde the vnitie of the Spirit that by one rule of faith you may be taught and ruled and that you may be sure that the same rule which hath been the rule of faith from the Apostles times and continued euer in the Church be the rule of your faith When thus by the ministerie of a particular Church in whatsoeuer place of the world that Church be you are gathered into one Body vnder one Head gouerned by one Spirit holding one and the same rule of Faith then may you be assured that you are in the Catholike Church for the Catholike Church being vniuersall and not particular cannot be fixed to any one particular place but the men that must be gathered into the Church are particular men and holde particular places and therefore must vse the helpe of particular Churches to bring them to the Catholicke Church or else they shall neuer find it If thus men would seek the Church they should be sure to finde it there is but one way they that receiue not the loue of the trueth are iustly deceiued and perish that all might be damned who beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse So that when deceiuers come with their strong illusions yet shall they be able to preuaile against none but onely such as loue not the trueth But they who loue the trueth and seeke it with care and diligence as they would seeke siluer and golde or things that are esteemed more precious shall by the great mercy of God vndoubtedly bee saued from errour and damnation And all such by the free mercy of God shall be brought into the true Church that therein as in the Arke of Noah they may be saued For vnto the ende of the world must that alwayes be verified which is written The Lord added to the Church Acts 2. 47. from day to day such as should be saued FOrasmuch as I haue taken this as a thing granted by the Papists That they haue added their vnwritten Traditions which they call Apostolicall vnto the Scriptures to make vp the totall rule of ●aith the Scriptures making ●ut one part thereof and ●heir Traditions another by which alteration of the rule of faith they haue forsaken cōmunion with the Church which till that time alwayes held this rule which to the end of the world must holde ●t I haue here set downe the words of the Trent Council and of Car. Bellar. expounding the same for their sakes who being ignorant may doubt whether this be true or not CONCIL TRIDENT Sess 4. Decret 1. Omnes Libros veteris noui Testamenti nec non Traditiones ipsas tum ad fidem tum ad mores pertinentes tanquam vel ore tenus à Christo vel a Spiritus sancto dictat as continua successione in Ecclesia Catholica conseruat as pari pietatis affectu ac reuerentia suscipit ac veneratu● Tridentina Synodus That is All the books of the old and new Testament as also the Traditions themselues pertaining both to faith and maners as being either pronounced from the mouth of Christ or deliuered by the holy Ghost and by continuall successiō preserued in the Catholicke Church the Councill of Trent receiueth and honoureth with like and equall affection of piety and reuerence Card. Bellarm. lib. de verbo Dei non script cap. 3. Asserimus in Scripturis non contineri expressè totam doctrinam necessariam siue de fide siue de moribus proinde preter verbum De● scriptum requiri etiam verbum Dei non scriptum id est diuinas Apostolicas Traditiones That is Wee affirme that in the Scriptures is not conteined expressely all necessarie doctrine whether of faith or maners and therfore besides the written word of God is required also the vnwritten word of God namely Diuine and Apostolicall Traditions Card. Bellar. ibid. cap. 4. Scripturae sine Traditionius nec fuerunt simpliciter ne●essariae nec sufficientes That is The Scriptures without Traditions were neither simply necessary nor yet sufficient Card. Bellar. ibid. cap. 12. Dico Scripturam etsi non ●it facta praecipuè vt sit regula fidei esse tamen regulam fidei non totalem sed partialem Totalis enim regula fidei est verbum Dei siue reuelatio Dei Ecclesiae facta quae diuiditur in duas regulas partiales Scripturam Traditiones That is I say that the Scripture though it was not made especially to be the rule of faith yet is the rule of faith not in whole but in part for the whole rule of faith is the word of God or the reuelation of God made to the Church which is diuided into two partie-rules Scripture and Traditions These things the learned Papists make no doubt of and ●herfore I take them as things granted by them because all ●heir learned men grant the ●ame For the vnlearned I ●aue set them down that they may vnderstand that the rule of faith which the Church held before which holdeth ●he Church in vnitie is by ●hem forsakē And therfore if they will seeke a true Church they must seek such a Church which holdeth still the same rule of faith with the true Church of Christ which was before the Trent Council and must stand till the end of the world FINIS