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A07105 A treatise of schisme Shewing, that al Catholikes ought in any wise to abstaine altogether from heretical conuenticles, to witt, their prayers, sermons. &c, deuided into foure chapters, whereof 1. Conteineth sundry reasons to that purpose, grounded for the most part vppon scriptures and fathers. 2.Examples out of holy scriptures. 3. Examples out of ecclesiastical histories. 4. Answeres to the chiefe obiections. By Gregorie Martin Licentiate in Diuinitie. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1578 (1578) STC 17508; ESTC S107013 61,358 188

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deuised a newe subtiltie vnder the very title and name of Christianitie to deceaue the vnwarye He found out I say heresies and schismes whereby he might ouerthrowe fayth corrupt the truth deuide the vnitie of the Catholike Churche S. Ambrose to signifie that they are very Infidels saith Quadam nuncupatiua fidei germanitate parricidialibus gladiis nos cupiunt vulnerare With a certaine brotherly affinitie or likenes of one faith they couet to wound vs as if one brother shoulde drawe his sworde against his other brethrē And praiseth his brother Satyrus quòd non arbitrabatur fidē esse in schismate because he thought there was not a right perfect faith in schisme much lesse in heresie S. Austen Amemus Dominū deum nostrum amemus Ecclesiā eius illum sicut Patrem istam sicut matrem sed matrimonium hoc magna charitate compaginatur nemo offendit vnum et promeretur alterā nemo dicat ad idola quidem vado sed tamen Ecclesiam dei non relinquo Catholicus sum timens matrem offendis patrem Alius item dicit Absit à me non consulo sortilegium non seruio lapidibus sed tamen in parte Donati sum Quid tibi prodest non offensus pater qui offensus vindicat matrem Let vs loue our Lord God let vs loue his Church him as a father her as a mother This Matrimonie is knitt together with great charitie No man offendeth the one hath the fauor of the other Let no man say I go to Idols in déede but for al that I doo not forsake the Church of God I am a Catholike stil although thou sticke to the mother yet thou offendest against the Father Some other saith I aske no councel of Southsayers God forbid I woorship no stockes nor stones but for al that I am of Donatus side a schismatike and an heretike what doth it auaile thée not to offend directly against the father who is offended notwithstanding and wil punish the iniurie done to the mother To committ Idolatrie he maketh a sinne against God to be in schisme a sinne against the Churche of god Whether a man doo th one or thother he saith it offendeth God al one Thus farre it séemeth the case is equal and that they are to be shunned alike Nowe ex abundanti to proue that the heretike and schismatike is woorse then the Gentile or the Iewe and therfore to be more eschewed these may séeme verye plaine argumentes S. Paule Scripsi vobis in epistola nè commisceamini fornicariis non vtique fornicariis huius mundi aut idolis feruientibus sed si is qui frater nominatur est fornicarius aut auarus c. cum eiusmodi nec cibum sumere I wrote to you in an Epistle not to kéepe company with fornicatours I meane not the fornicatours of this world Infidels and Gentiles or woorshippers of Idols but if he that is our Christian brother be a fornicatour or couetous with such a one that you doo not so much as eate and drinke Is it not euident that he willeth them to abstayne from a false christened brother rather then from a flat Panym and that for lesser sinnes then heresie Againe the Church permitteth them to liue that by the Apostles authoritie Quid mihi de iis qui foris sunt iudicare What haue I to doo to iudge of them that are without meaning al that were not Christians but the heretike is punished with death Whether is more abhorred See the ecclesiastical historie of Eusebius where Dionisius the famous Bishopp sayth that to suffer Martyrdome for the auoiding of schisme is more commendable then for the aauoyding of Idolatry because in the one is the safetie of our soule in the other is the saluation of the whole Churche It is a notable place And S. Austen proueth that schisme offended God more then Idolatrye by the selfe-same reason because it was more gréeuously punished as in Chore Dathan and Abyron then in Aaron and them that woorshipped the calfe Againe of the Iewes and heretikes the same Doctour writeth Quòd haeretici offendant ad lapidem iam montem factum miseriores Iudęis qui faciliùs ad lapidem tum paruum et paulò antè abscissum offenderunt Heretikes stūble at the stone that is now growen to be a mightie hil being more miserable thē the Iewes who no meruaile if they stūbled more easily at the stone as then being litle and cutt out of the quarrye a litle before He alludeth to Daniels prophecie of our Sauiour to be borne of the Virgin. The Iewes stumbled at the beginning when the Church beganne but heretikes stumble nowe at it when it filleth the whole world If then they be woorse then the Iewes ergò muche more then the Panims which are Infidels onely negatiuè negatiuely as S. Thomas termeth it because they haue not heard of Christe and his Church according to those places Si non fecissem in eis signa quae nemo alius fecit peccatum non haberent nempè obstinatae infidelitatis nunc autem viderunt et oderunt If I had not wrought among them tokens such as no other man did they shoulde not haue sinned to witt the sinne of obstinate infidelitie but nowe they haue séene and yet hate me And Si coeci essetis non haberetis peccatum If you were blinde in déede and had neuer heard of me you should not haue sinned of obstinate infidelitie Nunc verò dicitis quia vidimus peccatum vestrū manet But nowe ye saye that we sée very wel therefore your sinne remaineth And therfore he saith Terrae Sodomorum remissius erit in die iudicii quàm tibi There shal be more fauour Sodomites in the daye of iudgement then to thée The greater punishment is alway a token of the greater sinne especially after this life Now it is certaine that this obstinate infidelitie is greater in the heretike then eyther in Iewe or Paynim Againe al authours of heresies and Catholikes peruerted by them are Apostates and reuolters from their first Christian profession ergò woorse then they that neuer professed the name of Christ Si refugientes coinquinationes mundi in cognitione Domini Iesu Christi If they that flye from worldly vnclennes by the knowledge of Iesus Christe as when Painims are christned hi rursus implicati superantur facta sunt eis posteriora deteriora prioribus melius namque erat illis non cognoscere viam iustitię quàm post agnitionē retrorsum conuerti c. If they I say intangled againe with them be so ouercome this later reuolt maketh them in woorse case thē before they first beléeued for they had béen better not to know the way of righteousnes then after they knowe it to turne backe againe And Immundus spiritus egressus de homine c. An vncleane spirite being departed out of man when by Baptisme the spirite of Infidelitie and paganisme is driuen out non inueniens
execution But of the sinne of Schisme we reade Si nouam rem fecerit Dominus vt aperiens terra os suum deglutiat eos et omnia quae ad illos pertinent etc. If our Lorde should doo a newe thing that the earth opening her mouth doo swalowe them and al thinges that doo appertaine vnto them and liuing they shal descende to hel by this you shal knowe that they haue blasphemed our Lorde god Also the tenn tribes which through Schisme reuolted from the kingdome of Dauid were most gréeuously punished and in fine fel from Schisme to Idolatrye Moreouer as longe as Abraham abode amonge the Chaldeis who were Idolatrers it is not found that our Lord appered much vnto him althogh as it may be thoght he was a good man but when he departed from thence we reade that often God appered vnto him and as of a benefite most singuler doth put him in remembrance of his deliuerie Ego dominꝰ qui eduxi vos de terra Hurr Chal deorum Iacob the beloued did refuse to goe into the company of reprobate Esau although by giftes he had pacified him neither woulde suffer anye of his seruantes to be among his herdmen Ismaels playe with Isacke did so offende Sara that it is called in Scripture persecutiō Hard it was although Abrahā prostrate besought it to saue Lot from the wrath of God in Sodoma yea his wife for looking once backe towardes the place where the wicked were is eternally punished and Peter the prince of thapostles by entring into the palace of the high Superintendent warming him self at their fire is driuen to deny his faith Iohn the beloued could not escape their hands but by leauing his gaberdine behind glad to escape starke naked These are written for our instructions that we shoulde beware of false heretikes and Schismatikes whose spéech créepeth as doth the disease of a cancar infecteth those that it toucheth The Church therfore as a careful mother hath by Canons of antiquitie vtterlye forbidden her children to come nere the forsaken company as by the cotations in the margent may appere Bruno a learned writer saith that ech prouiso wherby heresies schismes are to be auoyded doo consist in these Haereticorum communione collegiis conuenticulis Scholis praedicationibꝰ doctrinis libris falsis ab haereticis vel compositis vel deprauatis By communicating with heretikes in their colleges conuenticles or prophecying prechings schooles or in bookes either by them fally made or by their notes corrupted for as by these things being suffred heresies Schismes doo grow encrease take rooting and infect So these occasions being prohibited cutt off they are either suppressed or vtterly extinguished To communicate with heretikes in these thinges is for thrée causes forbidden by the Churche and that vppon paine of the censures therof The first because heretikes are cutt from the Churche with whom neyther the Churche nor they of the Churche ought to haue eyther felowshipp or communion Secondly because Catholikes communicating in any of the premisses with heretikes corum se peccatis inuoluant doo wrapp them selues to be giltie in their sinns as it is written Depart from the tabernacles of these wicked men Schismatikes touche nothing that apperteyneth vnto them least in their sinnes you wrapp your selues Thirdly least in vsing their societie you be made one of them Qui stat videat nè cadat For their spéeche and company doth infect An emulamur dominum Shal we prouoke or trye whether God dare punish vs Are we stronger then he that we can abide his displeasure We doo euery day prouoke him to anger when we come to the conuenticles of his enemies It is not good to sustaine his displeasure And therfore is it forbidden by the Constitutions of the Apostles Impios haereticos qui impoenitentes fuerint c. The wicked heretikes that haue seperated them selues from the faithful Catholikes cast off for they are impenitent and charge the Catholikes to abstaine from their felowshipp by al meanes neither let them haue anye communication with them in spéeche or prayers for they are aduersaries and thieues to the Churche they begile the flock defile the heritage We warne you therefore that ye auoyde them least they intangle your soules in their snares for it is not lawful to runne with théeues No man can serue two masters at once Thus farre the Apostles We sée what charge they gaue to the children of the housholde For like as the life of the body procéedeth from the quickening spirite for vntil the breath of life was into the nosethrils of man breathed the body was senselesse without life for the life of the body is the soule made after the Image of God al the members as long as they remaine in the body haue life and strength effectual to their appointed operation procéeding from the soule in the same body for that purpose abiding But if either legge arme eare or nose be cut off from the body the life of the soule foloweth it not it is deade vnprofitable wretched and miserable the life of the soule foloweth not a deuided member Euen so looke what the soule of man doth in the natural bodye of man the same doth the holy Ghoste in the mistical bodye of Christe By Baptisme we haue put on Christe Quotquot in Christo baptizati estis Christum induistis We are incorporate into his body as truly as the leggs armes and head are by sinewes organically ioyned to the life of thy soule So truely are they that haue putt on Christe in Baptisme vnited vnto the mistical body of Christe which is the Catholike Churche The soule or life of which body is the holy Ghost like as the life of man is his soule As long as we remaine in this bodye mistical in this vine as true members as true branches so long haue we life grace giftes proportionable vnto the part that we occupie in the mistical body If we cutt off our selues by heresie by schisme by going into the Church where it is or where any part of the schismatical seruice therof is said or preached we haue no more the life graces and giftes of the holy Ghost to merite life euerlasting then hath the leg or arme cut off from the body the life of the soul which onely remaineth in the body The graces of the holy Ghost doo not folowe a deuided mēber what good works soeuer he doo they helpe nothing to merite life but he is a dead mēber withered to be cast into the euerlasting fire of hellish paine and woful miserie Vbi ecclesia ibi spiritus vbi spiritus dei illic ecclesia omnis gratia spiritus autem veritas Wher the Church is there is the spirit where the spirite of God is there is the Church al grace the spirit is truth And S. Augustine saith Qui ecclesiā relinquit
England vpon this false principle We must obeye a lawe Saint Austen writeth of Seneca one familier with Saint Paule but a dissembler for feare of Nero. Eò damnabilius fecit colendo Idola quòd ea quae fallaciter egit sic tamen egit vt veraciter egisse existimaretur He did it meaning his woorshipping of Idols so much the more damnably because that which he did onely for a shewe yet so he did it that he would be thought to haue done it truely and from his very heart Here you may remember olde Eleazarus that would not séeme to breake anye litle point of Gods lawe but dye rather a most cruel death It is a famous historie done before the time of grace and therefore shal condemne our dissembling Catholikes nowe in great pointes for feare of smal dammages Non namque aetati nostrae dignum est fingere vt multi adolescentes arbitrantes Eleazarum transisse ad vitam alienigenarum decipiantur c. It is a thing vnwoorthy of our age to dissemble whereby manye yonge men thinking that Eleazarus is reuolted to the life and Religion of Gentiles maye be deceaued through my example But it is possible that thy conscience is indifferent to both religions and so thou art excused from doing against thy conscience Nunquid fons de eodem foramine emanat dulcem amaram aquam Doth a fountaine out of one and the self-same springe gushe foorth swéete and sower water truth and heresie vnitie and schisme Nemo potest duobus dominis seruire No mā can serue two masters And Non potestis bibere calicem Domini calicem dęmoniorum Quae participatio iustitię cum iniquitate aut quę conuentio Christi ad Belial aut quę pars fideli cum infideli You cannot drinke of our Lordes cupp and the cupp of deuils What partaking hath righteousnes with iniquitie or what agrement is there betwéene Christe and Belial Or what part hath a faithful mā with the faithlesse or infidel And what foloweth Propter quod exite de medio eorum seperamini dicit Dominus immundum ne tetigeritis ego recipiam vos ero vobis in patrē For the which cause goe out from amonge them and seperate your selues from them saith our Lorde and touche not that that is vncleane and I wil receue you and wil be to you a Father As much to say if you wil folow my religion onely I am your Father your god c. Otherwise Coangustum est stratum ita vt alter excidat pallium breue non potest duos tegere The bed is narowe so that thou must néedes fal out and a short blanket cannot couer two Which Saint Hierome doth interprete of Christe who is as it were Sponsus animae nostrae The Spouse wedded to our soule And therfore can not abide adulterum simul secum in codem strato an aduoulterer together with him in the same bed He wil alone haue vs or not at al. Si Baal sit Deus sequimini eum sin Dominus sit Deus scquimini illum Quousque claudicatis in vtramque partem If Baal be God folowe him If our Lorde be God folowe him Howe long limpe you on both sides Vna fides vnus Deus vnus Dominus One faith saith S. Paule one God one Lorde The natural Mother Catholica Ecclesia saide not to Salomon Diuidatur Let the childe be deuided but al or none The Samaritanes woorshipped the true God schismatically and withal their owne bables but it is saide Ioh. 4. of the Iewes that had the true woorshipp of one God Catholikes as it were Non coutuntur Iudaei Samaritanis The Iewes kéepe no companye with the Samaritanes Againe those preceptes Non arabis boue asino Non texes vestimenta ex lino lana non miscebis duo semina in agro tuo Thou shalt not plough with an oxe and an Asse together Thou shalt not weaue garmentes of both linnen and woollen Thou shalt not mingle two diuers séedes in thy fielde and the like What is the signification but Vae duplici corde Woe be to the double hearted And Vir duplici animo inconstans est in omnibus viis suis A double harted man is vnconstant in al his waies And Vir ingrediens duas vias non habebit successus And Cor prauum scandalizabitur in eis A man that goeth in two wayes shal not go forwarde and a wicked heart shal stumble in them And that which is terrible Disperdam de terra eos qui iurant in deum in Melchom I wil destroy thē that swear by God and their wicked king For so Melchom doth signifie by God in hart by their prince in behauiour which serue both depende vpon both c. In malitia sua lętificauerunt regem in mendaciis suis principes They haue de lighted the king in their naughtines princes by their lying or dissembling Of such men as learne to dissemble of their naughty pastors S. Austen saith Si indifferentem habuero errorem tuū attendit qui fortis est putat nihil esse ire in haeresim quando aliquod cōmodum de seculo reduxerit vnde mutetur Statim mihi dicit fortis ille periturus hâc hâc deus est Quid interest homines inter se litigantes hoc fecerunt vbicunque colendus est deus If I shal thinke thy error indifferent and that it is al one to doo this or that he that is otherwise stronge marketh it and thinketh it is nothing to runne into heresie when some worldlye commoditie shal appere whereby he maye be altered and chaunged by and by this stoute man saith vnto me God is both here and there what difference is there men by iangling among them selues haue made al this adoe God is to be woorshipped in euery place or congregation It is scandalous and maketh thy brother to sinn which is a very weightie consideration as appereth by our Sauiours Vae Vae mundo à scandalis Vae illi per quem veniunt scandala Woe be to the world by reason of stumbling blockes Woe be to him that maketh other men to stumble And Qui scandalizauerit vnum ex pusillis istis credentibus in me bonum est ei magis si circundaretur mola asinaria collo eius in mare mitteretur He that is an occasion why any one of these litle ones that beléeue in me doo stumble or sinne it were good for him if a mil-stone were hanged about his necke and that he were cast into the Sea. Pusilli Litle ones are they that beléeue wel and meane wel and gladly would doo for the best but are easilye moued to relent by authoritie or example Here remember once more olde Eleazarus who therfore chose to dye because yonge men should not be bolde to breake Gods lawe saying Olde Eleazarus did so why may not we but O woorthy Eleazarus it was required onely of
Note the same quarum aliquam to maintein any one error stubbornly is heresie eyther of those opinions there named or any that might rise afterwarde And because it is heresie therfore the mainteyner thereof is to be auoided euen as an Arrian iuxta illud Hęreticum hominem deuita Auoyde the man that is an heretike Whatsoeuer his error be as the selfe same Doctor declareth excellently for this purpose saying Haec quadraginta capitula fideliter crede si quem contraria his dogmatizare cognoueris tanquam pestem fuge tanquam haereticum abiice Ita namque ista quae hìc posuimus fidei Catholicae congruunt vt si quis non solùm omnibus sed etiā singulis voluerit contraire in eo quòd singulis horum contumaciter repugnat hęreticus atque ex hoc omnibus Catholicis anathematizandus appareat c. These fortie articles beléeue faithfully and if thou shalt know any man to holde contrary opinions to these auoyde him as a plague or pestilence and cast him off for an heretike for these poyntes which we haue put doo so agrée iumpe with the Catholike faith that if a mā wil gain-say not only al but any one of thē by it self in that he doth stubbornly stande against anye one of them it is euident he is an heretike and therefore to be abandoned and accursed of al Catholike men Let vs examine a litle those two testimonies In the first de haeresibus he saith the he that holdeth any one of those points is no Christian Catholike mā but there you haue Iouinian condemned and Aerius whose heresies our Caluenistes mainteyne at this day ergò they must be abhorred aswel as Arrians In the second he saith that he which doth not beléeue euery one of those fortie articles by him rehearsed is to be abhorred as an heretike Reade them and you shal finde that our heretikes denye very many of them albeit he addeth of euery one Firmissimè tene nullatenùs dubita Holde it for a most assured certaintie and doubt in no wise It is plain thē that there may growe and dayly doo sundry heresies that are not expressely against the articles of the Créede Vnlesse you wil saye they are al against that article Credo in Ecclesiam catholicam in this sense I beléeue al that the Catholike Church beléeueth and so there may be as many heresies as are verities in the Catholike faith Quam nisi quis integram inuiolatamque seruauerit absque du bio in aeternum peribit Which fayth vnlesse a man doo kéepe whole without breache without doubt he shal perish euerlastingly why but because he is an heretike And S. Thomas conclusion is wel knowē Qui errat in vno articulo de nullo fidem habet He that erreth or beléeueth not any one article of the Catholike faith he in very déede to speake truely and properlye beléeueih none because the Catholike Church beléeueth aswel al as one And therfore if he did beléeue vpō that groūd he should beléeue euery one if that be not his ground he beléeueth not but foloweth fancie and his owne reason For this cause Iconoclaster or Image breakers are auncient heretikes because they denied that article of the catholike Church de venerandis imaginibus of reuerēce to be geuē to Images and are condemned by the second Councel of Nice as Arius was by the first they for their heresie against the Church he for his heresie against the person of Christe So that the case of both heresies is equal of that that is flatly against Christ the head and that that is against the Church the bodye Is that possible yea Qui vos spernit me spernit He that despiseth you despiseth me And Saul Saul quid me persequeris Saul Saul why doest thou persecute me when he did persecute his Church And Ego sum veritas saith he I am truth as of the Church is saide Firmamentum columna veritatis that she is the stay and piller of truth ergò euery opinion against the truth is against Christe his Churche equallye And Spiritus sanctus quem mittet pater in nomine meo ille docebit vos omnem veritatē quia de meo accipiet annunciabit vobis The holy Ghost whom the Father wil sende in my name he shal teach you al truth for he shal receaue of that that is mine and declare vnto you If Christe sent the holy Ghost to direct the Churche into al truth from time to time Habeo namque multa dicere sed non potestis omnia portare modò For I haue many things saith he to tel you but presently you cannot beare them al whosoeuer stubbornlye resisteth one article of the Catholike Churche resisteth Christe Omnis spiritus qui soluit Iesum ex Deo non est Euery spirite that deuideth Iesus is not of god He deuideth him that maketh not accompt of his body the Church And Ipse dedit quosdam quidem Apostolos quosdam prophetas alios verò Euangelistas alios autem Pastores Doctores ad consummationē sanctorum in aedificationē corporis Christi c. He gaue some to be Apostles some Prophetes other some Euangelistes others Pastors and teachers to make vp the number of Saintes to the edifying of the body of Christe Why Vt iam non scimus paruuli sluctuantes et circumferamur omni vento doctrinae etc. That nowe we be no more litle ones wauering and caried about with euery blast of doctrine Therfore Christe gaue vs Councels Fathers Popes Bishops not to swarue from the truth if we doo is it not a denying of Christe And therfore he saide Si Ecclesiam non audierit sit tibi tanquam ethnicus If he wil not hear the Church estéeme him as an Heathen or Gentile As much to say Si me non audierit If he wil not heare me for Qui vos audit me audit He that heareth you heareth me And Vbicunque duo vel tres congregati sunt in nomine meo ego sū in medio eorum Wheresoeuer be two or thrée gathered together in my name I am in the middes of them And wheras S. Iohn writeth of the Samaritanes Multi crediderunt in eū propter verbum mulieris testimonium perhibentis Many beléeued in him vpon the womans worde that bare witnes which woman is a plaine figure of the Church he addeth Cùm venissent ergò ad illum Samaritani dicebant mulieri Quia iam non propter tuā loquelam credimus ipsi namque audiuimus scimus When the Samaritanes were come vnto him they saide to the woman Nowe we doo not beléeue vpon thy report for our selues haue hearde and doo knowe So that the testimonie of the Churche and the testimonie of Christ alwayes concurre and agrée vppon al truthes And therfore S. Austen saide very excellently Matrimonium hoc magna charitate compaginatur Nemo offendit vnum promeretur alteram This matrimonie is coupled with