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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A48360 The summe of Doctor Leyburnes answere to a letter printed against him by M.r Blacloe Leyburn, George, 1593-1677. 1657 (1657) Wing L1939; ESTC R217656 12,415 45

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with some of a different Religion c. it is one of M. r Blacloes dreames without anie ground of veritie But the Doctor doth well remember M. r Blacloes conference with Chillingworth who triumphed ouer him to the great disaduantage of his Cause The Doctor ended with an Epiphonema is this sapere ad veritatem 7. o After that M. r Blacloe had finish'd his charge of calumnies against Doctor Leyburne and their goodlie proofes it seemes his great Councellour and secretarie M. r Holland according to their contriued plot thought it now a fit time presuming that the precedent Calumnies would haue sufficiently lessen'd the Doctors esteeme in the opinion of the Clergie to inculcate and insinuate into the hearts of our Brethren and Lay-Catholicks the two cheife opiniōs amongst M. r Blacloes profane Nouelties to wit concerning the Popes infallibilitie and the imprisonment of soules in Purgatorie vntill the day of iudgment And as touching the first M. r Blacloe openeth his breast thus to his said Secretarie I told you said he I heard it his booke written against the Popes infallibilitie would not be meddled with at Rome nay there want not those who say it will be well accepted it bringing the Popes infallibilitie into a rationall Thesis whereas the contrarie was not defensible but by force of command and power and scandalized Catholicks who sought for reason and auerted those who otherwise were neere conuersion vntill they met with Catholicks of another opinion Doctor Leyburne answered with a zealous exclamation saying ô God how this poore man acts the serpent that hissed poison to Eue in Paradise how he is blowne vp with the dreames of his owne troubled fancie how ambitious he is to execute his law of reason that is his Club-law for the knocking downe of the Popes infallibilitie pretending that it is a mutherer of soules hindring their conuersion and to vse his owne words a greater sinne them to destoure a virgin vpon an altar Doctor Leyburne added can any man though onely halfe witted conceiue that Alexander now Pope of Rome is well satisfied with M. r Blacloe for impugning his infallibilitie which Catholick Doctors in all ages haue ascribed vnto him or can it be rationally conceiu'd that anie one that is compos mentis should be auerted from the Catholick Religion vpon that score of Infallibilitie which rather should be a motiue to embrace it For who would not sooner adhere to that Church whose Cheife Pastor is esteem'd infallible and cannot tell a lie for a truth defining as cheife Pastor then to a Church whose cheife Pastor is subiect to fallibilitie therefore he cannot beleiue but that M. r Blacloe did dreame this frivolous pretence that the Popes infallibilitie should disswade from the Catholick faith But this poore man hath the ambition to be esteemed amongst all Christians the Christian rationall imitating in that peece of pride the Donatists who made cleare reason to march before their beleife against whom S. Austine writeth thus credimus vt cognoscamus non cognoscimus vt credamus and againe saith he Christianus fidelis non rationalis nominatur Doctor Leyburne ended with an Epiphonema is this sapere ad fidē Christianam As touching the second his durance of Purgatorie M. r Blacloe thus hisseth poisoned words to his Brethren My friend Macedo saith he would not touch it auerring it to be the opinion of diuers Fathers particularly S. Austine others of my Aduersaries that it was hard to answere what I had said Further consider how contrarie it is to pietie charging God with an irrationall iustice taking away the priuilege of charitie by affirming that soules perfect in charitie are yet depriued of the sight of God and exposing heauen to auction that who can giue most shall soonest come thither Adde what slight grounds they goe vpon certaine visions c. The Doctor said that with horror and indignation he read the impious and blasphemous doctrine conteyned in the recited words Withall answered 1. o That M. r Blacloe was to be commended for stiling Macedo his freind for he procured at Rome the condemning of one of his books and it was the part of a true freind to seeke his conuersion to pure doctrine and to the obedience of the Church But how happen'd it that his said friend Macedo auerring S. Austine particulary to hold with M. r Blacloe in the detention of soules in Purgatorie vntill the day of Iudgment hath not mentioned the Booke and Page where the said S. Austine teacheth that opinion And how happens it now that our all-knowing Thomas Albiorum Trinobantum c. soe vainly he subscribes his name to his printed writings doth not supplie that defect of his friend Macedo Howeuer I my selfe shall helpe in this buisnesse and cite S. Austine for him lib. 15. de Trin. cap. 25. constituuntur autem purgati ab omni cogitatione corruptionis in placidis sedibus donec recipiant corpora sua See how fauorable S. Austine is to M. r Blacloes opinion who placeth soules in heauen to expect their bodies after their purgation in the next life as will clearly appeare to him that shall peruse the cited chapter Againe S. Austine hom 16. writeth thus quanta fuerit peccati materia tanta pertranseundi mura Where see againe how fauorable S. Austine is to M. r Blacloes opinion speaking of soules passing the riuer of fire Purgatorie says by how much more the matter of sinne is soe much longer the soules shall stay in their passage whence is clearly inferr'd that some soules doe passe sooner then others 2. o Doctor Leyburne answered that M. r Blacloe in condemning the doctrine that teacheth the deliuerance of soules out of Purgatorie before the day of Iudgment as contrarie to Pietie commit's an impietie aduersus Spiritum sanctum which S. Matthew calls impardonable in hoc seculo in futuro in condemning the said doctrine as charging God with an irrationall iustice commit's blasphemie quod est peccatum ad mortem non habet remissionem in aeternum and in condemning the said doctrine as exposing heauen to auction or open sale that who can giue most shall soonest come thither comit's flagitium profanitatis But at what a hight of impudencie and impietie is this poore man arriu'd affirming an orthodoxe veritie defined by Pope Engenius in the generall Coūcell of Florēce as also by Pope Benedict the auer'd by anciēt Fathers approu'd by the vniuersall practice of Gods Church and cōfirmed and taught by the whole current of Catholick Doctors to be contrarie to pietie to charge God with an irrationall iustice and to expose heauen to open sale that who shall giue most monie shall carrie it Blasphema dicit Blaclous profana dicit falsa dicit blasphema stupemus profana cauemus falsa conuincimus 3. o Doctor Leyburne answered that M. r Blacloe in auerring that the said Catholick Tenet relieth on certaine visions which he calleth old wiues tales commits an iniurious falsitie seing that the said doctrine is protected with the authoritie of an infallible Councell fortified with an vniuersall practice of the Church and arm'd with an vnanimous consent of all Catholick Doctors Yet albeit our Catholick doctrine of the durance of Purgatorie doth not relie on visions howeuer our vnus Doctor M. r Blacloe profanely calleth apparitions of holy soules old owiues tales seing that they haue alwayes beene number'd amongst diuine miracles and besides they are groūded on authoritie of holie Scripture Samuel 1. Reg. 2. Sauli vere apparuit according to the common opinion and it is an vndoubted truth that Moyses appeared in Christs Transfiguration and S. Matthew cap. 17. 27. mentioneth diuers apparitions in Christ his Resurrection and S. Austine lib. de cura pro more cap. 10. affirmes the soules of the departed to haue oftētimes appeared si falsa esse inquit responderimus to wit that soules haue often appeared contra quorundam scripta fidelium contra eorum sensus qui talia sibi accidisse confirmant impudenter venire videbimur Whence is infer'd that according to S. Austines iudgment M. r Blacloes opinion is branded with impudency Here Doctor Leyburne gaue ouer the conflict expressing onely a zealous desire to imprint in the hearts of his Brethren what S. Austine did inculcate to all Christian people who in his second booke written against Iulian who had broach't profane nouelties to the preiudice of soules vseth these words hos the holy Fathers who flourish'd in the precedent ages oportet vt Christiani populi vestris profanis nouitatibus anteponant cisque potius quam vobis eligant adhaerere And wish'd that our Brethren at the example of this great Doctor would preferre the holie Fathers in a generall Councell assembled before M. r Blacloes profane nouelties and to adhere rather to the vniuersall practice of the Catholick Church then to his singularitie AN ADVERTISMENT WHereas a certaine Decree hath beene made by the Holy Congregation de propaganda fide prohibiting all Apostolicall Missionaries to print an Opus without the expresse leaue of the said Congregation Doctor Leyburne did conferre with some Professors of Diuinitie whither the printing of an Epistle were comprehended in that Decree and it was iudged negatiue Howeuer seing that through the dispersing of M. r Blacloes printed Letter by Order from a Consult Doctor Leyburne had iust ground to apprehend preiudice to his owne reputation and ruine to many soules if not preuented by some present remedie it was thought lawfull for him in so vrgent a necessitie to vse interpretation per epikiam in case his Epistle had beene comprehended in the said Decree Thus much Doctor Leyburne iudg'd fitting to signifie least some weake brother might esteeme him disobedient to the said Decree Moreouer Doctor Leyburne will vse expedition to acquaint both the Cardinall Protector and the said Holy Congregation with his proceeding to whom he submit's his present writings In the interim he desires his Brethren to excuse what they find defectiue either in this Answere or his Declaratorie Epistle hauing in a manner beene constrain'd to finish both in the space of two Posts out of England FIN