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A14450 A learned and excellent treatise containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion Set downe by way of conference in a most plaine and familiar manner. Written first in French by maister Mathew Virell, after translated into Latine: and now turned into English for the vse of our country-men.; Religion chrestienne declarée par dialogue. English Virel, Matthieu.; Egerton, Stephen, 1555?-1621? 1594 (1594) STC 24768; ESTC S119631 209,162 292

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be made fit to receiue Christ and apply him with all his gifts vnto our selues The fourth part of the Apostles Creede which is concerning the Church Theoph. We haue expounded three partes of the Creed it remaineth that we come to the fourth which is of the Church Now there come two things to my minde whereunto I would haue thee to answer First 1 What the Church is and 2 Why thou saidest that by the working of the holy Ghost we are ioyned with it Mat. What the Church is The word Church signifieth a companie in this place it is taken for the companie of the faithfull chosen of God But although the Church be onely one which is the spouse and the misticall body of Christ yet it is wont to be considered in two respectes 1 As it is inuisible And 2 As it is visible Theoph. Of the inuisible Church What doest thou vnderstand by the name of the inuisible Church Mat. All the elect which may be deuided into three sortes 1 The first of them which already be receiued into heauen who for that cause are called the Triumphant Church because they haue ouercome all temptations and troubles they do enioy the heauenly glorie 2 The secōd is of thē which do yet liue in the earth 3 The third of them that are yet vnborne Now these three parts in that last day shall be gathered together into one body and then shall be a Church all together triumphant and glorious Theoph. Which is the visible Church Mat. Of the visible Church The companie of the faithfull gathered together in the name of Christ to be instructed and confirmed in his faith by the sincere preaching of the word as also by the vse of the Sacraments which are two most certaine marks wherwith God would marke her out and as it were set her forth to be seene that she might be knowne of all her children and they might be gathered vnto her Now this is that which is called the militāt Church because continually it warreth with the deuill the flesh and the world Theoph. Why will God haue all his children ioyne themselues to the visible Church Matth. That he may be worshipped of vs which is when we do consent together in calling vpon him and that he as a good house-holder may feede vs with his word the spirituall foode wherewith we may be dayly strengthened vntill he bring vs to the celestiall inheritance Theoph. What is the vse of this article Mat. It shall most easily be perceiued of thee if thou do but marke the testimonies of prayse and commendation wherewith Paule decketh the Church which indeede are answerable to diuers places of the Prophets Now they be three and those most excellent For he termeth her 1 The house of God 2 The pillar of truth 3 The mother of all the faithfull Theoph. We are to examine the reason of these titles giuen vnto her And first of all why doest thou call it the house of God Mat. That we may vnderstand that God dwelleth in his Church doth defend it and guide it by his holy spirite Euen as Christ himselfe sayth Where two or there be met together in my name there am I in the Mat. 18. 19 middest of them Theoph. Why is it called the pillar of truth Mat. Because by the ministerie thereof God preserueth and keepeth his truth in the world Theoph. What is that truth Mat. Christ himselfe when as he is acknowledged to be not onely verie God and verie man in one person but also a Sauiour Redeemer which is the most certaine truth and most profitable to the beleeuers for by it they attaine eternall life Which Christ himselfe affirmeth in these words I am the way the truth Iohn 14. 6. and the life Theoph. Therefore it followeth that this Church which we beleeue forasmuch as it is the pillar of truth cannot erre Mat. Indeed in those points which appertaine to the person and office of Christ it cannot erre but in some other parts of doctrine it may erre which falleth out not seldome Theoph. Why may it not erre in the things which cōcerne Christ as well as in others Mat. Because by the testimonie of Paule Christ is the only foundation of the Church which being takē 1. Cor. 3. 11. away it can no more stand then an house without a foundation Theoph. What if the Church erred in those things Mat. It should then not be a Church but rather the synagogue of Sathan seeing that it had ouerthrowne or puld downe Christ it owne true foundation Theoph. Of the foundatiō of the Church But Christ seemeth to haue appointed an other foundation of the Church beside himself namely Peter the Apostle to whom he sayd thou art Peter and vpon this rocke will I build my Church Mat. The name of rocke no way can or ought to be referred vnto Peter himselfe although the words seeme to beare it For Paule affirmeth that no other 1. Cor. 3. 11. foundation can be laid by any besides that that is layd which is Iesus Christ Moreouer how absurd a thing should it be that the Church which is inuisible should haue her foundation in a mortall man and that which more is one very weake so as not long after he denied Christ Verely it hath neede of a stronger foundation that it may bee able to stand against so many assaults wherewith it hath beene and still is set vpon by the deuill and the world euen from the beginning Theoph. Deliuer therefore the true sence of those words of Christ to Peter Math. Because Peter had confessed Christ to bee the sonne of the liuing God Christ answereth But I say that thou art Peter Now he is called by that name which Christ had before giuen vnto Symon because Math. 4. 18 10. 2. hee was a liuing stone in the building of the Church who acknowledged Christ to bee the sonne of God and therefore the chiefe stone in the Church When therefore he addeth Vpon this rocke I will build my church that is referred to that rock which Peter himselfe had confessed Austen agreeth with this interpretation Vpon Idm. tract 124. for he saith The church is built vppon the rocke whereof euen Peter had his name Therefore truely the Lord saith Vpon this rocke will I build my Church because Peter had said Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God Vpon this rocke therefore saith he which thou hast confessed will I build my church For the rock was Christ vpon the which foundation Peter himselfe was builded For no other foundation can any man lay but that which is already laid which is Christ Iesus These be the words of that father wherewith also agreeth that which Peter saieth when he exhorteth the faithfull that as liuing stones 1. Pet. 2. 5. they would be built vpon Christ that chiefe stone But he proueth this out of the testimonie of Esay Behold I put in Sion a chiefe
word of God which is most certaine and vpon the truth whereof resteth all Christian doctrine The. What vnderstandest thou by the word of God Mat. The Canonicall books of the Bible whereunto for this cause is giuen the name of holy Scripture Theoph. How came it to passe that those Bookes were called the Bible Mat The Christians of the primitiue Church after they had gathered into one volume the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles by an excellency called that volume in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because those bookes farre passe others For truly the word of God in worthinesse and excellency goeth beyond all the words of men Theoph. But how maie it certainely be proued that the doctrine which is contained in those bookes is the word of God seeing that the Prophets and Apostles who it is certainely knowne were men were the authors and writers of them Mat. First of all indeed it is necessarie that the holy Ghost which spake by them nay whose instruments onely they were do engraue that faith in our hearts Then that assurance maie be confirmed by obseruing the speciall excellency which it is easie to perceiue in those writings as also the most holy effects which they worke in vs. Theoph. What excellency do you meane Mat. effect 1 First of all the maiesty of the Spirit of God which shineth in thē most euidently For euery where there appeare diuine and heauenlie things nothing earthlie and mortall or that agreeth with the corrupt affections of the flesh effect 2 Secondly the consent of all the parts among them selues for although they were written by diuerse writers in sundry places and at sundrie times yet there is no lesse agreement betweene them then if they had agreed together of the matter before effect 3 Finally the fulfilling of all the prophesies deliuered long before yet precisely accomplished each of them in their proper time Ier. 26. 12. Dan 9. 24. Hence it is that Dauid giueth thē most excellent commendation saying Psal 12. 6. The words of the Lord are pure words as the siluer is tried in a fornace of earth fined seauen fold I say nothing of their antiquitie and that not without a miracle they were preserued among so manie enemies which wold haue destroied them and among such cruell persecutions Theoph. But what holy effects do they worke in vs Mat. This generall we maie marke that the Church hath alwaies as it is at this day beene gathered together by the authoritie of the holy Scripture that is to saie a companie of men of diuers ages sexes and conditions which worshippeth God according to the instructions and doctrine of that Scripture a good part whereof in all ages hath sealed the same with their bloud But the speciall or particular effects are that they rauish the reader enforce him to the reuerēce of God no otherwise then as if God himself did speak Moreouer that by the reading of them our hearts are touched with an earnest feeling of our sinnes Last of all that they lift vp our minds aboue all heauens kindle within vs a desire of a better life cause vs that in comparison thereof we do easily despise all other things All which are not done by the writings of men notwithstanding they be artificiallie handled Therefore the Apostle to the Hebrues saith that the word of God is liuing mightie in operation and piercing more then anie two edged sword and that it doth reach euen Heb. 4. 12. to the diuiding asunder of the soule and the spirite of the ioynts and marrow Theoph. Verily these are most strong arguments to prooue the truth of Gods word But there bee some which say that all the authority of it dependeth vpon the Church Mat. They do as if one should say that the light of the sunne hangeth vpon the testimony of men For as the Sunne shall not cease to shine although all men be blind euen so the word of God shall neuer receiue losse whether it be allowed or dissalowed of men Moreouer how can it be that the authority of the word of God should depend vpon the allowance or consent of the Church seeing that the Church it selfe borroweth all her authoritie of the word as it were of her foundation for it is built vpon the foundation of Ephes 2. 20. the Apostles and Prophets Theoph. But they say that in this place it is not meant of the truth of the word in it selfe but of the meane whereby it is vnderstood and receiued of men Which they affirme to hang vppon the testimony and allowance of the Church To which purpose they alleadge this saying of a certaine Father I should not haue beleeued the Gospell if the authoritie of the Aug. contra epist fund Manich. Church did not moue me Mat. This sentence maketh not for them For this was the mind of that holy man that being a stranger from the faith he was moued by the authoritie of the Church to embrace the Gospell and that after by the working of the holy Ghost he was confirmed it that faith Which hee doth a little before declare in these words The Church first calleth vs to beleeue that which yet we are not able to see that being made strōger in faith we may come to vnderstand that which we beleeue not now men but God himselfe inwardly strengthening and lightning our mind Which thing I doubt not but it is true namely that the witnesse which the Church giueth to the word of God doth not a little moue vs to embrace it But then onely this is when our faith is beginning for when it is come to any age and we our selues by reading hearing of the word haue tasted of that truth then we beleeue not by the testimony of the Church but by that which the holie Ghost sealeth in our hearts In so much as if the Church should then teach vs a doctrin diuerse from that we would not giue our consents vnto it This shall be made plaine by the example of the Samaritanes Those hearing the report of the woman with whō the Lord had spokē that he was the Christ beleeued But after that themselues had heard him they said vnto the woman now wee beleeue not any Ioh. 4. 39. 42. more for thy saying for we haue heard him our selues and do know that this is indeede the Christ the Sauiour of the world Theoph. This example bringeth no small light to this doubt But hitherto sufficientlie of the truth and authoritie of the word of God now let vs in a few words consider what it doth containe Mat. It hath in it at large whatsoeuer concerneth the glorie of God for our good and saluation Theoph. By what meanes doth it teach vs to attaine saluation Mat. By the true knowledge of God and of Iesus Christ which it doth teach Teoph Let vs therefore first intreate of the knowledge of God and after we will speake of Christ in the proper place What do the
is not lawfull vnlesse it be vpon some very speciall knowen and approued occasion For the Apostle witnesseth that a necessitie lyeth vppon him to 1. Cor. 9. 16. preach the Gospell which is once called to the ministerie of the Church wo vnto him saieth hee if he preach not the Gospell Theoph. Thou hast verely reckned vp worthie conditions which whosoeuer hath is indeed to be accōpted a Pastor or Shepheard in the flocke of Christ namely 1 That he feele within himselfe an inward calling 2 Be of good conuersation 3 Of sound doctrine 4 Apt to teach 5 Be lawfully chosen of the Church 6 And finally perform his office diligently toward the flocke committed to his charge Personall succession Howbeit thou makest no mention of personall succession from the Apostles time without which notwithstanding manie thinke that the calling is voide and of none effect Matth. I doe grant indeede that Apostolicall succession is required to the end any may be lawfully called to the Ministerie of the Church which neuerthelesse is to bee vnderstood of the doctrine of the Apostles not of their persons For euen as heretofore Matthias succeeded Iudas that is a holy seruant of God a traytor so also it hath fallen oftētimes that Iudas succeeded Matthias that is schismatickes and heretickes succeeded the most faithfull seruants of Christ Moreouer there is no testimonie in all the Scripture by the which it can be proued that that personal succession is required as necessarie to the calling of the Ministers This indeed is true if there be both the calling thereby hath the more authoritie as it was in that which they call the primitiue Church for in it the personall succession was ioyned with the truth of doctrine But when the truth of doctrine is ouerthrown then personall succession is nothing else but a visard which Satan vseth to blindfold the eyes of men to the end hee may keepe them in errour Therefore when it commeth so to passe as it is now in the Church of Rome what madnesse is it to desire that the election and calling of Ministers to preach the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles should hang vppon their person and will that bewray themselues to bee his open enemies and whose calling if it were examined by the former rule expressed in the word of God should be found to bee voide and nothing worth Theoph. I desire thee in few words to declare vnto me those points wherein the trueth of Christian doctrine is ouerthrowen in the Papacy Matth. A short rehearsall of Popish impieties It standeth chiefly in two heads and principall things The first is in that the sincere and true worship of God is defiled with innumerable superstitions yea with Idolatrie The other in that which respecteth the benefite of Christ which indeede is ouerthrown with the doctrine 1 Of free will 2 Of iustification by workes 3 Of the merit of workes 4 Of the intercession of Saints 5 Of the Popes supremacy 6 Of the workes of supererogation 7 Of Pardons 8 Of Purgatorie fire Of which wicked opinions the Masse was at length framed of them Theoph. The first fiue of these haue already bene declared by thee but the sixt namely of workes of supererogation I scarse vnderstand what it meaneth I would therefore haue thee shew it me briefly Mat. Workes of supererogation To supererogat in Latine signifieth so much as in the businesse of another mā to lay out a greater sum then we receiued of him by means wherof he is made bebter vnto vs. But these mē dreame that men maie do more good works then God hath commanded and those according to this similitude they call workes of supererogation signifying that in respect of them they accompt God to be in their debt then which doctrine what is there more monster like for any to beleeue that a mortall man can binde his creator vnto him to whom notwithstanding whatsoeuer good thing hee is able at any time to performe that all he is indebted boūd to do according as hath bene shewed of vs in the chapter Workes But what a mischiefe is it that a great part of these works of supererogation is nothing els but idolatrie or superstitiō such as be religious pilgrimages monasticall life such other of that kind wherewith God is euen offended Wherfore seeing they haue set them selues against his will the Lord is not onely nothing in their debt but contrariwise they are so much the more holden guiltie before his iudgement seate Theoph. Popish pardons Verily till now I knew not that opinion as neither the other concerning pardons which I desire thee to declare vnto me Matth. It is no lesse absurd then that forasmuch as it hangeth vpon it Howbeit these doctrines do leane and stay them selues vpon two most impious and vngodly foundations 1 First because they thinke that Christ by his death hath satisfied not for the punishment but for the fault onely of those sinnes which are committed of vs after baptisme and therefore that we our selues must ●atisfie for it either in this life or in purgatorie fire till it be fully payd 2 Or else that one drop of Christs bloud was sufficient for our redemption And that whatsoeuer he suffered besides which is indeed an infinite merit is layd vp in the treasurie of the Church together with the innumerable workes of supererogation wrought by hee-Saints and she-Saints for the which God is indebted vnto them Of this treasure say they the Pope is the disposer and steward whereof he giueth to such as he seeth good that is to such as pay money That gift they call indulgences or pardons because they serue to remit or lessen somewhat of the punishment to be otherwise suffered in Purgatorie fire As often therefore as the Pope by his indulgences granteth ten twentie or an hundred yeares of pardon this he meaneth that so much is diminished of the time of that punishment which wee had deserued for full satisfaction to be suffered for our sins either in this life or in the life to come Yea they say further such is the height of their impiety that these pardons do profit the dead namely such as be in the fire of Purgatory in somuch as that if the Pope would seriously and in earnest draw foorth that his treasure of Pardons he could say they empty it and send the soules tormented in Purgatory the right way into the heauens Theoph. Why therefore doth he it not according to the patterne of that Pardon the Vicar wherof he saith that he is vpon the earth Mat. Least that Purgatorie fire should be altogether put out by the which the Church of Rome hath gotten so great riches as it now aboundeth with Theo. I do verily see that vpō good cause it was sayd of thee that the truth of doctrine is vtterly ouerthrowē in the Church of Rome For these two points which thou hast euē now spokē of do almost altogether abolish and take away
of that sinfull woman and of the theefe Theoph. But Christ saith Math. 12. 32. that the sinne against the holy Ghost shall neuer be forgiuen Mat. Of the sinne against the holy Ghost He saith so indeed But the Apostle to the Hebrewes sheweth Heb. 6. 4. that it is impossible that such as fal into it should be renewed by repentance for that is the gift of God granted to them onely of whom he hath determined in Christ to haue mercy Theoph. But what is that sin against the holy Ghost Mat. These words Against the holy Ghost do sufficiently declare what it is namely whē any after that he hath by the holy Ghost beene lightned with the knowledge of the truth of the Gospell standeth against that truth not for feare or through infirmitie but vpon wilfull malice For then wittingly willingly he resisteth the holy Ghost and maketh warre against him Theoph. How knowest thou that this is the sinne against the holy Ghost Matth. First it may be gathered of that which gaue our Sauiour Christ occasiō to speake of it namely that he might proue the Scribes and Pharisies to be guiltie of that horrible sin who sayd that the miracles which he did were wrought by the Deuill whereof notwithstanding they were not ignorant that God was the author and Christ himselfe by most certaine arguments did declare And his miracles they did maliciously disprayse in the hatred of his doctrine which they perceiued was manifestly confirmed by them From thence therefore it is plaine that they sinne against the holy Ghost that vpon set malice stand against the knowen truth Ad hereunto that by sundry places of the Scripture it appeareth that euery other sinne is forgiuē not excepting that which is against the doctrine of faith so as it be done of ignorance as it was with Paul when he persecuted the Church or through infirmitie and weakenesse as when Peter denied Christ Theoph. It is verily a wonder that so horrible wickednesse can enter into the minds of men vpon purposed malice to striue against the knowen truth Matth. It commeth to passe by the iust iudgement of God vnto those that haue long and much despised and set light by his most precious gifts namely his louing kindnesse and mercie in Christ the knowledge whereof notwithstanding he had vouchsafed them at length they be deliuered to the power of the Deuill that by steps degrees they may fall to that extreame and finall apostasie And because they are by it become like vnto Sathan namely when vpon knowledge and willfull malice they resist the truth they be no otherwise then himselfe depriued of all hope of saluation Theoph. Let vs now come to the other question Whē God forgiueth sinnes whether doth he it perfectly so as he remitteth the punishment and the fault Mat. Whether God remitteth the punishment the fault As God is perfect so doth he perfectly forgiue sins so as he neuer remembreth thē nor imputeth thē vnto vs. Fo so he saith euery where by his Prophets Isay 1. 18. Isay 44. 12. Mich. 7. 19. If your sinnes were as crimson they shall be made whiter then snow if they were as red as scarlet they shall be as woll I haue put away thy trāsgressions as thick clouds thy sinnes as a mist He will lay aside our iniquities and cast all our sinnes into the bottome of the sea Ps 103. 12. As farre as the East is distant from the West so far doth he remoue our sins from vs. Neither is this any maruell for seeing the forgiuenesse of our sins is grounded vpō Christ in whom they be fully punished God should be vniust if he required any thing further for them Theoph. But wee reade that Dauid suffered many punishments after that by the message of Nathan he was certified of the forgiuenesse of his adulterie An obiectiō against the doctrine of remitting the punishmēt fault For the child that was borne vnto him of Bethsheba died Moreouer also his sonne Absolom was raised vp against him which both made warre vpon him and defiled his wiues Which punishment was indeed denounced against him by the Prophet whereupon it seemeth to follow that God forgiueth the sinne but retaineth the punishment Matth. The answer to the obiection This is the doctrine of the Romanists from whence came the dreame of Pardōs Purgatory fire as hath before bene declared of vs. Neuerthelesse I am glad it is so come to passe that we may fitly speake of it in this place For I will shew that it is most absurd in as much as it separateth those things which of their own nature do wholly hang together For if thou take away the fault there is no place left for punishment otherwise God should be vniust if he should punish whom he accoūteth not faultie Moreouer seeing Christ himself in his owne body suffered the punishments due to our sins it is not to be doubted but that he hath discharged vs from the same euen as Esay expresly affirmeth in these wordes Verily he hath borne our griefs hath Isa 53. 4. caried our sorrowes we thought him strickē wounded of God and humbled but he was wounded for our iniquities broken for our sinnes The chastisemēt of our peace was vpon him and by his stripes we are healed All we as sheepe haue gone astray euery one hath turned to his owne way and the Lord hath layd vpon him the iniquities of vs all For this cause also Paule saith Rom. 8. 1. That there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Wherby it plainly appeareth that God whē through Christ he forgiueth sins doth no lesse remit the punishment of them then the fault For otherwise our case were most miserable yea rather euē now we were vtterly vndone the forgiuenesse of our sins is vnprofitable to vs if the punishment be retained Theoph. Why so Mat. Because we be vnable to beare the burthen of it for as much as it is infinit no lesse then the fault for they be of the same nature Theo. What thinkest thou of the afflictiōs which God sendeth vnto vs euen after the forgiuenesse of sinnes Matth. I say they be not sent to be punishments of sinnes but to be vnto vs in stead of chastisements and corrections to humble vs and that we may be the wiser after for the Apostle saith 1. Cor. 11. 32. When we are chastised we are instructed of the Lord that wee should not be condemned with the world Theoph. Therefore the nature of afflictions be changed when as they be sent to the godly for they be not punishments of sins to satisfie the iudgements of God Matth. Thou sayest well he same is to be thought of the infirmities of the body which we know bee left vs not to be punishments of sinnes but an exercising of patience The same also is to be sayd of death which to vs is as a bridge
cause of this Matth. It might haue beene gathered by thee from our discourse notwithstanding for memorie sake I will in few words repeate it in this place which is that being clothed by faith with the most perfect righteousnes of Christ wee shall finde the tribunall seat of God full of mercy and grace so as wee shall be receiued into eternall glorie together with Christ our head the angels and all Saintes that aswell of vs as of them God may be praised and we liue happily for euer On the other side the wicked being void of righteousnesse yea rather infected with innumerable sinnes shall find the iudgement seat of God seuere insomuch as they shall bee ouerwhelmed with the horrible wrath of his iust iudgement and shall at length hee cast into eternall hell fire where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth The conclusion of the former discourse Out of these things therefore thou maiest gather that there is no religion worthy of this honorable name beside that which is grounded vpon Christ forasmuch as all superstitions which teach men not to come to God but to go away from him reconcile them not vnto him but do more and more prouoke him vnto wrath do not only not bring thē vnto saluation but do lead them away vnto euerlasting destruction Theoph. Hitherto we haue sufficiently heard of the antithesis or contrariety betweene religion and superstitions and the followers of both I doe indeed see that the Christian Religion is the onely true Religion and that the followers of it alone are happie and blessed whether wee looke to this life or that that is to come For all other men are on euerie side most miserable yea they are more vnhappie then the bruite beasts which while they liue be free from all cares and after death be deliuered from all labour and paine Mat. That indeed is true But as the Prophet saith A foolish man knoweth not this and an vnwise man Psal 92. 7. vnderstandeth not this Theoph. I am verily sufficiently satisfied with this thy holy instruction wherein thou hast runne ouer all the chiefe points of Christian Religion Notwithstanding I will commit them to writing when I haue leysure in the order they were deliuered by thee that both my selfe may bee edified and comforted with the reading of them and that I may communicate them with my brethren In the meane time I giue thee as great thanks as I can for the paines which for my sake thou hast taken in this behalfe Matth. Nay rather let vs giue thanks vnto God our heauenly Father that hath giuen vnto vs this knowledge of the truth and hath granted that we haue bene able to declare it Let vs also intreat him that as this The summe of the duety of Christiās truth is grounded only in Iesus Christ his sonne so by the power of the holy Ghost it may bee grafted in our minds that we may sincerely beleeue it with the hart constantly confesse it with the mouth and expresse the effects of it by outward works euen to our last breath Which that it may be hee grant vs this also that wee may ioyne our selues to the militant Church and by the ministery thereof be confirmed in the loue feare of God that so we may at length be receiued into the triumphant Church together with our head and Lord Iesus Christ Theoph. I doe therefore pray thee most mightie God and heauenly Father to grant vs these benefits and to cause that the knowledge of thy truth may bee spread abroad throughout all the world that al may acknowledge thee the only true God Iesus Christ thy Son the only Sauiour and Mediator of mankinde And to thee alone be praise and glorie both now and for euer FINIS