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A04780 A suruey of the new religion detecting manie grosse absurdities which it implieth. Set forth by Matthevv Kellison doctor and Professour of Diuinitie. Diuided into eight bookes. Kellison, Matthew. 1603 (1603) STC 14912; ESTC S107995 369,507 806

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doth and all the Luthers in the vvorld can not proue that all the fathers held any one opinion against scripture but the question must be vvhether Luther or all the fathers did best vnderstand the scripture and therfore if Luther hold against the fathers in exposition of scripture he preferreth him selfe before them all As for example Luther alleageth scripture to disproue free vvill all the fathers alleage scripture to proue it and Luther expoundes scripture one vvay they another else they could not both alleage scripture for contrarie doctrine Vvherfore if Luther sayeth that he expoundeth scripture truly and therfor cares not for all the fathers he preferreth his ovvne iudgment before them all and so can not ansvvere that argument grounded in the fathers authoritie nor comfort him selfe vvith this that he forsooth hath the vvord of God vvhich is aboue thē all And so Luther must giue vs leaue to come vppon him vvith his ovvn argument vvhich he shall neuer ansvver The Church from the begīning hathe taught and expounded scripture other vvise then thou doest so many Austines Ambroses Ciprianes Councells and ages haue preached other vvise Are they all deceiued hast thou only found out the truth What if thou rather arte deluded Thou art but one they are many thon art of late they of ancient standing thou a sinner they saintes thou some scholler but they vvere learned doctours thou hast a vvitte but all their vvittes vvere of a greater reach thou seest some thing but so many eyes must needs haue a greater insight Thou hast studyed scripture but they more thou hast vvatched at thy booke but they in night-studie haue spent more oyle then thou though thou peraduenture more vvine thē they thou alleagest scripture for thy doctrine they for the cōtrarie And so their iudgemēt must be preferred before thine cōsequēly theirs shal be the true doctrine they the true Pastours theirs the true Churche so ours novv is the true Christiane religion vvee the right Christianes vvho aggree vvith those fathers and the Church of vvhich they vvere pastours and preachers and Luther and the reformers vvho vvill haue noe parte vvith the fathers are no members of the true Churche bicause the ancient fathers and the true Churche vvere neuer yet separated but alvvayes vvent together The first point being proued vve vvill come to the secōd in vvhich I shall proue that in reiecting fathers they open the gapp to all heretiques vvho may say vvhat they vvill as the reformers do if that authoritie be contemned But first it shall not be amisse to declare vvhat authoritie the fathers haue vvhether they haue infaillible assistaunce of God to expound scriptures righthly for if they haue not nether are Catholiques assured of their fayth by their authoritie nether do the heretiques open the gappe to heresies by reiecting their authoritie vvhich if it be not infallible may it self also authorise and countenaunce heresie Ephes ● Sainct Paule sayeth that God hathe prouided vs of some Apostles some Prophets others Euangelists others Doctours Pastours to the consummation of saintes to the vvorke of the ministerie vnto the edifying of the body of Christ that if for the instruction of his Church Vvhere the first place is giu●n to Prophets Apostles and Euāgelistes vvho vvrote the scripture in the second place follovv doctours and pastours bicause their office is not to vvrite scripture but to interpret it And the reason is yeelded vvhy these doctours are giuen vnto vs least that vvee should vvauer like childrem and be caryed about vvith euery vvind of the doctrine of men Ibidem Novv if all the pastours and doctours vv ch vve call fathers should of could erre then vvere they not appointed to keepe their sheep from vvādering rather should they be the cause of their errour for the sheepe must here the voice of their pastours and so if the pastours erre the sheepe must erre vvith them if they vvander the sheepe vvho knovv nothing but by their pastours can not keepe the right vvaye And if thou saye that in case of errour the people must leaue the pastours I demaund of thee hovv they shall knovv vvhē the pastours erre vvho knovve nothing but by the voice of their pastours And suppose they should leaue their pastours then is the frame of the body of Christes Church dissolued and the members are separated from the head and the Church is a headless body then do they leaue the salte by vvhich they should be salted and preserued from corruption in religion Mat. 5. Then do they leaue the ligt by vvhich they should be illuminated Mat. 2● And hovv then is that true vppon Moyses chear sit the Scribes and Pharisies do those thinges vvhich they saye are the pastours of the Church of lesse authoritie then the pastours of the synagogue If they can erre then is it not true vvhich Christe sayed vvhoe heareth you heareth me vnless you vvill say that Christe allso may erre in them and vvith them But our heretiques vvill say that all the fathers are men I graunte it but they are men directed by the holy ghost and Christ vvas a man and yet not only as God but as man also he could not erre and the vvriters of scripture as Moyses and Salomon and the prophetes of the olde lavve and the Apostles and Euangelistes in the nevv lavve vvere men and yet they erred not nor could not erre vnlesse vve vvill call scripture in question But vvhere saye they read you that the fathers haue the infallible affistaunce in exposition of scripture Vvhere I read that they are light that they are salte that they are pastours to vvhom vvhen vvee harken vve harken to Christ Mat. ●● Io. 21. Vvher I read that vve must doe vvhat they say vvhere I read that the Church cā not erre vvhich must follovve her pastours vvhere I read that the Church vvhich learneth all of her pastours is a piller of truthe 2. Tim. ● But some fathers haue erred I graunte it but neuer all aggreed in one errour together neuer all the fathers of all ages yea not all of one age for to these also vve must harken haue conspired in an vntrutrh And I demaūde of our reformers Vvhether they bee not men also And I thinke they vvill not denye it If they be men I aske vvhether they can not erre in expounding scripture If they can then haue nether they nor others by them any assuraunce If they can not erre bicause euery one of them hathe the spirit Then say I that more probable it is that so many spirits of the fathers conspiring in one can not erre then that noe particuler and priuate spirit can erre especially seing that these priuate spirites are diuerse and contrarie and vve haue noe more assuraunce of one then another Iudge novv gentle reader vvhether that the Catholiques religion vvhich is conformable vnto the fathers and pastours of the Churche be the sincere christian religion or
them vvel bestovved bicause they haue the revvard I looked for if thou doe not yet are they not loste quia aliquid est voluisse bicause some thing it is to haue desired thy good and I haue taken no more paynes then thy good deserued If the stile of my booke please thee-not refuse not gold bicause it is ill fashioned and remember that though the autour bee thy countriman by byrthe yet he is more a straunger then an English-man by educatiō If thou fynde faultes in the printing yet fynd not faulte vvith the Printer he knevv vvhat he did bicause he vnderstood not vvhat he printed and I had not the leisure allvvayes to ouer see his labours If I seeme to speake to sharpely some tymes it is not for any toothe against any person but for hatred of heresie And if thou take this my impolished vvorke in good vvorthe thou vvilte giue me the occasion and courage to take in hande another in vvhich I shall explane as I haue in parte allready and make as plaine and plausible those pointes of the Catholike Religion to vvit Indulgences Merit Satisfactiō vvorship of Saintes Images and Reliques vvith many such other vvhich seeme to the deceiued to imply iniurie to Christe or absurditie as I haue discouered the grosse errours of the Nevve Religion But novv for a Vale and freindly farevvel I beseech the to take this counsaile at my handes Build not vppon that not so flattering as false opinion vvher vvith many vse to comforte them selues to vvit that thou maiest be saued in any religion My second booke vvill assure thee that vvithout a true and intier faith it is impossible to please God and that out of the true Church See the second booke and 4. chap. there is noe saluation As God is but one the truthe but one so his Religion Church and vvorship is but one This Church and Religion is not to be found amongest the reformers as my second booke vvill tell thee bicause it hathe all the markes of heresie It is only to be found amongest the Catholikes vvho are Nicknamed Papistes as thou mayest see by the same booke and by some chapters of the first booke and by other partes of the other bookes euidently demonstrated The Catholike Church then is the hauen of Securitie to vvhich thou must repayre It is the porte of Saluation the Arke vvherin Noe lodgeth his familie that is Christe and his faithfull people It is the barne vvhere the good corne is layed vp till the vvinovving day It is the folde of Christes Sheepe The piller of truthe The treasure-hovvse of Christes Graces The Shoppe of spiritual Negotiation The lande of promise The paradise of the second Adame The Temple of the second Salomon The misticall body of Christe The terrestrial heauen of those that hope to be blessed The only vvay to life euerlasting If then thou desire to be free from tempests and contrarie vvindes of disagreeing heresies direct thy ship and saile to this quiet hauen if thou vvilt not make shipvvrake of thy soule fly to this porte of Saluation If thou vvilte not be drovvned in the deluge of sinne or Infidelitie haue recourse vnto this Arke out of vvhich none can escape damnation If thou vvilte be of Christes chosen corne repose thy selfe in this his barne vv ch is the only place of purging from the chaffe of sinne If thou vvilte be one of Christes flocke ronne to his folde that thou mayest be fedd vvith his sheepe If thou vvilte be sure of the truthe keepe thy standing vppon the piller of truthe If thou vvilte bee enritched vvith Christes spiritual treasures this is the treasure hovvse of all his graces If thou vvilte traffique for heauen and heauenly merchandise enter the Shopp of Christe I meane his Church the only place of merit and Christian negotiation If thou vvilte be pertaker of Christes promises dvvell in the lande of all his promises If thou vvilte en●●y faelicitie enter into this Paradise of the second A. dame If thou vvilte honour God vvith true sacrifice and vvorship this is the only Temple out of vvhich nether prayers nor oblations nor sacrifices are pleasing If thou vvilte receue any influence and motion from Christe the Head incorporate thy selfe to the Church his mystical body and if thou vvilte bee pertaker of his spirite vvth is the soule and life of this body dismember not thy selfe that thou mayest be a liuely member If thou vvilte enioy the blisse of Angels in the vpper heauen enter first into this lovver heauen out of vvhich is no hope to ascend to the higher If thou vvilte attaine to life euerlasting passe by the Church it is the only vvaye If thou vvilt bee one of the Church triumphaunt bee first one of the Church militaunte and if thou vvilte haue God for thy father take his Churche for thy Mother Nothing more dangerous then to liue out of this Churche and no surer damnation then to dy out of this Churche Be not carelesse therfore in seeking out this Churche and vvhen thou hast found it differre not thy entraunce It is thy greatest affaire and a matter of most importaunce bicause theron depēdeth not a temporall state of thy body but aeternall saluation or damnatiō both of soule and body Farevvell and pray for him that vvisheth thee vvell and prayeth for thee that thou mayste do vvell Iul. 18. an Dom. 1603. MATTHEVV KEL THE FIRST BOOKE CONTEINETH A SVRuey of the groundes and fondation of this nevv religion on vvhich it may seeme to relye vvhich ether are the authoritie of their preachers or the euidence of scriptures vvhich they alleage or their priuate spirit or credible and probable testimonies or some visible iudge vvho determineth of controuersies for vvant of vvhich it is proued that if vve receiue this nevv religion vve open the gappe to all heretikes and heresies The first chapter examineth the mission of the preachers of this nevv religion and proueth that they cannot proue them selues to be sent from Christ and that consequentlie vve cannot gine eare vnto them vnles vve vvill harken also vnto all false prophetes HARDLIE shall vve fynde a subiect so disloyall or priuate man so imprudent vvho vvill arrogate vnto him self the honourable office of an Imbassadour to deale betvvixt Prince and Prince in denounicinge vvarre or offeringe peace of in establishinge a nevv league or renevvinge an olde vnles he haue authoritie from his Prince in vvhose name he dealeth and canne by letters of credit or other tokens make an euident remōstrance of his legatine povver and commissiō For if he goe vnsent he abuseth his princes name and if he cannot shevv his comission he runneth on a sleeueles arrande If this be so as experience teacheth vs that it is so and reason telleth vs that it must be so and thath betvvixt man and mā vve haue noe reason to thinke almightie god to be so deuoid of princelie prudence as to sende his Apostles and preachers to denounce
infant from his mothers pappes shall delight disport him self ouer the Aspes hole vvithout receiuing harme That is such peace shall be in the Church that the children of Christes Church shall liue quietly vvith those vvho before they receiued Christian fayeth by heresies infidelitie or poysoning manners ● 2. like serpents infected others For as in the Arke of Noe those beasts vvhich vvere by nature sauage so long as they vvere in the Arke forgot all crueltie and liued vvith the rest most quietly so hovv soeuer men before their incorporation and admission into the Church of Christe vvere barbarouse in manners and mutinouse in opinions yet vvhen they are once made members of the peaceble kingdō of Christs Church they lay a side all sectes and factions and liue quietly together at least in matters of fayth and religion Vvherby it plainly appeareth that in the Church of Christe is peace and vnitie in religion Vvhich the Apostle also insinuateth in those vvords 〈…〉 Being carrefall to keep vnitie of fayth in the band of peace as you are called in one hope of your vocation one body and one spirit one fayth one baptisme one god father of all By vvhich wordes vve are taught that as there is one God one heauē one baptisme so is there but one faithe that they are the true chri stianes vv ch conspire in the same And the reason herof is bicause the truthe is one neuer disagreeing frō it selfe lyes are many mutable and contrarie and therfore seing that the Churche is the piller of truth 1. Tim. 3. it must needs follovv that vvhere the Church is ther is vnitie bicause the truth in vvhich the members of the Churche aggree is but one I vvill not deny but that the Church consisteth of diuers nations but yet they are so līked in one fayth that in Christ Iesu there is no distinction betvvixte the Barbarous and Grecian Rom 10. nor betvvene Ievv and Gentile and although these diuers nations speake diuers languages yet as Ireneus noteth these diuers tongues profess one fayth l. 1. c●nt her c. 3. I graunt also that in the Church there are diuers functions and dignities for there are Popes Patriarchs Primates Archbishops Bishops Eph. 4. and so forthe and from them the state of the laitie is distincte and subiect to them but these diuers orders make one Hierarchie I confess like vvise that in the Church there are diuers states and orders of religiouse as of Benedictins Dominicanes Austins Bernardins Franciscanes Iesuits yet these diuers members make one body all linked vnder one head Christ Iesus by one fayth and religion This vnitie peace and aggreement in one fayth and religion vvhich is to be seen in the Church militaunt in earth seemeth to me more admirable then that of the Church triumphaunt in heauen And the reason is bicause the inhabitaunts of that happy kingdome behold God face to face and see most euidētly that vvhich vvee beleeue only and see not at all and so their aggreement in vnderstanding is not so straunge bicause the euidence of the verities vvhich they see enclines them to one assent For as the philosopher sayeth the vnderstanding of it selfe is prone to giue assēt vnto veritie and truth vvhen it is euidently proposed vvhich is the cause vvhy in things vvhich are euident all men are of the same opinion and therfore to this propositiō The vvholle is greater then the halfe all men aggree but about the creation of the vvorld the immortalitie of the soule the felicitie of man the substaunce of the heauens and such like things vvhich are not so euidēt there haue beene great disputes and contentions vvhence hath risen that diuersitie also of the sectes of Platonists Peripateticks Stoicks Epicureans and such like Vvherfore seing that the happy inhabitaunts of heauen doe see euidently the diuine nature all the mysteries vvhich vvee only beleeue I meruayle not that they all aggree in one opinion bicause the euidence of these things moues them to to one assent But that so many Christians of so diuerse countries and tymes so diuersly affected and disposed should aggree in one fayth and opiniō and thinke and beleeue the same of all the mysteries of Christian religion vvhich they see not this seemeth to me most admirable and so straung that I must needs saye Exod ● digitus Des hic The finger of God is in this matter and he it is that is the cause of this peace vnitie Scotus q. 2. prologi and aggreement For seing that the euidence of our mysteries causeth not this aggreement and that it can not be the deuill vvho thus linketh their vnderstandings bicause this religion in all points is repugnant to him and his designements it must needs be God vvho inspiring into these diuerse nations and natures one light of faythe makes them all to conspire in one beleef and opinion And therfore sayeth Tertulian Nullus inter multos euentus vnus est exitus l. praesc 28. errare non possunt qui ita in vnum conspirant Ther is not one end emongest many chaunces they can not erre vvho thus aggree in one Thus vve proue the translatiō of the septuagint to be of God Iustinus oraet paraen ad gēt bicause those diuers vvriters being placed in diuers Celles and forbidden to conferr could neuer haue so aggreed in the translation of the Bible out of Hebrevv into Greeke as if all their translations had been copied out of one had nor God directed their vnderstandings and inspired them a like Sithe then amongest the Catholikes only this vnitie is to be found they only are the true Churche to vvhich Christe hath bequeathed this peace and vnitie and they only are conformable to the primatiue Churche planted by Christe and his Apostles Act. 4. for then the Christian vvorld vvas of one hart and mynde And for as much as amōgest the nevv Christians of this age there is nothing but vvrangling and dissension and that in principal matters of religion their Church is the Synagogue of Satan and they no members of Christs Church but heretikes apostataes and members cut of for by this marke of dissension the ancient heretikes vvere euer knovven and discried to be heretikes Simon Magus the first famous Arch-heretike beganne a secte but it remained not one for any tyme but by and by degenerated into many and from the Simonians proceeded the Menandrians Saturninians Basilidians Carpocratiās and from them vvere descended the Gnosticks From Cerinthus spronge the vnappy branches of the Ebionits Marcionits Cerdonists and such like The Arians vvere no soner hatched but they vvere by and by diuided into Aetians Eudoxians Eunomiā● and diuers others So variable they vvere l. 2. c 12. that Socrates reporteth that they changed their Creed and forme of beleef noe less then nine tymes The Donatistes likevvise vvere by and by parted into Rogatists Maximinianists and Circumcelliōs The Nestorians vvere seuered into
Church for defect of a visible heade 151. 156. Three great inconueniences if Christ shoulde haue suffered the paynes of hell as Caluin diabolically contendeth that hee did 337. The institution of Preesthoode and Preestly function 366. Certaine interpretations of places impiouslie alleaged of heretikes to proue Christ ignoraut 313. That there is no sufficient Iudge of controuersies in religion in Englande or any other Church of the reformers 145. vsq ad 148. The large and supreme iurisdiction of the Popes of Rome accordinge to the vvhich they haue allvvayes practised 142. Imputed Iustice dothe not really heale the soule or sanctifie it 274. The heretikes imputed Iustice admitteth no augmentation or increase 305. it makethe euery man as iust as Christ himselfe K Christes Knovvledge 309. Adams Knovvledge 308. Salomons Knovvledge 308. L Hovv agreable labour is vnto man 603. The succession of gouernement in the Church euen in the lavve of nature 138. Recourse had to the highe Preist concerning all difficulties in religiō in the lavve vvritten 139. The lavve of grace requireth a visible heade 140 the excellencie therof aloue all others 275. it consisteth in beleeuing and obseruinge 276. To say that the lavves and cōmaundements of God bee impossible giueth occasion to all impie-570 the like dothe to saye that Christ hathe freed vs from all lavves 572. The libertie that Luther and Caluin giue all faythefull men to sinne 547. that they giue all men leaue to sinne in sayinge that all our actions are mortall sinnes 549. By vvhat Likelyhoode sentence vvould passe of the Catholicke parte if the matter vvere put to the hearinge of any indifferent person 130. Luthers presūp●ions proude vvordes against all fathers vvith his raylinge tearmes against king Henrie 8.24.86 his attempte vvith the success in dispossessinge of a deuill 25. Hee accusethe the councell holden at Hierusalem of e●rour 297. his reprochefull vvordes against the councell of Nice 198. against saint Iames his Epistles ibid. His litle flocke and inuisible Churche disproued 202. hee despoilethe Christ of the title of a lavv maker 280. hee reiecteth prayer 446. the opposition that is betvvixte his doctrine and S. Paules 623. betvvixt his and our sauiours 635. Luther admitterhe a pluralitie of vviues at once 624. his foure cases vvherein as hee sayethe it is lavvfull for a man to leaue his old vvife and 〈◊〉 take a nevve 625. his notorious infamous lyse 〈◊〉 deathe 122. his opinion of sacraments 408. of Baptisme vvherin he thinketh no forme of vvordes necessary 4.6 the reason vvhy a man is more ashamed of his lustes then other vices and Passions 61● Hee thinketh no forme of vvordes necessary 41 M Tvvo maner of missions cōcerning preachers 7. Extraordinarie mission require the extraordinarie signes and confirmations 20. tvvo vvayes Christ proued his mission 106. Marcious heresie concerning the creation of the vvorlde 30. Mark●s of heretiks to make a breaehe out of the Churche 159. noueltie 166. a particuler name from their sectmaster 172. a renouation allmost of all olde heresies 179. vvant of succession 188. dissention in doctrine 208. to bee of a particulet sect 228. to bee cōdemned for an heretike by the Cath. Churche 236. many others 241. all vvith in their seuerall places aboue noted are seuereally proued to agree to the reformers of this tyme. Mennes to induce men to religion 115. a meane to distinguishe the true Churche from a bastarde and hereticall synagogue 191. The maner of refuting heresies before the tyme that generall councells could bee called 237. The different maner of prayer to Christ and to his Sainctes 354. Melancthon couertlie detracteth from Christ 247. Mans miserie and seruitude after sinne 254. Caluin could vvorke no miracles p. 25. N The nature of goodnes 229. The Nestorian heresie 32. The generall and ancient name of Christians and Catholikes argueth the trevve Catholike religion 177. Noueltie a marke of heretikes 166. Vvhat the name Catholike importeth 231. The number of prelates present at the councell of Trent 240. The necessitie of a visible heade ouer the Churche here in earthe 365. The rayling speaches and odious names that heretikes especially Caluin vvith greate contempt vse against all Saints 346. their reproche-full vsage of reliques and Saincts pictures 347. O The order that vvas taken to reclaime Luther 240. the maner of proceeding against his obstinacie ibid. his heresie condemned by the councell of Trent 240. The Catholike opinion of iustification vvith vvhat reason it is affirmed 261. The iust occasion vvee haue to suspect the reformers sincerity tovvards Christ 355. The distinction of holy orders and the maner of giuinge them proued out of the scriptures 367 The auncient opinion for the number of seuen sacraments 399. The diuersities of opinions amongest the reformers them selues for the number of the Sacraments 408. their erronious opinion for the forme of vvordes vsed in sacraments 427. The Epicures vvitles opinion concerninge the origin of the vvorlde 654. An obiection of our voluptuous heretikes against chastitie 619. the same ansvvered ibid. the obiect of religion 661. P Intolerable pryde in heretikes 73. 66. The probabilitie of the Catholike religion 102. Sainct Peters commission and preeminence aboue the rest 142. Pelagius his heresie 182. A propertie of heretikes vvhich sainct Austine obseruethe 199. The different maner of prayer to Christ and to his Saincts 354. The peace and agreement that is in the Catholike Churche 214. 228. that the same must needs proceede of God 218. The superabundant price of our redēption 156. Christs passions or rather propassions 327. The chaunge of preesthood vvith the chaunge of the lavv 364. The coniunction or inseparabilitie of preisthood and religion 363. 369. Plaine proofes bothe by scripture and reason for the sacrifice of the mass 384. 389. Predestination 420. The excellencie of prayer 430. the continuall practise of it in the Churche 437. the contempt of it conformable to the reformers doctrine 438. prayer to Saincts 355. Vvhy the Pope can not erre in defining scriptures and their exposition 155. 677. Precepts of good life reduced to tvvoe heads 277. Parricide aggreing to heretikes 81. R The truthe and euidence of the Catholique Religion 105. The reason vvhy the Churche relyethe vpon the Popes sentence as infallible 155. that a visible heade in the Churche is necessarie 144. the reason of the dayly sacrifice in the Church 288. vvhy Christ is sayed to bee a preist after the order of Melchisedech 289. the reason that vvee maye suspect heretikes for false Prophetes 25 vvhy vvee giue a religious honour to sainctes and their reliques 341. vvhy vvee make intercession 353. The libertye of rebellion that Luther and Caluin giue to all their follovvers 485. Recourse had to the highe Preist about all difficulties of religion in the lavve vvritten 139. The certaintie that the reformers are heretikes 172. nothinge can excuse them from heresie but Apostasie 187. theire absurde doctrine of ●us●●●cation vvith their pernitious cōsequences vvhich they inferre vpon the same 258. their doctrine hovv iniurious it is to Christ and Christian religion 633. 260. vsq ad 267. 318. to all ciuill gouernement 490. vsq ad 534. hovv it openethe the gapp to all vice and sensualitie 547. vsq ad 598. 621. vsq ad 727. it take the 579. avvaye all speculatiue sciences and morall vertues 550. all conscience 594. it directlye tendeth to atheisme 666. it bringethe into contempte all scriptures and religion 674. 689. vsq ad 696. The proude conceipts that the reformers haue of their sanctirie 206. they affirme that all our actions good and bad are mortall sinnes 300. that all sinnes are equall 301. that vvee haue no libertie nor freevvill in our actions ibid. that God is the autour of all sinnes 302. The libertie of rebellion that Luther and Caluin giue to all theire follovves 485. The reformers vppon necessitie beleeue in some thinges the Pope and Romaine Churche 679 they take avvay in effect all sacramēts 12. 16. Examples out of scriptures for religious respect to reliques and images 356. S The custome of offringe sacrifice euen by the Apostles them selues 367. The necessitie of a dailie sacrifice in the nevv lavve for the vpholding of true religion 379. of a visible sacrifice heare in earthe 360. of a proper sacrifice not metaphoricall 383 Exāples of selfloue and pryde in heretikes 66. The conuenience or rather necessitie of corporall and sensible Sacraments 391. the proofe of them seuerallye out of scripture 398. 402. the reformers haue no Sacraments at all 416. The only seruice of our heretikes a sermon 447. that also absurde according to their doctrine ibid. The difficultie of vnderstādig scriptures 49.57 the bare letter vvithout the true sence no scripture 40. the reason thereof 45. hovv the scripture is sayed to be dependent of the Chut-che 44. 676. Arguments against the priuate Spirit 53. 65. Selffeloue a common disease to all heretikes 65. Thet insufficiency of resoluing all by a priuate Spirit in matters of religion 75. vsq 80. The force of Succession in Preisthoode 193. tvvo shiftes of heretikes disproued touching Succession 196. The Lords Supper according to Luther can not bee eaten 422. Caluins doctrine makes it a niggardlie Super. 424. T Tertullian complayneth of heretikes in his tyme 374. The reason that God can not giue testimonie of an v●●truthe by miracles 106. Proofes of the blessed Trinitie 700. V Valentinus his heresie 30. The Lutherane vbiquetaries take avvaye Christes diuinitie 248. The commendation of virginitie 614. The right vnderstāding of certaine places of the scripture vvhich seeme to impeach the freedome of the vvill 167. W Vvilliam Rodings foolishe fiction vvhich hee inuented to derogate frō the blessed virgin 347. A vvoemans complaint of Caluins doctrine as derogating to their sexe 690. The foure vvoundes vvhich vvee receiued in our soule by sinne 269. Z Zuinglius reiecteth fathers 87. His opinion of the number of Sacraments 408. Excuse this Table I vvas enforced to comit the making of it to a freinde vvho also had not leisure to make it exactely
as diuersly interpret scripture as you may moralize those fables Others calle scripture a nose of vvaxe bicause it may be vvrested and vvried euery vvaye vvhich comparisons although they bee odious and litle beseeming the maiestie of scripture yet are they true if by scripture you vnderstand the bare letter of scripture vvithout an assured interpretour as the Reformers doe For the ba●e letter of scripture is so ambiguous may haue so many senses and meanings that it may be applyed to vvhat you vvill may be already hath been vsed for the proofe of the moste absurde heresies that euer vvere But vvhilest they alleage the bare letter of scripture for cōfirmation of their doctrine vvel may they so delude the vnlerned but men of learning and intelligence are vvel assured that the bare letter is no more scripture then the body of a man is a man For as the soule is the life of the body that vvhich maketh a man so the sense is the life of the vvorde and that vvhich giueth scripture life essēce being Com. ad Gal. Vvherfore sainct Hierome sayeth that The ghlospel is not in the vvorde but in the sence not in the barke but in the sappe not in the leaues of the vvords but in the roote of the meaning Let not therfore out Reformers vaunte in their pulpits that they trye their doctrine by the touchstone of scripture nether let them insulte ouer Catholikes as though they relyed only on mens decrees and Popes Bulles for if they giue vs the letter of scripture vvith the true meaning vvhich is the formal cause and life of the vvord vve vvill reuerence it as the vvord of God and preferre it before all the decrees and vvritinges of Pope and Church but take the true sense from it and it is no more scripture then is a man vvithout a soule bicause as the same body may be the liuing body of a man and a dead carcas also so the same letter vvith the true meaning is the vvord of God vvith a false meaning it is the vvord of the deuil As for example those vvords of our Sauiour The father is greater then I Io. 1● taken in the right sence that is according to Christes humain nature are the true vvord of God but taken in the meaning of the Arrians vvho imagined Christe a creature inferiour euen in person to his father they are noe vvord of God but of the deuil vnlesse you vvill graunte heresie to be the vvord of God The reason of this is bicause vvords are vvordes in that they are signes of the myndes meaning and do explicate her invvard conceipt and consequently that is Gods vvord vvhich explicateth his meaning and diuine conceipt but if it explicate the mynd of the deuil or of his ministers such as all heretikes are then is it not the vvord of God but rather of the deuil Vverfore vvhen the letter of the scripture is ioyned vvith the right meaning then do vve graunt though men vvrote it that is is the vvord of God bicause it explicateh his meaning vvho spake vnto the holy vvriters in that meaning and directed their hartes and handes in the vvriting of the same Isa 1. In so much that God sayeth to Isaie Heb. 1. Behold I haue put my vvords in thy mouthe And saint Paul saieth that God diuersly and by diuers meanes spake in tymes paste vnto our forfathers in the Prophets that is in the mouche of the prophets puttīg in their mouthes that vvhich they vvere to speake and directing their hands to vvrite it For as the vital spirit of man frameth his vvordes in his mouthe and giueth them their meaning so the vvords of the prophets and other holy vvriters vvere framed in their mouthes by the spirit of God Vvhich is the very cause vvhy diuines saye that God vvas the principal speaker and vvriter of scripture and that the Prophet Apostle or Euangeliste vvas his instrument and as it vvere the pen mouthe and tongue of God Psal 44. Praefat. in Mat. 1. Li. 7. conf ● vlt l ●● Ciuit. c. 38. Hom 10. in ●exam in that he vvas guided directed by him and his holy spirit Vvherfore Dauid vvho vvas one of these vvriters sayeth that his tongue is the penne or quill of him that vvriteth svviftly and saint Gregorie and saint Austine affirme scripture to bee the venerable stile of the holy ghost and saint Basil sayeth that not only the sense of scripture but also every vvord and tittle is inspired by the holy ghost Vvherin a difference is put betvvixte scripture and definitions of the Church Pope or Councels Bicause these are assisted by the holy ghost only that they may define the truth and so the sense of a Councells definition confirmed by the Pope is of the holy ghost but it is not necessarie that euery vvord or reason in a Councell proceed from the holy spirit of God and therfore diuines say that in a Councell that thing only is necessarilie to be beleeued vvhich the Councell of set purpose intended to define But as for other thinges vvhich are spoken incidently and as for reasons vvhich the Councel alleageth they are not of that credit although vvithout cuident cause they are not to be reiected And this is the cause vvhy the ancient fathers do vvay and ponder euery vvorde and tittle vvhich interpretours of the Councels canons or definitions do not Vver●ore as I sayed let them not charge vs vvith contempt of scripture for our opinion and estimation of scripture is most venerable if it be in deed scripture yea vve auouch that in it selfe it is of farre greater authoritie then is the Church or her definitions bicause though God assiste both yet after a more noble manner he assisteth holy vvriters in vvriting of scripture bicause he assisteth them infaillibly not only for the sense and veritie but also for euery vvord vvhich they vvrite and euery reason and vvhatsoeuer is in scripture vvheras he assisteth the Pope and Councell infallibly only for the sence and veritie of that vvhich they intēde to define but nether for euery vvord nor for euery reason nor for euerie thing vvhich is incidently spoken as is already declared And yet vvee say also that although scripture of it self be greater then the Church and indepēdent of her bicause not from her but from God it hathe authoritie and veritie yet the Church is better knovvn to vs then scripture and therfore though she make not scripture yet of her vve are to learne vvhich is scripture and vvhat is the meaning therof vvhich is noe more disgrace to scripture then that faint Ihon and the Apostles should giue testimonie of Christe bicause they vvere better knovvn then he though his authoritie in it selfe vvas greater thē theirs not depēding of them yea the reformers euery one in particuler be he a Cobler is according to their doctrine to iudge by his priuate spirit vvhich is scripture and vvhat is the
an heretike by Vvherfore Ireneus sayeth that by succession vve confound all heretikes Supra Sainct Austine sayeth that it is the thing Lib. cont ep fund c. 4 l. d● vtilit cred c. 17. vvhich holdeth him in the Catholike Church bicause sayeth he that Church in vvhich is this successiō is the rock against vvhich the gates of hell can not preuail If therfore our nevv Christianes vvill discharge them selues of this marke of an heretike vvhich is vvante of succession let them shevv vs as Tertulian demaunded of the heretikes of his tyme the catalogue of their Bishops and the origen of their Churche that if in the same vve finde them to be descended from the Apostles vve may acknovvledg them as true Christians if vve finde that they are not descended from so noble a race vve may hisse them out of the Church for heretikes But I ame sure they cā shevv no● succession bicause they are the first them selues and can as soone name their predecessours as they can finde out Lutheranes before Luther caluinistes before caluin I vvill not deny but that they can deriue some pointes of their doctrine frō Simon Magus and other ancient heretikes but this succession proueth them also to be heretikes as is before demonstrated but a succession from that Church vvhichvvas commonly counted Christian they can not shevv yea they can not shevv vs a succession of their doctrine from any ancient heretikes but are them selues the first of their familie succeeding to none but sent and ordayned by them selues See the first booke first chap. borne prodigiously of thē selues Childrē vvith out fathers and schollers vvith out masters for although they borovv their heresies of other heretikes yet they iumpe vvith no heretikes in all points but ether adde or detracte so succeed in all poincts to none Vverfore though sometymes they vaunte that they succeed the Apostles and the primatiue Church yet some tymes the truthe breaketh from thē against their vvills as it doth from the deuil vvhen by coniuration he is compelled to tell the truth and then they confess them selues to be the first of their familie but this confession hangeth them Oecolampadius they call the first bishop of Basil and Caluin the first of Geneua Latimer the first Apostle of Ingland and knokes of Scotland And Martin Luther the most ancient of them all is not afrayed to saye that he vvas the first man that manifested the ghospell and the truthe vnto the vvorld In prafa● disp Lypsi● Audemus dicere sayeth hee à nobis primo diuulgatum esse Christum Vve dare saye that Christ vvas first by vs made knovvn vnto the vvorld He hathe piggs in his belly therfore he speakes in the plurall nūber but he hath noe braynes in his head nor blood in his face to blush vvith all and therfore he dares be bold to say that he is the first man that promulgated the christian lavve Art thou the first thou vaunting compagnion modestie vvould yeeld at least to the Apostles So he vvill peraduenture but at least sayeth he I ame the first after them O monstrouse and Luciferian pride and novv not Luther but Lucifer Art thou the first after the Apostles Vvhere then vvas the Churche all this vvhile Vvhere vver ethe Pastours and Doctours of the same Vvhere vvere the Austines Ambroses Gregories Hieromes Vvas ther none all this vvhile to haue been imployed but God must needs expecte till an Apostata fryar leaped out of a Cloister and maryed vvith a Nonne notvvithstanding that bothe had promised chastitie before god and man by a solemne vovve But they haue a shifte or tvvoe by vvhich they thinke to auoyd this argument of succession The first is this our doctrine say they is Apostolicall and vve are the Apostles successours bicause vve preach conformable to that doctrine vvhich they haue left in the ghospells epistles by them vvritten But this shifte vvill not serue See the second chap. bicause this is to make bare scripture Iudge of their doctrine as all heretikes haue euer doon vv ch not notvvithstanding as is in the first booke demonstrated is noe certain rule to square fayth religion by Vvherfore they haue yet another ansvveare in store vv ch is this They graunte that the Apostles once plāted a true church true religiō and established true pastours but soone after this Churche fayled degenerated frō that it vvas into the Synagogue of the deuil vv ch they call the Papisticall Churche and possessed the vvorld for many hundred yeares till at length Luther the man of god builded this Church agayne renevved the religion and appointed nevv pastours so say they vve succeed to that Church vvhich the Apostles founded not by a continuall succession but by an interruption of many hundred yeares But aske them vvhat yeare of our lord vnder vvhat Emperour or Pope vppon vvhat occasion this Church fayled then they can not giue you a resolute ansvver Luther in the Assembly at Wormatia publikely auouched that the Church fell in the tyme of the Councel of Constāce in vvhich Vvicleph vvas condēned Tom. 9. l cont Papatum The same Martin not allvvayes myndfull of euery vvord vvhich he hath spoken in his book vvhich he vvrote against Papacie sayeth that this Church fayled a thousand yeares after Christe and his reason is biccause the Apocalips sayeth that Satan for a thousand yeares shal be tyed and so for six hundred years he hath been loose l. de Capt. Babyl In another place he sayeth that saint Gregorie vvas the last good pope and that since that tyme the Church and pastours are degenerated Yet the same man perceiuing hovv litle aggreemēt is betvvixte his religion and that vvhich vvas practised euen in the first age and tyme of the Apostles hovv vnlike his ministers are to those ancient preestes and fathers Act 15. he sayeth that the Apostles them selues erred in their Councel holdē at Hierusalem or else sayeth he vve all sinne novv in eating blood-puddings vvhich they forbad not knovving absurde companion as he vvas or not acknovv-ledging that the precept vvas but for a tyme to cōtent the Ievves As for the Councell of Nice vvhich vvas vvith in 300 yeares after Christe he auoucheth that the canons and articles of the same are but Stravv and Stubble ●●pr● vvhich epithetons he giues also vnto saint Iames his epistle Ep. ●d Sadol Caluin sayeth that Bonifacius the Pope vvas the first that vvas made suprem head of the Churche by Phocas the Emperour and so he thinketh that then the Churche first degenerated yet the same man in his preface to the king of Fraunce Prafat Inst. ad Regem Galli● in locis postre●●●●ditu sayeth that the Church fell not till the tyme of the Councel of Basil Melancthon sayeth that Pope Zozimus vvas the first Anti-christ and that since ther vvas neuer any true Bishop of Rome But first this disagreement of the tyme
of this fall is a sufficient argument that the Churche neuer fell for if it had fallē it hauing been once so famous so glorious so cōspicuous the fall therof vvith the tyme occasiō and other circūstaūces could not haue been cōcealed as sone may the sonnes fall from heauen be vnknovven vnto the vvorld as the fall of the Churche Mat. 3. vvhich is sometymes called a citie on an hill Psal 1● some tymes a tabernacle placed in the some Secondly if the Church fell then certes it vvas not builded vppon a rocke but on the sands Mat. 16. 2. Tim. 3. then is it not ● piller of truth Lu● 22. then did Christ pray that Peters fayth might not fayle that his father vvould send his holy spirit to remain vvith the Apostles for euer that is in their successoures for vvith them in person he could not remain for euer and yet vvas not hard Mat. 28. Then did Christ promise that he vvould stay vvith them for euer but performed not vvhat he promised Thē vvas Christ an vnfaythfull spouse vvho betrothed him self to his Churche but separated him self frō her many hundred yeares c. 2. And then did Daniel foolishly cōpare Christes Church vnto a Kingdom vvhich should neuer be ruined Ser. 2 in Psal 107. But as S. Austin vvel noteth it is the propertie of thē vvho are out of the Church to say that the Churche is not Sed illa Ecclesia sayth he in the person of the Donatists quae fuit omnium gentium iam non est perijt Ho● dicunt qui in illa non sunt O impudentem vocem illa non est quia tu in illa non es vide ne tu ideo non sis nam illa erit etiamsi tu non sis But that Churche vvhich consisted of all nations novv is not it is perished So they say vvho are not in it O impudent voice Is not that extant bicause thou art not in it Looke least thou therfore beest not for the Churche vvill be although thou be not Ser. ●● in Cant. Vvherfor sainct Bernard vvho vvas one of this Church doubted not but that she should perseuer to the end Ita est tunc deinceps nō deficiet genus Christianum nec fides de terra nec charitas de Ecclesia venerunt flumina flauerunt venti impegerunt in eam non cecidit co quod fundata erat supra petram petra autem erat Christus So it is both then after vvard the Christiā race shall not fayle nether fayth frō the vvorld nor charitie frō the Churche fludds haue come vvindes haue blovvn haue beaten vppon her but the Churche fell not bicause it vvas founded vppon a rock vvhich rock vvas Christ Hom. 1. de Pent. The vvords of Christ must be verified sayth sainct Chrysostome bicause heauen and earth shall fayle before Christs vvords and vvhat are those vvords sayeth he euen those and no other Mat. 16. Thou art Peter and vppon this rock vvill I build my Churche This Churche sayeth he vvas impugned but could not be ouercome dartes vvere shotte against it but could not pearse engines of vvarre vvere vsed to ouerthrovv it but this tovver could not be beaten dovvn Consider sayeth he the tyraunts beasts svvords deaths dartes vvhich the deuil prepared against this Churche but all in vayne for the deuil hathe emptied his quiuer and shott all his arrovves but the Churche hath no hurte The persecutours are novv dead rotten and forgotten but the Churche florisheth Vvhere is novv Claudius vvhere is Augustus vvhere are Nero and Tiberius these are novv naked names for them selues are not extaunt Ser. post exilium And thinkest thou ô deuil sayth he that thou canst ouer throvv the Churche that art not able to encounter vvith a younge Agnes and tender Christian mayd vvho hath proued stronger then all thy force and instruments of tormēts And if sayeth he thou couldest not ouercome the Church vvhen she vvas younge and had the Ievves and Gentils Kinges and Emperours against her thinkest thou novv to giue her the foyle or falle And truly he that sayeth that the Churche hath fayled must consequently say vvith the Atheists that it vvas the vvorke of men not of God deuised by men to Keepe fooles in avve for if the Church vvas established by God then by Gamaliel his rule Act. ● it could not by any force of man be dissolued This argument so presseth them that they dare not stand to this ansvver yet they vvill play small play rather thē stād out l. de notis Ecclesiae Luther therfore in his book of the notes of the Churche graunteth that the Church neuer quite decayed but only for the most parte and so sayeth he it decayed euen in the apostles tyme for as Christe sayeth he from the beginning had his Church so the deuil had his chappel vvhich vvas bigger then the Church so there hath been euer a succession of both but the chappel as it vvas euer bigger so vvas it most famouse And this chappell saieth he is the Church of the Papists vvhich is so famouse in Ecclesiasticall histories But this shifte is poore and ridiculouse For if the Church of the Papists degenerated from the beginning as Simon Magus did vvhy vver not vvee called by particuler names as all heretikes are Vvhy vvas not our autour named Vvhy is not the tyme and occasion registred If our Church vvas euer the greater then vvas theirs the chappel for it is against the nature of a chappel to be greater then the Church If our Church vvas the greater and most famouse then vvas ours that societie vvhich vvas commonly called the Christian Church then vvas our societie that vvhich condemned heresies and called Councels vvhich vvas persecuted by the persecutours and consequently vvas not the deuils chappel for he persecuteth not his ovvn and fauoured by Constantine and other Christian Emperours Kings Princes for vvhich monasteries vvere erected Churches builded in vvhich all the ancient doctours ministred sacramētes preached teached ruled and gouerned And vvhere vvas then Luthers litle flock Vvhat Historiographer vvrote the progress of it Vvhat Emperours persecuted it Vvhat heretikes rayled against it Vvhat Churches vvere builded for it Vvhat ministers ruled it And vvhat vvas the manner of gouermēt in it If ther vver no such societ●e noe other counted Christian but ours thē ether ours vvas the true Church or else the Church quite fayled so they must retourn to their first shifte vv ch yet vvill not serue their turne as is allready proued Vvherfore if all other fayle they haue yet another shifte and that is this Vve graunt say they that the Church neuer decayed but still stood immoueable vppon the rock vppon vvhich Christ founded it Mat. 16. but soone after the Apostles tyme or peraduenture before they vver all dead this Church became inuisible and appeared noe more openly but vvas preserued secretly in obscure
corners till at the length Luther vvhom God and his Church all that vvhile expected brought it to light again And all this vvhile bicause Ecclesiasticall histories conuince them they confess that ther vvas a Church commonly called Christian in vvhich Popes ruled and Kings and Princes vvere baptized but that say they vvas not the Church of Christ but the conuenticle of Papists and chappell of the deuill Io. ● and thus these euildoers fly the light This shifte serues them for tvvo purposes for first thus they vvill free them selues from all iudgemēt-seats for if you conuent them before Ecclesiasticall Iudges or the vvholle Church they vvill say that they are not lavvfull Iudges and that it is not the true Church vvhich summoneth them to appear and therfore they are not bound to stand to their sentence vvho haue all authoritie on their ovvn side And if you aske them from vvhome they had authoritie they vvill say that they had their predecessours to vvhom they succeed and their Church vvhose fayth they preach and that from them they haue authoritie if you then bid thē shevv some historie or anciēt monument of their Church they vvill ansvvere that it vvas inuisible and soe vvill say vvhat they liste and by noe Church paste or present shall you be able to controlle them for they haue a Gygas ring to goe inuisible by Secondly if the Church vvas inuisible you can not vrge them to shevv any continuall succession of it from the Apostles For they vvill say that their Church succeeded the Apostles and is the same vvhich they planted but after the Apostles tyme vvas neuer seen till Luther pulled avvay the bushell vvhich couered this light And truly I vvill easilie graunt that their Church before Luther vvas inuisible For that vvhich vvas not could not be seen but that the true Churche vvas at any tyme inuisible is altogegether improbable For vvhen hapned this darkeness I pray you Mat. 30 Psal ●● The Church vvas once a citie vppon an hill and a tabernacle placed in the sonne hovv then could it on a sodain come to bee inuisible and noe man in the vvorld to note it Historiographers vvrite of earth-quakes and darknesses and all the vvorld noted the darkness vvhich hapned at Christes death and vvas ther no man to note this darkeness vvhich couered the vvholle face of the earth and hapned after so conspicuous a light Aristotle sayeth that the same sense iudgeth of the obiect and priuation as for example the eye vvhich beholdeth colours and light perceiueth also or at least giues occasion to the invvard sence called sensus communis to perceiue darkeness vvhen the light is gone vvhy then could not they vvhich had seen the Churche florish and shine conspicuously perceiue also vvhen first she lost her light And if they perceiued it hovve chaunceth it that none euer vvrote of so straung an accident But vvhat should I aske so many questiōs vvhere I ame sure to finde noe reasonable ansvveres I vvill novv vvith one argument make all this darkeness of this erronious doctrine giue place to the light of the truth to vvit that the true Church can not be inuisible For Christ bidds vs vvhen our brother vvill not harken vnto our admonitions Mat. 18. to cōplayn on him to the Church Suppose thē that some heretike should preach false doctrine and being admonished to correct his errour vvould yet remain obstinate ther is no other remedie but to cōplayn on him to the Church and hovve shall this complaint be made if the Churche can not be found out as it can not if it bee inuisible Suppose again some Christian or infidell should beginne to doubt of his fayth and vvould fayne be instructed noe doubt his only remedie is to repayr vnto the Church for a resolution vvhere only truthe is taught and saluation is found but if the Churche be inuisible or decayed hovv shall he haue access to this Churche vvhich ether is not as they saye or at least is inuisible Truly if the Churche ether decayed or vvas inuisible then vvas the vvorld vvithout meanes of saluation for many hundred yeares But let me demaund of them hovv their Churche vvas inuisible vvhich consisteth of men and is gouerned by men and mainteined by visible gouerment visible Sacraments and audible preaching They liued not allvvayes in holes some tymes they came abroad and comming abroad and carying the name of Christians they vvere by Papists allvvayes enforced to frequent Masse and sacramentes and to professe their religion else had they been excommunicated and deliuered to seculare povver vvhence it must needs follovv that ether Luthers and Caluines Churche vvas neuer before them selues beganne to preach or that their Churche dissembled against conscience for fifteen hundred yeares But vvhat do I fight against shadovves and that vvhich neuer vvas or neuer vvas seen Let mee conclude novv that vv ch I intended The ghospellers can not deny but that the true Churche vvas once plāted and that therfore novve that is the true Church vvhich can by succession be deriued from it for to say that the Church fayled or vvas inuisible is but a vayne imagination and seing that Catholikes can by all Histories and monuments shevv that their Church is descended from that vvhich vvas in the tyme of the Apostles theirs is the Church and they are the true Christians and seing that the reformers can not thus deriue their Church from the Apostles bicause before Luthers preaching it vvas neuer seen hard nor felt it follovveth that their Church is not Apostolicall but rather apostaticall and hereticall and they noe true Christianes but heretikes The sixt chapter handleth the sixt marke of an heretike vvhich is dissension in doctrine in vvhich chapter is proued that peace is a marke of the true Church and that the dissentious ghosppellers are heretikes if euer any vvere CIcero that famous oratour and Merchaunt of vvords Philippica 13. speaking of peace giues it this vvorthy commendation Pacis nomen dulce est res vero ipsa cum iucunda tum salutaris The name of peace is svveet but the thing it selfe is bothe pleasaunt and soueraine To vvhich opinion of his all men vvill easilie subscribe if they enter into consideratiō of the nature of peace For vvhat is more pleasaunt then that vvhich all things desire and vvhat more healthfull and souerayne then that vvhich preserueth all things So pleasaunt is peace that euen senseles creaturs seem vvholly to desire it The heauens moue all from the east to the vvest caryed vvith the svvay of the first heauen called primum mobile and yet by their proper motions at the same tyme they moue also from the vvest to the East some svviftly some slovvly yet vvith such vniformitie aggrement as though they desired nothing more then peace and feared nothing more then iarring and disagreeing in their motions The Elemētes vvhen they are out of their naturall places do moue speedily and make great hast to get
intended conclusion vvhich I maye doe vvith as muche breuitie as facilitie For if God bee the autour of all sinne then if vvee maye gather vvhat the tree is by the frute hee is of a malitious nature as is before proued and if hee commaund vs impossibilities and punishe vs vvith Hell fyer for not fullfilling them then is hee vnreasonable cruel and barbarous And if vvee once make this conceit of God as vvee must needes if vvee beleeue the aduersaries opiniō then must our hartes of necessitie bee cold in religion and vvorship of God For vvho can bee induced to vvorship loue and honour such a God in vvhome is nothing vvhich is amiable nothing vvorthy honour vvel may vvee feare him for his crueltie but loue him and honour him from the harte vve can not And so religion fallethe The third Chapter shevveth that in contempte of the Churches authoritie they bring all religion in contempte IT is a maxime and almost an article of faithe receued amōgest the reformers that the true Churche vvhich once vvas hathe erred grosselye in no lesser matters then faithe iustification merit freevvil vvorkes satisfaction purgatorie prayer to Sainctes vvorship of images nūber and vertue of Sacramentes Sacrifice such like Yea they confess that the Romain Church vvas once the true Church but thy adde vvith all that aftervvardes it erred grossely and fell sovvlye novv of the Church of Christ is become the Synagogue of the deuil This is the cause vvhy vvhen vvee vrge the authoritie of the ancient and present Churche for the proofe of the reall presence free vvill prayer to saintes sacrifice of the Masse they ansvvere vs that the Church vvas but a congregation of men vvhich hathe erred in these and other matters And therfore Luther careth not for a thousand Churches and Caluin Beza and others despise all the Councelles and ancient fathers as appearethe by their vvordes vvhich are related in the first booke and the third and fourth chapter So that vppon the bare authoritie of the Churche they vvill not hange their faithe as they saye least they hange their soules bicause the Churche as it maye bee deceued so it maye deceue I demaund of thē therfore vvhat assuraunce they haue of scripture and by vvhat meanes they come to the knovvledge of it A Catholique vvould say that he beleeuethe these bookes to bee the vvorde of god bicause the Catholike Church vvhich is it the piller of truthe vvhich by the sonne of God vvas promised a spirit vvhich should teach her all veritie 10.14.15 l. on t epist fund c. ● hath cuer so beleened and defined Vvherfore saint Austine sayeth that hee vvould not beleeue the ghospel vnlesse the Churches authoritie m●ued him not that the Church maketh scriptures or giueth them their truthe and veritie for that they haue of God vvho vvas the indighter of them but bicause vvee can not knovv vvhich is Scripture vvhich is not but by the voice of the Church to vvhich only in this matter the ancient fathers vvere vvont to harken as Ireneus l. 2 c 2 3. 4. l pr●esc de expos Symb. l. 2 c 1. 46. l. 4. c 11. Tertulian sainct Hierom Leo the first and d●uers others of vvhom Nicephorus maketh mention Vvherfore the first Toletane Councel in the one and tvventith canō accurseth thē vvho accept of any other Scriptures thē those vvhich the Catholique Churche receiueth Hee vvould alleage for an argumēt that Christemade Peter his successour the Pope supreme pastour of the Church and commaunded him to feed his sheep lo. 2. and seing that a principal office of the shepheard is to shevv them suche pasturs as are most holsom for them it perteineth to the ●uprem Pastoure of the Churche to tell vs infallibly vvhich are the true scriptures for vvhen hee declareth vv ch are the true Scripturs he shevves vs our pasture the place vvher vvee are to graze and vvhen hee expoundethe them hee feedethe vs. And seing that the Pope of Rome is this Pastour as is proued in the last chapter of the first booke it follovveth that vvee must receue that for scripture vvhich hee allovveth of as scripture He vvould alleage also the antiquitie of scriptures for a profe of their sinceritie l. 2. cont Ap. 〈…〉 prabar Euangel in Apolog c 19. 20. 24. bicause Moyses vvhoe vvas the vvriter of a great part of the old testament as Iosephus Tertulian and Eusebius affirme by many handred yeares vvas more anciēt then all the vvrit●rs of the Romains and Grecians also vv ch therfore deserue great credit reuerence 1 Tuse bicause as Cicero sayeth in his Tusculane questions to Antiquitie noe lesse is devve Hee vvould confirme this argument by another of no lesse efficacie to vvit that these bookes haue beene conserued so many thousand yeares not vvithstāding so many captiuities of the Ievves and persecutions of the Christians vvhich argueth that God vvho vvas the Authour of them had a speciall care of them and a vigilant eye vnto them as vnto his ovvn vvord and vvriting Hee might alleage also the cōformitie of those booke vvhich vvere indighted of diuers at diuers tymes and yet haue in them no contrarieties and vvere translated out of Hebrevv into Latin by 70 Interpretours ●nstin orat paroen ad gē●●● diuersely disposed vvho yet not vvithstanding soe aggreed as if all their trāslations had been copied out of one For vvhich causes euen the Gentils Paganes them selues haue borne great respect vnto these vvritinges not daring to mingle them vvith their ꝓphane vvritinges bicause as Iosephus and Eusebius affirme some that haue attēpted it l ●● Aut. c. 1. ● l. ● praepar● ● by the diuine and secret povver haue beene very sharpely and seuerly punished all vv ch is vvarrāted by historie traditiō This a Catholike vvould saye vvith great applause and no lesse probabilitie for the authoritie of scripture But vvhat vvould or vvhat could our reformers saye vvould they saye vvith the Catholike that they beleeue them to bee holy scripture bicause the Church sayeth so ●● Host● l. 3. ●●nt Brent Luther in deed sayeth that hee in this point beleeuethe the Churche and Pope and good reason hathe hee bicause of vvhō did hee receue the scriptures vvhen hee began first to preach his nevv doctrine but of the Romaine Churche vvho cuer had the custody of them euen since the tyme of the Apostles And hovve could he knovve that the ghospel of the Nazarens of sainct Barnabas Euseb l. ● c. 25. and sainct Thomas vvere not as rrue scripture as the ghospel of sainct Matthevve and other Euangelistes but that the Romain Churche allovved of these and not of those For this cause some of them do saye that in this point they must needs beleeue the Pope Romain Church bicause they cā not in deed haue any probable knovvledge of Scripture but by this meanes as shall appeare by the refutatiō of all other meanes vvhich they
Fourthly as in these alleaged cōuersions mutatiōs the afore named fathers make recourse vnto Gods omnipotēcie so do they in the mutatiō of this Sacrament prouinge that it vvas possible bicause God is omnipotent Sainct Ambrose sayeth li. de ijs qui initiātur c. 9. hee that of nothing could make something can hee not turne one thing Cipr. ser de Coena Domini into another And sainct Ciprian sayeth that by the omnipotencie of the vvord the bread is made flesh And vvere not these fathers madde to endeuour to explicate by so harde examples hovve God his omnipotencie vvas able to chaunge bread into Christes body and vvine into his bloud if the mutation vvere figuratiue only seing that the vintener vvithout omnipotencie can do the like in making an Iuie-bush of no signe a signe Fistly they admire herin our sauiours great charitie and bountie vvho is so liberall as to feast and feed vs vvith his ovvn flesh and bloud Ho 45. in 10. Vvhat shepheard sayeth saint Chrisostome feedeth his sheep vvith his ovvn blood And vvhat say I Shepheard many mother 's ther are vvhich vvill not bestovv their milke vppon their suckling babes but rather do put them forthe to nourcing but Christe dealeth not so niggardly but rather feedeth vs vvith his ovvn flesh and bloud and mingleth his substaunce vvith ours Novve if Christe hathe giuen vs only a bare signe of his flesh and bloud I see no such extraordinarie loue and charitie at least herin he shevveth no more yea not so much charitie as he shevved to the Ievves to vvhome he gaue manna from heauen in their extremitie vvhich vvas a more noble substaunce and a better figure then Caluins bread is Lastly the fathers note for a straunge thinge that Christe is eaten of vs in the blessed sacrament and yet nether diuided in vita apud Sur. nor diminished nor consumed This sainct Andrevv tolde Aegeas the Proconsul for a great miracle I sayeth he do offer dayly vnto the omnipotent God the Immaculate lambe of vvhom vvhen all the people haue eaten the lambe remaineth vvholle and intiere Ser de Coena Domini Hom 2. de Verb. Apost Sainct Cipriane calles this sacrament inconsumptibilem cibum meat inconsumptible Sainct Austine speaking of this Sacrament and of the murmuration of the Ievves vvho imagined that they should teare Christes flesh vvith their teeth sayeth thus sicreficeris vt non deficiat vnde reficeris so thou art refreshed that it is not deficient of vvhich thou arte refreshed And the reason is bicause Christes body is glorious and is receued vvholle of euery one and so is not deuided and vvhen the formes of bread and vvine perishe Christs body leaueth them and though one man receueth Christes body vvholle yet ther is neuer the lesse for another for hee also receueth it vvholle nether in this is there any greater difficultie then that 5000. Io. 6. men should bee fedd vvith fiue barly loaues tvoe fishes yet the reliques to bee as great or more thē vvas the feast novv if Christe be not really presēt in this Sacramēt but only as in a signe and figure it is no more meruaile that hee is not consumed then that the Kinges picture should bee burnt or broken and he receue no harme and if vvee eate him only spiritually by faithe vvhat vvonder is it that his substaunce is not diuided seing that faithe hathe no teeth to rent or teare him I could adde to these fathers vvho as I haue proued in the first booke ener vvent vvith the Churche Chap. 4. the practise of the Christian vvorld l. 1. de Eucharist c 20. vvhich for reuerence of this Sacrament as Cardinal Allen noteth hathe builded so goodly Churches errected so stately Aultars prepared so ritche vessels of gold and siluer to contein this Sacrament hathe caryed it in Procession and adored it vvhich honour and homage Christians vvould neuer haue giuen it had they thought that it vvere but bread and vvine or a bare signe or figure of Christes body So that if euer there vvere any truthe in the Churche this of the real presence is a truthe bicause the Scriptures are as plain for it as for any other mysteries of our faithe the fathers aggree in the exposition of the scripture for the real presence as they do in the exposition of scriptures against the Arrians for the defence of the Trinitie or against the Nestorians or Eutichians for the Incarnation the practise of the ancient Churche argueth noe lesse miracles vnlesse all bookes euen lately Printed lye vvere allvvayes as frequēt for this mysterie as for any the consent of all Christians conspireth in this article as vvell as in the Trinitie this the paganes knevv full vvel In Apol. c. 5.7 Pamel ibid. Euseb l 5 c. 1 vvho therfore called vs Anthropophagos and Infanticidas as vvitnessethe Tertulian And so if vvee haue any truthe of any article of our faithe this is an assured veritie and if euer ther vvere any heresie Caluins opinion vvhich denyeth this real presence is an heresie bicause the autours of this opinion vvere euer noted for heretikes as Berengarius Vvicleph and others before them and their follovvers had particular names as the Arians haue they vvere condemned by Councels and by that Church vvhich vvas commōly called Christian and they haue all other markes of heretikes set dovvne in the second booke as vvill easilie appeare by application of thē vnto Caluin and his follovvers Vvhen this opinion vvas taught the vvorlde vvondred at it and the Pastours and fathers of the Churche vvrote against it and they alleadged as plain scripture against this heresie as euer they did against Arianisme And so if euer there vvere any heresie in the vvorlde the denial of the real presence is an heresie Conferre novve gentle reader the testimonies vvhich Catholikes haue for the real presence vvith those vvhich the reformers alleage against it and tell mee vvhere is likest to bee the truthe Catholikes haue plainer scripture for it then they haue against it the fathers also vvho are interpretours of scripture stand for it the reformers stand against it Vvhich are to bee beleeued thinkest thou Vvhether all the fathers or all the Reformers yea or euery one of the Reformers bicause they aggree not and euery one vvilbe supreme Iudge by his priuate spirit They vvill say scripture must bee beleeued before ffathers but this is not the question for scripturs are plainer for the real presence then those are vvhich the reformers bring against it And fathers bringe scripturs to proue it as vvel as they do to disproue it so that the question is vvhether the fathers are liker to vnderstand the scripturs rightly rather then the reformers yea rather thē any one of the reformers in particuler But to dravv to my intended conclusion out of all this discourse I gather that vvee haue as plaine scripture for the real presence of Christes body and bloud in the blessed