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A73183 Qvi non credit condemnabitvr Marc. 16. Or A discourse prouing, that a man who beleeueth in the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Passion &c. & yet beleeueth not all other inferiour articles of Christian fayth, cannot be saued And consequently, that both the Catholike, and the Protestant (seeing the one necessarily wanteth true fayth) cannot be saued. Written by William Smith, Priest. Smith, William, Priest. 1625 (1625) STC 22872.5; ESTC S124609 77,182 179

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particuler choise to insist vpon omitting some others of like nature because wee see that most or all of them do immediatly and principally as is aboue sayd touch the meanes of purchasing of grace of remission of our sinnes and obtayning of saluatiō being maintayned for such by the Catholikes but vtterly denyed reiected by Protestants And here I now vrge two things First if these former doctrines as they are beleeued by the Catholikes do immediatly concerne saluation and become necessary meanes thereof then cannot the Protestants as reiecting all such doctrines and such meanes both in beliefe practise be saued But if by a supposall they be not of that nature but false in themselues and the contrary doctrines true then cannot the Catholikes as beleeuing false doctrines immediatly touching mans saluation and accordingly practising them be saued From which forked argument it may most demonstratiuely be inferred that it is impossible that both the Catholiks and the Protestants the one part beleeuing the other part not beleeuing the foresayd doctrines should both be saued for who neglecteth necessary meanes shall neuer attayne to the designed end of the sayd meanes Secondly I vrge that a false beliefe not only in these articles but also in any other Controuersyes betweene the Catholikes and the Protestants is plaine Heresy And this because euery false beliefe is comprehended within the definition of heresy as being in it selfe an electiō choise of a new or false doctrine wilfully maintayned against the Church of God and therefore it followeth that eyther the Catholikes or Protestants for their persisting in this false beliefe or heresy shal be damned 10. But heere I will stay my selfe wading no further in the disquisition and search of the great dissentions betweene Catholikes and Protestants touching Fayth and beliefe only I will reflect a little vpon the premises of the two last Chapters And heere since it is made most euident first that the Protestants and Catholikes do mainly differ in the sense and construction of the articles of the Creed and consequently seeing the sense and not the wordes make the creed that they both do not beleeue one and the same Creed but haue to themselues seuerall Creedes From whence sufficiently is discouered that want of vnity in fayth among them both which vnity is so necessarily required to mans saluation as in the precedent Chapter is demonstrated Secondly that though by supposition they did beleeue the Creed the sense therof with an vnanimous consent yet it is proued that there are diuers other articles not contayned in the Creed which are indifferently beleeued as necessary to saluation both by Catholike and Protestant Thirdly seeing also there are sundry Controuersies in Religion as is aboue exemplifyed which immediatly concerne saluation being houlden as necessary meanes thereof by the catholikes but disclaymed from and abandoned by Protestants as mayne errours and false doctrines that therefore it is a manifest errour to make the Creed the sole rule of fayth 11. Therefore from all the former premises I do auerre that he who maintayneth that both Catholikes Protestants and consequently men of any Religion notwithstāding that the one side doth necessarily beleeue and maintaine Heresy can be saued or that euery Christian can obtaine heauen is wholy depriued of all true iudgement reason and discourse and for want thereof may deseruedly be ranged among them of whome the Psalmist speaketh Nolite fieri sicut equus mulus quibus non est intellectus Do not become as Horse and Mule which haue no vnderstanding CHAP. VI. The same proued from the authority and priuiledges of the Church in not erring in her definitions and condemnation of Heresies and first by Councells FROM the inuiolable vnity of Fayth we wil next descend to the priuiledges of Gods true church of which priuiledges I will at this tyme take only one into my consideration which is that the church of God is indued with a supreme prerogatiue in not erring in her definitiō of faith or condemnation of heresy This point is warranted by innumerable texts of holy Scripture as where it is sayd Vpon thy wales O Hierusalem I haue set watchmen all the day and all the night they shal not be silēt Isai 72. But God did not set watchmen ouer his Church to teach errours And againe the (a) 1. Tim. 3. Church of God is the pillar and foūdation of truth what more perspicuous And further whereas each man is commaunded to repaire in difficulties euen of lesser consequences to the Church it is threatned by Christ himselfe that who will not heare the Church shal be accounted as an heathen or publican according to that his condemnation Si Ecclesiam non audierit (b) Matt. 18. sit tibi sicut Ethnicus Publicanus where we find no restriction but that in all things wee are to heare the Church Againe Christ himselfe speaketh to his Apostles and in them to the whole Church (c) Luc. 10. He that heareth you heareth me But if the Church could erre neyther would Christ referre vs to the Church especially vnder so great a penalty neyther by hearing the Church could we be iustly sayd to heare Christ Finally the Church is so gouerned by Christ as its head or spouse and by the holy Ghost as its soule as therfore we find the Apostle thus to write (d) Ephes ● therof God hath made him head speaking of Christ ouer all the Church which is his body And againe one (e) Ephes 4. body and one spirit and yet more The (f) Ephes 5. man is the head of the Church From which Texts it followeth that if the Church should erre in its definition or resolution of Fayth and condemnation of Heresy this erring must iustly be ascribed to Christ and to the holy Ghost and consequently it followeth that the Apostles in making the Creede would haue omitted that Article I belieue the holy Catholike Church For why should we be bound to belieue the Church if the Church could erre 2. This truth I meane that the Church of Christ cannot erre in her sententionall decrees is so illustrious and euident that Tertullian speaking of certaine Heretikes of his time obiecting the erring of the whole church thus figuratiuely or Ironically writeth Age (g) Lib. de preser omnes errauerunt nullam respexit Spiritus sanctus that is goe to belike all the Churches haue erred the holy Ghost hath respected or looked vpon no one Church And S. Augustine Disputare (h) Epist 118. contra id quod Ecclesia vniuersa sentit insolentissimae insaniae est To dispute against any point maintained by the whole Church is extreme madnes To whose iudgement herein most of the more sober and learned Protestants doe indisputably subscribe since diuers of (i) D. Bācroft in ser 1588 Fox act Mon. 464 h. art 4. the deuines of Geneua in their propositions and principles disputed pag. 141. diuers others them
doe with all seruour and earnestnes maintaine that the church of Christ cannot erre and that what she defineth for truth is most true or what for Heresy or falsehood is hereticall and to be condemned 3. This basis or foundation of the Churches not erring being thus firmely layd we are herevpon to conclude that what points of Religion the Catholike Church of Christ hath condemned for heresies the same are by vs to be reputed for heresies since the Churches cōdemnation or approbation is most infallible the maintainours of the sayd heresies for heretikes and consequētly that such heretikes as departing out of the Church of God by their houlding of the sayd hereticall opinions cannot be saued Now because the iudgmēt of the Church in matters of fayth is by the aknowledgment of all sides discouered two wayes first by the sentence of generall Councells secondly by the frequent attestations of the chiefe doctors of the Church in euery age in their particuler writings they not being contradicted therein by any other orthodoxall Fathers or doctors of the same age I will therefore distributiuely handle both these wayes shewing that both by generall Councels and also by the particuler iudgment of the learned Fathers many opinions though not touching the Trinity the Incarnatiō the Passion or the expresse articles of the Apostles Creed haue bine condemned for plaine heresies and the belieuers of them anathematized for Heretikes 4. And first to begin with Councells the infallible authority of which euen Christ himself hath by his own words often ratifyed as where he sayth VVhere (k) Math. 18. two or three much more when many hūdred venerable Bishops are gathered together in my name I am in the midst of thē And againe speaking to his Church and in it to the assembled Doctours and Pastours thereof I am (l) Math. 28. with you all dayes euen to the consumation of the world Which councels are euer directed and gouerned by the holy Ghost according to those wordes in the Acts Visum est (m) c. 15 Spiritui sancto nobis It hath seemed good to the holy Ghost and vs. And therefore are worthily receaued admitted for the supremest sentence of Gods Church not only by the ancient (n) Atha epist ad Epictetū Aug. epi. 162. Nazianz oratione in Athanasium Cyrill l. de Trinitate c. Fathers but euen by the more learned Protestants since to omit others one of the most remarkable of them thus writeth Synods (o) D. Bilson in his perpetual gouermēt pag. 370. are an externall iudiciall meanes to discerne errour the supremest meanes to decyde doubts But to proceede The Councell of Nice was celebrated though principally for the repressing of the heresy of Arrius denying the diuinity of Christ yet withall touching the Controuersy of keeping the feast of Easter as is apparent out of (p) D. Bilson supra pag. 374. Eusebius (q) Lib. 3. de vita Constantini Athanasius and (r) De synodis Ariminis Seleuciae Epiphanius Now this Councel pronounceth Anathema to al those who besides their denying of the diuinity of Christ shall deny that the feast of Easter was not to be kept according to the custome of the church but according to the custome of the Iewes And these heretikes were called Quartodecimani Heres 70. Andianorū of whom see Tertul. l. de prescrip Augustine heresis 29. And here we are to vnderstand that the worde Anathema vsed and pronounced by this Councell which word is also almost euery where vsed in all their general Coūcells signifyeth asmuch as accursed and in this sense we find this word Anathema to be vsed by the Apostle in seueral (t) Epist ad Rom. 9.1 Cor. 12. c. places so as when a Councel pronounceth Anathema to any for belieuing such and such heresies or not belieuing such and such true doctrines it intendeth to say that those men so doing are to be accursed and abandoned from God But no man is to be accursed or abandoned from God for belieuing or not belieuing points of indifferency but for belieuing of such errours as cannot stand with his soules saluation 5. Also you shall reade Act. 15. of the Councell assembled in the Apostles time the occasion and reason thereof was for that certaine contentious men maintaining that the Gentiles cōuerted to the Christian fayth might eate meats offered vp to Idols blood and strangled beasts contrary to the custome of the Iewes the Apostles being assembled bearing with the weaknes of the Iewes in the infancy of the Church decreed the prohibition of eating blood and strangled meates After which decree once established it is certaine that it had bine a mortall sinne immediatly to haue eaten of blood and strangled meates so as before it being a point of indifferency is now made necessary This appeareth from the text first from those wordes Certaine going forth from vs haue troubled you with wordes subuerting your soules But men do neyther depart out of the Church by maintaintng certaine opinions nor by their example therein can they subuert other mens soules if their doctrine and practise thereof do stil remaine about things indifferent Secondly from that other passage It hath seemed good to the holy Ghost and vs to lay no further burthen vpon you then these necessary thinges where we find that the prohibition of such meates is ranged by the Apostles in regard of those tymes amoung those things which are necessary Againe neyther would the Apostles haue gathered themselues so solemly neither would they haue ascribed the decreeing of it to the worke of the holy Ghost if the subiect of the question and difficulty then discussed of by them had concerned matters only of indifferency 6. Now from the example of this Councell I do gather that if a Councell by its owne authority may decree that the eating of certaine meates being otherwayes of their owne nature indifferently to be eaten without sinne shal be vnlawful and shall repute and hould the impugners thereof for men departed from out of the Church of Christ then a fortiori what doctrine soeuer a Councell shall condemne of its owne nature for heresy the same is to be reputed by all good Christians for heresy and the defendours thereof for Heretikes 7. The third Councell of (u) Cau. 47. Carthage wherat S. Augustine was present decreed that the booke of the Maccabees with some other bookes should be acknowledged as canonicall and pronounceth an Anathema and condemnation to all those who should not belieue them as canonicall scripture from whence it may be concluded that seeing the booke of the Machabees teacheth prayer for the dead that therefore this Councell alloweth this doctrine and condemneth the contrary doctrine for heresy 8. The doctrine of the Nouatians who taught that there was not power in the Church to reconcile men to God but only by Baptisme excluding and denying thereby the sacrament of Pennance was condemned with the
of fayth that spouse of Christ Church of the liuing God which is the pillar and ground of truth that so they may imbrace her communion follow her directions and rest in her iudgments Thus Doctor Field 5. Now this distinction being presupposed I thus argue both these kinds of faith are necessary to saluation Explicite faith because it comprehendeth all those fundamental and supreme points of Christian Religiō without the expresse and articulate knowledge of which a man cannot be saued And these be those only which Newtralists in Religion hould necessary to be belieued Implicite faith of other points also is necessary to saluation because otherwyse then beleiuing implicitely inuoluedly what the Church teacheth therin we cannot according to the former Doctours wordes find out that blessed company of holy ones the househould of fayth the spouse of Christ Church of the liuing God And seeing Implicite fayth is necessary to saluation we must graunt that this Implicite fayth hath some obiect the obiect is not the article of the Trinity the Incarnatiō the Decalogue c. since these are the obiects of Explicite fayth as is aboue intimated therfore articles seeming of lesser importance are the obiect of implicite fayth the which as a man is bound implicitly to beleeue in the fayth of the Church so is he bound not to beleeue any thing contrary to the sayd articles Seeing then diuers controuersies betweene the Catholikes and the Protestants are included vnder this implicite faith and that the Church of God houldeth but one way of them it followeth that one side of the cōtrary beleiuers of those points doth erre in their beliefe and consequently through want of this true necessary implicite fayth cannot be saued 6. A third reason may be this It is proper peculier to vertues infused such be Fayth Hope Charity that euery such vertue is wholely extinguished by any one act contrary to the sayd vertue Thus for exāple one mortal sinne taketh away al charity grace according that He (i) Iacob cap. 2. that offendeth in one is made guilty of all One act of despaire destroyeth the whole vertue of Hope then by the same reason one heresy wholely corrupteth extinguisheth all true fayth Therefore seeing Fayth is a Theologicall and infused vertue this fayth is destroyed with one act of heresy whether it be about Purgatory Prayer to Saints Freewil or any other cōtrouersy between the Catholiks the Protestants therfore whoseuer denyeth Purgatory or any of the rest granting their doctrins to be true is depriued of all infused fayth touching any article of Christian Religion whether they concerne the Trinity or the Incarnation or any other fundamentall point which he may seeme to beleeue but without fayth that is without true infused and Theological faith it is impossible to please God as the (k) Heb. 11. Apostle assureth vs. 4. Another reason may be this These Newtralists in Religion doe not agree euen in the general grounds of Christian faith to wit in the Articles of one God of the Trinity of Christ c. with any other Christiās This is proued because as all other Christians do beleeue in these general heads so doth each of them particulerly agree that these generall principles are to be limited bounded to euery ones particuler secte as the Protestant for example beleeueth otherwayes in God the Trinity and Christ then the Catholikes doe as is els where demonstrated But now these our Newtralists doe not limit the foresayde principles to any particuler sect or in any particuler manner therefore it euidently followeth that they haue no true beliefe euen of those generall and fundamentall articles 5. A fift reason shal be this It is most certaine that what generall propension Nature or rather God himselfe by nature as his instrument hath ingrafted in all men the same is in it selfe most true certaine and warrantable As for example Nature hath implanted in ech mans soule a secret remorse of Conscience for sinnes and transgressions committed as also a feare of future punishement to be inflicted for the sayd sinnes perpetrated therefore from hence it may infallibly be cōcluded that sinne it selfe is to be auoyded that after this life there is a retribution of punishment for our offenses done in this world since otherwayes it would follow that God should insert in the soule of man idly vainly and as directed to no end certaine naturall impressions instincts which to affirme were most derogatory to his diuine maiesty and wisedome repugnant to that anciently receaued Axiome God Nature worketh nothing in vaine Now to apply this we find both by history and by experience that diuers zealous and feruent Professours of all Religions whatsoeuer both true and false haue beene most ready to expose their liues in defence of any impugned part or branch of their Religion from which vndaunted resolution of theirs we certainly collect that this their constant determination of defending the least point of their Religiō proceedeth partly from a generall instinct of God impressed in mans soule teaching each man that death it selfe is rather to be suffered then we are to deny any part of fayth and Religion in generall And thus according hereto we find that the Athenians who were Heathens though they did erre touching the particuler obiect herein as worshipping false Gods were most cautelous that no one point should be infringed or violated touching the worshiping of their Gods The like religious seuerity was practised by the Iewes as Iosephus (l) Cont. Apion witnesseth And God himselfe euen in his owne writtē word threatneth that VVho (m) Apo. 22. shall eyther adde or diminish to the booke of the Apocalips written by the Euangelist from him he will take away his part out of the booke of life Now if such dāger be threatned for adding to or taking frō more or lesse thē was set downe by the Euangelist in this one booke how can then both the Catholiks and Protestants haue their names writtē in the booke of life Since it is certaine and granted on all sides that eyther the Catholike addeth more to the fayth of Christ then was by him instituted or the Protestant taketh from the sayd fayth diuers articles which Christ his Apostles did teach But to returne to our former reason From al this we deduce that no points of true Religion are of such cold indifferēcy as that they are not much to be regarded or that they may be maintayned cōtrarywayes by contrary spirits without any danger to mans saluation but that they are of that nature worth dignity as a man is to vndergo all torments yea death it selfe before he yeald or suffer the least relapse in denying any of the sayd verityes 6. The sixt and last reason to proue that the maintayning of false doctrins now questioned betwene the Christians of these tymes are most preiudicial hurtful to the obtaining of our heauēly blisse
stiling her the pillar and foundation of truth And further it should follow that the Church should thus insufferably erre both in generall Councells as also in the priuate authorities and sentences of all the learned Fathers in the firste times 11. And thus for example the Councell of the Apostles should haue erred (k) Act. 15. in decreeing it vnlawfull to eate in those times blood and strangled meates In like sort the first Councell of Nice (l) Euseb l. 6 hist c. 33. should haue erred in condemning the Quartodecimani for heretikes because they would not keepe Easter day according to the custome of the church The councell of Rome vnder Cornelius for condemning the heresie of the Nouatians who reiected the Sacrament of Pennance as also for condemning the errour of Anabaptisme The councell (m) Vt patet in act 2. of Calchedon for condemning the Heresie of Eutiches and for prohibiting the mariages of Monkes and Virgins and the first Councell of Ephesus (n) Socra l. 7. c. 34. for condemning the heresy of Nestorius both which Heretikes beleiued in the most holy Trinity and acknowledged Christ for their Redeemer The fourth councell of Carthage (o) Can. 79. for sententionally decreeing that prayer and sacrifice for the dead was according to the true faith of Chirst and for pronouncing the denyers therof for Heretikes And finally to omitt other Coūcels the councell of Constantinople (p) Zonaras in vita Constantini Nicephorus l. 17. c. 27 should haue erred for condemning the Heresie of Origen who taught that the Diuels in the end should be saued And thus farre of councels condemning points of seeming indifferency for open wicked heresyes 12. But now graunting that the sayd points as they were houlden by the maintainers of thē were not Heresies that the beleiuers of them might be saued then two maine absurdityes doe ineuitably follow The first is the erring of the whole Church of God in condemning them for heresies they being not Heresies but true doctrines as is said The second the inconsiderate carriadge of the church in these matters For to what purpose or end were all these councells consisting of many hundreds of the most graue and Reuerend men of all christendome celebrated with such labour and trauaile out of all countries and infinite chardges if the doctrines for the impugning resisting condemning wherof they were gathered might be indifferently maintayned and defended on all sides without breach of true faith or danger of saluation The erring of the Church is no lesse manifested in the sentences and condemnation giuen by many of the most ancient famous learned Fathers in the primitiue Church not any one orthodoxall Father contradicting them therein against diuers maintayning opinions that seeme in regard or the Trinity the Incarnation c of small importance if so these opinions be not heresies nor the beleiuers of them Heretikes but men in state of saluation 13. And thus according hereto Florinus though he taught God to be the authour of sinne might be saued In like sort the Heretikes who in S. Hieromes dayes denyed the possibility of the Cōmandements the Manichees who denyed Free-will the Eunomians who taught that only faith did iustify The Aerians who denyed prayer and sacrifice for the dead and tooke away all fasting-dayes Vigilantius who taught that Priests might marry that we ought not pray to Saints Iouinian who helde mariadge to be better then virginity The Donatists who taught the inuisibility of the Church And finally to omit many others for breuity sake The Pelagians who denyed the necessity of Baptisme in Children All these men I say might be saued notwithstanding the former doctrines if so euery one might expect saluation in their Religion And yet we finde that the foresaid men were branded for wicked Heretikes their doctrines for damnable Heresies as in the seauenth chapter aboue is showed by S. Irenaeus S. Hierome S. Epiphanius Philastrius S. Augustine Theodoret and others diuers of these holy Fathers wryting Catalogues of Heresies did place the foresaid doctrines and their authours within the said Catalogues and this they did without any reluctation or gainesaying of any other ancient and learned Father of their tymes 14. From which consideration I do gather that if those opinions were not iustly condemned for heresies and their authours for Heretikes then not only the Church did fondly erre in so great a matter but also the aforesayd alleadged Fathers to wit S. Irenaeus S. Hierome Epiphanius S. Augustine with many such others should deseruedly be reputed for Heretikes for their condemning of true doctrines for heresies and the beleeuers of them for heretikes and on the contrary side Florinus the Maniches the Eunomians Vigilantius Iouinian the Donatists Pelagius and many other such should be accounted for their teaching of true doctrins orthodoxall Fathers and authours and might haue iustly complayned of their insupportable wronges and indignityes proceeding from the pennes of the foresayd Fathers an absurdity which I thinke no man enioying the benefit of his fiue senses will allow And yet the admittance of our Newtralists paradox inauoydably draweth on this inference 15. Another absurdity accompanying the former doctrine is that Heretikes should be true members of Christs church This I deduce For seeing by the consent of all learned men none can be saued but such as be members of Christs Church for otherwayes Turks and Iewes dying in that state might be saued and seeing the foresayd registred doctrines and the authours are condemned for heresies and Heretikes both by the authority of Gods Church and according to the true definitiō of heresy aboue set downe for the foresayd Heretikes made choyce of those their heresies and did maintaine them most frowardly against the whole Church of God not submitting their iudgments to it it must of necessity follow that if those men could be saued then Heretikes continuing Heretikes are members of Christ his Church then which what paradox in it selfe can be accounted more absurde or in the iudgment of learned men more incredible Considering with what acerbity of comportement the Apostles all the orthodoxall learned pious Fathers both in their writings otherwise haue in all ages entertained Heretikes as aboue I haue manifested in the sixth Chapter 16. Againe supposing the truth of the doctrine of the Omnifidians as I may tearme thē yet obserue how repugnant it is to all reason otherwise absurd euen in its owne nature I will heere passe ouer diuers reasons alleadged in the precedent chapter and insist a little in some few of them The first It is certaine that that faith which belieueth some articls yet belieueth not others which are no lesse true such is the faith of our Newtralists is no true supernatural fayth seeing it beleeueth nothing thorough the authority of God his Church both which reueale and propound all articles alike indifferently to al men to be beleeued Now what more crosse to
peculierly ascribed the name Catholike Catholicum (c) Pacianus epis ad Sympronianū quae est de nomine catholico istud nec Marcionem nec Apellem nec Montanum sumit anthores That fayth is which was prophecyed to be of that dilating and spreading nature as that to it all (d) Isa 2. expoūded in the English bibles āno 1576 of the vniuersality of the Church or fayth of Christ Nations shall flow and which shall haue the (e) Psal 2. expounded of the Churches vniuersality by the foresayd English Bibles 1576. end of the earth for its possession from sea (f) Psal 72. to sea beginning (g) Luc. 24. at Hierusalem among al Nations That fayth the Professors wherof shal be a (h) Dan. 2. in which is included the continuance of the churche without interruption Kingdome that shall neuer be destroyed but shall stand for euer contrary to the short currents of all heresies Of which S. Augustine thus writteth Many heresies are allready dead they haue continued their streame as longe as they were able Now they are runne out and their riuers are dryed vp The memory of them that euer they were is scarce extant That faith the members whereof in regard of their euer visible eminency are stiled by the holy Ghost A (i) Psal 57. mountaine prepared in the top of mountaines and exalted aboue all Hilles with reference wherto to wit in respect of the Churches continuall (k) Isa 2. whereby is proued the churches euer visibility visibility the aforesaide S. Augustine cōpareth it to a tabernacle placed in the sunne (l) Tom. 9. in ep Ioan. tra 2. That faith whose vnion in doctrine both among the members therof and with their head is euen celebrated by Gods holy writte since the Church of God is therefore called One (m) Rom. 17. Cant 6. Ioan. 10. which places ●o● proue the Churches vnity body one spouse and one sheepe-fould which preuiledge S. Hierome acknowledgeth by his owne submission in these wordes I (n) Epist ad Damae sum do consotiate or vnite my selfe in communion with the chayre of Peter I know the Church to be builded vpon that Rocke whosoeuer doth eate the lambe out of this house is become prophane That faith for the greater confirmation wherof God hath vouchsafed to disioint the setled course of nature by working of diuers stupendious and astonishing miracles according to those wordes of our Sauiour Goe (o) Mat. 10. in which words our Sauiour maketh miracls a marke of true faith or the Churche preach you cure the sicke raise the dead cleanse the leapers cast out Diuels A prerogatiue so powerfull efficacious with S. Augustine that he expressely thus confesseth of himselfe Miracles (p) Tom. 6. contra epist. Manich c. 4. are amongst those other things which most iustly haue houlden me in the Churches bosome To conclude omitting diuers other characters as I may tearme them or signes of the true fayth that fayth which is of that force as to extort testimony and warrant for it selfe euen from its capitall and designed ennemyes answerably to that Our (q) Deut. 32. which words include the confession of the aduersary to be a note of truth God is not as their Gods are our ennemyes an euen witnesses Whereunto the Protestants heerein seeme to yeald since no lesse from their owne (r) This is proued in that Protestants do not rebaptize infants or children of Catholike Parents afore baptized Now these Infants are baptized in the fayth of their parents as all children are by the doctrine of all learned Protestants But if this fayth of Catholike parents be sufficient for the saluation of their children dying baptized therein then much more is it sufficient for the saluation of the Parents themselues since it is most absurd to say that the Catholike fayth of parents should be auaileable for their children or infants dying baptized therein and yet not auayleable for the Parents practise then from their acknowledgement (s) See thereof D. Some in his defence against Penry pag. 182. and D. Couell in his defence of M. Hookers fiue bookes of Ecclesiasticall pollicy pag. 77. in wordes they ascribe to our Roman fayth the hope of saluation To this faith then good Reader with an indubious assent adhere thou both liuing and dying Flye Newtralisme in doctrine as the bane of all Religion Flye Protestancy as the bane of Christs true Religion and say with (t) Epist ad Symphronianum Pacianus Christianus mihi nomen est Catholicus vero cognomen Illud me nuncupat istud me ostendit A Christian is my name a Catholike my surname that doth denominate me this doth demonstrate me The contents of the Chapters THat a man who beleiueth in the Trinity the Incarnation the passion c. and yet beleiueth not al other articles of Christian faith cannot be saued And first of the definition of Heresie and of an Heretike Pag. 9. 2 The foresayd verity proued from the holy Scripture p. 15 3 The same proued from the definition nature and proprietie or vnity of faith pag. 29. 4. The same proued from the want of vnitie in faithe betweene the Catholikes and the Protestants touching the Articles of the Creede And from that that the Catholike Protestant do agree in the beliefe of diuers articles necessarily to be beleeued and yet not expressed in the creed pag. 33. 5. The same made euident frō the like want of vnity in faith betweene the Catholike and the Protestant in articles necessary to be beleiued and yet not expressed in the creed pag. 48. 6. The same proued from the authority or priuiledge of Gods church in not erring either in her definitions of faith or condemnation of Heresies and first by councells pag. 56. .7 The same proued from the like infallible authority of the church in not erring mainfested from the testimonies of particuler Fathers pag. 67. 8. The foresaid truth euicted from that principle that neither Heretikes nor Schismatikes are members of the church of God pag. 81. 9. The same proued from arguments drawne from reason pag. 90. 10. The same proued from the different effects of catholike Religion and protestancy touching vertue and vice pag. 102. 11. The same verity proued from the fearefull deaths of the first broachers of protestancy pag. 115. 12. The same confirmed from the doctrine of recusancy taught by catholikes and Protestants pag. 118. 13. The same manifested from the writings of the Catholiks and Protestants reciprocally chardging one another with heresy And from the insurrections warres and rebellions begunne only for Religion pag. 126. 14. The same proued from the Protestants mutually condēning one another of heresy pag. 13. 15. Lastly the same demonstrated from the many absurditye necessarily accompanying the contrary doctrine pag. 142. 16. The conclusion pag. 165. FINIS
taken from the former definition of fayth as that the Apostle himselfe presently after the former wordes beginning to instance in the seuerall obiects of fayth among diuers other examples setteth downe that to belieue Noas flood or the deluge of the world by water for sinne is an article of fayth for thus he sayth By fayth Noah hauing receaued an answere concerning those thinges which as yet were not seene fearing framed the Arke for the sauing of his house 16. But to proceed further if the articles of the Trinity the Incarnation and the like be the only essentiall points of a true Christian fayth it is more then wounderfull that the Apostle vndertaking to set downe the true definition of an auaileable fayth and exemplifying it in seuerall obiects should wholely and silently omit the sayd articles of the Trinity Incarnation Passion c. he in that chapter not expressely speaking one word of them And thus much touching the definition of fayth giuen by the Apostle from which definition we conclude that who seeketh to haue a true fayth necessary to saluation besides the mysteryes of the Trinity the Incarnation c. must belieue diuers other dogmaticall articles of Christian Religion And therefore answearably heerto we assure our selues that when our Sauiour sayd He (q) Marc 16. that beleeueth not shal be condemned He did speak of the belieuing at least implicitly of the whole corps of Christian fayth and doctrine and not only of any one part thereof for so in this latter manner it would be both false absurd In like sort where our Blessed Sauiour in the same chapter sayth to his Apostles Preache the Ghospell to all Creatures He did vnderstand the whole Ghospell which contayneth many other points besides the Trinity Incarnation Passion c. 17. In this next place we will descend to those passages of holy Scripture which do much magnify the efficacy and vertue of fayth And accordingly hereunto we find it is sayd He (r) Mare vltimo that beleeueth and is baptized shal be saued but he that beleeueth not shal be condemned Againe our Sauiour sayd to the blind men praying to receaue their sight According (s) Mat. 9. to your fayth be it vnto you And further Without (t) Heb. 11. fayth it is impossible to please God And more Our fayth is the victory which ouercōmeth the world 1. Ioan. 1.5 Now in these many other such texts for breuity omitted I demaund what fayth is vnderstood or meant If it be answered a true entyre and perfect fayth belieuing al points of Christian Religion proposed by Gods Church it is true and that which I seeke heere to proue if an vnperfect and mungrill fayth beleeuing some point of Christian Religion and reiecting others and so an erroneous fayth being partly false and partly true I say it can neuer deserue these prayses giuen by the Euangelists and Apostles neither can it produce such supernatural effects aboue specifyed no more then darkenes can produce light since Truth himselfe hath taught vs that (u) Luc. 6● we cannot gather figges of thornes nor grapes of bushes 18. Now in this third place we will touch that inseparable attribute of true Christian fayth which is vnity in fayth and doctrine This marke is so indissolubly annexed to the true fayth of Christ as that we find his Apostles euer ready most seriously to inculcate the same to their disciples Thus accordingly the Apostle exhorteth the Ephesians saying Be you (x) Ephe 4. careful to keep the vnity of the spirit in the bond of peace And immediately againe There z is one Lord one fayth one Baptisme Where we see that vnity in fayth is expressely set downe As also in another place I beseech (a) 1. Cor. ● you that you all speake one thing bee you knit togeather in one mind and one iudgment and as this was the exhortatiō of the Apostle so we read that the first belieuers followed the same of whō S. Luke Acts c. 4. thus sayth The multitude that beleued were of one hart one soule And hēce it proceedeth that the Church of Christ which comprehendeth the professours of this vnanimous fayth is styled by Gods holy writ to be one (b) Rom. 12. Cant. 6. Ioan. 10. body one spouse and one flocke of sheep a truth so euident as that besides the frequent testimonyes of (c) Atha orat 1. con Aria Chrys op imperf in Mat. ho. 20. Tert. de praescript Irenaeus d. 1. c. 5. confirming the same euen the Protestants do subscribe in iudgment hereunto For thus Luther himselfe to omit others writteth A (d) Tom. 3. Wittē in psal 5. fol. 166. kingdome deuided in it selfe shall not stand neyther haue any Heretikes at any tyme beene ouercome by force or subtilty but by mutuall dissention neyther doth Christ fight with them otherwayes then with a spirit of giddines and disagreement 19. Now then this vnity of fayth is so to be vnderstood as that it is not repugnant therto that one and the same point should at one tyme not be houlden as necessarily to be beleeued the which after it hath vndergone a definitiue and sententionall decree of Gods Church is necessarily to be belieued As for example it was not necessary in the beginning of Christianity to beleeue that the booke of the Machabees the Epistle of S. Iames S. Iude the second epistle of S. Peter the 2. and 3. of S. Iohn to be Canonicall Scripture till they were defined so to be by the third Councell of Carthage Can. 47. at which S. Augustine was present But after this Councell had by the assistance of the holy Ghost defined them to be Canonicall then it was and is heresy to deny them to be Cononical And the reason of this disparity is because it is Gods good pleasure and wisedome not to reueale to his Church al articles of fayth in the beginning and at one tyme but at seuerall tymes and vpon seuerall occasions as to his diuine maiesty best seemeth expedient Thus the fayth of a Christian is capable of dilatation and of a more lardge vnfoulding or exposition but not of any contrariety in beliefe change or alteration And thus to insist in the former example it may well stand with Christian fayth in the beginning not to accept the former bookes for canonicall till the authority of the Churche had pronounced them for such but it standeth not with true fayth that one man should positiuely beleeue as an articie of fayth that the Machabees and the rest of the bookes aboue specifyed are not canonical Scripture but the prophane writtinges of man And another man should at the same tyme beleeue as an article of fayth that they are canonicall Scripture since the one of these contrary beliefes must be Heretical 20. This verity then of the vnity of fayth being warranted by the word both of God and man as is aboue sayd we will take into our consideration the Catholike and
that this remission of sinnes is performed when the soule by a true and inherent iustice and by infused guifts of God enioyeth a renouation of her selfe and therby becommeth truly iust in the sight of God the Protestants disallowing all inherent iustice doe only acknowledge an imputatiue (a) Kemnitius in exam Concil trid Caluin l. 3. instit c. 11. iustice or righteousnes which consisteth in that the iustice of Christ is as they teach only imputed vnto sinners so as wee remaine still sinners though sinnes be not imputed vnto vs through the iustice of Christ a doctrine most iniurious to the most meritorious passion and death of Christ Thus haue wee runne ouer the articles of the creede from whence wee collect that seeing as is aboue intimated he only belieueth auaileably truly the creede who belieueth it in that sence in which the Apostles did wryte it seeing there are meere different or rather contrary constructions of each article giuen by the Catholikes and Protestants so that if that construction of the Catholiks be true it followeth necessarily that the other of the Protestants befalse or contrarywise We may therefore ineuitably conclude that it is not sufficient to saluation for any one to say that he belieueth the creede who belieueth the words of it in generall without restrayning them to any peculier construction giuen eyther by the Catholikes or Protestants except he belieue it in that one particuler sence and none other which was intended by the holy Ghost when it was first framed by the Apostles 11. Now in this next place we are to demonstrate that graunting for a tyme by an Hypotesis or supposall that a man did beleeue the articles of the creed in their true sense or construction yet followeth it not that this beliefe though it be necessary were sufficient alone for a man to obtaine his saluation thereby and the reason heerof is because it is most certaine that there are diuers points of Christian Religion houlden necessarily to be beleeued in the iudgment both of Catholikes and Protestants accordingly are beleeued ioyntly both by Catholikes and Protestants and yet the sayd points are not contayned or expressed in the Creed Among others I will insist in these following 12. First That there are certaine diuine wrytinges of infallible authority penned by the holy Ghost which we commonly call the Scriptures of the oulde new Testament of which Testament we find no mentiō in the Creed and yet all men are bound vnder payne of damnation to beleeue that such wrytinges there are since otherwayes abstracting from the authority of the Church there were not sufficient meanes left to beleeue that it were a sinne to breake any of the ten Commandements or which is more that Christ Iesus was the true Sauiour of the world 13. Secondly That there are spirituall substances which we call Angels which now enioy the most happy sight of God and that many thousands of them did fall presently after their creation and are become those malignant spirits which vsually are tearmed Diuells 14. Thirdly That there is any materiall place of Hell where the wicked are tormented of which wee find nothing in the Creed in the iudgment of Protestants for although the word Hell be mentioned in that article He descended into Hell yet by the worde Hell the Graue is vnderstood by most of the Protestants 15. Fourthly That the paines of the damned shal be for all eternity and not for a certaine tyme only 16. Fifthly That Adam did presently vpon his creation fall from the grace of God and thereby transferred Originall sinne vpon all mankind So as by reason of his fall all men are borne in Originall sinne 17. Sixthly That the world was once drowned for sinne which innundation is commonly called Noës floode 18. Seueanthly That our Sauiour whilest he conuersed heere vpon earth did many miracles 19. Eightly That S. Iohn Baptist was our Sauiours Precursor or forerunner and that our Sauiour did chose to him certaine men for his Apostles which did first preach and plante the Christian fayth through out the whole world 20. Ninthly That Circomcision is now forbidden as a thing most vnlawfull and vngodly 21. Tenthly That there are any sacraments of the new Testament instituted by Christ for the spirituall good of mans soule 22. Eleuenthly That before the ending of the world Antichrist shall come who shall be a designed ennemy of Christ so as he shall labour to subuert and ouerthrow all Christian Religion 23. These points besides some others all Christians aswell Protestants as Catholikes do beleeue and doe hould that the beliefe of these points is necessary to saluation and yet not any one of all these articles is expressed or set downe in the Apostles Creed whence I conclude that the Apostles Creed cannot be a sufficient boundary to containe and limit an auaileable fayth For what hope can that man haue of his saluatiō who beleeueth that there are neither any diuine Scripture nor any Decalogue commonly called the ten Commandements nor that Christ did worke any miracles nor that he instituted any Sacraments nor that there is any place of hell for the damned nor finally to omit the rest that there is any eternity of punishment 24. And heere I am to premonish the Reader that it is no sufficient answere to reply that most of al the foresayd points are expressed in the Scripture and therefore are to be beleeued this I say auaileth not seeing heere I dispute against those who maintaine with wounderfull pertinacity of iudgment that it is sufficient to saluation to beleeue only the articles nothing els which are contayned in the Creed but not any of the former articles are contayned therein Againe seeing to beleeue that there are any diuine Scriptures is not expressed in the Creed it conduceth nothing to the answering of this our argument to say that the forementioned articles are proued out of Scripture and therfore are to be beleeued 25. Neither secondly can the force of our sayd argument be auoyded in replying that al the former articles are implicitly comprehended in that article I beleeue the holy Church because the Church teacheth that all these articles are to be beleeued this is no warrantable answere by reason that as these may be reduced to this article of the Creed so also may al other points controuerted betweene the Catholikes and the Protestants be in like manner reduced to the sayd article seeing the Church of God setteth downe what is the truth what is to be beleeued in the sayd Controuersyes binding her children vnder payne of damnation aswell to beleeue the truth in the Cōtrouersyes of our dayes as to beleeue the former articles mentioned which are not expressed in the Creed And yet these our Newtralists in Religiō who make the creed the sole square of their faith do not thinke that those questions of Religion insisted vpon betweene Catholikes and the Protestants are in beleeuing or not beleeuing of
death Conradus Schlussenburge a famous Protestant thus writteth Deus (m) In Theolog. Caluinis l. 1. f. 72. manu sua potenti c. God with his mighty hand did visit Caluin for he despaired of his saluation called vpon the Diuels and gaue vp his soule swearing and blaspheming Caluin dyed being eaten away with lice for they so bred about his priuy members that none about him could endure the stench and smell Thus farre the foresayd Protestant 3. Now then seeing all these men beleeued all the fundamentall points of Christian Religion as the Trinity the Incarnation the Passion c. seeing also they were the most principal men that first introduced and after disseminated Protestancy throughout the world spending their whole liues in spreading defending the same by their writings Finally seeing God did cut them off by such most miserable calamitous and prodigious deaths which is to be feared were but presages of the eternall deaths of their soules who can otherwaies be persuaded but that all this was wrought by the iust hand of God Not so much for their personall sinnes proceeding of humane frailty for there were many others as great sinners as they who haue escaped such dreadfull ends but for their first inuēting maintaining preaching of the Protestant faith and Religion infecting all countreyes with such their false and sensuall doctrines which being granted how then can it with any touche of reason be supposed that the positions of Protestancy impugned by the Catholikes should containe nothing but matters of indifferency Or that a man whether he beleeue them or not beleeue them may alike and indifferently be saued The same proued from the doctrine of Recusancy taught by Catholikes and Protestants CHAP. XII I Haue thought good to draw another argumēt from the common taught and approued doctrine of Recusancy in euery Religion though this head may seeme to haue a speciall reference to the reason aboue touched in part be therin implicitely included wherein is shewed that nature her selfe hath imprinted in the professours of all Religions a religious care punctually to keep preserue euery article of their Religion both in beliefe practise Now here we are to premonish that if in the iudgment of all learned men both Catholikes and Protestants it is thought an action most wicked and vnlawfull and not to be performed but without finall repentance vnder paine of eternall damnation that a man should communicate only in going to the Church to heare but a sermon contrary to that Religion which himselfe beleiueth to be true though this may seeme to be coloured vnder pretence of obseruing the Princes commandements and for feare of loosing our temporall estates I say if this action be thought vnlawfull wherein neuerthelesse the performers therof doe punctually vndertake not to maintaine or to beleeue any one hereticall or erroneous position how then can it be reputed as consonant to reason that men beleiuing different opinions of faith and promiscuously communicating in prayer with a contrary Religion to their owne should neuerthesse all be saued since the first fault consisteth as some would interpret though falsely only in an externall and materiall as the schoolemen speake going to the Church of a different Religion wheras the others do directly and openly sinne in defending articles of Religion contrary to the truth of Christian Religion for such is the case herein either of Catholiks or protestants 2. Now that this kind of going to Church of a different Religion is wholely condemned as most vnlawfull and wicked I first proue from the iudgments of the Protestants secondly from the resolutions of the Catholikes And to begin with the Protestants we find this kind of Recusancy I meane to be present at the sermons or prayers of a different Religion is taught by (a) De vitandis superstitio extant in tract Theolog. p. 584. Caluin by the (b) Alleaged by Sleydan in com englished l. 7. f. 87. Deuines of Germany by (c) In cōcil Theol. p. 628. Melancthon by (d) In his discourse hereof recited in Melanct. treatise de concil Theolog. pa. 934. 635. Peter Martyr and finally to omit others by D. Willet (e) In synops printed 1600. p. 612. 613. c. who for the better fortifying and warranting of the sayd opinion produceth his testimonyes from the authorityes of Latimer Bradford Philpot Ridley and others diuers of which according to this their doctrine suffered death in Queene Maries tyme as appeareth out of Foxes acts and Monuments And thus much for the Protestants That the Catholikes do with the like or greater feruour teach practise this recusancy is cleare by the example in our owne Countrey where since Protestancy was first planted many stores of venerable and learned Priests haue chosen rather to suffer death then they would change their Religion or goe once to the Protestants Church their liues being commonly proferred them if so they would conforme themselues and leaue their recusancy In like sorte many hundred of the laity pay yearely great sommes of money for their recusancy diuers of them enduring further oppressions disgraces and imprisonement only for the same cause through the rigour malice and couetousnes of subordinat Magistrates his maiesty whose clemency is most remarkeable whome God long preserue in his gouernement ouer vs being herein mightily wronged through the false and most iniurious informations of their aduersaryes 3. Now that the doctrine of learned Catholikes is answearable to the practise heerein appeareth from the frequent testimonies of diuers learned men of the Catholike Church of this tyme yet for greater breuity I will insist in the authorityes only of three to wit Cardinall Baronius Cardinall Bellarmine the two late lampes of Gods Church and of Mutius Vitellescus then but Prouinciall now Generall and head of the order of the Iesuits dispersed throughout all Christendome For some yeares past their iudgments being demanded whether the Catholiks of Englād for the sauing of their goods liuings and liberty might goe to the Protestant Church or not to heare a sermon though otherwayes they did not communicate in prayers and sacraments with the Protestants these three learned holy men besides diuers others most eminent Doctours and writers whome I heere omit did giue their negatiue sentence therein whose particuler wordes in latine I haue thought good heere to set downe The iudgment of Cardinall Baronius Visis consideratis quae superius diligenti peruestigatione in vtramque partem disputata reiectis omnino exsufflatis quae pro parte affirmatiua fuere proposita quod scilicet liceret Catholicis adire Ecclesias Haereticorum vt superius sunt proposita inhaeremus saniori sententiae posteriori ab Ecclesia Catholica antiquitus receptae vsu probatae quod scilicet ita facere pijs non liceat quam rogo nostros Catholicos Anglos amplecti ex animo Caesar Card. Baronius tituli SS Nerei Achillei Presb. I hauing seene and
transibunt verba autem mea non transibunt Math. 24 Heauē and earth shall passe away but my wordes shall not passe 5. But to proceede further touching the foresaid want of vnity disagreements if euery Christian might be saued in his owne Religion then might those be saued which beleiue the articles of the Creed in a most differēt sence manner then which what can be more rashly exorbitātly spoken For seeing there is but one true intended sence by the Apostles of the Creede which if we attaine not then doe we beleiue that which is false but to beleeue the Creede in a false sence is no better then not to beleiue it at all as is aboue said and therefore it would followe by way of inference that he might be saued who beleiued not any one article of the Creede at all Now that the Catholikes Protestants do beleiue the articles of the Creede in different or rather contrary senses and consequently that the one side beleiueth it in a false and erroneous sense is aboue proued in the fourth chapter 6. If it be here replyed that the maintainers of this doctrine do so farre yeald that they only are to be saued which in a true sence beleeue the Creed yet by this their restrainct they condemne all those others which beleeue it in any other sense different from that intended by the Holy Ghost and the Apostles and consequently they condemne in their iudgment and depriue of saluation either the Catholikes or the Protestants since of necessity the one of these do beleeue the Creed not in its true sense but in a false and hereticall sence and construction different from that of the Apostles 7. But granting that the Catholikes and Protestants beleeue the Creed in one true sence intended by the holy Ghost yet if our Newtralists would haue the Creed the square or rule thereby to measure our fayth then marke the absurdityes following For by this doctrine one might be saued who beleeued 1. Not that there were any Scriptures at all written by the Prophets Apostles since the Creed maketh no mention of any such diuine writinges 2. In like sort he might be saued who did not beleeue there were any Angells or Diuels 3. Or that there is a materiall place of Hell 4. Or that the paynes thereof are eternall 5. Or that Adam did presently vpon his creation fall from grace and therby transported original sinne vpon all his posterity 6. Or that our Sauiour whilest he conuersed heere vpon earth wrought any miracles 7. Or made choice of certaine men to be his Apostles to preach the Christian fayth throughout the whole worlde 8. Or that Circumsicion is now forbidden and antiquated 9. Or that there are any Sacraments of the new testament as Baptisme the Eucharist c. 10. Or that finally before the dissolution of the world a designed ennemy of Christ shall come who is tearmed Antichrist I say by our Newtralists Religion he should be saued who beleeued none of the foresayd articles seeing not any one of them is expressed or set downe in the Apostles creed and yet the beliefe of the sayd articles is necessarily exacted required to saluation both in the iudgments of the Catholikes the Protestants both which partyes do with an vnanimous consent teach the necessity of beleeuing the sayd articles 8. But to proceed further to come to the different articles of fayth differently beleeued by the Catholikes Protestants and yet not expressed in the Creed articles of such nature as that they are houlden by the Catholikes to be instituted by our Sauiour as subordinate yet necessary meanes of the grace of God and of saluation whereas the Protestants as not beleeuing at all the sayd articles do wholely disclayme from acknowledging all such meanes These articles I haue recited aboue to wit 1. That Sacraments in generall do conferre grace 2. That a childe dying without baptisme cannot be saued 3. That mortall sinne is not remitted without the sacrament of Pennance and confession 4. That we are to adore with supreme honour the Blessed Sacrament 5. That not only fayth but also workes do iustify man 6. That a Christian by thinking himselfe to be iust is not thereby become iust 7. That euery Christian hath sufficient grace offered by God to saue his soule that therefore God on his part would haue all men saued 8. That without keeping the tenne commandements a man cannot be saued 9. Finally that all Christians ought vpon payne of eternall damnation to communicate in sacraments and doctrine with the church of Rome and to submit themselues in al due obedience to the supreme pastour of Gods church In al which points the Protestants do beleeue directly the contrary condemning vs of heresy superstition yea idolatry for our belieuing the foresayd points Now I say seeing the former articles do immediatly touch concerne either remission of our sinnes or grace of our soule or our iustification or our due honour adoration to our Sauiours body being accompanied with his diuinity or lastly our communion with Christ his church and the head therof in any of which as concerning so nearely our eternall happines who erreth cannot possibly be saued 9. And seeing the Protestants as is sayd do in all the sayd points maintaine the iust contrary to the Catholikes and thereby do abandone the Catholikes acknowledged meanes of their saluation I heare aske in all sobernes of iudgment what can be reputed for a greater absurdity then to affirme with our Newtralists that the Catholikes and Protestants notwithstanding their so different and contrary beliefe and answearble practise in the former articles so neerely touching mans saluation may both be saued Seeing it must needs be that either the Catholikes shal be damned for setting downe certaine means of our saluation contrary to Christs mind and institution supposing the sayd means to be false or that the Protestants shal be damned for reiecting the former meanes of Saluation instituted by Christ admitting them to be true 10. But to passe forward If euery Christian might be saued in his Religion in beleuing only the fundamentall points of the Trinity the Incarnation c. then hath the Church of Christ euen in her primitiue dayes at what time the Protestants themselues (h) See of this acknowledgement the defence of the Apology of Englād written by Doctor Iewel Kemnit in exam Concil Trid. par 1. p. 74. the cōfess of Bohemia in the harmony of confess pag. 400. besides diuers others doe exempt her from errour most fondly intollerably erred in condemning certaine opinions which are not fundamentall for Heresies and the maintayners for Heretikes and consequently the scripture and Christ himselfe haue deceaued vs by ascribing vnto the Church an infallibility (i) Math. 18. Luc. 10.2 Tim. 3. of erring in her definitions of Faith and cōdemnation of heresies and by commanding vs to obey the churches authority and sentence in all thinges as