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A12923 The triall of the supremacy wherein is set fourth ye unitie of christes church milita[n]t geue[n] to S. Peter and his successoures by Christe and that there ought to be one head bishop in earth Christes vicar generall ouer all hys churche militant: wyth answeres to the blasphemous obiections made agaynste the same in the late miserable yeres now paste. Standish, John, 1507?-1570. 1556 (1556) STC 23211; ESTC S100970 78,260 315

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Againe he saith mark what christ saith to the great foundacion of his churche and to the moste sure and stedfast stone where vpon he buylded his church c. ¶ Behold now here vpon S. Ciprian the iudgement in his time of al the catholike churche in this weighty matter Our Lorde sayth he gaue first vnto Peter power to forgeue sinne vpon whō he buylded his churche and whereat the vnity therof had his beginning And a litel after he saith the churche of christ whyche is but onely one christ did onely buylde vpon one and the like he sayth in the epistel ad Quintinum and also in the Epistle ad Cornelium ¶ Herken also holy S. Basil Peter sayth he bicause he did excede and passe al other in the excellency of fayth therfore he toke the buildynge of christes church euen in him selfe Petrꝰ inquit quoniam fide prestabat ecclesie in se edificationē suscepit ¶ S. Hillari vpon the same wordes Peter for his confession obteyned a worthy rewarde for that he did see the sonne of god in man c. and a litle after O happy foundacion of y e church laid in geuing of a new name A stone chosen meete for that building which shuld brust the gates of hell and deathe O blessed Porter of heauen to whose arbitremente the keyes of the eternall kyngedome are geuen c. Moreouer he sayth Peter by reuelacion of the father seinge y e sōne of god which thinge farre passed mās infirmitie to know deserued a verye high place aboue other through the confession of his blessed fayth ¶ S. Ambrose exposition also vpon the forsayde text what was then therof the vniforme consent of all other Christ called Peter a stone saying thou art Peter c. Peter for stedfastnes in an other sermon sayth he was by christ called a stone the foundacion of the church c. Moreouer he sayth who doubteth but Peter the moste stedfast stone which was partaker both of the vertue and name of the principall stone christ euer feruently desired to haue constancy to dye for Christ ¶ S. Hierome likewise in declaring the former text I saye to the sayth Christ but hꝭ saying was his doing thou art a stone and vpon this stone I wil build my churche Euen as Christe gaue light to the Apostels to be called the lighte of the worlde and gaue them also other names forthe of his owne name so didde he geue to Simon the name of a stone that accordinge to the propriety therof he sayd vnto hym I wyll buylde my church vpon thee ¶ S. Augustines testimonye also therupon The churches do iustly worship the birth daye of that see which Peter receiued for y e saluation of the churches Christ saying to him thou art Peter c. he called him the foundation of his church c. Agayne he sayth ye haue heard christe cal Peter a stone where vpon he would buyld his church ¶ Chrisostome in the Greke church here his testimony By christes wordes saying thou art Peter I wil buyld my church vpon thee c. clerelye appeareth how great Peters power was aboue other Also he calleth Peter y e prince of the apostels vpō whō christ builded his churche the verye immoueable stone whiche for the fishers hooke receyued the keyes of heauens ¶ Cyril in expoundinge the same text agreeth herewith Christ in chaunging of Peters name did signifye that in him as in the surest stone he would buyld his churche All these most holy and reuerende fathers with one consent moued by tholy ghoste didde as it were from thappostels tyme here vnto theyr owne tymes playnlye declare from time to time what was the iudgement euen of the vniuersall churche of Christe in all places of christendome both East and West as wel among the Grekes as the Latines concernynge the former text thou art Peter c And as for the time since these godlye men were thousandes with one consent haue agreed herewith and none euer denied that exposicion but fleshely heretikes whose propurtye was and is euer to denye all godlye lawes whereby theyr wickednesse mighte be improued And therfore ye shall sone knowe whether a man be an heretike or not by this one profe If he beleue accordnige as he hath bene taught by the churche of Christe from the beginninge and receyue the truthe by succession of the Bishoppes in the see of Rome according to the fayth and doctrine of Ireneus and after him of Sayncte Augustine then is he a good christē man els not though he crye a thousand times scripture scripture scripture wrastynge and applyinge it stil amisse after his owne and others wicked phācyes For what Shal we condempne all these holy fathers our mother the church and al was Christes promisse nought Was tholy ghoste neuer here til Luther came ¶ Here now the councel of Alexandrine wherein y e Arians were condemned here I saye all y e bishops of Egipt Thebeans Libians among whom holy Athanasius was they writing to Felix then bishop of Rome Here I say how they ded expound the former text All those holye fathers did there playnlye declare that it was decreed in Nicē counsel y t mē should appeale in certayne cases to the see apostolike y e see of Rome to whome Christs gaue by speciall prerogatiue aboue all other power to lose and binde and that it was the guide and henge in whom all must be susteined vpholden mayntayned he sayinge thou art Peter and vpon thy foundaciō the pillers of the church that is to saye the bishoppes whose office is to susteyne the church are builded and confirmed vnto thee the prince the teacher the head of all christian religion the keyes were geuen and power in heauen and earthe c. Oh howe great then is this authorytye where vnto wyth one consente whole christendome thus doeth agree Yea and that not all beinge stil gathered together in one place but being ofte seperated farre a sūder not one knowing of an others minde and yet al agreing euer in one all after one fashion expounding the forsaid text thou art Peter c. Euery one hereby geuinge to Peter and his successours the hyghe preeminence and authority aboue al christendom So that by the consent of al these both fathers and counsels it well appeareth that Peter aunswered onely for him selfe like as didde the scribe marke the .ix. where as christ demaunded a question indifferentlye of all Sometimes when he demaūded of all al gaue answere as when he asked whom do men saye the sonne of man is Sometimes whē he asked all none aunswered but euerye one held his peace as when he asked wherof they reasoned in the waye And some tymes one alone aunswered as did Peter in the former texte and the scribe marke the .ix. And here now I iudge this obiection is sufficiently answered vnto to satisfye herewith al
herte he declared still in his owne person al subiection The .lvii. obiection In scriptures ther is no menciō made of Peters supremaci The answere Not as heretikes wraste the scriptures but there is mention ofte many times in scripture of Peters supremacye as christē people take y e scriptures As it is both in y e probaciōs also in sundrye responsions in this boke ¶ The .lviii. obiection In diuerse consideracions a man may be head and chiefe yet ī other relatiōs or respectes inferiour subiect y e chiefe tayler y e chiefe paynter the chiefe phisicion or surgē here in London within y e parishes wher eueri of them doth dwel are but takē as neyghbourlike may chaūce as much inferiours w tout a●●i such preeminēce which they haue amōg their owne cōpanies in their owne halles so Peter chiefe first in placing chiefe in cōstācye stedfastnes of minde chiefe in feruētnes of deuociō chiefe in preaching godlines but not chiefe or first in preeminēce here in y e world to be aboue princes c. ¶ The answere Peter in y t respect or cōsideraciō y t he is christes vicar chief heade vndernethe him here in earth so is he heade ouer all y e be of the same occupatiō y t he is of bicause the similitude depēdeth sōwhat vpō craftes or occupatiōs that is to say of christes religiō He is chefe ouer al y ● professe christ whether he be tayler paynter phisiciō or surgen yea whether he be king or emperor not y ● Peter doth chalenge any seperiortye ouer an emperor or kīg bicause he is emperor or kīg or ouer a phisiciō or paynter bicause he is phisicion or paynter but in respect in consideracion al they be christē mē so are they al vnder Peter like as y e head phisician the head tayler the head paynter head surgē as it is ī thobiectiō will euer require and that by right all that be of the same crafte science or occupation to be vnder thē that w tout any respect or cōsideraciō to riches or pouerty to wysedome or ignorance ¶ The .lix. obiectiō Oh howe many scriptures haue bene w tin these .xxii. yeares brought cited against the popes authority The answer Euer whē ye heare any scripture alleged sayth Origē vpō Mathue cōtrary to y t which y e vniuersal church obserueth beleue thē not Geue no credit to thē for they would but deceiue you w t false allegatiōs or false applicatiōs of scriptures cōtrary to y e meaning of tholy gost Thinke y t scrypture is no scripture if the true intente meaning be not there yea if therin ye folow not y e authority of the churche For howe shall we know I pray you that Moyses wrote al y t is in hꝭ .v. bokes seing we neuer saw his hande writing Yea though we had sene it howe could we know it to be his hāde he being dead so lōg ago or if we knew al this how were we sure y t all that he wrote was true y t god spake vnto him And y e same is likewise to be demaunded of al the prophetes writinges If ye say christ bare testimony of Moyses of y e law of y t prophetes then I aske further howe ye know by christes testimonye y t these which we rede be Moyses or the prophetes writinges although we graūt y ● by christꝭ testimony Moy. y e ꝓph wer true faithful Yea yet further how know ye y t christ bare testimonye of Moyses y e prophetes whō ye neuer heard preche nor teache If ye say by y e euāgelistes thē I turne agayne aske how ye know these to be y e ghospels of Mathue Marke or Luke seing ye neuer sawe theyr hādes writing And if ye had sene thē yet ye knewe thē not but suppose ye know them how do ye wote y t all is true y t thei wrote seing eueri mā may be deceyued yea speciallye Marke Luke whiche wrote but of here say dyd neuer see christ If ye say they wrote being taught by tholy gost then y e same doubt cometh agayne howe ye knowe tholy ghoste taught thē or how know ye y t these be their writinges w tout corruptiō or mixture Cā ye by any menes saue or defēd thautority of y e scripture but onlye by thauthority of y e ecclesiastical tradiciōs surely by none other Ye know which be the canonical scriptures y e true sēse therof only by y e testimonye of y e church vnderstād receiued by successiō of the fathers frō y e beginnīg til this our time Dionise Clemēt Policarpe Ignatiꝰ Tertuliā Origē Ciprian Athana Basil Hilari Chriso Ambrose Hierome Austine w t al holy mē euer since had neuer other rule to know y e truth of scripture by but onely y t comē professiō cōsēt of al the fathers euer in their time by successiō linking together their testimonies for y e ful knowledge of y e truth This is was euer shalbe y e very piller foūdaciō wherunto we must nedes lein So y t we haue receiued y e truth of y e ghospel by y e ecclesiasticall tradiciō rather thē by writing yea y e certitude of our religiō sure fayth hath not depēded frō y e begining vpō y e authority of y e gospels writē but rather cōtrarywise y e authoriti of y e gospel writtē hath depēded vpon the certitude of our religiō c. Paule whē he sayd if an angel frō heuē preche any other ghospel thē thꝭ cursed be he did not meane of any ghospel writen which thē had no authority ī y e church though sone after y e gospels writē for certē causes receued their authority of y e church And here is now to be noted y t we rede in Eusebius how that Serapion that learned holy bishop of Antioche sayd we receyue Peter other of thappostels euen as christ but we refuse such thinges as be falsely writen vnder their names bicause we haue no such tradiciō of the church c. This was y e rule then to know thinges by when they euer receiued al as it were by hād one of an other Thē they perceiued y t thauthority of y e ecclesiastical tradicyō extēded much further then the authority of y e ghospel writen y t in al doubtful cases it must geue sētēce iudgemēt whych is truth which is falsily So y t here nowe to cōclude though heretikes wrast neuer so mani textes of scripture agaynst the popes authority it maketh no force nor proueth any thing agaynste our purpose And yet moreouer hereby appeareth y ● though there were no scripture at al to proue the popes authority by as there be very mani yet y t made nothing contrarye herevnto seing that by successession it hath bene stil receiued euē frō Peters time
The triall of the supremacy wherein 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fourth y e vnitie of christes church militāt geuē to S. Peter and his successoures by Christe And that there ought to be one head Bishop in earth Christes Vicar generall ouer all hys churche militant wyth answeres to the blasphemous obiections made agaynste the same in the late miserable yeres now paste Aug. li. 3. de trinitate ca. 3. Vtile est plures libros a pluribꝰ fieri diuerso stilo nō diuersa fide etiā de q̄stionibꝰ eisdē vt ad plurimos res ipse perueniar ad alios sic ad alios autem sic ¶ To the moste holye and godly Prince Reginald Pole Cardinall and Legate honor vertue and grace from our Lorde Iesus Christe ALthoughe christes churche from the begīning was neuer clere from heresies moste reuerende father in God and most honourable lorde but hathe bene at all tymes styll vexed therewyth for the probation exercise of the elect yet was it neuer so miserably tossed and turmoiled spesially with in thys Realme of Englande as I suppose with sectes scismes as it hath ben of late yeres Where as it hath not onely bē counted laweful for y e wycked to excogitate to teache to professe to mayntayne and defende errours Herysies wythoute restraynt but also he that moost vylelye coulde defyle hys mother the churche and like the hedder or snake whiche gnaweth fourth y ● mothers bowels plucke out the holy sacramentes the very entrails or bowels of his mother Christes spouse was best regarded was taken and accepted as most honest most excellent most worthy mā best learned Suche were thought most me●e to examyne causes and beare rule in the commen wealthe for that they smallye dyd passe eyther vpon that golden sayinge of Sayncte Augustine he can not haue God for hys father ▪ which hath not the churche for hys mother or elles that wythoute the vnitye of the Chatholyke and vniuersall church there is no saluation In other tymes we reade here of one Heresye and there of another but in this wycked season Oh good Lorde what Heresye thoughe longe ago condempned by Chrystes churche haue not they stured vp agayne ▪ And vnder the cloke or colour of Christian libertye defended the same sekynge still innouation alteration vtter destructyon of all Godlynesse styll cryinge the Primatyfe Churche the Primatife Churche as thoughe a childe shoulde styll contynue a childe in the state of infancye and neuer increase further not markynge that the trueth was fyrst sought then founde after beleued obserued and folowed and is styll of the faithfull sorte from tyme to tyme to be kepte wythout retournyng backe But they turned backe from all goodnes from all vertue honestye and grace beyng farre vnmete therefore for the kyngdome of God as Christe sayeth in the gospel Nemo mittens c. But oh what vnspeakeable hurtes and extreme miseries in these miserable yeares hathe thys Realme susteined hereby bothe bodylye and ghostly ▪ The symple sort haue bene styll seduced the meane sorte lafte as wayuerynge in doubte the beast the strongest and the moste sure haue bene greatly weryed not much vnlyke to the tyme of Iulian the appostata The manyefolde damnable heresies haue caused moste miserable scisme amonge the rude people beyng haled from the trueth and tossed from poste to pyller on euerye syde euen lyke as it was in the Arians tyme when the Heritykes vsed most commenlye bothe to saye and do many thynges well to obtayne therby credit amonge the symple and weake that so much more freely they myghte sowe theyr Herisies and plucke down the Churches whiche was euer their cheife indeuoure and deface all godly men either with violence wyth punishementes wyth slatterynge of promotions or wyth deceyte Hathe not this selfe same practise of the Arians in all pointes bene put in execution in these oure wycked dayes Then one wycked styll praysed another as well in naughtye bokes as in publyke Hereticall sermons and all to deface therwyth the godly catholikes Was not the same here in Englande nowe practised Yea euen as Symon Magus was of the wicked called Virtus dei the power of God so haue in oure dayes as vnmete and vnworthye laudes ofte bene made Then was there neuer so folyshe nor grosse an Heresie but it had folowers Was not the lyke in thys oure blynde tyme and as then styll they falselye accused the godly sorte of treason so to dispatche them out of the waye euen so was nowe the lyke practyse in cryinge agaynst the breakers of the kinges procedynges As the godlye styll wente then to wracke euen so they dyd nowe wythoute mercye or pytie beynge moste cruellye handeled and all wythoute iuste cause or deserte Then they made manye damnable and moste wicked lawes to defende theyr noughtye Heresyes wythall haue they not done lykewyse heare wyth vs Then the wycked Magistrates fauoured and exaulted the wycked ministers greatlye plaged the godlie was not the same exacted heare in Englande Then to serue God truely was cownted great offence and was greuouslye punished was not the same done here euen nowe on late What punyshement had they whiche woulde but onelye be presente in the churche at Masse tyme Yea I my selfe sawe deadlye checkes geuen to an honest catholyke mā for knelyng down on the steppes in Paules for knockyng vpon hys brest and lyftynge vp hys handes At what tyme the sayde honest Catholyke man was glad for feare of theyr tyrannye to say he woulde neuer do so more O good Lorde what thynges dyd men then bothe saye and do for feare of punyshemente Againe lyke as in the Arians tyme Scismatikes and Heritykes dyd not onely contemne yea condempne the moste godlye and general counsa●ls but also made priuate councelles of their owne ten in nūbre wherin they neuer agreed amonge theym selues no nor neuer fullye allowed that in one counsell whiche they had made in an other euen so now in all poyntes oure wicked proceders in this palpable darkenes haue imitate and folowed the former steppes of their forfathers the lymmes of the deuyll As then through Heresye the holy misteries of Christe were had in contempte euen so were they nowe As then the heretikes desire was stil to cause the hygher powers to fauoure their Heresies euen so was it now As then the heretikes styll cried this is the catholyke faith meanyng theyr owne heresies this is the catholike doctrine this is the catholyke churche for this is the faythe the doctryne and the Churche of the Patriarches prophetes and Apostles so did the heretikes crie styll in oure dayes hauynge once the vpperhande as they had styll in dede throughe fauoure of the Magistrates And surely this was the mooste soore and the moste dampnable perswasion to deceyue and blinde the symple innocentes wythall The Deuyll neuer perswadeth but vnder the couloure of trueth yea and he ofte hath both lerned and
vertuous liuers to the outwarde apperaunce to take his parte beynge his Angels transfygured in to the Angels of lyght So that as ▪ then they dyd euer slaunderouslye blaspheme and reuyle the true christians and woulde theyr own decrees and lawes to be called the trueth their errours the veritie and them selues to be coūted godly that their churche was the catholyke church and they y ● Catholikes and earnest defendours of the trueth euen so was it fullye and whollye within this Realme of Englande in all the miserable yeres nowe paste As then the Arians called theyr secte when they suffred for their heresies holye martirs euen so now at this time theritikes cal their champions which stande obstinate to the fire holy martirs not markinge if I maye speake a word or two by digressiō that the kinde of death maketh not the Martir but the cause not markinge that euen among the Hethē many haue willyngly suffered deathe and yet no christen man so folysshe as to call theym Martyrs of God not markynge agayne that I one of Kent which said christ toke no flesh of y ● virgin deniyng therby his manhode had fauourers whiche bothe thought sayd when she was burnt that she was the Martir of God but then surelye the deuil shalbe called a confessor whiche confessed that Christe was the sonne of God Whose confession was then as true as truly made as either I●●s of Kent or els as any of theirs whiche as obstinate heretykes breake the vnitie of the church diuide Christes coo●e and yet crie the Lordes worde the lor●des worde wrestinge our lordes holy worde to their condēnation Howbeit we may well perceayue that it is no more wonder to se an obstinate heretyke stande stiffe to the fier then it is to se a man kill hāge or drowne him selfe The same deuill which causeth the one cā soone cause the other But of this matter I will speake another time Nowe therfore to retourne from whens I haue a litle while digressed we may easely coniecture that thonlye cause of al these mischiefes and miseryes that we of late haue suffered hath bene the breache of thunity of Christes church When we ones fledde forth of Peters shippe then we fell streyght way headlong into al licentious libertie then we forsaked vtterly al general counsels all ordinaunces frō the beginnīg kept in christes church al iudgemētes vpon scripture saue our owne then of singularytye we did select and chose a new fayth euery daye chaunginge and alteringe and no maruayle after that our noble Prince through counsel of some wicked men aboute him toke that in hande whiche neuer true catholike king did vsurpe before him that is to sai to sit in Peters chere Since what time oh good lord what misery haue we fallen into as wel bodylye as gostlye But nowe thankes be to Iesus Christ which through his mercye hathe broughte vs againe vnto our mother y e catholyke church euen into Peters ship and Iesus longe preserue her amōges vs by whose meanes we were brought agayne into it Now we se that God suffereth as he didde in tharians time heresies ofte to floryshe for a seasō but yet euer ī time of mercy he remembreth vs agayne and wil not heresie stil to preuaile but y t we may haue good cōfort say w t Athā Nolite turbari frēs nubecula est et ci to pertrāsit Let not your hartes faile you brethrē be not dismaied saieth he this heresie is but lik a litle cluod it wil sone vade away Nowe we se also that it was not withoute great cause that S. August sayde that amongest other thinges the succession of the bishops of Rome frō Peters time did kepe him in the true fayth as Ireneus had graūted lōg before Now we se y t y t faith is to be receiued beleued holden whiche hath bene kept of al mē at al times in al places of christendome since y e begīnīg and y t we must leaue onely to y e generalitye to the antiquity to the consēt of the fathers al stil agreīg ī one For experience sheweth no 〈◊〉 onely y e scripture stories doctors y t as heretikꝭ be euer ful of diuissiō scisme euē oft amōges thē selues as appereth by Luther Ecolāpadiꝰ Carolostadiꝰ Swīg●●ꝰ c. being liuely figured ī y e cōfusiō at Babilō so are the catholikes euer most surely knit ī this vnitye wherunto tholy ghost stil doth moue sūdry waies perswade mēs cōsciences Furthermore we se clerely what wickednes misery it is stil to wāder ī palpable darknes frō error to error being ones out of y e vnity for which christ praied saying O father graunt y t as y ● I be one so mai these which beleue ī me be one ioyned knit together ī one faith ī one cōfessiō in one loue in one grace pietye Nowe we se the cause why we fell from this vnitie and vpon what grounde We se the cause was nothing els but to maintayne wyckednes and synne We se what was the progresse and what styll folowed of it that is to saye more synne and more errour vpon errour and heresye vpon heresie We se also that the ende was almost vtter destruction of all together bothe bodely gostly extreme pouertie extreme miserie euen as people quite forsakē of god Finally therfore we se y t there is no way so easie for the deuil to bringe in all kindes of heresies errours diuisions scismes contentions strifes and mischiefes as is to denye the vnitie of Christes churche and to forsake the head therof the Popes holines All heresies sprīg hereout saith Ciprian And for this cause I haue nowe right honourable lorde and most holy father taken this worke in hande and haue dedicate the same vnto your fatherhode a chiefe and head pyller of Christes churche to the entente it myght do more good and the soner be embraced of al catholike people within this realme And herein accordynge to my small talent I haue not onely declared by sundry probations some apparent and some demonstratyue the moste hyghe authoritie aboue al other both spirituall and temporal geuen to Saincte Peter and to hys successoures for euer but also haue answered to all the comē obiections whiche I haue eyther heard or redde deceitfully inuented agaynst the sayd authoritie Beseching your grace well to accepte this my small labour and construe all to the best for Iesus sake Whom I beseche longe to preserue your noble and vertuous estate in continuall honoure ioye and prosperytye to the great comforte and profit of all true faythful people within this realme and after this life to graunt you eternal glory in heauen wyth god almighty and his holy aungels Amen ¶ Here do folow sundrye probatiōs wherof some do set forth onlye S. Peters preeminence aboue the other apostles some declare the most high authoritye and power geuen by
kynges princes in christēdō ought not to be of lesse mighte power thē is the power and authoritie amonge the heathē Emprours and kynges which be free from any suche subiection Hereunto my answere is that Seruire deo regnare est Seruitus enim dei summa libertas to serue God and to kepe his ordinaunces is not to be coūted seruyce but greatest fredō it is no subiection but most libertie And yet furthermore here I speake not of a kynge as a kynge to be vnder the head of Christes churche but a kynge as a christen man a kynge as a member of Christe a Kynge as a shepe of Christes folde so muste he be vnder and obedient to Christes shepeherd For Christ made the law generall in geuynge to Peter full authoritie to lose and bynd withoute any restraynt or anye respecte or consideration had to kynge or Emperoure so that none of Christes flocke be exempte from this hyghe shepeherde but of necessitie compelled to obeye onles they wyll nedes wilfully breake oute of the folde and fle from Christ Herein thys place I myghte bringe in to serue my purpose that noble Emperour Theodosius whiche wyth all humble obedyence submitted hymselfe lyke a lambe to the shepherde vnto that holye father Ambrose hys Bushoppe beynge content to suffer what punishment it pleased tholy Byship to put vnto him for his offense And oughte not all men in lyke maner to obey their spirituall shepeherdes speciallye the heade shepeherde of al excepte they wil be exempted frō Christes flocke yea thoughe they be earles dukes or princes Haue we not a notable storie not longe ago of Henry the fourth emperour whiche with all submission suffringe that willingly al penaunce put vnto hym by the Popes holynes Grego the .vii. for hys former contempte was receyued agayne as a membre of Christes Churche beynge before for obstynacye iustelye cutte of would god that at these and many such like examples laft in stories for oure instruction kinges and princes now a daies would take occasion to acknowledge them selues to bee liuely membres of Christes ecclesiasticall body and with all humble submissiō to iudge thēselues much inferiors as they be in dede vnto the chiefe and spiritual head Christes vicare their principall guide and shepherde ¶ The .vii. probacion It is euident that al the Euāgelistes which as it were with one month do ī al places geue preeminēce to Peter puttinge him euer in the fyrste place were at that tyme assured that Peter was heade and Prince of all the apostles He was not first called as it is writen in Iohn the fyrst chapter no nor the Euangelistes do obserue to recite them after their callyng but sometymes one in this place and contrarywyse the same in an other place but Peter is euer in the first place Andrew is put seconde in Mathewe .iiii. in Marke and in the Actes Iames is fifte in Mathie secōd in Marke third in Luke Iohn is the sixt in Matheu secōd in thactes in Mark the third and in Luke the .iiii. And likewise is the chaūginge in all other bycause they were all equall Yea. Luke himselfe in his gospel doeth vary from that he writeth in thactes for there he putteth Andrew y e secōd but here he coūteth him the iiii but Peter in all places bycause christ apointed him to be chief head is of al named still the first yea that not only nūbring the Apostels but also in al places where Peter with anye other is recited as in healinge the woman that had the issue of bloud Luke xii And in the secōd and also .v. of thactes Peter is euer the first ¶ The .vii. probation The scriptures truly vnderstanded geue euer Peter y e preeminence so doth the whole cōsent of al the holy fathers so doeth and euer hath done the vniuersall catholike churche of Iesus Christ whyche is the foundacion and pyller of all trueth Who can then stry●e against this and yet thinke him selfe to be a lyuely member in Christes churche ¶ The .ix. probation Ruling and obeinge being coniugata can neuer bee one with oute the other Therfore Christ bidding Peter rule and gouerne al his flocke as it is ī the second probation euen by the selfe same word commaunded all the flocke to obey him So that whether he be highe or lowe if he wilbe of Christes flocke he muste nedes obey● the shepherd ¶ The .x. probation Both Nicen councell and moste parte of all the generall councels euer since haue established cōfirmed as a verity receiued frō christes time that appellations should be made to y e sea of Rome yea and that no coūcels shuld be kept without the consent of the bishop of Rome and also that lyke as Peter was the chefe and head of all the Apostels so shoulde y e church of Rome in his name consecrate by christes appointmente be head and chiefe ouer all other churches whereunto euen as vnto the mother all other churches in al matters of contrauersie shoulde seke all causes there to be determined and ended Haec Iulius primus ¶ The .xi. probation Christ hath but one spowse Vna est columba mea vna est amica mea As it is in the cāticles his coote was withoute seame it can not be cutte his kingdome can not be deuided for then it would sone come to dissolucion which can not bee seinge the gates of hel shal not preuayle agaynst it There is but one shepeherd there is but one shepe●ote wherin the holy ghost set an ordre which ordre the deuill shall neuer breake though he shake at it neuer so sore He went about to breake this ordre first euē in him selfe when he cou●ted to be equall w t the highest as it is in Esai the .xiiii. And after whē he caused our firste parentes to disobey goddes commaundement Yea euer since from time to time this hathe euer bene hys chiefe endeuor Thus he caused y e Corinthiās ofte to striue againste this order first in the Sacramēt of baptim preferrīg the baptim of one minister to an others ego pauliego appollo c then in the sacramēt of matrimony despisinge that bicause Pau●e had preferred virginitie therunto After this in the Sacrament of y ● Alter vnreuerently receuinge it and puttinge no diuersitie saithe Paule betwene the bodye of christ and other meate More ouer where God appointed sūdry giftes to sūdry mē to some more to some lesse y ● deuel is euer redi to stirre moue one to enuy an other to cōtemne all to breake thorder set by the holy ghost Yea amonges all these breches of order y ● deuil is ī none so busy as he is to perswade y e people agaīst y ● vnitie of christes church against y e head of his mistical body sayīg y e church is vnknowē here one there one but none knoweth where al this is
to forgeue sinners afterward and to beare with the flocke Christe called Peter the stone where vpon he builded his church Peter receiued of hym y e keies of power like as Paul did the keyes of science More ouer who knoweth not saithe he that Saint Peter was the chiefe of al the appostels Seing now that thus manye holy martires and confessours of christes church receiued this doctrine one of an other as by hande euen from the beginninge and first foundaciō of the church and seinge againe that not only y ● Latine church but y e greke church also as appeareth bothe by these fornamed wryters and likewyse by many holy counceles euer receiued Peter and euery one of his successours as chief head and ruler ouer al can he then be coūted a christin man that wyl not onlye denye but that wil doubt of this receiued trueth euen from Christe Now to the obiections Here nowe folowe sundrye obiections inuented againste thautoritie of Peter his successours in citinge and answerynge to them I kepe no ordour bycause thinuentours of them did breake all faytheful and comelye order that ought to be kepte in the ecclesiasticall hierarchie misticall bodye of Iesus Christ That obiection whiche firste came in place is first answered vnto And here gentel reader by these obiections ye shal plainly perceiue that like as coper gildid ofte semeth to be gold but if it be rubbed hardlie tried it wil vtter him self to be copper and then lesse to be set by euē so the falsitye gilded colored w t wittye and rethorical perswaciōs appereth ofte to the symple to be the veritye and trueth but opened tried by the scriptures verities thereof shall appere but copper counterfete And I trust in Iesus Christ that the crafty deceite in this matter of y e primacy which in these yeares past hath killed a thousāde soules is here in fully detected and disclosed So that no man shall haue cause hereafter to set by thē onles he wil forsake golde and chose copper ¶ The first obiection The saing of Christ Math. xvi blessed art thou Simō c. the rest that foloweth in the text is not saye they to be appropriate peculierly to Peter but to al the Apostels whome Christ generallye did aske the question and for whom Peter generallye gaue aunswere Againe christ did not builde his churche vpon Peter but vpon Peters faith and vpō Peters confessiō yea vpon Christ him selfe For none can put anye other fundation sayth Paule but that whiche is set already whichis Iesus christ ¶ The answere It must nedes be appropriate peculierly onlye to Peter for the whyche knew no mans mynde but his owne tolde but onely his owne faith They all had not then one faith in christ as appeareth ●i Iudas which beleued not as it is in Iohn y e vi It rwas not reueled to them al as yet but suppose it had bē yet that Peter was not preuie of Euery mās herte was only knowē to god Wherefore Peter answered but for him selfe onlye And therefore it is to be thought saithe Hilarius that at that time y e other Apostels were not as yet so firmely established in that sure sentēce and belefe now cōfessed by Peter yea he made answere streight way without respect to his felowes euē as tholy ghost moued him and so likewise y e aunswere was made to him againe alone callyng him by his fathers name saying to him in the singuler number tibi to the and not vobis to you he blessed not thē al but he gaue y e blessīg to him alone by name As before Iohn the first he sayed to hym and not to Andrewe or other thou shalt bee called a stone so now here he saithe to veryfye hys promesse before made thou art a stone not as before y u shalt be calde a stone vpon whyth I wyl builde my church That whyche I haue by nature that is to saye to be the foundaciō that do I now perticipate with y e. This was the true vnderstanding of this foresayde text Mathewe the .xvi. in the primatiue church as now shal apeare most plainlye by these testimonies folowinge ¶ Anacletus disciple and successour to S. Peter Anacletus the seruaunt of Iesus Christ by gods calling set in the see apostolike and appointed there vnto by S. Peter prynce of the Apostelles sēdeth greting to all Byshops and to the residue of Christes flocke c. The holye and appostlyke church of Rome receiued the primacy and power aboue all churches and vpon al faithful people he doeth exempte neither Kyng nor Emperour euen of our Lord our sauiour not of the Apostels he sainge to Peter thou arte a stone vpon this stone I wil builde my churche c. And I wyll geue to thee the keyes of heauens c. and sone after he saith amonge y e holy Apostels there was diuersitye of power for although al were apostels yet by god him self Peter was made head yea this Thappostels thē selues would haue that Peter should be the head and should haue the rule and principalitye of Thappostelshype ¶ Anacletus also in another epistel to the catholyke churche In al difficulties questiōs of greate importaunce let the censure be referred vnto y e see apostolyke For y t Christe him self willed whē he said to peter thou arte a stone vpon this stone I wil builde my churche c. Hereby appereth not onlye Anacletus owne iudgement in this matter but also what was then the commen takinge of it by the commen censure of the vniuersal churche Whyche thing also appereth by Saint Clemens testimonie others euen then at the same time in the primatiue church ¶ S. Clement in the first epistel to S. Iames. By Christes owne mouthe saith he Peter was y e chiefe of thapostels vnto whom god y e father had reueled his sonne Iesus Christes vnto whome Christe gaue thee blessynge Math. the .xvi. This was the iudgemēt then yea and if you loke further ye shall see howe thie toke this truth as it wer by hande one of another ¶ Tertulian which was shortlye after Was anye thinge hid from Peter as it is in the .xxiii. probation whiche was called the stone whereupō Christes churche was builded to whom the keyes of heauens were geuē and whyche had power to lose and bynde in heauens and in earthe Now ye here the commen faithe hereof at that time in the vniuersal church ¶ Here also what Origē saith yea heare the censure and iudgement of the vniuersal church herein in Origens time and that in the Greke church Peter saith he vpon whom christ builded his church wrote but onely .ii. epistels Also he saith whē christ committed the charge of fedinge his shepe to Peter and that vpō him euen as vpon the earthe he woulde buylde his churche he moued him to no other vertue but only to loue and charity