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A10250 Propositions and principles of diuinitie propounded and disputed in the vniuersitie of Geneua, by certaine students of diuinitie there, vnder M. Theod. Beza, and M. Anthonie Faius ... Wherein is contained a methodicall summarie, or epitome of the common places of diuinitie. Translated out of Latine into English, to the end that the causes, both of the present dangers of that Church, and also of the troubles of those that are hardlie dealt vvith els-vvhere, may appeare in the English tongue.; Theses theologicae. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; La Faye, Antoine de, 1540-1615. aut; Penry, John, 1559-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 2053; ESTC S101754 189,778 296

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fall of mankinde by the mercifull voice of God haue and will vnto the end of the worlde consent together in the profession of his true worship 4 Nowe in asmuch as all those who haue giuen their names to bee of this meeting haue not either doone the same vnfainedlie or shewed that constancie that had bene meet by reason that Sathan neuer ceaseth to sowe tares in the field of the Lord Hence it came to passe that men haue beene alwaies enforced to take the Church sometimes in a more generall sometimes in a more speciall signification 5 The Church therefore is generallie called the congregation of all those who professe true Religion whether they do it vnfainedlie and perseuere therein or hypocriticallie and fall away from the same In speciall it is taken for all those onelie whome God of his infinite mercie hauing elected before all worldes doth effectuallie call when he thinketh good in such sort as they being endued with true faith and perseuering vnto the end may be justlie accounted to be of Gods flock 6 Hence sprung that distinction of the visible and inuisible Church of the visible which is so accounted by the notes of the outward profession without any differēce betweene the faithfull and the close hypocrites of the inuisible which is restrained vnto those onelie who trulie and constantlie beleeue to the end therfore called inuisible because true faith can assuredly be discerned by none saue by the Lord and them in whome it is 7 This inuisible Church is only one as there is but one God the Father one Christ the Mediatour and head of his mysticall bodie one faith one hope by the holy Ghost and one aeternall life and it is therefore called Catholicke that is vniuersall both because it hath bene is and shall be alwaies the one and the same and also because GOD hath alwaies gathered them into one bodye out of all sorts of men and people as it seemeth good vnto his mercie whereas before the comming of Christ the Church was particularly called out of the nation of the Iewes onelie 8 And although God for many ages had seperated the Gentiles whome the Apostles therefore affirmeth to bee without God strangers from the couenant of grace frō the seed of ABRAHAM yet was there almost no age wherein he called not some of the Gentiles vntill that the particion-wall being broken by the preaching of the Apostles that promise made vnto ABRAHAM was accomplished namely that all the nations should be blessed in his seede because they were to become ABRAHAMS seed by Christ 9 The particuler assemblies of this bodie dispearsed throughout the world considered either generallie or speciallie as it is visible or inuisible are as it were the members that make vp one mysticall body 10 And this is that Catholicke Church whereof mention is made in the beliefe therfore called holie because it is by the holy Ghost seperated from the rest of the worlde and consecrated vnto God 11 This same Church is rightly deuided into the Militant and Triumphant By the Militant is vnderstood the company of the true beleeuing yet remaining vppon the earth and striuing with Sathan and the remnants of their fleshe By the Triumphant are meant those whose blessed Spirits are already gathered vnto the Lord euen vntil both the one and the other at that glorious comming of Christ hauing receiued their glorious bodies shall triumph with Christ their head for euermore 12 That holines wherby this Catholick Church which is also inuisible in that sense that we haue spoken is seuered from the world if it be considered in respect of the puritie of the doctrine of the truth is altogeather without spot or wrinckle Or if it be considered not as it is in it selfe but according vnto the beliefe that is yeelded vnto this true and wholsome doctrine we holde againe that the force of that truth is so great that it is alwaies declared and obeied in the Church vniuersally considered Wherefore the Apostle calleth the Church taken in this sense the piller and ground of truth 13 But if the Church be respected not vniuersally but particularlie that is according as it hath diuers assemblies here and there gathered togeather then indeed it may often come to passe that some particular Churches may err yea in some fundamētal points either in part or in whole yet so as the elect do alwaies returne vnto the way neither can those particular spottes that cleaue vnto it for a time make the vniuersal church to leese her naturall beautie 14 We confesse to speake nothing here of the corruption of manners that this may come to passe much more if wee seuerally consider the members of particuler Churches for such is the weaknes of mans judgement euen in the deare Saints of God that you cannot find any so indued with the perfect knowledge of the trueth but hee doth stagger in some things especially when the Lord being prouoked by the sinnes of men doth giue efficacie and force vnto the spirit of error 15 Although that the Catholicke Church can neuer fall away from the truth yet both the Prophets and Apostles together with the holy storie in generall both before and after the comming of Christ haue foretolde and these very times wherein wee liue doe testifie that it hath often come to passe that the greatest part of particuler churches and men falling away yea and striuing against the truth the light of the Church seemed for a time though not vtterlie yet in a manner to be cleane extinguished 16 The true markes therefore of the visible Church can not bee the multitude or personall succession but the doctrine truly taught out of the written word of God and the lawfull administration that is such as is agreeable vnto Gods ordinance of the Sacraments to wit of Baptisme and of the Lords Supper 17 These two notes doe depend vpon the lawful forme that is such as is prescribed in Gods worde of the holie Ministerie constituted as it ought to be But in asmuch as the Church sometimes is brought to that passe that not onely Wolues doe supplie the place of lawfull Pastors but also the whole forme of the ordinarie Ministerie is turned into a plaine confusion that somtimes the externall Ministerie being for a time altogeather broken of the church is extraordinarilie fed as it were in the wildernes therefore is not this marke simplie and absolutelie necessary to point out the Church here vpon earth 18 Now wheresoeuer the Doctrine of the Apostles is taught ther is no question to be made but that the church is there though there bee fewe that giue eare vnto the same with fruit 19 That therefore is a true Church be it vniuersall or particuler which heareth the worde of God contained in the writinges of the Prophetes and the Apostles in suche sort as it canne adde nothing therevnto detract nothing from the same nor chaunge anie thing therein either in respect of the Doctrine it selfe or
the Bible be translated into the mother tongue of all Christian people Therefore wee doe also condemne the said Papists who will not allow of such translations 13 This same word of God ought to be faithfully and sincearlie expounded vnto the people by euerie Pastour and out of the same are exhortations consolations and reprehensions to be drawne whence also the gainsayer is to be conuinced and put to silence 14 This worde of GOD is said to haue life in it not that this life is placed in the letters syllables or wordes for they are to be counted witches and enchanters who attribute anie deuine power vnto the letters and woordes themselues but because it is an instrument whereby God doth make knowne vnto vs that which he will haue vs to vnderstand for our saluation 15 To conclude this is an absolute perpetuall and necessarie note of the Church namely that the purity of doctrine be maintained therin and that the pillar ground of the truth be in the same Defended by IOHN GIGORDVS Baeterrenensis PRINCIPLES CONCERNING TRADITIONS LIII 1 HAuing last of al disputed concerning the written Worde of God this present Treatise is to bee touching Traditions which some call by the name of vnwritten word and doctrine 2 Those which the Greek cal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are commonly called Traditions amongst the Latines which they affirme not to bee contained in writing but to haue beene conueied by word of mouth as it were from hand to hand deliuered from one to an other 3 Now there are two sorts of Traditions mentioned in the Scriptures whereof some are commendable as proceding from the Spirit of God of which sort are those which are mentioned to haue beene receaued from Christ his Apostles others were inuented by the wit of man as those which Christ calleth the Traditions of the Fathers and the commandements and doctrines of men 4 The former of these were not at the first as being in the infancy of the church committed to writing but now since that time that they haue beene put into the writings of the Apostles they are not to be taken as vnwritten but to haue credit amongst all as being the verie written word of God 5 Of these there are two sorts for some do appertaine vnto the record of the hystorie and the things that were done as that which LVKE speaketh cap. 1. 2. of the things that were done by Christ some do appertaine vnto doctrine and that in a twofold difference 6 For some were concerning the Doctrine it selfe as those things touching the Lords Supper which PAVL affirmeth to haue deliuered as he receiued them of the Lord Some are concerning the rites and the good order of the Church as that touching the blood of thinges that were strangled the couering of womens heads that men should not bee couered in the time of praier and such like 7 Those thinges which are concerning the substaunce of doctrine are to be perpetually obserued in the Church but as for the things which apertain to outward rites they in consideration of diuers circumstāces as of time place person may bee chaunged yet so as regard be alwaies had which must be generally obserued in al indifferent things vnto that which maketh most for the glorie of God the aedification of the Church 8 As touching other traditions which haue risen from the bare will of man though they haue neuer so glorious a shewe of antiquitie holines and wisedome yet if they agree not with Gods word they are to be accounted for no better then will-worship and so they are to be vtterlie cast out with all other superstitions that are either directlie or indirectlie against Gods word Of this sort are the obseruations of the difference of meat garments daies praier for the dead invocation of Saints departed Mouckery single life and a thousand such like either foolish or impious toyes wherewith Christians are now much more burthened then the Iewes were in times past with their Ceremonies 9 For in the worshippe of God this hath bene is and shall be the onely rule Whatsoeuer is without faith is sin and that faith dependeth not vpon the inuentions of men but vpon the hearing of Gods worde and that there can be no obedience where there is no commandement 10 And seeing the minde of the Lord is onely knowen vnto himselfe it belongeth not vnto man to set downe what is acceptable or what is odious in his sight but vnto God onely who hath therefore taught vs how hee will be worshipped and would not leaue that point to our choise 11 The word of God furthermore is euery way perfect and thervnto nothing is to be added or detracted for it is able to make the man of God absolute Wherefore we do constantly affirme that we are bound onely to cleaue vnto it rightly vnderstoode and that wee must not depart one jote from the same The vnderstanding of it is to be drawen from the analogie of faith and the conferences of other places of Scripture 12 We hould that it is lawfull neither for counsellors nor Bishops nor for anie man to impose lawes vppon the consciences of men which onelie belongeth to the alone Bishop of our soules and our Law-giuer Christ or vnto the Apostles hauing his commaundement For although true Pastors and Doctors of the Church haue beene and are in the place of the Apostles yet haue not they the same commission that the Apostles had For the Apostles being immediatlie inspired by the spirite of God could not erre and we are bound in euerie point to beleeue them But as for Pastors and Teachers they may such is mans weakenesse oftentimes slipp and therefore they are onelie to be followed so farre as they followe Christ and his Apostles Wee condemne therefore the olde Pharisies and those which haue followed them as the Iewes who haue coined vnto vs their CABALA and manie other dotages of their TALMVD the Papists and all other false Christians who haue polluted the seruice of God with their own dreames and inuentions and as it is written ISAY 29. MAT. 15. doe worship God in vaine in teaching mens traditions Defended by IOHN RVE of CADOMA in Normandie PRINCIPLES CONCERNING COVNCELS AND FATHERS LIIII 1 VVE haue shewed in the former treatise what the authoritie of Traditions can be it followeth that wee entreat of those thinges which appertaine vnto the confirmation of them wherefore wee will first of all deale with counsels next with Fathers 2 Seeing all things in the Church of God ought to be done orderlie and that the Church is gathered out of all people and nations the parts as it were of the Catholicke or vniuersal church were not without cause deuided which parts we call particular churches 3 Whereas this diuision was by little and little framed according to the example of the Prouinces and Diocesses or seuerall jurisdictions of the Romaine Empire as both the thing it selfe and also the very names doe shew it
may manifest the hypocrites 11 Now there are diuers and almost infinite sortes of temptations for some of them are raised within vs onelie by our owne concupiscence which afterward are augmented by Sathan others are administred vnto our concupiscence by the wonderfull delusions of Sathan Againe wee are sometimes prouoked vnto wickednes from the right hand that is by flatteries and the false resemblaunce of right and profite otherwhiles from the left that is by threats and terrors 12 And from all these doe wee desire that our God would deliuer vs by enabling vs with his strength that so dwelling vnder his protection and defence we may firmlie stand against all the assaults of Sathan 13 So the worde DELIVER doeth admonish vs of our weakenesse and ignorance For if wee were able by our owne strength to withstand temptations wee shoulde not stand in need to craue strength and aide else where This our deliuerance from sinne then is not in our selues neither doth it depend vpon our selues but onelie vppon the strength grace and mercie of God Heere are confuted both the meere Pelagians who dreame that Sathan and our corruption may be ouercome by our owne strength and also the half Pelagians the Papists who imagine a concurring togeather of nature and of grace and those also who teach that the grace of regeneration once begun is sufficient for vs to gaine the victorie 14 For wee are borne the seruants of sinne and the grace of regeneration beeing begun standeth in neede of the support of new graces to confirm the same to make it effectuall 15 Yet are not wee therefore turned into stockes that in gaining the victorie ouer Sathan we should bee vsed as dead instruments onelie seeing both to will and to do is giuen vnto vs. 16 It is not greatlie materiall whether by the worde EVILL in this place wee vnderstand the Diuell or sinne dwelling in vs. 17 To conclude we desire in this petition that we be not ouerwhelmed by anie temptation but contrariwise that leaning vpon the power of God working within vs sinne and Sathan beeing ouercome we may all our daies liue in true holinesse Defended by MATHEVV ROBERTVS of Lorraine PRINCIPLES VPON THE CONCLVSION OF THE LORDS PRAYER LXXI 1 HAuing hytherto expounded the Petitions of the Lords Praier it nowe remaineth that wee open the shutting vp of them contained in these wordes FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOME THE POVVER AND THE GLORIE FOR EVER 2 There are two thinges especiallie contained in this conclusion first the confirmation of our faith that is of the assurance which we haue that we shall be heard of God who both will and can giue vs what we aske 3 Next is set downe the end whereunto wee ought to referre all the things that we craue in this Prayer namlie to his praise and glorie 4 And this is the most sure foundation of our praiers when as we know that they are to be directed vnto GOD vnto whome all power glorie and dominion dooth appertaine 5 For if our praiers were to bee commended vnto the Lord in our owne worthinesse which is none at all there is no mortall man that durst without singular temeritie so much as open his lips much lesse present his praiers before his majestie 6 But now though we be most miserable and bare of all thinges yet can we not be destitute of sufficient trust confidence in praier seeing our Fathers kingdome power and glorie cannot be taken away from him 7 By the word KINGDOME is meant the right and authoritie to beare rule this confession then dooth attribute vnto God the most soueraigne and free rule ouer all creatures whereby he gouerneth euerie where and ouer all 8 The POVVER which is mēcioned in the second place doth point out the abilitie and power to execute this gouernment which power is so soueraigne and so mightie that nothing is able to resist the same So that God is able to giue vs all things seeing hee hath this power in his hand which is also ioyned with exceeding mercie and bountifulnesse 9 Thirdlie and lastlie by the word GLORIE is declared the praise and honour of God whereunto wee are to referre all our thoughts and deedes as to their last and final end 10 The word AMEN signifieth as much as that which we aske is sure and certainlie ratified neither is it adioyned as a portion of the praier but to the end that it may both declare the sinceare desire and affection whereby we wish to be heard in Praier and also may testifie the staiednes of our faith 11 Seeing to giue thankes then we ought to consider these three things which this short sentence of Christ doth containe First that we remember those peculiar benefits which we haue receaued at Gods hand as DAVID beeing deliuered from the danger of warre saith Thou hast deliuered mee Lord from death and from the enemie c. 12 Next that we ascribe whatsoeuer we haue obtained to haue proceeded from the meere liberalitie of God and not to anie worthinesse or merites of our owne 13 Brieflie that thereby wee may be more and more confirmed in faith and may be raised vp to the hope of receauing other yea and greater benefites from his majesty For our God is not wearie in dooing vs good 14 Vnder this forme which is euerie way most perfect we holde that there is contained whatsoeuer we ought to seek at Gods hand so that it is to be accounted for the rule of all our praiers Wherefore it is not well done of the Latine Churches in that they haue omitted this clause and end of the Lords Praier though sometimes they vse the same elswhere Defended by MATHEVV SCARRO of Geneus PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE SACRED MINISTERIE OF THE CHVRCH VVHERE THE DOCTRINE OF the Law the Gospel are compared together LXXII 1 VVEE haue done with the true markes of the true Church that is with the truth of Gods word Sacraments and Praier nowe because that all thinges are to bee orderlie done in the Church it is meet that we set down how these things ought to bee administred 2 We hold that as the truth of al the sinceare doctrine that doeth appertaine vnto aeternall life so also the true manner of the gouernment of the Church was giuen from aboue by the holie Ghost both vnto the Fathers before the Lawe and to MOSES in the wildernesse and also vnto the Apostles And to be short that this truth touching doctrine and gouernment was most faithfullie most fullie set downe both by MOSES and also by the Apostles 3 And although from the beginning vnto the end of the world there was is and shall bee but one doctrine of saluation yet was there not alwaies one the same forme of the dispensation thereof 4 For it pleased GOD at sundrie times and in diuers maners to make the said doctrine known vnto the world according vnto the which dispensation it was also needefull to frame the forme of the ministerie thereof
gentlemen of the nobility of POLAND of whome not a few liued heere in times past very Christianly and religiouslie And this I doe by reason of the excellent gifts wherewith God hath endued you the which I beseech and pray him for our Lord Iesus Christs sake to increase and multiply Fare you well from Geneua the tenth of the Kalends of September 1586. Your Honors at commandement ANTHONIE FAIVS TO ALL THOSE THAT WISH WEL VNTO THE LORD IESVS and his poore Church wandring here vpon earth the Translator wisheth the powerful assistance of Gods Spirit while they are heere and the speedy injoying of their sure though deferred hope AS the mercies goodnes of God beloued in the Lord towards his deare Spouse and Church hath especiallie manifested it selfe in this last ruinous age of the world So hath Sathan in these very times brought his whole munition into the field with full purpose intent one way or other to bring either a ruinous fal or a confused deformitie where the Lord intendeth to build his sure grounded and well ordered house And therefore all those who haue giuen their names vnto the profession of the Gospell are to consider what it is that thereby they haue taken in hand For as it hath bin true in all ages so shal it be verified in these our daies that all shal not walk with the lambe for euermore who for a time seemed to bee of his traine And alasse we knowe that he earnestly entreateth ouer many to open vnto him who yet shall not be partakers of the supper of the great King Reuel 3.20 For such is the deceitfull wisedome of mans nature and Sathans powerfull delusion that euen professors themselues neuer want great and waightie reasons why they should denie Gods opressed truth heere vpon earth that the Lord may deny them in that day when hee shall come not to suffer in his members but to judge as the most magnificent King and shal come in that glorious majestie whereat heauen and earth will be astonied Now because his judgement shall bee Luke 9.26 Go you cursed vpon as many as shall be found not onely the defacers of his glory but euen the deniers of anie point of his trueth and worde as the holie Ghost hath forewarned vs. Therefore I thought it my dutie vnto his majestie and his Church to publish this booke in the Englishe tongue that men and Angels may beare testimonie against the moderation and discreet wisedome of this age in defending the trueth that the Lord hath made knowne vnto it and that by many witnesses what that trueth and what that worde of his is which he will haue at all times and in this age especially maintayned by all men with out exception that meane to be partakers of his eternall fauour The which trueth as it is largely contayned in Gods most sacred written word of the olde and newe Testament so is it briefely set downe in this booke by the whole consent of the godly learned in the Churche of Geneua and especially by that famous learned man vniuersally reuerenced in Gods Church M. THEODORE BEZA Out of this booke also shall appeare for what cause the Churche of God is at this day persecuted wheresoeuer the same be hardly intreated For this I may boldly affirm that ther is no church or priuate man at this houre in any affliction for the maintenance of the trueth but the cause of his trouble is contained and defended in this Treatise So that although all the persecuted Saints of God now pilgrimes vpon earth be not included within the walles and narow dominions of Geneua yet doth this booke manifestly prooue that as that Church is barbarously assayled by the Duke of Sauoye within the boundes thereof so is this doctrine therein professed hardly delt with vnder their gouernment though it may be they are ignorant of it who woulde be loath to be founde at the siege of Geneua or any wise to fauour such godles crueltie And I would wish that this were made knowne vnto them And herby also it will be manifested that there is great cause why the estate of that now distressed Church shuld be respected For surely if there be any loue in men towards Christ Iesus laboring faynting as it were in his pore members vnder the burden of great crosses and tryalls they cannot shut vp their compassiō towards him crauing their help in the person of that poore Church I beseech thee therefore good reader in the mercies of God not to shut vp thy compassion towards the same and be assured that the Lord Iesus will for that thy kindnes say vnto thee nay say of thee vnto his Father his Angells and Church Mat. 25.33 I was poore hungrie thristie naked sick and besieged in Geneua and beholde this man enriched me fed me clothed me visited me and defended me as farre as lay in him wherefore come thou blessed of my Father and possesse thy neuer ending rewarde I know beloued that thou hast many hinderances to do this in this backsliding age but knowe yet that Mathew saieth Ver. 33.40 that it is a king who requireth this at thy hands and will be exceedinglie angrie with thee to thy woe if thou deniest his request as he will reward thee most bountifullie to thy comfort if thou graunt the same And in any case take heed in this as in al other points touching thy dutie of the wisdome of this age whose warines tendeth to noe other purpose but warelie to starue and forsake the Gospell The shame pouertie and discontent of the Gospell I tell thee is a glorious ignomynie All the crownes in the world are not worthy to stand in the ballance with the same Thou art also to knowe that the Gospel is whatsoeuer is according vnto wholesome doctrine as the Apostle teacheth 1. Tim. 1.11 and therefore if thou wilt stand vnto the same thou must wholie cleaue vnto it otherwise the fierce anger of the God of trueth will bee against thee for shrincking from any part of his testimonies And thou must knowe that thou art not to choose what to defend but thou art bound to maintaine according vnto thy calling whatsoeuer thou seest to be oppugned by any be they frends or be they enemies of the truth And thou needest not regard herein whatsoeuer power opposeth it selfe against thee for he whose truth thou maintainest is no respecter of persons but is terrible as the Prophet saieth Psal 110.5 euen vnto the kings of the earth and thou shalt find that in thy defence defending his truth he will breake the great men in the daie of his wrath except they submit themselues vnto the scepter of his word In conclusion for necessitie is laid vpon me that I cannot write what I had purposed say with the holy man EZRA Ez. 8.22 vnto thine owne heart and bee assured thereof that the hand of God is vpon all those that seeke him in goodnes and
beleeue this 3 We also distinguish this Faith from the assent wherby some haue peculiarlie applied some peculiar promises made vnto themselues that were diuerse from the promises of aeternall life who notwithstanding were neuer made pertakers thereof 4 The Faith therefore whereof we now speake we doe define to bee that assurance whereby beyond the former assent the godlie are caried vnto Christ and so particularlie apply vnto themselues the promise of saluation offered in him We do condemne therefore all such sophistrie as doth confound these two sorts of faith and especially those who taking Faith for the obedience that is yeelded vnto Gods commandements doe by that meanes mingle the one of them with the other 5 We affirme this Faith to be the meere guift of God peculiar only to the elect and such a guift as in no wise cā be repented off or called back or beeing the most sure immoueable remedie vnto the saluation of all the elect Wee detest therefore all those who imagine that Christ and his sauing grace may be receaued by any merite either praeparatorie or fore-seene And especiallie all these who dreame that Christ may be conuaied vnto vs with the hand or mouth of the bodie 6 We denie also that this Faith can euer vtterly be lost although at some times euen in the most holie men it bee a sleepe as the minde is in those that are ouercome with drinke and notwithstanding that some haue as it were a shadow thereof begun in them 7 This faith doth God creat at what time and in what measure it pleaseth him strengthening and increasing the same by little and little though neuer perfecting it while wee are heere yet graunting so much of it in this life as is needfull for the elect to obtaine the victorie Nowe in the life to come he doth fulfill in deede that which we beleeued and hoped for while wee were heere on earth We doe execrate and detest therefore the CELESTINIANS and the ANABAPTISTS who dreame of a perfection of faith and righteousnes in this life and doe abollish the dailye growth of repentaunce and our continuall praiers which euen vnto our last gaspe we are to make for remission of sinnes Defended by BENIAMIN C●ESSONIVS of Burgundy PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE CAVSES AND EFFECTS OF FAITH XXIII 1 THe efficient cause of faith indeede and to speake properlie is one to wit the mercie of God that is if the Father in the Sonne by the holie Ghost that the same Coessentiall power of the Father and the Sonne by the which man at the first was created in the image of God should restore in vs the same being left 2 The ordinary meanes whereby the same is wrought that is wherby both the vnderstanding of man is framed vnto a sauing knowledge of God in Christ and a particular receauing thereof and also the will powerfullie disposed vnto a right order of the affections is the preaching of Gods worde deliuered vnto vs be the Prophets and Apostles and for that cause so farre as it concerneth the elect appointed to be in the Church 3 But here two extremities are to be taken heed vnto the on of the ENTHYSIASTES who do not only distinguish but also separate the internall word as they call it that is the worke of the Spirite of God in our soules from the preaching of the written word whence followeth not any faith but rather a meere dotage The other is of those who after the manner of Sorcerers do transfer the efficacacie which is the proper and incommunicable worke of God onlie either vnto the ministers which speake or to the Sacramentall elements wheras notwithstanding they haue no other effect then to represent these things to our vnderstanding which according vnto Gods ordinaunce they are appointed to signifie Wheras then the ministers are said to worke together with God it is so to bee taken as they are vsed but for the outward planting watering when as in the mean time the whole force which worketh in the vnderstanding and the will doth flow from God only 4 Now that which we haue spoken of the Ecclesiastical ministerie is so to be taken as in the meane time wee are to know that God as often as it pleaseth him is able in a moment by the inward operation of his Spirit extraordinarily to regenerate his elect 5 But this extraordinarie worke of God is neither to be expected for of vs nor yet rashlie to be admitted 6 Now the most sure way to try it whether it be trulie from God or no is this namelie that whether it be by the ordinarie hearing of the word or which hath beene alwaies most seeldom whether God worketh by extraordinarie inspiration it must needes euermore teach the verie same doctrine which the written word of the Prophets and the Apostles do teach 7 There is not at all times the like majesty of the good order of this sacred Ministerie because the Lord doeth as often and as farre as hee thinketh good reuenge the negligencie and wickednes of the Sheep-heards and the contempt of the sheepe in such sort that sometimes it is darkened by spots of filthinesse and otherwhiles for a time it goeth as it were cleane out of sight as it came to passe in the former ages 8 Yet the Militant Church either priuate or publicke from others or by means of priuate reading hath euer enjoyed and euer shall enjoy the hearing of the worde and the vnderstanding of the trueth that ariseth therefrom 9 Nowe that true and liuely faith whereof wee speake is no lesse made knowen by the perpetuall and necessarie effects thereof then is the life of the bodie by motion and sense 10 But these effects doe not giue beeing vnto faith or informe the same as the Sophisters doe most absurdlie dreame but they are the vndoubted and sure signes of it 11 These effects are partly caried out of vs vnto Christ with whome we are vnited by faith and partly they do beget some things within vs. 12 The outward effects in asmuch as they doe peculiarly apply Christ and his benefits vnto those that beleeue are therefore the most excellent and of greatest account And they are both the full remission of all sinnes as well originall as actuall by the blood of Christ and also the bestowing vpon vs of all righteousnes fulfilled by him together with the most full restoring and repairing of our nature in the flesh of Christ All which are freelie by faith in Christ imputed vnto vs who take holde both of him and his gifts 13 Another effect of our spirituall joyning togeather with him by faith is that he gouerneth by his holy Spirit both our vnderstanding wil being sanctified and broght out of darknes vnto that marueilous light so as we begin to thinke to will and to doe the thinges that are of God This selfe same Spirite encreasing faith in vs being now not vnder the authoritie of the law and the flesh but vnder the grace
comming to be hidden from men so also hee would haue the time of their death for the very same cause to be vnknowen vnto them vnlesse that he openeth the same vnto some either by particular reuelation or by probable conjectures Defended by IOHN VALETONVS Albenatiensis Occitanus PRINCIPLES VPON THE ARTICLE OF THE BELIEFE CONCERNING THE FAITH IN THE HOLY GHOST XLIX 1 VVE doe in this Article confesse that the holy Ghost as being the third person in the Trinitie is to bee adored and worshipped by the same faith and inuocation whereby in the former Articles wee haue confessed that the Father and the Son beeing in order the first persons of the Trinitie ar distinctly to be acknowledged and worshipped 2 The holy Ghost in this place doth signifie that essentiall power who is essentially subsisting in the Father and the Son proceeding and distinguished equally from them both in regard of the manner of his being but in respect of his essence absolutely considered hee is GOD hauing that Deitie which is not deriued by propagation from an other Godhead but is one most single and of himselfe 3 Now seing the Father neither can be separated from his Co-aeternall and Co-essentiall wisedome neither co-essentiall power who is the holy Ghost can be seuered from that wisedome but doth depend of the Father and of his wisedome there is no question to bee made but that hee doth proceed from the Father and the Sonne as from one cause 4 Where the Sonne is saide to bee begotten of the Father and the holy Ghost affirmed to proceede from the Father and the Sonne it sheweth a difference between the wisdome that remaineth in the Deitie and the power that doth outwardlie shew it selfe by the effects 5 That which both the Schoole-men and also the ancientest Diuines amongest the Latines haue written concerning the holy Ghost as being a kinde of essentiall loue knitting the Father the Sonne togeather hath brought in to religion many intricate strange and dangerous questions 6 Although the works of the Trinitie which they call outward or externall are inseparable yet in the effecting of them there is a distinction to bee obserued not onely of the persons but also of the personall actions 7 The proper operation of the holie Ghost is to effect in deed in his time and manner those things which the father hath determined to dispose by his Sonne that is his aeternall wisedome and to execute by the power of them both that is by the holie Ghost 8 Yet are we not to thinke that the holie Ghost dooth worke anie thing with the Father and the Sonne as an instrumentall or a ministeriall cause but without anie inaequalitie and immediatlie in respect of them both worketh all things together with them 9 The power thereof did then shew it selfe when as the world was to be created of nothing and afterward in his prouidence whereby he hath vnto this day and euer shall as long as the world standeth preserue the same both by ordinary and extraordinarie meanes 10 The effect thereof furthermore is to woorke in the harts of men which is done manie wayes for some he maketh apt and readie to practise morall vertues not by chāging but by repressing their naturall corruption others by his especiall power hee doth make meete to vnderstand and bring to passe great matters all which doe properlie serue for the conseruation of mans societie although that the effects of these guiftes are otherwhiles also behoofull vnto the Church 11 Sometimes also he goeth farther in bestowing vpon some the knowledge of his heauenlie truth with other supernaturall guifts as of Prophesie and healing to be brief he doth after a sort sometimes enlighten not the vnderstanding onlie but euen the will of some who yet are so in the Church as it will one day appeare that they were neuer true members thereof 12 Now his sauing power doth onelie manifest it selfe both in the congregation of his elect and also in euerye particular member of his mysticall bodie whence it commeth to passe that the Church alone is holie and the beleeuers onlie properlie called Saints 13 Hee dooth therefore in part bestowe the very same guifts vpon his elect whereof some of the reprobates are partakers but adioyning thereunto the grace of a good conscience and of perseuerance So the holie Prophetes and Apostles in times past haue left vnto vs by the inspiration of the holie Ghost the scriptures contained in the bookes of the olde and new Testament After this manner also manie haue beene indued with the guift of woorking miracles and all faithfull Pastors and Teachers haue bene in all ages bestowed vpon the Church and indued with necessarie guifts 14 Now the guifts whereby the holy Ghost doth properlie distinguish the church from the world are those vnrepentant guifts which hee bestoweth onlie vpon his elect namelie the effectuall enlightning of their minde and the guift of perseuerance the effect whereof is true faith applying Christ with all his benefites vnto the saluation of euerie one that beleeueth seuerallie whereunto is vnseparablie joined sanctification whereby wee are drawne sincearlie to loue God and our neighbour 15 That worke which was the most excellēt of al other namelie both the creation of the fleshe of Christ in the wombe of the Virgine and also his most perfect sanctification whereby his humanitie was annointed with all kinde of gifts that were meet to performe the office of the Mediatour proceeded from the same power Wee detest therefore all those who denie that the holie Ghost is to bee worshipped by one and the selfe same faith and inuocation with the Father and the Sonne those who hold that hee proceedeth onlie from the Father together with such as denie him to be coaeternall and coessentiall with the Father as the Macedonians the Arrians those who distinguish him from the Father onlie in name and not in person as the Sabellians those also who affirme him to bee but some created motion and power to be breif we detest al those that do anie wise withstand either the true coessentiall and coaeternal Deitie of the holie Ghost or his proceeding from the Father and the Sonne Defended by IOHN NISSOLIVS Semenensis Occitanus PRINCIPLES VPPON THE ARTICLE I BELEEVE THAT THERE IS A HOLY CATHOLICK CHVRCH L. 1 OMitting in this place the questiō whether there be a Church or no as an vnnecessarie point we will rather see what the Church is 2 The word CHVRCH taken from the common custome of publick affaires where the people beeing called by the voice of a cryer did meet together began euen from the verie time of the Apostles the name of Sinagogues being left vnto the Iewish conuentions to be applied vnto their meetings who embracing the voice of the Gospell were wont to haue publick assemblies for the vse of Religion 3 Now the thing it self signified by this word is drawn farther that is to expresse the companie of those who being raised vp from the
seemed indeed to haue beene done vpon some colour of reason but it had a most ill issue and wee affirme that this is it that IOHN in the Reuelation doth meane by the image of the Beast 4 For hence it came to passe the aequality of the Churches beeing taken away and the order of Priorship beeing vnder the colour of auoiding schisme transformed into superioritie that in steede of the Apostolicall and the truly diuine gouernment of the church by the Eldership the humaine order of Bishoppes was by little and little brought in and from thence presentlie sprang that horrible Antichristian tyrannie the chief head whereof nowe for these manie yeares hath beene that counterfait Romaine Bishop 5 Yet of this order as long as the Lord raised vp those who did so vse this office of Bishop invēted by man as they did maintaine and set forward Gods Church there was some vse as whereby in some sort the puritye of Christian doctrine hath bene maintained 6 It was apointed to the ouerthrow of the endeuours of Sathan and his ministers not by man but by God both before the comming of Christ and in the time of the Apostles that there should bee held certaine Assemblies of the godlie both for the preseruation and reformation of Religion and also for the appeasing of controuersies risen in the Church the which meetings are called in the storie of the Christian Church by the name of Synods and Councels 7 But when as these euils did not alwaies infect the whole bodie of the Churche but did rather spring from particuler members It was not without great cause obserued in the ancient Church that certain Prouinciall assemblies should be helde at appointed times wherin the controuersies if any had risen in the prouince wer determined according to the worde of God and the outward order of the Church so appointed as was thought expedient 8 As often as the harme grew farther there is no dout but the godly the religious Pastors of churches though dwelling in diuers Prouinces did yet conferre togeather without any ambition concerning the remedies thereof as it apeareth out of the stories of the Councels and the writings of the ancient Fathers that were before the councell of Nice the aeternal God verie mightily blessing their zeal before euer the ambition of Bishoppes seas was knowen in the Church 9 But as Christian Religion after that the Romaine Empire submitted it self vnto Christ vnder CONSTANTINE the great began greatly to florishe all outward persecution being ended So Sathan on the other side began after a marueilous sort openly to set vp the Mystery of iniquity which before hand secretly had taken some growth 10 Hervpon that authority of the Seas ouer their brethren and fellowe-Ministers was established in that first councell of Nice which otherwise was a Christian assemblie and one of the most famous since that time the which authoritie could bee afterward restrained by the force of no Canons and decrees but that it brake vnto that horrible tyrannie which wasted and at this day dooth deuour the whole Church 11 There were notwithstanding the Lorde rightlie vsing this euill vnto the preseruation of his Church in these times Councels gathered and ended vnto many good purposes by the authority of godlie Romaine Emperours against those haeresies which inuaded the vniuersall body of the Church and they are therfore called general councels because the Emperours of Rome did then gouerne the most part of the world 12 Now it is manifest that these councels were graunted by the Emperours vpon the entreatie and requeste of godlie Bishops whereas otherwise the haeretickes and factious heades would not haue yealded vnto the Ecclesiasticall censures and judgements of the godly Pastors and Elders had it not beene for the authoritie of the Emperours especiallie seeing manie Churches woulde receaue those that were cast out by their Pastors as the whole auncient storie doth testifie 13 It is also manifest that the Bishops themselues or such as was sent by them to supplie their roomes satte as the Iudges in these councels and meetings for the Episcopall degree of superioritie which was euen then a great staine vnto the Church of God was euen at that time crept thereinto 14 Yet in these meetings either the Romaine Emperour himself or some noble men sent with commission by him in his stead were present but not as beeing to judge or to giue the definitiue sentence but as beeing to moderate the behauiours of the Bishops themselues which yet sometimes they could by no meanes bring to passe as yet appeareth in that sacrilegious synod of EPHESVS otherwhiles though with great labour they did in some sort effect 15 In these Synods were heard and admitted euen lay-men as they call them that no man should be condemned before his cause were heard Now the whole controuersie concerning Christian Religion was first of al properly defined out of the written word of God Next and in the second place were brought the auncient Christian Fathers yet so as of them selues they were not beleeued but receiued so far as they agreed to the word of God To conclude the determination of the Synods being sent vnto the Christian Emperours were established by their vnviolable constitutions 16 In these Synodes were determined both the waightier controuersies risen among the Bishoppes themselues togeather with their elections and depositions and also the rules concerning the generall gouernement of the Church which the Greekes call Canons were enacted 17 Hence it appeareth what place those Councels are to haue which are called by the authoritie of the counterfeit Romaine Bishop and concluded by the suffrages and voyce of his own vassals both to the establishing of his tyranie and also to the ouerthrow of all godlines and whatsoeuer good order hath bene confirmed by the approoued ancient Canons 18 Now that the Romain Empire is seuered into parts and the gouernment of Christendome deuided into diuers kingdomes and estates If any man should demand what way we think meet for the gathering of Synods we answer after this sort 19 First in those Churches who haue Christian Magistrats care is to be had after the truth of Religion and the right gouernement of the Church be established that they haue setled ordinary meetinges according to the conuenient distribution that they haue made of their Churches to the ende that the controuersies either alreadie risen or beeing likelie to arise maye bee appeased and preuented and the progresse of the Churches of euery Prouince may be looked vnto vnto which worke the authoritye of the Christian Magistrates is also to be vsed 20 But where the Magistrates doe not professe true religion we see not to what end the appointing of Synodes either ordinarie or extraordinarie should depend vppon their authoritie In such a case then the Pastors are wisely to fore-see that the Church of God be gouerned notwithstanding all the impediments of the aduersaries 21 Now what hope there can be of a generall Counsel
5 The principall and chief end therefore of the holie Ministerie in respect of saluation was alwaies one namelie the laying open of Gods goodnes touching the saluatiō of men by meanes of the free couenant made in Christ onelie who both before and vnder the rudiments of the Law was shadowed and manifested in deed in the fulnesse of time 6 Yet of this holie ministerie both before and vnder the law there were three generall parts namely to teach to sacrifice to blesse as might be shewed by many testimonies of the scripture vnder the name of sacrifice we vnderstand all sorts of rites as vnder the name of blessing wee containe publike prayers 7 Of the holy doctrine there haue beene two kindes namely the law denouncing judgement and death the Gospell offering life freelie giuen vnto the repentant 8 Yet is it not properlie the lawe but the transgression thereof that doth kill 9 The Legall ceremonies were certaine appurtenances both of the law and the Gospell wherin as in a glasse were to be seene though in a contrary regard both the cursse of the law and also the blessing of the Gospell 11 The ministery of Moses notwithstanding compared with the ministery of the Gospell is for three causes called the ministery of death The one because that the lawe written was giuē by Moses whereby death was more manifestly layde before the eyes of sinners then euer before 12 The other because Moses did labor much more in setting downe the Lawe then in opening the promises of the Gospell that men might learne by the terrors thereof to frame thē-selues vnto the receiuing of perfecter things that were to be manifested at the time appointed and not place the hope of saluation in these rites Thirdly because the Lawe indeed dooth point out the disease that bringeth death but doth not heale it yea rather encrease the same through our falt in that it requireth of vs the execution of the Commandements and giueth vs not abilitie to performe them 12 But in the Gospell the picture whereof in a sorte was that externall worshippe of the Lawe God giueth by his holy spirite the abilitie to performe the promise of the same that is the power to repent and belieue And therefore the preaching of the Gospell is called the spirite ingraffed in our heartes but the Lawe is tearmed the dead letter that is a dead writing engrauen in Tables of Stone 13 Wherefore the Ministery not onely of the olde but also of the newe Testament was ordained not by men but by the Lord who both instructed and also called both the Patriarches and also Moses Aaron to exercise the same and afterwarde declared to Moses the rule and the forme thereof as hee would haue it executed among his people wherevnto it was not lawefull to adde or to detract any thing 14 And because the Lord fore-sawe the negligence and the wickednes of the Priests hee did therefore ordaine in the auncient Church both before and vnder the lawe not onely an ordinary which vnder the lawe was especiallie assigned vnto the Tribe of Leuy but also an extraordinary that is a Propheticall ministerie vnto whome the Priests and Kings themselues were to yeld obedience and whose office was to teach the whole people partly by a more exquisite exposition of the lawe and partly by terrifiyng the disobedient by fearfull Reuelationes of Gods judgments and comforting the godlie by most louing promises 15 Their ministerie was extraordinarie for although there were certaine colledges of Prophets when and as often as it pleased God yet were they not apointed by man neither did they leane vpon any ordinarie calling Briefly God did enspire with his Spirite whome it pleased him respecting therein neither sex nor calling 16 Both these Ministeries did the Lorde promise vnto his people by MOSES and withall shewed how false Prophets whome the people were to take heede of might bee discerned from the true whome they were to heare 17 The Lord ordained this Ministerie of men not that he was compelled thereto by any necessitie but that therby he regarded mans infirmitie 18 Yet he neuer vsed it in such sort as hee would giue his owne glorie therevnto that is the authoritie to performe those thinges which the diuine power alone bringeth to passe but he effecteth externall things onely by his Ministerie performing those thinges by his owne inward power alone which were declared vnto the senses of the hearers by the outward ministerie of men 19 Therefore hee performeth what he thinkeh good inwardlie in the vnderstanding and will of man when and as often as it pleaseth him even without the externall ministerie but he who ever neglecteth the ordinarie ministerie or by vnbeleefe doth seuere the inwarde force from the outwarde administration that man tempteth God sheweth himself vnworthie of his grace But as for those that any wise ascribe the proper worke of God vnto the ministerie of men they are to bee accounted meere superstitious and even plaine Idolators Defended by ARON CAPEL an English-man of London PRINCIPLES TOVCHING THE MINISTERS OF THE WORDE VNDER THE GOSPEL LXXIII 1 BEcause God by means of his Ministers from the beginning of the world vnto this day hath with the word of life sustained man being fallen the order both of time and doctrine requireth that seeing we haue in the former Principles spoken of the Ministerie which God ordained in his Church both before and after the law We now deale with that Ministery which Christ after the abolishing of the law appointed in these last times to be in the Christian Church 2 And to the end that the summe and the truth of the whole matter may be more clearely set downe we affirme first of all that there are three sortes of Ecclesiasticall functions to be gathered out of the holie Scriptures For some doe attend vpon the preaching of the word of which sort were Apostles prophets Euangelists and at this day Pastors and Teachers Others haue the ouersight of the gathering and right distribution of the Church goods The third sort doe watch ouer the manners of men in preuenting offences and preseruing the right gouernement of the Church 3 Christ therefore as the Son and the soueraigne Lord and gouernor of his Fathers house did not only perfectlie set downe the doctrine of the couenant but also declared by what callings hee would haue his Fathers house that is the Church to be gouerned 4 And therefore he himselfe as PAVLE saith gaue for the worke of the Ministerie and the knitting togeather of the Saints some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some Pastors and Teachers 5 Neither is it to bee inferred either that all these callings were ordained to bee perpetually in the Church or yet on the other side that all of them were to continue but onely for a time 6 Now all these names as also the name of Elders and Deacons are sometimes in a general signification attributed vnto al those who haue the ministery of
abolish the authority of the Eldership doe pretend that men arrogate vnto themselues the authoritie of God and Christ in retaining or remitting sinnes Hence also it followeth that those Ecclesiastical censures are of no force which are exercised by those who were not appointed by God to be judges in that cause and wherein either the lawfull triall of the cause hath not gone before or the sentence hath exceeded those bounds within the which God will haue the authority of the Eldership to be contained much more are their censures of no effect who vnder the false pretence of Gods name do judge contrarie vnto his word 27 This manner of confession either before the Eldership or Presbyterie is so far from procuring any discredite with men vnto the offender that contrariwise it restoreth the sinner who dooth repent vnto that dignity and excellencie amongst Christians whereunto they are promoted who are made the sonnes of God Defended by BARNARD MORLANVS of Bearne PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE MAGISTRACIE LXXVIII WEE HAVE HITHERTO SPOKEN CONcerning that gouernment which is properlie spirituall and meerelie Ecclesiastick it followeth that wee now deale with that which is directlie Ciuill 1 SEing Ecclesiasticall discipline doth according to the word of God alone take order with offences and that there are manie stubborne and obstinat persons to be found who cannot be drawne vnto the way by anie admonitions or censures of the Church either in regarde of pietie or yet of common quietnes an other remedy was to be prouided whereby this vntamed brutish vnrulines of men might be healed 2 This remedie is in their hands vnto whome a kinde of supreame power hath euer since the beginning of the world bene ascribed and in whose power the soueraigne gouernment hath bene alwaies in making of those lawes wherby the ciuill societie of men should be maintained 3 It is manifest by the common consent of men who haue rightlie judged that good lawes and their maintainers and defenders haue bene the worke of Gods Prouidence that this Ciuill power was not iustituted by men for the hurt of man but ordained by God for the preseruation of mankind in such sort as the Lord doth vouchsafe Magistrats to be called ELOHIM that is Gods 4 Of these formes of gouernments there are reckoned vp three sorts especiallie a Monarchie which is the gouernement of one aboue the rest an Aristocracie where many of the nobilitie best sort haue the gouernment in their hands and a Democratie where the same consisteth in the power of the whole people The Anabaptists therefore are to be detested who despise al gouernmēt speake euil of the superior powers vnder the pretence of a kinde of imaginarie perfection which stādeth not in need of the gouernmēt of any mā Their cauill is also friuolous wherby they goe about to proue that we can haue no vse of the Magistracy becaus we acknowledge Iesus Christ for our Lord and King by whose spirit we are led wheras the inward power which the Lorde exerciseth by the vertue of his Spirite in the consciences of his children doth not onlie exclude that outward dominiō which belongeth vnto the Magistrate as vnto Gods Liuetenaunt but doth establish the same 5 We affirme that the dutie of the Magistrate dooth extend it self vnto both the Tables of Gods law or as the Apostle saieth that it is their dutie to prouide that their subjects may not onlie liue peaceablie but also religiously But in a diuers respect and manner 6 For in respect of the first Table it is vnlawfull for the Magistrates to inuent anie lawes touching Religion but their dutie is to see that the worship of God be vnderstood and practised by their subjects as it is fullie set down in the sacred bookes of both the Testaments which haue bene written by the Apostles Prophetes and Euangelists 7 The Magistrates also are bound if necessitie so require to compel such as are in the Ecclesiastical function vnto the godlie and carefull performance of their dutie they are much more bound to punish blasphemers and such as either broach haeresies make a departure from the Church by schismes or brieflie doe anie wise endeuour to ouerthrow the truth of the Gospell together with those who will not suffer themselues to be called into the right way by the Censures of the Church 8 And if anie controuersie doe arise concerning the truth of doctrine vnto the appeasing wherof an extraordinarie meeting of the Pastors the Doctors of the Church seemeth needfull It is the dutie of the Magistrate to call a Synode to gather the Ministers together thereunto and to see that the whole controuersie bee decided according to the holie Scriptures and being decided that it bee extinguished and vtterlie put out The Pope therefore dooth thrust his sickle vnto other mens corne who doth licentiouslie arrogate vnto himself this power of summoning Councels at his owne pleasure which was in times past justlie exercised by the godlie Emperours and Kings 9 Now touching the second Table the Magistrates are to see that by their just lawes they be the protectours and defenders of publick innocencie modesty and tranquillitie that they maintaine the good from the injuries of the euill men and vphold by their help and power such as are oppressed brieflie that they haue a regard of the cōmon goods of all their subjects 10 This cānot be performed by them except they be endued with power might wherfore they are to be armed with the sword to the end that they suffer not those sins to remaine vnpunished which God and the behoofe of the Common-wealth require to be punished 11 Hence also wee vnderstand that when necessitie so compelleth them and when they cannot otherwise defend the Dominions committed vnto their gouernement they may lawfullie proclaime warre both that they may thereby keepe vnder the seditious practises of the vnbrideled Domesticall disturbers of the common peace and quietnes and deliuer their Dominions from the inuasions or anie other the attempts of their forraine enemies 12 For the vpholding of this burthen they may lawefullie require tributes and subsidies of the people whome they gouerne The annuall reuenues furthermore whereby the Magistrates doe maintaine the honour and magnificence of their daily port and traine beeing thinges in some sort joyned with the dignitie of the Gouernement which they beare are to be paied vnto them 13 It is their dutie also to publish the lawes and edicts which seeme necessarie for the right gouernment of the ciuill pollicie according to the circumstances of time place and persons 14 No vnchāgeable rule of these laws by reason of the varietie of circumstances can be set downe saue onely this one namely that they be leaueled and directed vnto Gods glorie and to the good of the subjects Wee doe therefore condemne those customes lawes and constitutions which decline from this aeternall rule of the honour of God and loue towards our neighbor and do permit either theft stewes or any such