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A20920 Certayne letters, translated into English, being first written in Latine. Two, by the reverend and learned Mr. Francis Iunius, divinitie reader at Leyden in Holland. The other, by the exiled English Church, abiding for the present at Amsterdam in Holland. Together with the confession of faith prefixed: where vpon the said letters were first written Junius, Franciscus, 1545-1602.; R. G., fl. 1602.; Junius, Franciscus, 1545-1602. Christian letter.; Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618.; Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1602 (1602) STC 7298; ESTC S105409 64,792 60

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prudent part if thou abstaine from stirring the evill that is well appeased an impotent thing if thou doe contrariwise And to what end I pray you is it To the end that you might purge your selues But here is no man that doth repeate anew or lay these accusations against you Wherefore serueth this purgatiō that yee may be euen with them against whom yee cōplaine But this is not the part of a Christian I doe not thinke that this is your meaning Is it to reforme them This indeed is an holy endeuour But if yee could not doe this when yee were present cōsider what yee can doe when yee are absent But first of all consider with your selues by what meanes yee take this way namely to accuse to me to others to the publike in the theatre of the Church in the circle of the world Ah beloued brethren was it euer heard of that any priuate man to say nothing of a great communitie was euer amended by this course Further consider I pray you before whom yee bring these things I will speak of my selfe to whom alone yee would commit this your little booke I know not whether in this your little booke yee call upon me as an intercessor or examiner or a Iudge For if as an intercessor were it not better that your cōplain●s were kept secret then layed open which tendeth to reproch and the Church of Christ innumerable soules weake strangers to be beaten with the types of your impression It is most manifest that they against whom yee deale wil be more prouoked by this grieuous sting If as an examiner by what right can I doe it who haue no lawful authority from God from the Church from the Magistrate or frō both the parties neither if it should be committed would I easily accept it I am so privie to my selfe of my owne insufficiencie for who am I or what am I that I should be able throughly to see euery particular thing concerning you and them which are required to a iust examination And this the right course of examination doth require otherwise as Seneca wisely saith he that judgeth one party being not heard albeit he iudgeth that which is right yet he is vniust Yee are not a little deceiued in this your iudgement beloued brethren Yee almost do me an iniury when ye call me to be a busie body or think that I wil take upon me the part of an examiner or that which is more subject to envie and farre from duetie of a Iudge And brethrē that which I say of my selfe thinke that is the answere of the other brethren which are any where els in Churches and Vniversities No wise man will rashly goe downe these steps or clime vp to this seate of judgement In deed concerning your faith and doctrine something may be said if you expound it and if the thing be done in order But touching the accusatiō of your coūtreymen and of mattets passed to and fro no wise man by my consent wil on this condition take vpon him the burthen of iudging And for Gods sake consider the event of this fact For I pray you whom would it profit if that were done which yee desire Certainly neither would it profit you nor thē nor these with whom ye soiourne nor the Church of God Contrariwise whom would it not hurt This thing would set you more on fire as contentions are woont the more to make hote the more they are stirred It would more alienate them whom yee pretend to be to injuriously enstranged from you For this is not the way of teaching nor of informing nor of seeking reconciliation It would rent asunder the good men whose hospitality yee doe now commodiously vse either frō you or amongst themselues which duetie they have not deserved of you by their hospitalitie It would set a more grievous fier on the whole Church and spread through all her ioynts which God turne away And that vnwise mā which should vsurpe this authority it would make a scorne to ill tōgues while good men would pittie his vaine labour and your expectation Lastly that I may also adde this and marke brethren how sincerely and brotherly I deale with you albeit I might and would lawfully give sentence both of your faith which yee declare and also of the fact of accusatiō which yee bend against your countreymen Yet yee by this course and maner of dealing have taken from me the authority of doing that which yee require touching your fact your selves by this maner of request do hinder your owne desier Ye will marvalle perhaps at that which I say and yet it is so For you doe so require my iudgement as you doe also with all require the iudgement of all Vniversities and Students If you request this in common then you doe not desire that I should doe it alone but if particularly doe you thinke that any of vs will be so mad that when the judgement of so many good men and diligence is desired some one Palamon should take vpon him the chiefest parts and should by him selfe speake of that thing which is required of so many as learned yea better learned and better furnished with pi●●ie judgement and experience which requireth a serious consultation an holy communication and a ripe inoffensive judgment But now of the third thing what shal I say your selves I think beloved brethren do mynd that if I cannot on this condition neyther ought to give answer concerning the two points a foresaid it would be vtterly vnjust if I should as yet determine any thing on eyther side towching the cōclusion which you draw frō thence that is from those premisses But I verily suspēd my iudgemēt brethrē I suspend my iudgemēt in this cause even as God nature reason and al lawes command me to do Ye know I think the causes by these things which ye haue now read shal learne besides by other things which God shal minister vnto you I hope by the spirit of trueth and wisdome I ought not to iudge with my selfe of matters vnknowne at least not so evident neither yet with such forward boldnesse to pronoūce among you or others the matter being not sufficiently manifest to my selfe God knoweth and iudgeth to whom stand or fall as many as are his servants Otherwise I trust yee are not ignorāt that there are three things which euē frō the verie infancie of the Church the holy fathers would haue to be distinguished by the word of God among the people of God namely faith or doctrine conversation or manners and the order of discipline And all wise men haue taught this with one consent and delivered it to posteritie that where the foundation of the truth of doctrine remaineth which is the piller of saluation although with most corrupt manners and discipline there the Church remaineth that no man ought rashly to separate himselfe from that Church whiles he
may tarry in it without ship wracke of faith and conscience or take from it the name of a Church especially seeing euery Church consisteth of Pastors and flocke which if some Pastors or Prelates trouble yet it is vnmeete that this name either should be taken away from the other Pastors which Christ doth witnesse by the doctrine of truth or from the flocke which Christ hath purchased with his owne bloode and doth daily sanctifie with the washing of the newe birth by the worde This ought to be sufficient for you if any thing have offended you at home that now the fatherly mercifull providence of God hath provided for you elsewhere Certainely whiles yee inueigh against those Churches yee shal make that your cause neuer the better neither more probable with good men which thing if yee have not yet considered and conceived by my aduise and counsell and by the admonition of those which wish you wel experience it selfe at last God grant it be not to late and he informe you in good will prooue all th●se things vnto you For by the trueth of doctrine holinesse of life by the worke of faith and patience and by the dueties of charitie euen towards them of whome yee professe that ye are wronged yee shal rather approove your selves and your cause thē by outcryes and publishing of writings euen as our Sauiour is saide to bring iudgement to victorie not by filling the streetes with shouting and clamours but by blowing gently into the smoking flax and tender handling the bruised reede Which thinges seeing they be so I beseech you most louing brethrē in Christ by that most holi name of Christ which ye profese by those bowels mercie wherewith Christ hath embraced vs frō on high that yee would thinke of another course that yee would take another way to salvation to edificatiō to peace If there be consent shake not your faith which is not to be winnowed againe by new reasons This course is suspitious But if it must needs be sifted let it suffice you that it be first approved by those servants of God among whome yee dwell this is certainnly a lawfull course Forgiue the former iniuries if any have beene by Christian charitie to them from whom yee have received the same hide them frō others by Christiā wisdome There is no feare that by so doing yee should be burst God will enlarge your harts by the spirite of charitie most cōmodiously Looke to your selues that overcomming al sharpnesse and al bitternesse of minde yee may be acceptable to Christ and profitable to the Church and that the sweet odour of your pietie may be spread in speach in life in order to all the godly without the stench of enmitie and schisme Iudge not that yee be not iudged But abstaine from those heavie determinations and conclusions as they call them against othermen neither labour either to get Abetters or partakers in that your former iudgement which would be saide in you to be a spice of faction in them of imprudencie or else to drawe them to an vnseasonable vncivill inconvenient and dangerous deliuerie of opinions Pitie your selues I beseech you most louing brethren and the whole flocke which is gathered among you Haue pittie of them whome thorough error infirmitie yee cry out be hurt Pitie your entertainers among whome it were a most i●iurious thing that ye should sowe these tates especially being admonished And it would be a greate indignitie by clamours and writings to brede in them suspicions and sinister opinions eyther of your selves or of those your adversaries as you count them or els of both Finally pitie the Church of Christ which verily it is not comely nor expedient neither in any case tolerable amōg so many and greeuous wounds which are universally given vnto it to be further galled with this particular wound So let God almightie loue you and Iesus Christ that most mercifull Lord and our Sauiour be mercifull vnto you And if I shall be able to doe any good in the publicke cause and yours assure your selves that I will spare no diligence no labour no paines that you with vs and all togither may be filled with sāctimony without which none shal se God with the good things of the Lord in his house and before his face And the God of peace which hath raised from the dead our Lord Iesus that great sheepeheard of the sheepe by the blood of the eternall couenant make you perfect in euery good worke to doe his will working in you that which is acceptable in his sight by Iesus Christ to whom be glorie for ever and ever Amen And I pray you brethren suffer this word of exhortation which I have briefely writtē vnto you The grace of God be with you all Amen From Leyden this Saturday the 9. of Ianuary 1599. Yours in the Lord Francis Iunius The answer to the Letter aforesaid To the Reverend and learned Mr. Francis Iunius our beloved brother in Christ At Leyden in Holland GRace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Iesus Christ our Saviour Reverend Sr. and beloved brother in Christ we have lately received your letter which you sent vnsealed to the Ministers of the Dutch and frēch Churches that it might first be read of thē and them be delyvered to vs. We have also read and weighed it and thought it meet to wryte agayne partly to thank you that vouched safe to write vnto vs partly to satisfy you if we can in some thinges wherein we see you are mistaken In the wryting wherof we humbly request that speaking freely that which the thing it self requireth you would take it in good part as you are woōt Many thinges indeed you have wrytten which we do willingly acknowledg and consent therein with you Those we will not touch at all The rest we will prosequute in the same order as by your self ●hey are propounded Whereas there was a litle booke exhibited vnto you by one of vs it is not so to be takē as if you were called vpō alone or apart from others For the brother which delyvered you the booke certified vs that this passed betwene you that by you it should be communicated with your Colleagues the governours of that Vniversity and that you tooke vpon you to do it Now if you have so done how is it that you alone wryte back againe why also do you so often repeat and seeme to reprehend that you you we say alone apart are called vpon If you have not done it mynde then on whome the blame lyeth that it is not communicated with thē in that Vniversity to whome by vs it was dedicated And we do now agayne entreat you that being myndfull of your promyse you would performe it that so you with the other learned and godly men and brethren there may eyther convynce our fayth and cause of errour or els together with vs conted for this sayth once gyven to
be seen This it is not likely Mr. Iunius himself would doe but was perhaps the printers fault or rather indeed the translators evil mind for his mother churches advantage whō falshood seeketh to vphold when syncerity and truth hath forsaken her It shal therfore rest vpon him as the first fruits of his evil labours in this kind til he clear himself The Apostles and Prophets and Martyrs by him mentioned dealt not so Neither yet did they alwayes insist vpon a plaine and simple asseveration of the truth but mainteyned it also with proofes and arguments from scripture and sound reason against such as oppugned the same Act. 17.2.3 and 18.28 and 28.23 Rom 1.17 and 3.4.10 and and and and 1 Cor. Gal. 3.6 and Esa 40.12 and and 44.6 and c. Mal. 4.4 Acts monuments in the historie of Mr. Brute Thorp Lambert Ridly Philpot Bradford and many others And though the Apostles and Prophets had yet no mās asseveratiō now may be compared with theirs but must be tried by their writings And so these Christian exiles published to that end their faith vnto the world against which to this day neither Mr. Iunius nor any els of that or the other vniversities have to our knowledge vsed any one weighty and sound reason grounded vpon the holy scripture of God as this translator would bear men in hand he doth and as the Prophets did in al their asseverations taking their ground from the law before given Mat. 22.40 The Lord rebuke Satan and make bright the glorie of his name and Gospel and turne to the profit of every faithful soule these things now published by his vnworthy and contemned servants to his owne eternal prayse in Christ Amen To the Reader By the Printers default there are good Reader a few faults escaped in the printing some whereof are here noted Which with the rest thou observest thy self we pray thee amend thus Pag. 11. lin 13. then to make Pag. 12. l. 8. all that Pag. 15. l. blot out these marcks * ‡ * ‡ Pag. 16. l. 1. also * of old And lin 7. Iob. 1.6 Pag. 17. l. 3. vnwritten And blot out of men Pag. 18. l. 13. Act. 3.22 Pag. 24. l. 34. Eph. 4.11 Pag. 25. l. 20. ●iev 2.1 1. King 12. Pag. 27. l. 28. Gal. 3.28.29 Pag. 29. l. 1. no whit L. 18.1 Tim. 2.2 L. 49. Exod. 18.12 and 10 1● Pag. 39. l. 7. Churches of this city that etc. and then be delivered L. 27. contend Pag. 40. l. 26. publish Pag. 41. l. 1. their private Confessions of faith their apol L. 7.8 prevaile Pag. 42. l. 22. let vs. Pag. 45. l. 13. ingenuously Pag. 47. in the margent l. 10. licet vobis And l. 13. discindere P. 48. l. 10 cōsent P. 50. li. 9. evē to strive earnestly P. 51. l. 32. taunting Pag. 53. l. 3. yea so L. 13. many weak ones before so many deadly Pa. 54. l. 1. Amst is such as being but one yet it meeteth in three severall places wherevpon it is so confus etc. And li. 32. Gal. 4.10.11 Note besides where Mr. Iunius in his second letter Pag. 47. pretendeth as if there had ben some fault in the Messenger or vs that he knew not to whom or whither he should have written his first that in the book it self which was delivered vnto him there was particular mention both of the place and of the partyes from whō it came as may be seen in the Epistle prefired before it which is of the dedication to the vniversityes And els how knew he at the moneths end more then before to whom and whither to send as he did Which poynt is so very playne as to himself we thought there needed not then so much as any mention of it Yet thought we here to note it least some others not observing so much might thinck the fault wherof he speaketh to ly on vs or the messēger which what soever it were is still to rest vpon himself for ought we know The Confession of fayth of certayne English people living in exile in the Low countreyes Together vvith the Preface to the Reader Which we wish of all may be read and considered 2. Cor. 4 13. We beleev therefore have we spoken Harmony of Confess in the preface set before it in the Name of the French and Belgick Churches The Prelates and Priests do alvvay cry out that vve are Hereticks Schismaticks and Sectaryes Hovvbeit let thē knovv that the crime of Heresy is not to be imputed to thē vvhose faith doth vvholy rely vpon most sure grounds of the Scripture That they are not Schismaticks vvho entierly cleave to the true Church of God such as the Prophets and Apostles do describe vnto vs Nor they to be counted Sectaryes vvho embrace the truth of God vvhich is one and alvvayes like it self To the reverend and learned men the Students of holy Scripture in the Christian Vniversities of Leyden in Holland of Sanctandrewes in Scotland of Heidelbergh Geneva and the other like famous scholes of learning in the Low countreyes Scotland Germany and France The English exiles in the Low countreys wish grace and peace in Iesus Christ THis true confession of our faith in our judgment wholy agreable to the sacred Scripture we do here exhibit vnto all to be discussed and vnto you reverend Sirs we dedicate it for two causes First for that we know you are able in respect of your singular knowledge in the Scriptures and hope you are willing in respect of your syncere piety to convince our errours by the light of Gods word if in any thing we be out of the way Secondly that this testimony of Christian faith if you also fynd it agree with the word of truth may by you be approved eyther in silence or by writing as you shall think best It may be we shal be thought very bold that being despised of all yet doubted not to sollicite you so many and so great learned men But this we did partly at the request of others to whom we would not deny it partly with desier to have the truth through your help better defended and further spread abroad partly cōstreyned by our exile and other calamityes almost infinite partly also moved with love of our native coūtrey and of these wherein now we live and others else where wishing that all may walk with a right foot to the truth of the Gospell and praying daily vnto God that the great work of restoring Religion and the Church decayed which he hath happily begun in these latter tymes by our Gracious Soveraigne and the other Princes of these countreyes and ages his servants he would fully accomplish to the glory of his name and eternall salvation in Christ of his elect in all places of the earth As for the causes which moved vs to publish this Confession of faith and to forsake the Church of England as now
never allowed and which never entred in to his hart yea which he hath so severely for bydden with fearefull judgements threatned vnto all hat shall so do But because we have bene very grievously slādred in our owne nation and the bruit thereoff hath followed vs vnto this land wherby we have bene hardly deemed of by many without cause we have bene forced at length to publysh this briefe but true confession of our fayth for the cleering of our selves from sclander and satisfying of many who desyred to knowe the thinges we hold Wherein if in any thinge we erre as who is so perfit that he erreth not we reade good reader thy Christian brotherly censure and information promysing alwayes through the grace of God to yeild vnto the truth when it shall be further shewed vs and leave our errors when by the light of his word they shal be reproved In lyke manner it shall be thy part and duty to acknowledge and submytt vnto the truth by whome soever it is professed looking allwayes rather to the preciousnes of the treasure it self then to the basenes of the vessells which conteyne it or the infirmities of those that witnes the same in whose mortall bodyes thow shalt see nothing but the markes and dyeing of our lord Ihesus Christ But hold not thy fayth in respect of mens persons neyther be thow moved at the evyl reports wich have bene raised of vs Here hast thow the trewe summe of our Christian fayth try all thinges by the true light of Gods word and if thou shalt reape and profit by these our labours gyve God the glory and remember vs vnto him in thy prayers Farewell in Christ Iesus 1596. THE CONFESSION OF FAITH OF CERTAINE ENGLISH PEOPLE IN THE LOW COvNTREYES EXILED We● beleeue with the heart confes with the mouth THat there is but one God one Christ one Spirit one Church one truth one Faith one true Religion one rule of godlines and obedience for all Christians in all places at all tymes to be observed 2 God is a Spirit whose beeing is of himself and giveth beeing moving and preservation to all other thing● beeing himself eternal most holy every way infinit● in greatnes wisdome power goodnes iustice truth etc. In this Godhead there be three distinct persons coeternall coequall and coessentiall beeing every one of them one and the same God and therefore not divided but distinguished one from another by theyr severall and peculiar propertie The Father of whom are the other persons but he of none the Sonne begotten of the Father from everlasting the holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Sonne before all beginnings 3 God hath decreed in himself from everlasting touching all things and the very least circumstances of every thing effectually to work and dispose them according to the counsell of his owne will to the glory of his name And touching his cheefest creatures GOD hath in Christ before the foundation of the world according to the good pleasure of his will foreordeyned some ●en and Angels to eternall lyfe to be accomplished through Iesus Christ to the ● prayse of the glorie of his grace 〈◊〉 hath also of al● according to his iust purpose foreappointed other both ●●xes● and ui●● to eternall condemnation to be accomplished through their owne corruptiō and desert to the praise of his iustice In the beginning God made al things of nothing veri good and created 〈◊〉 after his owne image and liknes in righteousnes ād holines of truth But streight ways after by the subtiltrie of the serpēt which Sathan vsed as his instrument himself with his Angels having sinned before and not kept their first esstate but left their owne habitation first Eva then Adam being seduced did wittingly and willingly fall into disobedience and trāsgressiō of the co●mnaund●●●nt of God For the which death came vpon all and reigneth over all pea euen over infants also which have not sinned after the like maner of the trangression of Adam that is actually Hence also it is that all since the fall of Adam are begotten in his owne liknes after his image being conceyved and formed in iniquitie and so by nature children of wrath and servants of sinne and subiect to death and al other calamities due vnto sinne in this world and for ever 5 All mankind being thus fallen and become altogether dead in sinne and subiect to the eternall wrath of God both by originall and actuall corruption Yet the elect all and onely are redeemed quickned raysed vp and saved againe not of themselves neyther by works lest anie man should boast him self but wholly and only by GOD of his free grace and mercy through faith in Christ Iesus who of God is made vnto vs wisdome and rights a●s●es and sanctification and redemption that according as it is written Hee that resorceth may reio●ce in the Lord. 6 This therfort is lyfe eternall to know the only true God and whom hee hath sent into the world Iesus Christ And on the contrarie the Lord will render vengeance in ●laming fire vnto than that know not God and which over not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ 7 How the rule of this ●nowledge faith and obediēc● concerning the worship ād service of God and all other christiā dinityes is not mens opinions devises lawes constitutions or traditions w●ritten whatsoeuer of men but onely the written word of God conteyned in the canonicall bookes of the old and new Testament 8 In this word Iesus Christ hath plainely reveled whatsoever his father thought needfull for vs to know beleeue and acknowledge as touching his person and Office in whom all the promises of God are yea and in whom they are Amen to the prayse of God through vs. 9 Touching his person the Lord Iesus of whom Moses and the Prophets wrote and whom the Apostl●s preached is the everlasting Sonne of God the father by eternall generation the brightnes of his glorie and the engrauē forthe of his Person coeffitiall co●qual and coeternall God with him and with the holy Ghost Ioy whō hee made the worlds vp whō hee vpholdeth and governeth all the works hee hath made Who also whē the fulnes of tyme was come was made man of a woman of the Tribe of Iudah of the seed of Dauid and Abraham to wyt of Mary that blessed Virgin by the holy Ghost comming vpon hir and the power of the most high ouershadowing hir and was also in al things lyke vnto vs sinne only excepted 10 Touching his Office Iesus Christ only i● made the Medi●tor of the new Testamēt even of the everlasting Couenant of grace betweē God mā to be per●●c●ly and fully the Prophet Priest and King of the Church of God for evermore 11 Vnto this office hee was from everlasting by the
any commandement or vnder anie colour whatsoever 33 And being come forth of this antichristian estate vnto the freedom and true profession of Christ besides the instructing and well guyding of their owne families they are willingly to ioyne together in christian communion and orderly covenant and by free confession of the faith and obediēce of Christ to vnite themselves into peculiar and visible congregations wherin as members of one body wherof Christ is the only head they are to worship and serve God according to his word remembring to keep holy the Lords day 34. Then also such to whom God hath given gifts to interpret the Scriptures tryed in the exercise of Prophecy attending to studie and learning may and ought by the appointment of the congregation to prophecy according to the proportion of faith and so to teach publickly the word of God for the edification exhort●tion and comfort of the Church Vntill such tyme as the people do meet for and God manifest men with able guifts and 〈◊〉 to such Office or Offices as Christ hath appointed to the publick ministerie of his Church But no Sacraments to be administred vntill the Pastors or Teachers be chosen and ordeined into theyr office 35 And then wheresoever ther shall be a people fit and men furnished with meet and necessary guifts they are not onely still to continue the exercise of Prophecy aforsaid but also vpon due tryall to proceed vnto choyce and ordination of Officers for the ministery ād service of the Church according to the rule of Gods word And so hold on stil to walke forward in the ways of Christ for theyr mutuall edification and confort as it shall please God to give knowledge and gra●e therevnto And particularly that such as be of the seed or vnder the governmēt of anie of the Church be even in their infancie receyved to Baptisme and made partakers of the signe of Gods covenant made with the Faithful and their seed throughout all generations And that all of the Church that are of yeares and able to examine themselves doo communicate also in the Lords supper both men and women and in both kindes bread and wine In which elements as also in the water of baptisme even after they are consecrate there is neyther transubstantiation into nor cōsubstantiatiō with the bodye and blood of Iesus Christ whom the heavens must conteyne vntill the tyme that al things be restored But they are in the ordinance of God signes and seales of Gods everlasting covenant with vs representing and offring to all the receyvers but exhibiting only to the true beleevers the Lord Iesus Christ and all his benefits vnto righteousnes sanctification and eternall lyfe through faith in his name to the glorie and prayse of God 36 Thus being righly gathered established and still proceeding in christian communion and obedience of the Gospell of Christ none is to separate for falts and corruptions which may and so long as the Church consisteth of mortall men will fall out and arise among them even in true constituted Churches but by due order to seeke redresse therof 37. Such as yet see not the truth may heare the publik doctine and prayers of the church and with al meeknes are to bee sought by all meanes Yet none who are growne in yeares may bee received into their communion as members but such as doe make confession of their faith publickly desiring to be received as members and promissing to walke in the obedience of Christ Neyther any infants but such as are the seed of the faithfull by one of the parents or vnder their education and government And further not anie from one cōgregation to be received members in another without bringing certificate of their former estate and present purpose 38 And although the particular congregations be thus distinct and severall bodies every one as a compact and knit citie in it self yet are they all to walke by one and the same rule and by all meanes conveniēt to have the cōsell and help one of another in all needfull affaires of the Church as members of one body in the common faith vnder Christ their onely head 39 It is the office and dutie of Princes and Magistrates who by the ordinance of God are supreme governors vnder him over all persons and causes within their Realmes and dominions to suppresse and root out by their authority all false ministeries voluntarie religions and counterfeit worship of God to abolish and destroy the Idoll Temples Images Altars Vestments and all other monuments of idolatry and superstition and to take and convert to theyr owne ●●vile vses not only the benefit of all such idolatrous buildings and monuments but also the Revenues Demeanes Lordships Possessions Glea●es and maintenance of any false ministeryes and vnlawfull ecclesiasticall functions whatsoever within their dominions And on the other hand to establish and mainteine by their lawes every par● of Gods word his Christian Religion pure worship and true ministery described in his word to cherish and protect all such as are carefull ●o worship God according to his word and to lead a godly lyfe in all peace and loyaltie yea to enforce all their subiects whoever ecclesiasticall or civile to do their dutyes to God and men●protecting and mainteining the good punishing and restraining the evill according as God hath commaunded whose Lieutenants they are here on earth 40 And thus the protection and cōmandement of the Princes and Magistrates maketh it much more peaceable though no wit at all more lawfull to walke in the wayes and ordinances of Iesus Christ which he hath commanded his Church to keep without spot and vnrebukeable vntill his appearing in the end of the world And in this behalfe therefore the brethren thus mynded ād proceeding as is before said are both continually to supplicate to God and as they may to their Princes and Governors that thus and vnder them they may leade a quiet and peaceable lyfe in all godlines and honestie 41 And if God encline the Magistrates hearts ●o the allowance and Protecction of the Church therin it ought to be accompted a singular and happy blessing of God who granteth such nourcing Fathers and nourcing Mothers to his Church And it behoveth all to be carefull to walke worthie so great a mercy of God in all thankfulnes and obedience 42 But if God withold the Magistrates allowance and furtherāce herein yet must wee notwithstanding proceed together in Christiā covenant and communion thus to walke in the obedience of Christ ād confessiō of his faith and Gospell even through the middest of all tryalls and afflictions not accompting our goods lands wive● children Fathers Mothers brethren sisters no nor our lyves dear vnto vs so as we may finish our course with ioy remembring always that we ought to obey God rather then man and grounding vpon
the commandement commission and promise of our Saviour Christ who as hee hath all power in heaven and in earth so hath also promised if we keep his commandements which he hath given without limitation of tyme place Magistrates allowance or disallowance to be with vs vnto the end of the world and when we have finished our course and kept the faith to give vs the crowne of righteousnes which is layd vp for all that love his appearing 43 Vnto all men is to be given whatsoever is due vnto them Tributes Customes and all other such lawfull and accustomed dutyes ought willingly and orderly to be payed and performed Our lands goods and bodyes to be submitted in the Lord to the Magistrates pleasure And the Magistrates themselves every way to be acknowledged reverenced and obeyed according to godlines not because of wrath only but also for conscience sake And finally all men so to be esteemed and regarded as is due and meet for their place age estate and condition 44 And thus wee labour to give vnto God that which is Gods and vnto Cesar that which is Cesars and vnto all men that which be longeth vnto them Endevoring our selves to have alwayes a cleare conscience towards God and towards men And having hope in God that the resurrection of the dead shal be of the iust vnto life and of the vniust vnto condemnation everlasting Now if any take this to be heresie then do wee with the Apostle freely confesse that after the way which they call heresie wee worship God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ beleeving all things that are written in the Law and in the Prophets and Apostles And what soever is according to this rule of truth published by this State or holdē by anie reformed Churches in their Confessions abrode in the world We do also reiect and detest all straunge and hereticall opinions and doctrines of all Hereticks both old and new whatsoever 45 Finally wheras wee are much flandered and traduced as if we denyed or misliked that forme of prayer commonly called the Lords prayer wee thought it needfull here also concerning it to make known that we beleeve ād acknowledg it to be a most absolute and most excellent forme of prayer such as no men nor Angels can set downe the like And that it was taught and appointed by our Lord Iesus Christ not that we should be tyed to the vse of those very words but that we should according to that rule make all our requests and thanksgyuing vnto God forasmuch as it is a perfect forme and paterne conteining in it plaine and sufficient directions of prayer for all occasions and necessities that have ben are or shal be to the Church of God or any member therof to the end of the world Now vnto him that is able to keep vs that wee fall not and to present vs faltlesse before the presence of his glorie with ioy that is to God only wise our Saviour be glory and maiestie and dominion power both now for ever Amen MAISTER IVNIVS HIS FIRST LETTER CONCERNING THE CONFESSION OF FAITH AFORESAID To his beloved in Christ the Brethren of the English Church now abiding at Amsterdam GRace mercie and peace from God the Father and our Saviour Iesus Christ I have received of late belooved Brethren in Christ a little booke by one of your companie which is intituled The confession of faith of some English men banished in Belgia and have knowne your desire partly by the speach of the same messenger partly by the preface of the writing But as concerning my selfe beloved brethren whom for nearnes sake peradventure yee have thought meete to be called vpon a part I verily see not how much I can doe in this cause or how I can fit your purpose For I knowe that now long since euery man doth abound in his owne sense and that those that are other wise minded are with a brotherly mynd so fare to be borne with holding the heade and fundation til the Lord reveale things further vnto them I know it is my part not to play the busie body but that I should serve the truth and charitie in my standing and measure which the Lord hath bestowed vpon me in Christian modestie and simplicitie as farre as my skil and abilitie wil stretch vnto Certainely when I considered this cause more diligently I thought nothing more commodious or more safe for the publick and for you and my selfe in all this matter thē that we should embrace a holy silēce if there be any thing wherein we be offended and that we commit our cause to the Lord the author of our faith and righter of our cause But because after a sort you will not suffer mee to be silent and to cōdole in secret for the woundes of the Church which is rent more then inough by actions especially being thrust forth in publik in this our age I wil declare faith fully and with a good cōscience before God what I thinke beseeching him who is author of truth and peace that he would leade both you and me alike into all truth according to his promise also dispose each of our mindes and affections to interpret brotherly one anothers requestes answeres admonitions and finally all our duties although as it commeth to passe and is incident to man disagreeing from our sense and taste I obserue therefore that there are three heads or chief poynts in your little booke wherein you desire our counsell and iudgement The first head is of doctrine which you professe in your little booke The secōd is of fact whereof yee accuse the English Churches Lastly the third is of the conclusion which you inferre by comparing that your doctrine with that practise of England namely that yee cannot with good conscience entertaine a communiō with those Churches but that yee doe abhorre them with all your heartes Therefore I will speak briefely of these 3. things what I think entreating you brotherly to take my answere in good part I marvell that the point of doctrine or little booke of your confession beloved brethrē is sent ouer to me I marvell that it was sent ouer to all the students of holy Scriptures in all Christian Vniuersities for if there be a certaine consent of doctrine as you pretend it truely I do not see what need there was that you should set forth a newe confession in this consent of holy and auncient doctrine But if there be a dissention peradventure in the doctrine or rather a differēce that in deed ought not to bee dissembled if so be that yee thought it necessarie that your doctrine should be declared Besides in that you send to mee yea that you send to publicke viewe your confession I marvell brethren yea I greatly maruell what your meaning should bee both in respect of the ende and the fact For if ye haue set it foorth to that end that yee might
the Saints The one of these we take it must needes be donne And we gather it by comparing together Iam. 5.19.12 with Iude ver 3. This also is the very thing which we did desire and still do desire in that Epistle dedicatory And let these thinges once spoken suffyce we pray you for the crimination of calling on you apar● which in this letter of yours you have so oftē objected and repeated Next you propound three tinges to be considered in the booke it self of which you promyse to speake briefly and brotherly what you thinke 1. The first head you say is of the doctrine which we professe in our booke Be it so indeed Here we expected because you purpose to wryte of the doctrine we professe that you would have discussed the articles of our fayth and reproved the errours if there be any by the light of Gods word And who would not have expected this But behold there is not a word of the doctrine and fayth it self What may this meane Is it because your self beleeu this faith to be trew-sound groūded on the word of God and agreable thervnto If so why thē wryting these thinges do you not professe it Why do you dissemble it specially whē you heare that this fayth is traduced as schisme as heresy but you see perhaps that in the doctrine of faith we erre from the truth If it be so why then wryte you and yet shew not the errours why do you not as much as in you is bring into the way such as do erre Do not whē request is made that the errours may be shewed by the light of the holy Scripture Certainly your godlynes perswadeth otherwise yea God himself requireth otherwise Iam. 5.19.20 Yet now when you touch not the doctrine it self what is it that you wryte in this behalf Even this only that you would perswade we have erred herein that we have publyshed the confession of our faith First of al this concerneth the maner not the matter it self But yet let vs weigh your reasons If say you there be a certayne consent of doctrine then there was no need that we should set forth a new Confession in this agreement of holy and ancient doctrine Doe you indeed speak as you thinke How is it then that some while synce when the Germane and French Churches had before publyshed their Confessions of fayth yet afterward the Belgick Scotish and other Churches set forth theirs also notwitstanding that they agreed with them in the holy and anncient doctrine Yea tell vs we pray you what you think of that godly and learned Mr. Beza his pryvate Confession of fayth lately publyshed Not to speake of many other wrytten and divulged by many of the martyrs also in their severall ages Do not all these agree in the holy and anncyent doctrine of Godlynes Or should not therfore these Confessions have bene publyshed What soever you shall say for them mynd the same also as spoken for vs. Secondly you say if there be any dissention in doctrine that ought not to be dissembled c. But what is this to vs who have playnely shewed and reckned vp the thinges wherein we dissent from the Church of England with whom we have to do in this behalf Neyther that only but have also in our Confession not obscurely signified concerning the thinges wherein the other Churches of this city and ours as yet do not agree After these thinges you come to discusse the end and fact of our publyshing this Confession Touching the end we have shewed it in the epistle and preface set before the booke it self And we answer further that we did this to the same end that all the reformed Churches of late did publysh theirs For proof wherof let the preface of the Harmony of Confessions compared with ours speak for vs. If you take away the reasons by both alleadged we yeeld But if you cannot then see whether both here and other where often in this letter you do not through our sydes strike at all these Churches lykewise Our cause and cleering we commyt to God and to all godly that love the truth Such as before knewe not our cause they may now by this meanes have knowledg therof Such as be enemyes of God of the Church of the truth have nothing by this book of ours wherof to rejoyce They will rather be grieved when thus they shall see Antichrist that man of synne to be more and more discovered whom the Lord in the end will wholy consume and abolysh with the spirit of his mouth in the testimony not in the silence of his servants 2. Thes 2.8 with Rev. 12.11 and 14 6 7 8. and 20.4 Fynally such as be weak and by reason of the stink of schismes know not the true body of Christ whervnto they should joyne themselves they may by this meanes be better instructed and induced more certainly to know and imbrace the true Church and fayth of Christ Thus desyre we that the publyck good of the Church be holye forward that Christ may have the preeminence over all And thus have we spoken of the end in which as yet we see not any mistaking or errour Touching the fact we answer in lyke maner as before concerning the end Yea and the thinges which here you bring for not doing it in publyck you may vrge the very same lykewise against all the reformed Churches against Athanasius Origen Augustine Tertullian and others of the fathers against Zuinglius Luther Calvine Beza and many other of these ages godly men and divers of them also Martyrs of Iesus Christ who have set forth in publyck their Confessions of fayth private their apologies complaynts disputations yea and their letters concerning matters in religion publyckly controverted But these things perhaps came not in your mynd whiles there was before your eyes only the contemplation of our particular cause which thing your self we trust will perceive if you turne your eyes a lytle from vs vnto others approved by your self Moreover howsoever the evill wherof you wryte do prevayte in publyck yet alwayes and every where wisdome is justified of her children as Christ hath taught Mat. 11.16.19 And this shall suffice vs and all that are godly Lastly in a case of such weight and necessity who should rather be called vpon then the students of the holy Scriptures in Christian vniversityes Who we pray you are esteemed to be of better or sounder judgment Whome doth it more concerne to take knowledg of the truth and errours in religion Who should better instruct in the truth or convince falshoold And to conclude who can or ought to attend more to the discussing of these things But you object that seeing we have here found place of rest here also we must receive the judgment of our doctrine and fayth if we will have the same lawfully knowen and approved c. Here come many things to be considered First what if the rest and breathing which here we enjoye come
that knowledg and evidence as now is had of the fulfilling throughout severall ages of those prophecyes which are in the Scriptures of the Beast of the false Prophet of Antichrist of his mystery exaltation tyranny marchants discovery fall etc. How should from their owne Acts the adversaryes mouthes be so stopped as now we see heare and read is dayly done by the martyrs and servants of Christ Lastly how could your self and other learned men have so expounded that divine book of the Revelation not to speak of other Scriptures lykewise interpreted as you have now already done which great fruit and gratulation of all the godly Of the end which here againe you vrge we have spoken both before in this letter and in the epistles prefixed to the book it self Adde herevnto that if the Prelats and other adversaryes of the truth be not by these and the lyke wrytinges amended they shall yet doubtlesse be made the more vnexcuseable The visard also by which they have deceyved you as it seemeth and almost all others was to be pulled of But this could not be donne for the knowledg of all as was mee● otherwise then by publyck wryting To omytt others we appeale vnto your conscience learned S. whether you did think the estate of that Church and of those Prelats to be such in any measure touching their Antichristian constitution leitourgy ministery Hierarchy which your self acknowledg to be that other beast in Rev. 13 11.18 as now for certeyne you heare and see it in that book as it were paynted out before your eyes But of these things ynough is sayd in the book it self Surely these and the lyke their vnfruitfull workes of darknes were to be reprooved not dissembled not allowed especyally seing they are so stiffely by them retayned defended vrged and that vnder a pretence of the Gospell with which they have no more agreement then darknes hath with light Beliall with Christ Neyther is this to take vp burthens of Accusations but to take away the visard of Antichristian apostasy and to witnes the truth of Iesus Christ against Antichrist which duty our Lord and Saviour Christ requireth of you of vs of all the godly the Lord we say who in these latter tymes hath begunne to discover that lawles man of sinne and will at length consume him with the spirit of his mouth by the word of the testimony of his servants So far of is it that they should be accounted busy bodyes which performe this duty to Christ or that we herein have don you any iniury So far of also is it that we should think what you speak of your self the same to be answered vs by the rest of the bretheren that are any where els in Churches in Vniversityes Not to speak of others we know that Mr. Beza that worthy servant of God hath in causes not much vnlyke answered otherwise But of this matter more herafter In the meane tyme that we also may deale syncerely and brotherly with you mynd we pray you whether you have not done your self iniury whiles you have climed into this seate so confident●● to pronounce that of others wherof as we think you cannot any way have certaine knowledg yea whiles you alone determyne of that matter which to use your owne wordes requireth serious consultation and holy communication Touching the event we commit it to God who we certeynly hope will worck al these things for good both to vs and to thē by whom we are exiled and to these amonge whom we sojorne and to the Church of God every where And to whom we pray you would it not be good if that were done which we des●er ffor our selves if we erre let the righteous smyte and reprove vs it shal be a benefyt and precious oyntment vnto vs. For our adversaries if they be the more estraunged it shal be their own fault not ours nor theirs that shall godlyly and freely testifie what they see in this cause And who knoweth whether by this meanes they may be brought to consider more then heretofore both of the vnlawfull constitution of that Church and of their outragious cruelty and therevpon seriously endevour a godly redressing of the former and an vtter repressing of the latter For the good among whom we sojourne they shall have better knowledg of our fayth and cause they may also grow vp together more strongly in the truth of the Gospell whiles thus they are stirred vp more carefully to endevour that the corruptions wherewith their Churches yet are faulty may be duly abolyshed and whiles such as are seduced by the errours of the Papists Anabaptists and other hereticks troubling these Churches are vpon this occasion drawne from such estate and stirred vp to search knowe and embrace the truth of Gospell Fynally for the whole Church we hope it shall hence also receive much profyt if this fayth and cause which now a long tyme hath ben condempned for schisme and heresy if also that Antichristian Apostasy which now a long tyme vnder the visard of godlynes hath deceived the world in the mystery of iniquity if these things we say being of so great moment be examyned and discussed by the canon of the Scriptures of so many and so worthy men furnyshed with learning godlynes judgment wisdome And thus much of the second poynt which was concerning the fact The third you say is of the conclusion inferred vpon comparing together the doctrine and fact aforesaid Here first you affirme you with●●ould your self in suspence in this cause Be it so It is God that can reveale this also vnto you and perswade your conscience by his Spirit and word Then you annex some things concerning the doctrine and consent of the fathers and all wise men in all ages but you propound them so doubtfully that as touching our cause we cannot perceive what your meaning is Your wordes may so be vnderstood as we most willingly consent with you in this matter agayne they may be so taken as we dissent from you not a lytle nor without cause We are perswaded that separation should not be made from any Church eyther rashly or at all so long as we may remayne with sound fayth and cōscience You must therfore speak more playnely what you think of our separation if you suppose we have erred in this behalf all those things being discussed by the word of God which we have menc●oned in the preface and Confession aforesaid In the meane tyme heare and ponder well we pray you what Mr. Beza that learned man and well deserving of the Church of Christ hath wrytten and publyshed some while since concerning this question Thus he hath in his epistles publyshed in the right epistle sent to Ed Grir dall heretofore P●elate of London wherein wryting of the state and corruptiōs of the Churche of England he sayeth If it be trew which is commōly reported and wherof my self am not yet perswaded that private Baptisme is there permitted to women I
see not what is to turne back againe from whence men came if this be not c But if those things ●e true which I thincke are not lykely to wit that the Metropolytanes retayne in vse those most fil●hy abuses then which the Church of Antichrist hath not any thing more intollerable namely pruralyties of benefyces lycences of non residency l●cences to mary and eat flesh and other the lyke this were cert●nly which I speake with horrour not a corruption of Christianity but a manifest defection from Christ and therfore they not to be condemned but commended rather which oppose them selves to such endevours c. These and many other the lyke sayings he hath in his epistles and other bookes publyshed Now as touching the things which he thought not to be so much as lykely we know them to be most true neyther these only but almost an hundreth the lyke as we have touched in the preface of our Confession Among which we bes●ec● you consider these three specially yet so as you turne not your eyes away frō the rest the confirmation of such a● have be●● baptised when nowe they are waxen older administred by the Prelats themselves vnto this day Their holy Orders of Clergy The discipline and sanctions of the Cannō Law as they call it yet reteyned in that Churche and tell vs we pray you freely and syncerely what now you think of the estate of that Church and of our separation ●erily if we conceive you right your self expound the marke the name and the nomber of the name of the Beast to be vnderstood of these three last aforesaid abhomynations of Antichrist In your exposition of Rev. 13. ver 16.17.18 And to receive these you know also well i● forbydden vnto all vnder payne of eternall damnation Rev. 14.9.10 11. and 18.4.5 But to returne to M. Beza agayne in him there are many thinges cōcerning our cause to be carefully observed first that his private epistles he set forth in publyck secondly that in t●● he di● not dissemble but freely and ingeniously declare his iudgment of the estate of the Church of England thirdly that yet he was n● busibody or vnwise which would clime into th●● seate or by provoking that church made his cause the worse with good mē etc. fourthly if ther were nothing els yet by this we may well think that what you say of your self is not the answer of the other brethrē which are in any place in Churches and Vniversityes lastly that he should not have burst if he had dissembled these things nor yet while he wrote the godly and faythfully was factious vnciuill or sowed any ●a●es but ha●e witnes to the truth of the Gospel of Christ and did truly shew that ●e trod in the steps of the Apostle who wryteth and testifyet thus of himself and of all the faithful servāts of Christ we cānot ●o any thing against the truth but for the truth 2 Cor. 13.8 But these things by the way Yet so as you may well consider with your self beloved Brother whether the things which here and ther in your letter you seem to insinuate against vs fal not vpō the very head of that most godly mā Mr. Beza by lyke right or rather indeed by lyke wrōg Of other lyke godly and learned 〈◊〉 we will not now speake it shall suffice here to have mencioned him alone And where you seem to acknowledg for true Pastors the Prelats and Priests by thē created such as the English ministery is knowē to be mynd how well you have done this and how agreably with the Spirit of God which calleth such Locusts false Prophets the whores marchants c. But touching that which you speak of Christ our Saviour how he brought iudgment to victory not by crying out and filling the streets with clamours but by blowing softly vpon the smoking flax and handling tenderly the brused reed This we do indeed most willingly acknowledg and pray that we may alwayes followe this his most sacred example Neverthelesse this also must be remembred that Christ dealt after one maner with the weack of whome here the speach is after an other with the * Scribes and Pharisees and other the like sworne enemyes of the truth such as at this day be the Prelats and their complices which who is it that doth not know who is it that doth not acknowledg The same also may be seē in the Apostles of Christ and in their dealing with Simon Magus Elymas Hymenaeus Alexander Philetus Diotrephes c. Which things being so we humbly besech you reverend and beloved Sr. by that most holy name of Christ which you professe by the mercyes of God wherewith he hath loved vs in Christ that you would thnik of another course then such as yet it seemeth you allow that you would take an other way for discovering and destroying the defection of Antichrist for setting forward the salvation edificatiō and peace both of vs and others Hold on to defend the true fayth as now a good while you have done with great praise and fruit of the godly and discover errours maynteyne good causes and forsake evill Strive for Christ and the truth of his Gospell and fight against Antichrist and the remnants of his Apostasy Let it be manifest to all what your mynd and judgment is not only concerning the fayth of Christ but also concerning the mystery Apostasy and iniquity of Antichrist ffinally as touching our selves in specyall if you wryte agayne we do humbly and earnestly entreat if any where we have erred in our fayth and chuse that you vouchsafe to shew it vs by the light of Gods word Otherwise it wil be suspected seing you bestow so much paynes in discussing these things which concerne the māner and not the matter it self that eyther you do dissemble your iudgment what soever it be or that in very deed you are of the same mynd with vs specially seing now you have wrytten that you do not any preiudice at all to our cause and have spoken this religiously before the Lord. Pity● we pray you our Church here exiled every where reproched eaten vp in a maner with deep poverty despised and afflicted wel nere of al against which sathan hath now a long tyme attempted all vtmost extremyties Pity them from whome we have departed who vnder pretence of the Gospell contynew still in Antichristian defection and do so stifley hold and eagerly maynteyne it as there is scant any among them that dare so much as hisse against it Pity these Churches among whome we sejourne in which wheter you look at the publyck prayers or the Administration of the Sacraments or the execution of discipline there be sundry ●a●es if they may be called ●ares or rather corruptions and those also not of small moment at which as is reported the Anabaptists and others not a few that lyve here do stumble of which also we have heretofore conferred frendly with the ministers of these Churches
rightly to be observed among them 5. They worship God in the Idol temples of Antichrist Exod. 20.4 with Deut. 12 2 3. 2. King 10 26 27 28. and 18 4. Act. 17 23. Rev. 18 11 12 c 6 The Ministers have their set mayntenance after another manner then Christ hath ordeyned 1. Cor 9 14. And that also such as by which any Ministery at all whether popish or other whatsoever might be maynteyned 7. Their elders chaunge yearly and do not continew in their office according to the doctrine of the Apostles and practise of the Primitive Churches Rom. 12 4 5 6 7 8. 1. Cor. 12 11 12 c Act 20.17.28 1. Pet. 5.1 2.3 4 See also Numb 8.24 c. 8. They celebrate Mariage in the Church as if it were a part of the Ecclesiasticall administration wheras it is in the nature of it merely civill Ruth 4. chap. 9. They vse a new censure of Suspension which Christ hath not appointed Mat. 28.20 Gal. 3.15 2. Tim. 3.16 17. 10. They observe dayes and tymes consecrating certeyn dayes in the yeare to the Nativity Resurrection Ascension of Christ etc. Exod. 20. commaundement 2. and 4. Rev. 1.10 1 Cor. 1● 1.4.2 Act 20.7 Col. 2 16.17 Esa 66 23. Gal 10.11 11 They recei●e vnrepētant excommunicates to be membres of their Church which by this meanes becometh one body with such as be delivered vnto Sathā 1. Cor. 5.5 1. Tim. 1.20 These among other are the corruptions of the church aforesaid which they are neyther able to defend nor willing to forsake Herein therfore we differ from them as they which knowe this estate of theirs may perceive by our confession compared with their errours noted before which the Lord give them to see and mynd And for your self good Sir take you heed in godlynes that in this cause you do not in any respect with hold the duty which you ow vnto them or defence which you ow vnto the truth So let God almighty also love you and Christ our Saviour be mercifull vnto you And this you may do truly Godlye brotherly wisely with great profit to vs and the Church of Christ every where Therfore we exhort and beseech you in the lord that you be carefull alwayes to help no way to hurt the Church and cause of Christ by your studyes endev●urs labours which being thus directed the Lord Iesus blesse to the glory of his name and your owne comfort for ever Amen Amsterdam The first day of the seventh moneth called Iuly 1602. Yours in Christ by whose grace we witnesse the truth of his Gospell● against the will worship and remnants of Antichrist what soever Francis ●ohnson Stanshall Mercer David Bres●o Henry Ainsworth C●ristoph●r Boman Daniel Studley Thomas Bishop With the rest of the brethren of the English Church now living as straungers at Amsterdam A third letter written by Mr. Iunius vpon receipt of the last aforesaid and of his tvvo former imprinted before in England and therevpon by vs sent vnto him included withall To his beloved brethren in Christ the English people at Amsterdam Salutations in Christ AN huge bundell of letters beloved brethren I received from you yesterday in the evening I gave you counsell to rest from questiōs you commaund me to enter into questions I continew still in my purpose for I esteem more of peace in the Church then of the seeds of strife they that are fedde with these seeds shall reap the fruit Where you conclude and pronounce that I do therefore assent vnto you it is a false conclusion As towching the matter I have enjoyned my self silence and although I be an hundred tymes called vpon by letters I will continew still in the argument of counsell till I see another course taken If it like you not let it alone neyther do I like the handling of questions in this tyme. It is more according to God that I be silent from questions in this estate of things then that I powre forth my self and you together into them You move many things in your letters I wil rest frō those things and will occupy my self religiously in the work of the Lord. Christian wisdome will never suffer me to speak of questiōs controverted the one party being vnheard That my letters vnto you were translated into English I have now first knowen it by you I knew not that it was done You object that my letters were not shewed by you I beleev it for both by letters and reports of many I have ben certifyed that they were not shewed If it please you shew them for me you may All shall see how false reports have ben given forth concerning thē I neyther am ashamed of them neyther ever will be But I pitty you I speak it vnfeynedly who for my letters give forth in publick your conclusions With good men good dealing should be used That the copyes of my letters were carryed into England your selves may easily cōjecture by what meanes it came to passe About tē moneths synce the Soveraign Quenes Ambassadour was there and two of your company dined with him What hapned at that dinner you can remember He came hither vnto me he marveled at the fact of your departure I told him that I had writtē vnto you he desired a copy To you I gave counsell whosoever gave it forth in publick hath done it without my knouwledg I will not answer for an others doing but for myne owne In the meane while I will pray God that he frame your mynds vnto the truth wisdome love and peace and all our mynds vnto his glory Farewell in the Lord. From Leyden in Holland The 16. day of Iuly 1602. Yours vnfeynedly Fr. Iunius The Answer to Mr. Iunius his third letter To the reverend and our beloued brother in Christ Mr. Fr. Iunius at Leyden in Holland Grace and peace in Iesus Christ YOur third and very brief letter beloved Sir we received this last week They were your letters imprinted and included that made the ●uge bundell if so it were It is not well said of you that terme the Confession of Christian faith and defēce of publishing it to be questiōs and se●ds of strife nor that you say we cōman● you to enter into questions For the conclus●on whether it be true or false now let others judge which shall see your letters together with ours Towching the matter you have enjoyned your self silence Yea and towching the maner and other things also where you can fynd no answer neyther Yet for the matter it self if so be that with the Papists Anabaptists or any the like we did erre frō the true faith we doubt not but you would open your mouth to answer to refute to convince But because in our faith you can shew no errour and yet in this tyme and estate of things like not ●o stand for vs and this cause it is safest to be silent Wisely done in deed but not according to God who denoūcing by the Prophet hath said Cursed be