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truth_n call_v church_n pillar_n 6,253 5 10.5659 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08200 A true report of the late apprehension and imprisonnement of Iohn Nichols minister at Roan and his confession and ansvvers made in the time of his durance there. VVherevnto is added the satisfaction of certaine, that of feare or frailtie haue latly fallen in England.; True report of the late apprehension and imprisonnement of John Nichols minister at Roan. Allen, William, 1532-1594. 1583 (1583) STC 18537; ESTC S105146 45,115 86

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good Lord and so it is that euery vnordinate appetite should be a punishment to it self But no sinne breadeth this internall vexatiō so much as that which is committed against a mans owne skill and conscience specially the voluntarie forsaking of that faith truth and religion vvhich God by his spirit in the Holy Church and sacred word hath made him partaker of I speake not of his case that impugneth of malice the knowne truth as many arch-heretikes haue done wickedly do for that is a sinne against the holy Ghost such often carieth about with them such hellike torments of conscience and desperation that they may be thought to beginne their dānation euen in this life but I meane of others only vvho by frailtie of the flesh feare of worldly distresses doubte of temporall torments and disgraces or somme other humane infirmitie be often driuen to yeld in somme points to the threates perswations or allurements either of worldly freends or gostely enemies euen these also for that they haue denied Christ before men preferred the body before the soule hazarded heauen and their saluation for the breefe vncertaine and miserable state of this transitorie vvorld cary about with them in their brest farre vvorse torments then any are in the Tovvre for the auoiding of vvhich many times men make that vnhappy choise vvee see them doe Of this miserie vvoe to me and my sinnes therefore I haue made to much experience but I trust to my euerlasting saluation as my mercifull Lord God hath now vsed the matter towards me Who after I had denied him forsaken him foresworne him wickedly subscribed to certen blasphemous articles and made a priuate abrenūciation of the pereles power and soueraine auctorite of Christs Lieutenant vpon earth a flat denial of the Catholike faith a plaine abiuration of my Priesthod yea by the subtile crafte of the Churches deadly enemies was induced or rather driuen to accuse most traiterously and vniustly certen his holy honorable renoumed confessors and to beare vnhappy vvitnesse against them after al this yet loked vpon me from heauen vvith those eyes of grace by vvhich he conuerted Paule restored Peter pardoned Marie Magdalen others not onely his fraile freends but many his plaine persecutors and by skourging my conscience vvith contrnuall remorse and dovvleful consideration of my soule fall and damnable condition hath a leingth brought bitter teares out of my stonie hart and called me againe out of that Sodom of our loste countrey and put me into the holy societie and communion of his body misticall vvhich is his Church Catholike th' only true mother of al the faithfull the hovvse of God the pillar and establishment of al truth In vvhich only is al comfort al grace al benediction and out of vvhich as I novv knovv by mine owne experience and by the certen vew of other mens cases with whom I haue of late in England conuersed there is nothing but error blindnes doubte or plaine desperation His name be blessed for euermore that hath so povvrably and mercifully deliuered me his poore vnworthy seruant out of these and like miseres from the snares of such as doe nothing but seeke hovv by terror or machiuillian practise and pollicie to driue men not to be of their religion for such as be the cōmon dealers in these cases God vvot haue none but to seeme to be of that secte vvhich they would be counted of Surely I can not for the honor of our countrie and the dew respect I haue to office and auctoritie though to saie truth they be not of any high function that vvorke vs these woes commonly discouer their foule vncharitable vnchristian abuse of my frailtie in procuring my fall from God and reuolt from the trevv Catholike Church vvhich other vvise to the shame of that irreligious heresie and mine owne confusion in this vvorlde that I might finde more mercie for the next I vvould willingly lay open to the Christian reader This only which is the least of thousandes of their sinfull and craftie collusions I may not omit to warne you that they giue out as often as any man of feare pusillanimitie or any other worldly respect yeldeth to their desires that it is Gods owne hande miraculous vvorcke proceding of the inuinceible force of their spirit gospel and doctrine against which no learning nor other obstinacie of man may resiste So surely they behaued them selues in my case vvhē they knew it best them selues in their conscience to be othervvise being the craftie procurers of my fall and that they had not in my invvard opinion or iudgement which vvas neuer I take God to vvitnesse altered though in outvvarde shevv ouerthrowen me Novv my dearely beloued bretheren and vvho soeuer els shall happe to reade this my pitiful complainte of my late distresses and tragicall actes I doe protest vnto you before God and al his sainctes and holy Angels that my yelding to their damnable desires came not of any motion of the holy Ghost by any probabilite of argument or auctoritie ether of holy scripture doctor or any other reasonable motiue or for that I had any doubt vvhether the Catholike Romane religion vvere the trevv and only sauing faith and vvorship of God or no for though I be neuer so simple yet being in common sence and taking triall of both in such places as I haue liued in it is not possible that I or any man should in deede and hart preferre the protestants pretensed religiō to the Catholike faith but to tell the plaine truth and shame the Diuel and my self to so farre as I follovved his peruerse suggestions al came of mine ovvne concupiscence euil desire and delicaces which vvarred against me in my members as th'Apostle saieth and so did ouer rule in my spirit captiuated and caused me to yeld to flesh and bloode making me to feare to suffer any paines or abandon my pleasures for my Lord and masters sake vvho had suffered so much sheade so many teares so great abundance of innocent and pretious blood for me The aduersaries threated me vvith Phalaris bull so to call their torments or as in truth them selues termed it vnto me Sir Ovven Hoptons schole vvith dungeons and death also except I vvould admit an vngodly oth to answere truely to their captious and cursed interrogatories confesse such things as the feare and reuerence of God prohibited me accuse my self appeache the chosen seruants of God Our Lord God gaue me many goodly motions at the very time of that combat to resiste their terrors and temptations as he did also his manifold graces good inspiration to contemne their swete promises of good benefices and other liuings if I vvould conforme my self vnto them but a lasse through my great sinne frailtie the aduersaries for the time preuailed and specially my carnal freends vvho by I cannot tell vvhat secret swete poyson of fleshly loue and pretense of naturall kindnes do more deepely vvound
times past did but be thus spoyled massacred for no fellony trespas or treason but for holding that faith which al our happy forefathers and our selues vvere baptised in and out of vvhich I knovv there is no saluation in the next vvorld nor grace in this Beseching Christ our merciful Sauiour to pardon me that I denied him and his truth for feare of man and mortall paines As I also humbly for his sake desire al Catholikes vvhom I haue vniustly offended in this my fieblenes to forgiue and pray for me that I neuer fall to the like tentation againe namely those glorious confessors vvhom I loue as mine ovvne soule and honor as the chosen vessels of God vvho vvere iniured by my vndew dealing For I confesse and acknowledge in my conscience that I should haue suffered any torments in the vvorld rather then haue vttered any their godly religious actes to their dommage vvhether it vvere trew or false and that I should not nor ought by Gods word haue disclosed any such thing though I had takē an oth to doe it and to ansvvere to al interrogatories concerning the same being assured that al such othes be vnlavvful and ought not to be taken nor be kept if of frailtie they chaunce to be taken Because no man can binde him self neither by oth vow or any other obligation to God or man to accuse or be wraye any innocent to the persecutor no such othes I say binde being one sinne to take them and an other and that greater to keepe them But the thing a lasse is novv past and can not be amended in it self but only may be forgiuen as I verely hope it is both at God and mans hand by this my sincere confessing humble crauing pardon and poore publike satisfaction till the vvhich vvas done I could neuer finde reste in my vvounded conscience nor durst approche to the holy Altar to offer the deutiful giftes of my priesthod made much vnworthy of that high function through my said greuous offence and scandal Which being now as I hope in our Lords mercy and their great charitie remitted I shal daily vvith great comfort doe during life these soueraine duties of religion for them as also as I am most bound in deutie for my deare Mother and al her Christian offpringe my dearely beloued Brethren and Sisters according to the flesh desiring God to reliue their zele vvith trew vnderstanding humbly beseeching my louing Brother Sister vvho bound them selues in a certen somme of mony for my good behauiour so they cal the conformitie to their English procedings not to impute my departure to any vnnaturall carlesnesse of the losses dangers that may fall vnto them by forfaiting their bande by my retire ouer sea for God knovveth it is the speciall vvordly thing that greueth me but rather to accompte it a supplie of my patrimonie vvhich vvould haue surmonted it much in valewe a case of such meere necessitie both of my soule and body as no interest of temporall goods vvhatsoeuer may counteruaile it and of their singuler brotherly and sisterly affection if any extremitie should be vsed towards them in the matter as I trust verely their innocencie vvel knovven to the Counsel their great earnestnes and diligence to gaine me to that religion vvhich they of error and ill education thinke to be true shal procure them al courtesie fauour therein not to accompte the losse of monye which one daye either in this or the next vvorld may be redered by God or man againe for the health saluation of their owne flesh blood or at least if they thinke this not the waie to saluation yet for quieting of his conscience against vvhich what soeuer a man doth must needes be sinne and damnable Thus I ende desiring them and al Catholikes my louing brethren in Christ to pray and thanke God vvith me for al his mercies that he hath done to my soule as it shal laude and blesse his holy name for euer more Giuen at Rhemes this 19. of May being the Ascension of our Lord IESVS to vvhom be al thankes and eternall glorie for euer and euer Amen 1573. By me a poore sinner your Brother in Christ Edvvard Osberne Priest THE SATISFACTION OF M. IAMES BOSGRAVE THE GODLY CONFESSOR of Christ concerning his going to the Church of the Protestants at his first comming into England To al Christians and al that professe the Catholike faith to al such as are chained Imprisoned or othervvise afflicted for the faith and religion of Iesus Christ peace and saluation BLessed be the God and Father of our Lord IESVS CHRIST the father of mercies and God of al comfort vvho comforteth vs in al tribulation I am merueilous heauy and sorrow full at the hart for that I vnderstand that there is a certen sinister opinion sprong spred abroade euery where of me as though I had renied that faith religion which had her beginning of our Lord Iesus Christ vvas receiued of the Apostles and Doctors hath ben perfited sealed not onely with the blood and death of the vvorthy Martyrs but principally with the blood and death of Christ our Lord. Would to God that I had either neuer ben borne or els that I had ben buried immediatly after my death If I borne of Catholike parents nourished brought vp vnder Catholike scholmaisters trained vp in learning in those countries vvhere the Catholike religion dooth greatly prosper and florish now at the length after my retorne into my coūtrey to mine owne and my parents comfort should depart from that Church vvhich S. Paul calleth the piller ground of truth should deny Christ our Lord and breake my faith plight in baptisme and vvhereas al men did expect that I should haue borne grapes to bring furth weedes My deere and vvelbeloued brethren to vvhom I write these fewe vvhose glorie and saluation I seeke and vvhom I beare in my bowels I forsake my part of heauen and vvish neuer to see the good of God in the land of the liuing and would that my name were blotted out of the booke of life if I euer either did or attempted or as much as thought any such thing let me also be accursed and a Maranatha if I vvould either crucifie Christ our Lord againe or make void and frustrate the blood that the holy Apostles and vvorthie martyrs haue shed vvho al vvere slaine for that religion faith which Christ our Lord hath communicated reuealed vnto vs gratis of the vvhich religion and faith I my self am partaker and for the vvhich I am readie to suffer death O wretch that I am of al men the vnhapiest what hope of saluation could I haue how durst I lift vp mine eies to heauen vvith vvhat face might I call Christ our Lord Father if I should forsake his spouse the Church our Mother I knovv most louing brethren that there is no more saluatiō to be looked for out of the Church