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A18909 Bibliotheca theologica: or, a librarye theological containinge, 1. A generall analysis or resolution: 2. A breife elucidation off the most sacred chapters off Elohim his Bible: drawen for the vse of yonge Christians, specially off the poorer sorte, vnable to purchase variety off holy-men theyr wrytinges: by Henoch Clapham. Nihil primum perfectum. Clapham, Henoch. 1597 (1597) STC 5331; ESTC S114484 83,218 88

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tyrannô c. A King is opposit to A Tyrant because he introduceth Right and Equity into the common-vveal but the other ●niquity Such a one was this kynge and such shold all Kynges be That he is kyng off Righteousnes and peace he must be more thenn A Man and yet seinge he is A King off Shalems towne he must be but A Man More them A Man he is secundum quid as he is A type off him who is really King off Righteousnes and Peace and seinge he is A Type and not the person typed he must off necessitye be but A Man and neither the holy ghost nor an Angel as som fondly haue taught And as he must be A Man so an excellent Man seinge he beares the person of Iesus Christ for kingdome and preisthood To say he was A Cananitish kinge or off som obscure stock is as Lowe on the left-hand as the former ●y on the right hand nor wold the Kings round about him haue suffred him to sit in peace had not they knowen him for an excellent Birth Greater then Abram he was not only for Kyngdom but also for Preisthood and what Man liuinge shold be greater then the Father off the promise Shem had the first honour off hauing God dwellinge in his Tent and Yet he was aliue In Shem God had put his Name sham there ād only there with the Hebrues diuerse Greeks Latines and others I must fasten Melchisedek who will knoe more reason for this let them read Mr. Broughton his Treatise off Melchisedek That this Shalem was not as som teach som other towne thereby but 〈◊〉 halem in after-age so called old Onkelos is so mynded in his Thargum and ordinarily all after him The Psalmist sainge that the Tabernacle was in Shalem ps 76. 2. it leadeth vs both to Shems Tabernacle and to Ieru-shalems City for fyndinge out the typicall kinge off Righteousnes and Peace and not only Mele● A Kinge but also Cohen A Preist and that to El●gnelion God most ●y This King ād Preist off Shalem first both ●echem va 〈…〉 He brings forth Bread and wyne secondly he blesseth To what end brought he or cawsed he bread and wyne to ●● brought out Abram had no great neede off Bread and drinck for as he wold not goe forth to watre without prouision so he quickly recouered the substance before caryed away Choose whither Melchisedek brought it forth as A Kinge or Preist or Both it thabowed forth A good thinge to com namely the New testaments Eucharist Bread and wyne Ministred by Iesus his ordināce vnto Abrams housholde not Sodoms city Against this my speach in the Bibles B● som in Sc. opened their Monthes as iff my speach had bene Romish But what say the Auncient Clemens in his 4. Strom. saith Melchisedek gaue bread and vvyne sanctified vnto nutriment A type off the 〈◊〉 And Chrisostom on the 110. 15. saith And vvhy saith he according to the order of Melchisedek because off the Mysteries first in that he also brought bread and vvyne to Abram c. Augustine in the 109. question off both testaments mixt-wise he hath this Novv Melchisedek shevveth the future mysterie of the Lords incarnation and passion vvhile first vnto Abram as to the father off the faithfull he deliuereth the Eucharist both off the Lord his body and blood that so there might before-figured in the Father the truth vvhich shold fall out in the Son● Chuonrad●s Pellicanus on Gen. 14. saith That the bread and vvyne vvas A figure off the Soules spirituall resection vvhich the mynds off the faithfull receiue off the Nevv testament in the sacrament of his body and blood vvhich our highe Preist hath once don by offringe himself to God the father for vs Nemo ignorat No one is ignorant Thus said they and mo then they and so say I and moe then I and yet as farre from giuing vayntage hereby to Errour as those that gainsay it But Mr. Caluin falleth Tertullian and others for this I knoe it Mr. Caluin had i● wonderfull large guifte for helpinge out the Grammaticall sense but no man in Mysteries as his pen witnesseth what then shold the one guift destroy the other and not rather amiably builde togither This Mysterie maketh or insin●ateth not any breach off faith ād suerly iff this Bread and wyne were but A meere blank for the belly Melchisedeks figuratiō may be trust vp in A strait compasse But the Author to the Hebrues speaks not off this I answer in not speakinge off it he speaks of it For restinge them that he had Ch. 5. 11. many things and hard to be vttered off Melchisedek but they were to dull to conceiue he herein sendeth the sharpe conceipted to further and deper meditation But how knot yow saith som that this bread and wyne were figures etc. I answer by another question how knoes thow this and that to be ment by such particulars in Le●●ticus Salomons songe the booke off Reuelation iff thow answer by proportion off faithe and likenes off the thing Resemblinge and Resembled they being compared with the Analogie off faith and found agr●nige iff that be thy answer for the former let the same be my answer for the Latter Whereas Tertullian sayth in his booke agaynst the Iues Melchisedek Abrahae re●ertentl de praelio panem et vinum obtulit Melchisedek offered bread and wyne vnto Abram returninge from the battle this speach is made ● perilous thing for say they hoth doth not signifie to Offer and therefore he shoulde haue ●d protulit he brought forth not obtulit he offred A peece of deepe learninge as if he shold bring it forth for A shewe and not offer it to Abram They themselues say that he fed Abram with it and I troe before he eat off it it was offred to him Obs Yea but the word Offer implies A sacrifice Mayster Iohn is deceiued The wise-men vnto Christ obtule●unt ei munera they offred vnto him guiftes Math. 2. 11. Is any so blockish as to think they sacrificed guiftes vnto Iesus The word Offer both in Latine and englishe it is vsed for Giue or present A thinge to one v●thorit once breaminge off sacrifice But I wonder why any think that Tertullians speach maketh any thinge for Romish sacrifice He sayth that Melchisedek offred to Abram so say I and therefore not to god The Romanistes say they offer by the Reall body and blood off Iesus vnto God Melchisedek offers to A Man inferiour to himselfe Tertulliās speach therefore doth confine popish sacrifice Wold not men fayne stumble that stumble at theyr owne thrifte The Fathers hereyn are so far from being agaynst vs as indeede they are with vs. But rawe heads delited in greene fancies they must speak though speak euel off the thinges they knoe not But iff A man Reade Iustin Martyr his Dialogue with Trypho the Ine who will not say that from this Greek father the speach off Tertullian was borowed not for the bare
Shem Iaphet Cham his wyfe Tidea the Great theyrs Pandora Noela Noegla This Noah saith he by beholdinge the starres did foresee destruction to com and therefore 78. y. before the flood he made A ship like an Ark etc. Afterwards Lib. 2. the flood passed onely these 8. beinge in Armenia they were the seede of the worlde Then lib. 3. he telleth how Noah inuentinge wynemakinge he was vnawares ouercom with it who lyinge naked in the secret part was charmed to inability of procreation by Cham whome he saith was A notable sorcerer for which he was termed Zoroastes Because off this his wickednes he was ●ast out by Ianus or Noah and thensforth called Chemesenua in the Scythian Ara●nt language Infamous shameles This Chaldeahs cursed Babilon though clippinge the kings coyne is forced to testify som truth of the scriptures Vers 22. And vvhen Cham. The wretch boylinge in disdaine he rons to his brethren vncharitably vtteringe his fathers Nakednes but they blushinge wise goe backwards and couer him with theyr Mantle Oh Cham thow hast verily plaid the Traitour vnto the Figure as Iudas Iscariot vnto Noah figured Such A trick brought Iudas vnto the Ra●e and thinkest thow Cham to escape without A Curse Ambrose de Noe et Arca ch 31. he saith that Shem and Iaphet wold not se their Fathers nakednes least seinge it theyr reuerence towards him shold haue bene the lesse And true it is that lookinge vpon the weaknesses off the Lord his prophets men haue theyr affection off Loue and Reuerence thereby infirmed This lesson as no doubt they had learned so also that it was theyr duty to couer theyr Fathers weaknes and here vpon Salomon grounded his prouerbe 10. 12. Hatred stirreth vp contention but loue couereth all trespasses Oh blessed Shem and Iaphet for yow take Noahs part As the eleauen set foote vnto Iesus They therefore Ioh. 17. got a blessinge when Iudas had no place in his prayer and shall not yow Shem and Iaphet obtayne A blessinge for countenancinge the Prophet whome the Seede of the serpent wold roote vp Vers 24. Then Noah He awakes as A Gyant but refreshed with wyne The Spirit off prophecy is vpon him This appeareth first in denouncinge off Iustice and Iudgment vpon Cham sec in propoundinge mercy to Shem and Iaphet The Curse vpon Cham is directly powred out on Canaan his Son and yongest Son for elder then he were Cush Mitzraim Put ch 10. 6. and none off these were borne before the flood nor in the yeare off the flood for only 8. persons went in and 8. only came out All these then borne after the flood and Canaan here spoke off the yongest this Accident must therefore be no litle tyme affter the flood Cursed is Canaan not be Canaan is as iff he had sayd I will tell the Cham as thow my yongest Son a●t cursed to me so will thy yongest Son proue cursed to the. Iudgment will fall proportionable to thy Syn. Thow hast laboured to roote out my credet because of weaknes but others shall make thy Canaanitish seede Gnebed Gnabadim A Seruant off Seruants that is A very slaue Such was the vnslaughtered Canaanitish seede vnto Israël Of Canaan came the Eleauen cursed Nations ch 10. 15. 16. 17. 8. 18. Gregorius Magnus saith Omne peccatum est vnde●●tium euerie Syn is an eleauenth thinge because Syn transgresseth the Decalogue vpon which consideration saith he Peter hastened the choyse off A twelfte into Iscariots ro●●e but most sure I am that Canaan in his 11. braunches was cursed and C ham in his Canaan Reuel 17. 11. we reade off A Beast in nomber mysticall both the 7. and the 8. goinge to destruction C ham his figure was both A 7. and an 8. in nomber and appoynted also to goe into perdition The New world begon only with 8. persons Cham bringe the yongest at least off men he so was the Eyght But by Moses in way off Catalogue he is made the Seauenth and Iaphet the eyghte But in the declaration off this curse he is pulled out into the Sixt place the other two placed affter him that so his head may receiue A wounde as doth the sixt head off the Beast Reu. 13. 3. W●epe with Iohn or Mysterie will not be vnsealed Vers 26. He said moreouer Iudgment pronounced he now vttereth A blessinge first to Shem then to Iaphet God is blessed for the God of Shem and indeede Shems people be became the first Peculiar Nation and Preisthood to God as appeareth afterwards ch 11. 10. etc. His Seruant was Canaan what tyme Canaans land was subdued vnto Israel but yet A troblous s●ruant puckinge Israel in the Eyes and the sydes Romes Vicar writes himself Se. an t of Se●●a●t Canaans name pet but A troblous seruant to the Lord his Israel Vers 27. God pe●suade Iaphet Iaphet and Perswade is all one in the Hebrue Iaphet Elo●●im le Iaphet Iaphet Eloh●● persuade whereunto shold El●him persuade or allure him To dwell in Shems tabernacle Herein he prophecieth that the Gentiles of Iaphet ch 10. 5. shold for A season be without the visible church but at last shold be allured by the sweet voice of t●● Ghospell to com home with the Prodigall Son and to dwell in his Tent. But that he saith ●ent not Temple the holy ghoste wold giue to vnderstand that the spirituall estate of Israels Tent in the wildernes and beginings of theyr ruled om in Canaan that was the estate which shold befall the Gentiles by returning home vpon the first breach of the partition wall The Temples estate shall bring vnto the Church another gates g●oue th●● the first That estate properly is the enjoye of that stablished city Aboue which Ab●a●●● tooked for Heb. 11. 10. In the meane tyme the Mystycall Canaan is a●so to be his seruant The Deuels seede euen in prickinge the godly shall vnawares do seruice to the Godly both off Iewe and Gentile Vers 29. So all the days Twelue full Iubilees before the stood and seauen ●●b after Noah l●●ed till within 2. p. of Abrahams birthe Vajamoth and he died Walck man as longe as he can Death in the end arrests him Nothinge more certaine then to dy but nothinge more vncertaine then when to dy The s●erty of death preacheth ●y to the vvorld the vncertainty of death it preacheth Always dy to the world least thovv be once damned vvith the vvorlde Argument Chap. X. Iaphet Cham Shem here Moses doth declare theyr Seede as eke the Names of Old they bare ¶ Diuision of the Text. I. FIrst the Generation of Noah immediate Verse 1. II. Set. his Generation mediate and that is first of Iaphet Vers ● 3 4 5. secondly of Cham thence vnto Vers 21. thirdly of Sh●m thence vnto the 32 Ver. these thre particulars summed vp in one Ver 32. More particularly take it thus ●●AH 〈◊〉 IAPHI 1. Gomer 1. Askenas 2. ●iphath 3. Toga●●ah 2. Magog 3 Madaj 4. Ianan 1. Elisha 2. Tarshish 3.