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A17442 Adelphomachia, or, The warrs of Protestancy being a treatise, wherein are layd open the wonderfull, and almost incredible dissentions of the Protestants among themselues, in most (if not all) articles of Protesta[n]cy, and this proued from their owne wordes & writinges / vvritten by a Cath. priest ; whereunto is adioyned a briefe appendix, in which is proued, first, that the ancient fathers, by the acknowledgments of the learned Protestants, taught our Cath. and Roman fayth, secondly, that the said fathers haue diuers aduantages about the Protestant writers, for finding out the true sense of the Scripture. B. C. 1637 (1637) STC 4263.7; ESTC S1838 109,763 196

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extraordinary calling as being sent from no Man but only from God in these words Quia (g) Lascitius the Protestant reciteth this saying of Caluin l. de Russorum Muscouit Religione c. 13. Papa tyrannide c. Because through the tyranny of the Pope true succession of Ordination was broken of Therefore we stand in neede of a new Course herein and this Function or calling was altogether extraordinary In this Opinion conspire most other Protestants especially of the more earnest sort According hereto M. Perkins (h) In his workes printed anno 605. fol. 916. writeth that the calling of Wicliffe Hus Luther Oecolampadius Peter Martyr c. was ex●raordinary And Doctour Fulke iumpeth with the former saying The (i) Against stapleton Martiall pag. 2. Protestants that first preached in these dayes had extraordinary calling Thus far in Defence of extraordinary calling in these dayes Now the Reader shall see how others more sober Protestants do wholy reiect this extraordinary calling immediatly from God ●xcept it be confirmed with miracles as it was in the Apostles First M. Cartwright thus writeth To (k) In his second Reply part 2. pa. 14● minister the Sacraments is an ho●our in the Church which none can take to him ●ut he which is called vnto it as Aaron was Musculus the great Protestant writeth thus Vecatio (l) In loc Comm. pag. 394. quae immediatè est à Christo iam in vsu non est vt erat olim c. The calling immediatly from Christ is not now in vse as it was in former tymes The Bishop of Winchester thus teacheth They (m) In his perpetuall gouerment of the Church l. ● p. 111. can haue no part of Apostolicall commission that haue no shew of Apostolicall succession D. Sarauia agrees with the former saying Speciem (n) In defens tract contra respons Beza p. 306. 307 illam extraordinariae vocationis ad Ecclesiae ministerium non admitto c. I do not approue that shew of extraordinary calling seing it is not warranted with any authority of Scripture or certaine example Now whereas diuers other Protestants do teach that all extraordinary calling to the ministery is accompanyed with working of Miracles or els is a meere illusion In this manner and restriction writeth Luther saying Vnde (o) Tom. 3. len Germ. fol. 491. venis quis te misit vbi sigilla quod ab hominibus missus sis Vbi miracula c. And Amandus (p) In partitionib Theol. l. 1. p. 308. Polanus (q) In his soueraigne Remedy against Schism p. ●5 Henoch Clapham (r) In loc Comm. p. 304. Musculus and many others too lōg to write do maintayne the same Yet this wholy makes against the calling of Luther himselfe Caluin and all other Sectaries of this age touching their vocation Seing it is granted by Doctour Fulke in these words It is (s) Against the Rhemish Testam in Apoc. 13. knowne that Caluin and the rest whom Papists call Archheretiks do worke no miracles with whom D. Sutcliffe conspireth saying We (t) In his Exam. of D. Kellisons Suruey printed 1606. pag. 8. do not practise miracles nor do we teach that the Doctrine of Truth is to be confirmed with miracles Thus much touching the contrary and Crossing-Iudgments of the Protestants concerning the necessity of Personall Succession in the Church of Christ 3. I next come to discouer their disagreements touching such persons as they acknowledge to be members of the Protestant Church in which point we shall fynd wonderfull opposition among the Protestants First I will shew all such sorts of persons which many Protestants exclude from being members of their Protestant Church And First we find all Heretikes to be excluded and herein I will begin with the iudgment of the Lutherans then of the Caluinists Touching the Lutherans the Centurists thus write (u) Cent. 6. in the Preface Neither Heretiks nor deuisers of Phanaticall Opinions are of Christ but they are of Antichrist and the Deuill And Luther is of the same iudgment saying (x) In his Explicat of the Creed Neither Gentill Iew Heretike or any sinner can be saued vnlesse he make attonement with the Church and in all things do teach the same he meaning his owne Protestant Church To come to the Sacramentaries Caluin thus teacheth (y) Instit l. 2. c. 15. Num. 1. Rightly Austin denyeth Heretiks to haue the same Foundation with the Godly albeit they Preach the name of Christ. D. White All (z) In his way to the Church p. 10. Heretiks teach the truth in some things Yet we deny them to be of the Church of God The Confession of Basil (a) Art 24. We driue away all whosoeuer dissenting from the Society of the holy Church do bring in or follow strange wicked Doctrines To conclude D. Sutcliffe (b) In his booke of the Church c. 1. Heretiks are not of the Church Now here I am to aduertise the Reader that seeing most of these Testimonies as also diuers other following do speake literally of the true Church of God that therefore the Protestants meane thereby their owne Protestant Church seeing they teach it alone to be the true Church of God To come to Schismatiks they are in like sort reiected from being members of the Protestant Church For first Luther thus writeth I belieue (c) Luther in his great Catech. tom 5. pag. 628. there is on earth a little Congregation of Saintes agreeing in all things without Sects or schismes Melancthon Neither (d) In his booke against Swenkfeld tom 2. pa. ●01 is there more then one Church of Christ Neither doth this Company consist of diuers sects D. Fulke thus accordingly teacheth What (e) Of the Succession of the Church skilleth it whether one being drawne by Heresy or schisme from the body of Christ be subiect to eternall damnation D. Whitaker It is (f) Controuers 2. q. 9. c. 9. false that Hereticall and Schismaticall Churches are true Churches To conclude with D. Field The name (g) Of the Church l. 1. cap. 7. of the Catholike Church he thereby vnderstanding his owne Protestant Church is applyed to distinguish men houlding the Fayth in the Vnity from Schismatikes The Anabaptists are in like manner by diuers Protestants disclaymed from being members of their Protestant Church For thus doth the Confession of Switzerland teach We (h) Cap. 20. condemne Anabaptists who maintayne that Infants are not to he baptized The Confession of Ausburg teacheth the same saying We (i) Cap. 9. condemne the Anabaptists who disalow the Baptisme of Infants and thinke them to be saued without Baptisme Which Confession of Ausburg doth in like sort eliminate and exclude the Arians from their Church in these words We (k) Act. 1. condemne all Heresies rising against this Article meaning the Article of the Trinity as the Maniches Arians Eunomians c. That the Papists as the
Catholikes are contumeliously called are excluded from the members of the Protestant Church is so generally taught and but truly taught as that I need not to insist therein only D. Whitakers words shall serue at this tyme thus scurrilously rayling I (l) Contro Duraeum 2. sect 2. will not allow the very name of a lawfull Church vnto the Roman Church because it hath nothing which a true Church ought to haue Thus far to shew what men are not acknowledged by most Protestants and in part most truly to be members of the Protestant Church But now we will see how they are contradicted by other Protestants and sometimes by their owne pens And first we fynd the Anabaptists to be accounted mēbers of the Protestants Church for D. Whitaker thus writeth We (m) Controuers 4. 9. c. 2. p. 716. may abstaine from Baptisme so there be no contempt thereof Oecolampadius Baptisme (n) L. 2. Epist pag. 363. is an externall thing which by the Law of charity may be dispensed with and D. Morton seemes to enclyne to the same iudgment thus saying We (o) In his answere to the Protestants Apology l. 4. c. 1. sect 10. Protestants iudge the state of the Anabaptists not to be vtterly desperate Touching the Arians M. Morton iustifyeth that the Arians are of the Protestant Church because to vse his owne words the Arians (p) In his booke of of the kingdome of Israel the Church p. 94. hould the foundation of the Gospell M. Hookers words are these The Arians (q) Eccles polic l. 4. pag. 181. in the reformed Churches of Poland c. Now these Reformed Churches in Poland are Protestanticall Churches therefore the Arians are included as members of the said Protestanticall Churches Touching Idolaters whether they be of the Protestant Church or no heare what the said M Hooker writeth (r) Eccles pol. l. 3. p. 216. Christians by ezternall Profession they are all whose marke of recognizance hath in it those things which we haue mentioned yea although they he impious Idolaters wicked Heretikes c. Thus he Touching Infidells M. Fox relateth how a Protestant of Eminency for learning did thus teach A Turke (s) Act. Mon. pag. 493. Saracene or any Mahometan whatsoeuer may be saued if he trust in one God and keep the Law But if such a man may be saued then followeth that he is of the Protestant Church seeing most Protestants teach that the Protestant Church only affordeth Saluation And (t) Cent. 6. pag. 404. Bale admonisheth vs to be wary in condemning ouer rashly any Turke Finally this their most wicked opinion is already made euident by the aboue alledged testimonies of Swinglius and others who teach that Heathens dying Heathens and not belieuing in Christ may be saued That the Papists and the Protestants are members of one and the same Protestant Church is taught though most falsly by these Protestants following The Confession of Ausburge speaking of the Catholiks and the Protestants thus belieue say We (u) In Praefat. are all souldiers vnder one Christ. And Luther thus In (x) Luther in Epist. contra Anabapt Popery there is true Christianity yea the kernel of Christianity c. M. Hooker we (y) L. Eccl. pol. 3. c. 118. gladly acknowledge them of Rome to be of the Family of Iesus Christ M. Bunny We (z) In his Treatise of Pacificat are no seuerall Church from them meaning the Papists nor they from vs. D. Whitguift The (a) In his answere to the Admonition pag 40. Papists do belieue the same Articles of Faith which we do Finally D. Whyte In the (b) In defence of the way c. 38. substantiall Articles of our Fayth we agree with the Papists From all which testimonies it followeth that these said Protestants thus teaching do hould the Catholiks to be members of their Protestant Church I will conclude shewing that whom diuers Protestants hould to be Antichrist other Protestants acknowledge the same man to be in state of Saluation and consequently a member of the supposed true Protestant Church This I proue thus Most Protestants teach that the Pope is Antichrist as is well knowne yet other Protestants confesse that some Popes euen since they began to be Antichrist are saued But none are saued but such as are members of the true Church And according hereto I find M. Powell thus to write I will in (c) L. de Antichr c. 33. pag. 338. no wyse say that all the Popes from the tyme wherein Papistry was reuealed to be Antichristianity are damned With whom D. Whitaker euen in the same words thus affirmes I (d) In his answere to the first Demonstration of D. Sanders will not say that from the tyme that Papistry began to be Antichristianity the Popes themselues haue beene all damned And yet we see euen by these two last testimonies that both D. Whitaker and M. Powell teach that the Pope is Antichrist by the reason of the Word Antichristianity by them both vsed in their said testimonies I will shut vp their Disagreements touching the members of the Protestant Church with the malicious Asseueration of Musculus thus writing I imbrace (e) In loc comm de Coena pag. 552. all for brethren in the Lord howsoeuer they disagree from me or among themselues as long as they maintayne not the Popish Impiety Thus far of Protestants contrary iudgments touching who are members of the Protestant Church and who are not I will conclude their dissentions touching the Church whether the Papists as we are styled dying Papists though in part it hath beene all ready displayed out of the Protestant Church may be saued Euery man knoweth that all the Puritans as houlding Papists Religion to be idolatrous and superstitious and the Pope to be Antichrist deny to them all Hope of saluation Yet D. Some thus censureth of this point Yf (m) In his Defence against Penry p. 176. you thinke that all the Popish sort which dyed in the Popish Church are damned you thinke absurdly and do dissent from the iudgment of all learned Protestants D. Barrow I dare (n) In his 4. Sermons and two Questions disputed ad Clorum p. 448. not deny the name of Christians to the Romanists sith the learneder Writers do acknowledge the Church of Rome to be the Church of God M. Cartwright I doubt (o) In his Reply to D. Whitguifts Defence p. 82. not but diuers Fathers of the Greeke Church and who were Patrones of Freewill are saued And the same sentence is deliuered by D. Whitaker (p) Contra rat Camp pa. 74. touching the Saluation of the Ancient Fathers notwithstanding their doctrine of Iustification and merit of works D. Field We doubt (q) Of the Church l. 3. c. 46. not but that the Church in which the Bishop of Rome with more then a Luciferian pryde exalted himselfe was notwithstanding the true Church of God and that is held a sauing
Profession of the truth of Christ. To contract this point D. Couell thus expresly teacheth We (r) In his Defence of M. Hooker pag. 77. affirme them of the Church of Rome to be parts of the Church of God and that those who liue and dye in that Church may notwithstanding be saued charging other Protestants teaching the contrary to vse his owne words with ignorant Zeale Thus much touching the dissentions of the Puritans and the moderate Protestants concerning the saluation of Papists dying Papists cōcluding this point with the iudgment of the Deuiues of Geneua contrary to other their brethren who teach that the Baptisme of Catholike Children either by Protestant Ministers or Catholike Priests is aualeable because say they the (s) So teach the Deuines of Geneua in the Propositions and Principles disputed 〈◊〉 Geneua p. 128. Children are comprehended within the Couenant of eternall life by meanes of the Fayth of their Parents Which very point is in like manner taught to the great dislike of many Puritans by D. Whitguift (t) In his Defence pag. 62● and M. Hooker (u) Eccles pol. l. 5. pag. 1●● For most if not all the Puritans teach that Papists dying Papists cannot be saued seeing say they their Fayth is Idolatry and superstition The X. Paragraph I Next come to the Ancient Fathers because they were the most learned and eminent members of the Ancient Church where we shall see the strang diuersity of the Protestants Iudgments of them Some of the Protestants reuerencing and imbracing their Authorities others wholy betrampling their testimonies and entertayning them with all contempt and scorne And First we will alledge the iudgments of diuers Protestants admitting their Authorities and worth according hereto we fynd that D. Iewell in his Sermon at Paules Crosse thus cryed out O Gregory O Austin O Ierome c. if we be deceaued you haue deceaued vs And after in the said Sermon As I said before so I say againe I am content to yield and subscribe if any of our learned Aduersaries or if all the learned men that be aliue be able to bring any one sufficient sentence out of any old Catholike Doctour or Father or out of any old Generall Councell for the space of six hundred yeares after Christ Which challenge D. Whitaker after iustified in these words writing to Father Campian Audi (x) Whitak in respons ad ration Camp rat 5. Campiane c. Heare O Campian that most true and constant Challenge which Iewell that day made when he appealed to the antiquity of the first six hundred yeares c. That is the proffer and Challenge of vs all we do promise the same with Iewell and we will make it good D. Sutcliffe thus auerreth The (y) In his Exam. of D. Kellisōs suruey Fathers in all points are for vs and not for the Pope D. Willet is no lesse confident herein thus protesting I take (z) In his Antilog p. 263. God to witnes before whom I must render an account c. that the same Fayth and Religion which I defend is taught and confirmed in the more substantiall points by those Histories Councells and Fathers that liued within fyue or six hundred yeares after Christ. Kempnitius We (a) In Exam. Concil Trident. part 1. pag. 74. doubt not but that the Primitiue Church receaued from the Apostles and Apostolicall men not only the text of Scripture but also the right and natiue sense thereof And againe We are greatly confirmed in the true and sound sense of the Scripture by the testimony of the ancient Church The Confession of Bohemia The (b) In the Harmony of Confessions pag. 400. ancient Church is the true and best Mistris of posterity and going before leadeth vs the way D. Bancroft speaking of Caluin and Beza thus sayth For (c) In his Suruey of the pretended holy Discipline M. Caluin and M. Beza I do thinke of them as their Writings do deserue But yet I thinke better of the ancient Fathers I must confesse I will conclude this their acknowledgment of the Primitiue Church and Fathers with D. Iewell with whom I first did begin he thus writing The Primitiue (d) In his Defence of the Apology Church which was vnder the Apostles and Martyrs hath euer beene accounted the Purest of all others without exception But now let vs see how Diametrically and repugnantly other Protestants stand to these former Protestants touching the Authority and dignity of the ancient Fathers And to forbeare the former Confessions of Protestants touching the Inuisibility of their Church during the first fiue or six hundred yeares after Christ aboue related which euidently demonstrateth that such Protestants who teach so long an Inuisibility do consequently teach and grant that the Fathers of those tymes were in iudgment Papists and not Protestants for if they had beene Protestants then the Protestanticall Church had most remarkably beene visible and conspicuous in the said Fathers To forbeare the iteration I say therof I will descend to the particular Reproualls giuen by the Protestants against them And first do we not find the same D. Whitaker obserue the inconstancy of this man who aboue so much maintayned D Iewells appeale thus to write Ex (e) Whitak contra Duraeum l. 6. p. 423. Patrum erroribus vester ille religionis Cento consutus est Your Popish Religion is but a patched Couerlet of the Fathers errours sowed together Pomeran the Protestants thus writeth Nostri Patres siue sancti fiue non sancti c. Our (g) Pomeran in Io●au ancient Fathers whether they were holy or not holy I not much rest vpon were blinded with the spirit of Montanus and through humane Traditions Doctrines of the Deuills c. they did not teach purely of Iustification c. Neither were they sollicitous to preach Iesus Christ in his Gospell Iacobus Acontius the Protestant thus condemneth the Fathers Quidem (h) In stratagem Satanae l. c. p. 196. eò redierunt c. Certaine men meaning Protestants are gone so far as that they would haue all points to be tryed by the authorities of the Fathers c. But this custome I hould to be most pernicious and altogether to be auoided D. Humfrey so smally pryaeth the Fathers as that he rebuked D. Whitaker for renewing D. Iewels challenge in appealing to the ancient Fathers aboue related in this manner D. Whitaker (i) Lib. de vita Iewel li. printed at London pag. 212. gaue the Papists too large a scope was iniurious to himselfe and after a manner spoyled himselfe and the Church Melancthon (k) In 1. Cor. cap. 3. Presently (k) In 1. Cor. cap. 3. from the beginning of the Church the ancient Fathers obscured the Doctrine concerning Iustification by Fayth encreased Ceremonyes and deuised peculiar worships Beza thus ballanceth the Fathers with the Protestants of this age saving Yf we (l) In Epist Theolog Ep. 1. compare our tymes next to the