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A16820 A treatise made in defence of the lauful power and authoritie of priesthod to remitte sinnes of the peoples duetie for confession of their sinnes to Gods ministers: and of the Churches meaning concerning indulgences, commonlie called the Popes pardo[n]s. By William Allen M. of Arte, and student in diuinitie. Allen, William, 1532-1594. 1567 (1567) STC 372; ESTC S100097 165,800 456

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Churche hath an other kind of remission whiche Epiphanius calleth poenitentiam post poenitentiam But of these two more shal be said anon After this sorte Lib. 4. de Sap. ca. 30 doth Lactantius ascribe to the true Churche confession penance and profitable healing of our wounds and suche sores as be founde in our soules By al which euery man may conceiue casely that this honour and commission of priesthod for the remissiō of our sinnes did not decay with the Apostles appointed by Christe nor shal cease till Christes cōming to iudge the worlde But he that listeth to see in what office and by whom she holdeth this singular honour of remission of sinnes he shal find not onelie the Apostles who were called by Christ but al other Bishoppes also that succeede them in the Churche to be her ministers herein Gregorius wherof let him read the xxvj Homelie of S. Gregorie perteininge almoste wholy to that purpose I will repeat a few wordes onely out of it committing the rest to the diligence of the Reader Libet intueri saith he illi Discipuli ad tanta ouer a humilitatis vocati ad quantū culmen gloriae sint perducti Ecce non solùm de semetipsis securi fiunt sed etiam alienae obligationis relaxationis potestatem accipiunt principatumque superni iudicij sortiuntur vt vice Dei quibusdam peccata retineant quibusdam relaxent Ecce qui districtum iudicium Dei metuunt animarum iudices siunt et alios damnant vel liberant qui semet ipsos damnari metuebant Horum profecto nunc in Ecclesia Dei Episcopi locum tenent ligandi atque soluendi authoritatem sumunt Grandis honor sed graue pondus est istud honoris It is my meaning nowe to beholde to what marueilouse honour the Disciples of Christe be exalted whiche before were called in their base state to great burden and troubles For nowe they be not onelie in assurance of their owne state but they haue obteined power of binding and releasing other and the verie soueraigntie of heauenlie iudgemente that in Goddes owne steede they may some mans sinnes release and other offences reteine Loe those that once feared the straict sentence of Goddes owne iudgemente are made the iudges of other mens soules to cōdemne or deliuer where they list Bishops are in the roomes of the Apostles that before doubted of them selues And nowe tru●lie in these mens roomes are the Bishoppes of Goddes Church and receiue the authoritie of binding and loosing and their owne state of regimente High surely is their Chair but greater is their charge S. Gregorie said so farre But Sainct Augustine shall make vppe this matter with woordes of suche weight that I trust euerie man shall see the trueth and almost feele the grossenesse of falsehoode thereby He writeth thus vppon this verse of the Psalme Eructauit Psal 44. The Catholike Churche hath continual successiō in lauful ministerie whiche is the xliiij in number with him Pro patribus ●uis nati sunt tibi filij constitues eos Principes super omnem terram In place of thy Parentes thou hast children born thee them thou mayest make the Princes of the vvhole earth The Apostles did begette thee they were sente them selues they preached in their owne persons and finallie they were thy Fathers But could they alwayes corporally abide here And though one of them saied Phil. 1. I would gladly be dissolued and be with Christ yet for your sake I coūted it more necessarie to tarie in flesh Thus he said But how long coulde his life last He might not remaine til this daie muche lesse for the time to come What then is the Church desolate after the departure of her parents God forbid In steed of thy parentes thou hast sonnes saith the text What is that to say Marie the Apostles sent by Christ are as Fathers and for them God hath raised vp childern or sonnes which be the holy Bishops of the world For at this day the Bishoppes that be throughout al Christendome how rose thei to that roome The Church calleth them Fathers and yet shee did begette them and shee placed them in the roome of their Fathers Non ergo te putes desertam quia non vides Petrum quòd non vides Paulum quòd non vides illos per quos nata es de prole tua tibi creuit paeternitas pro patribus tuis nati sunt tibi filij constitues eos principes super omnem terram Doe not therfore thinke thy selfe desolate because thou seest not Peter because thou hast not Paul ☜ because thou hast them not nowe present by whome thou wast borne of thy owne issue Fatherhode is growen to thee and for thy Fathers thou hast brought foorth sonnes them shalt thou make the rulers ouer al the earth Thus muche out of S. Augustine By whom you may perceiue the great prouidence of God that euerlastingly vpholdeth the ordinance of his Sonne Christ Iesus as wel now by the children borne from time to time in the Churches lappe as b●fore in the spring of our faith by the Apostles sent and appointed in person by Christ him selfe And here you must note Note that not only Bishops who succeede the Apostles in al kind of power and regiment but also all other inferiour Priestes to be compted with them as successours in ministring diuerse sacramentes as baptisme penance the reuerend Sacramēt of the Aultar and suche like but looke what power either Apostle or Bishop hath in remission of sinnes in consecrating Christes body in baptising the same hath the whole order of holy priesthod by the right of their order may practise the same vpō such as be subiect vnto them in al cases not exempted for reasonable causes by such as haue further iurisdictiō ouer the people Whereof I will not now talk particularly the lerned of the order know the limits of their charge cōmission better then I cā instruct thē the simpler sort must seek for knowledge of their duty by the holy Canons of Coūcels decrees of Bishops made for that purpose I can not now stād theron meaning at this present only to defend the holy Order chalēge for it such right as the scripture and Christes own word geueth which in this cōtempt of vertue and religiō is most necessary for al men to consider Therfore vpon our large discours for this last point I now deducte the particulars to this summe which may stād for a certaine mark as wel for the good to discern the truth as for the Aduersaries to shoote at whiles they liue Al power euery iurisdiction or right of Christes church remaineth as amply in as ful force strēgth at this day shal til the worlds end so continue as they were by Christ graūted first in the persōs of the Apostles or other instituted But the power of remissiō of sinnes was geuē proprely in expresse termes to the
plenarie Indulgence it shall discharge you of the bond of al the dayes or yeares appointed whiche you haue not before the receit of the said Pardō accomplished And this is exceeding plaine for the two first kindes of punnishmentes which we saied were ioyned for satisfaction by the Churches lawes and by the Confessours prescription For as they stood vpon daies and yeares so the remission of the same must needs keepe the like forme For which cause you shal often see expressed De Poenitentijs iniunctis in the Indulgēce And that forme of graunt remissiō was vsed alwayes in Gods Church De Poen iniūctis For S. Cypriā did remit a great peece somtims De poenitētijs iniūctis of the enioyned penāce whē he gaue peace to such as fell in time of persecution long before they had fulfilled their prescribed penance And so did S. Paule to the Corinthian that had committed incest and so doth Nice Councell prescribe to Bishops that they shoulde or might at the least Humanius Can. 11. deale more gentlie with those that denyed theyr fayth in the persecution of Licinius and that they might pardon them before if they saw cause though seauen yeares penaunce was prescribed vnto them In which places that the Churche now calleth a Pardon or Indulgence Hovv pardons vvere termed in the Primitiue Church 2. Cor. 2. was termed somtimes donare aliquid in persona Christi to geue or graunte something to the offender in Christes person and so called S. Paule it sometimes it was called Dare pacem as S. Cyprian termeth it in many places of his works sometimes it was called Humanius agere To deale gentlie with sinners or to shew vnto them humanitie and so doth Nicene and Ancyran Councels terme it Licebit etiam Episcopo humanius circa aliquid cogitare Can. 11. Cap. 5. It shal be lauful for the Bisshop to deale more curteouslie with them saith the holy Councell Whereby we see this pardoning of enioyned penāce is an auncient vsage and counted most holie of al the Churche whereof we make this assured ground and foundaciō of our Pardons An assured argument for pardons and for the truth of them we make this argument S. Paule did remitte enioyned penance in Christes person S. Cyprian and all the Bishopes of Affrike did remitte penaunce enioyned Nicene Councell giueth licence to Bishops to remitt penaunce prescribed by the law Therefore the Pope by theyr example in the person of Christ may remitte enioyned penaunce and therefore may laufully geue a pardon The payne prescribed by the lawe he may release because he is the principall executour of the law the penaūce appoynted by the inferiour priest in cōfession he may likewise remit because that which is prescribed by thinferiour may by good reason be vpon cōsyderations altered by the superiour especially where the Magistrate hath good meanes to prouide that neyther the Cōmon Wealth suffer dāmage thereby nor the party to whom it doth pertein to be loosed or bond in penance receiue any losse therby By like authority also doth a Pardō chāge somtimes a sharper lōger pain enioyned into som more gētle penāce more fitte needful works for the time and state then being as his power that is the chief gouernour may be exceding beneficiall to the world in suche cases which euer ought to be practised for edifiyng neuer for destructiō For it is to be cōsidered that the high Pastor vsually graūteth no releasse of the debt of good works or the bond of deserued punishmēt but by prescriptiō of some other holy work to be accōplished before the party obteine the benefite of his remissiō As whē a penitēt hath enioyned hym to punish his body by cōtinual fasting or lōg peregrination or other exceding much tēporal paine according to the grieuousnes of his desertes the freedome of a Pardon oftentimes turneth the said due paines enioyned in to some easier woorke of christiā charity yet being much more to glorye of God and beneficiall to the Church as the time standeth then the other could be Ita Vrbanus 2. in Synod Claremōt As when the Turke or other ennemies of Christianity doe inuade any Christian Kingdome it is more beneficiall to put to our helping hand in the withstanding his crueltye eyther by resisting him in oure owne persons or contributing any peece of oure goods towardes the same then any priuate Penance that may cōcerne our persons Therefore the gouernours of the Churche often to moue the people to suche necessary deuotion geueth them a releasse of all paine due for theyr sinnes or at the least of the bond of their enioyned penance onely vpon respect of some smal furtherance in suche a good and godly purpose The like they doe also often to sette forward other works of charity to the benefite of Gods people as for the relieuing of Hospitals of Churches of highe wayes and such like Sometimes againe they extend their power which Christ gaue them to edify his Church and encrease religion and deuotion in the people as when they geue pardon for so many dayes to suche as shall receiue the blessed Sacrament faste and praye that heresy may ceasse in the Church that the enemies of Christianity may not preuaile that Infidels Iewes and heretiques may be conuerted and Schismatikes knitte them selues obediently to the felowshipe of Christes fold So doth the Pope for the encrease of zelous deuotiō and aduancing Gods honour geue dayes of remission or full pardon to suche as shall vsually haue meditations of Christes passion and death by certaine holy praiers appointed or by visiting places in which there be seen some liuely steppes memories and expresse tokens of Christes miraculous workes or his Sanctes Thus to helpe vppe the dulnesse of praying and seruing God in oure dayes he geueth grace and pardon to such as shall frequent the Churches at the times of their dedication or on certaine principall Feastes there eyther to be confessed and receiue the holy Sacrament or els to ioyne in prayer and deuotion with other the faithful people that thither at those dayes haue principal recourse Hereof we haue example not onely in the story of the institution of the solemne Feaste of Corpus Christi but also in the great generall Councell holden at Lateran Can. 62. For this cause also the like maintenaunce of holy prayer by which the Church of God most standeth hath he mercifully and with singular wisdome giuen a pardon of certaine dayes or yeares to suche as shoulde deuoutly occupie suche beades bookes or praiers in al which thinges orderly giuen and reuerently receiued I see not what cā be reprehended of any but such as are offended with all workes and wayes of mercy charity and deuotion The power and iurisdiction is proued lawfull the causes why he shoulde exercise his authority herein be very vrgent and Goddes honoure with the peoples commodity exceding well respected all thinges here doo edifie and nothing at
fal on thē that must passe this life either not christened or elles fast bounde in sinne And what passing sorowe will it be for their faithfull frendes Of olde the pastours did in times of heresy oftē for a sake their flock but novve the flo●k hath for●aken their pastours which shal not haue their company in eternal rest and ioy Thus far sayd he for proof that the Pastoures should not forsake their flock thus say we nowe where the flocke haue forsaken their pastours the lacke is lyke in both But ours is so much woorse because it was procuted willingly theirs the more of excusable because it was both born necessity lamented christianly Neither may we think our selues here much to be relieued by them that pretend the like practise of such thinges as nowe we lack Note For the euer augmented the sorow 〈◊〉 iust dolour of the faithful Much it is God knoweth to want their Pastours priestes so dear with them for most part all the due of Christianity but to susteine in stead therof a kind of apishe imitation of such holy functions which in deed by what pretence of holynes so euer it be vsed is alwayes hath bene accompted most detestable that is the great calamity which wasteth most in al tempesteous times of Gods religiō For the only vse acquaintance familiarity of this false face or resemblance of trueth holy actions of the Church driueth many into a kind of contētaciō rest in such things as thēselues other wise do abhor or at least turneth away their earnest appetite desire of those matters Ther is no necessitie that should driue any man to take any sacramēt at an he retikes hande sauing only t●e sacraments of baptisme and penaunce and that not vvithoute necessitie vhhich only is in present peril of death which no mā cā without peril of damnation misse It is not yet ment hereby that euery sacrament is frustrat alwayes that be by such made or ministred although for moste they be so profaned that they be not onely nothing beneficial but also damnable both to the geuer receiuer but my meaning is that euē those sacramēts which be of necessity that by Gods special mercy thei may be receiued of such as be not otherwise cōpetent ministers where the present peril of any mans life forceth therevnto that euē then whē they may be beneficiall to other that without schism cal for the sacramēts yet they shal be dānable vnto thēselues For hereof let euery mā be bold that taketh vpō him any ministery in scism disorder that so oftē as he hath practised it so often hath he prouoked Gods ire towardes himself procured as much ●s in him lyeth his indignation to al yt●re partakers therof S. Basil the great ●omplaineth hereof very much in his ●ayes by these wordes Epist 70. in the doctrine of impiety ād wickednes the churches babes be now brought vp For how cā●t be otherwise Baptisme is ministered ●y heretikes they helpe forth such as passe hence they kepe visitation of the sicke they haue comfortinge of the so●owful they take on them the ease of such as be burdeyned in all cases and to be short The hurt of heresie to youth they minister the mysteries of holy communiō so that in time though the libertie of Christes religiō be restored againe the youth shal take such likinge in heretikes practises to whom by loue and custome they are so fast knit that it will be hard to reduce thē home to truth againe Thus farre spake S. Basil of his dayes and right good cause haue we no lesse to cōplayne of ours They were thā incumbred with Arians and we with a legiō of newe deuises and bold practisioners of such high heauēly functiōs as neither by God nor mā they are rightly orderly called vnto The benefit that vve receiue by our nevv ministers By these nowe only our soules seme to liue but by these alone we surely dye euerlastingly In al which great desolation of Christian cōfort all spiritual functiōs this were some solace if eyther the older sort could cōsider what they haue lost or the poore children which are nurced in these novelties might learne what they lacked The Author intent in this book● My meaninge is therfore to moue al partyes to the necessary care heed of the matter by the treatise folowing trusting that some one or other of my good brethren who all be to me most deare will awake at my earnest call and consider of the matter deapely howe it fareth wyth him and other touchinge theyr soules since the sacrament of penance hath bene banished and the priesthood of Gods Church spoyled of iuridictiō right in remission of sins to help him in so necessarie fructeful aduise of him self● other whō in such cases I meane always to serue I wil seek out the groūd of this authority that hath bene so longe practised of the priest honoured of the people to the singular glory of God the notorious encrease of vertue weale publik of the whole Christian world that both the good catholike may haue reasonable prouf of the which to his immortal weal he hath so lōg both loued reuerēced in Christes ministers also the cōtēners of so heauēly power may learne in hūblenes of hart to like feare that excellēt functiō which by pride they did before vnaduisedly disproue If it may please any man that is doubtful of this article which is so necessari to be knowē to consider giue good attēdance to the whole course of my talk I promise him as afore God who wil sharpli iudge al sinister endeuours in causes of his honour that I wil deal sincerly in al poynts faythfully I wil not couer my selfe nor the light of the cause in cloud of words neither by any artificial sleight as new doctours now a daies oftē doo circūuēt the sense of him that is most simple such indifferēcy shal be vsed euery where in trial of the truth that I wil seme for his sak to doubt of the matter my selfe Though in deede so God saue me in my commō sense so god speare me for my sinnes I can neuer mistrust any poynt of that fayth in which I was newe borne and baptised But that notwith standing I wil not spare to rippe vppe that which men most reproue in Goddes Church and ministers that all the disobedient children may see howe free they be frō falshood farre frō the beguiling the flock of Christe to them cōmited to kepe we will cal the high magistrates though yt be exceding vnsemely for subiectes to accōpt of their gouernmēt the principall pastour must giue a reason of his pardons awnswer for the limitatiō of his indulgences by yeares dayes and tymes both he and all other Bishops shal be accomptable for such graue censures exercised vpō mens soules wyth them
all inferiours priestes must be posed for searchinge the secretes of our cōsciences for releassing mās misdedes ēioyning penance requiring satisfactiō for syns Thus bold wil we be with trueth the rather therby to deface falshod And al this in that order that may in lest roome conteyne most matter wyth both breuity light so much as so depe large a cause cā beare frō al cōtentiō I will so far refrayn that euē the aduersaries them selues of Christes trueth and doctrine albeit they be persons infamous by lawe consent of all nat●ōs shall not yet without meane resonable moderatiō be touched or talked of requiring of them this curtesie againe that they reprehend nothing in this discourse pryuilie which they can not nor dare not awnswer to opēly A reasonable request And of my louing brethrē that be Catholike I must farder require one thing the sute is for thē selues that when in a maner they sensibly feele the truth they would not refuse to folowe the same that by outeward worke they may declare theire inward wil. Herof I am now more careful for that I see heresy falshood to be of the coūtenāce colour that it is oftē liked before yt be beleued wher gods trueth for terrour bitternes that it beareth is not always folowed wher it is wel knowen trusted But surely trueth is not profitably vnderstanded til it be willingly practised Therefore who soeuer acknowledged in his cōscience the power of Gods Church ministery for the remission of sinnes vseth not humbly cōfession of his sinnes that that power may redound to his saluatiō he is so much farder from God by how much more he knoweth the right way to come to God Mans wil must in al such cases of terror difficultie geue ouer to Gods ordināce whose cōmādementes though they seme to the worldly burdenous yet to the good ghostlie De doctrina Christiana Cap. 41. paucis amāti●us sayth S. Augustin they are sweet and exceding pleasant And this let euerie mā assuredly know that who soeuer cōpteth confession so heauy he neither feeleth the weight of sinne nor yet sufficiētly feareth the appoynted payn for the same Al these vntowardly affections the sinne and the worlde haue planted in vs all lette vs seke by loue and zeale of Gods truth and ordinance to amend ioyne with me gentle Reader I besech thee in prayers that our endeuours may please God profite his people THE FIRST part of this Treatise of the lauful power and authoritie of Priesthode to remit sinnes and of the distinct confession of sinnes to a Priest That Christ did forgeue sinnes not onely by proper power and nature as he was God but also by ministerie as he was a man and as he was a Priest and head of the Church and that vpō that groūd the Priests power in remitting sinnes in the Church doth stand The first Chapter CHrist Iesus the Sonne of the liuing God being euerlastinglie of the same substance power and nature that his Father and ●he holy Ghost be of as being truelie ●quall and one God with them both woorketh mightelie al things in heauē●nd in earth ioyntlie with them both and therefore by excellencie of power propertie of nature and by ful and perfect dominion ouer his owne creature he remitteth mans sinnes by the same soueraigne right that they doe Who being thus in al excellencie equal with God hath notwithstāding vouchsafed of his singular bountifulnesse ioyned with maruelous humility Ad Philip 2. to abase him selfe to the receiuing of our nature in which now he hath wrought the same things in earth by seruice sute and commission which before he onelie did by might and maiestie of his owne power procure Euen the self same God that by wil and cōmaundement might moste iustlie both haue punisshed and pardoned whō he list of loue and wisdome infinite continuing alwaies in like excellencie as before became the minister of our reconcilement to God In which state he offereth sacrifice as a Priest for sinne he vseth sacraments for the remission of sinne he prayed to God his Father for the sinfull he is made the head of the Churche the gouernour of the Churche and the iudge of the Church Al which functions perteine to our Sauiour in respect and cōsideration of his humaine nature according vnto whiche power is geuen him of the Father through the holie Ghost to practise the same And what so euer in holy scripture is red to be exercised of him through the might of Gods Spirit by the vertue of his annointing by the finger of God by the sending of the Father by power receiued from aboue by priesthod prayers or sacrifice by the name of the Sonne of man of the head of the Churche or iudge of the liuing dead what so euer is in this sorte said to be done it is not otherwise lightly ment but in respect of Christes humanitie by whiche and in which he woorketh the same not as by the propre and natural power or force thereof but as by iurisdiction receiued of the blessed Trinitie and imployed vpon the sonne of man for the procuring of saluation to his people wherof he is become in our very nature the head Therefore no Christian man may doubt Note vvel the groūd of the cause but as our Sauiour by the omnipotent power of his Godhead might and did forgeue sinnes to the penitent so likewise that as he was Priest and the sonne of man he might by the right of his office vnction and ministery in the vertue of the holie Ghost remitte sinnes also And for that cause principallie in the Prophet Esay it is said Cap. 61. Spiritus Domini super me eò quòd vnxerit me ad annunciandum mansuetis misit me vt mederer contritis corde praedicarē captiuis indulgentiam clausis apertionem The Spirit of the Lord vpon me because he hath annointed mee and sent mee to signifie vnto the meeke that I should heal the cōtrite in hart to preach pardon to the prisoners and freedome to the closed Luc. 4. The which place of the prophet our Sauiour applied vnto himself in the Churche of Nazareth and is to be vnderstāded only of preaching Cap 11. 12. li. 1. de Trinit and pardoning by the holie vnction of the Spirit of God his Fathers calling And therfore it must needs according to S. Augustines iudgement concerne the shape of his seruice manhod takē on him in which he preached so that yet it pleased him to affirm that his doctrin was not his own but his Fathers that sent him healed the cōtrite in hart which is nothing els but to forgeue sinnes to the penitent after such a sort that it might wel appere to be receued practised by the vnction of the Spirit of God sending of his Father wherby the Son of man might doe that as Gods minister in his manhoode