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truth_n bishop_n church_n succession_n 1,636 5 10.2155 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11683 Treason pretended against the King of Scots by certaine lordes and gentlemen, whose names hereafter followe. With a declaration of the Kinges Maiesties intention to his last acts of Parliament: which openeth fully in effect of all the saide conspiracy. Out of Skottish into English. Studley, Christopher.; James I, King of England, 1566-1625.; Adamson, Patrick, 1537-1592. Declaration of the Kings Majesties intentioun and meaning toward the lait actis of Parliament. aut 1585 (1585) STC 21949.5; ESTC S121502 10,840 26

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the wrath of the Lordes iudgements which is the right ende of publike humilitie and not vnder pretence thereof to couer such enterprises as hath heretofore greatly disquieted and troubled the peace of this common wealth THe xx Acte ratifieth and approoueth and establisheth the estate of the Bishops within the realme to haue the ouersight and iurisdiction euery one in their owne Dioces Which forme of gouernment and rule in Ecclesiastical affaires hath not onely continued in the church from the dayes of the Apostles by continuall succession of tyme and many Martyrs in that calling shed their bloud for the trueth but also since this Realme embraced and receiued the Christian religion the same estate hath béene maintained to the welfare of the Church and quietnesse of the realme without any interruption vntill within this few yéeres some curious and busie men haue practised to induce in the ministerie an equalitie in all thinges as well concernyng the preaching of the word administration of the Sacramentes as likewise in discipline order and pollicie The which confusion his Maiestie finding by most dangerous experience to haue bene the mother and Nurse of great factions seditions and troubles within this Realme hath with aduise of his highnes estates aduisedly concluded the said pretended partie in discipline orders and pollicie in the Church to be no longer tollerate in this Country but the sollicitude and care of all churches in one diocesse to appertaine to the Bishop and commissioner thereof who shall be aunswerable to God and his Maiesty and estates for the right administration and discharge of the office of particular Ministers within the boundes of their iurisdiction For as it becommeth his Maiestie as Eusebius writeth of Constantinus the great to be a Bishop of Bishops and vniuersall Bishop within his Realme in so far as his maiestie should appoint euerie one to discharge his duetie which his highnesse cannot his country béeing large and great take him to euerie Minister that shall offend and transgresse agaynst duetie or quarrell with the whole number of y e Ministerie but it behooueth this Maiestie to haue Bishops and ouerséeers vnder him which may bee aunswerable for such boundes as the law and order of the countrey hath limited and appointed vnto euerie one of them And y ● they hauing accesse to his Maiesties Parliament counsell may intercide for the rest of the brethrē of the Ministerie propone their griefe vnto hys highnesse and estates and receiue his maiesties fauourable aunswere therin The which forme doth preserue a godly quietnes vnitie concorde and peace in the estate and an vniforme order in the Church As contrariwise the pretended equalitie deuideth the same and vnder the pretence of equality maketh some of the most craftie and subtill dealers to bee aduaunced and enriched and in pretending of partie to séeke nothing but their owne ambition and aduauncement aboue the rest of the simple sort And notwithstanding that his Maiestie hath restablished the said estate it is not his highnes will intent y t the foresaid Bishop shall haue such full power as to do within his diocesse what he plea seth For as his Ma. cannot allow of any popular confusiō wherin as the prouerbe saith Nulla tyrannis aequiparanda est tyrannidi multitudinis That is No tyrany can be compared to the tyranny of a multitude hauing commandement power in his hands so on the other part his M. will is y t the Bishops authoritie in any graue matter be limited to the councel of 13. of y ● most aūcient wise godly pastors of his diocesse selected out of y e whole synodal assembly of y ● prouince by whose aduise or at least the most parte therof y e weightie affaires of the church may be gouerned to the glory of God quietnes of the realme Further it is his highnes wil cōmandement y ● their bishops or commissioners twise in the yéere to wit 10. dayes after Easter the 6. of September hold their synodall assemblies in euerie diocesse for y e kéeping of good order therin And if any be stubborne or contemne within their bounds the good order of the church that it may be declared vnto his Ma. punished to the example of others according to their deseruings Neither is it his Ma. meaning or intent y t such bishops or commissioners as shall be appointed shall receiue their onely full commission of his Ma without admission ordinary by such as are appointed to that effect in y e church but hauing his highnes nomination presentation and commendation as lawfull only patron they to bée tried and examined y t their qualities are such as thei are able to discharge their cure office And if it shall happen any of the said bishops or commissioners to bee negligēt iu their office or to be slanderous offensiue in their behauiour life maners in tyme to come it is not his highnes wil y ● they shalbe exempted frō correction notw tstanding any priuilege of his highnes estate coū sell or parliament but their labors trauels diligence behauiour to be tried in the generall assembly not cōsisting of a confused multitude as it was before but of such worshipfull persons as is heretofore prescribed in his highnes presence or his deputies to that effect Lastly his maiestie giueth commission to the saide Bishops or commissioners at their visitatiōs to cōsider in what part of y e cuntrey the exercise or interpretation of the scripture by conference of a certeine num ber of y e Ministerie within those bounds may be most commodiously once in euerie xv daies For as his Ma. inhibits all vnlawfull méetings that may ingender trouble contention in the countrey so his Ma. is well affected to sée the Ministerie increase in knowledge vnderstanding by all meanes to fortifie aduaunce the same Wherein his highnes commandement is that a graue wise sage man shalbe appointed president who may haue y e ouersight of these boūds be answerable therefore to the bishop his coūsell synode he to be respected reasonably for his paines at the modification of stipends y ● all things may be orderly done in the church peace quietnes mainteined in the realme we delyuered from apparant plagues the blessing of God continued to the comfort of our posteritie And in the mean time his highnes inhibits and expresly forbids vnder the paines conteined in his Ma. acts of parliament al other paines arbitral at his Ma. sight counsell y ● no Minister take in hand to assemble themselues for the foresaid cause without the appointment order taken by the said bishops or commissioners wherby his highnes may be certeinly enformed that the foresaid Ministers assemble not to meddle with any ciuill matters or affaires of estate as was accustomed before but onely to profit in the knowledge of the word to be comforted one by another in the administration of their