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A02043 Lectures of I.B. vpon the xii. Articles of our Christian faith briefely set forth for the comfort of the godly, and the better instruction of the simple and ignorant. Also hereunto is annexed a briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith, conteining an hundreth articles, according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles. Written by that learned [and] godly martyr I.H. sometime Bishop of Glocester in his life time.; Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. Baker, John, minister.; Hooper, John, d. 1555.; Garnier, Jean, d. 1574. Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. 1581 (1581) STC 1219; ESTC S110441 203,151 484

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little flocke for it is your fathers pleasure to giue vnto you the kingdome Luke 12. He shoulde haue sayde great flocke according to the Papistes opinion Againe when one asked our sauiour Christ whether there were fewe that shoulde be saued hee answered in effect that it was so saying Striue to enter in at the strayte gate for many I saye vnto you will seeke to enter in and shall not be able Luke 13. Here Christ sayeth flatly that many that is the multitude shall not enter in at heauen gates which yet notwithstanding must bee saued if the Church as the aduersaries saye consist of multitude for the Church shall bee saued Here Christ excludeth multitude from his Church and kingdome and in the 7. of Matthewe wee shall see that hee maketh paucitie and the small number to bee an argument of his Church quite contrarie vnto the blinde Papistes saying Strayte is the gate and narrowe is the way that leadeth vnto life and fewe there be that finde it Are there fewe that finde this gate then are there but fewe of this Church of Christ Wherefore wee haue the more neede to watche to striue and to contende to be of this small companie for surely many are called to the Gospell but fewe and very fewe are chosen But let vs see the examples of the holy Scripture Was not Noah onely founde righteous with his housholde before the Lorde when the flood was brought in vpon the wicked worlde For all flesh had corrupted his way before God Genes 6. Was the greatest multitude in Sodome founde to be of this Church of God Surely if it had bene so Sodome had not bene destroyed But there were not ten righteous men to bee founde within it onely Lot with his wife and two daughters escaped the fire all the rest were wicked and therefore most fearefully cōsumed with fire and brimstone from heauen to make others to feare th● like sinnes as Saint Peter sayeth Gen. 19. 2. Peter 2. There came but two into the promised lande of Canaan of all the sixe hundred thousande men beside women and children that came out of the lande of Egypt and they were Iosua and Caleb the rest iustly perished in the wildernesse for their vnbeliefe and disobedience But let vs see further when this Church was more increased in the times that followed Was not Elias onely against the foure hundred false prophetes of Achab and Iezabel 3. Reg. 18. And did not he thinke that there had bene none aliue that appertayned vnto the Lorde but he onely And although the Lorde sayd vnto him that he had reserued vnto himselfe seuen thousand that had not bowed the knee to the idole Baal yet was that to the multitude and number of y● wicked that were then in Israel Againe was not the kingdom of Israel farre greater then the kingdome of Iuda and yet was the true worshippe and seruice of the Lorde onely with the Iewes in Ierusalem and not in Dan or Bethel where were the golden calues of Ieroboam Was not Micheas in his time onely one Prophete that was good against foure hundred lying prophetes of Achab He was ouercome there by multitude and yet hee had onely the trueth and worde of the Lorde on his side 3. Reg. 22. If wee list to come neerer the time of Christ vnder the Gospell we shall see the fewest to holde with him Was not the whole multitude of the Iewes with the chiefe Scribes and Pharises and hye Priestes against Christ and condemned him to death crying Crucifie him crucifie him Iohn 19. Afterwarde in the succession of the Church wee shall see the Christians to bee the smallest number Vniuersalitie then and multitude is no argument of the Catholike Church of Christ but rather the contrarie may bee affirmed the least number to be his Secondly they will haue Antiquitie to bee a note and token of this Church If they will stande to Antiquitie and long prescript and continuance of time euen here also must they needes fall For their Masse with her reliques was neuer heard of within the space of fiue hundred yeeres at the least after Christ as a godly and learned man doeth auouche vnto them which if they coulde prooue he woulde haue subscribed vnto them and their transsubstantiation was neuer spoken of before the Council of Lateran and so all their trumpery hath bene patched together by Popes and Councils at diuers times Whereas wee can prooue our holy Communion euen from Christ and his Apostles vsing it in the same order with bread and wine in a knowen tongue as he did to his Apostles If their Masse be of such great antiquitie as they beare vs in hande it is great maruayle that the very name of it can not once be founde or read of in the Scriptures but it is an vnknowen name for an vnknowen thing Here we see antiquitie doeth confute them although antiquitie be not alwayes a good argument to prooue a matter by For if it were then murder shoulde be good which is as auncient as Cain the seconde man that was here vpon the earth Gen. 4. From the first king of Israel which was Ieroboam after that the kingdome was deuided in Solomons time vntill the last king of the same kingdome which was Hoshea the golden calues were still mainteyned which were erected first of all by Ieroboam and continued for the space of three hundred yeeres or there about And yet for all this was not their religion good although they receyued it still by tradition custome from their fathers by the prescript of so many yeeres For the Prophetes notwithstanding did still reprehende the idolatrous and wicked kinges for their superstitious worshipping of these calues which they shoulde not haue done if the argument of our Papistes bee good to bring and alleadge their forefathers custome traditions Councils and antiquitie for then Achab might haue sayde vnto Elias if this be true why doest thou reprehende me for this worshippe I haue receyued it from the first king Ieroboam and my fathers haue liued and dyed in it and I haue antiquitie to pleade for mee But Elias knewe well ynough that this was no argument and therefore tooke him vp sharpely as we may our Papistes although they haue had their Masses these seuen or eyght hundred yeeres Agayne if antiquitie or custome bee a generall rule to confirme a doctrine in religion then myght the Pagans and Ethnikes haue alleadged agaynst the Apostles these thinges when they came to preache Christ Iesus crucified vnto them and to alter their olde religion wherein they had continued so long Wee see then that antiquitie fauoureth them not at all neither yet can they father their Church and religion which they haue at Rome vpon the succession ordinarie descent of their Bishops and Popes seeing trueth goeth not by succession inheritance but by the grace and mercy of God But if succession of bishops and hie Priestes as they fayne from Peter to this time doeth prooue
the Church by a lineall descent to be with them why then should not the hye Priests in Christes time as Annas and Caiaphas Ananias in the time of the Apostles be the true Church for they had their succession from Aaron the first hie Priest ordayned by God himselfe and might haue obiected this to Christ and did also their lineall descēt from Abraham and yet they were of the synagogue of Satan Christ doeth call them blinde guides generation of vipers hypocrites fooles and doeth not take them for his Church but whippeth them all out of it rather We see then that succession is nothing to prooue the Church by for then the Scribes Pharises and hye Priestes shoulde haue bene of the Church in Christes time They obiect furthermore a generall consent and agreement to prooue the Church vnto vs but we know that a consent and agreemēt without God and this worde is rather a conspiracy then a consent But to cut off this visour also in a worde was not there a general cōsent of al the people of y● Iewes with the chiefe elders also the Scribes the Pharisees the hie priests with Herode and Pilate in the time of Christ to condemne him to crucifie him For Luke reporteth saying Thē al the multitude cried at once saying away with him and deliuer to vs Barabbas and the voices of them and of the hie priestes preuailed Luk. 23. Behold here was a whole and vniuersall consent agreement and yet for all that it was against the trueth euen Iesus Christ the author of al trueth But do they agree among them selues are they not at variance yet what purgatorie should be some appointing it to be fire some water some I se and snowe Were not the Dominican friers against the Franciscans about the conceptiō of the virgin Marie deuided Are they agreed about the matter of the sacrament some holding that he is there onely in qualitie some in qualitie quantitie too Doe they agree in the number order of their Popes and bishops Platina differing frō Eusebius some appointing mo and some lesse Are not fathers against fathers and councils against councils Popes against Popes a●● regorie against them all in the name of the vniuer sall bishop which he iustly thinketh to be the name of Antichrist And yet shall we thinke they doe agree or that they can not erre or that these things aboue rehearsed as multitude antiquitie with custome consent traditions succession ancient fathers generall councils are sufficient proofes of the church to bee with them Councils haue erred and bene contrary one to an other for the coūcil of Cōstantinople ordained that images should not be had in the church after that the coūcill of Nice the second erected them and decreed that they shoulde bee had and worshipped They also go about to proue their church by the authoritie of Doctors of the Churche but it is manifest that they haue all erred bin deceiued in some point or other yea euen of doctrine so that they are not to be rules notes to knowe this church by for they are but men haue now or thē in doctrine not only in maners slipped from the truth Ireneus Victorinus Lactantius subscribed to the opinion of the Millinaries which thought that Christ after the day of iudgement should raigne with his for a thousand yeeres here vpon earth being deceiued with the place of Iohn Reuel 20. not wel vnderstoode where as hee doth interprete that M. yeere in another place for euer Reue. 22. Augustine thought that all children dying without baptisme were damned which is an heresie Epiphanius defendeth that it was a tradition of the Apostles six dayes before Easter to eate nothing but bread and salt Ierom condemned the second mariages of men and counted them al a thing most absurde and erronious no better then fornication By these things then the church is not discerned neither is glorie pompe honor riches externall beauty and outward successe and happines any note of this church of Christ as the Papistes will beare vs in hande by reason of their glistering and glorious church of Rome The contrary thinges are markes of Christs Churche as pouertie affliction no shewe to the eye or any externall felicitie For Christ hath sayde his churche shall be vnder the crosse and not in any beauty or gorgeousnes to the outward eye of the worlde The harlot strumpet goeth most commonly better trimmed and decked in apparell then the honest woman and matrone of an house so is the whorish church of Rome it hath all things for to please well the outward senses to allure men vnto her It hath for the eare her delicate musicke singing piping organs and ringing of bels and this in excesse also It hath for the nose sweet smels frankinsense and such like For the eyes it hath to please them goodly copes crosses of siluer and golde pictures of Christ and many images of saintes with such like baggage and foolish trashe and for the belly to delite idle lubbers and loyterers there was good chere kept in abbeyes and monasteries but in the meane season what was all this to feede the hungry soules surely nothing The worde of Christ was then gone from them yea Christ him selfe was shut out with them and his mother Marie more sought to more prayed to and more esteemed then he him selfe Here were al things for the body and by this they would proue vnto vs that they were y● true church Wel if we would know the church let vs thinke it to be there where two or three are gathered together in Christes name and howe should they bee gathered together without his word and commandement And this agreeth to y● saying of S. Augustine If they will here admit him He that will knowe saith he which is the true church of Christ he can not know it by any other meanes then onely by the scriptures We see here how resolute he is in this case Ex homilia 49. operis imperfecti in Matth. And againe he saith Christians willing to receiue the stedfastnes of a true faith let thē fly to nothing but to the scriptures Otherwise if they looke vnto other things they shal be offended and perishe not vnderstanding which is the true church and so they shall fall into the abomination of desolation which standeth in the holy places of the church How we may plainely vnderstand what are the signes of the true church and what also are the bodies of the church of Antichrist at Rome euen murdering of the saints of Christ contempt of the word and sacramēts worldly prosperitie with a multitude of ill men with sworde to defend it Furthermore this church that it may be the better knowen of vs therfore hath it diuers and sundry names in the scriptures lest we should be deceiued by y● false church It is called y● sheepfold of Christ doing vs to vnderstand that those y● belong