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truth_n believe_v strong_a unrighteousness_n 1,917 5 11.2143 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17301 Grounds of Christian religion laid downe briefly and plainely by way of question and answer / by H.B. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1631 (1631) STC 4143; ESTC S734 16,088 50

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not vnto them but vnto God represented by them A. No for we are forbidden to make any image or picture of God at all much lesse are we to worship God in or by it Deut. 4. 15 16. Q. True God forbad them to make no similitude of him because they saw no forme of God in the mount But may we not make the picture of Christ and so pray before it or a crucifixe A. No in no wise for to make such a picture were to make a lie because a false representation for first no man now for 16. hundred years almost euer saw Christs body as he was before his death And secondly no mortall eye can behold his face in heauen which passeth the brightnes of the sun And thirdly though we had the true picture of his body yet it is not lawfull to pray before it as hauing no warrant in Scripture for it but against it as in the second commandement Q. But may we not pray for our friends departed A. No it is vaine because all that die goe immediately either to heauen or to hell When Dauids child was dead he ceased praying for it saying Wherefore should I fast or pray any longer And there is no example nor rule in Scripture for praying for men departed so as it is against our faith in Gods word Q. But is there not a third and middle place namely Purgatory where souls must be purged before they come into heauen into which no vncleane thing can enter A. Purgatory is a méere deuice of mans braine to pick fools purses who must pay swéetly for so many masses for their friends soules And it is a blasphemous doctrine destroying the blood of Christ which alone doth purge euery true beléeuer from all his sins 1 Ioh. 1. 7. It leaues neither spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing Eph. 5. 27. And for Purgatory it is not so much as once named in all the Scripture as heauen and hell are And if purgatory or any materiall fire could purge away sinne as it neuer can then Christs blood was spilt needlesly and in vaine And it is against nature for a materiall fire to work vpon a spirituall substance as mans soule is Q. Is faith in Christ then sufficient to carry a man straight to heauen A. Yes surely for so Christ saith Ioh. 5. 24. Q. But no man is saued out of the Church which is then the true Church of Christ visible A. That Church whose faith is guided by the onely rule of Gods Word and hath the due administration of the Sacraments Q. Cannot that be a true Church of of Christ visible which denyeth the Scriptures to be the onely rule of faith A. It cannot Because the onely rule to know the true Church by is the Scripture Secondly because humane Traditions being against the Word of God and yet added to it as an equal rule of faith and of equall authority quite razeth the foundation of faith Because such Traditions destroy the Scriptures and in vaine do such worship to God teaching for doctrines the commandements of men Mar. 7. 7. And will worship separates from Christ. Col. 2. 19 23. Q. But is not that a true yea and the onely true Church of Christ on earth visible which hath one visible head as the Pope A. No. Such is neither the onely true Church no nor yet a true member of the true Church of Christ visible on earth Q. Why so A. Because such a visible Head must needs be the great Antichrist who vsurpes that title and office which is proper to Christ alone for such a one as the Pope saith in effect I am Christ because hee takes vpon him all the offices and prerogatiues of Christ ouer his Church He vsurpes Christs Kingly office challenging subiection of all men great and small vnder paine of damnation Secondly hee vsurpes Christs propheticall office challenging a freedome from and an impossibility of erring a power to determine all matters of faith Thirdly the Pope vsurpeth Christs Priestly office in challēging a plenary power to pardon sinnes and in setting vp a breaden Christ in the masse to be a propitiatory sacrifice for quick and dead And thus be is that Antichrist spoken of 2. Thes. 2. who sheweth himselfe that he is God Q. What becomes then of that body which cleaues to such a head A. He is so powerfull in all deceiueablenes of vnrighteousnes and hypocrisie that those doe perish who trust vnto him such as are possessed with a strong delusion to beléeue lies that they all might be damned who beléeued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse 2 Thes. 2. Q. But is not that the onely true Church of Christ visible which only can shew a visible vninterrupted succession of Bishops sitting in Peters chaire euer since the Apostles times Is not this visibility of succession an infallible mark of the true Church of Christ visible A. No surely for first for Peters chaire that 's but made of cunning net work to inclose and catch the silly fish And if euer Peter had béene Bishop of Rome what is Peters chaire without Peters faith and doctrine They haue quite destroyed Peters doctrine 2 Pet. 5. 2. who said féed the flocke of God c. taking the ouer sight of it not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind neither as being Lords ouer Gods heritage but being ensamples to the flocke But the Pope and his Clergy doe quite contrary Secondly visible succession of Bishops is no true mark of a true Church of Christ vnlesse it can shew a true succession of doctrine from the Apostles writings For may not errours and heresies créepe vpon the same particular visible Church and so in time insensibly like a gangrene eate into the very heart of it and so leaue it nothing but the very carcasse of a Church as it hath done with the Church of Rome Thirdly the succession of Romish Bishops hath had many interruptions so as the chaire hath béene empty for many yéeres together the body wanting a head or els hauing sometimes two sometimes thrée heads at once while thrée Popes were at once Once a woman Pope made the interruption And so many hereticall Popes so many Simoniacall so many exercising diabolicall artes haue made a fearfull interruption neuer to be made vp againe Q. But how can the Protestant Churches proue themselues true Churches while they cannot shew an vninterrupted line of succession of such and such Doctours as haue from age to age conueyed the Doctrine of Christ and of his Apostles downe to our very times A. This is as friuolous as it would be a tedious taske It sufficeth vs that we can shew our faith to be euidently grounded vpon doctrine of the Apostles and so we are sure wee succéede them in their doctrine and faith though perhaps wée cannot punctually and particularly number vp all those Doctours by whom we haue receiued it from hand to hand It sufficeth