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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68150 A briefe discourse of the scriptures Declaring the seuerall stories, liues, and deaths, of the fathers, from the Creation of Adam, vnto the death of Ioseph: very necessarie to be read and practised, for easie vnderstanding of the Scriptures in a short time. Hayne, Thomas, 1582-1645, attributed name. aut 1614 (1614) STC 12975; ESTC S115174 75,069 130

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God willing to shew his wrath and to make his power knowen suffer with long patience the vessels of wrath appointed for destruction What art thou that disputest with God Esay 45.7 It is I that created the light and the darknes I make peace and trouble euen I the Lord doe all these thinges Woe be vnto him that striueth with his Maker the Pot-soerd with the Potter Sayth the Clay to the Potter What makest thou or thy worke serueth for nothing Woe be vnto him that sayth vnto his Father Why begattest thou and to his Mother Why barest thou Thus sayth the Lord euen the holy one and maker of Israel That their Sinne is the cause of their Condemnation and God not the author of it Prouerbs 29.6 The Sinne of the wicked is their owne snare Esay 50.1 For your Offences are you sold and because of your Transgression is your Mother forsaken Esay 59.2 Their Misdeedes haue separated them from their God and their Sinnes haue hid his face from them that he heareth them not They hope in vaine thinges imagining deceit and bringing foorth euill they breed Cockatrises egges and weaue the Spiders webbe who so eateth of their egges dieth but if one tread vpon them there commeth vp a Serpent Their deedes are the deedes of wickednes and the worke of robberie is in their handes Their feete runne to euill they make haste to shed innocent blood All their counsels are wicked harme and destruction are in their wayes but the way of peace they haue not knowen In their goinges there is no equitie their wayes are so crooked that whosoeuer goeth therein knoweth of no peace And this is the cause They looke for light and loe it is darknesse They grope like the blind vpon the wall euen as one that hath no eyes They roare like Beares and mourne like Doues looking for health but it is farre from them for their Offences are many and their Sinnes testifie against the Lord. They will not confesse and acknowledge their Sinnes but doe amisse transgresse and dissemble against the Lord and fall away from their God vsing presumptuous and traiterous imaginations in their hearts casting away equitie truth and righteousnesse but the Lord holdeth him selfe by his owne power and he susteineth him by his owne righteousnesse He putteth on wrath in stead of cloathing and taketh Ielousie about him for a cloake Like as when aman goeth forth wrathfully to recompence his enimies and to be auenged of his aduersaries But vnto Sion hee is a redeemer and of Iacob which turne from their wickednesse he is a sauiour and hee will giue them an euerlasting name that shall not perish Esay 57.15 Thus sayth the high and excellent euen hee that dwelleth in eternitie whose name is the Holy one I dwell high aboue and in the Sanctuarie and with him also that is of a contrite humble Spirit doe I pitch my habitation Psal 104.35 As for sinners they shall be consumed out of the earth and the vngodly shall come to an end Psal 59.12 For the sinne of their mouth and for the wordes of their lippes they shall be taken in their pride And why Their preaching is of cursing and lyes Psal 62.4 Their deuise is onely how to put him out whom God hath exalted their delight is in lyes they giue good wordes with their mouth but curse with their heart Psalm 69.26 For they persecute him whom the Lord hath smitten and they talke how they may vexe him whom hee hath wounded 2. Thes 2.11 Therefore shall the Lord send them strong delusions that all they might be damned which beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes and obeyed not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus With euerlasting damnation shall they be punished from the presence of the Lord and from the presence of his power Psal 51.4 That he may be iustified in his sayinges and cleare when he iudgeth That in the fulnesse of time all should be brought vnder one head Ephes 1.10 FVlnesse of time is here taken for the time of Christs death whose death should accomplish the ceremony and oblation and breake downe the wall betweene the Iewe and the Gentile When men should looke no longer for saluation onely from Ierusalem but should praise God euerie where their hearts being assured that they were members of Christ the head The Heathen not taking notice of this could neuer come to saluation The blind Iewes not marking this ioyned with Chittem in the second degree which are the Romanes to crucifie Christ the King the most holy because hee testified of himselfe that he was that Day Starre which was to appeare That Scepter that should dash all the sons of Seth The Ladder by whom the Angels of God ascended and descended Shiloh Emmanuel the Lyon of the tribe of Iuda The Roote of Iessay The stone which the builders refused The true Manna That Spirituall Rocke that would giue wathers of Life The True Bread that came downe from heauen Hee vnto whom the crowne and Diademe did belong Michael who thought it no robbery to be equal with God The Stone that should punne Nebuchadnetzars Image to duste Palmonie the secrete Numberer Hee who wayeth numbreth and deuideth the Great Sheepheard of his sheepe The True Vine from whose sides doth proceede wine of euerlasting life Hee that came to do the will of his Father Iohn 4.10 Hee that met with the woman of Samaria at Iacobs well to whom he promised euerlasting water The Stumling blocke to the Iewes The Light to the Gentiles The Eye to the blind and an Helpe to the lame For that is his name God is my strength my righteousnes c. Wherfore he hath made them Vagabonds ouer the whole earth and hath brought that Abhomination of desolation vpon them whereby their Citie and Sanctuarie is destroyed And why because they would not know the Fulnesse of time the day of saluation The Crane the Swallow and the Turtle Doue doe know their time but my people will not know the time of my comming saith the Lord. Also our Sauiour Christ saith Woe be vnto you Scribes and Pharises Hipocrites you can discerne the wind the weather but you know not the time of the comming of the sonne of man which they might haue knowen from Dan. 9.24 where the Angel Gabriel saith 70 Seauens or 490. yeeres are determined for the death of Christ the King the most holy to finish sinne to reconcile iniquitie to bring in Iustice to seale the vision prophet and to annoint the Most Holy By which we are constrained highly to esteeme of the knowledge of the times for they are of as great force to the vnderstanding of the Bible as the starres are in the heauens for giuing of light No part of the Bible but consisteth of time place or person If of time as one third part then the knowledge thereof is to be imbraced and in no respect to be despised as lightly regarding the vse thereof least
Election The last is true Holines That this Election or louing kindnes of God toward vs is of the will of God according to the counsell of his owne will and not drawne from him by force by helpe of Saintes or as being by workes meritorious of the same it may appeare Esay 63.16 Abraham knoweth vs not neither is Israel acquainted with vs but thou Lord art our Father and Redeemer and of very louing kindnes thou hast redeemed vs thy name is Euerlaistng Rom. 8.34 It is Christ onely that maketh intercession for vs. Esay 43.25 I am hee onely which for mine owne selfes sake doe away thine offences and forget thy sinnes for what hast thou to make thee righteous with Thy first Father offended sore and thy Rulers haue sinned against me Thou art like a thing of naught thy time passeth away like a shadow Ier. I loue thee with an euerlasting loue therefore by my mercie haue I drawne thee to mee And Iohn 6.44 No man can come to me except the Father draw him as it is written Esay 54.13 They shall be all taught of God Esay 26.12 Lord thou hast wrought all our workes Phil. 2.13 It is God that worketh in you both the will and also the deed euen of his good will 2. Cor. 3.5 Wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but if wee be able the same commeth of God which made vs able Esay 51.12 Yea I euen I am hee that in all thinges giueth you consolation Psal 130.7 For with the Lord there is mercy and with him is plentious redemption 1. Pet. 1.2 Wee are elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through the sanctifying of the Spirit vnto obedience and sprinkling the blood of Iesus Christ Psal 90.2 Before the Mountaines were brought foorth or euer the Earth and the World were made thou art our God from euerlasting to euerlasting thou turnest man vnto dust and sayest returne ye sonnes of Adam Rom. 9.11 Before the Children were borne and when they had done neither good nor euill that the purpose of God might stand not by workes but by the Caller it was said The greater shall serue the lesser as it is written Mala. 1.2.3 Iacob haue I loued Esau haue I hated Iohn 13.18 I know whom I haue chosen Psal 135.6 Whatsoeuer the Lord pleased that did he in heauen and in earth and in the sea in all deepe places Rom. 11.5.6 There is a remnant left according to the election of grace If it be of grace then it is not now of workes for then grace is no more grace But if it be of workes then it is now no grace What then Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh but the Election hath obtained it 2. These 2.13 We are bound to giue thankes alwayes to God because that God hath from the beginning chosen vs to saluation through sanctifying of the spirit and through beleeuing of the truth to obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 8.30 Moreouer whom he appointed before them also hee called And whom he hath called them also hee iustified and whom he iustified them hee also glorified Now followeth the effect of Election either in respect of the Elect or Reiect And first for the Elect. THE Elect whom God in his mercie hath saued for his righteousnesse sake and not for their desertes he guideth by the grace of his holy Spirit as Rom. 8.14 As many as are led by the spirit of God they are the Sonnes of God Esay 43.7 All those that are called by my name I haue created fashioned and made for my honour Yet he leaueth them sometimes vnto themselues that they may acknowledge the weakenes of their owne nature as Noah Lot Iacob Dauid Salomon Peter and others but neuer suffereth them to fall quite away as appeareth Esay 54.8 A little while haue I forsaken thee but with great mercy will I take thee vp vnto mee When I was angry with thee I hid my face from thee for a little season but through euerlasting mercy haue I redeemed thee sayth the Lord thy Redeemer The Mountaines shall mooue and the Hilles shall fall downe but my Louing kindnesse shall not mooue and the bond of my peace shall not fall downe from thee sayth the Lord thy mercifull louer Psalm 37.23 The Lord ordereth a good mans going and maketh his way acceptable vnto himselfe Though he fall he shall not be cast away for the Lord vpholdeth him with his hand Psal 103.10 He dealeth not with them after their sinnes nor rewardeth them according to their wickednes but looke how the Heauen is in comparison of the Earth so great is his mercy towards them that feare him for he knoweth whereof they be made and he remembreth that they are but dust He saueth their life from destruction and crowneth them with mercy and louing kindnesse Esay 54.17 Loe this is the heritage of the Lords Seruants and their righteousnes commeth of mee sayth the Lord. The Reiect hee leaueth to their owne selues hardning their owne heartes that hee may haue occasion of iudgement against them Esay 57.20 They are like to the raging Sea that can not rest whose water fometh with the myre and grauell for they haue no peace with God The Winde shall blow them foorth and Vanitie shall take them all away they are like to Dust before the Winde and like to the Chaffe in a Sommer floore Psal 73.4 The Lord suffereth them to come in no perill of death but they are lusty and strong they come in no danger like other folke neither are they plagued like other men And this is the cause that they be so holden with pride and overwhelmed with crueltie their eyes swell with fatnesse and they doe euen what they lust They corrupt others and speake wicked blasphemie their talking is against the most highest Tush say they how shall God perceiue it is there knowledge in the most highest Loe these are the vngodly and these haue riches in possession Such were Kaine the wicked mockers before the floode Cham the builders of Babel the vncleane Citties Ismael Esau Pharaoh Moab Ammon The wicked oppressers Saul Absalon the Kings of Israel and the Kings of Babel Antiochus the vild Herod Pilate and Iudas the traytour and many others who brought vpon themselues iust cause of eternall condemnation Psa 73.18 The Lord hath set them in slipperie places and casteth them downe and destroyeth them Oh how suddenly doe they consume and perish and come to a fearefull end Yea euen like as a dreame doth hee make their image to vanish Some folishly dispute Why God hath not saued all things seeing he made all they are answered Ier. 12.1 The Lord is more righteous then that he should be disputed with Ier. 18.6 They are in the hand of the Lord as the clay in the hand of the potter Rom. 9.21 God maketh of one lumpe of clay one vessell to honour another to dishonour What if