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A68281 Certayne reasons and arguments proving that it is not lawfull to heare or have any spirituall communion with the present ministerie of the Church of England. Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1608 (1608) STC 14660; ESTC S103950 70,851 120

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according to their works In the meane tyme let none marveile if they see the estate of things in the world to be such as plainly bewray that Sathan and Antichrist so as they may have their Ministery reteyned chuse rather when they cannot otherwise do withall to have some truths of the Gospell taught by their Officers therein then to have both their Ministery refused and every truth of the Gospell freely taught by the Officers of Christ thinking it to be better for them to continue their constitutions with admission of some truths then that both Christs ordinances should be received and the whole truth yeelded vnto in obedience of faith But let all yet in the feare of God take heed vnto themselves how vnder colour of learning the truth hearing the word enjoying the Sacraments and the like perswasions they be drawen to have any spirituall communion with that Ministery aforesaid seing they derive not their Ministeriall functions and authority from Christ the head of the Church but from Sathan the Prince of the world so as none can heare the word receive the Sacraments or learne the truth from their Ministery in this estate but they shall therein submit themselves to that Ministery which Sathan hath set vp in the kingdome of Antichrist and continueth vnder these and the like pretences among his subjects Fearful to be remembred alway is the verdict of the Apostle * 2 Thes that God wil send them the efficacie of delusion that they shal beleeve lies be damned because they beleeve not nor receive the love of the truth that they might be saved And hitherto of this further declaration of the Assumption Another cōfirmatiō therof is that the Church-assēblies of Engl. whervnto their Ministery belongeth are not true visible Churches of Christ as now they stand Therefore also it cannot be that the Ministers thereof can in such estate derive their Ministery frō Christ for the edificatiō of those Churches as being his body wherof he is the head That their Church-assemblies are not in their estate true visible Churches of Christ hath often ben proved heretofore and may be seen in that they are vnseparated from the world not joyned together in cōmunion of the Gospel by voluntrrie profession of the faith of Christ submission to the government which he hath prescribed to his Church not having the power of Christs Churches for the receiving of any truth or redressing of any evil among them but standing in bondage vnder Antichrist in their Prelacy Preisthood Worship ecclesiastical Courts Canōs Officers proceedings c. The further handling whereof may be had ‡ The Apologie to Oxf. Doctors pag. 44. c. Refut of M Giff. Answ to Mr. Stone Mr Iacob Mr Hild. p. 62. c. Counterpoys to Consid Argum. p. 127. c. in sundry other Treatises to which I refer the Reader entreating all carefully to observe this here that the Ministers of the Church of Engl. not deriving their functions of Ministery from Christ the head for the edification of the Church which is his body it must needs be vnlawfull for any and specially for the members of the body of Christ to hear or otherwise to comunicate with thē in their worship vnder any pretēce whatsoever The fift Reason NOne may heare or have any spiritual communion with those Ministers which minister the holy things of God work vpon the consciences of men by vertue of a false spiritual calling But the Ministers of the Church-assemblies of England minister the holy things of God and work vpon the consciences of men by vertue of a false spiritual calling Therfore none may heare or have any spirituall communion with the Ministers of the Church-assemblies of England The Major or first part of the Reason is proved 1. Because the ministration of the holy things of God is a speciall part of Gods spiritual worship and therfore neyther to be done by any false spirituall calling nor to be received from any so ministring Mat. Act. 20.17.28 Ephes 4. 11.12 1 Cor. 3.8.9 4.1 11.23 24. 25. 2 Cor. 5.19.20 Col. 4.17 1 Tim. 3.15 and 6.13 16. 2 Tim. Heb. 5.4 with Nū 16.40 Ier. Ezech. 43.8 44.6.7 8. 9. Rev. c. 2. Because the consciences of the people of God are the Temples of the living God wherin he dwelleth by his Spirit ought therfore only to be subiect to the Lord and taught by him in his owne ordinance 1 Cor. 3.16 2 Cor. with 5.20 Ioh. 13.20 Heb. 13.7.17 Rev. 3. Because the Lord Iesus Christ alone must have this preeminence the Church may not suffer any whomsoever to beare rule over them at their owne pleasure Col. 1.18.19 and 2.18.19 4. Because in submitting the soule to a false spirituall Ministery men defile the Temple of God and withdraw their subjection from Christ and become the subjects of Antichrists as it is written The Temple of God is holy which ye are And No man can serve two maisters for eyther he shall hate the one and love the other or els he shall leane to the one and despise the other And of whomsoever a man is overcome even to the same is he in bondage 1 Cor. 3.16 17.18 and 2 Cor. 6.16.17 with Mat. 6.24 Luk. 6.46 Mal. 1.6 Rom. 6. 16. 2 Thess 2.3.4 2 Pet. 2.19 The Minor or second part of the reason is proved because they minister the holy things of God work vpon the consciences of men by vertue of their Ministery received of the Prelates frō their spiritual authority which is vsurped and Antichristian and therfore by vertue of a false spirituall calling as hath ben shewed before in the second Reason and is proved in * Mr Bradsh Argum. 10. Mr Iacobs Reasons for necess of reform p. 4.44.52 c. divers of their owne writings Yet here is somewhat to be annexed for the clearing of some exceptions specially concerning such as are of greatest forwardnes among them Some there be which say they preach not by vertue of their Ministerie taken from the Prelates but by vertue of some other calling and authority Let such consider and answer 1. Why they would seem to renounce that calling received of the Prelates 2. Secondly if they disclayme that Ministery appointed by Law of the land why they blame vs for doing the like 3. Thirdly if they preach by vertue of another calling then that they have received of the Prelates how then they stand Ministers of that Church where no other is allowed and how they impose themselves vpon any of their parishes or assemblies seing the lawes of the land allow onely the Prelacy Priesthood Deaconry aforesaid 4. Fourthly how they can avoyd but needs they must be therein both intruders hypocrites Intruders because they take vpon them exercise a publick office in that Church against the publick lawes and constitutions thereof Hypocrites
although men heare much truth from them yet in yeelding to heare receive it from Antichrists Ministery they defile the Temple of God in themselves if they be the Lords even their soules and consciences and become the subjects of Antichrist the sonne of perdition Not to speak of the many errors and falsehoods which they also teach and mainteyne And for the truth which they preach it is no new thing as we have shewed before that the Ministers of Antichrist should in divers things teach and bring the truth with them For when Sathan cannot by falsehood vtter his wares merchandize ordinances Ministery worship c. he will be glad to vtter the same by teaching the truth He is beyond measure skilfull in framing delusions and making them meet that they may be received therefore when he perceiveth that he cannot get men to submit thēselves to his ordinances by heresies falsehood he yeeldeth himself to bring the truth with him to the intent that his ordinances may thereby be received which otherwise would be rejected and to the end they may be had in estimation and obyed even for the truths sake which they bring with them Of which thing see what is further spoken here before in the other Reason Pag. 66. c. And Mr Beza against Saravia hath a good saying concerning this point which he sheweth by the practise of Christ and his Apostles spoken of in Mark 1.24.25 Luk. 4.34.35 Act. vidz vide licet that although Antichrist teach that which is most true as sometimes he doth to the end he may vnder colour of the truth more easily seduce men to beleev his lyes yet the truth is not to be heard and received from his month but even then ought we to stop our eares least vnder this pretence talking with him we be deceived by him for the truth is not to be received from the spirit of lies and vntruth And I would to God saith he that this were diligently observed of those wise Mediatours who think that composition and agreement may be made with Antichrist seeking a mean there where it is not at all to be found Beza contra Sarav cap. 25. p. 193. Moreover who knoweth not that Antichrist and his Ministers have bene and still are in show hypocriticall frends but in deed great enemies of Iesus Christ even vnder the name of Christ fighting against Christ Which thing how could they do if they did not professe and teach many truthes of the Gospell of Christ For if they should deny every truth thereof and say plainely that they were not the Church and Ministers of Christ then were they presently espyed to be such as they are who would follow them any longer But Babylon is * Rev 17.5 2 Thes 2.7 a mystery and therefore not easily perceived or avoyded till God reveale it and draw vs out of it And whosoever will aright discerne the condition of Antichrists apostasie must with Iohn be caried as into the wildernes in the spirit that we may look vpon it not according to the show and account it hath in the world but as it is in deed esteemed of the Lord and discovered in his word Rev. And when it is shewed vnto vs yet are we in our selves like Lot lingring and finding delayes till God being mercifull vnto vs take and draw vs as it were out of Sodom whereas we should be like mynded as David who said I have considered my wayes and turned my feet into thy testimonies I made hast and delayed not to keep thy commaundements Psal 119.59.60 with Gen. 19 1-16 Rev. 11.8 and 18.4.5 The sixt Reason IF the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of Engl. be a straunge Ministery then is it not lawfull in the worship of God to heare it or have any spirituall communion therewith But the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of Engl. is a straunge Ministery Therfore it is not lawfull in the worship of God to heare it or have any spirituall communion therewith The consequence of the Proposition is necessary and cannot be denyed 1. Because Christ setteth it downe as a property of his sheep to be observed that they follow not straungers but flee from them for that they know not their voyce Ioh. 10.5 Rev. 2.2 2. Because he that ministreth in the Church being a straunger presumptuously approcheth to minister before the Lord and polluteth the Sanctuary and holy things of God Num. 16. chap. and 18.4.5 Ezech. 44.7 with Rev. 17.1.2 and 19.2.20 3. Because by having spirituall communion with such we embrace the bosome of a straunger and so commit spirituall whoredome against the Lord. Prov. 5.20 with Num. 15.9 Psal 106.39 The truth of the Assumption is manifest if we consider what a straunge Ministery is namely that which is not by the Lord ordeyned and given for that work As some of themselves have published heretofore that the holy Scripture accounteth such for straungers in the Ministery which have not their offices limited by the prescript of Gods word And it is all new which is straunge and straunge which is not commaunded by the word of God T.C. his 2. reply pag. 438.439 And here before we have proved * Reason 1. that their Ministery is not appointed by Christ in his word Which themselves also have confessed and published writing in an Admonition to the Parliament ‡ Admon to the Parliam treatise 2. section 20.21 that they have an Antichristian hierarchie and popish ordering of Ministers straunge from the word of God and the vse of all well reformed Churches in the world Where also they call all the Ministers made by the Prelates and others their Church hath none by the name of New creatures And in † Sermon on Rom. 12. another treatise speaking of divers of their chiefest offices they write that the Apostles never knew them Sion hath not heard of them Ierusalem which is above will not acknowledge them that the watchmen being a sleep they crept into the city of the Lord and have no title nor interest in the Church as publick members but are rather members and parts of the strumpet whoore of Rome then of the pure virgin spouse of the immaculate Lambe Thus was their judgement heretofore If now they be otherwise mynded eyther they must shew out of the word of God the offices entrance administration and maintenance of their Church-Ministery or els seing this cannot be done the sheep of Christ must and will account them as strangers and therefore flee from them and the tents of their assemblies least otherwise they perish in their sinnes Ioh. 10.5 with Numb 16.26 and 18.7 Rev. 18.4 And to the end this thing may the better be observed let vs here a little consider the history and conspiracy of Corah Dathan Abiram recorded in the book of Nūbers ch 16. When God by the hand of Moses had appointed Aaron his sonnes to the office of the Priesthood Corah a
Treatises to which we refer the Reader Refut of Mr. Giff. pag. 104.105.106 c. Answ to Mr Hilders pag. 79 80-87-94 c. Answ to Mr. Iacob pag. 188. c. Now whereas some alledge for warrant of hearing these Ministers that the people were to hearken to the Scribes and Pharisees sitting in Moses seat c. Math. 23.2.3 it is to be noted that they were Levites Priests expounders of the Law and Iudges of the pleas and controversies of Israel And therfore had the true offices ordinances which the Lord by Moses did appoint for teaching and governing of that Church as appeareth both by the phrase it self of sitting on Moses chaire and by conference of these and the like Scriptures Deut. 10.8 17.8 12. and 33.1 8.10 2 Chron. 17.8.9 and 19. 8 11. Nehem. 8.4 8. and 9.3.4 5. with Mat. and 23. chap. Mar. Ioh. 1.19.24 and 3.1.10 Act. 5.34 This then is nothing at all for any false Ministerie never ordeyned by the Lord such as the present Ministerie of the Church of England is proved to be Besides to be a Pharisee was not to have a new kind of Ministerie but to be of a speciall sect among the Iewes that pretended more strict observation of the Law then others did Act. 15.5 and 26.5 And they were of any of their tribes or of the proselyte Gentiles as may be seen in Paul who was a Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin Phil. 3.5 Act. 23. 6. and in them that were sent to Iohn Baptist who were Pharisees of the tribe of Levi being Priests and Levites Ioh. 1.19.24 and in the Proselyte Gentiles brought so to be by the Scribes and Pharisees spoken of Mat. 23.15 And further although they were verie corrupt and vngodly notwithstanding all the pretence they made so as Christ taught his disciples * Mat. 16.6.12 and 23. chap. Luk 12.1 to take heed of the leven of their doctrine and of their hypocrisy and wickednes in conversation yet did they still hold that every true Ministery must be from heaven and not of men and vrged Iohn the Baptist to warrant his calling and Ministerie by the Scriptures Luk. 20 1-7 with Ioh. 1.19 27. So far were they themselves from admitting any false ministery not appointed by God and approved in his word And this also have the forward preachers acknowledged and proved heretofore against the Prelates as appeareth by their owne words saying ‖ T. C. first reply pag. 83. The ministerie is by the word of God and heavenly and not left to the will of men to devise at their pleasure as appeareth by that which is noted of Iohn where the Pharisees coming to Iohn Baptist after that he had denyed to be eyther Christ or Elias or another Prophet * Ioh. 1.23 conclude If thou be neyther Christ nor Elias nor of the Prophets why baptizest thou Which had bene no good argument if S. Iohn might have ben of some other function then of those which were ordinarie in the Church and instituted of God And therefore he to establish his singular extraordinarie functiō alledgeth the word of God whereby appeareth that as it was not lawfull to bring in any strange dostrine so was it ‖ Note not lawfull to teach the true doctrine vnder the name of any other function then was instituted by God Let the whole practise of the Church vnder the Law be looked vpon and it shall not be found that any other ecclesiasticall ministery was appointed then those orders of hy priests and Levites c. which wer appointed by the law of God And if there were any raised vp extraordinarily the same had their calling confirmed from heaven eyther by signes or miracles or by playn and cleare testimonies of the mouth of God or by extraordinarie exciting movings of the Spirit of God So that it appeareth that the ministerie of the Gospell and the functions thereof ought to be from heaven and of God and not invented by the brayne of men Thus have themselves written heretofore and thus doth their owne testimonie agree with the word of God against their present estate and their woonted allegations for their continuing therein But of these things also we have spoken other where and wil not here further prosecute them Treatise of the Minist of Engl. p. 54.55 c. Answ to Mr. Iacob p. 195. The conclusion of all is this that seing the Lord himself ascending vp on high hath given offices of Ministerie to his Church calling requiring all his people to heare have spirituall communion with them not with any other and seing the present ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England cannot be warranted by the word of God to be that which Christ hath given and set in his Church for the work of his Ministerie we may not therefore in the worship of God heare or communicate therewith vnder any colour whatsoever The second Reason NOne may heare or have any spirituall communion with the Ministery of Antichrists apostasie But the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England is the Ministery of Antichrists apostasie Therefore none may heare or have any spirtual communion with the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of Engl. THe Propositiō or first part of this Reason is manifest 1. Because all false Ministeries are forbidden by the Lord and stand vnder the denunciation of his curse Exod. 20.4.5 with Deut. 18 9-15 2 Kings 10 19-25 2 Chron. Zach. 13 2-6 2 Thess 2 3-12 Rev. 9. and 17. chap. 2 Iohn ver 7.10 Deut. 7.26 and 27.26 Gal. 1.8.9 Rev. 22.18.19 2. Because we are commanded to go out of Babylon and not to partake with any of her sinns therfore not with the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie Rev. with Ier. 2 Cor. 6 14-17 1 Iohn 4 1-6 3. Because by hearing and communicating with such a Ministerie all that do so become the servants of Antichrist as it is written His seruants ye are to whom ye obey thus become subject to the wrath of God Rom. 6.16 2 Pet. 2.19 with Rev. 4. Because to heare or joyne with that Ministerie is to honour and conspire with Antichrist against Christ and what in vs vs lyeth to vphold that which the Lord will consume 2 Thes Rev. 13. and 14 9-12 5. Because this is not to obey the Gospel and receive the love of the truth that we may be saved but to provoke the Lord to send vs strong delusions to beleev lyes and please our selves in vnrighteousnes being carryed away in the deceitfulnes thereof among them that perish vnto condemnation For thus the scripture speaketh of such as in religion yeeld submission to Antichrist the man of sinne in his apostasie 2 Thes Rev. 14 6-12 and 22.18.19 THe Assumption or second part of the Reason is proved by divers Arguments as followeth The first Argument I. THe Ministerie of Deacons and Priests ordeyned by the