Plain dealing or the cause and cure of the present evils of the times. Wherein you have set forth, 1 The dreadful decension of the Devill. 2 His direfull wrath. 3 The woeful woe to the wicked world. 4 The mystery of all. 5 The history and computation of times devolving all upon this age, and downward. 6 The art of resisting temptations, in this house of temptation. In a sermon before John Kendrick Lord Mayor of London, upon the Lords day after the great eclipse (as the astrologers would have had it.) Upon occasion whereof, something was spoken touching astrology: By Dr. Nath. Homes.
Homes, Nathanael, 1599-1678.
Wing H2572; Thomason E1315_1; ESTC R209201