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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10719 A short suruey of Ireland Truely discouering who it is that hath so armed the hearts of that people with disobedience to their prince. With a description of the countrey, and the condition of the people. No lesse necessarie and needfull to be respected by the English, then requisite and behoouefull to be reformed in the Irish. By Barnabe Rych, Gentleman. Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. 1609 (1609) STC 20999; ESTC S115962 34,330 68

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bring them out of the way but the Elect shall be kept by the mightie hand of God against all naturall possibili●ie so that the elect and chosen of God shall neuer be without persecution and temptation of their faith not as those that are vnder the Pope for they present but suffer not and those which the Pope calleth heretikes shew no myracles by their owne confession neither ought they in as much as they bring no new learning nor any other thing then only the scripture which is already receiued and hath beene confi●med by Christ his Apostles with wonderfull myracles many hundred yeares sithence This is then to be noted that euen as Christ at his comming altered the state of the Church from the corruption of the pharises and confirmed his doctrine with myracles so Antichrist at his comming seeketh to alter the Church from that puritie which Christ and his Apostles had left it in and worketh myracles to o●erthrow the Gospell new doctrine must be confirmed with new mytacles Antichrist seeke●h to deface what Christ hath builded long agoe Christ hath fortified his building with miracles Antichrist seeketh to vndermine the whole foundation which Christ hath laid and to build a new for himselfe by my●acles and this was prophesied of aforehand by Christ and this was prophesied on a forehand by Paul Christ saith Antichrist shall come with signes and wonders to deceiue S. Paul saith He shall come with lying signes and lying wonders to deceiue and what miracles be those that the Pope hath brought to confirme his doctrine withall looke through their golden legend and tell me how many true myracles be in the whole booke what apparitions of Saints and isions of angels haue beene forged to come from heauen what yelling of spirits and crying of soules haue beene faigned to come from purgatorie these be myracles signes and wonders wrought by Antichrist his ministers but as S. Paul saith lying miracles both themselues deceiptfull and pretending to deceiue deceiptfull in themselues for that they were but lies and popish practises counterfeitly forged whereby to deceiue the simple and ignorant people to leade them into errours and to cosin them of their money in purchasing of pardons dyrges and masses And were not these miracles to heare it told that Roodes could speake Belles could ring alone Images could come downe and light their own candles Blocks could turne their eies and wag their lips shake their heads moue their hands and some of them could knit sinues sette bones heale the sicke giue sight to the blinde make the lame to goe but are not these practises discou●red long agoe and ●ound out to be no other then slights and meere deceipts These are called miracles and are indeede but lies and there are none but Papists that would be mocked with them CHAP. XV. What signes and wonders they should be that are brought in by Ant●christ SAint Paul saith The comming of Antichrist shall be by the working of Sathan with all power and signes of lying wonders and all d●ceiueablenes of vnrighteousnesse amongst them that perish because they receiued not the loue of the trueth that they might bee saued and therefore God shall send them strong delusions that they should beleeue lies that all they might bee damned which beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes Can any thing be spoken more plainely these shall be the workes of Antichrist which hee shall bring to passe that is to say lying wonders this shall he worke with all deceiueablenesse that is he shall come with all kinde of shifts and deceipt and with whom shal he preuaile and who be they that shall bee deceiued Those that perish because they loued not the truth that they might be saued and therefore God shall send them strong delusions to beleeue lies This text must also pertaine to a multitude gathered together in Christs name which for lack of loue vnto the trueth shall be led into all errour to beleeue in crosses to beleeue in visions to beleeue in welles and to giue credit to all maner of fables but the truth they shall not beleeue That they might be damned for not beleeuing but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes If these things had not beene thus sensibly foretold vs long agoe by the holy ghost it might haue beene thought a strange matter that so many should be thus still led away from the pure and vndefiled word of God and to giue themselues ouer to follow dreames fantasies but it is an euident token that their harts are not marked with the spirit of God but are led by strong delusions to beleeue lies CHAP. XVI The sixth marke whereby to know Antichrist YEt one other note is giuen vs by Saint Peter whereby to know Antichrist and saith hee There shall bee false teachers amongst you which shall secretly bring in damnable sects denying the Lord that bought them and many shall follow their damnable waies by w●om the way of truth shall be euill spoken of with faigned words they shall make marchandice of you now saith S. Paul The lawe speaketh to them that are vnder the lawe and euen so this is spoken to them that professe the name of Christ There shall be false teachers that shall bring in damnable sects Histories make mention of one Anthony who liued in the wildernesse of Thebais in Egypt in maner of a Hermer Anno 361 he had three disciples Darmatas Amat●s and M●charius these liued solitarily and in strictnes of life but it was in the time of persecution whereby to shift them from the hands of tyrants and proceeded at the first of a good zeale to godlinesse but the diuell the peruerter of all things did so impoison the hearts of them that followed that they had more trust to their owne workes then faith in Christs blood and after that men began new rules of works to be their owne sauiours Benet he succeeded Anno 524 and in the time of Iohn the first and he pre●cribed institutions to a certain order of Monkes In Anno 850 and in the time of Sergius the third sprung vp a new sect of Camaldimenses a holy company that kept perpetuall silence they fasted went barefoote and vsed to ly on the ground In Anno 1060 vnder Gregorie the sixth there sprung vp a new sect of Monkes calling them selues the order of the shadowed valley The Monkes of Oliuet sprung vp as a fruit of disorder ina time o● strife betweene three Bishops in Anno 1047 vnder Gregorie the twelfth The sect of Grandmontensis sprung vp vnder Alexander the second in Anno 1076. Innocentius the third admitted the Humilitates in Anno 1166 and a little before that in Anno 1098 vnder Vrbane the second began the order of the Cistercians Celestinus the first founded the Celestines in the yeare of our Lord one thousand one hundred eighty eight Here followeth now such a ●abblement of others as Gilbertines Lustinians Hieronimians Augustins the order of
be said it is the voice of the spirit of God and of the same authoritie as is the Gospell of Christ no man may breake it no man may touch the credit therof if any man withstand it he must be accursed he must thinke hee doth sacriledge committeth blasphemy sinneth against the holy Ghost and must be counted an heretike his authoritie reacheth vp into heauen it stretcheth downe into hell nay hee hath one kingdome proper to himselfe more then euer God knew of and that is purgatorie there he raigne●h there he ruleth there he rosteth there he broyleth and there he commandeth how he list there is no bodie else to controule him Thus doth Antichrist sit on the Temple of God thus doth the Pope shew himselfe that he is God Nay what hath God proper to himselfe but that the Pope is either a sharer with him or at the least can command the like God hath heauen and hell the Pope can command them both and send to either the soules of whome hee list God hath his Angels that be his ministers the Pope may command their seruice and may imploy them about his busines as often as it pleaseth him or else hi● vpholders haue shamefully mistaken God hath his Saints the Pope maketh saints both he-saints and she-saints at his owne will and pleasure God hath his scriptures the Pope hath his Counsels his decrees and his canons God hath his Church a poore sillie one the Pope hath his Church a braue lustie one God hath his sacraments the Pope maketh sacraments two for his one God hath his lawes whereby to rule his Church the Pope maketh lawes whereby to rule his Church God commandeth the sabboth day to be kept holy the Pope maketh holy daies and halfe holy daies sometimes two or three in a weeke Can a man shew himselfe more like a God then doth the Pope if any man can name him l●t him bee Antichrist Nay yet to shew himselfe more like a God the Pope will vndertake to make a God a poore sillie God that is not able to defend himselfe from the malice of a mouse CHAP. XIII The fourth marke whereby to know Antichrist AN other reason to proue that the Pope is Antichrist is this who●oeuer beleeueth in Christ consenteth that Gods lawe is good the Pope consenteth not that Gods lawe is good for he forbiddeth holy wedlock commanded by God but wedlocke saith the Pope defileth holy Priesthoode more then whoredome he hath notwithstanding made a sacramēt of Matrimony And is not this a diueli●h doctrine to say that sacraments can defile what can be more contrary to the doctrine of Christ the Pope forbiddeth wedlock which God commandeth and licenseth whoredome which God forbiddeth but this is an other euident token of Antichrist and noted by S. Paul to be a doctrine of diuels who writing to Timothy saith Now the spirit speaketh euidently that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith and shall giue heede vnto spirits of errour and doctrines of diuels forbidding to marry and commanding to absteine from meates which God hath created to be receiued with thanksgiuing of them which beleeue and know the truth The Pope againe directly opposeth himselfe against Christ and seeketh to drawe vs from the mercie of God and telleth vs we haue other friends to whom we are beholding and haue done many good things for vs it was that Saint that tooke pittie of our griefes saith he at such a time and our Ladie hath wrought many myracles at such a place but Saint Patricke is the good Saint that hath done marueilous things in Ireland and as euery Saint hath his peculiar property to worke more in one place then they can doe in an other so euery Saint hath his seuerall office some better for one thing and some worse for an other one is very good for the falling sicknesse an other is excellent good for the tooth-ache one is a present remedy for a burn ing an other is as precious for him that hath the chine cough If a woman be barraine and would faine haue a childe let her go on pilgrimage to S. Thomas of Canterburie or in Ireland to the Holy Crosse or to S. Clen●cks well and she that cannot make her pulline to prosper or that her chickins bee troubled with the pip seeke helpe from S. Reuen Thus euery Saint hath his seueral charge euery man hath his seuerall Saint and euery Saint is full of miracles and euery myracle full of lies The Papists doe alledge many vngodly reasons wherby they would maintaine a necessite in praying to Saints and to auoide Idolatrie they would make certaine distinctions betweene the worship of God and the worship of Saints but let them distinguish how they can this is certaine the more hope they haue in saints the lesse trust they put in Christ for he saith Come vnto me all you that be laden and I will ease you if hee of himselfe hath louingly called vs vnto him why then to seeke to any other is vpon some distrust we haue of him and that is as much as to make God alyer and not to thinke him true in the promise he hath made vs. Againe if we will giue credit to S. Paul there is no other mediator for vs to secke vnto but onely Christ There is one God and one mediator betweene God and man which is the man Iesus Christ and for that foolish distinction that grose headed Papists will make betweene worshipping and seruing our sauiour himselfe hath decided Thou shalt worship thy Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serue I will conclude whosoeuer seeketh any other mediator then our Lord Iesus is iniurious vnto Christ and therefore of Antichrist and whosoeuer kneeleth and prayeth to blocks stones Images or the pictures of Saincts the same expresly breaketh the commandemēt of God and deserueth to haue his portion amongst the wicked CHAP. XIIII The fifth marke whereby to know Antichrist ONe other marke whereby to know Antichrist our Sauiour himselfe hath giuen vs Fals● Christs and false Prophets shall arise and shat shew signes and wonders to deceiue if it were possible the very elect This speech thus spoken by our Sauiour is not directed to the heathen or to infidels but to such as shall professe Christ and therefore concludeth vndoubtedly that Antichrist shall be a christian in profession that he shall not be one man onely but a continuance of many for he speaketh in the plurall number False Christs and false Prophets shall come with signes and wonders c. S. Paul giuing vs a light what those signes and wonders should be that Antichrist should come with all in his second epistle to the Thessalonians calleth them lying signes and lying wonder● This is now to be gathered False Christs shall come that is they shall come co●nter●eitly in the name of Christ and they shall shew their wonders before the Lord and bee a ●ore temptation vnto them to