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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10213 The treasure of trueth touching the grounde worke of man his saluation, and chiefest pointes of Christian religion: with a briefe summe of the comfortable doctrine of God his prouidence, comprised in .38. short aphorismes. VVritten in Latin by Theodore Beza, and nevvly turned into English by Iohn Stockvvood. VVhereunto are added, these godly treatises. One of the learned and godlie Father. Maister I. Foxe. In the which the chiefest poyntes of the doctrine of God his election, are so plainely set foorth, as the verie simplest may easily vnderstand it, and reape great profite thereby. The other of Maister Anthonie Gylbie, wherein the doctrine of God his election and reprobation, is both godly and learnedlie handeled. Seene and alovved, according to the order appoynted.; Summa totius Christianismi. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Stockwood, John, d. 1610.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585. Briefe treatyse of election and reprobacion. 1576 (1576) STC 2049; ESTC S113223 100,323 280

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say not by workes but by him that calleth myght remaine sure c. 16. So then the election is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that taketh mercy 23. And that he might make knowne the ryches of his glorie vpon the vessels of mercie which he hath prepared vnto glorye 11. What then that Which Israell séeketh c. Ephes. 1. 4. As he hath chosen vs in him before the foundacions of the world were layde c. ●5 Who hath predestinat or fore ordeined vs whom he woulde adopte or chose into his sonnes through Iesus Christ vnto him selfe 9. The mysterie of his wyll beynge reuealed vnto vs acording vnto his frée good will which he hath purposed in him selfe 11. In whome also wear chosen c. 2. Tim. 2. 19. Yeat the foundacion of God remaineth sure ha●ing this seale the Lord knoweth who are his and let euery one that calleth on the name of Christe departe from iniquitie 1. Cor. 2. 7. But we speake the wisdom of God lying hid in a mistery euen that hyd wisdome which God had determined before the world vnto our glorie 10. But God hath reueled those things vnto vs by his spirit For the spirit searcheth all thinges yea the deepe thinges of God. 1. Pet. 1. 19. 20. But being redéemed with his pretious blood as of a Lambe without spotte and vndefiled to wyt Christ which was foreordained before the foūdations of the world were layd but was declared in the last tymes for your sakes The fifth Aphorisme ALso whē there is intreated of the destruction of the reprobats or ofcasts 1 albeit the whole fault remaine within them selues 2 yet sometimes as often as it is so needefull the spirite of God to make known the ryches of his glorie vpon the vesselle● of mercie and his excellent power and also gentlenesse the better by comparison lifteth vs vp euen vnto that highe misterie vvhich in order goeth before all the causes of their damnation Of vvhich secreete doubtlesse there is no other cause known vnto men besides his righteous vvyll the which we ought reuerently to receaue as comming vndoubtedly from him vvh● is naturally iust and can no other vvay be conceyued of men nor of any other Proues out of the worde of God. Hos. 13. 9. Thy iniquity hath destroied thee O Israel but in mee is thy helpe Iohn 3. 19. And this is the condempnation that lyght is come into the worlde but men haue loued rather darkenesse than lyght Rom 9. 23. And that hée might make knowne the ryches of his glory vppon the vessels of mercy the which he hath ordained vnto glory Exod. 9. 16. And in déede for this cause I haue appointed thée euen to shew thee my power and that they should declare my name in the whole earth Psa. 33. 15. Which hath fashioned their heartes euery one considering al theyr workes Prou. 16. 4. The Lord hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked man for an euil day Rom 9. 11. For the children not being yeat borne when as they had done neyther good nor euyll that the purpose of God according vnto his electon that is not by works but by him that calleth might remaine sure c. 13. As it is writtē I haue loued Iacob but hated Esau. Where he doth not onlye say that Esau before he had done any good was ordeined vnto ●atred for after this sorte he might seeme to touch none but actual sinnes as they say or vnbelefe but faith plainlie before he was borne By which words he excludeth or sh●tteth out frō the cause of hatred original sinne also whatsoeuer in the person of Esau might be reckoned from his very birth Therfore wheras a litle after he bringeth in the reprobates or ofcastes parting here against he doth not attrybute vnto them such like kind of speach why doth not God beare the same hatred towards others also for asmuch as they are borne in y same corruption that we are I saye there is no such thing read in the word of the Apostle but he setteth this theyr exception against it who shal withstande his wyll For herevppon mannes reason gathereth that they are vnworthely condempned Neyther doth Paul au●swere that God dyd so wyll it because he dyd foresée that they woulde bée corrupted and so that the cause of the decree was grounded vppon theyr wickednesse which defence was plaine and readie if it had béene true but whylste he confesseth that it so pleased God and that it was not in their wyll to chaunge it doubtlesse hée abateth the pryde of mannes wisedome that it maye reuerentlye esteeme of the secréetes of God as is most meete But the electe or chosen he exhorteth to beholde the grace of God the which he setteth foorth with suche comparison So therefore must other testymonies be expounded in the which wee goe vp vnto the hyghest wyll of God which is the onely rule of iustice Esa. 54. 16. Beholde I haue made the Smyth that bloweth coales in the fyre and bryngeth forth an instrument for his worke I I saye haue made the destroyer to destroye Ioh. 6. 44. No man can come vnto mée vnlesse the Father that sent mée drawe him Iohn 10. 26. But you beléeue not for you are not of my shéepe as I sayd● vnto you Ioh. 12. 39. 40. and Esa. 6. 10 Therfore they coulde not beleeue because ●saias hath sayde againe He hath blinded their eyes and hardened theyr hearts least they should sée with their eyes and vnderstande with their hearts and should turne and I should heale them 1. Pet. 7. 8. And a stone to stumble at a rock of offēce vnto them which stumble at the word being disobedient vnto the which thing they were euen ordained And in many other places Iud. 1. 4. For there haue crept in certaine men being before of olde ordained vnto this condempnation The sixt Aphorisme FOr vvee must make a difference betweene the purpose of reprobating or ofcasting and betweene reprobation or ofcasting it selfe For the misterie or secrete of that God would haue to be hyd from vs But of this and of the destruction also that dependeth or hangeth vpon it vve haue causes expressed in the word of God to vvyt the corruption vnbeleefe and sinne the vvhich are necessary or must needes bee in respect of the falling out of them of the vesselles mad● vnto dishonour Proues out of the worde of God. 2. Thes. 2. 9. The cōming of the which wicked man is by the working of Sathan with all power and signes and lying wonders 10. And with all deceyu●ablenesse of vnrighteousnesse among them that perishe for that they receyued not the loue of the truth that they might be saued 11. And therefore God shal send them strong delusion that they should beléeue ●yes 12. That all they might be dampned which haue not beleeued the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse Rom. 11. 20. Well through vnbeléef● they are broken
not● or consideration which is to consider● whether a man in this lyfe maye be certaine of his election To answere this question we haue first to vnderstand that although our election and vocation simply in déede he knowen to God onely him selfe a Priore yet not withstanding it may be knowne to euery particular faithful man a Posteriore that is by meanes whiche meanes is fayth in Christ Iesus crucified for so much as by his fayth in Christ a man is iustified and therebye made the childe of saluation reason must needes leads the same to bée then the chylde of election chosen of God vnto euerlasting ●yfe for howe can a man be ●aued but by consequence it followeth that hee must bée elected And therefore of election is truely sayde De electione indicandum est A posteriore that is to saye We must iudge of election by that whiche commeth after that is by our fayth and beléefe in Christ which fayth although in tyme it followeth after election yet is it the proper and immediate cause assygned by the Scripture which not onely iustifyeth vs but also certifyeth vs of the election of God. Wherevnto lykewise well agréeth this saying Election albeit in God it be the first yet to vs it is the last opened And therefore begynning first with creation I come from thence to redemption and iustification by fayth and so to election Not that fayth is the cause efficient of election being rather the effecte thereof but is to vs the cause certifycatorie or the cause of our certifycation whereby we are brought to the feeling and knowledge of our election in christ For albeit that election fyrst be certaine in the knowledge of God yet in our knowledge fayth onely that wée haue in Christ is the thing that geueth to vs our certyficate comfort of this election Wherefore whosoeuer desireth to be assured that he is one of the elect number of God let him not clyme vp to heauen to knowe but let him descend into himselfe and there searche his fayth in Christ the sonne of God Which if hée fynde in him not fayned by the working of Gods holy spyrite accordingly therevpon let him staye and so wrappe himselfe wholy both body and soule vnder Gods generall promyse and ●umber his head with no farther speculations knowing this that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not perysh loh 3. Shall not be confounded Rom. 9. Shal not see death Ioh. 8. Shall not enter into iudgement Ioh. ● Shall haue euerlasting lyfe Iohn 3. 7. Shall be saued Math 28. Act. 16. Shall haue remyssion of all his sinnes Act. 10. Shall be instifyed Rom. 3. Gal. 2. Shall haue flooddes flowing out of him of water of lyfe Ioh. 7. Shall neuer dye Ioh. 11. Shal be raysed in the last daye Ioh. 6. Shall fynde rest to his soule and shall bée refreshed Math. 11. Nowe then for so muche as we sée fayth to be the grounde wherevpon dependeth the whole condition of our iustifying let vs discusse in lyke maner what is this faith wherof the scripture so much speaketh of for the more plaine vnderstanding of the symple For many kyndes there be of fayth As a man maye beléeue euery thing that is true yet not euery trueth doeth saue neyther doeth the beleeuing of euery trueth iustifie a man He that beleeueth that God created all thinges of nought beléeueth trueth He that beléeueth that God is a iust God that he is omnipotent that he is mercyfull that he that is true of promyse beléeueth well and holdeth the trueth So he that beléeueth that God hath his election from the begynning and that he also is one of the same elect and Predestinate hath a good beleefe and thynketh well But ●et this beleef● alone except it be seasoned with another thing wyll not serue to saluation● As it a●ayled not the olde Iewes which so thought of themselues and yet thinke to this daye to bée onely Gods electe people Onely the fayth which auayleth to saluation is that whose obiect is the body and passion of Christ Iesus crucifyed so that in the a●te of iustifying these two fayth and Christ haue a mutuall relation and must alwayes concurrs together fayth as the action which apprehendeth Christ as the obiect which is apprehended For neyther doth the passion of Christ saue without fayth neyther doeth fayth helpe except it be in christ As we see the body of man sustayned by bread and drinke● not except the same be receaued and conueyed into the stomacke and yet neyther doth tho receyuing of any thing sustaine mans body except it be meate and drinke which haue power to geue nourishment In lyke sort it is with fayth for neyther doeth the beléeuing of euery thing saue But onely fayth in the blood of Christneyther doeth againe the same blood of Christ profite vs except by fayth it be receaued And as the sonne being the cause of all lyght ●●y●eth not but to them onely which haue eyes to see nor yet to them neyther ●●esse they wyll open theyr eyes to receaue the lyght So the passion of Christ is the efficient cause of saluation But fayth is the condition whereby the sayde Passion is to vs effectuall And that is the cause why wee ●aye with the Scrypture that fayth onelye iustifyeth vs not excludinge thereby all other e●terne causes that goe before fayth As grace mercye election vocation the death of Christ c. All which be externe causes working our saluation through fayth But when we saye that fayth onely iustifyeth vs the meaning thereof is this that of all internall actions motions or operations in man geuen to him of God there is no other that contenteth and pleaseth God or standeth before his iudgement or can helpe any thing to the iustifying of man before him but onely this one action of fayth in Christ Iesu the sonne of God. For although the action of praying fasting almes patience charitie repentaunce the feare and loue of God bee his gyfts in man and not of man geuen of God to man yet bee none of all these actions in man imputed of God to saluation but onely this one action of faith in man vpon Christ Iesus the sonne of god Not that the action it selfe of beleeuing As it is a qualyty in man doeth so deserue but because it taketh that dignity of the obiect For as I sayde in the acte of iustifying Fayth as it is an action in man is not to be considered alone but must euer goe with this obiect and taketh his vertue thereof Lyke as the looking vp of the olde Isralytes dyd not of it selfe procure any health vnto them but the promyse made in the obiect which was the brasen Serpent wherevppon they looked gaue them health by their looking vp Euen so after lyke sort are we saued by our fayth and spyrituall looking vppe to the bodye
to beare his Image vpon earth of iustice righteousnesse innocency But because this Image could by no creature perfectlye bée expressed vnlesse the same were fully replenished with the self same Godhead because that all things besidesfoorth had some imperfection bewraying theyr originall the darknesse as Iohn calleth it the Tohu and Bohu as Moyses doeth it name The vaine vanitie and wylde deformitie whence they were by creation altered recouered and brought into lyght and lyfe as appeared in Adam fallyng from trueth to lyes straight at the begynning nowe of necessitie the sonne of God who onely is good of nature becommeth man and taketh this office to beare the Image of God inuisible Colo. 1. And to be the head of that spyrituall perfection which was to be wrought in mankinde by his aforeappointed purpose and becommeth the fyrst begotten of all creatures for by him were all thinges created both in heauen and earth visible and inuisible maiestie Lordshyp rule power by whome and in whome all things are created and hée is before all creatures and in him all thinges haue their beeing And he is the head of the bodie he is the begynning and first begotten of the head that in all things he might haue preheminēce For it pleased the father that in him should dwell al fulnesse and by him to reconcyle all thinges to himselfe And to set at peace by him through the blood of his crosse both things in heauen and things in earth for euen you sayth Paule which in tymes paste were straungers because your minds were set in euyl works hath he now reconcyled in the body of his flesh through death to make you holye and blamelesse and without fault in his sight Seeing then that this cannot be denied to be the course of God his holy working to dryue away this darknesse and to bring man to his lyght to take away sinne to bring man to a lyfe blamelesse the state of innocencie● and his owne likenesse shal it not bee most necessarye to haue Preachers Teachers to tell vs the same and to admonishe vs wherevnto we be called seeing of our selues and our owne reasons no such thing can be perceyued Therefore haue we preachings exhortations as Paule sayth for when the worlde thorowe wisdome knew not God in the wisdome of God it pleased God through the foolyshnesse of Preaching to saue them that beleeued 1. Corin. 1. And as hee also sayth of him selfe in another place Wée doo Preach this ryches in Christ the hope of your glory warning all men and teaching all men in all wisedome to make all men perfyte in Christ Iesu. Thus serueth then exhortations dehortations comminations and publycations of the lawes and wyll of our Lorde God that hee maye bee knowne the Lord and gouernour ouer all the thynges hée hath created and the onely lawe maker amongst his creatures publyshing vnto all that perfecte equitie and iustice which ought in no case to be resysted Whervnto if they can not attayne they must confesse and knowledge their owne infirmity and weakenesse and submyt them selnes vnder the mightie hande of God and so dooing they shall be receyued as chyldren of the most louing and most mercyfull father in suche degrées of perfection as hee hath appoynted to the beautifying of the bodie of his sonne our head So that the Lorde God doeth teache all and lyghten all men that come into the worlde bothe chosen and Reprobate with such a knowledge as doth the good Prince which vnto all his Subiects proclaimeth his statutes and publysheth his lawes but lyke a good and tender father he leadeth his children regenerate and borne a newe neyther of fleshe nor blood nor the wyll of man and guydeth them with his fatherly spyrite in the pathes of the same lawes wryting in theyr hartes what is his good wyll and pleasure In the which course of God his wonderfull worke the wicked hath no cause to complayne for as theyr father whom they doo followe is named the Prince of this world so they haue the world at wyll and are riche roysters and welthy worldlings tramplyng vnder theyr feete poore Abel and the despysed Christians neyther wyl they change their estate with any such no when they are called from darknesse to be partakers of light of life and the heauenly daynties layde vp in poore Christ they despised that estate excusing their purchases theyr marchaundice and their earthly lustes and delyghtes Luke 14. Wherfore in the other worlde they that héere are ●ppressed shall haue comfort and the other forment Such is the order then of God his working that by the contrarietie of the chosen and reprobate of Iacob and Esau of Pharao and Israel and the wisedome of God and the wisedome of the world he wyl set for●h his maiestie his power his diuinity● his Godhead so much as may be knowne vnto man that is to say in his wisdome iustice mercy almightynesse For comparing his wisedome to any other wisedome nowe appeareth the contrarie that it is very foolishnesse euen darknesse compared vnto lyght death vnto lyfe lyes vnto trueth as Paule sayth When they accoumpted themselues wyse they were made very fooles and chaunged the trueth with lyes the glory of the immortal God to mortall corruptyble creatures They following their owne righteousnesse could not come to the ryghteousnesse of God in Iesu Christ. Wherefore of necessitye God dyd shut all vnder synne that his mercie myght flow ouer all And that his mighty power myght appeare hée hath created the heauens and earth wherein we doo see lyght and darknesse death and lyfe shame and glorye weaknesse and strength lyes and trueth ryghteousnesse and vnryghteousnesse to serue to the settying foorth of his glorie that man may bée dryuen to saye with Paule O the depth of the ryches of the wisdome and knowledge of god How incomprehensyble are his wayes Howe vnsearchable are his iudgemēts For who hath knowne the minde of the Lorde Or who hath bene his coūseller Or who hath giuen him ought aforehand that he might bée repayed For by him and through him and in him are all things to him bee prayse for euer Amen And as this holy Apostle Paule doeth submytte him selfe to the great depth of the wysdome of God and his wonderfull Regiment and prouidence and woulde ●eate and dryue downe all fleshe by the consideration of the same So also all our Fathers from the begynning hath layde this the onely foundation of theyr fayth Wherefore Moyses beginneth to stablish the fayth of man at the historie of the creation and so foorth by the order of God his present gouernaunce about the things made and created And Dauid for a confession of his fayth pronounceth of this prouidence Psalm 95. I doo knowe that thou art a great Lord and a Lord aboue all Gods. All thinges whatsoeuer the Lordes pleasure was hée hath made in the Heauens the earth the Seas and the bottomlesse waters Againe by the worde of God