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truth_n believe_v lie_n unrighteousness_n 2,384 5 11.3357 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20148 No parliament powder But shot and powder for the Pope. And for all his Cardinalles, Bishops, Abbots, Fryers, Monkes; the maisters and great doctours of Sorbonne. Sent to his vn-holynesse, and them all, for a newe-yeares gift. 1609.; Sac & pieces pour le pape de Romme, ses cardinaux & evesques. English Denakol.; Philagathus, fl. 1609. 1609 (1609) STC 6582; ESTC S118652 52,903 98

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thy face is imprinted vpon vs Ergo We must haue Images And after many other good aud memorable verdicts Theodosius Byshop of Mira concludeth thus These testimonies are cleare and euident that not onely Images are to bee had but also that they ought to be adored and honoured For my Archdeacon so thinketh and beleeueth I Theodosius Byshop of Mira doe say that I excommunicate all such as will not worship Images And an other Byshop saith That all the calamities and aduersities which happened to the Grecians and people of the Easte was because they would not worship Images Another Byshop saith Seeing that perfumes and incense is bestowed on the Images of Emperours we ought to bestow much more vpon the Images of Saints Constance Byshop of Constance in Cyprus sayth and deliuereth this great and admirable sentence Concerning my selfe I doe protest that wee ought to giue equall honour and reuerence and in as ample manner to the Images of Saintes as to the holy Trinitie in Heauen And whosoeuer is not of mine opinion I excomunicate and send him among the Manicheans and Marcionites And assuredly all the holy Assembly of the Councell found this opinion to be very good whereupon they concluded with him in the approbation thereof and all together after him sayd Amen Iohn Ambassadour of the Easterne Churches giueth this notable opinion It were much better to haue all the Stewes and Brothell-houses of the whole worlde to bee kept in one Cittie then to reiect the seruice of Saintes Images And it is manifest that the Samaritanes were worse then Heretiques but they that reiect the Images of Saintes are much worse then the Samaritanes And all concluding with this opinion the ende and resolution of the whole Councell was determinatly set downe as followeth Wee beeing assembled in the Name of GOD doe will and command that this holy Councell and Decretall shall bee perpetually obserued in the Church And doe excommunicate all gain sayers as rebels and disobeyers heereof And to enlarge the treasure of our Mother holy Church wee giue full Iubilie of Pardons of all sinnes to all such as shall dayly haue the Image of IESVS CHRIST and doe Sacrifice honour and reuerence thereto Amen Beholde howe these holy Fathers and religious Doctours beeing wholly inspired with the holy Ghost haue gouerned our Mother holy Church whom wee will beleeue and imitate and in her Faith both liue and dye The Apostles and Gods Church LET vs come now and consider a little on the subiect of this Councell May it be called holy Or can it bee said to bee approoued of God Surely nothing lesse For if it were presented to Turkes and Saracines vndoubtedly it would bee highly detested euen of them Therefore wee may well say that neuer was that false Propher and Heretique Mahomet so beastly blinded as these grosse conceited Bishops conclusions were in this Councell to value in equall manner the adoration of Images with the worship of one onely true God in Trinitie of persons O poore miserable world plunged in all errour darknesse and ignorance It was wonderfull that in those times some man was not found in Gods behalfe to whippe those Heretiques those Marchant-sellers of Cockle and Darnell As Iesus Christ did the Marchants out of the Temple that deserued it not halfe so much as these blaspemers did But let them be assured that trueth hath euer preuayled against such impietie practised and warranted in those diabolicall Councels and that our Lorde God will be auenged on the sonnes of men deliuering them ouer in his iudgement to bee led by strong delusions and to beleeue lyes That all they might be damned which beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes Behold what words are written by that vessell of Election proceeding from the spirit of God which should astonish and make them tremble that dare lift vp their hornes against God Against whom there is no wisedome neither vnder standing nor councell Moreouer not to digresse from our purpose if such a Monopolie of Sathan combined with his whole band by Gods secret permission did then get the day for once against Iesus Christ Should it therefore be concluded that the whole Church of God following the doctrine of her master and his Apostles hath erred in forbidding and pulling downe all Images and Idols Which being permitted by an vnchristian Councell to bee adored and worshipped ought neuerthelesse to be gain sayd broken defaced as appeareth by three other holy Councels who in this point differed not frō Apostolicall doctrine If weread the Councell of Constantinople celebrated by Constantine the fift the second Councell of Toledo and likewise the Elibertine Councell the 36. Decretal it will bee found that all these three did decree as hereafter followeth It is concluded that there shall be no pictures or paintings in Churches to the ende that no reuerence or adoration may be giuen to painted walles And after followeth We are very willing to admonish the Faithfull that so much as in them lyeth they should hinder the hauing of any Images in their houses And if they feared their seruants yeelding to them yet at least they should keepe themselues pure frō being corrupted by thē Wherin if they would not be obedient they should be accounted as strangers to the Church of God Thus did these holy Fathers in their Councels maintaine all pure Doctrine in the Church without forging any novell constitutions against the word of God The Pope and his Church COncerning all other differences and questions besides the case before declared wee doe wholly repose our selues vpon the holy Councells Decretals and Canons as more prolixly and cathegorically they are explycated by our Masters of the venerable Colledge of Sorbonne and especially by the graund Master of the Sentences All which together doe very well deliuer to euery vnderstanding the Articles and Questions proposed in that holy Councell With whom wee haue iudiciously and diuinely concluded and resolued to our great honour and glory and to the confusion of our aduersaries Notwithstanding all oppositions what soeuer alleaged on the Apostles behalfe by the Doctours of the Church For among vs we hold it as an indubitable veritie and inuincible according to the Gospels testimonie That all things which were necessarie for our saluation were not reuealed to the Apostles neither haue they written them all Wherefore it hath followed very necessarily that those things which the Apostles omitted and left out wee should afterward obtaine and diuinely finde finished in the supplement of our holy traditions and ordinances Which we will and command to be perpetually obserued and as sincerely regarded as those of Iesus Christ and of his Apostles and that vnder paine of deadly sinne excommunication and eternall damnation The Apostles and Gods Church BVt if holy Epiphanius aman of God and very highly renowned in his time were liuing in these dayes hee should haue worke enough to doe in