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truth_n believe_v faith_n reveal_v 5,457 5 8.8529 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03598 Tvvo sermons vpon part of S. Judes Epistle, by Richard Hooker sometimes Fellow of Corpus Christie College in Oxford Hooker, Richard, 1553 or 4-1600.; Jackson, Henry, 1586-1662. 1614 (1614) STC 13723; ESTC S104194 35,221 66

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after righteousnesse godlines faith loue patience meeknesse In the second to the Thessalonians the second Chap. They that have not receiued the loue of the truth that they might bee saued God shall send them strong delusions that they may beleeue lies But we ought to giue thanks alway to God for you brethren beloued of the Lord because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and faith in the truth And in this Epistle of S. ●ude There shall come mockers in the last time walking after their owne vngodly lusts But beloued edifie yee your selues in your most holy faith 3 These sweet exhortations which God putteth every where in the mouthes of the Prophets Apostles of Iesus Christ are evident tokens that God si●teth not in heaven carelesse and vnmindfull of our estate Can a mother forget her child Surely a mother will hardly forget her child But if a mother bee happily found vnnaturall and doe forget the fruit of her owne wombe yet Gods iudgements shew plainly that he cannot forget the man whose heart hee hath framed and fashioned a new in simplicity and truth to serue and feare him For when the wickednesse of man was so great and the earth so filled with crueltie that it could not stand with the righteousnes of God any longer to forbeare wrathfull sentences brake out from him like wine from a vessell that hath no vent My spirit saith he can struggle and striue no longer an end of all flesh is come before me Yet then did Noah finde grace in the eies of the Lord I will establish my covenāt with thee saith God thou shalt goe into the arke thou and thy sonnes and thy wife and thy sonnes wiues with thee 4 Doe we not see what shift God doth make for Lot and for his familie in the 19. of Genesis least the fierie destruction of the wicked should overtake him Overnight the Angels make enquiry what sons or daughters or sonnes in law what wealth and substance he had They charge him to carie out al whatsoever thou hast in the citie bring it out God seemeth to stand in a kind of feare least something or other would be left behind And his will was that nothing of that which he had not an hoofe of any beast not a threed of any garment should bee singed with that fire In the morning the Angels fayle not to call him vp and to hasten him forward Arise take thy wife thy daughters which are here that they be not destroyed in the punishment of the Citie The Angels hauing spoken againe and againe Lot for all this lingereth out the time still till at the length they were forced to take both him and his wife and his daughters by the armes the Lord being mercifull vnto him and to cary them forth and set them without the citie 5 Was there ever any father thus carefull to saue his child from the flame A man would thinke that now being spoken vnto to escape for his life and not to looke behinde him nor to tarry in the plaine but to hasten to the mountaine there to saue himselfe he should do it gladly Yet behold now he is so farre off from a chearefull willing hart to do whatsoever is commanded him for his owne weale that he beginneth to reason the matter as if God had mistaken one place for another sending him to the hill when salvation was in the Citie Not so my Lord I beseech thee Behold thy servant hath found grace in thy sight and thou hast magnified thy mercy which thou haste shewed vnto me in saving my life I cannot escape in the mountaine least some evil take me and I die Here is a Citty hard by a small thing O let me escape thither is it not a small thing and my soule shall liue Well God is contented to yeeld to any conditions Behold I haue received thy request concerning this thing also I will spare this City for which thou hast spoken hast thee saue thee there For I can do nothing till thou come thither 6 Hee could doe nothing Not because of the weaknesse of his strength for who is like vnto the Lord in power but because of the greatnesse of his mercy which would not suffer him to lift vp his arme against that City nor to power out his wrath vpon that place where his righteous servant had a fancie to remaine and a desire to dwell O the depth of the riches of the mercy and loue God! God is afraide to offend vs which are not afraid to displease him God can do nothing till he haue saved vs which can finde in our harts rather to do any thing then to serue him It contenteth him not to exempt vs when the pit is digged for the wicked to comfort vs at every mention which is made of reprobates and godlesse men to saue vs as the apple of his owne eie when fire commeth downe from heaven to consume the inhabitants of the earth except every Prophet and every Apostle and every servant whom he sendeth forth doe come loaden with these and the like exhortations O beloved edifie your selues in your most holy faith Giue your selues to praier in the spirit keepe your selues in the loue of God Looke for the mercie of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternall life 7 Edifie your selues The speech is borrowed frō material builders and must be spiritually vnderstood It appeareth in the 6. of S. Iohns gospel by the Iewes that their mouthes did water too much for bodilie food Our fathers say they did eate Manna in the Desert is it is written He gaue them bread from heaven to eate Lord evermore give vs of this bread Our Saviour to turne their appetite another way maketh thē this answere I am the bread of life hee that cōmeth to me shall not hunger and hee that beleeveth in mee shall never thirst 8 An vsuall practise it is of Satan to cast heapes of worldly baggage in our way that whilest we desire to heape vp gold as dust wee may be brought at the length to esteeme vilely that spiritual blisse Christ in the 6. of Matthew to correct this evill affection putteth vs in minde to lay vp treasure for our selues in heaven The Apostle 1. Tim. 3. chapt misliking the vanity of those womē which attired themselues more costly then beseemed the heavenly calling of such as professed the feare of God willeth them to cloath themselues with shamefastnes and modestie and to put on the apparel of good workes Taliter pigmentatae Deum habebitis amatorem saith Tertullian Put on righteousnesse as a garment in steed of Civit haue Faith which may cause a savour of life to issue from you and God shall be enamoured he shal be ravished with your beauty These are the ornaments bracelets and jewels which inflame the loue of Christ and set his hart on fire vpon his spowse We see how he breaketh
dispute with words not comely or with talke that is not profitable Yet behold even they that are wisest amongst vs living cōpared with the Prophets seem no otherwise to talke of God then as if the children which are caried in armes should speake of the greatest matters of state They whose words doe most shew forth their wise and standing and whose lips doe vtter the purest knowledge so long as they vnderstand and speake as men are they not faine sundry waies to excuse themselues Sometimes acknowledging with the wise mā hardly can we discerne the things that are on earth and with great labour finde wee out the things that are before vs who can then seeke out the things that are in heauen Sometimes confessing with Iob the righteous intreating of things too wonderfull for vs we haue spokē we wist not what Sometimes ending their talke as doth the history of the Macchabees if we haue done wel aa the cause required it is that we desire if we haue spok̄ stenderly and havely we haue done that we could But God 〈…〉 saith Esay And we haue receiued saith the Apostle not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that wee might know the things which are given to vs of God which things also we speake not in words which mans wisdome teacheth but which the holy Ghost doth teach This is that which the Prophets mean by those books writtē ful within without which books were so often delivered thē to eat not because God fed thē with inke paper but to teach vs that so oft as he employed them in this heavenly worke they neither spake nor wrote any word of their owne but vttered sillable by sillable as the spirit put it into their months no otherwise then the Harp or the Lute doth giue a sound according to the discretion of his hands that holdeth striketh it with skill The difference is only this An instrument whether it be a pipe or harpe maketh a distinction in the times and sounds which distinction is well perceived of the hearer the instrument it selfe vnderstanding not what is piped or harped The Prophets and holy men of God not so I opened my mouth saith Ezechiels and God reached me a scroule saying son of man cause thy belly to eat fill thy bowels with this I giue thee I eate it and it was sweet in my mouth as hony saith the Prophet Yea sweeter I am perswaded then either hony or the hony combe For herein they were not like Harps or Lutes but they felt they felt the power and strength of their owne words Whē they spake of our peace every corner of their hearts was filled with ioy Whē they prophecied of mournings lamentations and woes to fall vpan vs they wept in the bitternes and indignation of spirit the arme of the Lord being mighty and strong vpon them 5 On this manner were all the prophecies of holy scripture Which prophecies although they containe nothing which is not profitable for our instruction yet as one starre differeth from another in glory so every word of prophecy hath a treasure of matter in it but all matters are not of like importance as al treasures are not of equal price The chiefe principal matter of prophecie is the promise of righteousnesse peace holinesse glory victory immortality vnto every soule which beleeveth that Iesus is Christ of the Iew first and of the Gentile Nowe because the doctrine of salvation to bee looked for by faith in him who was in outward appearance as it had beene a man forsaken of God in him who was numbred Iudged and condemned with the wicked in him whom men did see buffited on the face scoft at by Souldiers scourged by tormentours hanged on the crosse pearced to the heart in him whom the eies of many witnesses did behold when the anguish of his soule enforced him to roare as if his hart had rent in sunder O my God my God why haste thou forsaken me I say because the doctrine of salvatiō by him is a thing improbable to a natural man that whether we preach it to the Gentile or to the Iew the one condemneth our faith as madnes the other as blasphemy therefore to establish and confirme the certainety of this saving trueth in the harts of men the Lord togither with their preachings whom hee sent immediately from himselfe to reveale these things vnto the world mingled prophecies of things both civill and Ecclesiasticall which were to come in everie age from time to time till the very last of the latter daies that by those things wherein we see daily their words fulfilled and done we might haue strong consolation in the hope of things which are not seene because they haue revealed as well the one as the other For when many things are spoken of before in scripture whereof we see first one thing accomplished and then another and so a third pereeiue wee not plainely that God doeth nothing else but lead vs along by the hand til he haue setled vs vpon the rocke of an assured hope that no one iote or title of his word shall passe till all be fulfilled It is not therefore saide in vaine that these godlesse wicked ones were spoken of before 6 But by whom By them whose words if men or Angels from heauen gainesaie they are accursed by them whom whosoever despiseth despiseth not them but me saith Christ. If any man therefore doth loue the Lord Iesus and woe worth him that loueth not the Lord Iesus hereby wee may know that hee loveth him indeed if hee despise not the things that are spoken of by his Apostles whom many haue despised even for the basenesse and simplenesse of their persons For it is the propertie of fleshly and carnall men to honour and dishonour credit and discredit the words and deeds of every man according to that he wanteth or hath without If a man with gorgeous apparell come amongst vs although he bee a theese or a murtherer for there are theeues and murtherers in gorgeous apparell be his heart whatsoever If his coat be of purple or velvet or tissue every one riseth vp and all the reverent solemnities wee can vse are too little But the man that serveth God is contemned and despised amongst vs for his povertie Herod speaketh in iudgement and the people cry out The voice of God and not of man Paul preacheth Christ they tearme him a trifler Harken beloued hath not God chosen the poore of this world that they should be rich in faith hath hee not chosen the refuse of the world to be heires of his kingdome which hee hath promised to them that loue him hath he not chosen the ofscowrings of men to be the lights of the world and the Apostles of Iesus Christ Men vnlearned yet how fully replenished with vnderstanding fewe in number yet how great in power contemptible in shew yet in spirit how strong