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truth_n believe_v damn_v unrighteousness_n 2,037 5 11.2658 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01023 Britaines glorie, or An allegoricall dreame: with the exposition thereof. Containing [brace]the heathens infidelitie, the Turkes blasphemie, the popes hypocrisie, Amsterdams varietie, the Church of Englands veritie [brace] in religion. And in our Church of England, [brace] the kings excellency. His issues integritie. The nobles and gentries constancie. The councels and iudges fidelitie. The preachers puritie. The bishops sinceritie. / Conceiued and written by Robert Carlyle gent. for the loue and honour of his king and country. Carliell, Robert, d. 1622? 1618 (1618) STC 4650; ESTC S91360 33,166 58

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what shall the ende be of them that obey not the Gospell of God and if the righteous scarce be saued where shall the vngodly and sinner appeare 1. Pet. 4.17.18 Also 2. Thes The Apostle Paul speaking of the wicked man that shall be reuealed saith The Lord shall consume him with the spirit of his mouth and because that wicked mans comming is by the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders and in all deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnes among them that perish he sheweth because they receiued not the loue of the truth that they might be saued Therefore God shall send them strong delusion that they should belieue lies that all they might be damned which belieued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse Many examples may be produced out of the Scriptures to proue and declare the iudgement of God against the wicked will be terrible and fearefull at the day of his second comming and that Hell is prepared from the beginning for the Deuill and his Angels and all wicked persons One more onely shall suffice to shew the Description of Hell that these wicked blasphemers all others may be affrighted in their consciences and conuert and be saued Isa 30.33 The Prophet saith that Tophet is prepared of olde that is Hell It is euen prepared for the King he hath made it deepe and large the burning thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lord like a Riuer of brimstone doth kindle it These are Tabacconists that for this turne Did whil'st they liu'd before-hand learne to burne These Tabacconists are those blaspheme's spoken of before and such as dispise the word of truth and the Gospell of Christ Iesus whose wickednesse is said to burne as fire whilest they liue Isa 9.18.19 For wickednesse burneth as a fire it deuoureth the bryars and the thornes and will kindle in the thick places of the Forrest and they shall mount vp like the lifting vp of smoake By the wrath of the Lord of Hoasts shall the Land be darkened the people shall be as the meate of the fire 8. Then suddenly he snatcht me vp and flew Vntill he came vnto a thick-set Wood Where trees of all sorts many thousands grew And likewise shrubs innumerable stood And looke how many trees and shrubs there were So many seuerall fruits they all did beare Heere is represented vnto our eies the confused mixture of opinions and Sects in Religion of Amsterdam a Towne within the 17. Prouinces where it is certainely known that there be more varieties of Doctrines then in any one place of the World as namely Protestants Papists Atheists Anabaptists Brownists Arians the Familie of Loue and such like and I thinke some of no Religion at all wherefore the place is compared to a Wood the people to Trees and their Sects to fruits which may fitly be said to be of seuerall kindes in respect of the difference of opinions Euery tree is knowne by his fruit whether it be good or euill Math. 12.33 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things and an euill man out of an euill treasure bringeth forth euill things Math. 12.35 9. Some were like Apples but were Crabs in tast And in the eating had but sower digestion This may be vnderstood of the fruits of Mans inuentions which carrie onely a similitude of goodnesse but are bad in themselues as the Crab is like to an Apple but is lesser and far worse in taste Such is the hypocrisie of the Brownists whose digestion is sower that is their punishment certeinely will be very grieuous vpon themselues Seeing that the earth which sinneth not shall be made wast because of their wickednesse as in Micah 7.13 Notwithstanding the Land shall be desolate because of them that dwell therein and for the fruits of their inuentions Some were as bitter as the Oaken Mast More fit for swine then any mans refection These are the fruits of the flesh which in many things are brutish Ro. 7.18 I know saith the Apostle Paul that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but I finde no meanes to performe that which is good Gal. 5.19 The workes of the flesh are manifest which are Adulterie Fornication Vncleannesse Wantonnesse Idolatrie Witchcraft Hatred Debate Emulations Wrath Contentions Seditions Heresies Enuie Murders Drunkennesse Gluttonie and such like To all these euery man is naturally prone but two of these may be appropriated to the fruits of the Papists to wit Fornication and Idolatrie the one being tolerated the other allowed by their Religion so that it seemeth they neuer learned this lesson of Saint Paul or else they scorne to allow his Doctrine or else it is out of their booke But let them know as Saint Paul saith That such shal not inherit the kingdome of God Some were delicious sweete and perfect good Such as at first in Edens Garden stood These are the fruits of Righteousnesse and of the Spirit and may be said to proceed from a true zealous Protestant Gal. 5.22 The fruit of the Spirit is Loue Ioy Peace Long-suffering Gentlenesse Goodnesse Faith Meekenesse and Temperance 10. But as that fruit was good and lushious The scituation of the Trees was bad For none of them by meanes of vnder-bushes Sufficient roome to sprout their branches had So that for want of elbow-roome a Tree Not halfe so fruitfull was as else might bee Many times it fals out that the godly are hindred by the wicked that they cannot shew their good workes in such measure as they would For the profession of the true Gospell of Iesus Christ is oftentimes ecclipsed in them by the darke cloudy meetings and mixture of Heresies of others among whom they liue so that it doth not shine with his perfect light especially among such as either refuse to heare the Gospell of Christ at all or else if they heare it they will peruert it and make the construction thereof according to their owne fantasies So these vngodly people are compared to vnder-bushes that hinder the propagation of Gods holy word and the growing and prospering of the fruits of the Spirit And they are like to the Pharises that neither would belieue the Gospell themselues nor suffer others to belieue Math. 23.13 Add like to the Iewes spoken of in the 17. Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles where Paul being in Thessalonica as his manner was went into their Synagogue opening and alleadging that Christ must haue suffered and risen againe from the dead and some belieued but the Iewes which belieued not tooke vnto them certaine vagabonds and wicked fellowes and made a tumult in the Citie and would haue brought Paul out to the people 11. Vnfruitfull briars choakt their sappy roote And with sharpe pricks did goad their tender Rinde Thornes would not let their springing Armes to shoote Sprigs of wilde Trees about their branches twinde As if they all malicious
of God maketh the wicked afraid The Israelites hauing seene the mightie power of God feared the Lord Exod. 14.31 Adam after he had sinned was afraid of God Gen. 3.10 And the word of the Lord is heerein fulfilled for the Lord threatneth they shall be afraid in their chambers which prouoke him by Idolatrie Deut. 32.25 Northward from hence there is within a Land Amidst the Sea a fruitfull Paradice made Where goodly Vines in curious order stand Which proue exceeding plentifull That is within this Iland of great Britaine which lieth Northward from Rome the Gospell of Iesus Christ which is compared to a fruitfull Paradice of Vines which plentifully abound and the profession thereof is spreadth oughout the same like as goodly Vines florish and spread The Prophet Dauid speaking of the Church Psal 80.8 compares it to a Vine Thou hast brought a Vine out of Aegypt thou hast cast out the Heathen and planted it thou madest roome for it and diddest cause it to take roote and it filled the Land the mountaines were couered with the shadow of it and the boughs thereof are like the goodly Cedars shee stretched out her braunches vnto the Sea and her boughs vnto the Riuer I am the Vine saith Christ and my father is an husband-man Iohn 15.1 And there I sometime great authoritie did beare Too great was the Popes authoritie in this Kingdome when before the Reigne of King Henry the eight he had the supremacie 15. And those faire Vines to all estates were free As well the Plough-man as the Potentate And euery beggar might sufficed bee Without controlement of the Magistrate The freedome of the Gospell is two-fold free of expence and restraint The Apostle Paul 1. Cor. 9.18 speaking of the Preaching of the Gospell saith thus What is my reward then verily that when I preach the Gospell I make the Gospell of Christ free that I abuse not mine authoritie in the Gospell that is that I be not chargeable to them to whom I preach seeing that they thinke I preach it for gaines And the same Apostle 2. Tim. 2.8.9 exhorting Timothie to be constant in trouble to suffer manly and to abide fast in the wholesome Doctrine of our Lord Iesus Christ bids him remember that Iesus Christ made of the seede of Dauid was raised againe from dead according to Saint Pauls Gospell wherein the Apostle suffered trouble as an euill doer euen vnto bonds but the word of God is not bound thereby shewing that notwithstanding his imprisonment the word of God hath his race and increaseth That all degrees by vertue of that Grape Grew perfect wise sober temperate Who seeke wisedome early shall finde it that is they that study the word of God diligently and with a desire to profit shall finde wisedome Riches and honour are with her euer durable riches and Righteousnesse that is spirituall treasures and heauenly things Pro. 8.17.16 Moses exhorting the people to keepe the ordinances and lawes of God Deut. 4.6 tels them that is their wisedome and their vnderstanding in the sight of the people which shall heare all those ordinances and shall say onely this people is wise and of vnderstanding and a great Nation The wisedome of the World is but foolishnesse with God 1. Cor. 1.20 But vnto them which are called both of the Iewes and Grecians Christ is the power of God and the wisedome of God for the foolishnesse of God is wiser then men and the weaknesse of God is stronger then men 1. Cor. 1.24.25 Also the wordes of God are the words of sobrietie and truth as appeareth in the Acts of the Apostles 26.25 where the Apostle Paul rehearsing his conuersation to approue his Innocencie being accused before Festus said I am not mad noble Festus but speake the words of truth and sobernesse 16. But I by craft and deuillish inuention Desiring their subuersion cut those Vines Vnseasonably to hinder their extention In growth and spreading The Deuill and the Pope haue euer yet beene enuious against the propagation of the Gospell and haue laboured by all the deuises that possibly they could to extinguish or at least to obvmbrate the true light thereof wherefore it was a subtile deceit of the Pope to haue the word of God set forth in the Latine Tongue which the common people could not vnderstand whereby the knowledge of the Gospell was like the Sunne in Eclips and could not be so generally spread as if it had beene written in their naturall English so thereupon it may be said that it was vnseasonably cut to hinder the extention thereof The Apostle Paul 1. Cor. 14.1.2 speaking against prayer and seruice in a strange tongue exhorteth men to follow after loue and couet spirituall gifts and rather that they may prophesie that is to expound the word of God to the edification of the Church for he that speaketh a strange tongue speaketh not vnto men but vnto God for no man heareth him that is vnderstandeth him Also in the 4 and 5. verses of the same Chapter the Apostle saith he that speaketh strange language edifieth himselfe for he profiteth none saue himselfe greater is he that prophesieth then he that speaketh diuers tongues except he expound it that the Church may receiue edification And as oftentimes As J with blood the Rootes should haue made moist A poyson strong I closely in did foist That is As often as the Pope and his Ministers should haue sincerely deliuered the word of God to the people according to truth whereby it might haue taken roote in their hearts So often they preached their owne inuentions bringing in many horrible new heresies which poisoned the peoples vnderstanding Saint Paul gaue them other direction 2. Tim. 2.15 Studie saith he to shew thy selfe approued vnto God a workeman that needeth not be ashamed deuiding the word of truth aright But the words of that holy Apostle 1. Tim. are truely verifide in the Pope and his Ministers Now the spirit speaketh euidently That in the latter times some shall depart from the faith and shall giue heede vnto spirits of error and doctrines of Deuils meaning false teachers which speaking lies through hypocrisie haue their consciences burned with an hot Yron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to be receiued with giuing thankes of them which belieue and know the truth And as for the Gospell as it is professed by them Deut. 32.32.33 there it is decyphered Their Vine is the Vine if Sodom and the Vines of Gomorah their Grapes are Grapes of gall their Clusters be bitter their Wine is the poyson of the Dragons and the cruell gall of Aspes 17. Which to conceale from mens detection This trick I had I suffer'd none to come Within that Paradice to make collection To cast a mist before the peoples eies that they might not discerne the false Doctrine and superstitious ceremonies which were then brought into the Church the Pope would suffer none to haue the bible in