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B11278 The principle of all principles concerning religion. Or The summe of certaine sermons prooving the scriptures to be the very VVord of God. Byfield, Adoniram, d. 1660. 1624 (1624) STC 1021.5; ESTC S115754 21,438 69

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beleeved indeed it perswadeth the beleever to make conscience of sinne therefore all are worthy of due consideration Viz. 1. There is a God by name The God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob to be worshipped 2. There is a Word of God Viz. The Bible that is the Booke of Bookes consisting of the olde and new Testament to be beleeved 3. There is a Resurrection both of iust and vniust to be expected And 4. There is a Conscience to be tendered The first ground hath beene layd as surely as I can For none can be religious who doth not beleeue it The second is likewise to be surely layd For if there be no such Word there can be no true religion but superstition The Samaritans a 〈◊〉 4.20.22 and Athenians b 〈◊〉 17.22.23 were superstitious because they worshipped God not according to his Word That therefore we may haue true spirituall comfort in our Christian Religion in which we worship God let vs be well perswaded that the Bible is the Word of God That imposter Mahomet to make the Turkes superstitiously to regard his Alchoran Compiled by himselfe a Iew and a Nestorian heretique so plotted with his Complices that having tolde the Turkes that God would send his vndoubted Word about a Camels necke out of the Wildernesse before the Sermon was ended a Camell came into the Church with the Alchoran about the necke Were not the Bible the vndoubted Word of God we Christians are the most absurd in our Religion of all other For we make him a God and our onely Saviour whom we acknowledge to haue beene a man and crucified But if it be then may wee with comfort avow our Religion against Iewes Turkes and Papists That we may be well grounded in this point I haue determined to proue it not onely by the other three grounds but also by imitating an order of proofes which Christ observeth Ioh. 5.31 to 39. With which I will begin as being most worthy in regard of the Author and as shewing that the Bible which is the Word written may be prooved to be the Word of God by like Arguments as Christ prooveth himselfe to be the Eternall Word ●●oh 1.1.14 made flesh that is the Messiah Which he prooveth by 4. testimonies 1. Of Iohn Baptist 2. Of his owne Workes 3. Of his Father And 4. Of the Scriptures Reason 1 In imitatition therefore let our first proofe be The Testimony of the Church which throughout all ages hath avowed the Bible to be the vndoubted Word of God Now all true Christians reioyce in the Church as the Iewes did in Iohn Baptist For it is The Pillar of truth d Tim. 3.15 Not because the Church supporteth the Scriptures so as to be the Word of God as Papists would make vs to beleeue Nay The Scriptures support the Church so as to be the Church of God Indeed if there be no other vse of a Pillar but to support then that place of 1 Tim. 3.15 might seeme to make for the Papists but there is another vse of a Pillar viz. To haue that written or engraven therevpon which is to be remembred for ever As in Rev. 3.12 Revel 3.12 Christ sayth Him that overcōmeth I will make a Pillar in the Temple of my God How I will write vpon him the Name of my God and my new Name Indeed The true sense of that to Timothie is this As a Pillar doth preferue the memory of those things which are written thereon So the Church preserveth Truth commended therevnto This sense the place it selfe doth intimate For saith Paul These things I write that if I tarry long thou mayst know how to behaue thy selfe in the house of God that it being the Church of the living God therefore ever-living may as a Pillar preserue Truth which it learneth of thee Hence it is that Aust in sayth ●ntra Epist ●●md cap. 5. I had not beleeved the Scriptures to haue beene the Word had I not beene mooued with the Churches credite Thus was he mooved indeed when he first turned from his Manichisme But when he was setled in Religion thus he writeth to Maximinus Contra Maxim ●ib 3. cap. 14. Neither must I alledge the Councell of Nice in preiudice of the matter nor you the Councell of Ariminum Let matter striue with matter cause with cause reason with reason by authoritie of the Scriptures And in another place Reade this out of a Prophet De Pastor cap. 14. out of a Psalme out of the Law out of the Gospel out of an Apostle Thence recite I the Church disperst over the whole world and our Lord saying My sheepe heare my voyce So that Austin did like the Samaritans who at the first beleeved Christ to be the Messiah for the saying of the Woman but afterward they professed e Ioh. 4.39.42 Now wee beleeue not because of thy saying For wee haue heard him our selues Reason 2 Now then let vs proceede to the second Testimony from the proper workes of the Scriptures which is greater then the former as was the second Testimony which Christ pleaded I will now take knowledge but of two proper works of the Scriptures The former is Though they be for the most part very simple plaine yet like God they be mighty in operation For the word of God simply preached is the power of God f 2 Cor. 12.9 1 Cor. 3.4 ● It being like fire and an hammer g Ier. 23.29.22 converteth the soule h Psal 19.7 being not carnall casteth downe imaginations exalted and bringeth every thought to the obedience of Christ i 2 Cor. 10.4 ● For it is the sword of the Spirit k Eph. 6.17 because the Spirit of God being authour thereof l Pet. 1.21 by it worketh mightily vpon the spirit of man Heb. 4.12 For it accompanieth the same Isa 59.21 so as a man is compelled to acknowledg the power of Gods word when it is faithfully preached 1 Cor. 4. ● The other is They prophecy many great things which are accomplished in due time As the bondage of Israell in Egypt Ezod 12.41 Captivity in Babilon Ier. 29.10 The succession of foure Monarches Dan. 2.37 to 40. Comming of the Messiah Dan Calling of the Gentiles Isa 2.2.3 And revealing of Antichrist 2 Thess 2.7.8 that is the Pope revealed after the removall of the Emperour from Rome So that as God was acknowledged so to be because he by Daniel opened secrets m Dan. 2.47 and a Prophet is to be acknowledged so to be if his Prophecy come to passe n De●t 18.18 c. I may conclude that because so many and great Prophecies in the Scriptures are duly fulfilled they are therfore the vndoubted word of God Reason 3 Our third Testimony is frō the Father that is God Gal. 1. I who hath given testimony to the scriptures viva voce by his wonderfull works He gaue testimony viva voce to the old Testament when he
of a man be worthily so to be esteemed for the Contents sake how highly are we to esteeme the doctrine of the Bible being the Word of God But how are we to manifest our high estimation of the Word of God Not chiefely by binding the Bible faire though that sheweth some good respect thereof Nor by setting it handsomely in the Window or some eminent place and never or seldome reade therein But by hearing beleeving and obeying it as the Word of God In such hearing Vse 2 two things are required Readie diligence and Religious reverence Touching the former it is Prophecied That in the last dayes Christ his people shall come willingly at the time of Assembly as an Army in holy beautie i Psal 110● and That many people shall flow to the house of the Lord k Isa 2.2 inciting one another And why Because the Word of the Lord goeth from Ierusalem This is to seeke after the knowledge of Gods will in his Word as for treasure l Prov. 2. According to those Prophecies The Kingdome of God was Preached and every man pressed vnto it m Luk. 16. after the comming of Iohn Baptist The Apostles would not goe from Christ n Ioh. 6.67.68 as some Disciples did because He had the words of eternall life And Cornelius a Captaine when he heard that Peter should tell him what he ought to doe sent immediately for him and having called together his kinsmen and speciall friends waited for him o ●ct ●4 33 and were ready to heare whatsoever he should say from God Hereby are condemned such as haue small zeale in repairing to the Word but absent themselues vpon small occasions as prooving of Oxen p ●uk 14.19 ●1 with whom God is angry Such as remember not the Sabbath day so as to dispose of their businesse that they may be ready in due time to attend the Word They will remember and pleade that it is a day of rest sleepe the longer that day But they forget that the rest must be holy to the Lord q ●od 31.15 Yea such are hereby condemned who though they seeme to haue some mind to heare the Word Preached and therefore cast to come to that betime yet are not diligent to come to heare the Word read As if the Word read be not to be regarded as the Word of God and As if it be not necessary that Gods people should know in some measure the letter and body of the Scriptures Wherevnto they cannot attaine by hearing onely those small Texts wherevpon Preachers Discourse Therefore Christian Churches haue well imitated the auncient people of God r Act. 13.1 15 21● in appointing the Scriptures to be read in the great Congregations especially on the Lords day so as the body thereof may be read over againe and againe in time Wherevnto if the people doe not diligently resort especially such as want learning leisure or Bibles to reade doe they esteeme the Word read as the Word of God Vse 3 A second thing required in hearing the word as the word of God is religious reverence When we pray we speake to God then we kneele ſ Psal 95● or should doe when the word is read or preached God speaketh to vs and shall we not heare him with religious reverence We heare the Iudge giving a charge in the Assises with vncovered heads and all civill reverence and shall not our demeanure be religiously reverent when God speaketh vnto vs in his word Moses was to put off his shooes because of the presence of God speaking out of a burning bush t ●od And the people were to be sanctified when they were to meete with God speaking the tenne Commaundements When we heare the word preached wee are in Gods speciall presence therefore wee are exhorted by the Spirit u ●●cles 5.1 to looke to our feete before we enter into the house of God and bee more ready to heare than to offer the sacrifice of fooles And Christ stood when he read his text x ●●ke 4.16.20 but he sat after when he preached All this doth shew that the word is to be heard with religious reverence Yea there be some learned Divines who hold that men ought to be vncovered that is put off their hatts the whole Sermon while But for my part I dare not precisely binde the conscience of any man to this or that particular demonstration of religious reverence Though I graunt that a Sermon is to be heard with religious reverence as well as the word read For Ministers of the Gospell are the messengers of God as were the Priests of the Law z Mal. 2.7 2 Cor. 5. ● 1 Cor. 4. 〈◊〉 and it is to be presumed that their lips also preserue knowledge therefore people must with religious reverence hearken to the word from their mouth Heereby are condemned such as come to Wisedomes feast a Prou 9.3 without a wedding garment b Math. 22. that is due preparation and fitnesse As also such as sleepe talke gaze about or otherwise haue their minds drawne from hearing the word Is this to haue either their eyes fastned c Luke 4 2● vpon the Preacher or to haue hearts opened by the Lord d Acts 16. 〈◊〉 to hearken to his word Vse 4 It is not a sufficient estimation of the Word to repaire therevnto with diligence and to heare it with reverence except we beleeue it as the Word of God For if the Word be not mixed with Faith in those that heare it e Hebr. 4.2 it will not profit them vnto either reformation aedification or consolation which are the effects of Prophecy f 1 Cor. that is of powerfull Preaching Againe He who beleeveth the Word so as to receiue g Ioh. 1.12 that is to beleeue the testimony thereof doth seale that God is true h 〈◊〉 3.33.34 But God is true I may adde Absolutely and to be iustified in his wordes i Rom. 3.4 I may adde because they be absolutely true as God is Therfore they are to be heard with Faith resting vpon them absolutely without all doubting of their truth For the Word of God is called the Faith of God k Rom. 3.3 Which intimateth that if we beleeue Faith to be in God we must beleeue his Word accordingly This is a maine difference betweene the Word of God which is to be heard with Faith howsoever it crosse our iudgement for Faith surmounteth Reason and the Word of man which is no further to be beleeved than it agreeth with the Word which is Truth it selfe l Ioh. 17 1● For every man is by nature a Lyar m Rom. 3. ● and therefore is not to be iustified in all his wordes So that Gods people may lawfully so it be with Discretion and Humilitie examine the Doctrine by what Preacher soever delivered whether it be warranted by the Scriptures or no if
another example wherein yee may see both the Wisdome of the flesh and obedience of Faith Naaman was directed ſ King 5.10 12.13.14 by a messenger from Elisha to wash himselfe in Iordan for cure of his leprosie He went away murmuring But perswaded by his servants to haue due regard of the Prophets word he obeyed and was cured Hereby are condemned 1 rebellious hearers of the word who say The word which thou hast spoken vnto vs in the name of the Lord wee will not heare t Ier. 44.16 but we will doe what we thinke good and as our Princes and Fathers before vs haue done 2 Presumptuous hearers who blesse themselues in their hearts u Deut. 29 1●.2● when they heare iudgements out of the word against their sinnes and so adde drunkennesse to thirst but God will not be mercifull to such 3 Hypocriticall hearers who call one vpon another x Ezek. 33.30.31 to heare the word and sit before the Preacher as reverently as others but they make a iest of it and will not obey it And 4 such as pretend obedience to the word out of a sudden flash of zeale like the young man y Mark who came running and kneeling to Christ to know what he might doe for eternall life But when Christ bad him sell and giue all to the poore and follow him hee went away sorrowfull for he was rich So many when the word reprooveth them for drunkennesse are grieved for the present confesse it is their sinne and wish they could leaue it but they doe not I haue told you of some to be condemned for not beleeving and of others for not obeying the word as the word of God Now I must tell you of the Antichristian Synagogue of Rome which shamefully offendeth in both those respects in taking the second Commaundement out of the Decalogue as hath beene said contrary to the expresse word of God who giveth this peremptorie charge a Deut. 12.32 Whatsoever I commaund you take heede you doe it Thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought there-from If the Papists did beleeue the word as the word of God durst they thus abuse ignorant people God deliver vs from vnreasonable and evill men b Thes 3.2 for all men haue not faith Now why doe they this Even because they are so addicted to Idolatry that despising the censure of Christ Mat. 5.19 they will neither obey this word of God themselues c Mat. 5 1● nor suffer the people to obey it in not worshipping Images For they feare that if it were published in their Catechismes the people would in time abhorre that babish and Babylonish Idolatry observing how precisely that commandement forbiddeth the worshipping of Images and how iealous God is thereof And the more when they know and consider that the whole Decalogue was written twice in Tables of Stone d Exod. 3.18 and 3● and 20 1● with the finger of God which argueth the perpetuitie thereof and that the Commandement forbidding worshipping of Images is twice recorded by the Spirit e Deut. 5. as the second of the ten Commandements spoken by God himselfe But I pray you take knowledge of most damnable cousenage viz. Because the Scriptures say expressely that God wrote ten Commandements in the two Tables ●eut 10.4 and the people generally know that there must be ten Commandements they divide the tenth Commandement and make Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife the ninth and Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house c. the tenth Note further I pray you as cousenage so grosse absurditie For the Commandement consisteth onely in these words Thou shalt not covet So that it is absurd to say that there be so many Commandements as there be obiects of coveting mentioned as Oxe Asse c. Were it not absurd to make two Commandements of the fifth because therein be mentioned two obiects viz. Father and Mother of Honour the dutie commanded If it be sayd that Honour is but once commanded whereas Coveting is twice forbidden yea so as that Coveting a neighbours wife is first forbidden as if there were a kinde of respect to the seaventh Commandement and Coveting a neighbours house is forbidden afterward as if there were a kinde of respect to the eight Commandement I answer All yet is but Coveting which is twice vrged because more knowledge should be taken of the Commandement For if Paul had not knowne Lust to be a sinne g Rom. 7. ● had not this Commandement forbidden it how would others haue knowne it But further I answere That howsoever indeed not-coveting a wife be first set downe Deut. 5.21 yet not-coveting an house is first set downe Exod. 20.17 Which sheweth that not-coveting house wife c. is forbidden by one and the same Commandement Haue not we cause to thanke God that we are delivered from Popery which is the Mystery of iniquitie Here it may be some will grant that the Word spoken by God or Christ who was God as well as man h ●ath 1.23 is to be beleeved and obeyed absolutely without any doubting or questioning But they thinke that the doctrine of others is not so to be beleeved and obeyed Let such remember that God approoved the minde of the people desiring that GOD would speake to them no more himselfe i 〈◊〉 and promising to heare and doe whatsoever God shall speake vnto them by his servant Obiect It may be it will be replied Yea we grant that Moses Prophets and Apostles sent immediately from God or Christ their words are to be beleeved and obeyed absolutely But so are not the Sermons of Preachers in these times Indeed Ans the Persons of ordinary Pastors and Teachers are not sent immediately from God or Christ as were the persons of Prophets and Apostles But their Ministery it selfe was immediately k 1 Cor. 12. ● ordeined by Christ wherevnto they having fit gifts for the same are called by the voyce of the Church l Acts. 14 2● and therefore to be esteemed as Ministers of Christ m 1 Cor. 16.10.11 For they performe the same ordinary worke of the Ministery in disposing the Mysteries of God vnto the aedification of the Church which the Apostles did Therefore the Apostle exhorteth Gods people n Heb. 13 1● to obey which implyeth hearing and beleeving such as had the charge of their soules If then people are to esteeme their Pastors and Teachers as the Ministers of Christ they must as did Cornelius o Acts. 10.3.33 presume that they will Preach the Word of GOD and be prepared accordingly to heare which implyeth beleeving and obeying I grant that the doctrine of Pastors and Teachers be they never so learned and faithfull is subiect to errour whereas the Prophets and Apostles delivered an infallible truth therefore people may the more diligently so it be with humilitie try the Spirits ● Ioh. 4.1 But if the truth of Gods Word
be declared to their Consciences let them remember what Christ sayth p Luk. 10.1.16 speaking not of the Apostles but of the seaventie Disciples He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me Lastly let it be considered Whether Naaman could haue excused his not-washing in Iordan q 2 King 5.10 by saying He was commanded so to doe by a messenger and not by the Prophet Elisha seeing that which the Messenger commanded was the Word of God as well as if Elisha had spoken it Vse 6 If then Gods people are to say one to another much more to their owne hearts as did the people in Ezechiels time r Ezek. 33.30 but with better mindes Let vs goe and heare what is the Word that commeth from the Lord. When they goe to heare their Pastors and Teachers they must not bring with them eares either Antichristian to hearken after Doctrines strange or not grounded vpon the Word For Christ his Sheepe know his voyce and follow him ſ Ioh. 10.4 They know not the voyce of a stranger nor follow him or itching t 2 Tim. 4.3 to hearken after the enticing speech of mans wisedome u 1 Cor. 2.4.5 as if their faith dependeth thereon But let them be of Davids minde who professed that he loued Gods Word x Ps 116.113 but hated vaine inventions Much lesse are they to be so obstinate and wicked as to say either in their hearts or with their mouthes y Isa 30.10 Let not our Seers Prophecy right things but errours and flattering things Againe Vse 7 if people must come to Sermons with minds expecting onely Doctrine grounded vpon Gods Word such as they must beleeue and obey as the Word of God then the Preacher must be wise to seeke out the wordes of truth z ●ccles 12.9 ●0 and faithfull to Preach them as the wordes of God * Pet. 4 11. that is with all authoritie a Tit. 2.15 in the plaine evidence of the Spirit b Cor. 2.4 For if any man Preach not according to the Word what reading soever he make shew of he hath no light in him c Isa 8.20 And howsoever his affected humane eloquence be applauded by itching eares yet he doth but make Merchandize of the Word of God d 2 Cor. 2.17 Let Ministers therefore speake as God himselfe admonisheth e Ier. 23.28 the Word faithfully For what is chaffe to the wheate Lastly Vse 8 Whereas I haue sayd that every one of the afore-mentioned grounds of religion is of that powerfull truth that if it be beleeved indeed it perswadeth the beleever to make Conscience of sinne I must make it good touching this ground viz. There is a Word of God to wit the Bible to be beleeved This is soone done both these Propositions being prooved 1. Whosoever beleeveth the Word as the Word of God maketh Conscience of sinne and 2. Whosoever maketh not Conscience of sinne beleeveth not the Word as the Word of God Touching the former What other cause can be supposed why the Word was as a fire in Ieremy f Ier. compelling him to speak in the name of God though in a strong passion he had said he would not but that he verily beleeved that it was the Word of GOD which he was commanded to speake which cōmanded him to speake The answer which Abraham gaue to the rich man in hell torments desiring that Lazarus might be sent vnto his brethren to prevent their torments viz. g Luk. 16 2●.28.29 They haue Moses and the Prophets let them heare them that is their doctrine sheweth plainely that whosoever heareth the words of God as the Words of God cannot but make conscience of sinne And Paul telleth the Romanes h Rom. 6.17 that howsoever they had beene servants of sin yet after they were delivered vnto the forme of doctrine that is heard the Word as the Word of God they obeyed that forme from the heart that is made conscience of sinne 2. That whosoever maketh not Conscience of sinne beleeveth not the Word to be the Word of God whatsoever he pretend briefely thus appeareth That wicked one who hath Gods Word in his mouth i Psal 50.16.17 and yet will not be reformed is iudged by God himselfe to cast his words behinde him The remnant of the people of Iudah and their Chieftaines prayed Ieremiah k Ier. ●● 43.1.2 to enquire of God whether they might not fly into Egypt to saue themselues from the Caldeans protesting to obey the Word of God whatsoever it should be Yet when the VVord crossed their purpose to fly into Egypt they would not beleeue it And when the rich man in hell further pressed Abraham to send Lazarus he had this further answere l Luk. 16 3● If they heare not with Faith Moses and the Prophets neither will they be perswaded though one rise from the dead againe Both the Propositions are confirmed by these wordes of Christ m Ioh. 3.20.21 He that doth evill hateth the light that is doth not beleeue the Word as the Word of God But he that doth the truth commeth to the light that his deedes might be made manifest that they be wrought according to God To whom be glory by all men in their obedience of FAITH Amen FINIS