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truth_n believe_v church_n pillar_n 1,678 5 10.0870 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68595 A briefe and piththie summe of the Christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R.F.; Confessio Christianae fidei. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Fills, Robert, fl. 1562. 1565 (1565) STC 2007; ESTC S101755 149,544 418

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not written but halfe or a part what assuraunce had there bene in their doctrine And as S. Augustine speaking of the Traditions whiche they call Apostolikes If Iesus Christ had kept backe any thing from vs who coulde saye it is this or that Or if any should say it how could he proue it we conclude then that it is open and manifest blasphemye against the auctoritie of Iesus Christ the onely espouse Lord maister and head of the Churche against the Prophetes and Apostles against the worde of God and all the Auncient and faythfull Doctours Briefe it is to reuerse and ouerturne the foundation of the Churche to estéeme and thinke that it were lawfull to men whatsoeuer they were to put to or take from that doctrine contayned in the holie scripture But here ye maye sée what hath caused oftentimes y ● faithfull to assemble and come together First to maintaine the pure syncere doctrine contained in the holy scripture against the heretikes which would corrupt it Also to render and geue an open testimonye of the healthfull doctrine of saluation preached and written by the Apostles Farre was it from them to assemble or congregate to adde to it any thing in condemning it as vnperfect Brieflye they dyd not assemble to stablishe and confirme the scriptures the which be grounded and stablished vpon the eternall trueth of God and shal continue for euer but for to confirme them selues by the scriptures against Satan and his adherentes So then we beléeue the holy church not as the foundation of the Scriptures but grounded vpon the doctrine of y ● scriptures which be pure and the onelye trueth so that for this cause the Church is called by S. Paul and with good right the pyller and stay of the trueth And consequētly we estéeme that assembly for a false church which swarueth from this foūdation and for a whoorishe Churche that which heareth the voyce of a straunger not being content with y ● voyce of her spouse Secondlie the faythfull be gathered together for to appoynt and set orders in the church a● it is to be séen in the Actes of the auncient counsel For of necessitie al things must be done in the Church of God by good order as S. Paule sayde But this may not be but when necessities do happen But of this let vs mark well the poyntes which folow 18 The fyrst poynt to consider the case well when or at what tyme they should set vp politike lawes in the Church FIrst there ought to be put great difference betwene the doctrine of saluation and those things which they establish onely for to kéepe the ciuill order required in the church For the doctrine vnder the which also we doo comprehende the Sacraments do teach the conscience dependeth not vpon man who is bounde to mayntaine it vnder paine of damnation without chaūging putting to or dyminishing any thing in no manner of wise as we haue declared heretofore but the canonicall ordinaunces concerning the manner of doing is all exterior and outwardlye according to the cyrcumstances of places tymes and persons by reason whereof they can neyther be perpetuall nor vniuersall without exception For such order and fashion maye be holden in one place which can nor maye in no wyse bee vsed in another place Such thing also is good in one place or in one time which shoulde be vnprofitable or domageable in another And for this cause there is often tymes contrariety among y e Canons as it was néedefull to haue respect to those which were expedient For as much then as such ordinaunces be mutable and made by man it followeth that they concerne not the conscience but in cases of slaunder and dysorder which shoulde bee a let or stoppe of the purpose for the whiche they were set vp that is to saye the edification and quietnes of the Church as for example It was agreed vpon in Ierusalem by the Counsell where the Apostles were that the onelye grace of God iustifieth vs by faith against those which woulde ioyne the Ceremonies of the lawe with the Sacrifices of Iesus Christe And moreouer fornication is forbidden Beholde a doctrine which was not newly set vp by the authoritie of the Counsell but with good ryght approued by this assemble For as much as it is the true doctrine reuealed to the worlde from the begynning and confyrmed by all the preachynges and writinges of the Prophetes Finally it is ordained that the Gentiles shoulde abstayne from eating the Sacrifices of Idolles from bloud and beastes that bée suffocate or strangled I saye that this is an ordynaunce dystiucte from the other going before the whiche partayneth not to the conscience nor to saluation simplye but onelye to the exterior and outwarde lyfe for to attayne an ende more excellent and perfecte that is to saye that the doctrine of saluation myght take place among the Iewes For if it had béene otherwyse the Apostles had béene contrary to them selues For in the begynning they agréede and stayed vpon this that grace onely iustifieth by fayth without the woorkes of the lawe and also they had béene contrarye to the doctrine of Iesus Christ which wytnesseth and sayth that which entreth into the mouth defileth not the man and Saint Paule which was in this Counsel should be contrary to him selfe For shortly after he wrote that the kingdome of God was not in meate nor drinke and that one mighte eate of al things without making any difficultie for conscience sake Such prohibitions be diue●lishe doctrines except they be vsed at lybertie to the edification of their neyghbours For auoyding slaunder let those then which wyll not vnderstande this dyfference declare to vs wherefore they haue abolished the Apostolycall ordinaunce or whether they haue greater power thē the Apostles or else whether they wyll geue place to the trueth of God and studye with vs to sée that whiche maye serue to the glorie of God in stéede to serue their owne auarice and ambition in abusing falsely the title and authority of the Church 19 The seconde poynt which is to be considered in the ecclesiasticall ordinaunces THE seconde poynt for asmuch as such ordinaunces and statutes be made to encrease the doctrine of y e Gospell let them be established and set vp in such wyse that not onelie there be no abuse or kinde of superstition but also y e man which of his nature is prompt ready to turne the best thinges in the world into abuse should not so easely abuse them And this must néeds be graūted that for lacke of takinge good héede in the begynning to this poynt hath bene the verie meanes to serue Satans turne for to abolyshe and destroye the true seruice of God in his Churche so that if néede were we coulde she we before ●he eyes of all men from tyme to time and point to point from what originall beginning Idolatry