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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11429 A briefe collection of the church, and of certayne ceremonies thereof gathered by Thomas Sampson Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1581 (1581) STC 21682; ESTC S112207 24,396 80

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the least three times in the yeare before the Lord in Hierusalem to testifie by their sacrifices their vnion in faith and religion Now after the wall of separation was brokē down which was between the Iewes the Gentiles they both the Iewes I say the Gentiles are brought into one body not only by the preaching of the one gospel of Iesus to them both but also by administring to them the Sacramēts which the lord Iesus hath ordeyned that is Baptisme the sacrament of his body bloud Iesus sayde to his Apostles Matth. 28 Goe teache all nations baptising them in the name of the father the sonne and of the holy Ghoste Here is enioyned both the teaching of the gospel of Iesus also the ministring of the sacrament of Baptisme And with the ministerie of baptisme is the administration of that other sacrament to be ioined which S. Paul did also ioyne in his ministerie 1. Cor. 11 when he did so deliuer the holy supper as he had receiued the same of the Lord. Thus is the church grounded vpō the foundation of the Prophets Apostles that is euen vpon Iesus Christ him selfe who is the verie substance of the doctrine Propheticall and Apostolicall And this is it that S. Paul teacheth when he sayeth that the Church is the piller of the trueth For the worde of God 1. Tim. 3 which is the trueth as Christ sayeth Ioan. 17 doth sustaine vphold the Church as Chrysostom expoundeth that place And to this purpose serueth that which olde father Irene writeth Iren. lib 3 cap. 11. Columna firmamentū Ecclesiae est Euangelium spiritus vitae The piller and the buttresse of the church is the gospell and the spirite of life The gospell is the ground on which the true church is planted and set Likewise the church doeth staye it selfe onely vpon the worde of God is stayed by it without which worde the church could neither be a true churche of Christ nor be stayed in him By the ministerie of the church the trueth is spread abroad vppon the earth among men The true church of Christ doeth truely teach publish the gospell of Christ which is the trueth The trueth worde of God is placed in the church as in a sure well knowen place For God doeth by it shew his power to saue al them which do beleeue Rom. 1. These are therefore the true and infallible markes of the church which is for this cause called the mother of the beleeuers which are engendred and nourished in it by this true and vncorrupted pasture and foode Nowe if there be the saide preaching of the worde of God and syncere administration of the holy sacraments it must needs followe that there are also pastors and teachers to whome this charge of teaching administration is cōmitted And this is the cause why some haue added to these marks this as a third marke of the church that is the ordinarie succession of these pastors and ministers from the time of the Apostles till nowe In deede such a succession is greatly to be liked regarded and embraced but so that this succession be rightly considered examined explicated and applyed to the purpose And so did many of the auncient fathers ayde them selues much against the heretikes which did start vp in their dayes as Irene Tertullian and Augustine did against the Marcionites Manichees and Donatistes But because some men do vse this matter of succession as a weapon against vs as though we were newe heretikes deuisers of newe doctrines therefore you shall knowe what wee doe thinke touching this matter of succession Succession We saye that there are two kindes of succession The one is of doctrine The other is of persons Touching the succession of doctrin we holde that it is an vnfallible rule and marke of the true church But as touching the succession personall wee do allowe it vppon this condition that it be ioyned with the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles in the substanciall pointes thereof Wee speake of doctrine and not of manners For though there be required in a true pastor sound doctrin and godly life yet it may be through some ignorance that a pastor may fayle in some such point of doctrine as is not a substantiall point of the doctrine perteining to our saluation whome we will that notwithstanding accompt as a true pastor so that he holde the foundation sure and soundly Likewise though he doe faile in some point of manners and doe become faultie yet wee will esteeme him as a pastor and teacher if he doe teach soundly Wee are taught thus to doe by the saying of our sauiour Iesus Christe who teacheth vs to heare the Scribes and Pharisees Matth. 23. which doe sit in Moses chaire Wee must doe that which they teache but we must not doe that which they do Which sentence Tract 46 Augustine writing vpon the gospell of Saint Iohn openeth thus That it is to bee vnderstanded of hyrelings which do teach sounde doctrine and that it is not to be vnderstanded of false teachers For of them Christ sayde Beware of the leauen of the Pharises They which do sit in Moses chaire sayth Augustine do teach the lawe of God and God doeth teach the people by them But if they will teach their owne doctrines heare them not do not as they teache The same thing doeth Augustine in an other place handle that is De verbïs Domini Serm. 49. Because false teachers may succeed the true in the teaching place and so the wolues may succede good sheapheardes we do not therfore receiue and allowe all personall succession For this kinde of succession may giue a cloke to falshod if the succession of doctrin be not ioyned to it as the foundation thereof Moreouer those men which will holde the succession personall simply and of it selfe alone to be a true infallible mark of the true church these men must shewe vs some promise of God by which hee hath promised to binde his grace to those certaine seates places and countries that in them shoulde be such a sure and continuall succession of holy men Bishoppes succeeding one an other This promise we finde not in the newe Testament Wee learne there that Christe will alwayes haue his christian catholike and vniuersall church the particular members and partes whereof are dispersed scatered abroade throughout the whole vniuersall worlde as it pleaseth God to exercise his iudgementes vppon them whome either he cutteth off for euer or on them whome he doth chastice and afflict for a time and to enlarge his mercies vpon them whō hee leadeth from good to better or that hee doeth call some of them anewe to the true knowledge of himselfe For sometimes the Lord God shewing foorth his iust vengeaunce doeth so cast downe and cutt of all that hee will not leaue so much as a trace of his true church in a place as sometimes he
deuice of man whatsoeuer Now if the doctrine of our saluation were written but in parte how shal we do for the rest which is wanting Saint Iohn doth not speake so scantly of the holy scriptures as these Romish mē do For he saith that the thinges Ioan. 20. which hee hath written are written to this ende that we beleeuing them might haue life that is saluation for that is life indeede Then is there no other doctrine necessarie to saluation but that which is written in the holy scriptures And that which is written in the holy scriptures suffiseth vnto saluation Saint Paul teaching vs what the vse of the scripture is teaching vs all I say in the person of his scholer Timothie 2. Tim. 3. saith that they doe make the man of God not onely euery faithful minister Pastor but euery faithful man perfect and fully perfited Then a mā nedeth not any vnwritten verity or traditiō as they are called Apostolike Yet I do not deny but that there haue beene alwayes vnwritten traditions touching order and manner of doing in the church but not so in poyntes of doctrine touching faith and saluation Nowe because men haue long time abused the name of tradition we must learne to knowe which are traditiōs to be allowed receiued and which are not to be allowed This is easie to be done if we will set before vs some pointes by them frame our iudgement First we must put a iust difference betwen doctrine and matter of rites and orders of the church In doctrine the Apostles deliuered in the worde by them written onely and wholy all that which they had rceiued of the Lord. To this then I adde that if the traditions offered to vs be agreeable to the worde of God and are meete and fit for edifying then are they to bee receiued For this is a thing assured that niether the Apostles nor the true Pastors did appoynt any orders or maners of doing which were either directly or indirectly contrarie to the doctrine of the gospell nor such as should turne any man neuer so little from the seruice of God which is spiritual This being obserued of vs it shal be easie for vs to discerne the doctrin frō traditions and the false traditions frō the true It was accompted with the old father Tertullian a very straunge thing that any man should say that he had omitted to teach any thing either by word of mouth or by writing of that which doth apertain to our saluation I will say further that all that which the Apostles did deliuer as traditiōs in matter of order rites maners of doing are not to be kept perpetually For according to the rule of charitie they ordeined touching the strangled not to eat blood Act. 15.29 conforming their tradition herein to the infirmitie of the Iewes Some like thing may be noted in the doings of S. Paul in the person of Timothie Act 16.3 Act. 18.18 yea and in him selfe also which thinges can haue no place at this day but onely in this that the generall rule must be obserued that wee must apply ourselues to the commoditie profite of our neighbour in those thinges which are indifferent The like thinges may bee gathered touching the traditions and manners of doing which they applyed to their time As where he speketh of kissing and of hauing the heade vncouered in signe of authoritie 1. Cor. 16. 1. Cor. 11. which are thinges contrarie to the manner of doinges in these dayes in many coūtries where men woulde count it very straunge that men shoulde kisse one an other or that a man should kisse any womā other than his own wife And also to speake at this day with the head bare and vncouered is a signe and token of subiection not of authoritie All these thinges are well to be considered before wee doe receiue any custome or tradition as Apostolike For the name of the Apostles is not to bee abused to trouble the Church in any thing as it was abused in the controuersie about the keeping of the day of the Pasque which wee call Easter And likwise when some abused the name of the Apostles and the authoritie of the Church of Hierusalem Actes 15. labouring vnder this pretence to mingle Iudaisme with Christianisme as it is written in the Actes of the Apostles There it was ordeined that the consciences of men shoulde not be charged with any such yoke Wee can not thinke therfore that the Apostles did inuent so many ceremonies as are nowe vsed in the obseruation of which is set the forgiuenes of sinnes and merites For they haue plainely protested the contrarie neither woulde they giue place to the ceremonies of Moses of which God him selfe was the author Long agoe did Augustine complayne of the multitude of ceremonies Ep. ad Ianuarium and humayne traditions brought into the Church But what would he haue saide if hee had liued in such a time as ours is To be short therefore we do require that the holy scriptures which are in this point most plain cleare may guide vs to discerne betweene the traditiōs which are good and which are badd holy and prophane hurtful and profitable necessarie and superfluous These thinges being decided it shall be easie to determine this question touching traditions and so wee may come to touch a seconde question which is dropped downe to vs from Rome Whether the church be aboue the scriptures that is whether the church bee aboue the scriptures which is as vnhandsome a question as if one should aske whether the child be aboue the father the scholer aboue the schole-master the wife aboue the husbande or man aboue God But indeede the true church of Christ will not in this matter make any quarrel against god For if it shoulde it shoulde fall in the quarrell and be condemned It is to no purpose to say that the church was before the scriptures For though it were so yet the word of God is more auncient than the church For by the worde the Church is conceiued engendred made named the church That which doeth ingender is before the thing that is ingendred as the father and mother are and haue their beeing before the childe Some will alleadge the saying of Augustine I shoulde not beleeue the scriptures if the authoritie of the Church did not moue me In that place Augustine speaketh of himselfe as he was when he was a Manichee When two contrary parts shal fal into debate touching the truth of an Instrument or writing to whō shall they haue recourse but to the Notarie which keepeth the recorde But yet it will not bee saide that the writinge is grounded vppon the authoritie of the Notarie for that the recorde is true although no man liuing doe beare witnesse thereof So I aunswere them which doe thinke that the holy scripture is not otherwise founded but vppon the determination of the church This verily were a