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A09599 The way to heauen shevving, 1. That saluation is onely in the Church. 2. What that Church is. 3. By what meanes men are added to the Church. 4. The author, or efficient of this addition. 5. The time & continuance of that worke. 6. The happinesse of those that are added to the Church. By Iohn Phillips, Bachelor of Diuinity, and pastor of Feuersham in Kent. Phillips, John, d. 1640. 1625 (1625) STC 19878; ESTC S114718 63,953 76

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there but that it continued still and shall continue to the end of the world it is said in the shurting vp of this Historie That the Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saued These words offer vnto vs at the first view foure remarkable obseruations The first is The way to saluation and that is by being added to the Church The second is the Efficient or Author of this addition and that is The Lord God The third is the time and continuance of this worke and that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 daily or from day to day The fourth is the happy end of such as are added to the Church and that is Saluation They all and they onely are such as shall be saued In the first obseruation that I may complete the whole doctrine of it three things are to bee considered 1. That the way to saluation is by the Church 2. What that Church is where saluation may be had 3. By what meanes and how men are to be added to the Church that they may be saued Touching the first branch it must be knowne and beleeued of all that desire saluation that the Regia via the King of Kings high way to heauen is the Church without which Church there is no saluation That I may demonstrate this truth cast but your eye vpon the Arke of Noah wherein was most liuely figured the Church of God A type twice alledged by Saint Peter to this very purpose to shew that saluation is and onely is in the Church And therefore he vrgeth against such as made defection from the Church that God spared not the old world but did bring in the flood vpon the world of the vngodly that is vpon those that were out of the Arke out of the Church Againe Baptisme being the Sacrament of our entrance into the Church of Christ he doth parallell it and compare it with the Arke intimating thus much that as onely those eight soules were saued in the Arke by water so there is no hope of saluation but onely in the Church the solemne entrance whereinto is ordinarily by Baptisme We know that the head is the fountaine of life sense and motion to the whole body and euery member of it but yet onely to that body whereof it is the head euen so it is betweene Christ and the Church Christ is the head the Church is the body and euery true Christian is a particular member of that body Ye are saith S. Paul the body of Christ and members in particular Now as the head doth naturally performe the office of a head to the body and to it onely so Christ doth impart the Diuine influence of sauing grace onely to his Church Therefore the Apostle speaking of Christ saith That from the head all the body by ioynts and bands hauing nourishment ministred and knit together increaseth with the increase of God and hauing affirmed That Christ is the head of the Church hee immediately inferreth vpon it and he is the Sauiour of the body This is that body out of which the Spirit giueth no life This Position That saluation is to bee had onely in the Church is not obscurely noted by those sacred similies so frequent in Scripture where the Church is resembled to a House to a Citie to a Mother to a Vine To a House So doth S. Paul call it The house of God which is the Church of the liuing God It is likened to a House in a two fold sense first as the word is taken properly for an edifice or mansion and building to dwell in consisting of foundation walls and roofe thus S. Peter termeth the faithfull liuely stones built vp a spirituall house and Christ the corner stone Saint Paul calleth them Gods building himselfe and other Ministers Gods builders and Christ the foundation for saith he other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Iesus Christ and he telleth the Ephesians that they are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner stone As therefore the safetie of a House standeth in the strength and firmenesse of its owne foundation which giueth support to it and onely to it euen so saluation and freedome from eternall and vtter ruine belongeth onely to the Church the House of God built so firmely vpon the Rocke Iesus Christ that the gates of hell cannot preuaile against it Againe it is compared to a House in another sense the word House being taken for the inhabitants so it is to bee vnderstood when S. Peter saith that Iudgement must begin at the House of God that is with the godly with the righteous as he plainely interpreteth himselfe And the Apostle to the Hebrewes calling the Church Christs owne House saith of himselfe and the rest of the faithfull Whose House we are Now the Church and euery member of it is called The House of God and of Christ because he doth dwell in their hearts by faith as a housholder in his house More expresly elsewhere in plainetermes the Church is called The Lords family or houshold The Domestickes or houshold of God The houshold of faith The Ministers are called Stewards that rule ouer the houshold and Christ himselfe The Lord of the house As then the Master of a family prouideth onely for his owne house all necessaries for maintenance and sustentation of life but not for others or other mens families except it bee in the case of charitie So God though in his gracious Indulgence as a Creator to his creatures hee bee good to all he preserueth man and beast he maketh his Sunne to rise on the euill and on the good and sendeth raine on the iust and on the vniust Yet in a peculiar manner he is good to Israel euen to such as are of a cleane heart He is the Sauiour of all men but specially of those that beleeue This houshold of faith onely doth he saue eternally they onely hauing God for their Father the Church for their Mother Christ for their elder Brother regenerated by one and the same immortall seed of the Word of God nourished with one and the same sincere milke partakers all of one Bread and drinking all of one Cup. Therefore S. Peter saith of himselfe and the rest of this family That God according to his Diuine power hath giuen vnto vs all things that pertaine vnto life and godlinesse through the knowledge of him that hath called vs to glory and vertue None then can looke for life and saluation but they that are of Gods houshold who alone can truely say with the Psalmist I am thine saue me The Church is likewise resembled to a Citie or Commonwealth Thus it is set foorth in a vision to Saint Iohn by the name of the Holy Citie
Church is an obedient wife and will not in any thing contradict the will of her heauenly Spouse The second sort of aduersaries are our Separatists who for euery externe and indifferent ceremonie make as great combustion and stirre in the Church of God as if some mayne Article of Faith were called in question They must be intreated to consider that the Text doth not simply condemne all commandements of men but when they are taught for doctrines and rules of Gods worship as Caluine speaketh The doctrine of our Church might giue them coment being the same with all the rest of the reformed Churches namely That it is not lawfull for the Church to ordaine any thing contrary to Gods written Word and that besides the same it ought not to inforce any thing to bee beleeued for necessitie of saluation Whereby they may if they will open their eyes without preiudice see of what nature the Ceremonies of our Church of England are And so much for the definition of the Church by which wee may see what that Church is to which wee must bee ioyned if euer wee looke for saluation that is the society of true beleeuers But for the better vnderstanding of the state of the Church diuers things are to bee considered which giue more light to the Doctrine and more full satisfaction to such as desire vnfainedly to know the truth hee●ein The first consideration is that the Church is onely one though different in time as farre as from the beginning to the end of the world distant in place as remote as East from West North from South nay heauen from earth distinct for people being of all Countries and Nations For as hath beene said before it is the societie or congregation of the faithfull of all ages This voity of the Church is noted in the one Arke of Noah in Salomons Doue My Doue my vndefiled is but one in the wheat field in the draw net in one flocke one fold vnder one Shepheard in one Bride and Bridegroome in one body vnited to one Head Christ For saith the Apostle by one Spirit are wee all baptized into one body This consideration doth second that which hath beene said of the Church for it doth euidently euince and prooue that there is no necessi●ie of being vnited to this or that particular Church a● Rome or the like so long as a man is of the number of the faithfull wheresoeuer dispersed for as S. Paul disputes The body is not one member but many Is the foot not of the body because it is not the hand or the eare because it is not the eye So we may truly say Is this or that Nationall or Prouinciall Church no Church because it is not dependant vpon Rome Are they that are baptized into one body and vnited to Christ Iesus by one faith vnfained no members of the mysticall Body of Christ the Church because they are not incorporated and reconciled to Rome If the body though it bee bu● one yet is not one member but many then reason will teach vs that euery member hath his proportionable nutriment life and motion from the head without any dependance one vpon another The second consideration is That it is Catholicke or Vniuersall and that in respect of time place and persons because there is euer was from the beginning and euer shall be to the end of the world a company more or lesse of true beleeuers because the Church is not confined within the limits of any one Countrey as in the time of the Iewes but is spred ouer the whole world and because it consisteth of all sorts and degrees of men of all nations kindreds people and tongues as it is in the Reuelation So that to bee of the Catholike Church is to hold and beleeue as the Church of the whole world euer did and constantly doth hold and beleeue Therefore it was that in the ancient Church when Heresies and Schismes sprang vp those that did clea●e to the truth had giuen vnto them the name of Catholicke excommunione totius orbis for their communion with the Church of the whole world not for their communion with this or that particular Church Whilest the Romish Church doth assume the title of The Catholicke Church calling it selfe Catholicam Apostolicam Romanam being as other Churches but a particular Church what doeth it but expose it selfe to the laughter of the whole world for what concordance is there betweene generall and particular or with what sense can it bee called The Vniuersall particular Church And yet they make their credulous followers beleeue that they cannot bee of the Catholicke Church vnlesse they communicate with their particular Romane Church cleane contrary to the name and nature of the word Catholicke The third consideration is that the Church is visible and that in all ages but it must be knowne how and in what sence it may be truly said to be alwaies visible According to the Romish Tenet it is said to be visible and palpable as some eminent State Monarchy or Common wealth as Rome France or Venice conspicuous in flourishing pompe to the eye of the World so that it may at all times be sensibly discerned But alas this conceit is a meere golden dreame and senslesse dotage for let an ingenuous minde awaked once out of that slumber looke seriously into the Word of God and consider the state of the Church in all ages he shall finde for his satisfaction that the Church hath beene oftentimes obscured captiuated persecuted and so farre from being acknowledged that it hath beene accounted of the world no better then Schisme and Heresie and the true Professors of it prosecuted as malefactors for their soundnesse as both the Prophets Christ himselfe and the Apostles were by the corrupt members of the visible Church bearing the chiefe rule To this effect the Prophet Esay did complaine that in his time the Church was but a small remnant and those howted at like Owles being as signes and wonders in Israel The complaint of Elias is that hee was left alone The faithfull were glad to bee hid in caues and fed w●th bread and water by religious Obadiah And as it is in the Epistle to the Hebrewes They wandred about in Sheeps skins and Goate skins being destitute afflicted tormented of whom the world was not worthy they wandred in Desarts and in Mountaines and in dennes and caues of the earth The prophecies of the Christian Church foretell as much both for outward persecutions and open apostasie vnder one eminent Head called That man of Sinne who should take vpon him to oppose and exalt himselfe aboue all that is called God challenging the chiefe soueraignty in the Temple or Church of God In S. Iohns Vision the Woman the Church was constrained through persecution to fly into the wildernesse Our Sauiour foresheweth how hard it should
God euer had hath at this time and shall haue to the end many in the very middest of the Papacie that doe not know the whole Mysterie of Romish iniquity but in simplicitie of heart lay hold vpon Iesus Christ and him alone for their saluation They see according to that light they haue many corruptions and enormities bewayle them and shun them as farre as their strength and measure of knowledge and grace will permit These wee say holding the foundation though they may build vpon it the hay or stubble of some errours and superstitions not destroying the foundation may bee saued through the mercie of God in Christ pardoning their sinnes of ignorance and errour vpon their generall repentance We may see the like in the Church of Thyatira there were many that had not that learning as the false teachers in their vaine-glorious bragging termed it nor did know the deepenesse of Satan but did hold fast the maine truth though in much weakenesse and all that God requireth of them is that they be constant in that In the same manner the Lord speaketh to the Church of Philadelphia Thou hast a little strength and hast kept my Word and hast not denied my Name For God doth not so much looke to the measure and quantitie of grace as to the sincerity and soundnesse of it Many godly and learned among them did not by and by vpon the sight of some corruptions leaue and forsake the societie of the Church of Rome Oecolompadius Capito Melancthon and Luther himselfe nay some of them continued in the outward communion of the Romish Church till their dying day as Erasmus and others who thought well of the cause or matter of Reformation but did not approoue Separation being carried away with the mayne streame of the name of Church and Mother Church No maruell therefore if among vs we haue of meaner learning or of the simpler sort that so harpe vpon that string that they haue no eare to hearken to Christs Pipe It is no new thing to see a child mistake and cry out after a stranger in stead of the owne Mother so why may it not be that some in their simplicitie may fall into such a misprizion as to take the Romish Synagogue to be their Mother Church being indeed not so much as a sound member of it but as a disease a Pest or Gangrene in the body It is apparant then that in a corrupt Church some may be sound and so be saued and this we hold of the Church of Rome as corrupt as it is for our Lord would neuer haue said of Spirituall Babylon Come out of her my people if he had none there And let not our Romanists brag of this our ingenuous confession and play vpon it the better to seduce the simple for in truth in standeth them in no more stead to patronize their impieties then the Fathers approouing of the Baptisme of the Donatists and other Heretickes did countenance their Heresies For what is the chaffe the better because it is acknowledged that there is some wheate hid amongst it We doe not say absolutely there is saluation to be found in the Romish Babylon but in the middest of so great confusion there may be saluation for some There is great difference betweene possibility of saluation which may be in a corrupt Church and infallibility which is euer without doubt in the true and Orthodoxe Church Is any so simple as to commit his whole estate into a Ship full of leakes whereof there is iust cause of doubt whether euer it shall safely arriue at the desired Port when he may transport it in a sound and safe vessell Noah and all his if they will not perish in the Deluge must get into the Arke Lot must not tarry in Sodom if he will be safe and free from the common iudgement The people of God must for this very cause come out of Spirituall Babylon both for the danger of infection by sinne and destruction by meanes of her plagues Where therefore the doctrine is Orthodoxe and sound the religious worship seruice and Sacraments for the truth and substance of them the very same with the prime Churches and best antiquity as it is this day blessed be God in our Church of England and the rest of the reformed Churches there is the surest and safest repose for the Christian soule in this society there is infallible certaintie of saluation but in an Apostaticall and corrupt Church as the Romane Church now is it is not so though yet God may reserue a remnant pulling them as it were out of the fire And that with this Caueat That they tarry not in Babylon Thus we haue seene that saluation is onely to bee found in the Church and what that Church is where saluation may be had Now let vs come to the third branch that is by what meanes and how men are to be added to the Church that they may be saued The meanes are expressed in this context and are these three The Word preached Faith to apprehend it And the Sacrament of Baptisme to seale and confirme it This is all required for the admission of any into the Church to heare beleeue and be baptized The Ministery of the Word is the mayne Ordinance of God for the gathering together of the Saints appointed of God to that end and to continue in the Church to the end of the world Therefore it is called The incorruptible or immortall seed whereby wee are regenerated and borne againe and The Word of Truth wherewith we are begotten of God to become his deare children and The first fruits of his creatures yea it is as S. Paul calleth it The power of God vnto saluation Therefore when God would haue any conuerted to the faith hee sends them this meanes Philip is commanded to ioyne himselfe neere to the Chariot of the Eunuch that by his preaching the Eunuch might be ioyned to Christ and his Church S. Peter is sent for to Cornelius to teach him and his the way to heauen by Christ. S. Paul must tarry at Corinth to teach Word of God among them For saith the Lord I haue much people in this Citie And indeed the conuerting of soules is a great worke and great workes had need of potent and mighty meanes therefore it pleaseth God to vse his powerfull Word which as the Apostle faith is mighty through God to the pulling downe of strong holds and casting downe of imaginations and euery high thing that exalteth it selfe against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ. This calleth the Teacher to a serious consideration of the waight of his Calling and a conscionable regard to discharge it hee is put in trust with the precious soules of men for whom hee must giue account vnto God Hee is made Gods Steward and therefore must bee faithfull
an infinite Maiesty at one instant to heare the manifold variety of petitions of all men vpon the face of the earth yea and to know the very thoughts and desires of euery heart praier being principally the act of the heart Vpon this very ground wise Salomon takes for granted that all praier ought to bee made to God onely Heare thou in heauen saith he to God thy dwelling place and forgiue and doe and giue to euery man according to his wayes whose heart thou knowest for thou euen thou only knowest the hearts of all the Children of men Againe prayer to Saints wanteth that threefold prop that must support euery true and acceptable seruice to God that is to say Precept Promise and Paterne For Inuocation of Gods name we haue expresse commandement Call vpon me And our Sauiour commandeth that when we pray we should direct our prayers to Our Father in heauen We haue also a sure word of promise Whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my name he wil giue it you And Whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued We haue no such precept no such promise to warrant and incourage vs to inuocate the Blessed Virgin S. Peter S. Paul or any or all of the Saints Againe for praier to God only we haue expresse paterne both per●onall in all the Fathers from the first Adam in the Patriarkes Prophets Apostles and prime Orthodox Fathers of the Church who did suffer Martyrdome for this very point That God onely in Christ is to be adored and called vpon We haue also a reall paterne in that Heauenly Manuall of praier and praise the Sacred Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid together with the set formes of the faithfuls praiers recorded euery where in Scripture and all directed to God only not on paterne of prayer to Saints This is ingenuously confessed by their own Eccius and other Pontificians that inuocation of Saints hath no warrant in sacred Scripture not in the Old Testament because the Fathers were then in Limbo nor in the new Testament lest the Gentiles should returne againe to their old Idoll-worship and le●t the Apostles should bee charged with arrogancy as be speaking beforehand their owne glory and worship to bee done to themselues after their death Nay more they confesse that it is the safer and better way to call vpon God onely in the name of Iesus Christ. And one of them out of a work ascribed to Saint Augustine concludes the question thus More safely and more sweetly do I speake in prayer to my Iesus then to any of the Saints The storie of George Duke of Saxony is herein memorable Lying vpon his death-bed the Monkes like Locusts swarming about him and beholding his agony exhorted him one to inuocate the Virgin Mary another to call vpon the Angels another to pray to these and these Saints for helpe in that extremity but a Noble man one of his familiars standing by directed his speech to the Duke in this manner Your Highnesse saith he was wont in your politicke affaires to take vp this prouerbe To goe the direct way without ambages or circumstances is the most compendious course Why then should your Highnesse in this most dangerous passage goe about the furthest way and not rather goe the direct way vnto God himselfe by Christ who both will and can certainely helpe Erasmus among other his pleasant conceits doth merrily glance at this error reporting a story of one at Sea where as their manner is euery man in a wracke flyeth to his Saint as it were his Tutelar God There was one saith he among the rest when he saw the present and imminent danger and that there was no delaying in the midst of his distraction thoght with himself If I should pray to S. Nicholas it is vncertaine whether he heare me and it may be he is busy in hearing dispatching other petitioners or if not so yet it may be that he cannot haue so speedy accesse to God to mediate for me as my present necessitie requires I will therefore saith he take the safest and surest course and goe the direct way to God himselfe by Christ because it is written in the Psalme Call vpon me in the day of trouble I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And in the Hebrewes Let vs therefore come boldly vnto the Throne of grace that we may obtaine mercy and find grace to helpe in time of neede If any stumble at this that some Fathers are alledged to countenance this error let him remember that of S. August We must not hearken to This say I This say you but This saith the Lord. And distinctly first of himselfe he saith I would not haue you follow my authority that you should therfore thinke any thing necessary to be beleeued because I say it And of other Fathers what he held may appeare by that which he writeth of S. Cyprians Epistle viz. That it hath no authority to bind him For saith he I do not hold Saint Cyprians Letters to be Canonicall Scripture but I examine them by the Canonicall and what I finde thereunto agreeable I imbrace with his praise what is not consonant by his leaue I will leaue This is the true profession of a Doctor concerning the Scriptures at his inauguration Quod tenet teneo quod respuit respuo What the Scripture doth hold I hold what it doth reiect I reiect If any harp vpon the long custom of this error in the Christiā world let him consider as one saith wel that Christ said not I am custom but I am truth And that custome without truth is but an old error or the antiquity of error Which like an old sore is so much the worse and more incurable the older it is 11. Their prayer for the dead to deliuer them out of that fearefull and hell-like torment in Purgatory wherein they are made to beleeue they lye boyling as in a fierie fornace What an antithesis and plaine opposition is there betweene the Word of truth and this grosse error We know and are assured by the Word of God that the blood of Iesus Christ clenseth and purgeth vs from all sinne So that there is no neede of humane purgatiues either for veniall sinnes or for temporall punishment of sinnes mortall For our Lord Iesus assureth the faithfull departing this life that he that heareth his Word and beleeueth is passed from death vnto life and that they that die in the Lord are in a blessed estate rest from their labours Yea the poorest Lazarus that dieth in the faith of Abraham is immediately in his precious soule conuaied by the Angels into Abrahams bosome there possessed of heauenly ioy not afflicted with hellish torment This may be a sufficient conuiction of this error that there is not one sentence not one word not one syllable no not one letter in
the whole volume of Canonicall Scripture fauouring prayer for the dead as being in any such misery after their departure Nay that there is expresse Scripture to the contrary The Fathers were farre from any such conceite who held that the faithfull deceasing are in a blessed condition hauing obtained their desired end of victorie and beholding the Lord Iesus face to face And that the friends of the deceased counting him happie giue thankes to the Author of the victory with a song See heere the difference betwene the ancient Fathers and the now Romanists They held the faithfull deceased in a blessed and ioyfull estate These count them to be in misery and torment They congratulated their happinesse These condole their torments They gaue thankes for their attained victory These pray and pay to free them out of their conceited captiuity In a word They did sing for ioy These howle and cry for dolefull sorrow 12. Their daily deuotions which wee see in their Primers Rosaries and Manuals what are they for the most part but Fardles of blinde superstition for besides that they are in most passages directed to a wrong obiect worshipping the creature in stead of the Creator so changing as Saint Paul saith the truth of God into a lye they haue withall this foule blot of superstitious vanity that whereas God will bee serued by waight they serue him by number whereas he requireth serious waighty and iudicious deuotions framed according to our present wants as we may see in all the religious prayers of the Saints in holy Writ they directed by their blinde guides like a Horse in the Mill performe a superficiall slight and Circular seruice placing vertue and religious effect in the very number of their prayers in saying so many times ouer a certain number of Pater-nosters Aue-Maries Credoes the like Read their books they will tel you that for 3. Aue-Maries said three times ouer euery day at three seuerall houres and at euery houre thrice is granted three hundred daies of pardon Againe for saying before the Image of Pittie fiue Pater-nosters fiue Aues and a Credo are granted thirty two thousand seuen hundred and fifty fiue yeeres of Pardon A multitude of these fopperies you may finde euery where in their superstitious deuotions And to further these numerall prayers there was at the last found out a new tricke the inuention of Beades When men saith Polidor Virgill began to number and reckon their praiers as though God were in our debt for often begging of him there were deuised by one Pe●rus Heremita a Frenchman certain beads about the yere of our Lord 1090. The nouelty of this superstition is conuiction sufficient But the shame of it is that in the iudgement of him that cannot erre it is so farre from Christian piety that it is no better then flat Heathenisme therefore our Sauiour vpon that very ground doth warne all Christians to auoide such vaine repetitions When ye pray saith he vse not vain repetitious as the Heathen do for they thinke that they shall bee heard for their much speaking which is we see in the Lords account but vaine babbling A liuely paterne of a Papist and a Protestant for the maner of Religious deuotion we may see in the priests of Baal the Prophet Elias paralelled together the one continue from morning till noone and from noone till Euening with Audinos Audinos O Baal Heare vs O Baal heare vs c. with much cursitation and stirring as the Romish fashion is The other that is the good Prophet Elias a true paterne of piety and sound Religion reuerently and humbly addresseth himselfe to call vpon God praying in a short but yet a sweete and heauenly manner according to the present occasion Read the Storie and admire the difference 13. To be briefe concerning auricular confession that is that euery man doe confesse all his mortall sinnes with all the circumstances once euery yeere at the least and that priuately to a Priest at the least in vote or desire yea and that also of necessitie to saluation it is vtterly without either rule or example of Gods Word and this want of Diuine authority is ingenuously confessed by many of their owne Authors The confessions we finde in Scripture are either vnto God onely or if vnto men or before men it was in these cases 1. Before Baptisme at the entrance into Christianitie as in those that were baptized by Iohn Baptist. 2. In a case of free and voluntary testification of their sound conuersion as it is said in the Acts Many that beleeued came and confessed and shewed their workes 3. In case of some grieuous sinne lying heauie vpon the conscience as in the example of Dauids confession to Nathan the Prophet 4. In case of publike scandall to giue glory to God and satisfie the congregation as in the example of Achan 5. In case of priuate iniurie done by one man to another whether Priest or priuate man as it is in S. Iames Confesse your faults one to another and pray one for another In all these we haue not one confession after the Romish stampe to be made of necessitie to a Priest of all sinnes and that anniuersarie at the least once a yeere 14. Their placing of Religion in the distinction of meates S. Paul hath branded with the note of errour doctrine of deuils and deepe hypocrisie Prophetically foretelling it to be a marke of that Antichristian Apostasie that should befall these later times Now the Spirit saith hee speaketh expresly that in the later times some shall depart from the faith giuing heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of deuils speaking lyes in hypocrisie hauing their conscience seared with a hote iron forbidding to marrie and commanding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to bee receiued with thankesgiuing of them which beleeue and know the truth 15. Their violent laying hands vpon themselues by whippings to make satisfaction and procure acceptance with God hath no ground in sacred Scripture vnlesse they thinke the example of those Priests of Baal a good warrant Indeed I must needs say they went beyond our Romanists for they vsed Kniues and Launcers these but Whips they did launce these doe but lash 16. Their extreme vnction with which they shut vp and end their Romish race in this world is as vnwarrantable For whereas they haue but two onely texts for it they both faile them as their owne Doctors ingenuously confesse Those Scriptures in S. Marke and S. Iames speake onely of anoynting with oyle for the miraculous curing of the sicke but they vse anoynting to no such end but onely when men are irrecouerable and ready to depart out of this life These instances may be sufficient for a taste of Romish errours being the most vsuall and common to euery one that will be a professed Romane Catholicke Thus