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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12487 The seconde parte of the booke called a Bucklar of the Catholyke fayeth conteyninge seuen chapiters / made by Rychard Smyth doctoure of diuinitie of Oxforde, & reader of the same there. Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. 1555 (1555) STC 22817.5; ESTC S989 46,355 182

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haue vs beleue them before the scriptures and the olde godlye doctours of Christes churche What blyndnes is this Oure lorde of his tendre and greate mercie open their eyes that they may see the trueth of his word seing it recule and retourn again to the catholyke churche out of the which no mā can be saued Origen beleued euen as these other fathers did part of whose sentences are nowe recited for Hom. xiiii in Lucam he saith thus vpō these wordes of Iob. No man is cleane from the filthynesse of sinne no althoughe hys lyfe were but of one daye vpon the earth Et quia Ca. 25. 〈◊〉 70 per baptismi sacramentum natiuitatis sordes deponuntur propterea baptizantur paruuli Nisi enim quis renatus fuerit c. Because the filthynes of mans naturall birthe is put away thorowe the sacrament of baptisme children are for that cause also baptised For excepte a man be borne agayne of water and the holye Ioan. iii. ghoste he can not entre in to the kingdome of heauen Innocentius the first which was in S. Austens tyme and to whome he wrote holdeth the same bele●●● saying as saint Austen re●●teth Lib. ij cap. iiij contra duas epist ●●ripta 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 uita●●●●m pelagiorum ▪ Illudu●ro quod e●● vestra fraternitas asserit predicare paruulos a●ternae uitae praemijs etiam sine baptismatis gratia posse donari perfatuum est It is a verie foolishe thing that thei do preache as youre brotherhoode affirmeth that chyldren should be saued withoute baptisme It appeareth then nowe moste playne●ye howe this opinion whiche Peter Martyr folowinge the Swinglia●s hathe taughte to defende that onelye fayth iustifieth man is against the holy worde of God and the holye doctours bothe of the Greke churche ▪ and also of the Latyue and thereby it is euident that Peter Martyr and his scolers are not membres of the catholike churche but schismatiques I beseche God of hys gracious goodnes tourne their heartes that they maye imbrace the trueth agayne and continue therin to hys honour and glorie and their own saluation But heare once agayne Origen whiche was about M. thre hūdred yeres passed Orig. lib. vi Coment in ca. vi ad Rom. and writeth after this maner Pro hoc scilicet corpore pec● cati abolendo ecclesia ab apostolis traditionem suscepit etiam paruulis baptisma dare Sciebant enim illi quibus mysteriorum secreta commissa sunt diuinorum quod es●ent in omnibus sordes pecc●ti ●enuinae quae peraquā e● spiritum ablui deberent That is to saye For this bodie of sinne to be defaced or put awaye the An vnwritten veritee of our beleif churche hathe receyued also a tradition of the Apostles to geue baptisme yea to children For they to whome the secretes of Goddes mysteries were committed dyd knowe that there shoulde be in all men naturall fylthines of synne which oughte to be washed awaye through water the holy ghost This authoritie is againste Peter Martyr the authours of the articles annexed vnto the Catechisme sette furthe in kinge Edwarde the vi tyme and all them that saye eyther that childrē not baptised shulde be saued or that baptisme is no cause of oure iustification but fayth onely or that baptisme is but a signe or marke of our iustification or finally that the baptisme of children is set furthe in the Scripture where it is lefte to the churche by the holy Apostles without writing only by traditiō as Origē here De eccles Hierar c● xii sayeth manefestlye and S. Dion●se S. Paules scoler of the which S. Austen writeth thus Lib. x. cae xxii● in cene ad 〈◊〉 ram Lib. iii. c● xiii de lib arb Lib. iiii cap. 4. de bapti●● contra dona●● Consuetudo matris ecclesiae in baptizandis paruulis nequa● sper nenda est ne● ullo modo superflua deputanda nec omnino credenda nisi apostolica esset traditio The accustomaunce of oure mother the Churche in baptisinge of children is in no wyse to be dispised nor to be reckened superfluous by anye meanes nor vtterlye to be beleued if it had not ben a traditiō of the Apostles What cā our new teachers and the makers of the articles afore mentioned saye to these authorities for the defense of their doctrine that men are boūde to credite and beleue nothing but that onlye whiche the scripture setteth furthe Woulde they that men shoulde beleue them afore these aunciēt godly great learned fathers But of this mattier I haue written moore at large in my booke of traditions therefore I now make an end of this chapiter wisshinge grace and the knowledge of the trueth vnto all that erre in Christes religiō that they may come at the lēgth vnto the ioyes of heauē thorough Christe oure sauiours glorious passion to whome with the father and the holie ghoste be honour and prayse for euer Amen The fourthe chapiter That the soules of men departed do● not slea●e but either they goe to heauen for their good ▪ workes or els to Hell for their ●uell before domes daye TOuthinge this matter I wyll be verye shorte because I thinke that fewe of oure countree men are infected with this opiniō Christe saied to the theife hanginge with him vpon the crosse Hod●e mecum eris in paradiso This daye thou Luk. xxiii shalte be with me in paradise that is to saye as saint Austen expoundeth it verye truelye this daye of my death thy soule being departed out of thy body shall see the de●te and god head clearly Also sainte Paule saied Phil. i. Cupio disolui esse cum Christo I desire to die and to be with Christe whiche is as muche as if he had sayed when I shall departe out of this worlde I shall be streighte waye with Christ as he himselfe declareth to the Corinthians sayinge thus 〈◊〉 Cor. v. Scimus quod si terrestris do mu● nostra c. We know that if our earthlye house of this dwelling be brooken we haue a house of God in heauen not made with mans hande Agayn he sayeth Audemus bonam uoluntatem ii Cor. v. habemus magis peregrinari à corpore praesentes esse ad domin● We are bolde and we haue a good wil rather to be strangers from the bodye and to be present with our lorde Whiche is as muche as if he had sayed when I shall goo oute of thys worlde than I haue a house in heauen shal be presēt with our lord God Whiche saint Hierom Hier●● To. i. epist ad Marcellam de obitu Leae affirmeth saying thus Nunc illa pro breui labore aeterna fruitur beatitudine excipitur āgelorū choris Now she hath the pleasure of the euerlastinge blisse she is receaued with the compaignie of Angels Sainte Austen writtinge Aug. in psal 10. Phil. i. vpō this Paules sentēce Cupio d●ssolui c. saieth Viuit Paulus
breifelie to treate of thys mattier that they whiche are offendours therin mighte playnlye see in what perell they stande and auoide it in tyme. And for as muche as many men especiallye suche as are detained and e●peched with many great a●●ayres delite in thinges brefelye setfurthe I wyll vse in thys treatise a breuitee of wordes and alleage but a certain of the olde doctours sentences writté in thys controuersie But I wil commence and begynne with the scriptures and then addresse to thē the holye fathers mindes therof that euery man may see therby both that thys doctrine is not newe as oure newe men saye and also howe ab●minablye M. Luther the frere Martē Bucer the frere Peter Martyr the chanon of saint Austens rule Iohan Hoper the white mōke Couerdale the frere Ferrer the chanon semblable others ●otaries ●●●ed brought manye mo● into their errours and heresies God permittynge them so euidentlye and shamefullye to fall for the punishement of their sinnes as he suffered the Gentyles to runne headlynge as it were into vices moost detestable and into a reproued minde as saint Paule Rom. 〈◊〉 witnesseth so to be auenged on them for their former offēses But I wyl set vpon this entreprise and dispatche it breifelye because the right worthy doctour Thomas Marten hathe writtē Doctour Martens boke agai●● priestes mariages therof both learnedly largely Thou shalt good reader vnderstande that all suche places of the scripture whiche doe require of vs generallye the perfourmance and accomplishemēt of our vowes godlye made vnto God doeth shewe that menne must neades vpon pain of euerlastynge damnation kepe not onlye the vowe of chastitee but also of pouertie of obeisaunce and of al others Wherefore let no mā be offended with me that I am so playne in thys mattier against their breakinge of their vowes for the trueth oughte to be pleasaunte to euerye good man whiche regardeth Gods glorie and hys owne saluation Saint Paule reproued the Galathian● Gala. iiii verie sharplye because they were offended with hym for teachinge them the trueth If anye man be displeased with this my settynge furthe of Gods holye veritie he shall geue to me a iuste occasion to saye vnto hym as S. Paule sayed vnto the Galathians Who hathe bewitched and empesched Gal. iii. iiii thee that thou obeyest not the trueth Our Lord Iesus Christ whiche is as he sayed the Iohn xiiii veritie geue thē against whose faultes this traicte is written grace to remembre that Christ sayde Si veritatem dico c. If I tell you the trueth why Iohn ix doe you not beleue me He that Note this is of God doeth here the wordes of God ye therefore do not heare Gods wordes because ye are not of God What man is so stonye hearted that these wordes can not moue hym Doeth not these Christes wordes declare that they are not Gods children nor the chyldren of saluation whiche wyll not beleue folowe the trueth opened to them I speake agaynst them here that vowed pouertie renounced vtterly the proprietie of goodes when the● were professed and doe not accomplishe that theyr vowe but are beneficed yea haue diu●●s benefices dignities promotions and doe gather together thereby much ryches But this shoulde not offende anye man for I teache them Gods word and trueth Which embrased of them and folowed shall as Christ sayde to the Iewes deliuer them from the peryll of Iohn ix damnation Wyll not suche votaries call to their myndes this Christes sayinge What doeth it profi●e a manne yf he Iohn xvi gayne all the worlde and therby lose hys soule What exchaunge shall a man make for his soule Were we not al borne naked and shall beare nothyng oute of thys worlde wyth vs as S. Paule sayeth Wherfore let euerye man continue i. Tim. vi as Paule commaundeth vs in his owne vocation and i. Cor. vii serue God therein godly let no man looke backewarde with Lothes wife lest he perish Let euerye man remembre that Christe sayed No man putting Luc. ix his hande to the plowe and lokynge behynde hym is meete for the kingdome of heauen S. Paule sayeth agayne that ii Tim. ii no man shal be crowned except ●e fyghte lawfullye that is t● saye no man shall obtayne the crowne of blisse except he fight agaynst the Deuell the ficshe and the worlde manlye and couragiouslye in his owne callynge degree ▪ and estate accordynge to the lawes and ordinaunces of hys vocation and profession ●herfore to end this preface I aduise yea God doth aduise euerye man and womā Psal lxxv whiche hathe vowed chastitie and pouertie to pe●fourme that theyr godlye vowes to the aduauncement and encrease of Gods honoure and to their owne saluation that at the ende of theyr mortall lyues Christe maye saye vnto theym amōgest the rest our good and faythfull seruanntes enter ye Math. xxv into the ioyes of youre Lorde Vnto whome be laude and honour for euer and euer Amen The seuenth chapiter That al godly vowes as the vowe of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 o● continual chastic●e promyse●●y amydowe the vow of wylful or volu● ta●●● po●●rt●e and semb●ables ough●● by Gods lawe to be obserued vnder ●he ●ayne of euerlastinge damnation WHen I saw good reader that very manye of our coūtreymen and women nowe of late in the misera●●e alteration of Christes holye religion whiche was of late in thys Realme were runne headlynge into a dampnable estate throughe breache of theyr vowes I thought it nedefull and my boūden du●●●e to aduertise theym therof that they seyng in what peryll and daunger they stande in myght by Gods succour and ●yde auoyde it in tyme. Wherfore let them waygh diligently these places of the holye scripture whiche are manifestlye agaynst their doynges Si quis viroium votum domino vouerit aut se constrinxerit iuramento Nu● xxx n●n faciet irritū verbum suum sed omne quod premisit implebit If anye man shall ●ake a vowe to our lord God or shal bynde hym selfe with an othe lette hym not breake hys worde but he shall fulfyll all that he hathe promised Can there be any thyng more plainlye Note this ye votaries and beware of danuger spoken agaynst them that doe breake their vowes and promysses made to God of chastitie and voluntarie pouertie Seest thou not here reader that religious personnes whiche haue vowed pouertie and haue willynglye forsaken the proprietie of worldlye goodes doe breake that theyr vowe The vowe of pouertie and● promes when they take benefices prebendes and suche other promotions enrichynge them selues thereby as muche as other doe that neuer made anye suche vowe Why reade they not this verse of Dauid Vouete et reddite domino deo Psal lxx● vestro omnes qui in circuitu eius ●ffertis munera Vowe and render your vowes to youre lorde God ye all men that doe offer giftes vnto God in his circuite Doeth not