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truth_n believe_v church_n err_v 1,967 5 9.6697 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11323 The addicions of Salem and Byzance Saint German, Christopher, 1460?-1540. 1534 (1534) STC 21585; ESTC S104697 51,623 150

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wolde please our lord better and be also more edifienge to the people then it is nowe 27. ¶ Also byshoppes that be canonised haue a propre common appoynted vnto bysshoppes and this Antyphon Ecce sacerdos magnus is often in their seruyce And kynges that be canonysed haue moste commonly the common appropried to an abbot And me thinketh that that is not ordered as it shoulde be For as me semeth the clergy can not of congruence gyue no lesse honour to a kyng then to a byshop BI The canonisyng of sayntes ne yet the seruice of the church profiteth nothing the saintes And therfore it forceth lyttell what antyphan or commons they haue SALEM It is trewe as thou sayeste but yet suche canonisations and the seruice ordeyned vpon it be occasions to encorage theym that be of the same degree as they be to desyre lyke vertue as they hadde that be soo canonysed and sythe the vertue in princis is mooste necessarie to the people and to the holle common welthe before all other it semeth somewhat to be meruayled why suche canonisations haue not ben so ordered that they shulde encourage princis to vertue more specially than any other BYSANCE Pryncis glorifye theym selfe but lyttell for the canonisation of other prynces ne care but lyttelle for the seruyce appoynted to theym SALEM But yet somme spiritualle menne haue for theym selfe regarded suche thynges in tyme paste ryght moche and me thynkethe alwaye that they oughte to doo lykewyse for kynges and pryncis yea and that more thenne for theym selfe BISANCE Well I perceyue nowe that thy meanynge is that spirituall menne haue in suche canonisations ben more diligent to canonise one of the same degree that they be of thanne any other as bysshoppes of byshoppes priestes of pristes and religious of religious and specially suche as be of the same regular order as they be And yet though it be soo it is no defaute in theym as me semeth but rather a prayse for it is an enuye for vertue whiche is called pia inuidia a meke enuye and that is commendable ¶ SALEM Enuye in vertue is commendable as thou sayste but an enuye who maye haue his vertue more knowen or moore lawded and preysed then other is not commendable And it is verye lyke that suche thynges haue ben sene in some menne concernyng such canonisations in time paste but in princis no suche affection can be iudged For commonly lesse honour is gyuen to princis that be canonised thenne to other as it appereth of saynt Lucius that was the first kynge christened of the Brytons in this realme and of saynt Ethelbert that was the fyrste chrysten kynge of Englysshe men whiche be but lyttel knowen and haue but lyttell honour in comparison of other and that me thynketh is not well ordred BISAN Well I perceyue thy mynde nowe in this mattier more perfitely then I dyd before and nowe syth thou haste spoken before of canonisations of sayntes I praye the lette me here thy mynde to what intent they were fyrste ordeyned and who hathe auctoritie to make theym SAL. One cause why they were ordeyned was to encrease vertue in other specially in theym that be of the same degre as they were that be so canonised as I haue sayd before and it hath ben moste vsed for them that haue lyued a good and a blessed lyfe aboue the common sorte of other good christen menne to gyue the people god example in prayer fastyng and almes dede in sufferynge of tribulations and vexations for ryghtwisenes pacientlye or suche other And yf it please our lorde to shew myracles for him wherby it appereth that he hath accepted his good werkes that is a thing moch necessary in such canonisations An other cause of suche canonisation hath ben also to eschue scismes variāces among the people when one wold worshyp one as a saynte and an other wolde say he were none And in the chapytre Extra de reliquijs Ca. Audiuimus It is sayd that thoughe myracles be done that yet it is not lawfull to worshyp any as a saynct without auctoritie of the see of Rome But what auctoritie the see of Rome hath to make suche a canonisation I neuer harde Howe be it fyue resons be made in the glose De reliquijs et veneratione sanctorum Ca. vnico Gloriosus libro 6. why the see of Rome ought to do it before all other ¶ Fyrste is by cause the canonysacyon of saynctes is one of the greatteste causes that maye be pourposedde amonge Chrysten people The seconde is that bycause myracles be ascrybed to the feythe Therfore this question sithe it is notably of the feithe is to be referred to the see apostolyke The thyrde bicause it perteineth to the pope to open and declare the doutes of scripture therfore of stronger reasone he ought to open and declare the doubtes of holynesse The fourthe is that hit oughte onely to belonge to the See of Rome leeste by the symplicitie of many byshoppes the people shoulde happen to be deceyued The fyfte leest the saynctes canonysed shoulde be increased to a nombre infinite And soo therby deuocyon waxe colde and holynesse lyttell sette by These be the reasons of the sayde Glose and as me semethe they proue not the intente that they be made for ¶ And as to one of the sayde reasons it is apparant that it dothe not For it is euident inough that one bysshoppe may sooner be deceyued than many byshoppes and all the resydue of the said reasons I commytte to the iudgement of the reders And where in the same glose it is sayd ferther that if the churche erre in the canonisation of a saynt that yet it is not to beleue that hit erreth Surely if the churche erre therin in dede it is meruayle why hit maye not be beleued that it erreth for the truthe is alway to be beleued though somtyme after the lawe of man a man may be stopped to saye the truthe as hit is in dyuers cases of estopelles in the lawes of Englande where a manne maye be estopped to saye that he knoweth verely is trew but yet all though he be soo estopped to saye the trewthe he may beleue therin as he lyste and so reason wolde he shulde do of suche canonisations And therfore I thynke that the meanynge of the sayd glose is that if the churche vpon vntrue profes canonise one that is no sayncte in dede that yet if a man wyll say that he is no saynt that he offendeth in that saying For why to say that he is no saynte is is asmoche to say as that he is in hell for all that be in heuen or pourgatorie be saynctes For they in purgatorie be sure of saluation thoughe as somme holde opinion they lacke the fruition of the godheed and that therfore it is ryght good and charitable to pray that they may be brought to it ¶ And then sythe it is an offence to affyrme opinatiuely that any person that is