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A10168 The first part of Protestants proofes, for Catholikes religion and recusancy Taken only from the vvritings, of such Protestant doctors and diuines of England, as haue beene published in the raigne of his Majesty ouer this kingdome. Broughton, Richard. 1607 (1607) STC 20448; ESTC S115460 32,897 40

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Synopsis and Antilogie he reproueth d Parkes sup pag. 7. 10. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. def of the 3. test sect 16. c. and disalloweth telling vs that in them he deceiueth the world belyeth Bellarmine and Catholike writers And he is as bold with his Majesty calling his sentence e Parkes sup pag. 28. that the Roman Church is our mother Church a foolish conceite and imagination And no meruaile vvhen he is as familiar vvith the holy Scriptures themselues as this Protestant writeth thus f Parkes sup defence of the 1. 2. 3. test He strangely peruerteth belyeth depraueth abuseth much abuseth falsifyeth holy Scriptures M. Ormerod hath vvritten a booke expresly against the Puritans intituling the same the picture of a Puritan condemning them of Idolatry Heresies Schisme And yet to shewe vvhat credit there is in these men and vvhat trust to their doctrine himselfe is so farre a Puritan in judgement and in the maine article vvhich cost the Bishoppe of Winchester such paines that he is not only at defiance with all Fathers g Ormero paganopapist pag. 44. but compareth the Article and beleefe of Christes descending into hell to the fable of Hercules fayned to goe thither and featch from thence Theseus Pyrithous and Cerberus the great Dogge of hell with three heades Next let vs come to M. Middleton in this manner he vvriteth h Middleton Papistomast pag. 40. The credit of men is but a sandy foundation to build vpon And hauing told S. Epiphanius i page 27. that he lost the booke of the Apostles constitutions out of his bosome which he cited haeres 45. He addeth k page 45. I must craue leaue to say of Epiphanius many assertions he counted for heresies which were not heresies many assertions he counted not heresies which are heresies And al this because he condemneth diuers Protestant points of heresie and justifieth the contrary for Catholike doctrine Againe thus of Dionisius the Arëopagite l page 49. Denis his answere is short-heeld ready to fall backe because he teacheth prayer for the dead And where S. Ambrose teacheth the doctrine of transubstantiation M. Middleton telleth vs m page 61. He is guilty of presumptuous and desporate blasphemy He scoffeth n page 64. at S. Chrysostome and teacheth him howe to speake for teaching the doctrine of prayer for the dead And againe he vseth this mocke against him for calling it an Apostolicall Tradition o page 66. Well might Chrysostome say the Apostles knewe what profite redounded to the dead by prayer for them for himselfe knewe not And thus in generall p page 133. The Fathers sometime went beyond the bondes of sobriety in the doctrine of chastity q page 134. The Fathers are not fit judges to determine either of Priests marriage or vowes of chastity And for this doctrine thus he writeth of S. Ambrose r page 135. That man hath the Apostaticall Dragon the Diuell dwelling in him And so he will send Ambrose away with his Quietus est ſ page 137 Chrysostome is so hotte in his amplifications that he forgets himselfe t page 138. Chrysostome in his vehemency goeth beyond measure in reprehending and the Christians of his time in their lightnesse went beyond measure in vowing u page 141. The Canons which Epiphanius citeth against Priests marriage are Apocryphall x page 143. He was to partiall affected in this matter y page 144. The ancient Fathers did erre and we dissent from them in some points of doctrine z page 156. Augustine was a most subtile disputer yet a quicke wit soonest falleth into contradiction a page 161. Neither is Hilary howesoeuer the Romish Church hath made him a Saint ouer hastily to be receiued b p. 179. 180. Ireneus Hilary and Epiphanius for defending free will are Pelagian Heretikes It is written against the Bishop of Winchester who in the beginning of this Chapter gaue such reuerence to the Fathers in these wordes by his Puritan opposite c B. Bilsons Suruey p. 84. Al this great shewe of cleauing to the Fathers judgement is but coloured in you For in other points againe we see when they speake not to your liking the case is altered You forsake the ancient and learned Fathers you contemne and dispise them d page 85. You affirme against all the Fathers e 98. You little regard the second doctrine of the Fathers Hitherto the Puritant against the Protestants nowe let vs heare the Protestants against the Puritans This Protestant Bishoppe intituleth one Treatise thus f pa. 98. supr The defendors disdaine of the Fathers Others g p. 274. 275. wrested and leudly falsifyed And againe h Prefa to the King supr They condemns all the Fathers Greeke and Latin 〈◊〉 conspiring against the truth and peruerting the Scriptures This is too much of this distasting matter they vvhich would see more particulers may finde them applyed in my particuler questions hereafter The 10. Chapter or Conclusion of the generall questions or rules in religion WHEREFORE seing vve Catholikes of England are only or principally vrged moued and sollicited by the present Protestant Doctors Diuines and Teachers of this Kingdome to forsake that religion and Church wherein we liue a thing not to be desired by them or effected by vs without instruction of the truth if we were in errour as the Bishop of Durham sufficiently preached a Serm. of the B. of Durbam 19. Mart. 1603. cit K. speach in parl before his Majesty the first day of his first Parliament we earnestly and humbly desire that those miseries vvhich we haue so long hitherto suffered as they be forgiuen by vs so they may be sufficient vnto them which nowe doe teach direct and instruct vs rather to continue our faith and religion as the most certaine secure and ready way of saluation For they haue instructed vs in their latest vvritings that the Church of Rome is the true Church of Christ where saluation is to be had wherein so many Princes Prelates Doctors and of all degrees haue beene glorious Saints The greatest agents for the Pope The crownes and fore-tops of all Popery as M. Middleton b Middleton Papistomass pag. 127. pleaseth to name S. Thomas Aquinas were most renowmed their doctrine excellent and secure That the Catholikes opinion generally receiued of the Popes spirituall preeminence was euer claymed euen from Scripture ●nd practised by the Apostolike Roman See ouer the whole Christian world from the time of S. Peter to these our dayes That all bookes vvhich that Church receiueth for Canonicall Scriptures are most true deliuered for such by the Apostles reuerenced for such in the Church and Protestants objections against them be friuoulous and confuted That the true and best translation of these holy Scriptures with the lawfull supreame and binding exposition of them together vvith Apostolicall Traditions equall in authority to those holy writings the generall Councels and Ancient Holy Learned primatiue Fathers giue absolute testimony that the present Roman Church is that company of holy ones that house-hold of faith that spouse of Christ and Church of the liuing God which is the piller and ground of truth which is so diligently take searched for whose communion we must embrace followe her directions and rest in her judgement And thus much of the first part of Protestants proofes for Catholike religion A PARIS Chez François Gueffier demeurant deuan● la College de Cambray M. D. C. VII THE TABLE OF THE FIRST PART OF PROTESTANT PROOFES FOR CATHOlike religion The first part entreating of the generall groundes and authorities for true religion CHAP. 1. The first Chapter teacheth by Protestants the necessity of seeking finding and following the true Church Page 7. Chap. 2. The Roman Church euer was and nowe is this true Church page 8. Chap. 3. The Bishoppe of Rome by Protestants euer was and is supreame head of the true Church page 13. Chap. 4. All those bookes which the Roman Church receiueth for Scripture and Protestants heretofore denyed for such are proued by them to be Canonicall Scriptures page 17. Chap. 5. The vulgar Latin translation of Scriptures vsed of the Roman Church is the best the English Protestant translations are erroneous page 21. Chap. 6. The truest highest authorised interpretation of Scriptures is in the Roman Church and not with Protestants page 23. Chap. 7. Traditions are of equall authority with the Scriptures and proue Catholike religion page 25. Chap. 8. The authority of generall Councels aboue all Protestant rules make for the Catholike Church page 28. Chap. 9. Likewise of the authority of Fathers page 31. Chap. 10. The conclusion of the first part page 37. THE TABLE OR ARGVMENT OF THE second part of Protestant proofes for Catholikes religion and recusancy THE particuler articles of Predestination Iustification Inherent grace Merit and reward of good deedes of keeping the Commandements Free will distinction of Precepts and Counsailes of Veniall and Mortall sinnes of Indulgences reuerence to holy Images reuerence to holy Reliques prayer to Saints and Angels publike Seruice not in the vulgar tongues Church Ceremonies Christes reall presence in the blessed Sacrament Transubstantiation Sacrifice of the Masse single life of Priests vowes of Chastity Purgatory and prayer for the Dead The number of seauen Sacraments their grace ex opere operato and an ind●lible Character in some Sacraments All which Catholike articles are proued by the testimonies of such English Protestant Doctors and Diuines as haue written since the beginning of his Majesties raigne in England
the consent thereof no Councell could be called none confirmed as Pope Damasus r Damas epist ad Illiric hist tripart lib. 5. c. 28. vel 29. Theodor. hist Socrat. hist l. 2. c. 17. Sozō the ancient Fathers and Hystorians witnesse And the Bishoppe of Winchester graunteth these propositions ſ True differēce p. 66. 67 edit an 1586 The Canon of the primatiue Church made euery thing voide that was done without the Bishop of Rome And againe The Canon of the primatiue Church forbad any Councell to be called without his consent t Middleton papistom pag. 39. M. Middleton telleth vs that the first Nicen Councell did approue the dignity of Rome at the least ouer the West prouinces by old custome And if vve should enter into particulers First B. Bilson will tell vs that the Councell of Constance u p. 119 120. vvhere the Protestant doctrine was condemned in Husse and Wicliffe was a generall Councell So he witnesseth of the Councell of Basil x p. 124. 125. condemning the same for heresie M. Willet y Willet Synops controuers 1. q. 7. Limbomastix apud Parkes p. 137. 180. both in his Synopsis and Lymbomastix as M. Parkes is witnesse against him and himselfe also so accounteth it graunteth the same of the Councell of Florence where the seauen Sacraments Purgatory the Popes Supremacy c. were confirmed Of the Councell of Trent no man will question And yet D. Doue hath assured vs before z Doue persw pag. 14. that there were present in that Councell six Cardinals foure Legates three Patriarkes two and thirty Archbishops two hundred twenty eight Bishops The third part of such an assembly would haue beene a great countenance to Protestant religion farre greater then euer it had or is like to procure D. Couell a Couell def of Hook p. 21 and M. Parkes b Parkes against limbomastix p. 176 cite approue as a rule of faith the great Councell of Lateran where transubstantiation was defined and joyneth it with the primatiue Councels of Ephesus and Chalcedon and in the high matter of faith the Deity of the holy Ghost And to ascend to the first of Nice the Protestants haue confessed before c cap. 4. supr that Scriptures which we receiue and they denie were there approued M. Willet d Will. Antil pag. 88. 89. calleth the primatiue Councels of Neocaesarea Toletane the first and the fixt generall Councell allowed before by D. Sutcliffe wherein both generall and prouinciall precedent Councels vvere approued The Papall Church Popery doctrine in Popery And of the seauenth generall Councell he writeth thus e Will. Antil pag. 178. The Greekes in a generall Councell held at Nice confirmed and allowed the adoration of Images But this may suffice of this question for both the Popes supreamacy from the beginning and the authority of all ancient Councels Fathers and Hystories are so manifest for the present doctrine of the Roman Church That M. Middleton telleth vs f Middleton papistomast pag. 200. Papias liuing in the Apostles time taught Peters primacy or Romish Episcopality Concerning the second he vvriteth in these vvordes g page 193. supr Perusing Councels Fathers and Stories from the Apostles forward we finde the print of the Popes feete Whereby is manifest that euen from the Apostles to this present the doctrine of the Church of Rome was alwaies as occasion vvas giuen approued decreed and taught by the holy Councels Fathers and Hystories of all ages Chapter 9. The testimonie of ancient Fathers of great authority and for the doctrine of the Roman Church LASTLY in these generall questions or directions in religion let vs come to the testimony of the holy and learned Fathers of the primatiue Church although of these it appeareth by the former Chapter And consider first the value and dignity of their authority secondly to whose cause whether of Catholikes or Protestants it beareth witnesse The Bishop of Winchester in his Suruey of Christes sufferings writeth thus a B. Bilsons Suruey p. 85. The ancient consent of Godly Fathers is with great care to be searched and followed of vs chiefly in the rule of faith And againe b pa. 82. sup We rest vpon the Scriptures of God vpon the authority of the ancient Doctors and Councels And to the objection of those Protestants which say c page 83. The Canon of the Scriptures is perfect and sufficient in it selfe for all thinges therefore what neede is there that the authority of Ecclesiasticall interpretation should be joyned with it He answereth with Vincentius Lirinensis in these wordes Least euery man should wrest the Scriptures to his fansie and sucke thence not the truth but the patronage of his errour And he addeth that S. Augustine gaue this respect not only to generall Councels but to the testimonies of particuler Fathers Ireneus Cyprian Hilarius Ambrose Gregory Chrisostome Basil and others D. Sutcliffe writeth thus d Sutcl subuers pag. 87. We acknowledge the faith of the Fathers of the fourth fift and sixt ages and adjoyne our selues to that Church And against D. Kellison he vseth these wordes e Sutcliffe against D. Kellison pag. 17. The Fathers in all points of faith are for vs Protestants and not for the Pope M. Willet in the end of his Antilogie sweareth the matter in this manner f Willet Antilog p. 263. I take God to witnesse before whome I must render account c. That the same faith and religion which I defend is taught and confirmed in the more substantiall points by these Hystorians Councels Fathers that liued within fiue or six hundred yeares after Christ And in the page following his wordes be these g p. 264. supr It is most notoriously euident that for the grossest points of Popery as transubstantiation sacrifice of Masse worshipping of Images justification by workes the supreamacy of the Pope prohibition of Mariage and such other they Catholikes haue no shewe at al of any euidence from the Fathers within fiue hundred yeares of Christ And thus againe h Willet Antilog pa. 271. The ancient Fathers that liued within six hundred yeares after Christ are against them And thus I might alleadge from others especially triumphing in this manner either when they write against Puritans whome the Fathers condemne as the Bishop of Winchester is cited or when they speake in generall and the authorities of Fathers are neither to be answered as produced by Catholikes or alleadged for Protestants as it appeareth in those places of D. Sutcliffe and M. Willets great and glorious speaches of the Fathers But when these men are either to answere those primatiue Fathers cited for our cause or stand vpon their testimony in particuler for themselues the case is altered as is objected i Apud B. Bils Suruey p. 84 to the Bishop of Winchester by his Puritan opposite But howe truly they keepe their vvordes and oathes in these protestations shall be hereafter