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A09383 A commentarie or exposition, vpon the fiue first chapters of the Epistle to the Galatians: penned by the godly, learned, and iudiciall diuine, Mr. W. Perkins. Now published for the benefit of the Church, and continued with a supplement vpon the sixt chapter, by Rafe Cudworth Bachelour of Diuinitie Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688. 1604 (1604) STC 19680; ESTC S114465 595,047 756

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Gods Church or kingdome in which first comes the husbandman and sowes good seede and then after comes the deuill with his tares Matth. 13. 24. and all this is euident in the Church of Galatia first planted by Paul and then seduced by false teachers The third thing is that Paul preached bearing about him the triall of God This triall is a worke of God whereby he discouers vnto vs and to the world either the grace or the corruption of our hearts Thus God tried Abraham Hebr. 11. 17. the Israelites Deut. 6. 1. and Ezechias 2. Chron. 32. 31. and Paulin this place The vse We must not thinke it strange when we are afflicted any way Nay we must looke for trialls and be content when they come 1. Pet. 4. 12. Iam. 1. 2. We are either gold in deede or gold in shew if in deede we must be cast into the furnace that we may be purged if we be gold in appearance we must againe into the furnace that we may be knowne what we are The best vine in the vinyard must be lopped and cut with the pruning knife that it may beare the more fruit Ioh. 15. Againe we must take heede least there be any hidden corruptions raigning in our hearts and we must labour to be indeede that which we appeare to be For we must be tried by God and then that which now lies hidde shall be discouered to our shame Lastly we must looke to it that there be soundnes of grace in vs that we may be able to beare the trialls of God and shew forth some measure of faith potience obedience The first signe of Reuerence in the Galatians is that they did not despise Paul in his base condition This is a matter of commendation in them and it is to be followed of vs. And he is a blessed man that is not offended at Christ Math. 11. 6. The second signe of reuerence is that they receiued Paul as an angel of God or as Christ Iesus Here first we must distinguish betweene Pauls person and his doctrine or ministerie And he is said to be receiued as an angel or as Christ because his doctrine was receiued euen as if an angel or Christ had deliuered it Secondly we must put a difference betweene an Apostle and all ordinarie pastours and teachers And to be receiued as an angel or as Christ properly and simply concerns Paul and the rest of the Apostles For to them it was said it is not you that speake but the spirit of the father in you Math. 10. 20. Againe he that heareth you heareth me he that despiseth you despiseth me Luk. 10. 16. The Apostles were called of God immediately taught and inspired immediately and immediately gouerned by the spirit both in preaching and writing so as they could not erre in the things which they deliuered to the Church and therefore they were to be heard euen as Christ himselfe As for other ordinarie teachers they are in part and in the second place to be heard as angels and as Christ so farre forth as they follow the doctrine of the Apostles Thus are they also called the angels of the couenant Math. 2. 7. And Embassadours in the stead of Christ 2. Cor. 5. 21. Here Paul notably expresseth the Authoritie and honour of an Apostle which is to be heard euen as Christ himselfe because in preaching he is the mouth and in writing the hand of God This authoritie is to be maintained and the consideration of it is of great vse The Papists say we know the scripture to be the word of God by the testimonie of the Church but indeede the principall meanes whereby we are assured touching the truth of Scripture is that the books of scripture were penned by men whose writings and sayings we are to receiue euen as from Christ himselfe because they had either Propheticall or Apostolicall authoritie and were immediately taught and inspired in writing and all this may be discerned by the matter for me and circumstances of the foresaid books Secondly they are to be blamed that call the Pope the spouse of the Church and Christ by annointment as Bernard did for thus is he more then an Apostle Thirdly here we see the goodnesse of God that doth not speake to vs in his maiestie but appoints men in his stead who are his embassadours to beseech vs to be reconciled to him Fourthly there must be fidelitie in teachers because they stand in teaching in the stead of Christ and therefore must onely deliuer that which they knowe to be the will of Christ. Fiftly They must haue a speciall care of holinesse of life because they speake in the name and roome of God Read Leuit. 10. 2. Sixtly the people are to heare their teachers with all reuerence euen as if they would heare the very angels of God or Christ himselfe Seauenthly the comfort of the Ministerie is as sure and certen as if an angel came downe from heauen or Christ himselfe to comfort vs so be it we doe indeed truely turne to God and repent Vers. 15. What was your felicitie that is you esteemed it to be your felicitie that you receiued me and my doctrine Ye would haue plucked out your eies and haue giuen them to me a prouerbiall speech signifying the speciall loue of the Galatians to Paul so as nothing which they had could be to deare for him If it had bin possible this he saith because no mā can pluck out his eie to doe another man good or thus no man can possibly giue his eie and the sight thereof to another In these words Paul sets downe the third signe of the loue and reuerence which the Galatians shewed to him and that is that they thought themselues happie by reason of Pauls Ministerie and would haue parted with their owne eies for his good Hence we learne that there is a felicitie after the time of this life and that is to receiue and imbrace the doctrine of the Gospell So saith Christ else where Luk. 8. 21. and 11. 18. Math. 7. 26. True happinesse stands in our reconciliation with God in Christ. And this reconciliation is offered and giuen vs on gods part by his word and promise and it is receiued of vs when we turne to God and by faith rest on the said promise To be in Gods kingdome is happinesse and this is the kingdome of God when we resigne our selues in subiection to his will and word The preaching of the word is the key of this kingdome Matth. 16. 19. and when it is receiued into our hearts by faith heauen is set open vnto vs euen in this life Ioh. 1. 51. The Philosophers therefore haue erred that place our happinesse in honours riches pleasures or in ciuill vertue Secondly our common people are deceiued who thinke because they deale truely and iustly before men that they are in as good a case as they that heare all the sermons in the world as though true happinesse stood in ciuill conuersation
that is another cause of dissention 1. Corint 3. 3. The second point concernes the qualitie of these dissentiōs When Paul saith if ye bite and deuoure c. he signifies that they were fierce and violent And such commonly are dissentions for religion as appeares by the persecution in Queene Maries daies the heate whereof nothing could slake but mans blood Againe he signifies in these very wordes that they were bru●ish and beastlike more beseeming wolues lions dogges then men This must teach vs to detest railing cursing euill speaking fighting vnles it be in the case of necessarie defence for by these actions we degenerate to the condition of beastes and repell from vs the worke of grace for Christ of lions wolfes beares hath made vs his sheepe and lambes Isai. 11. The third point is touching the effect of contention that is the ruine desolation of the Church The diuision of the members among themselues is the dissolutiō of the whole bodie Differences in points of religion breed doubting doubting hinders faith and inuocation and the free course of the Gospell and where these be hindred the Church goes to decay And by reason of the dissentions that be in these last daies many liue as Atheistes and will be of no religion By this we are to be admonished to studie and to vse all meanes to maintaine Christian peace and concord Eph. 4. 3. To this end we must remember one generall rule Rom. 12. 18. haue peace with all men And withall we must obserue the cautions which Paul addes one is if it may be with good conscience for there are some with whome there is no peace vnles we sooth them in their vices or denie our religion either in whole or in part The second is If it lie in you for sometime men are accused and must of necessitie defend themselues These two cautions obserued peace must be had with all men It may thē be demanded why do not the Protestans make a Pacification with the Papists Ans. we are content so to do in respect of ciuill societie but not in respect of religion We haue a commandement to the contrarie Reuel 18. 4. come out of Babylon my people and touch no vnclean thing where a pacification is made both the partes must yeeld somewhat but we may not yeeld in any point of our religion to the Papists In an Instrument of musick the stringes out of tune are set vp or set downe to the rest and the strings that are in tune are not stirred Euen so the Papists are to turne to vs we are not to turne to them our religion beeing the doctrine of the prophets Apostles Peace is three-fould Church peace Ciuill peace Houshould peace All these are to be maintained Touching Church peace I giue 3 rules The first is that for the ending of differences in religion there must be conferences in a free or christian councell the spirits of the prophets is subiect to the prophet 1. Cor. 14. ●2 when there arose differences in the Churches of Iudea the Apostles and elders came together to inquire of the matter Act. 15. 6. And this is a thing much to be desired in these daies specially in these Westerne partes of the world It may be demanded why did not the Protestants ioyne with the Papists at the councell of Trent Ans. from the first session it was more then 6 yeares before any safe conduct was giuen to the Protestants and at their appearing in the councell exception was taken against their letters and they dismissed And when they appeared the second time vpon new safe conduct the councell was the next day reiorned for 2 yeares And when safe conduct was giuen the 3 time the Protestant princes refused to send their diuines because they had bin twice mocked Moreouer the councell was not a free councell because the Pope himselfe was both partie and iudge The second rule There must be a christian toleration one of an other Eph. 4. 2. here that we mistake not I propound 2 questions One is in what must there be a toleration Ans. A toleration presupposeth an errour or defect in our brother An errour is either in iudgement or manners An error in iudgment is either in the foundation of religion or beside the foundation in lighter matters if the errour be in the foundation there is no toleration of it If it be in some lesser matter a toleration is to be vsed according to the rule of the Apostle if ye be otherwise minded God will reueile it Phil. 3. 15. when others see not that which we see we must not presētly cōdemne them but tolerat their ignorance till God reueile his truth vnto them Againe errors in manners be of 2 sortes some without offence as hastines frowardnes vaine gloriousnes c. these we must tolerate Pro. 19. 11. and others with open offence and such admit no toleration 1. Cor. 5. 11. The second question is to what ende must we tolerate the infirmities and ignorances of our brethren Ans. Toleration must tend to the good and edification of men Rom. 15. 2. We must not so tolerate as that we approoue of the least vice or betray the least part of Gods truth It may here be demanded whether there may not be a toleration for Poperie Ans. No. The toleration of two religions in one kingdome is the ouerthrow of peace Againe Poperie is a religion both hereticall and schismaticall It may be said that faith and conscience is free I answer though faith in the heart and conscience in it selfe be free in respect of mans authoritie yet is not the publishing of faith and the profession of conscience free in like sort but it stands subiect to the power of the Magistrate The third rule Euery man in his place specially teachers must set themselues to build the Church Iud. v. 20. Eph. 4. 12. Indeede the truth is to be defended but marke how The truth must be confessed when time and occasion serues without opposition this done all contentions laid aside we must set our selues to build the Church And the rather Ministers of Gods word in England must remember this because while we are striuing among our selues in sundrie points of difference the Papist our common enemie gets ground Touching ciuill peace it must be remembred that the peace and good estate of Ierusalem stood in this that it was made the seate of Gods sanctuarie and the throne of iustice Psal. 122. When the Arke was in the house of Obed-Edom all things prospered with him Now in the new Testament the preaching of the Gospel inuocation of Gods name with the vse of the Sacraments come in the roome of the Sanctuarie Ciuill peace then is maintained when men yeeld subiection to the Gospel of Christ which brings peace to all that receiue it Touching houshold peace I giue two rules One is that gouernours of families must vrge and compell all vnder them to admit at the least outwardly the practise of
A COMMENTARIE OR Exposition vpon the fiue first Chapters of the Epistle to the Galatians penned by the godly learned and Judiciall Diuine M. W. PERKINS Now published for the benefit of the Church and continued with a Supplement vpon the sixt Chapter by RAFE CVDWORTH Bachelour of Diuinitie ALMA MATER CANTA BRIGIA HINC LVCEM ET POCVLA SACRA Printed by IOHN LEGAT Printer to the Vniuersitie of CAMBRIDGE 1604. TO THE RIGHT HOnourable right vertuous and most truly religious Lord ROBERT Lord RICHE Baron of Leeze c. Grace and peace THE holy Scriptures Right Honourable giuen by diuine inspiration and penned by the holy men of God Prophets Apostles and Apostolike writers not by priuate motion but as they were guided by the holy Ghost are not onely commended by God and left vnto the Church as a pretious depositum carefully to be kept in their integritie for which cause the Church is called the ground and pillar of truth 1. Tim. 3. 15. nor to be defended onely by the sword of the Magistrate against Heretikes Schismatikes and men of scandalous life in which respect he is called and that truly Custos vtriusque tabula But also to be the piller and foundation whereon to rest our faith the touch-stone of truth the shoppe of remedies for all spirituall maladies an anker in the blasts of Temptation and waues of affliction a two edged sword to foyle and put to flight our spirituall enemies the onely Oracle to which we must haue recourse and whereat we are to enquire the will of God In a word the bread and water of life whereon our soules are to feede vnto eternall life Therefore we are commanded to search the Scriptures as for siluer and to seeke in them as for treasures to read in them continually to meditate of them day and night to vse them as bracelets vpon our armes and frontlets betweene our eyes to teach them to our posteritie and to talke of them when we are in our houses and when we walke by the way when we lie downe and when we rise vp And great reason there is of this commandement seeing that as an ancient writer saith Quicquid in cis docetur veritas est quicquid praecipitur bonitas est quicquid promittitur foelicitas est that is Whatsoeuer is taught in them is truth it selfe whatsoeuer is commanded is goodnes it selfe whatsoeuer is promised is happines it selfe They beeing of such perfection that nothing may be added vnto them nor any thing taken from them of such infallible certentie that heauen and earth shall sooner passe away then one title fall to the ground so pleasant and delightfull that they exceede the honie and the honie combe and so profitable that no treasures may be compared vnto them seeing they are able to make vs wiser then our enemies then the aged then our teachers to make vs wise vnto saluation to giue vs an inheritance among them that are sanctified nay able to saue our soules Which beeing so I cannot sufficiently wonder that any calling themselues Christians should make lesse account of the booke of God then the Romanes in old time did of their twelue Tables and other Heathens of their Rituall bookes or then the Iewes at this day doe of their Talmud the Turkes of their Alcoran the Aethiopians of their Abetelis especially that those which professe themselues Diuines should so distast the holy Scripture that leauing it the cleare fountaine of the water of life they should betake themselues to the troubled streames of mens deuises and digge vnto themselues pittes which will hold no water Wherein the Schoolemen I meane the Sententiaries the Summists and Quodlibetaries are chiefly if not onely to be censured who setting aside the Scriptures haue vanished away in vaine speculations in their Questions vpon Lombard the Master of the Sentences and vpon Thomas their new Master So that had it not beene for some fewe Glosses which notwithstanding like the glosse of Orleans doe often corrupt the text Nicolaus de Lyra Hugo de S. Charo and Peter Comestor whom I should haue named first beeing so good a text man that as his name importeth he did eate vp the text as the poore mans horse dranke vp the moone we should not haue had among such a multitude of writers one poore comment vpon the Bible for diuers hundred yeares And no maruaile seeing it is an ordinarie thing for young nouices in Popish Vniuersities and I would it were but there onely not to lay the foundation of their studie in Diuinitie vpon the rocke but vpon the waters that is not vpon the Scripture but vpon Aquinas or some such Summist and to reade the Scripture no further then they giue them light for the vnderstanding of their Schoole-Doctours Witnesse one of their owne writers who testifieth of himselfe that he had studied Schole-diuinitie and the Canon Law for the space of 16. yeares and yet neuer so much as saluted either the Scriptures or the Fathers Which course they take either because they presume to vnderstand aboue that which is writtē cōtrarie to the cōmandemēt of the Apostle Rom. 12. 3. or for that they iudge the Scriptures too simple and shallow for them to wade in as not affording them sufficient matter for their witts to worke vpon Not considering that whilst they contemne the simplicitie of the Scriptures looke beyond the Moone in the meane time with Thales they fall into the ditch and that whilst they striue with the winges of their wit to soare aboue the cloudes of other mens conceyts they sincke into a Sea of absurdities and errors Nor yet remembring that the Scripture hath great maiestie ioyned with simplicitie and as great difficultie mixed with plainnes and facilitie and therefore not vnfitly resembled by S. Gregorie to the main Ocean in which the lamb may wade the Elephant may swim For the spirit of God hath in wonderfull wisdom so tempered the Scriptures that they are both obscure perspicuous in some places like a clasped or sealed booke Isay 29. 11. in other places like a booke that is opened Apoc. 5. 5. beeing both easie difficult Easie in that the enterance into the word giueth light and vnderstanding so the simple Psal. 119. 130. Difficult in that some things are hard to be vnderstood 2. Pet. 3. 16. and hard to be interpreted Ebr. 5. 11. Easie to inuite vs to reade and learne thē Difficult to exercise vs lest we should cōtemne them From the easie and plaine places are gathered principles of religion both articles of faith rules of good life which we call Catechismes The difficult places require interpretation the Cōmentaries of the learned Both which are necessarie in the church of God Catechismes haue a necessarie vse both in regard of the simple who are to be fed with milke beeing but babes in Christ and of the learned who are strong men
text that Iames Peter Iohn are made equall all being pillars and Iames is first named and that not without cause For not Peter but Iames was the President of the councell of Ierusalem because he spake the last and concluded all Act. 15. 13. Therefore the first naming of Peter in other places of scripture is no sufficient proofe of his supremacie Thirdly Peter here is said to make a couenant with Paul that he shall be the Apostle of the Gentiles and Peter of the Iewes But if Peter had bin head of the Church for 14 yeares togither and had but known the primacie which the Papists giue to him he would not haue consented to this order It is alleadged that Paul was the cheife Apostle ouer the Gentiles in respect of paines and labour and not in respect of iurisdiction I answer this distinction hath no ground in the word of God Againe Paul was an Apostle and vsed his Apostolicall authoritie ouer the Gentiles and there is no Ecclesiasticall person that is or can be aboue an Apostle For he was simply to be beleeued in preaching and writing and had extraordinarie power giuen him by God to punish them that rebelled Againe Paul here saith that the Gospel was committed to him and Peter that is that they were put in trust with it Hence we learne 3. things The first that the Gospel is not ours but gods and that men are but the keepers of it For this we are to praise God The second is that the ministers of the word are to keep and maintaine the truth of it with all faithfulnesse and good conscience and further to apply it to the best vse and to the greatest good of men For this charge lies vpon them that are put in trust The third is that the Gospel is a speciall treasure For this we in England are to giue vnto God all thankfulnes specially by bringing forth the fruits of the Gospel In this dutie the most of vs come short and therfore we may iustly feare least God take from vs the gospel of life and giue it to a nation that will bring forth the fruit of it Moreouer in that Paul saith that God was mightie by him and Peter to the Iewes and Gentiles we are to consider the efficacie of the Ministerie Of it three cautions are to be obserued The first that grace or power to regenerate is not included in the word preached as vertue to heale in a medicine Paul saith He that planteth and he that watereth is not any thing 1. Cor. 3. 7. To regenerate is the proper worke of God not agreeing to angels no not to the flesh of Christ exalted aboue men and angels For the vertue to renew or regenerate is not in it as in a subiect but in the godhead of the sonne The second caution is that grace is not inseparably annexed and tyed to the word preached for to some it is the sauour of death to death The third is that the preaching of the word is an externall instrument of faith and regeneration and the proper effect of it is to declare or signifie And it is an instrument because when the ministers of the word doe by it signifie and declare what is to be done and what is the will of God the spirit of God inwardly inlightens the minde and inclines the heart to beleeue and obey Hence we learne that it is a magicall fiction to suppose that fiue words For this is my bodie should transubstantiate the bread into the bodie of Christ. Secondly we learne that the Sacraments doe not conferre grace ex opere operato by the worke done For the word and Sacraments are both of one nature Sacraments beeing a visible word Now the word the preaching of it doth not conferre grace but onely declare what God will conferre Thirdly by this it appeares that charmes or spels haue not force in them to cure diseases and to worke wonders but by satanicall operation For the best word of all euen the word preached hath it not Lastly we are here to be put in mind that we loose no time in hearing of the word for it is a meanes whereby we are clensed and renewed Euery branch that bringeth forth fruit God purgeth it by his word and other meanes that it may bring forth more fruite Ioh. 15. It is a thing to be obserued that the Apostles at Ierusalem acknowledged Paul to be an Apostle because he had the gift of an Apostle and because his ministerie was powerfull amōg the Gentiles Therefore they which haue the gift of teaching by whome also God is powerfull in the conuersion of sinners are Ministers certenly called of God Let them thinke on this that vtterly condemne the ministerie of the Church of England For many teachers among vs can shew both the gift of teaching and the power or efficacy of their ministery It is worth the marking also that the Apostles are called Pillars Here we see what is the charge of the ministers of the word namely to sustaine and to vphold the Church by doctrine praier counsel good life Elizeus is called of Ioas The charrets and horsemen of Israel 2. King 13. 4. And the Church of God vpon earth is called the Pillar and ground of trueth in respect of the Ministerie of the word 1. Tim. 3. 15. Againe in that all ministers in their places according to the measure of gifts receiued are pillars they are admonished hereby to be constant in the truth against all enemies whatsoeuer It is the praise of Iohn the Baptist that he was not as a reed shaken of the winde Math. 11. 7. All beleeuers are to stand fast in temptation against their spirituall enemies Eph. 6. 13. and this they shall the better doe if they be directed by the good example of their teachers Thirdly in that Ministers are pillars we are taught to cleaue vnto them and their ministerie at all times in life and death For we are liuing stones in the temple of God Christ is our foundation and they be pillars to hold vs vp and therefore not to be forsaken Deut. 12. 19. Furthermore Paul at this time was not accounted a pillar for he saith thus Iames Cephas Iohn are accounted pillars as who should say I am accounted none Thus Paul goes through good report and euill report and is content to be contemned Lastly the example of concord among the Apostles is to be obserued in that they giue the right hands of fellowship one to an other 10 Warning onely that we should remember the poore which thing also I was diligent to doe In these words Paul sets downe the fourth and last signe of his approbation at Ierusalem on this manner At my departing the Apostles warned me to remember the poore and of no other thing did they giue me warning therefore there was a full and perfect consent betweene vs. In the wordes two things are set downe the Apostolicall warning and the practise of it by Paul The warning
not the Papist which addes tradition to the scripture And for affection we suffer our selues to be limited by the doctrine of repentance and new obedience Secondly I answer that the church of Rome vseth false meanes of Limitation For it teacheth that for opinion we must captiuate our senses to the determination of the church by beleeuing as the church beleeueth though it be not knowne what the church beleeueth And it limits affection by auricular confession and by canonicall satisfactions meere inuentions of men The fourth motiue The Romane religion drawes the multitude Ans. It drawes them indeede because it is a naturall religion but it doth not turne them from darknes to light from death to life Secōdly I answer that Antichrist in his comming shall draw the multitude 2. Thess. 2. 9. The fift motiue There were neuer but two alterations of religion One in the daies of Elias the other in the daies of Iohn the Baptist. Ans. I will shew a third Paul saith that before the ende there shall be a departure 2. Thess. 2. and this departure is generall in all nations Reuel 13. 16. and after a thousand yeares there shall be the first resurrection Reuel 20. 5. and this resurrection is the reuiuing and the restoring of the Gospel after long ignorance and superstition The sixt motiue The church of Rome hath a Iudge to ende controuersies we haue none Ans. Christ is our Iudge and the scripture is the voice of this iudge determining all things pertaining to saluation fully and plainly to the contentation of any conscience The seauenth motiue The Romane religion is sutable to ancient Tradition Ans. It is contrarie For it abolisheth the second commandement touching Images and the tenth touching lust And it ouerturneth sundrie Articles of faith For it abolisheth one of the natures of Christ by the reall presence and his three offices by ioyning partners and associates with him To these seauen I adde three other The eight motiue then is this Our Ministers they say tooke vnto themselues new callings and consequently that we are but schismatikes Ans. The offices of the first restorers of the Gospel were ordinarie and their vocation to the said offices was ordinary for they were all either Priests or Schoole doctors It may be saide that they departed from their callings I answer they departed onely from the common abuse of their callings which they restored to their right vse The ninth motiue The church of Rome hath true baptisme and therefore it is a true church Ans. Baptisme in the Papacie pertaines not to it but to another hidden church in the middest of the Papacie as the light in the lanthorne pertaines not to it but to the passenger Secondly though the church of Rome hold the outward baptisme yet doth it ouerturne the inward which stands in the iustification of a sinner by imputation of the obedience of Christ. Thirdly baptisme seuered from the preaching of the Gospel is no marke of a church Circumcision was vsed in Samaria and yet they were no people of God Hos. 1. 9. The tenth motiue The church of Rome hath antiquitie and succession from the Apostles Ans. They are no markes of the church vnlesse they be ioyned with propheticall and Apostolicall doctrine The kingdome of darknes hath also antiquitie succession vniuersalitie and vnitie Now then we are to hold the church of Rome as a stepmother nay as a professed harlot shee is no mother of ours For the Lord saith Come out of her my people Reuel 18. Let vs therefore come to the true answer The catholike Church our Mother is to be sought for and to be found in the true visible churches the certen markes whereof are three The preaching of the word of God out of the writings of the Prophets and Apostles with obedience Ioh. 10. 28. Eph. 2. 20. True inuocation of God the father in the onely name of Christ by the assistance of the spirit Act. 9. 14. 1. Cor. 1. 2. the right vse of the sacraments baptisme and the Lords supper Math 28. 18. And by these shall we finde the true Church of God in England Ireland Scotland Germanie France c. Againe in that the Church is called our Mother the Papist gathereth that her commandements must be obaied Prov. 1. 8. and therefore in their Catechismes beside the commandements of God they propound the commandements of the Church But I answer that the precepts of the father and the mother must be one and then the mother must be obaied The Church is called the mother of vs all that is of all true beleeuers Hence it follows that wicked men are not members of the catholike Church as Popish doctors erroniously teach for then the church shall be a mother not onely to the children of God but also to the children of the deuill Lastly in that the church is our Mother we are taught that we must despise our first birth and seeke to be borne againe vnto God and sucke the brest of our mother feeding on the milke of the word Psal. 45. 11. 1. Pet. 2. 2. Thus to be borne a member of the new Ierusalem is a great priuiledge Psal. 87. 5. Reuel 3. 12. 27 For it is written Reioyce thou barren that bearest no childrē breake forth and crie thou that trauelest not for the desolate hath many more children then shee which hath an husband These words are the testimonie of the Prophet Isa c. 54. 1. and they are brought to prooue that which Paul said in the former verse that the Catholike Church is the Mother of vs all that is not onely of the Iewes but also of all beleeuing Gentiles In the words I consider the preface to the Testimonie and the testimonie it selfe The preface It is written where two points are to be considered The first is who saith Jt is written Ans. The Apostle Paul whose authoritie was diuine and infallible because he was led into all truth by the spirit of God so as he could not erre in deliuering doctrine to the church And yet for all this he followes the rule of the written word And his manner was so to doe Act. 26. 22. This shewes the shamelesse impudencie of the church of Rome which takes to it selfe an absolute power of iudgement in all matters without and beside the scripture yea a power to iudge of the scripture it selfe and of the sense thereof without the helpe of scripture vpon a supposed infallible assistance of the spirit The second point is In what question saith Paul It is written Ans. In a controuersie betweene him and the false Apostles touching the iustification of a sinner This shewes that the scripture it selfe is the meanes to determine and decide controuersies There was for this purpose in the old Testament the liuely voice of God vttered in the Oracle at the Mercie seat but in the new Testament there is no such voice of God but the written word is in stead thereof to the ende of the world And therefore
hearts vpon the outward things of this world because God doth not respect vs for them But we are earnestly to seeke after the things that make vs accepted with God as true faith righteousnes and good conscience Rom. 14. 17. Againe superiours must be admonished to deale moderately with their inferiours Coloss. 2. 11. Againe inferiours are to comfort themselues if they be oppressed in that God the iudge of all accepts no persons Lastly here we learne that when we shall haue immediate fellowship with God in heauen all outward respect of persons shall cease God himselfe and the lamb Christ Iesus shall be all in all to the Elect. In the ende of the verse Paul addes for they communicated nothing to me but to the contrarie Rom. 1. 12. may be obiected Where Paul desires to come to Rome that he might be comforted by their mutuall faith both his and theirs Answ. Though the Apostles did communicate nothing to Paul in respect of doctrine or iudgement yet might they or the meanest beleeuers conferre something vnto him in respect of comfort or the confirmation of his faith and thus much he signifieth to the Romanes Here is a good item for them that come to no sermons because they can learne nothing Put the case they were as learned as the Apostles yet might they profit in hearing in respect of comfort of faith and good affection 7 But on the contrarie when they saw that the Gospel ouer the vncircumcision was committed vnto me as the Gospel ouer the circumcision was to Peter 8 For he that was mightie by Peter in the Apostleship ouer the circumcision was also mightie by me toward the Gentiles 9 And when Iames and Cephas and Iohn knew the grace of God that was giuen to me which are accounted pillars they gaue to me and to Barnabas the right hād of fellowship that we should preach to the Gentiles they vnto the Circumcision The wordes of more difficultie are thus to be explaned Contrariwise that is they did communicate nothing to me in way of correction but on the contrarie they gaue me the hand of fellowship Againe the words Circumcision and vncircumcision signifie the nation of the Iewes and the Gentiles the one circūcised the other vncircūcised And whē Paul saith that the grace of God was giuen to him he meanes specially the gift of an Apostle Rom. 1. 5. Lastly to giue the right hand of fellowshippe to Paul is to esteeme and acknowledge him for their collegue or fellowe Apostle by giuing the right hand in token thereof The contents of the words are these Here Paul sets downe the third signe of his approbation namely that the cheife Apostles acknowledged him for their fellow Apostle v. 9. Secondly he sets down the manner how the cheefe Apostles acknowledged this fellowship and that was by making a couenant with Paul that he should preach to the Gentiles and Peter to the Iewes Thirdly he sets down the impulsiue cause that mooued the Apostles to receiue Paul to their fellowship and that was the decree of God whereby he ordained that Paul should be the cheife Apostle to the Gentiles and Peter the cheife Apostle among the Iewes v. 7. Lastly he sets down the signes whereby the Apostles knew that Paul was ordained the Apostle of the Gentiles and they are two the grace of god giuen him and the power of his Ministerie among the Gentiles v. 8 9. Furthermore the things here contained are in a syllogisme disposed thus When the Apostles saw that I was ordained the cheife Apostle of the Gentiles and Peter of the Iewes they acknowledged me for their fellow Apostle and made a couenant with me that I should preach to the Gentiles and Peter to the Jewes But when I was with them at Ierusalem they saw that I was ordained the cheife Apostle of the Gentiles and Peter of the Iewes This minor is omitted yet the proofe thereof is set down thus For they saw the efficacie of my ministerie among the Gentiles and the grace of God that was with me Therefore they acknowledged me for their fellow Apostle c. The vse This text makes notably against the primacie of Peter First therefore let vs obserue the Ordinance of God here plainely expressed that Paul should be the cheife Apostle of the Gentiles and Peter the cheife Apostle of the Iewes And this may else where be gathered For the commission of the twelue Apostles ran thus that they must first preach to Ierusalem and Iudea then to Samaria and in the last place to the vttermost part of the earth Act. 1. 8. And Pauls commission was that he should first preach to the Gentiles and in the second place to the people of Israel Act. 9. 16. It may be obiected that the commission of all the Apostles was to goe into all the world and to preach to all men without exception Mar. 16. 15. Answer This power and libertie Christ gaue to all the Apostles and he did not take it away afterward neuerthelesse he ordered it by a second decree that Paul should specially haue care of the Gentiles and Peter of the Iewes And this the Lord did in great wisdome that confusion and discord might be auoided and a regard had of all prouinces through the world Hence it followes that the primacie of Peter ouer Iewes Gentiles is a supposed thing For the ordinance of God is that Peter shall be cheife ouer the Iewes and not ouer the Gentiles which were almost all the world beside And thus the supremacie of the Pope goes to the ground for if he hold of Peter and succeede him in authoritie and office as he pretends he must challenge a superioritie ouer the Iewes and he hath nothing to doe with vs. For Paul was cheife ouer the Gentiles and not Peter Secondly this Ordinance of God giues vs to vnderstand that the place Math. 16. 18. Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke will I build my Church c. and I wil giue thee the keies of the kingdome of heauen doth not containe a promise made to Peter of a primacie ouer all the Apostles and ouer the Catholike church If Christ had meant any such thing in these words he would not haue assigned the Iewes to Peter and all the nations of the world beside to Paul Thus we see how this text for many hūdred yeares hath beene abused and is still at this day Thirdly it is false which the Papists teach that the place in S. Iohn Feede my lambes and feede my sheepe giues a primacie to Peter ouer the whole world For by the ordinance of God this feeding of lambes and sheep is limited to the nation of the Iewes Lastly whereas Eusebius saith in his Chronicle that Peter was Bishop of Rome and sate there 25. years it hath no likelihood of truth for then Peter liued in the breach of an expresse commandement of God for a long time because the Iewes were his speciall charge Againe it is to be obserued in this