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truth_n apostle_n church_n tradition_n 2,130 5 9.1915 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12494 A godly and faythfull retractation made and published at Paules crosse in London, the yeare of oure lorde God 1547. the 15. daye of May, by mayster Richard Smyth Doctor of diuinitye, and reader of the Kynges maiestyes lecture in Oxford. Reuokyng therin certeyn errors and faultes by hym committyd in some of hys bookes. Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. 1547 (1547) STC 22822; ESTC S105010 8,142 34

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A GODLY AND Faythfull Retractation made and published at Paules crosse in London the yeare of oure Lorde God 1547. the 15. daye of May by Mayster Richard Smyth Doctor of diuinitye and reader of the Kynges Maiestyes lecture in Oxford Reuokyng therin certeyn Errors and faultes by hym committyd in some of hys bookes Londini Anno Domini M. D. XLVII Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ¶ A godly and Faithfull Retractation made and published at Paules crosse in London In the yeare of oure Lorde God M. D. xlvij the xv daye of May by M. Richarde Smyth Doctor of diuinity and reader of it in Oxforde THe holy Prophet Dauid good christen audiēce saith right truly Omnis homo mendax That is to wytt Euery man is a Lyer of his owne corrupted nature The which thing how trew it is theldest best Writers in the Christen Church doo euidently declare because they all haue erred in their bookes Wherfore the great Clerke saynt Austen in an Epipistle writen to Marcella writeth of himself Vos qui me multum diligitis si talem me asseritis vt nunquam in scriptis errasse me dicatis frustra laboratis nec bonam causam suscepistis facile meipso iudice superamini quoniā non placet mihi cum a charissimis meis talis existimor qualis non sum That is to say Yee that loue me muche if ye said that I am such that ye affirme that I neuer erred in my writyngs or Bokes ye labor in vayne ye haue not taken in hand a good cause ye are easely ouercome I my selfe being Iudge For it pleaseth not me whan I am estemed suche a man of my moast deare frendes as I am not Here we se that this blessed father saynt Austen was not ashamed to confesse his error in writing which thing he dyd not by woordes only but also in a certayne Booke wherin he wrote very many things in which he confesseth that he was deceyued This Booke is called in Latyn Liber Retractationum And in Englysh a Booke of Retractations or Reuocations of such thinges whiche he wrote amysse erred in Shall I now be ashamed to acknoledge my self to haue ben deceyued in my Booke of Traditions Am I worthy to be resembled or compared to this noble aunciente Doctor of Christes church Wyl ye not beleue S. Austen in other poyntes of our Religiō because he erred also confessed his error in dyuerse and sundry thynges of his bokes To be short who of all the Writers of bokes erred not S Ambros S Hierome Chrisostome Hilary Ciprian Origen Tertulian and all the other Doctors of the church were deceyued in some poyntes of their Bookes as learned men do well know Why therfore may nott I erre or why shulde I be ashamed too confesse myne Error and too reuoke it Ought not euery good mā and woman too bee sory for my fall in this my Booke and too reioyce with me acknowledging the trewth in this matier of mans Traditiōs Preceptes Ordinaunces Rites Ceremonies Who sayth not that I haue a iust cause to excuse my wekenesse and fault and aske of you mercy which I trust I haue optayned of the Kynges gracious highnesse and his moost honorable Counsell by whose goodnesse and clemency I am here admytted and suffered too shew myne Errors and Faultes in my booke of Traditions which I made of late entituled thus A brief Treatise setting furth diuerse truthes necessary both too be beleued of Christen people and kepte also which ar not expressed in the Scripture but lefte to the Churche by the Apostles Traditions made and set furth by Richard Smyth Doctor of Diuinite and Reder of it in Oxforde Which Booke I do Reproue Reuoke in dyuers Faultes in it of the which I wyll a non recite certayne perticulerly and then I shall geue vnto you a trew and Generall Doctrine of all those thynges of which I doo entrete in that my Boke that therby you may well perceyue see after what sorte thei ought too be taken of Christen people that no man erre therin FYRST Wheras I spekyng in my booke of Traditions of the autorite of Bysshoppes in makyng lawes and ordenances whyche the people ought to obey I dyd say teache in this wyse That men ought to obey the Bysshoppes commaundement in all thynges leaful vpon payne of euerlastyng damnacyon And that these wordes of Mathew Doo as they byd you but not as they doo be vnderstand not only of thinges conteined in Scripture but also of the Churches ordenaūces besydes Scripture made by the Ministers of the Churche although the said Ministers do abuse their auctorite for their owne be nefite and profite And further where I taught that it is more conuenient that the people obey their Bisshops cōmaundementes Decrees although it be but in a thinge indifferent of it selfe and not commaunded by God then that seruaūtes shuld obey their maisters or children their fathers and mothers And finally where I sayd concernyng the same matter That as subiectes be bounde to obey and fulfyll their Princes Lawes which ar not conteyned in Gods Lawes beyng not agaynst it euen so be Christen people bounde too obey doo that which their Bisshops byddeth them doo All these sayinges I doo now Reuoke Disanull and Condempne as erronious and false And do professe and acknowledge fyrst that the auctorite aswell of the Bysshop of Rome whose auctorite is iustly and lawfully abolyshed in this Realme as of other Bisshops other called the ministers of the church consisteth in the dispensacion and ministratiō of Gods woorde not in makyng Lawes Ordinaunces and Decrees ouer the people besyde Gods word without the consent and auctoritie of the Prince and people ¶ Secondly I say affirme that no Bysshop nor none of the Clergy assembled togither haue auctoritie to make any Lawes or Decrees besydes Gods Law ouer the people without the consent of the Princes and the people and if they do make anye suche no man is bounde to obey theym ¶ Thirdly I say that in those coūtryes where by the auctorite of the Prince they haue made any suche Lawes thauctorite of those Lawes doth not appende and hang of the Bisshops and the Clergy but of the princes cheif heds in euery coūtry ¶ Fourthly I say affirme that within this Realme of England other the kinges Dominions there is no Law Decree Ordinaunce or Constitution ecclesiasticall in force and auaileable by any mans auctority but only by the Kynges maiestyes auctority or of his Parliamēt And where in any foresaid booke of Traditiōs I sayd that Tenthes of Benefices be dew only to theym that do preche and teche the Scripture and also that he that serueth not he Aulter nor precheth not the Gospell can nott iustly lyue by the Tenthes but is in conscience boūd to restore the profites and frutes taken therby Which my sayenges as it lieth in woordes sentences is seditious and sclaunderous to the Kynges maiesties