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truth_n apostle_n church_n pillar_n 3,742 5 10.1590 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68315 The examinations of Henry Barrowe Iohn Grenewood and Iohn Penrie, before the high commissioners, and Lordes of the Counsel. Penned by the prisoners themselues before their deathes Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593.; Greenwood, John, d. 1593. aut; Penry, John, 1559-1593. aut 1596 (1596) STC 1519; ESTC S113168 32,537 34

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12. 3 4. The word caleth these by the name of prophets not such as doe foretel things to come but those who are furnished with graces meet for the interpretation and applicatiō of the word vnto the edification and comfort of the church as the Apostle teacheth vs expressely 1. Corint 14. and therfore mistake not the word prophet or prophesie as though we leaned vnto any inward reuelations or motions besides the written word F. I know wel ynough what yow meane and wil not mistake your wordes for the Scripture vseth them in that sence P. Now it should be no new thing vnto yow to heare that they may preach who haue no office in the church seing this is so common a thing in the colleges and vniuersities of this land F. Yea that is in the scholes P. If that exercise wherof yow and I meane I am sure be in your confession warantable in the scholes and colleges it is much more in the church and 〈…〉 the church and assemblies of his saincts should haue the vse and excercise of his holy word and not that it should be brought to humane scholes whither it neuer came into the Lordes minde to command that euer it should enter Let the arthes tongues and other humane knowledge be taught in scholes and let the holy truth and exercises of religion be dernied from the church of Christ which the Apostle for this purpose caleth the piller and ground of truth F. Wel thē yow beare no office in this your church yow wil not tel vs whither euer yow taught amongst them or not but yow would yow say if they required yow P. True F. But how came it to passe that yow were not mad● an officer amongst them P. Surely I was desired to take a charge and to continue with them but I would not because it hath bene my purpose alwayes to unploy my smal talēt in my poore countrie of Wales wher I know that the poore people perish for want of knowledge and this was the onely cause of my coming out of that country wher I was and might haue stayed privatly al my life euen because I saw my self bound in conscience to labour for the caling of my poore kinred and country mē vnto the knowledge of their saluation in Christ purposing in deed before I had gone thither to haue offred my self vnto her maiestie or some of their honours that it might be made knowne vnto her highnes what I hold in religion and how cleere I am of those greevous crimes of sedition and disturbing of her maiesties peaceable gouermēt wherwith I am wrongfully charged F. Why yow labour to draw her maiesties subiects from their obediēce vnto he lawes and from this church of Englād to heare yow and such as yow are teaching in woods P. Nay I perswade al men vnto the obedience of my Prince and her lawes onely I disswade al the world from yeelding obedience and submission vnto the ordināces of the kingdome of Antichrist and would perswade them to be subiect to Christ Jesus and his blessed lawes and I know this enterprise to be so far from being repugnant vnto her maiesties lawes as I assure my self that the same is warranted therby Her maiestie hath graunted in establishing and confirming the great charter of England whervnto as I take it the kinges and queenes of this land are sworne when they come to their crowne that the church of God vnder her should haue al her rights and liberties inviolable for ever Let the benefite of this law be graunted vnto me and others of my brethren and it shalbe found that we haue done nothing but what is warrantable by her lawes F. What is it meet that subiects should charge their princes to keep covenant with them and enter to scanne what oathes they haue take for this purpose where finde yow this warranted vp scripture P. The subiects are in a most lamētable case if they may not allege their princes lawes for their acti●●s yea and shew what their princes haue promised vnto the Lord and to them whē the same may be for declaration of their innocencie and it is the crowne and honour of Princes to be knowne not onely to hold but euen to be in couenant with their subiects that they wil maintaine and preserue them from violence and wrong nay heathen Princes haue thought themselues honoured when their meane subiects haue charged them very earnestly with the covenants wherby they were bound vnto their people The lawes of this land ar so ful this way as no man conversant in them can be ignorāt that our Princes haue preferred the observing of those equal couenāts wherby they are tied vnto their people before the accomplishing of their owne priuate affections yea and commandements in some cases Hence it is that the iudges of this land are bound by law to administer iustice and equitie vnto the poore subiects notwithstāding that the princes letters be directed to them to the contrary And as to the law of God al kinges and princes are bound ther by to be so far from thinking themselues tied by no bands vnto their subiects as they are plainly forbiddē euē to be lifted vp in minde aboue their brethren Deut. 1● 20. for so the word in that place calleth their subiects and servants The kinges of Judah who had the greatest privileges and prerogatiue both ecclesiastical and ciuil ouer their people that euer any kinges or Princes can haue because they were types and figures of that great king of kings the Lo. Jesus euered into couenāt notwithstanding with their people euen particulerly besides the general former law wherby they were bound vnto them Yea the prophet Jeremie being in no lesse daunger and disgrace with al estates then I and my brethren are at this present required his soueraigne Lord and king Zedekiah to promise that he would doe him no violēce and wrong nor yet suffer others to doe the same for telling him the truth of the word in the thinges wherin the king required to be resolued at his hādes the which thing Zedekiah yeilded vnto and that by an oath and covenant of the Lord. Jer. 38. 15. 16. Wherby it appeareth that it is not without great warrant of the word that princes should enter couenant with their subiects and that subiectes should require promise and oath to be kept with them otherwise wherto serveth the covenant But alas I enter not to scanne her maiesties oath I onely tel yow what her lawes alow me and my poore brethren And I am assured if her maiestie knew the equitie and vprightnes of our cause we should not receiue this hard measure which we now susteine We and our cause are neuer brought before her but in the odious weeds of Sedition rebellion ●chisme her sie etc. and therfore it is no mervaile too see the edge of her sword turned against vs. F. Hath not her maiestie by her lawes established these offices and this order that now is
called he Watson the pursuvāt and O. Cussins a part into a windowe where he made a warrant to send me to prison B. ●ow shal not touch one haire of my head without the wil of my heauenly father A. Nay I wil doe this to rectifie yow B. Consider what yow doe yow shal one day answer it A. Yow wil not sweare yow wil not enter bond for your appearance B. I wil put in band for my baile in the prison and for my true imprisonment A. Nay that wil not serue the turne M r. Doctor enter these thinges Then Cussins wrote that I refused to sweare and enter bond ● I wil send some to yow to conferre A. B That were more requisite before my imprisonment So the Arch B. delivered me to the pursuvant to ●arie me to the 〈…〉 where I as yer 〈…〉 neither knowing the cause of my imprisonment neither haue I as yet heard from him I was no sooner out of his howse but I remembred the place in controversie it is written 1. Cor. 6. 12. Al thinges are lawful for me but al thinges are not profitable I may doe al thinges but I wil not be brought vnder the power of any thing The lord knoweth to deliver the god● out of t●ntation and to rese●●e the ●●●ust vnto the day of Judgement vnder punishment THe 27. of November 8. daies after I was commited by Cant. to the Gatehowse I was sent for by one of his servantes to make appearance before the high Commissioners at Lambeth whither he and my keepers man Nitholas caried me There I found a very great traine without but within a goodlie Synode of Bbs. Oeanes Civilians etc. beside such an apparance of wel-fedde silken Preistes as I suppose might wel haue b●seemed the ●aticaue where after to my no smal greif I had heard a scholemaister deny his maister Christ I was called CAnterburie with a grimme and an angrie countenance beholding me made discourse how I refused to sweare on a book etc. as fel out in our first meeting and demannded whither I were now better advised and would sweare I answered that I would not refuse to sweare vpon due occasion and circumstances C. Wil yow then now sweare B. I must first know to what C. So yow shal afterward B. I wil not sweare vnlesse I know before C. Wel I wil thus far satisfie your humour London begā to interrupt but Cant cut him of and produced a paper of obiections against me which he delivered to one Beadle to read It conteyned much matter and many suggestions against me disorderly framed according to the malitious humour of mine accuser as that I denyed God to haue a true church in England and to proue this the 4. principal causes framed in way of argumēt as the worship of God with vs is jdolatrie ergo no true church They haue an Antichristian and jdolatrous ministerie ergo no true church ffurther he saith that the reverend father in God my lords grace of Cant. and al the Bps. of the land are Antichristes ffurther he saith that al the ministers in the land are theeues and m●●therers and secret hypocrites and that al the preachers of the land are hirelinges That Mr. Wiggington and Cartwright straine at a gnat and swollow a camel ●●urther he 〈…〉 a● writers as ●a●vin Beza etc. and saith that al catechismes are idolatrous and not to be vsed The reasons to these were vntrulie and disorderley set downe accordingly in the bil which I cannot rehearse L. How say yow Mr. Deane of Pauls here is for yow yow haue written a catechisme Cant. This fellow dea●es indifferently he makes vs al alike Thus far haue I satisfied yow now yow know what yow shal sweare vnto how say yow wil yow sweare now Lond. My Lordes grace doth not shew this favour to many Can. ffetch a book Bar. It is needles C. Why wil yow not sweare now B. An oath is a matter of great importance and requireth great consideration But I wil answer yow truly Much of the matter of this bil is true but the forme is false C. Goe to sirra answer directlie wil yow sweare reach him a book B. Ther is more cause to sweare mine accuser I wil not sweare C. Where is his keeper yow shalnot prattle here Away with him clap him vp close close let no man come at him I wil make him tel an other tale per I haue done with him Ther was an article against me in the bil for saying that I thought Elders were Bisshops and Philip. 1. 1. produced here by I plainly discouer mine accuser to be Thornelie of Norwich with whom I had communication at Ware as I rode to London and never talked with any other about this matter THe effect and so neere as my fraile memorie could cary away the very wordes of such interrogatories and answers as were demāded of and made by me Henry Barrowe before certeyne Commissioners ther vnto especially appointed by her Maiestie namely the two L. cheef Justices the maister of the Rolles the L. cheef Baron and another Baron of the Exthequor I thinck Baron Gente togither with the Arch B. of Cant the B. of London the B. of Winchester certaine of their Chan●ellors and ●●uil Doctors with their Registers and Scribes The 24. of March I being brought before the Arch B of Cant he made knowne vnto me that they were authorised by her Maiestie to examine me vpon my oath vpon certaine interrogatories and therfore called for a booke ther was brought a great bible in folio faire bound which the Arch B. refused and called for an other which was held to me by 〈…〉 Bar. To what ende Cant. To sweare B. I haue not learned to sweare by any creatures Cant. This is the word of God the Bible B. I began to open the book and meant in deed to haue asked him if the Apocrypha scripture and notes which were in it were the word of God but Cant. belike suspecting some such matter would not suffer me to look into it to whom then I answered that that booke was not the eternal Word of God that eternal God himselfe by whom onely I must sweare and not by any bookes or Bibles Cant. So yow shal sweare by God Bar. To what purpose then is this booke vrged I may sweare by nothing besides him nor by nothing with him Winch. How proue yow that B. It is so commanded in the book of the law Deut. 6. and 10. Chapt. so expounded by sundrie of the prophets by Christ himselfe and his Apostles Cant. Wel wil yow sweare that yow wil answer nothing but the truth and the whole truth to such Interr as we shal demaund of yow B. I haue learned to know the matter before I either sweare or answer Cant. Set downe that he wil not sweare L. E. Justice Yow shal onely sweare to answer the truth if any vnlawful thing be demaunded of yow yow need not answere B. My Lord euery truth requireth