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A16945 A sermon very notable, fruictefull, and godlie made at Paules crosse the. xii. daie of Noue[m]bre, in the first yere of the gracious reigne of our Souereigne ladie Quene Marie her moste excellente highnesse, by Iames Brokis Doctor of Diuinitie, [and] master of Bailye College in Oxforth, with certein additions, whiche he at the tyme of vttering, for auoidyng of tediousnes, was faine to omitte. Brooks, James, 1512-1560. 1553 (1553) STC 3838; ESTC S117364 39,014 158

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the Spirite of trueth to abide with you to the worldes ende to instructe you in all kinde of trueth as by this absurditie vnreasonablenesse which Tertullian gathereth to ensue of the contraire Age nūc omnes errauerint deceptus sit Apostolus non respexerit Spiritus sanctus uti Ecclesiam in ueritate deduceret ad hoc missus a Christo ad hoc postulatus à patre ut esset doctor ueritatis Neglexit officiū Dei Villicus Christi Vicarius sinēs Ecclesias aliter interim intelligere aliter credere que quod ipse per Apostolos praedicabat quid uerisimile est ut tot ac tantae in unam fidē errauerint Et m●x Interea perperam euāgelizabatur perperam credebatur tot millia millium perperam tincta tot opera fidei perperā ministrata tot uirtutes tot charismat● perperā operata tot sacerdotia tot ministeria perperā fūcta tot denique Martyria perperam inuacuum Go to now saith he admit all haue erred admit the Apostle hath been deceiued toe admitte the holy Ghoste hath not regarded to leade the Churche in the waie of trueth for that purpose being sent of Christ for that purpose being sued for frō the father to bee the teacher of trueth admitte Goddes Baiely Christes vicar regarded not his dutie suffring the churches otherwise for a seasō to vnderstand beleue then that he by thappostles preached is this likely that so many and so gret churches haue erred in thunitie of faith And a litle after marke what absurdities he reciteth In the meane time saith he it must be graunted y t the Gospel was mispreached the worde of God misbeleued so many thousande thowsandes mischristened so many workes of faith misministred so many miracles so many godly giftꝭ miswroughte so many presthods so many ministeries misexecuted briefly so many martyrdoms in vaine missuffred And this much for this point Thirdly our mother the holie catholike churche in that she hath children to nourish and instructe she hathe aucthoritie to make lawes tradicions and or dinaunces for them for the better conseruation of order and the more reuerent ministration of the worde of God For otherwise why did the Apostle geue tradicions Why did he say Haec ego dico non Dominus This is my saiyng and not the lordes Why did he reproue certein for breaking customes of preching of praiyng of cutting heire not conteined in scripture Why did S. Ihon the Baptist bind his disciples to certeine fastes and certeine Praiers besides the scripture Why did S. Iames by the consent of the rest make a decree that euery man should abstein from strangled beasres from bloud and from thynges offred vp to Idolles which no Scripture commannded Why durst the Apostle after that decree make himselfe so bolde as so saie all thinges are cleane to the cleane and whatsoeuer cometh to the shambles that eate you hardelye Why durste our forefathers againe accordyng to the time be so bolde as in a sort to make a restraint herof The holie Doctour S. Augustine in this behalfe letteth not this muche to saie ▪ In hijs rebus de quibus nil cert● statuit Scriptura mos populi Dei instituta maiorum pro legetenenda sunt sicut praeuaricatores diuinarum legum ita contemptores Ecclesiasticarum constitutionum coercendi sunt In suche thinges wherein the scripture doeth determe no certentie the custome of Godlie people and the decrees of the elders are to be kept for a law and loke how the transgressoures of Goddes lawes are to be punished so are the contemners of the ecclesiasticall cōstitutiōs punishable in like maner And I neuer yeat hearde prooued that any suche cōstitutiō by the whole churche approoued was euer hitherto by any good mā reproued But rather taken alwaies as a veritie confirmed no more after to be doubted disputed or reasoned vpon as the same Saint Augustine againe in an other place affirmeth saiyng Vnde haec cur ita facienda sint disputare insolentissimae insaniae est When thinges are ones throughly agreed vpon ▪ and decided ones ratified and confirmed by the catholike churche afterwarde to dispute and reason why thei ought so to be it is a poincte of most proude madnes and most madde proudenesse Christ he saied who that is not with me he is against me And the churche cōuerting y e same she saith who that is not againe Christe he is with Christ Christ he said I●iuniate Fast you tellyng neyther howe neyther whan The Churche shee hath tolde bothe how and when Christ he saied Orate pray you and added semper euer But that euer I feare me woulde bee turned into neuer with some if the lawes of the churche were not Al other thinges for the most part whiche our Sauiour Christe saied and commaunded excepte the Churche hadde added the time the place the circumstaunce the maner woulde perhappes be obserued of some not al of y e best I had almost said not at al And this muche for this point Furthermore our mother y e holy catholike church in y t she hath to her childrē al faithful christiās both good bad as it appereth by the parables of the net the vine the floore the ten virgins and other mo shee cannot bee as some woulde haue her inuisible hid vnknowen althoughe the Churche taken for thonely predestinate be such in very dede For if that wer true as it is as false as they that saie it Howe then coulde the churche be assembled of Christ to a citie set on a high hil which cannot be hid Non potest ciuitas abscondi supra montem posita How then coulde the obstinate offender be cōuented before the churche as Christ willeth hym to be dic Ecclesiae how thē could the churche be persecuted of S. Paul as himself witnesseth she was ●secutꝰ sū ecclesiā de● how thē could Herod lai hād to take afflict cērtein of the churches mēbres as S Luke affirmeth he did Misit Herodes rex manus ut affligeret quosdam de Ecclesia Could the mēbres of a churche inuisible hid and vnknowen be takē imprisoned and afflicted of any man at lest wittinglie What reasonable man callyng to his remembraunce any reason at all will not thinke it vtterly vnreasonable This was the filthie sinke and swillowe of all these tragedies whiche hathe raged well nighe ouer all Christendome oute of the which hath roked of late so many stinkyng filthie contagious Heresies as sins Christes passion hath neuer the like ben heard of attones And no merueil ▪ when the hedge is broken euery man lightely goeth ouer For this gappe ones opened that y e church is inuisible hid vnknowē when thei fere not the censure and verdicte of the visible open knowen church thei affirme decree and define vncontrouledlie what euer to eche one semeth best And this muche for this
is not only not to bee contempned but is also of euerie good Chrystian earnestlye to bee allowed earnestlye to bee embraced and folowed For what other thing I pray you ment Saint Ciril when he saied Probares est humilitas animi nobilis signum doctoribus credere ●● illis ueluti Doctioribus cedere A goodlye thynge is Humilitie and a signe of a gentle stomach to geue credence to the doctors and to geue place to they●● as to the better learned What other thing ment S. Ierome if at least that worke be S. Ieromes and not rather Bedes as Amorbachiꝰ iudgeth whē he sated expoundyng thys text of the wiseman Be not wise in thine owne conceipt That mā is to be coūted wise in his own conceipt whoo in those thinges whiche he might wel haue learned by thinstruction of the doctors presumpteously extolleth himselfe aboue other as a doctor and better learned Est autē sapiēs in semetipso qui in illis quae ex patrum magisterio recte potuit cognoscere sese prae caeteris quasi doctior extollit What other thing ment S. Clement scholer to S. Peter whan he saied diligēter obseruandum est ut lex dei cum legitur non secundū propriā ingenij intelligentiā legatur uel doceatur Sunt N. multa in scripturis diuinis quae possunt trahi ad eum sensum quem sibi unus quisque praesumit ideo oportet ab eo intelligentiā discere scripturarum qui eam a maioribus secūdum ueritatem sibi traditā seruat Diligent obseruacion ought to be had that whan the lawe of god is reed it be not reed nor taught after euery mans owne intelligence deuise For many thinges there are in the holy wryt which may be drawne euen to that very sence whiche euery man phantaseth imagineth in his owne brayne And therfore of him ought we to lerne the true sence of scripture who obserueth the same accordinge to the trueth by tradition geuen from thelders to there successours euermore frōtyme to tyme With this ingin and wepon as an ingyne and wepon most sure fought I reneus against theretike valentinus fought Tertulliā against theretike Marcion fought Origen against theretike Celsus fought Cyprian against theretike Nouatus fought Iherom agaynste theretike Iouinian fought Austē against theretike Donatus breifely fought all the holy doctours alwayes against all theretikes of there tyme euen from the beginning successiuely hitherto And with this ingyne and wepon were al theretikes euermore discumfeted vanqueshed beten downe flat to the groūde whiles they were inforced magre ther ●eth and spite of there berdes tunderstande scripture alwaies accordinge to thexposition of our mother the holye churche the holy doctors catholike writers frō time to time frō age to age this much for this point Albeit the processe of my mater maye seme to require here som what to intreat of these ●● notes antiquitie vniuersitie cocent wherby as wel y e catholike church as y ● catholike veritie is discerned knowne yet for as muche as these iii. notes hath bin here in this place very coūn●gly wel tuned vnto you and that tuned but of late so that the sounde of theim maye be thought yet so brime in your eares that they nede not to be tuned agayne at this presente therfore wyll I nowe passe thē ouer with silence What other notes most specially S. Austē vsed to tune for hys parte to solace and kepe him selfe with in the lappe of his mother the catholike church he notifieth it to vs in this wise Multa sūt quae me in ecclesiae gremio iustissime teneāt tenet consencio populorū atque gentium tenet authoritas miraculis inchoata spenutrita charitate aucta uetustate firmata tenet ab ipsa sede petri usque ad praesē●ē episcopatum successio sacerdotū tenet postremoipsū catholicae nomen cae Many thinges there are wherwithall I am holden by force of good reason within the lappe of oure mother the churche I am holden in by the consent of all christen people all christen nations I am holden in by authoritie begone with miracles norisshed with hope increased with charitie cōfirmed with auncientnes I am holden in by the succession of preistes from Peters owne sea continuallye stille euen to this present bishoprike finally I am holden in by the name catholike whiche is of that propertie force vertue that neuer hitherto any secte of heretikes were they neuer so unpudent hath dared to calle any of there congregacions or conuenticles the catholike church If than the very name catholike amonge al other notes did somewhat holde in S. Austen within the lappe of his mother the churche who wyll not be holden in consideringe bothe that name many other goodly names and appellaciōs moo ▪ wherewithall she is termed signified almoost euery where through the scriptures She is tho●ly spouse of christ so dereli beloued of hun that he calleth her amica mea fonnosa mea colum●a mea my derelyng my beutifull my doue accounting alwayes all iniuries done to her euen as done to him selfe qui tangit illā tangit pupillā oc●li mei who that toucheth her sayth he toucheth the balle of myne yeie She is the chaste tirtildowe and will receaue no nother make She is the mother of all faithful abhorreth al bastardes borne of heresie infidelitie She is the garden so enclosed that there may no wylde bore lighly entre therein destroy her swete flowars She is y e vineyard eiect which brīgeth forth swete wyne quod confortet corhominis not such as the babilonical strūpet beareth in her phial able to poyson the hole worlde She is the well springe of clere water rūning to euerlastinge life will suffre no mixture of mudde foūtens dissipate She is thon lye keper of the carcas that is to witte of all trueth wherunto the Egles that is y e high lerned of y e churche hath alwaies haunted and fedde vpon She is the stronge piller of trueth bylt on a suer rocke agaynste whom nother errour nother heresie nother tyrānie no nother the gates of hell shal euer preuayle Nec portae inferi preualebunt aduersus eam She is the bodye of Christ mistical so ioyned vnto Chryst her head that they haue one spirite and can not be diuided She is the cote of Christ without seame desuper conte●ta per totū wherin is no particion at all She is the clocking hēne vnder whose winges as her chikēs the faith full are alwayes safe so if they straye farre abrode they are in daunger to be snatched vp of the kyght the deuell Breifely she is tharke of Noe within whom is life and safetie without whom is present death drowning Thā from the vnitie of this our mother the holy catholyke churche wherein is one god one faith one hope one Baptisme one
pointe Fifthly our mother the holie catholike Churche in that shee hath to her pappes the two testamentes tholde and the new Euen as all women haue geuē vnto theim by nature sence to discerne the good temperature of their owne pappes from the distemperature of the same ▪ so hath the Churche geuen her by God aucthoritie to discerne the true Scriptures from the forged the autentical from the Apocriphal For otherwyse why should we allow receiue S. Markes Gospell whiche neuer sawe Christe nor hearde Christ and disalowe and reiect Nichodems Gospelle whiche was conuersaunt with Christ Why sholde we then allow and receiue the Gospel of S. Luke beyng but a disciple disalowe and reiecte the Gospel of s Iames beyng an apostle whyche Gospel Origene citeth And S Ierome also he citeth the Gospel of Nazares but as a thyng vtterly Apocriphal except onely one particle therin of the woman taken in aduoutrie which particle by the iudgement of diuerse profoundly learned was takē out frō thens so insert in to the Gospel of S Ihon. The boke of Iob the. ii last bookes of the kynges the Gospel of S. Marke thepistle to Thebrues and certeine other Scriptures besides are this daie all autenticall and euer haue been notwithstandyng many haue douted of thaucthors of thē ▪ Wherfore more then euidēt it is that the Scriptures as thei taketh their veritie of the holie ghoste so taketh thei their approbatiō not of thauctours but rather of the catholike churche In somuche that S. Augustine he is not a fearde to saie Euangelio non crederem nisi me authoritas Ecclesiae commoueret I woulde not beeleue the Gospell it selfe to be autentical vnlesse thaucthoritie of the church didde aduertise and moue me so to doe And this moche for this point Finally our mother the holie catholike Churche in that shee hath to her milke the true sence of the worde of God shee hath likewise aucthoritie to iudge decise al matiers of controuersy in religiō For if the scripture of tholde lawe in Moses tyme was not made the highe iudge of controuersies beyng a thing it selfe in diuerse pointes called in controuersie but aucthoritie of Iudgemente was geuen alwaies by goddes owne mouth to the learned and eldres of the Sinagog to whose iudgement all were bounde to stande and that vnder peine of presēt deth as appeareth in the booke of Deuteronomi if wee Christiās will not bee counted in woorsse state and condicion then the Iewes were nedes muste wee graunt to the catholike churche like aucthoritie of Iudgement for the decision of al controuersies in our Religion whome if God didde not assist euermore with the true intelligence of scripture then should the scripture stande the Churche in as good stede as a paier of spectacles shoulde stande a blynde Frier But questionles the catholike churche in this behaulf she is so directed of God the father who is verax true of God the Soonne who is veritas the trueth of God the holie Ghost who is veritatis spiritus the spirit of trueth that she being columna firmamentum ueritatis the piller and foundacion of trueth cannot be suffered otherwise to Iudge of the truethe but truelye but sincerely but vprightely Shee canne not bee suffered I saye otherwyse to Iudge as maye euidentlye welle appeare and it were no more but onelye by that briefe and pitthie reasone whiche Kyng Henry the eyghte of most famouse memorie GOD pardon his soulle choked Martine Luther wyth all His reason was this Sithē God woulde not suffre hys Churche to mystake a boke of scripture for peril of damnable heresies that may ensue therō ▪ like peril maie ēsue by the misconstruyng of the sentence as by the mistakyng of the boke nedes must it folowe that god wil in matiers of our faith no more suffre his churche to take a false sentence for true then to take a false boke for scripture Whyche reason at a blush may seeme to bee grounded in some pointe euen vpon this saiyng of Sainct Hierome Qua lege credimus Ecclesiae dicenti hanc esse SCRIPTVRAM diuinam eadem credamus ei dicenti hunc aut illum esse sensū SCRIPTVRAE diuinae Nam parum referebat ueras Scripturas tenere si vera earum intelligentia Ecclesia frauda●a esset By what Lawe wee beleue the churche tellyng vs that this is the true Scripture of GOD by the very selfe same Lawe lette vs beleue the Churche tellyng vs that this or that is the trewe sence of the Scripture of God for lytle shoulde it auaile the churche to know the true scripture if she were defrauded of y e true sence of the same scripture Who so then taketh from the churche this aucthoritie of iudgement he taketh awaie violētly all the certentie of our faith For geue ones euery mā libertie to iudge of the Scriptures after his owne braine after his owne deuise and phātasie thē shall you haue as many diuerse sectes sodēly sprōg as is diuersity of idle braines euery where For in these matiers we se comonlie the more blinde the more bold the more ignoraunt the more busie the lesse wittie the more inquisitiue the more fooles the more talkatiue yea and wil take on them scoutche presumpteously and arrogātly the iudgement decision of any matier in cōtrouersie none cōmeth amisse to them Whose malapertnes I cānot see howe it maie be more aptly repressed then with that or the like taunt whiche one Demosthenes seruaunt and cooke to the Emperor Valens was ones quailed withal Who what time as S. Basil was conferring with the Emperoure of Scripture maters pertly precing in vncalled dasshyng out textes and chopping in lumpes of scripture beselye as it were to reprehende that profound learned doctor was sharplie rebuked and chastened of the same after thys sorte Tuum est de pulmentarijs cogitare non dogmata diuina decoquere Sir cooke saith he if is your Office to see to pottage makyng to Cates of the Kitchine and Cookerie and not to controule Goddes doctrine neither to entrecounter against holie writte As whoe should saie what you choppelogike how long haue you been a chopper of Scripture Meddle with chopping of your hearbes and leaue your choppyng of scriptures hardely Ne sutor ultra crepidam Quae Medicorum sunt promittant Medici Tractent fabrilia fabri Mete is it for the shomaker to iudge of shoes the Phisicion of Phisique the carpenter of building the cooke of cokery and euerye craftesman of hys owne Occupatione So that the Iudgement ▪ and decision of high controuersies likewise thinterpretacion of most obscure places vndecided ought not tapperteine to thunlearned nor yet to euery priuat lerned mans spirit void of assurāce but rather to y e spirit w ch most certenly by promise ruleth the hole churche to the consēt of al y e holy doctors catholike writers frō time to time whose cēsure in this behalf