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A14430 The golden treatise of the auncient and learned father Vincentius Lirinensis. For the antiquitie, and vniuersalitie, of the Catholicke religion: against the prophane nouelties of all heresies: newly translated into English by A.P. Verie profitable for all such as desire in these dangerous times, to imbrace the true Gospell of Iesus Christ, and to remaine free from all infectio[n] of false doctrine as in the preface more at large is declared; Pro catholicae fidei antiquitate libellus. English Vincent, of LĂ©rins, Saint, d. ca. 450.; A. P., fl. 1596. 1596 (1596) STC 24748; ESTC S119131 43,517 126

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Judgment SAint Jerom said Whatsoever he did he still thought that that Voice was still in his Ears Arise ye Dead and come to Judgment St. Jerom used this excellent saying If my Father stood Weeping on his Knees before me and my Mother hanging on my Neck behind me and all my Brothers Sisters Children and Friends howling on every side to retain me in a sinful Life I would run over my Father fling my Mother to the Ground despise my Kindred and fling them under my Feet that I may run to CHRIST Here 's Love and Fortitude CHrisostom says God had rather Men should love him than fear him to be called Father rather than Master He wins by Mercy that he 〈◊〉 not perish by Justice O 〈◊〉 Godly Man knows how to make 〈◊〉 of Mercies It was St. Hierom's saying Dead Flesh is to be cut off for fear of Gangrene Arias at first was but a Spark but being not suppressed betimes proved the Incendary of the whole Church St. Austin saith Love is strong as Death as Death killeth the Body so Love of Eternal Life kills Worldly Desires and Affections The Love of Christ being predominant in the Soul deadens the Affections to any thing else Christ asked Peter Three Times Lovest thou me not for his own Information but that by his Threefold Profession he might help his Threefold Negation of him Nicephorus Good and Wicked Men and Hypocrites THey are like True and Counterfeit Money the one seems to be good and is not the other both seems and is good Ignatius Chrysostom saith As a Rock tho' the Winds blow and the Waves beat against it is Immovable so Faith grounded on the Rock Christ holds out in all Temptations and Spiritual Combats Chrysologus saith Neither in the Steel alone nor in the Flint alone any Fire can be seen nor Extracted but by Conjunction and Collision so nor by Faith alone nor by Works alone is Salvation to be attained but by ioyning both together Alexander of Hales saith What the Eye is to the Body Faith is to the Soul it 's good for direction if it be kept well And as Flies hurt the Eyes so little Sins and Ill-Thoughts do the Soul Divine Love says Basil is a never failing Treasure he that hath it is Rich and he that wanteth it is Poor Chrisostom saith A Bulwark of Adamant is not more impregnable than the Love of Brethren THE GOLDEN TREATISE OF THE AVNCIENT AND LEARNED FAther VINCENTIVS Lirinensis For the antiquitie and vniuersalitie of the Catholicke Religion against the prophane nouelties of all Heresies Newly translated into English by A. P. Verie profitable for all such as desire in these dangerous times to imbrace the true Gospell of Iesus Christ and to remaine free from all infectiō of false doctrine as in the Preface more at large is declared ✚ With Priuiledge ⸪ TO THE CHRISTIAN Reader zelous of truth and desirous of Saluation A. P. wisheth the knowledge of the one in this life and the fruition of the other in the life to come IPRESENT thee heere gentle Reader the auncient french Father Vincentius Lirinensis attired after the English cutt a booke as learned as litle and no lesse profitable then pleasant of smalle volume if thou respect the quantitie but of rare prise if thon consider the qualitie It intreateth not of gathering scraping togither the pelf of this world which choaketh vp the Mat. 13. V. 22 Mat. 19. V. 24 heauenly seed of Gods word and putteth man in a dangerous state if we credite him who being rich for our sake became poore it disputeth not of ambitious and gallant attire nor of the art of pampering this corruptible carcase which brought that braue belligod of Luc. 16 whome we read in the Gospell to the furious flames and endlesse tormentes of Hell fire it prosecuteth not wicked and wanton discourses which corrupt good manners being in very deed the bellowes to kindle the coles of carnalitie the nources of vnchaste thoughts and the very baite with which the Deuill doth daily angle and catch the vnfortunate soules of mortall men But it handleth that which redoūdeth to the benefite of our soule created to the image of God and sheweth vs the way how we may so gouerne this fraile vessell of ours in the tempestious Sea of this wicked world that at last we may safely arriue at the porte and harbour of celestiall felicitie For if the first step to Heauen is to beleeue aright and the foundation and ground of all saluation be faith as I thinke no man can doubt that beleeueth that there is any God or truth at all then can not this golden treatise but be acceptable to all such as loue Iesus Christ and tender the saluation of their owne soules beeing as it were the heauenlye piller of fire that Exod. 13 may guide vs through the deserte of this world vnto the land of promise and the glittering starre to leade vs vnto Mat. 2 the new borne King of the Iewes Sauiour of mankind But to the end that thou maist more plainly particulerly view the excellencie great necessitie of this rare booke and as it were with Moises from the toppe of Mount Nebo Deut. 34. contemplate the land of Canaan flowing with milke honie I will briefly set downe such motiues as inuited me to the labour of the translation for the selfe same as I verily thinke cannot but inflame thee to the diligēt reading of the same Three principall reasons then especiallye moued me The first was because it is very auncient being written aboue an eleuē hundred yeres past for it was composed three yeeres after the generall Councell of Ephesus as appeareth in the conclusion of the booke And as the Author him selfe is of greate antiquitie so is his doctrine more auncient beeing the selfe same which florished in his time and came from the Apostles of CHRIST which thing as it was neuer of any good man doubted of so is it also most apparant First by sound reason grounded in gods word because when any man writeth ought concerning faith and religion and the same is not controld of any of that time it is an euidēt argument that it was consonant to the doctrine then generally taught and receaued otherwise those Pastors and Doctors which God as S. Paul saieth hath giuen that we be not litle ones wauering and be caried about with euery blast of doctrine Ephes 4 could neuer haue held their peace but would as the Prophete admonisheth Haue cried out exalted their voice like Esa 58. a trumpet as we finde in like case the licentious Nicholaits noted by S. Iohn for their false doctrine Himineus and Apoc. 2 Philetus reproued by S. PAVL for an error about the resurrection Secondly 2. Tim. 2. because the author him selfe doth not only confesse the same in setting down the answere of many excellent holy learned men which liued in his daies nor only because he
It were too long to rehearse vp all his workes for which he might haue bene compared to the cheefe pillors of Gods Church had not the prophane licentiousnesse of hereticall curiositie by inuenting I know not what new opinion spotted and discredited all his former labours whereby his doctrine was accounted not so much an edification as an ecclesiasticall tentation CHAP. VII HEREsome man perhaps requireth to know what heresies these men aboue named taught that is Nestorius Appollinaris Photinus This pertaineth not to the matter whereof we now intreat for it is not out purpose to dispute against each mans particuler error but only by a few exāples plainly and clerely to proue that to be most true which Moyses saith that if at any time any ecclesiasticall master yea a Prophet for interpreting the misteries of the prophetical visions goeth about to bring in any new opinion into the Church that the prouidence of god doth permitt it for our proofe triall But because it will be profitable I will by a litle disgression breefely set downe what the forenamed heretickes Photinus Appollinaris Nestorius taught This then is the heresie of Photinus he affirmeth that God is as the Iewes beleeue singuler and solitary denyning the fulnesse of the Trinitie not beleuing that there is any person of the word of God or of the holy ghost he affirmeth also that Christ was onlye man who had his begining of the virgin MARY teaching verie earnestly that we ought to worshipe only the person of god the father to honor Christ only for man This then was Photinus opinion now Appollinaris vaunteth much as though he beleeued the vnitie of Trinitie with full sound faith but yet blasphemeth he manifestly against our Lordes incarnation For he saith that our Sauiour either had not mans soule at all or at least such a one as was neither indued with mind or reason furthermore he affirmeth that Christs body was not takē of the flesh of the holy virgin MARY but descended from heauen into the wōbe of the Virgin holding yet doutfully and inconstantly some time that it was coeternall to the word of God some time that it was made of the diuinitie of the word for he would not admit two maner of substances in Christ the one diuine the other humane the one of his Father the other of his Mother but did thinke that the verie nature of the word was deuided into two partes as though the one remained in God and the other was turned into flesh that whereas the truth saith that Christ is one consisting of two substances he contrary to the truth affirmeth of the one diuinitie of Christ to be two substances and these be the assertions of Apollinaris But Nestorius sicke of a contrarie disease whilest he faineth a distinction of two substances in Christ sodenly bringeth in two persons and with monstrous wickednes will needs haue two sonnes of God two Christes one that was God and another that was man one begotten of the Father another begotten of his Mother And therfore he saieth that the holy Virgin MARY is not to be called the mother of God but the mother of Christ because that Christ which was borne of her was not God but man And if any man thinke that in his bookes he saith there was one Christ and that he preached one person of Christ I must needs confesse that he lacketh not ground to say so for that he did either of craftie pollicie the rather to deceaue that by some good thinges he might the more easely perswade nought as the Apostle saith By the good thing he hath wrought Rom. 7 me death Wherfore either craftely as I said in certaine places of his writings he vaunteth to beleeue one person in Christ or else surely he did hold that after our Ladies deliuerie two persons became in such sort sort one Christ that yet in the time of our Ladies cōception or deliuerie for some time after there were two Christes and that Christ was borne first like vnto another man and only was man and not yet ioined in vnitie with the person of God the word and that afterwarde the person of the word descended downe assuming and ioininge him selfe to that man in vnitie of person although he now remaine in glorie assūpted for some time yet there seemeth to haue bene no difference betwixte him and other men Thus then Nestorius Apollinaris Photinus like mad dogges barked against the Catholicke Church Photinus not cōfessing the Trinity Apollinaris main taining the nature of the Word conuertible not confessing two substances in Christ denying also either the whol soule of Christ or at least that it was indued with mind and reason beleeuing for his pleasure what he liked of the second person in Trinitie Nestorius by defending either alwaies or for some time two Christes But the Catholicke Church beleeuing aright both of God and of our Sauiour neither blasphemeth against the misterie of the Trinitie nor against the incarnatiō of Christ for it worshipeth one Diuinitie in Trinitie and reuerenceth the equalitie of the Trinitie in one and the same maiestie cōfessing one Christ not two and the selfe same both God and man beleeuing in him one person yet acknowledging two substances but yet beleeuing one person two substances because the word of God is not mutable that it can be turned into flesh one person least professing two sonnes it may seeme to worship a quaternitie not to adore the Trinitie CHAP. VIII BVT it is worth the labor to declare this matter more plainely more substantially more distintly In God is one substance and three persons in Christ be two substances but one persone In the Trinitie there is an other and an other but not another and an other thing In our Sauiour is not an other another but an other other thing How is there in the Trinitie an other and an other but not another an other thing Marry because there is an other person of the father an other of the sonne and an other of the holy ghost But yet not an other another nature but one the selfe same How is there in our Sauiour another and another thinge not another and another because there is another substance of the diuinitie and another substance of the humanitie but yet the deitie the humanitie is not another and another but one and the selfe same Christ one and the selfe same sonne of God and one and the selfe same person of the selfe same Christ and sonne of God As in a man the body is one thing and the soule is another thing but yet the body and the soule are but one and the selfe same man In Peter Paule the soule is one thing the body is another thing yet the body the soule are not two Peters nor the soule is not one Paul and the body an other Paul but one the selfe same Peter one and the selfe
as it were with the sweete powder of Gods worde that he which quicklie would haue cōtemned mans erronious inuention dare not so readilie reiecte Gods diuine scripture wherin they are like to those which minding to minister bitter potions to yonge childrē do first annoint the brimmes of the cuppe with honie that ther by vnwarie youth feeling the swetnes may nothing feare the bitter confection This deuise also practise they which vpon noughtie herbes and hurtfull ioyces writte the names of good wholsome medicines wherby almost no man reading the good superscription anything suspecteth the lurking poysō The selfe same thing likewise our Sauiour crieth out to all Christiās Take ye heed of false prophets Mat. 7 which come to you in sheepes cloathing but inwardly are rauening wolues What is ment else by sheepes clothing but the sayings of the Prophetes and Apostles which they with sheepelike sinceritie did weare like certain fleeces for that immaculate Lambe which taketh away the sinnes of the world And what is to be vnderstood by rauening wolues but the cruell dogged opinions of hereticks which alwaies trouble the sheepfoldes of the Church and by all meanes possible teare in peeces the flocke of Christ But to th end they may more craftely set vpon the sheepe of Christ mistrusting nothing remaining still cruell beastes they putt of their woluish weed and shroude them selues with the wordes of scripture as it were with certaine fleeces whereby it hapneth that when the feelie sheepe feele the soft woll they litle feare their sharpe teeth But what saieth our Sauiour By their fruites you shall knowe them That is when then beginne not only to vtter those wordes but also to expound them not only to cast them forth but also to interpret them then doth that bitternes breake forth then is that sharpenes espied then is that madnes perceaued then is that fresh and new poison belched out then are prophane nouelties sett abroch then may you see straight way the hedge cut in two the olde fathers bounds remoued the Cotholicke doctrine shaken and the Churches faith torne in peeces Such were they whome the Apostle sharplie reprehendeth in the 2. epistle to the Corinthians For such false Apostles quoth he are crafty workers 2. Cor. 11 transfiguring them selues into the Apostles of Christ What is transfiguring them selues into the Apostles of Christ But this The Apostles alleadged the examples of scripture they likewise cited them The Apostles cited the authoritie of the Psalmes and they likewise vsed it The Apostles vsed the sayinges of the Prophetes and they in like maner brought them forth But whē that scripture which was alike alleadged alike cited alike brought forth was not alike and in one sence expounded then were discerned the simple from the craftie the sincere frō the counterfeit the right good from the froward and peruerse and to conclude true Apostles from those false Apostataes And no maruell quoth Saint PAVL For Sathan him selfe transfigureth him selfe into an Angell of light it is no great matter therfore if his ministers be transfigured as the ministers of Iustice Wherfore according to Saint PAVL whensoeuer either false Apostles or false Prophets or false Doctors do bring forth the words of holy scripture by which they would according to their noughtie interpretation confirme their error there is no doubt but that they folow the craftie sleight of their maister which surely he would neuer haue inuented but that he knoweth verie well that there is no readier way to deceaue the people then where the bringing in of wicked error is intended that there the authoritie of the word of God should be pretēded But some will say how proue you that the Deuill vseth to alledge scripture Such as doubt therof let them read the Gospell where it is written Then the Deuill tooke him vp that is our Lord and Sauiour and set him vpon the pinnacle of the Temple and said vnto him if thou be the sonne of God cast thy selfe downe for it is written that he will geue his Angels Mat. 4 charge of thee that they may keepe theee in all thy waies in their hands shall they hold the vp least perhaps thou knock thy foote against a stone How will he thinke you handle seely poore soules which so setteth vpon the Lord of maiestie with the authoritie of scripture If thou be quoth he the sonne of god cast thy selfe downe Why so For it is writtē quoth he we haue diligētly to waigh the doctrine of this place to keepe it in mind that by so notable an example of the scripture we make no scruple or doubt when we see any alleadge some place of the Apostles or Prophetes against the Catholike faith but that by his mouth the deuil himself doth speak For as at that time the head spake vnto the head so now the mēbers do talke vnto the members that is the mēbers of the Deuill to the members of Christ the faithlesse to the faithfull the irreligious to the religious to conclude Heretickes to Catholickes But what I pray saieth the Deuill If thou be the sonne of God quoth he cast thy selfe downe That is to say Desirest thou to be the sonne of God and to enioy the inheritance of the Kingdome of Heauen Cast thy selfe downe that is Cast thy selfe downe from this doctrine tradition of this high and loftie Church which is reputed to be the Temple of God And if any one demaund of these hereticks perswading thē such things how do you proue and conuince me that I ought to forsake the olde and vniuersall faith of the Catholike Church Straight waies is ready at hand For it is written forthwith he will alledge you a thousand testimonies a thousand examples a thousand authorities out of the law out of the Psalmes out of the Apostles out of the Prophetes by which expounded after a new wicked fashion he would throw headlong the vnfortunate soules from the tower of the Catholike Church into the deep dungeon of wicked heresie Now with these sweete promises which followe Heretickes doe wonderfully deceaue simple men For they dare promise and teach that in their Church that is in the conuenticle of their communion is to be found a great and speciall yea a certaine personall grace of God So that whosoeuer be one of their crew they shall straight waies without any labour without any study without any industrie yea although they neuer seek nor craue nor knocke haue such speciall dispensation that they shall be caried vp with the handes of Angells that is preserued by Angelicall protection that they neuer hurt their foote against a stone that is that they neuer can be scandilized But some man wil say if the Deuill his disciples wherof some be false Apostles false Prophetes and false teachers and all perfecte Heretickes do vse the scriptures cite their sayings bring forth their promises what shall Catholicke men do How shall the children of the Church behaue
them selues How shall they in the holy scriptures discerne truth frō falsehoode To which I answere that they must haue great care as in the beginning of this Treatise I said holy and learned men taught me that they interpret the diuine and canonicall scripture according to tradition of the vniuersall Church according to the rules of the Catholike doctrine in which like wise they must of necessitie folow vniniuersalitie antiquitie and consent of the Catholicke Apostolike Church And therefore if at anye time a parte rebell against the wholle noueltie against antiquitie the dissention of one or a few caried away with error against the consent of all or the farre greater parte of Catholickes In that case let them preferre the integritie of vniuersalitie before the corruption of a parte And in vniuersalitie let them also preferr the religion of antiquitie before prophane noueltie and againe in antiquitie let them preferre before the temeritie of one or a few the decrees of a generall Councell if any be or if no such be founde let them take that which is next hand that is to followe the opinions of many and great learned Doctors agreeing togither which faithfully soberly diligentlye obserued and kept By Gods grace we shall without any great difficultie finde out the errors of new vpstarte Heretickes CHAP. XIIII HERE I perceaue by order it foloweth to shew by exāples how the prophane nouelties of heretickes are by bringing forth and conferring togither the olde Doctors opinions agreeing togither to be found out and condemned which auncient consent of holy fathers is not so carefullie and diligently to be sought for folowed in euery small question of the scripture but only and especially in the rule of faith neither yet alwaies nor all heresies are after this sorte to be impugned but only such as be new and vpstart to wit at their first springing vp before they haue lette with lacke of time falsified the rules of the auncient faith before the poison spreding far a broad goeth about to corrupte the Fathers workes But those heresies which haue alreadie gott ground and be of some contiunance are not this way to be delt with all because by long tracte of time they haue had oportunity to steal truth And therfore such kinde of prophane schismes and heresies which be of longer standing we must not otherwise conuince but either only if need be by the authoritie of the scriptures or else to auoide and detest them being already conuicted and condemned in olde time by generall Councels of Catholicke Preistes Therfore so soon as any infectious error begineth to break forth and for her defence to steale certain words of holy scripture craftely fradulently to expound thē straight waies for the right vnderstanding therof the Fathers opinions are to be gathered togither by which let any whatsoeuer new and therfore prophane doctrine growing vp with out all delay be deiected and speedely condemned But those Fathers opinions only are to be conferred togither which with holines wisdome and constancie liued taught and continued in the faith and communion of the Catholicke Church and finally deserued to die in Christ or happily for Christ to be martired whō notwithstāding we are to beleeue with this condition that whatsoeuer either all or the greater parte with one mind plainly commonlye constantly as it were a Councell of Doctors agreeing togither haue decreed and set downe receauing it from their auncestors holding it for their time and deliuering it to their posteritie let that be had and accounted for vndoubted for certaine and firme truth And whatsoeuer any although holy and learned although a Bishop although a Confessour and Martir hath holden otherwise then all or against all let that be put aside from the authoritie of the common publicke and generall faith reputed amongst his owne proper priuate and secrete opinions least with greate daunger of eternall saluation we do according to the custome of sacriligious Heretickes and Schismatickes forsake the trueth of the vniuersall faith and follow the nouell error of one man the holy and and Catholicke mind of which blessed Fathers least any man thinke that he may rashly cōtemne The Apostle saieth 1. Cor. 12. in his first epistle to the Corinthians And some verely hath God set in his Church first Apostles of which him self was one Secondly Prophetes as Agabas was of whom we read in the Actes Thirdly Doctors which now are called Cap. 11. Tractators whō also this Apostle some time nameth Prophetes because their office was to expound declare to the people the misteries of the Prophetes these therfore disposed and placed by God at diuers times and sundry places agreeing consenting all in one mind in Christ touching the vnderstanding of the Catholicke faith whosoeuer cōtemneth doth not contemne man but God and that we disagree not by any meanes from the perfect and true vnitie of those Fathers the same Apostle doth earnestly beseech all Christians saying I beseech you brethren that you say all one thing and that there bee no schismes among you but that you be perfecte 1. Cor. 1 in one sence and in one knowledge And if any man separate him selfe from the communion of theire opinion let him heare that saying of the same Apostle He is not the God of dissention but 1. Cor. 14 of peace that is not of him that leaueth consent and vnitie but of them that remaine in peace and agreement As I do quoth he teach in all the Churches of the Saintes that is of Catholickes which therfore be holy because they continue in the cōmunion of the faith and least happily any one should contemne others and proudly require only to be heard only to be beleeued strait after he saieth What hath the word of God quoth he proceeded from you or haue it only come to you And least this might be taken as spoken slightlye he addeth If any quoth he seemeh a Prophet or spirituall that is a master in spirituall matters let him be a zealous louer of vnitie and peace in such wise that he neither preferre his owne opinion before the iudgement of others neither leaue or forsake the sence and common consent of all men The commaundementes of which thinges he that is quoth he ignorant of that is he that learneth not those thinges which he yet knoweth not or contemneth those which he knoweth he shal not be knowē that is he shall be thought vnworthie whom amongest such as be vnited in faith equall in humilitie God should regard and looke vpon a greater euill then which I doubt whether any man can inuēt or deuise which yet notwithstanding accordinge to the Apostles commination wee see to haue fallen vpon Iultan the Pelagian who either contēned to be ioined in opinion with his felowes or else presumed to separate him selfe from theire societie and communion But now it is time to bring forth the example which we promised how and after what sort
and receaue what a gods name I shake to speake for they are so proud and presumptuous that as they can not be maintained with-out sin so neither impngned without some blotte of offence CHAP. V. BVT some man will say why then doth god very often permit certaine notable and excellent men in the Church to preach vnto Catholicks a new religion A very good question and such as deserueth a more diligent and ample discourse vnto which notwithstāding I. will answer out of mine owne head but with the authoritie of sacred scripture and the doctrine of a notable master in Gods Church let vs then heare holy Moises let him giue vs the reason why learned men and such as for their great gift of knowledge are called of the Apostle Prophets be some times permitted to preach new doctrine which the olde testament allegorically calleth strange gods because there opinions are so obserued honored of heretickes as the gods were of the gentels thus thē writeth blessed Moyses in Deuteronomie If there shall arise quoth he in the middest Deut. 13 of thee a prophet or one which sayth he hath seene a dreame that is some master in the Church whose disciples or followers suppose to teach by some reuelation from god what then shall fortell quoth he some signe or miracle that shall happen which he hath sayed some greate master is here surely ment and one of so deepe knowledge whom his folowers imagin not only to know things humane but also to foresee future such as shall happē which is far aboue mans reach as the scholers for the most part of Valentinus Donatus Photinus Apollinaris such like did bragge that their masters were What foloweth And shall quoth he say vnto thee let vs go and folow strange Gods which thou knowest not and let vs serue them What is ment by strange Gods but forraine errors which thou knowest not that is new and neuer heard of before and let vs serue them that is beleeue them folow them What thē Thou shalt not quoth he heare the wordes of that Prophet or Dreamer And why I pray you is not that forbidden by GOD to bee taught which is by God forbidden to be heard Because quoth he the Lord your God doth tempt you that it may appeare whether you loue him or no in your wholle heart and in your wholle soule The reason thē is more cleare then day why the prouidence of God doth some time suffer certaine teachers and masters of the Church to preach certaine new opiniōs that your Lord God quoth he may tempt you And surely a great tentation it is when as he whom you thinke a Prophet a disciple of the Prophetes whom you esteeme a Doctor and maintainer of the truth whom you haue highly reuerenced and most intierly loued when he sodenly priuily bringeth in pernicious errors which neither you can quickly spie lead away with preiudice of your old teacher nor easelie condemne hindered with loue to your old master CHAP. VI. HERE some man haply doth earnestly desire to see that proued by some ecclesiasticall examples which by the authoritie of Moises hath already bene auouched The demaund is reasonable and therfore of reason not long to be differred Wherfore to beginne with those which are yet fresh in memorie to the world best knowne What kinde of tentation thincke you was that of late daies when that vngratious and cursed Nestorius sodenly frō a sheepe transformed into a wolfe began to deuour the flocke of Christ at such time as those which were spoiled commonly tooke him for a sheepe and therfore were more subiect to his crueltie For who would haue easely imagined him to haue erred whom euery man knew to haue bene chosen with such iudgement of the Empire who was so highly in grace with the Cleargie so much beloued of all holy men so greatly in fauour with the people who openly expounded the scriptures and also confuted the pestiferous error of the Iewes why could not this man by such meanes easelie perswade any that he taught aright preched aright beleeued aright who to smooth the way make entrance for his owne heresie persecuted preached against the blasphemies of all others But this was that which Moises saith The Lord your God doth tempt you if you loue him or no. And to passeouer Nestorius in whom was alwaies more admiration then profite more fame thē experience whom for some time humane fauour had made greater then Gods grace exalted Lett vs rather speake of them which endowed with many giftes and men of greate industrie haue bene no small tentation to Catholickes as amongst the Pauonians in our Fathers memorie Photinus is recorded to haue tempted the Church of Sirminum in which being preferred with the liking of all men vnto the dignitie of Priesthood for sometime he behaued him selfe very Catholikely but sodenly like that naughtie Prophet or Dreamer of whom Moises speaketh he beganne to perswade the people of God committed to his charge to folow other gods that is strange and vnknowen errors which before they were not acquainted with But as this is vsuall so that was verie pernitiouse that he had so great helpes and furtherance for the aduancing of so great wickednes For he was both of an excelent witte and singulerly well learned and passing eloquent as he which both in disputation and writing was copious graue in either language as appeareth by the bookes which he wrote partly in greek and partly in the latin tong But in hapned well that Christes sheepe committed to his charge very vigilāt and carefull in keeping the Catholike faith did speedely remember Moises warning and therfore albeit they admired much the eloquence of their Prophet and Pastor yet were they not ignorant of the temptation And therefore whom before they folowed as the cheefe leader of the flocke the same very man afterward they auoided as a rauening wolfe Neither do we learne only by Photinus but also by the example of Apollinaris the daunger of this ecclesiasticall tentation and therby also be admonished diligently to keepe retaine our faith and religion For this Apollinaris procured his auditors great trouble anguish of mind whilest the authoritie of the Church drew them one way and the acquaintance of their master haled them another so that wauering tottering betwixt both they were vncertaine whether parte was best to be folowed But haply he was such a one as easely deserued to be contemned Nay he was so famous and worthie a man that in very may thinges he wone credite too fast For who surpassed him in sharpnes of witt in exercise in learning how many heresies in many and greate bookes hath he ouerthrowne how many errors against the faith hath he cōfuted That most notable great worke of thirtie bookes in which with great waight of reason he confounded the franticke cauills of Porphirius doth giue credit to my report and testifie the truth of my relation