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A09599 The way to heauen shevving, 1. That saluation is onely in the Church. 2. What that Church is. 3. By what meanes men are added to the Church. 4. The author, or efficient of this addition. 5. The time & continuance of that worke. 6. The happinesse of those that are added to the Church. By Iohn Phillips, Bachelor of Diuinity, and pastor of Feuersham in Kent. Phillips, John, d. 1640. 1625 (1625) STC 19878; ESTC S114718 63,953 76

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new Ierusalem That great Citie The holy Ierusalem So againe it is called The Citie of the liuing God The heauenly Ierusalem It is compared to a Citie in two respects that is to say Defence and Priuiledge We know that Cities are places of refuge to defend the inhabitants from the force of enemies So is the Church to the true members of it the onely place of eternall safetie Therefore it is that the faithfull in their triumphant Song doe to the praise of God sing in this manner Wee haue a strong Citie saluation will God appoint for walls and bulwarkes And the Prophet Ioel foretelling the state of the Christian Church saith In mount Sion and in Ierusalem shall be deliuerance So that in this heauenly Citie entred into heere vpon earth is our onely securitie of saluation without it there can be no safetie at all Heereupon Saint Augustine alluding to those words of the Psalme Praise the Lord O Ierusalem praise thy God O Sion for he hath made fast the barres of thy gates When saith he the barres of the gates are fast as none can come in so none can goe out intimating thereby that they that belong not to this Citie of God the Church but remaine without cannot haue the benefit of Defence but lye open to eternall ruine whereas on the contrary they that are so in it that they are also of it can neuer be surprized by any enemy but may sing comfortably with Dauid Blessed be the Lord for he hath shewed me his marueilous kindnesse in a strong or fenced Citie Againe Cities or Common-wealths haue their priuiledges immunities and freedomes wherein the Citizens and Freemen onely are interessed To this purpose that Father citeth the definition of Scipio in Tullie de Rep. Respublica est res populi That is The weale-publike is the peoples wealth Or thus The common-wealth is the wealth or wellfare of the Commons It is so with the Church Therefore of this immunitie and freedome the Apostle speaking of the Catholicke Church saith Ierusalem which is aboue is free and telling the Ephesians that before their conuersion they were without Christ and were aliens from the common-wealth of Israel and were strangers from the couenant of Promise and had no hope and were without God in the world he saith But now in Christ Iesus yee which were farre off are made neere by the Blood of Christ and afterwards addeth these words Now therefore ye are no more strangers and Forreiners but Citizens with the Saints meaning heereby that they had now being entered into the Church attained vnto the immunity and freedome of the Citie of God But wherein consisteth this freedome Among other priuiledges it doth mainely and principally consist in freedome from sinne and condemnation for sinne Hence it is that S. Paul assureth the faithfull That sin●● shall haue no dominion ouer them and that being freed from sinne they haue their fr●●ie in holinesse and the end euerlasting life Againe that there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus By this it is euident that the priuiledge of eternall life and happinesse is the peculiar right of the Citie of God the Church It is also likened vnto a Mother So saith the Apostle That Ierusalem which is aboue is the mother of vs all This semblance standeth in two things First the Church as a Mother doth conceiue and bring foorth children to God by the immortall seede of the Word of God in the Ministery of the Church whereunto S. Paul alluding saith to the Galatians My little children of whom I trauell in birth againe vntill Christ bee formed in you Secondly the Church as a Mother doth after her children are borne and brought foorth feed and nourish them with the sincere milke of the Word of God out of her two brests the sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testament and as they grow in strength giueth them not onely milke but also strong meate As therefore no man can liue the life of nature but hee must haue a mother by whom hee must bee conceiued and brought foorth into the world and must withall haue conuenient nourishment for preseruation of life So no man can liue the life of grace heere and the life of glory for euer vnlesse he be borne of his Mother the Church and nourished in it to euerlasting life To this purpose is that noted saying of an ancient Father Hee shall neuer haue God for his Father that hath not the Church for his Mother The Church is againe compared to a Vine as wee may see by the complaint of the faithful vnto God in the Psalme Thou hast brought a Vine out of Egyp● c. why hast thou then broke downe her hedges And by Gods complaint concerning his Church O Inhabitants of Ierusalem and men of Iudah iudge I pray you betweene me and my Vineyard When I looked that it should bring foorth grapes it brought foorth wilde grapes Our Sauiour Christ vnder the Parable of the Vine describeth the Church likening himselfe to the body or stocke and the members of his Church to the branches I am saith he the Vine ye are the branches It is inferred vpon the words going before noting the due proportion betweene the Vine and the Church As the branch saith Christ cannot beare fruit of it selfe except it abide in the Vine no more can ye except ye abide in me This he further amplifieth in these words He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth foorth much fruit for without mee ye can doe nothing If a man abide not in me he is cast foorth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned All this importeth thus much That vnlesse we be ingrafted into Christ the true Vine and so become liuely branches in the body of the Church wee can haue no hope of life and saluation For saith S. Augustine out of this body the holy Ghost quickneth no man This Doctrine of saluation in the Church onely is not onely thus illustrious by the bright-shining light of so many Diuine Similitudes and Parables but is also warranted by euident and inuincible reason grounded vpon the Word of God 1. It is a Principle vndenyable That there is onely one sauing truth And therefore the Apostle saith that all men whom God will haue saued he will haue to come to the knowledge of the Truth Now this truth is no where to be found but in the Church of God Hence it is that the godly are termed The righteous nation that keep●th the truth And S. Paul stileth the Church The pillar and ground of truth And for this cause the Spirit whereby the Church is guided is called The Spirit of truth and it was promised by our Lord Christ
and perfect mans saluation are the written Word of God called the Scriptures the ministerie of preaching the Word the two Sacraments of the new Testament and prayer That these are meanes see first for the Word written what Saint Paul saith to the Romanes Whatsoeuer things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope To this purpose is that commendation of Timothy propounded for the imitation of all the faithfull that from a childe he had known the holy Scriptures which are able to make him wise vnto saluation Therefore our Sauiour aduiseth to search the Scriptures for in them saith he ye thinke to haue eternall life and they are they which testifie of me Touching the Ministery of Preaching it is called by the Apostle The power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth The Sacraments they are the seales of the righteousnesse of faith and so consequently of saluation Prayer is that to which the promise is made Whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued That these are the prerogatiues of the Church it is out of question For to them are committed the Oracles of God and he sheweth his Word vnto Iacob saith the Psalme his statutes his iudgmēts vnto Israel He hath not dealt so with any nation As for the Ministery of preaching God hath committed it to the Apostles and the succeeding Pastors of the Church God saith the Apostle hath giuen vnto vs the ministerie of reconciliation and hath committed vnto vs the Word of reconciliation Again That he hath set or ordained them in the Church and not elsewhere and that for the gathering together and edifying of the Saints to continue to the end of the world That the Sacraments are the Churches proper right is manifest For to whom doe the Seales belong but onely to them that are within the couenant whereof the Seales are the effectuall signes and pledges And of whom is it said Goe and baptize them but of those which ioyne themselues to the Church by beleeuing Or to whom was it euer spoken but onely to the Church Doe this in remembrance of me eate ye drinke ye all of this c. Touching Prayer they onely can pray that haue true sauing faith for how shall they call vpon him saith the Apostle in whom they beleeue not and none can inuocate God aright that cannot truly and with confidence call God Father which none can doe but they that are led by the Spirit of God which Saint Paul calleth the Spirit of adoption whereby wee cry Abba Father This therefore is the Prerogatiue of the Church by which they are in Scripture as by a proper note distinguished from all others both prophane that pray not at all hypocrites that babble with their lips but their hearts are farre from God and the superstitions that inuocate creatures with confidence to bee heard of them Thus the Apostle describing the Church among other notes setteth it forth by this that they are such as in euery place call vpon the name of Iesus Christ our Lord and againe that call on the Lord out of a pure heart Now then if the inuocation of God and of him alone and that in truth be not an essentiall propertie of the Church and as the Logicians call it proprium quarto modo proper to all and euery member of it to them alone and at all times how can it distinguish them as the Scripture doth from all others Then we see that the meanes of Saluation being only in the Church Saluation it selfe is there onely and not elsewhere to be found 4. To shut vp this Doctrine in a short summe it must be granted of all that none can be saued that haue not Christ for their Mediatour Aduocate for other there is none as there is none other but one God So saith the Apostle There is one God and one Mediator betweene God and man the man Christ Iesus And that he is onely the Mediatour of the Church we may take it at his owne word I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast giuen mee for they are thine And S. Paul speaking of himselfe and the rest of the faithfull saith that Christ is at the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs. Thus by a cloud of witnesses is this diuine truth confirmed That out of the Church there is no saluation 1. Grosse therefore and absurd is that Liberti●e opinion That any may be saued in any Religion leading an outward ciuill life the Turke in his Mahometisme the Iew in his Iudaisme the Heathen in his Paganism They may as well say that in the Deluge a man might haue beene preserued out of the Arke vpon some tree or house top or that a limme separated from the body or a branch cut off from the Vine can liue 2. This also discouereth the fearefull and damnable estate of those who neuer regarding Church or Religion content themselues as meere naturals and worldlings to inioy the world These Esauites had rather with their father Esau please their palate with a little meate then inioy the heauenly blessing They gaze vpon the Arke with the old world they wonder to see such pacing vnto it nay as S. Augustine speaketh They murmure and eate their galls to see the people flocke vnto the Church to those pure solemnities of Christ where both sexes are so honestly distinguished by their seuerall places where they may learne how well to lead their temporall liues heere that they may become worthy of the eternall hereafter These profane ones haue their eyes so blinded by the god of the world that they cannot see any other heauen but the world 3. A caueat is here giuen to all Schismaticall spirits who for exter●all things as matters of order and ceremony meerly adiaphorous or indifferent separate themselues from the society of the Church like some foolish and furious Nauigator who in his voyage vpon euery occasion of discontent casts himselfe ouer boord presuming to bee safe enough out of the ship Let such know that though God in his mercy may saue the simply-seduced as being of his inuisible Catholike Church yet the roade way is to bee ioyned with some visible orthodox congregation 4. This cals all men with a most forcible inuitement euen as euer they desire to be saued to enter timely into this straight gate that leadeth vnto life Many of the Egyptians and other strangers when they saw the great workes God did for his Church and in what safe and happie condition the people of God were in ouer they were they left their owne countrey alliance and friends and ioyned themselues to the Iewes Thus should we doe forsake all and follow Christ leaue all societies for the communion
be to finde faith on the earth How the faithfull should be afflicted killed and hated of all Nations That iniquity shall abound and the loue of many shall waxe cold And that the cunning impostures of false teachers pretending the name of Christ and the Church should be such and so specious being seconded also with miracles that if it were possible the very elect should be deceiued Where was the flourishing visibility of the Church when the poison of Arianisme had infected almost the whole world O which time Saint Ierome wri●eth Ecclesiae nae●e● fuiss fere obrutam That the ship of the Church was almost sunke And this some of our Romish aduersaries confesse both for the time of Arian heresie and in the daies of Antichrist Then that we may not be seduced and carryed away with flourishing shewes we must know that the Church though it be alwaies visible yet it is not alwaies alike visible it is not alwaies in pompe and eminent estate he that in the time of Christ should so ●aue looked for the Church would sooner haue io●ned himselfe to the Iewish Synagogue then to the society of Christ and his Apostles Wee must not therefore looke so much to the multitude and outward flourish as seeke for the truth though it be but in a few and those neuer so obscure For it is not of necessity that the Church bee alwaies discerned and acknowledged of the world but it is sufficient for the visibilitie of it that it neuer faileth to bee visibly seene and acknowledged by the professors themselues for this must euer hold in the Church in the middest of all disturbances that Wisedome is iustified of her Children The fourth consideration is That in the visible Church some particular Churches are more pure some more corrupt then others as the Church of Corinth and Gala●ia and some of the seuen Asian Churches were more infected with error th●n other Churches Vnder this head are to bee obserued diuers remarkable points and very necessary for our present vse 1. That in a corrupt Church sometimes the greatest member and among them the Chiefest for eminencie and authority are most corrupted Thus it was in the idolatrous times among the Iewes All the chiefe of the Priests and people transgressed very much after all the abominations of the Heathen and polluted the House of the Lord. They mocked the Messengers of God and despised his Word and misused his Prophets It was so at the comming of Christ. He c●me vnto his owne and his owne receiu●d him not Nay they reiected him This saith S. Peter is the stone which was set at nought of you builders The master builders were the chiefe destroyers the prime gouernours in the Church the greatest enemies of Christ and Christianity Thus for a time did the Arian faction preuaile against the true Church hauing gotten the Emperiall Throne to countenance them by meanes whereof they did sway all things at their pleasure And thus it hath beene a long time and continueth to this day in the Church of Roman so that wee may well say to them with Leo Ye are armed with the name of the Church and yet ye fight against the Church This may aduise vs that the truth of Religion is not tyed to multitude and greatnesse 2. That whereas many excellent priuiledges and comfortable promises belong to the Church wee must know that the sound and good part onely and not the corrupt is capeable of those benefits I dare not saith Saint Augustine speaking of the prerogatiues of the Church vnderstand this but of iust and holy men Therfore S. Paul doth tye the priuiledges to the true Israel of God the Children of the promise And S. Peter the promises to them that are effectually called By this wee may see both that the chiefest and most eminent yea the greatest number in the Church if they want true sauing grace haue no right to the priuiledges and promises of the Church though they liue in the midst of it And againe the poorest member of the Church that is a true beleeuer shall sustaine no preiudice to hinder his happinesse by being mixed with the wicked But the wheate shall be gathered into the Lords garner the chaffe cast into the fire For saith the Apostle What if som● did not beleeue Shall their vnbeliefe make the faith of God without effect 3. That a corrupt Church may keepe and conuay to posterity the Canon of ●●aired Scripture the forme of knowledge and rule of faith and ●holesome doctrine and Sacraments in a generall manner and yet ouerthrow all by some particular opposite doctrines and superstitio●● practices to the losse of their owne saluation that so hold and practise In the greatest deprauation of Religion by Idolatry in the time of the Iewes it was so The Booke of God though it lay dusting and out of vse yet by the prouidence of God it was kept The Sacraments specially Circumcision was in vse euen in corrupt times and hypocrites much gloried in the outward circumcision as we may see by the reproo●es of the Prophets and Apostles The Iewish Synagogue at the comming of our Lord kept these Oracles and that for vs though they thought not so The Iew saith Saint Augustine carrieth the Booke whereby the Christian may beleeue Yea they did teach many things for the matter very sound and therefore sitting in Moses Chaire by teaching Moses doctrine Christ would haue them so farre at least to bee heard But yet for all this marke what the Lord Iesus saith of them Except your righteousnesse shall exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharises yee shall in no case enter into the Kingdome of heauen And againe In vaine they worship me teaching for doctrines mens precepts Hereupon it followeth that by reason of these meanes there may be in a corrupt Church some that may preserue faith and true Religion for the substance as did Zachary the Priest and Elizabeth his wife Old Simeon Nathaniel Ioseph and Mary and many more And vpon this ground we of the reformed Churches thinke and iudge charitably of our forefathers that liued in those blinde and darke times of Popery and of such as yet remaine among them or are intangled by them vpon conceite of their common clayme of the onely Catholike Church wee I say iudge charitably of them though they detrude vs all into Hell For thus wee deeme of their state before God That as in the times of Apostacie and falling into Idolatry among the Iewes the Lord had a remnant he reserued to himselfe 7000. which neuer bowed the knee to Baal He had in the Church of-Pergamus euen where Satans throne was those that kept his Name and denied not his Faith and that in the heate of persecution hee had a few names in Sardis which had not defiled their garments So we doubt not but
things saith Saint Augustine The righteousnesse of God not our righteousnesse In him not in vs. So then looke how Christ was made sinne for vs in the same manner are wee made the righteousnesse of God in him But Christ was not made sinne by infusion or inherencie of sinne but onely by imputation So we that we may be saued must bee iustified not by our inherent righteousnesse which at the best is imperfect but by the imputed righteousnesse of Christ who of God is made vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption 4. This righteousnesse is imputed to euery true beleeuer for it is faith onely whereby we apprehend Christ with all his benefits as we may see if we compare together Faith Hope and Charitie Faith like a hand receiueth and layeth hold on the obiect Christ therefore S. Iohn maketh receiuing of Christ and beleeuing in him all one Hope onely expecteth looketh for the accomplishment of that which faith beleeueth and with patience waiteth for it Charitie distributeth her good things to the benefit of others Hence it is that faith onely is said to iustifie because it is the onely instrumentall cause of our iustification in that it alone doth apprehend Christ by whom we are iustified Scriptures for this are plentifull From all things saith Saint Paul in his Sermon at Antioch from which ye could not be iustified by the Law of Moses by Christ euery one that beleeueth is iustified And disputing the question of iustification he doth thus determine it Therefore wee conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the deeds of the Law This saith Saint Bernard is the Apostles meaning that a man is iustified freely by faith 5. Our iustification is of Gods free grace and mercy This the Apostle auoucheth That all men are iustified freely by his grace A trueth so euident that it hath obtained the Aduersaries ingenuous confession For the vncertaintie of our own righteousnesse saith Bellarmine and the perill of vaine-glory it is most safe to repose our whole confidence in the sole mercy and fauour of God Thus euen our Aduersaries being witnesses our Christian reformed Religion directeth men the safest way to heauen 6. It is for the onely merit of Iesus Christ therefore the Apostle hauing said That we are iustified freely by his grace addeth through the redemption that is in Iesus Christ. And venerable Bede saith That Christs death is our life his condemnation our iustification Thus we see what Iustification is now that it belongeth only to the Church and is a concomitant of saluation our Creede may teach vs where we are directed to beleeue as speciall priuiledges of the Catholike Church the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the Resurrection to life euerlasting And the Apostle saith That wee being iustified by his grace should bee made heires according to the hope of eternall life Where wee haue in one text both the persons to whome Iustification doth belong we saith the Apostle that is the Church and faithfull people of God and the inheritance of eternall life following The last grace accompanying saluation is Sanctification It is a grace of God whereby a man being iustified is in euery part of soule and body renewed by the Spirit of God no more to liue in sinne but to walke in newnesse of life It is in a word the renewed image of God consisting in knowledge righteousnes and true holinesse You may see it in the lesson that grace teacheth all her children which is To deny vngodlinesse and worldly lusts to liue soberly righteously and godly in this present world being zealous of good workes Iustification and sanctification differ in foure points 1. Iustification is before sanctification in nature though both be together in time for as the branch must first be in the Vine before it can by vertue of the sap bring forth fruit so a man must bee first in Christ by faith before hee can be a new creature and so bring forth the fruit of holinesse 2. Iustification is without vs in Christ as was said before but Sanctification is within vs inherent and infused by the Spirit of God 3. Iustification is that whereby we stand absolued and made iust in the sight of God but by Sanctification wee are onely declared to be iust 4. Iustification doth quiet the conscience by reconciling it and making it at peace with God for being iustified by faith wee haue peace towards God through our Lord Iesus Christ. But Sanctification cannot doe so because our best actions are imperfect and in regard of their defect stand in need of pardon If thou Lord shouldest marke iniquities O Lord who shall stand Now that Sanctification is also the Churches peculiar heare the Apostle shewing the difference betweene men out of the Church and such as are in it speaking of their prophanenesse before their calling he saith and such were some of you but telling them of their change he addeth but ye are washed but ye are sanctified It is therefore the stile or addition of the Church Vnto the Church of God saith Saint Paul which is at Corinth To them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus called to be Saints And we beleeue in our Creede the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints That it doth accompany saluation is more then manifest for without it no man shall see the Lord but being ●reed from sinne we haue our fruit in holinesse and the end euerlasting life Therfore we must know that sanctificatiō is such a necessary antecedent though no meritorious cause of Saluation that notwithstanding no man shal be saued for the merit of it yet no man can be saued without it because true sauing faith the instrumentall cause of our iustification and saluation worketh by loue and can be no more without sanctity and good workes then fire can bee without heat or water without moisture To conclude then if there be no saluation without election calling iustification and sanctification and none of these to be found but only in the Church of God it followeth necessarily that there is no saluation out of the Church 3 There are certaine meanes appointed of God to worke and encrease sauing grace which if they shall be found to be the Prerogatiue of the Church it cannot be denied but that there onely Saluation is to be had for in reason the end cannot ordinarily be attained without the meanes leading vnto it Our Sauiour telling the woman of Samaria of the Water of life she answered him Sir you haue nothing to draw withall and the well is deepe from whence then haue you that Water of life Indeede the well is profound and deepe from whence we must fetch the euer-liuing Water and the womans reason may teach vs that we had need of instruments and meanes to conuay it vnto vs. Now the meanes to effect
wee haue opened the first branch of our definition of the Church shewing that the true Church is the company of the faithfull of what nation or countrey soeuer and that it is not tyed to any person or place no not to Rome Because many thousands were saued that neuer knew it and before euer it was Christian Romes authority ouer others is in no Scripture in no Creed it is but a particular Church and member onely of the Vniuersall as others are and subiect to errour as well as others The second branch of the definition of the Church is That it is discerned from all other societies by soundnesse of Doctrine and due administration of Sacraments Touching Doctrine it is the eare-marke of Christs sheepe My sheepe heare my voyce It is that whereby the faithfull are directed to try the true Pastor from the Impostor the Orthodoxe from the Hereticall Ye shall know them by their fruits Therefore S. Iohn counselleth not to beleeue euery spirit but to try the spirits whether they are of God and chargeth the elect Lady and her children thus If there come any vnto you and bring you not this doctrine receiue him not into your house neither bid him God speed And this charge he did ground vpon a Diuine rule of tryall in the words immediately going before the rule is this Whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hee hath both the Father and the Sonne And lest any should thinke it strange that the tryall of Doctrine should bee required of priuate Christians our Sauiour puts it out of doubt shewing not onely that it is and ought to be so but directeth how it may be done for hauing said My doctrine is not mine but his that sent me Hee giueth them a double rule which being obserued they may discerne of Doctrine the one concerneth the Hearer the other the Teacher The rule concerning the Hearer is If any man will doe his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speake of my selfe that is If a man in humilitie and sinceritie of heart seeke to be informed in the truth and as God from time to time shall reueale it vnto him maketh conscience to put in practice that which hee shall heare and as Theophylact saith shall imbrace vertue and not suffer himselfe to be a slaue to enuie and hate truth before he know it such a man shall bee able to discerne of Doctrine but yet with this prouiso which there Theophylact well inserteth viz. That this is one mayne part of doing the will of God namely to search the Prophets and Scriptures Touching the second rule which concerneth the Teacher it is this He that speaketh of himselfe seeketh his owne glory but hee that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true A good parallell distinguishing exactly the false Teacher from the true the one seeking his owne the other Gods glory By this rule wee desire all men sincerely and without preiudice to iudge betweene vs and our Romish Aduersaries Looke with an indifferent and impartiall eye into the doctrine and practice on both parts you shall find that all their doctrines and courses wherein they differ from vs ayme altogether at the extolling of nature mans workes and merits with a glance still at the magnifying and inriching of their Romane Synagogue whereas wee with our blessed Lord make the scope of all our teaching and practice the glory of God and the praise of the all-sufficient merit of Christ. This direction of our Sauiour is sufficient alone of it selfe to prooue that the Doctrine is the right triall of the Church and Pastors of it But besides we finde the Congregation of the faithfull described in the Acts of the Apostles by this very note that they continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine And the Thessalonians are commended that they receiued the Word of God not as the word of man resting vpon the bare authority of the Teacher but as it is in truth the Word of God They that rested vpon men vnder the name and colour of the Church and chiefe gouernours of the Church the chiefe Priests and Elders of the people did crucifie Christ whereas they that examined the Doctrine by the Word of God did beleeue If therefore ye will approoue your selues to bee the Disciples of the Gospell that is true Christians yee must walke saith Athanasius by the rule of the Scriptures It is sound Doctrine then grounded vpon the Word of God that the Christian soule must rest vpon for the discerning of the true Church for whether it bee concerning Christ or concerning his Church saith S. Augustine or touching any other thing pertaining to faith and life If wee or an Angel from heauen teach any otherwise then that which yee haue receiued in the Scriptures let him bee accursed As for the Sacraments that they are also discerning notes of the Church I need heere to say nothing in regard that it hath beene sufficiently shewed before that they are so peculiar to the Church that the one cannot bee without the other Concerning the third branch of the definition of the Church That it admitteth nothing as necessary to saluation or as an absolute part of Gods worship that is not according to the Word and Ordinance of Christ. This fully completeth and perfecteth the definition of the Church which must bee as pure in her Religion and worship as shee is sound in her Doctrine that there bee no mixture of mans inuention with Gods Ordinance for in the seruice of God the hypothesi● or condition of the Prophes must euer hold good If the Lord be God follow him but if Baal then follow him God will haue all or none Hee cannot abide that his f●are that is his religious worsh●p should be taught by the precepts of men and therefore accounteth it vaine worship and meere lost labour when the commandements of men are taught and held for Doctrines and as it were rules and principles of necessity to be obserued This must bee seriously considered for the better meeting with two aduersaries which doe assaile truth on both sides with their different extremes The one is the Romanist who hold that the ceremonies of the Church may not bee omitted without grieuous sinne inasmuch as they haue spirituall vertue and are parts of Diuine worship and withall are meritorious And they father this conceit vpon the power which they attribute to the Church to institute suo iure that is by her owne right such Ceremonies and therefore to make their followers plyable they teach them as a mayne principle of their Religion that they must obey with equall respect in regard of saluation the Mothers precept as well as the Fathers Mandate but they neuer consider that the true